Search results for ""Author Bloomsbury Publishing""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Give Great Presentations: How to speak confidently and make your point
Essential reading for anyone who has been asked to make a presentation, including advice on speech, using visuals, audience engagement, and how to deal with presenting online. Speaking in front of other people can be daunting if you've never had a lot of practice. Even if you know your stuff, it can be hard to get everything together in time, look confident, speak clearly, and get your message across well. And that's before you consider things like presenting online or hosting a Zoom conference. This practical book contains a self-assessment quiz, step-by-step guidance, top tips, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, summaries of key points, and lists of the best sources of further help. At the same time, it comes with strategies to help you cope if things don't go to plan, and special sections on how to manage nerves and boost your message with your body language. Give Great Presentations is full of advice on how to prepare and deliver a knock-out speech - whether that's in person and in front of colleagues, or online with an audience of 'virtual' strangers.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Balance Your Life and Work: How to get the best from your job and still have a life
For those hoping to improve their work/life balance, this book offers the perfect mix of clear advice and practical suggestions to help you work out your priorities, reduce your stress levels, and identify the positive steps that can make your life easier. If you feel overwhelmed by the constant juggling of different areas of your life, this book can help. There's so much pressure on many people today to succeed at work that sometimes 'real life' tends to take a backseat. With the rise in flexible working and increased options to work from home, the boundaries can become even more blurred, and your relationships with friends, family, partner, and children can all suffer as you try to cram everything into a normal day. Whether you want to reevaluate and improve your current situation, or opt for a complete change of scene with a career break, Balance Your Life and Work will help you to make all the right moves. Containing step-by-step guidance and action points, top tips to bear in mind for the future, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, summaries of key points, and lists of handy resources, this handy guide is here to help.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Work Well From Home: Staying effective in the age of remote and hybrid working
Filled with help on making working from home work for you, including setting up your workspace, working as part of a virtual team, managing professional relationships, and dealing with feelings of isolation. The pandemic and the resulting lockdowns have reshaped the way that many people work. From commuting to an office on a daily basis, many companies are now adopting more hybrid ways of working - with the result that many more of us are working from home on a much more regular basis. Work Well From Home can help you to target problem areas and build the most effective work patterns that will boost your productivity while also protecting your mental health. Filled with help on making working from home work for you, this book covers a range of essential issues, including setting up an efficient workspace, being an effective member of a virtual team, managing professional relationships, dealing with feelings of isolation, and monitoring your physical and mental well-being. It contains: a quiz to assess strengths and weaknesses, step-by-step guidance and action points, top tips to bear in mind for the future, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, and summaries of key points.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Succeed as a New Manager: How to inspire your team and be a great boss
Everything a first-time manager needs to know about leading and managing other people. It's great to find yourself with a new promotion and to suddenly have fresh challenges at work. But managing other people can be a daunting responsibility when it's your first time - particularly if you find yourself as the boss of former colleagues or friends. Packed with practical advice, Succeed as a New Manager will help you sail through issues such as getting to know your team, dealing with internal politics, the rise of hybrid and remote working, motivating others, and celebrating success. Whatever your new job, Succeed As a New Manager will help you find your feet and get great results along the way. This book also includes a quiz, step-by-step action points, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, top tips, and summaries of key points.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Assert Yourself: How to find your voice and make your mark
The essential guide to making your voice heard and having your efforts recognised. Do you find it hard to say 'no'? Are you tongue-tied in important meetings? Bored of 'mansplaining' when you know that you're the best qualified person on a particular topic? Understanding the difference between being assertive and being aggressive can be a crucial lesson on your career journey, and Assert Yourself can help you find your voice and stand up for yourself. Full of practical advice on how to change the way you work and live for the better, the book contains a self-assessment quiz, step-by-step guidance, top tips, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, and summaries of key points.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Using Social Media for Work: How to maintain professional etiquette online
Essential reading for anyone who has to work with social media in a professional capacity, from using networking sites to marketing their businesses or employers. Many people use social media every day - and it can be a vital tool in professional life. Whether you're polishing an online CV, contributing to a chat group relating to your industry sector, or using Instagram to highlight goods and services, the professional face you present needs to be strategically different to the 'social' posts that you may make outside of work. Using Social Media at Work is an easy to read, pocket-sized guide that can be dipped into for advice, tips and guidance - perfect for reading in a lunch break or on a commute. It is the ultimate etiquette guide for anyone nervous about using social media in professional settings, including: top tips, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, summaries of key points, and lists of the best sources of further help.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Deal With Stress: Improving your health through changing how you work
This handy guide offers practical solutions and step-by-step advice on combating and managing stress so that you can achieve the best work-life balance. While it's sometimes said that a little stress is good for you, too much can damage your health, jeopardise your performance at work, and affect your relationships. With the rise of remote and hybrid working, such issues are only becoming more common, and it's too easy to feel worn down and exhausted by stress and worry. With a self-assessment quiz, step-by-step action points, top tips, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, and summaries of key points, Deal With Stress will help you to identify and understand the causes, recognise the symptoms, and find the right answers to put you back in control. You will find actionable solutions and practical advice on combating stress and ensuring you can have the best possible work-life balance.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Rome at War
The Roman Empire was the greatest the world has ever seen, and its legendary military might was the foundation of this success. This compact volume tells the fascinating story of the major conflicts that shaped the empire, from Julius Caesar's bloody Gallic Wars and the Civil War against Pompey that left the victorious Caesar Dictator of Rome, through the wars of expansion to its decline and fragmentation. Beautiful full colour artwork of the soldiers and battles bring the Roman world to life, along with images and colour maps.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Manage Projects Successfully
A guide to the essential skills of project management, enabling you to bring in projects on time and within budget. Juggling all the tasks and resources you need to make a project run smoothly can seem like an onerous task - from engaging with stakeholders and scoping out the full specification of the project, through to keeping a rein on costs and sticking to schedules. Manage Projects Successfully offers calm and practical advice to help you with setting priorities, communicating with others, monitoring progress and dealing with unexpected events. Practical, easy to read and jargon-free, the book contains a quiz to assess strengths and weaknesses, step-by-step guidance and action points, top tips to bear in mind for the future, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, and summaries of key points.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Get That Job: Interviews: How to keep your head and land your ideal job
The ultimate guide to preparing for the interview process, maintaining focus, handling difficult questions, and maximizing your chances of landing that dream job. Whether you're a school leaver, a recent graduate, an established professional on the move, or someone looking to return to the job market, any research and preparation will be critical in improving your performance in an interview setting - from being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, through to knowing the questions to ask that will ensure you are remembered after the interview is over. Whether it is in person, on the telephone or via a video conference, Get That Job: Interviews will prepare you for even the toughest interview - including tips on preparation and pre-interview research, strategies for different types of interview, advice on staying calm under pressure, and ways to cope with the questions from hell.