Search results for ""Author Charlotte Burns""
Bonnier Books Ltd On the Money: Take control of your finances to build a life you love
Do you want to break bad habits and make your money work for you to create a lifestyle you love? Written by Charlotte Burns - ex-deals hunter at Money Saving Expert, three-time winner of Financial Blogger of the Year Award, and now editor for the government's Money Advice Service - this is an essential book full of tips for savvy women that they don't teach you in school. Taking control of your income, outgoings and savings may sound dull as dishwater, but by developing your financial skills, you can free yourself from the limitations of living from one pay-cheque to the next, and instead, build the life you want! On the Money covers everything from bank accounts and budgets, to financial wellbeing and difficult conversations, to making shopping and side hustles work for you. This is the perfect book for young women starting out in the world of work - and for seasoned professionals looking to take the next step on their financial journeys.