Search results for ""Author Dean Baker""
PoliPointPress, LLC Plunder and Blunder: The Rise and Fall of the Bubble Economy
For the second time this decade, the US economy is sinking into a recession due to the collapse of a financial bubble. The most recent calamity is likely to produce a downturn deeper and longer than the stock market crash of 2001. Dean Baker argues not only that competent economists should have recognized the developing housing bubble, but also that policy makers and the media cheerfully neglected those economists who did predict danger. Baker doesnt engage in 20-20 hindsight, but documents the fundamental policy changes since 1980 that destabilized the economy and eroded the broad prosperity of the post-war period. His expert analysis explains the outcomes clearly so we can prevent similar financial disasters in the future.
J Ross Publishing Multi-Company Project Management: Maximizing Business Results through Strategic Collaboration
The University of Chicago Press Social Security: The Phony Crisis
Is it true that the Social Security system is in serious trouble and must be repaired? As baby boomers begin to retire, will they inevitably, by force of their sheer numbers, bankrupt the system? Is Social Security a big Ponzi scheme that will leave future generations with little to show for their lifetime of contributions? Is the only way to solve the Social Security crisis through radical changes like privatization or bolstering it with massive new taxes? According to the authors of this study, the answer to these questions is a resounding no. Economists Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot argue that there is no economic, demographic or actuarial basis for the widespread belief that the programme needs to be fixed. As the authors emphasize, there is virtually no disagreement about the facts of Social Security's finances, or even the projections for its future. Rather, the Social Security debate has been foundering on misconceptions, confusion and lack of agreement on the meaning of crucial terms. The authors also take on related issues: that privatization would help save Social Security, that America has a pressing need to increase its national savings, and that future generations will suffer from the costs - especially for health care - of supporting a growing elderly population.