Search results for ""Author Christophe Nihan""
Pennsylvania State University Press Text and Ritual in the Pentateuch: A Systematic and Comparative Approach
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible contain a significant number of texts describing ritual practices. Yet it is often unclear how these sources would have been understood or used by ancient audiences in the actual performance of cult. This volume explores the processes of ritual textualization (the creation of a written version of a ritual) in ancient Israel by probing the main conceptual and methodological issues that inform the study of this topic in the Pentateuch.This systematic and comparative study of text and ritual in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible maps the main areas of consensus and disagreement among scholars engaged in articulating new models for understanding the relationship between text and ritual and explores the importance of comparative evidence for the study of pentateuchal rituals. Topics include ritual textualization in ancient Anatolia, Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia; the importance of archaeology and materiality for the study of text and ritual in ancient Israel; the relationship between ritual textualization and standardization in the Pentateuch; the reception of pentateuchal ritual texts in Second Temple writings and rabbinic literature; and the relationship between text and ritual in the Dead Sea Scrolls.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Dorothea Erbele-Küster, Daniel K. Falk, Yitzhaq Feder, Christian Frevel, William K. Gilders, Dominique Jaillard, Giuseppina Lenzo, Lionel Marti, Patrick Michel, Rüdiger Schmitt, Jeremy D. Smoak, and James W. Watts.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Les cultes aux rois et aux héros à l'époque hellénistique: continuités et changements
Ce volume porte sur l'évolution à l'époque hellénistique, et dans une perspective comparatiste, des cultes rendus aux rois et aux héros dans trois aires culturelles de l'Antiquité, soit l'Égypte, le Proche Orient (Mésopotamie et Levant) et la Grèce. Durant cette période, le culte royal, dans le cas de l'Égypte et de la Mésopotamie, ainsi que le culte héroïque, dans le cas de la Grèce, ont connu des transformations importantes, transformations qui sont à mettre en relation avec l'émergence et le développement d'une culture "hellénistique" dans le bassin méditerranéen.Le volume réunit une introduction en anglais évoquant la pertinence d'une approche comparatiste dans le cadre de cette thématique, ainsi que treize articles en français et en anglais.
Pennsylvania State University Press Times of Transition: Judea in the Early Hellenistic Period
This multidisciplinary study takes a fresh look at Judean history and biblical literature in the late fourth and third centuries BCE. In a major reappraisal of this era, the contributions to this volume depict it as one in which critical changes took place.Until recently, the period from Alexander’s conquest in 332 BCE to the early years of Seleucid domination following Antiochus III’s conquest in 198 BCE was reputed to be poorly documented in material evidence and textual production, buttressing the view that the era from late Persian to Hasmonean times was one of seamless continuity. Biblical scholars believed that no literary activity belonged to the Hellenistic age, and archaeologists were unable to refine their understanding because of a lack of secure chronological markers. However, recent studies are revealing this period as one of major social changes and intense literary activity. Historians have shed new light on the nature of the Hellenistic empires and the relationship between the central power and local entities in ancient imperial settings, and the redating of several biblical texts to the third century BCE challenges the traditional periodization of Judean history.Bringing together Hellenistic history, the archaeology of Judea, and biblical studies, this volume appraises the early Hellenistic period anew as a time of great transition and change and situates Judea within its broader regional and transregional imperial contexts.
Theologischer Verlag Einleitung in Das Alte Testament: Die Bucher Der Hebraischen Bibel Und Die Alttestamentlichen Schriften Der Katholischen, Protestantischen Und Orthodoxen Kirchen