Search results for ""Author Daniel Balderston""
Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Pasión y muerte del cura Deusto: Augusto d’Halmar
En 1924 el novelista chileno Augusto D’Halmar publicó una audaz novela que cuenta el amor entre un cura vasco y un joven andaluz en Sevilla en la época anterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un clásico de la literatura queer latinoamericana, esta edición crítica presenta por primera vez un texto corregido (a base del cotejo de varias ediciones) con un abundante aparato crítico, que da cuenta de la complejidad cultural de la novela: el uso del latin eclesiástico, el orientalismo, las referencias a la música española de la época, a la historia y la arquitectura de Sevilla, y al uso de una lengua forjada a base del castellano peninsular con mucha atención al vocabulario hispano-árabe y de dialectos regionales españoles. A la vez, se anotan las referencias implícitas a la vida y obras de D’Halmar y de algunos de sus contemporáneos chilenos. Este tomo inaugura la nueva Serie S del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, a cargo de Daniel Balderston. ~ In 1924 the Chilean novelist Augusto D'Halmar published a daring novel that tells the story of the love between a Basque priest and a young Andalusian in Seville in the days before the First World War. A classic of Latin American queer literature, this critical edition presents for the first time a corrected text (based on the comparison of several editions) with abundant critical commentary which accounts for the cultural complexity of the novel: the use of ecclesiastical Latin, Orientalism, references to the Spanish music of the time, to the history and architecture of Seville, and to the use of a language forged from peninsular Castilian with great attention to the Hispano-Arabic vocabulary and regional Spanish dialects. At the same time, implicit references to the life and works of D'Halmar and some of his Chilean contemporaries are noted. This volume inaugurates the new Series S of the International Institute of Ibero-American Literature, by Daniel Balderston.
New York University Press Sex and Sexuality in Latin America: An Interdisciplinary Reader
Despite the explosion of critical writing on gender and sexuality, relatively little work has focused on Latin America. Sex and Sexuality in Latin America: An Interdisciplinary Readerfills in this gap. Daniel Balderston and Donna J. Guy assert that the study of sexuality in Latin America requires a break with the dominant Anglo-European model of gender. To this end, the essays in the collection focus on the uncertain and contingent nature of sexual identity. Organized around three central themes--control and repression; the politics and culture of resistance; and sexual transgression as affirmation of marginalized identities--this intriguing collection will challenge and inform conceptions of Latin American gender and sexuality. Covering topics ranging from transvestism to the world of tango, and countries as diverse as Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, this volume takes an accessible, dynamic, and interdisciplinary approach to a highly theoretical topic. "Opens up new conceptual horizons for exploring gender and sexuality. . . . In stimulating readers to think 'outside the box' of established academic notions of sexuality and gender, Sex and Sexuality in Latin America illustrates the sometimes mind-boggling mission of iconoclastic scholarship. The well-written essays are thought-provoking analyses on the cutting edge of gender scholarship." Latin American Research Review, vol. 36, no. 3, 2001
The New York Review of Books, Inc Thus Were Their Faces
Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana Cartografías queer: sexualidades y activismo LGBT en américa latina
El libro que presentamos son las actas del Sexto Congreso internacional de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, auspiciado por el Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Hispánicas de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Este recoge versiones revisadas en casi su totalidad de las ponencias presentadas en además de reflexiones de los que fueron los comentaristas y moderadores de las sesiones: Gabriel Giorgi, Jesús Jambrina, Marcia Ochoa, José Quiroga y Laura Gutiérrez. Estas reflexiones sirven para dar idea de lo que fueron los debates que surgieron durante el evento, y hacen un balance sobre los discutido y lo que queda como puntos álgidos de los estudios queer latinoamericanos. ~ The book that we present contains the proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Latin American Cultural Studies, sponsored by the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures of the University of Pittsburgh. It includes almost all revised versions of the papers presented in addition to the remarks of the commentators and moderators of the sessions: Gabriel Giorgi, Jesús Jambrina, Marcia Ochoa, José Quiroga and Laura Gutiérrez. These remarks provide insight into the debates that arose during the event, and take stock of those discussions and what is now viewed as high points in Latin American queer studies.
Profile Books Ltd The Impostor: and Other Stories
Whimsical and sinister, each story by Silvina Ocampo is like a knife of spun sugar that can still pierce between your ribs. A thief breaks into the house of a psychic with disastrous results, a bride has her personality subsumed by the previous occupant of her home, and two men switch destinies for a change of pace. The Impostor offers a comprehensive collection from one of the twentieth century's great forgotten woman writers. Here are tales of doubles and living dolls, angels and demons, a beautiful seer who writes the autobiography of her own death, and much else that is mad, sublime, and delicious. With an array spanning the length of Ocampo's career, these haunting stories are among the world's strangest and best.