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Schofield & Sims Ltd Handwriting Practice Book 2: KS2, Ages 7-11
The Handwriting Practice books support literacy in schools by giving children practice in forming and joining letters, helping them to develop handwriting that is neat, fluent, legible and fast. Fully compatible with any school handwriting scheme, Handwriting Practice works methodically through the different letters and joins, and features workbook style exercises for children to complete. The simple format of the books makes them easily accessible, enabling all children to work independently - though support from an adult helper is always beneficial. FOCUS points at the foot of each page highlight key points for helpers to look out for. Handwriting Practice 2 focuses on joining letters to form words, beginning with letters of a particular shape, those found in common combinations, and themed word practice. By the end of Handwriting Practice 2, children should be able to write fluently on lined paper. Children are supported by shaded lines to write over as they begin to practise joining letters, guidelines indicating the height of small letters and the vertical stroke and real-life copying tasks, including writing instructions, a letter and a postcard.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 1: Year 1, Ages 5-6
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 1 covers: segmenting words into phonemes and selecting from alternative spellings of phonemes; using spelling rules for adding s and es; adding suffixes ing, ed and er where no change is needed to the root word; dividing words into syllables; applying spelling guidelines (for example, ck, tch, ve, dge at the end of words).
Schofield & Sims Ltd Handwriting Practice Book 1: KS1, Ages 5-7
The Handwriting Practice books support literacy in schools by giving children practice in forming and joining letters, helping them to develop handwriting that is neat, fluent, legible and fast. Fully compatible with any school handwriting scheme, Handwriting Practice works methodically through the different letters and joins, and features workbook style exercises for children to complete. The simple format of the books makes them easily accessible, enabling all children to work independently - though support from an adult helper is always beneficial. FOCUS points at the foot of each page highlight key points for helpers to look out for. Handwriting Practice 1 focuses on letter formation, with capital letters introduced in the middle section. Children are supported by coloured dots, dotted lines and arrows indicating where to begin each letter and how to form the shape, guidelines indicating the height and length of letters and real-life copying tasks, including writing notes, message and an invitation.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 2: Year 2, Ages 6-7
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 2 covers: segmenting words into phonemes and selecting the correct spelling from alternatives; learning new ways to spell phonemes; distinguishing between homophones; adding prefixes and suffixes to spell longer words; applying rules for adding suffixes; learning spelling guidelines.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 4: Year 4, Ages 8-9
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 4 covers: using further prefixes and suffixes; using rules for adding suffixes beginning with vowels; spelling a range of homophones; developing an understanding of word structure and word origin; learning guidelines for alternative spelling of phonemes; learning guidelines relating to the spelling of endings.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Understanding English: Vocabulary
Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each book is a stand-alone resource, so children can either work through them in order or focus on individual aspects of the subject. Together, the eight books support the whole of the Key Stage 2 English curriculum, providing a solid foundation for success in English. Vocabulary meets the National Curriculum requirements for Key Stage 2 English, and covers the following areas: verbs and adverbs, nouns, adjectives, using a dictionary, onomatopoeia, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, homographs, formal and technical words, idioms and similes. This book explains how readers and writers can increase their understanding of words and their interest in them. Key features of Understanding English include: an 'Explanation' to introduce each topic; activities to consolidate and revise knowledge and skills; thought-provoking facts to foster a love of learning beyond the National Curriculum; 'Now you try' activities to develop children's understanding of English outside the classroom.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Understanding English: Non-Fiction
Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each book is a stand-alone resource, so children can either work through them in order or focus on individual aspects of the subject. Together, the eight books support the whole of the Key Stage 2 English curriculum, providing a solid foundation for success in English. Non-fiction meets the National Curriculum requirements for Key Stage 2 English, and covers the following areas: using reference books, skim reading, fact and opinion, technical words, summaries, discussions, explanations and reports. This book shows how a range of non-fiction texts - including instructions, accounts and advertisements - can best be understood. Key features of Understanding English include: an 'Explanation' to introduce each topic; activities to consolidate and revise knowledge and skills; thought-provoking facts to foster a love of learning beyond the National Curriculum; 'Now you try' activities to develop children's understanding of English outside the classroom.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Understanding English: Grammar
Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each book is a stand-alone resource, so children can either work through them in order or focus on individual aspects of the subject. Together, the eight books support the whole of the Key Stage 2 English curriculum, providing a solid foundation for success in English. Grammar meets the National Curriculum requirements for Key Stage 2 English, and covers the following areas: adjectives, nouns, comparatives and superlatives, singular and plural, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, tenses, conjunctions, active and passive sentences, informal and formal speech, prepositions and clauses. This book provides a complete course in grammar, describing the different types of words and explaining how these words can be put together in sentences and texts. Key features of Understanding English include: an 'Explanation' to introduce each topic; activities to consolidate and revise knowledge and skills; thought-provoking facts to foster a love of learning beyond the National Curriculum; 'Now you try' activities to develop children's understanding of English outside the classroom.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 3: Year 3, Ages 7-8
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 3 covers: spelling words by adding prefixes and suffixes; using rules for adding suffixes; applying guidelines for endings where pronunciation may mislead; learning and applying guidelines relating to alternative spellings of phonemes; spelling words with apostrophes.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 6: Year 6, Ages 10-11
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 6 covers: learning further prefixes and suffixes; using knowledge of word structure and word origins; spelling difficult words; learning guidelines relating to word endings; distinguishing between homophones and other words that are commonly confused.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Teacher's Resource Book: Years 1-6, Ages 5-11
Ideal for whole-school use, the Schofield & Sims Spelling programme gives pupils extensive practice in using their phonic knowledge to spell words, preparing them for the English grammar, punctuation and spelling tests towards the end of Key Stage 2. The pupil books systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. Based on the model 'teach - practise - apply - assess', Schofield & Sims Spelling is a comprehensive and high-quality programme that helps all pupils to develop and consolidate their spelling skills, significantly improving their results in the national tests. This Teacher's Resource Book provides an invaluable collection of copymasters that support teaching, learning and assessment, including: resources for revision and extension work; reminders and prompts - which encourage pupils to use spelling strategies when writing; assessment and record-keeping resources to support on-going and periodic assessment. Some of the copymasters are for use at a specific stage, while others are generic.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Teacher's Guide: Years 1-6, Ages 5-11
Ideal for whole-school use, the Schofield & Sims Spelling programme gives pupils extensive practice in using their phonic knowledge to spell words, preparing them for the English grammar, punctuation and spelling tests towards the end of Key Stage 2. The pupil books systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. Based on the model 'teach - practise - apply - assess', Schofield & Sims Spelling is a comprehensive and high-quality programme that helps all pupils to develop and consolidate their spelling skills, significantly improving their results in the national tests. This Teacher's Guide provides detailed teaching notes that: suggest how best to introduce each learning point or 'focus'; clarify the detail of the focus and exactly what should be taught; provide activities, including dictations, which reinforce and help children to remember spellings. The book also describes the process of learning to spell and shows how the teaching model may be implemented. Guidance is given on such issues as differentiation and spelling in the context of writing and a 'Scope and sequence' chart summarises the content of each pupil book.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Spelling Book 5: Year 5, Ages 9-10
Ideal for both whole-school and independent learning, this comprehensive and high-quality series builds on pupils' phonic knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words. Providing excellent preparation for the national tests, the Schofield & Sims Spelling activities systematically introduce and revise spelling conventions, explore word structure and the relationship between words of shared origin, suggest strategies for remembering common 'exception words' (or 'tricky words'), teach pupils how to monitor their own spelling, and encourage them to write sentences from memory or dictation. As pupils work through each book, the intensive practice provided will enable them continually to develop, consolidate and improve their skills, encouraging them towards effective spelling for life. Spelling 5 covers: using further prefixes and suffixes and applying rules for adding suffixes; spelling words with silent letters; using knowledge of word structure and word origins; learning to spell difficult words; learning guidelines for word endings; distinguishing between homophones and other words that are commonly confused.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Understanding English: Practice
Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each book is a stand-alone resource, so children can either work through them in order or focus on individual aspects of the subject. Together, the eight books support the whole of the Key Stage 2 English curriculum, providing a solid foundation for success in English. Understanding English covers: punctuation, poetry, grammar, fiction, spelling, non-fiction, and vocabulary. Practice contains numerous questions on each of these topics, to give children the support they need when preparing for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each section has cross-references to the relevant study book in the series, assisting children with their learning.
Schofield & Sims Ltd First Dictionary and Thesaurus Activities
This workbook has been specially written for use with the Schofield & Sims First Illustrated Dictionary or First Dictionary and with the Schofield & Sims First Thesaurus - choose between the two dictionaries according to which books you have available and how much support individual children need. Presented as a one-per-child workbook, the First Dictionary and Thesaurus Activities will provide you with a permanent record of each child's work. The activities contained with the book: clearly demonstrate the value of the dictionary and thesaurus and help children to develop the skills and knowledge that they need for using them, include clear and attractive illustrations, are enjoyable and stimulating, enriching children's language and encouraging them to be more accurate and more adventurous in their choice of words, may be completed in class or as homework and include helpful notes for teachers and a list of objectives covered.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 10: Speed, Year 5, Ages 9-10
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In In WriteWell 10: Speed children will learn how to maintain legibility at speed by experimenting with changes to their joined style and completing timed activities. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 6: First Joining, Year 2, Ages 6-7
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 6: First Joining children will learn how to join letters for the first time, starting with the most basic diagonal and horizontal joins. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 3
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 3 reinforces the second part of Phase Three of My Letters and Sounds. In this book, children will learn 10 vowel digraphs and trigraphs such as 'ar' and 'ear' and their corresponding sounds. Most activities involve reading words, captions and sentences. Children also practise writing words to complete sentences. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the books provide highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 9: Fluency, Year 4, Ages 8-9
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 9: Fluency children start by fine-tuning their joined style to ensure it is comfortable and efficient. They then practise writing with greater consistency. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 5: Letter Size and Position, Year 1, Ages 5-6
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 5: Letter Size and Position, handwriting lines are used to teach relative letter size. Children also learn to position and space writing on the baseline. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 2: First Letters, Early Years Foundation Stage, Ages 4-5
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 2: First Letters children will learn to write some of the letters of the alphabet. The remaining letters are covered in WriteWell 3: More Letters. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd English Skills 5 Answers
Schofield & Sims English Skills provides regular graded practice to develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Fully in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum for English, the series comprises seven pupil books with accompanying answer books, as well as a single teacher's guide. Key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive and rigorous practice that is essential to embed learning and prepare for the Key Stage 2 national tests. English Skills 5 Answers contains answers to all the questions in English Skills 5 (ISBN 9780721714127), along with photocopiable writing task assessment sheets and 'Focus' panels summarising the key learning point of each set of questions. A selection of free supporting downloads is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 1: Patterning, Early Years Foundation Stage, Ages 4-5
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 1: Patterning children will learn to draw a range of shapes and patterns as preparation for learning to form the letters of the alphabet. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd English Skills 6 Answers
Schofield & Sims English Skills provides regular graded practice to develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Fully in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum for English, the series comprises seven pupil books with accompanying answer books, as well as a single teacher's guide. Key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive and rigorous practice that is essential to embed learning and prepare for the Key Stage 2 national tests. English Skills 6 Answers contains answers to all the questions in English Skills 6 (ISBN 9780721714141), along with photocopiable writing task assessment sheets and 'Focus' panels summarising the key learning point of each set of questions. A selection of free supporting downloads is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Teacher's Guide: EYFS/KS1, Ages 4-7
The Sound Phonics Teacher's Guide helps you to use all the Sound Phonics materials effectively in your classroom. The adult-led activities are designed to be carried out in groups or pairs, supported by materials in the accompanying Teacher's Resource Book. Teaching notes help you to plan phonics sessions around the Sound Phonics activity books and contain: practical, multi-sensory activities to introduce and reinforce phonic knowledge; games to practise phonic skills in a stimulating context; ways to apply phonic learning in reading, writing and in other areas of learning; 'little and often' activities to revise recognition and recall of known graphemes. The assessment guidance includes 'Observe and record' notes to help you to manage assessment in Phase One, as well as detailed information on carrying out the assessments in the activity books for Phases Two to Six. Further resources are available as free downloads from the Schofield & Sims website. These materials are updated as necessary to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 4
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 4 reinforces Phase Four of My Letters and Sounds. In Phase Four, children practise blending to read and segmenting to spell words - including words with adjacent consonants. Most activities involve reading words, captions and sentences. Children also practise writing short words and progress to writing longer words, including two-syllable words. At this stage, children also write words to complete sentences. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the books provide highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 5
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 5 reinforces the content from Phase Five, Term 1 of My Letters and Sounds. In this book, your child will revise the graphemes learnt in Reception, as well as being introduced to 18 new graphemes. Using the concept of 'phoneme families', they will be taught that a number of different graphemes can represent a given phoneme. This helps to consolidate reading of these graphemes, as well as developing children's awareness of spelling, when they need to choose the correct grapheme to represent a sound in a particular word. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the book provides highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 11: Style, Year 6, Ages 10-11
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 11: Style children will develop their personal style by experimenting with various lettering styles and practising writing for different purposes. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 1: KS1, Ages 5-7
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. In Sound Phonics Phase Five, the child explores different pronunciations of the same grapheme and different spellings of the same phoneme, and key spelling patterns are identified and practised. By Phase Five, children are more skilled at recognising graphemes made up of more than one letter, so the use of 'sound buttons' is much reduced. Instead the emphasis is on 'sounding out' words without them. The use of phoneme frames is also phased out as children practise spelling through counting phonemes, recognising spelling patterns or applying spelling rules. Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 1 is the sixth book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on: revising Phase Three graphemes; practising 19 new graphemes for reading (including some split digraphs).
Schofield & Sims Ltd English Skills 4 Answers
Schofield & Sims English Skills provides regular graded practice to develop pupils' literacy skills at Key Stage 2. Fully in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum for English, the series comprises seven pupil books with accompanying answer books, as well as a single teacher's guide. Key areas are constantly revisited, giving pupils the intensive and rigorous practice that is essential to embed learning and prepare for the Key Stage 2 national tests. English Skills 4 Answers contains answers to all the questions in English Skills 4 (ISBN 9780721714103), along with photocopiable writing task assessment sheets and 'Focus' panels summarising the key learning point of each set of questions. A selection of free supporting downloads is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 3: KS1 , Ages 5-7
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. In Sound Phonics Phase Five, the child explores different pronunciations of the same grapheme and different spellings of the same phoneme, and key spelling patterns are identified and practised. By Phase Five, children are more skilled at recognising graphemes made up of more than one letter, so the use of 'sound buttons' is much reduced. Instead the emphasis is on 'sounding out' words without them. The use of phoneme frames is also phased out as children practise spelling through counting phonemes, recognising spelling patterns or applying spelling rules. Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 3 is the eighth book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on alternative spellings of 23 sounds and learning spelling patterns.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 2: KS1, Ages 5-7
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. In Sound Phonics Phase Five, the child explores different pronunciations of the same grapheme and different spellings of the same phoneme, and key spelling patterns are identified and practised. By Phase Five, children are more skilled at recognising graphemes made up of more than one letter, so the use of 'sound buttons' is much reduced. Instead the emphasis is on 'sounding out' words without them. The use of phoneme frames is also phased out as children practise spelling through counting phonemes, recognising spelling patterns or applying spelling rules. Sound Phonics Phase Five Book 2 is the seventh book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on alternative pronunciations of 14 known graphemes and reading longer texts.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Three Book 2: EYFS/KS1, Ages 4-6
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. In Sound Phonics Phase Three, the child practises letter Sets 1 to 7 and is introduced to the concept of two or more letters making a single sound. The child works towards correct letter formation by tracing over enlarged letters, with arrows for guidance. 'Sound buttons', which help the child to say and then blend the sounds in a word support reading, and 'Phoneme frames' are used to support segmenting for spelling. Sound Phonics Phase Three Book 2 is the fourth book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on: revising letter Sets 4 to 7 plus four consonant digraphs; practising 14 vowel digraphs.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase One: EYFS, Ages 3+
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. Sound Phonics Phase One is the first book in the series and is a reusable stimulus book. Designed for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), it focuses on: developing the child's awareness of environmental sounds; recognising the separate sounds in words (through rhymes/songs/games); sound discrimination, rhythm/rhyme/alliteration; oral blending and segmenting.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 6
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 6 reinforces the content from Phase Five, Term 2 of My Letters and Sounds. In this book, your child will learn alternative pronunciations of known graphemes. For example, children learn that the grapheme 'a' can be pronounced /ai/ as in 'paper', as well as /a/ as in 'apple', the sound that they learnt for this grapheme in Reception. By the end of this book, children will have learnt the main grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) required for the Phonics Screening Check. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the book provides highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 8: Confident Joining, Year 3, Ages 7-8
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 8: Confident Joining children will learn how to write the more challenging joins, including those involving the letters r, s and f. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 7
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 7 reinforces content from Phase Five, Term 2 and Phase Five, Term 3 of My Letters and Sounds. In this book, your child will learn alternative graphemes for known phonemes. For example, children learn that the /v/ sound can be made by the grapheme 've' as well as the grapheme 'v' which they learnt in Reception. As the new graphemes are introduced, 'phoneme families' are revised, which helps to build children's knowledge of alternative spellings of phonemes. This supports the development of their spelling as well as their reading. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the book provides highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 7: More Joining, Year 2, Ages 6-7
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 7: More Joining children will learn how to join more letters, building upon the horizontal and diagonal joins they have already learnt in WriteWell 6: First Joining. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd KS2 SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 10-Minute Tests
The 10-Minute Tests are short, timed tests designed to consolidate skills and build speed and confidence as children approach the SATs. Ideal for independent work sessions at home, the tests provide essential bite-sized practice of key national test topics. KS2 SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 10-Minute Tests contains eighteen grammar and punctuation tests and ten spelling tests. The grammar and punctuation tests contain a mixture of multiple choice, matching, short answer and extended answer questions, and the spelling tests are presented as cloze sentences with accompanying scripts for parents to read aloud to their child. Questions are presented in the same style and format as those in the SATs, and the tests become gradually more challenging throughout the book. Pull-out answers ensure quick and easy marking and a progress chart allows you to record scores and track improvement.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 4: Capital Letters and Numbers, Year 1, Ages 5-6
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 4: Capital Letters and Numbers, capital letters and numbers are organised into related groups to promote correct formation. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Four: EYFS/KS1, Ages 4-6
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. Sound Phonics Phase Four is the fifth book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on: consolidating knowledge of the 42 phonemes through intensive practice; saying and blending sounds in a word using 'sound buttons' to support reading; using phoneme frames to support segmenting for spelling; counting phonemes to boost confidence in spelling; forming letter shapes independently
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Two: EYFS/KS1, Ages 4-6
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. Sound Phonics Phase Two is the second book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on: practising letter Sets 1 to 5; recognizing letter shapes (supported by pictures and finger tracing); encouraging the use of 'sound talk' when segmenting words for spelling; separating words using 'Sound buttons' before blending for reading; practising 'tricky' words.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Sound Phonics Phase Six Book 1: KS1, Ages 5-7
Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with 'Letters and Sounds' and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach. Sound Phonics Phase Six consolidates the child's knowledge of a range of spelling strategies for use when writing. In this phase, the child first revisits long and short vowel sounds and then practises using prefixes and suffixes. Short stories and poems encourage independent reading and writing and the child may need less adult assistance than earlier in the series. Sound Phonics Phase Six Book 1 is the ninth book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on spelling choices (particularly in words with long vowel sounds) and common word endings and how these affect the base word.
Schofield & Sims Ltd KS1 SATs English Revision Guide
The Schofield & Sims Revision Guides are closely matched to the National Curriculum and help children to revise what they have learnt at school, in preparation for the SATs. The accessible format and index enable children either to work through the topics in order, or to focus on a particular subject area. Six Schofield & Sims Revision Guides are available, providing structured practice in maths, English and science at key stages 1 and 2. Key features include helpful tips for tests and advice on how to revise effectively; remember boxes to summarise key information; regular `Test yourself' questions and answers to check recall of information; and a glossary to encourage the correct spelling and use of subject vocabulary. The KS1 SATs English Revision Guide meets the statutory requirements for Key Stage 1 English, covering word reading, comprehension and writing - including spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as fiction, non-fiction and poetry. It contains clear explanations and colourful illustrations, making it easier to understand and remember key information. Accompanying KS1 SATs English Practice Papers mirror the appearance and content of the national tests and provide further opportunity for revision and test preparation.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 1
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 1 reinforces Phase Two of My Letters and Sounds. In Phase Two, children learn 19 single-letter graphemes and digraphs 'ck', 'ff', 'll' and 'ss' and their corresponding sounds. They also learn how to blend sounds to read words and begin to use segmenting to spell words. Most activities involve reading words, captions and sentences. Letter formation practice also features throughout. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the book provides highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 2
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 2 reinforces the first part of Phase Three of My Letters and Sounds, in which children learn a further 7 single-letter graphemes and 10 digraphs and trigraphs such as 'sh' and 'igh' and their corresponding sounds. Most activities involve reading words, captions and sentences. Children also practise writing words to complete short captions and sentences. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the books provide highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides; targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.
Schofield & Sims Ltd WriteWell 3: More Letters, Early Years Foundation Stage, Ages 4-5
Comprising eleven pupil books and one accompanying teacher's handbook, Schofield & Sims WriteWell is a complete course designed to guide children from their first steps in mark-making towards the development of secure, fluent and comfortable joined handwriting that can be adapted for a range of purposes. Handwriting is a complex process that requires the simultaneous use of cognitive, physical and perceptual skills. As development can vary greatly from child to child, Schofield & Sims WriteWell splits learning into manageable modules, offering you the flexibility to select the appropriate book for your child's needs. Young writers can then move through the programme at their own pace as their handwriting skills flourish - a highly personalised approach that ensures a confident foundation for every child. Each pupil book contains 15 units, together with a child-friendly introduction and at least one longer `WriteWell challenge' task giving pupils the opportunity to use their best handwriting to `show off' everything they have learnt. Each of these units provides a clear handwriting focus, explained in the information panel at the beginning of each spread, followed by focused practise activities that gradually increase in difficulty, progressing from simple `Try it' and `Practise it' exercises involving tracing and copying, to more challenging `Apply it' activities that encourage children to use the handwriting focus in a realistic context. In WriteWell 3: More Letters children will learn to write the rest of the letters of the alphabet, following on from those covered in WriteWell 2: First Letters. A separate accompanying teacher's handbook, WriteWell Teacher's Handbook (ISBN 9780721716442), mirrors the structure of the pupil books and contains detailed teaching notes and photocopiable resources to help support the teaching of handwriting. A selection of free online resources is also available from the Schofield & Sims website.
Schofield & Sims Ltd My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Book 8
Schofield & Sims My Letters and Sounds is a comprehensive programme for teaching systematic synthetic phonics. The My Letters and Sounds Phonics Practice Pupil Books can be used in conjunction with the My Letters and Sounds Teacher's Handbooks to help support and embed learning. Designed for use at home or at school, they provide practice in the key phonic skills of grapheme recognition and recall, blending to read and segmenting to spell, and build children's confidence in reading and writing captions and sentences. Phonics Practice Pupil Book 8 reinforces content from Phase Five, Term 3 of My Letters and Sounds. In this book, your child will learn more alternative graphemes for known sounds. For example, children learn that the /n/ sound can be made by the grapheme 'kn' as well as the grapheme 'n' which they learnt in Reception. The main focus is on reading words with the newly learned graphemes, but this will also support the development of children's spelling later. By the end of the book, children will have learnt all of the grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) in Phase Five. With a page or double-page spread for every new learning point in My Letters and Sounds, the book provides highly targeted practice and integrated revision of recently learnt GPCs and tricky words. Each book provides: targeted practice of each new learning point from My Letters and Sounds; integrated revision of previous learning; enjoyable, age-appropriate activities; a helpful glossary of key phonic terms.