Search results for ""Author Catherine Chambers""
Capstone Press How Effective is Recycling? (Earth Debates)
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Market
The Big Picture series launches with 16 titles for KS1 all about what is going on all around the world, split into four high interest topics. Find out how other people around the world live/lived; extreme animals habitats or weather across the globe; faraway homes made of ice and much, much more. Each book within this Key Stage 1 series will provide a number of jumping off points in a high interest, accessible way, with which to cover the ‘big curriculum picture'. Eventually backed up by teacher notes comprising background information and teaching notes re: how to use the books to cover statutory national curriculum key skills. Market looks at how food gets from farm to fork in a small Indian village. Book band: Purple Ideal for ages: 5+
Capstone Global Library Ltd Battle of Britain
During World War II, between 10 July and 31 October 1940, Nazi Germany launched an attempt to invade Great Britain, beginning with air raids. The German air force named the Luftwaffe fought in the skies above Britain against the British Air Force.
Pearson Education Primary Years Programme Level 9 Stopping Pollution 6Pack
Amber Books Ltd Ancient Egyptian Myths: Gods and Pharoahs, Creation and the Afterlife
The Great Sphinx of Giza, painted friezes in pyramid chambers, and symbolic paintings of the eye of Horus are familiar and breathtaking works of art. Yet behind them lies a deep cosmological tapestry in which the origins of the Earth and riches brought by the Nile flood are explained through deities. As pharaohs, kingdoms and dynasties rise and fall, so the roles of gods, goddesses and myths change, making Ancient Egypt’s mythology a fascinating journey that reflects shifting power, fortune and influence in the lives of Egyptians. Ancient Egyptian Myths takes a broad approach to the cosmology of Ancient Egypt, describing the function of myth to both the powerful and the powerless. It includes internal and external political and economic influences on the status of deities and their myths. The book examines iconography and texts that transported Egyptians from practical stories explaining the world around them to the mystery and magic that led them into the realm of the dead. It explains the roles of priests and the exclusiveness of temples. Finally, it reveals influences of Egypt’s myths on belief systems and the arts that continue to this day. Illustrated throughout with artworks and photographs, Ancient Egyptian Myths is an engaging and highly informative exploration of a rich mythology that still fascinates today.
Capstone Press Are Humans Damaging the Atmosphere? (Earth Debates)
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Building of Britain's Railways
The British railway system is the oldest in the world. This fascinating book describes the early days in the British railway industry, from the opening of the first public steam inter-city railway line in 1830 and Robert Stephenson's Rocket, through to the glory days of the Flying Scotsman and the expansion of the national rail networks in the 1940s to form British Railways. With a biography of George Stephenson the Father of the Railways and his son Robert, a timeline and Track Facts, this book is a must for anyone with an interest in trains and train travel.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Rain
The Big Picture series launches with 16 titles for KS1 all about what is going on all around the world, split into four high interest topics. Find out how other people around the world live/lived; extreme animals habitats or weather across the globe; faraway homes made of ice and much, much more. Each book within this Key Stage 1 series will provide a number of jumping off points in a high interest, accessible way, with which to cover the ‘big curriculum picture'. Eventually backed up by teacher notes comprising background information and teaching notes re: how to use the books to cover statutory national curriculum key skills. From Africa's extreme droughts to the wet season of the lush plains, children learn about weather patterns across the globe and how they affect the people that live there. Book band: Gold Ideal for ages: 5+
Capstone Press Tornado (Wild Weather)
Barefoot Books Elephant Ears 1
Pearson Education PYP L6 Hurricane 6PK
Raintree Alexander Graham Bell
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Building of Britain's Railways
The British railway system is the oldest in the world. This fascinating book describes the early days in the British railway industry, from the opening of the first public steam inter-city railway line in 1830 and Robert Stephenson's Rocket, through to the glory days of the Flying Scotsman and the expansion of the national rail networks in the 1940s to form British Railways. With a biography of George Stephenson the Father of the Railways and his son Robert, a timeline and Track Facts, this book is a must for anyone with an interest in trains and train travel.
Hachette Children's Group Civil Rights Stories: Slavery
This book explains civil rights and the history of slavery in an accessible way for younger readers.The book includes a foreword by Arike Oke, who is the Managing Director of Black Cultural Archives in Brixton, London.A chronological selection of key civil rights moments and movements in the story of slavery is explained in a child-friendly way. This book examines some of the history of how and why millions of people were enslaved. It looks at historical examples, such as the Vikings and the Silk Road trade routes. It explores the topic of the Atlantic slave trade and the underground railroad, along with modern examples of the slave trade today in farming, fishing and manufacturing. Prominent civil rights campaigners and figures are featured and a timeline helps readers to see at a glance how the fight to end slavery has evolved over time. Sensitive illustrations illuminate the text and help readers to understand some of the harder concepts. Death and violence are mentioned, but are wholly in context and are written about in a non-alarmist way with the age of the reader very much in mind.The Civil Rights Stories series is a vital resource for younger readers aged 7+ who are being introduced to these topics, are interested in anti-racism or are studying these topics in school. Titles in this series:Human RightsLGBTQ+ RightsRacial EqualityRefugees and HomelandsSlaveryWomen's Rights and Suffrage
Raintree Count Dracula
Raintree Mitos Y Leyendas de África