Search results for ""Author Brian Morris""
Pluto Press Anthropology of the Self: The Individual in Cultural Perspective
Western society is individualised; we feel at ease talking about individuals and we study individual behaviour through psychology and psychoanalysis. Yet anthropology teaches us that an individual approach is only one of many ways of looking at ourselves. In this wide-ranging text Morris explores the origins, doctrines and conceptions of the self in Western, Asian and African societies passing though Greek philosophy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confuscism, Tao and African philosophy and ending with contemporary feminism. Scholarly and written in a lucid style, free of jargon, this work is written from an anthropological perspective with an interdisciplinary approach. Morris emphasises the varying conceptions of the self found cross-culturally and contrasts these with the conceptions found in the Western intellectual traditions.
Black Rose Books Anthropology and Dialectical Naturalism A Philosophical Manifesto
Black Rose Books Visions of Freedom Critical Writings on Ecology and Anarchism
Skyhorse Publishing The Green Beret Survival Guide
Black Rose Books Visions of Freedom: Critical Writings on Anarchism and Ecology
PM Press Kropotkin: The Politics of Community
Skyhorse Publishing The Green Beret Bushcrafting Guide: The Eight Pillars of Survival in Any Situation
The Eight Pillars of SurvivalMany survival and emergency preparedness experts today use the pyramid approach to survival prioritization, putting food, water, shelter and security in the largest block at the base of the pyramid and then community, sustainability and higher needs in smaller brackets at the top of the pyramid. My survival model takes a different and linear approach to survival using an eight-pillar system. The eight pillars that I use as the basis of my survival methodology are food, water, shelter, security, communication, health, survival navigation and fire-craft. In my system no one pillar takes priority to another initially. It is up to the survivor to assess their situation and then choose the pillar that is needed most to survive in the situation at hand. Much like a rifle pop-up target range where a shooter is expected to hit the closer (more dangerous) 50-meter target first before engaging the 300-meter target, the survivor needs to prioritize the pillars and choose the pillar that is most urgent and necessary to save his life under the circumstances. The foundation for my methodology is KISS which stands for “keep it simple, stupid”, an acronym widely used by the military to remind soldiers that the best solutions are often the simplest. I developed this 8 Pilar approach over decades of serving as a Green Beret in the US Army Special Forces
Black Rose Books Anthropology and Dialectical Naturalism A Philosophical Manifesto
Documenta Universitaria Reflexions sobre antropologia i anarquisme Reflections on anthropology and anarchism
Throughout history, Kropotkin argued, ?sorcerers, prophets, priests and heads of military organizations? have endeavoured to establish their power and authority over the common people, and people have always resisted. Thus in a sense, Kropotkin concluded, govern mentalists and the common people as anarchists, have co-existed throughout Human history.
Freedom Press A Defence of Anarchist Communism