Search results for ""Author Arif Khan""
Shree Publishers & Distributors Literary Essays
Shree Publishers & Distributors Tragedy
Pentagon Press Concept of Islamic Law
In Islamic law, all concepts and perceptions are quiet clear, because the concept, and various features and laws are strongly rooted in the origin of the Quran.
Shree Publishers & Distributors English Language Teaching
Shree Publishers & Distributors Elementary Phonetics and Spoken English
Pentagon Press Family Law in Islam
Applies to civil matters, concerning property, inheritance and marriage. The laws explained herein, came into existence as a result of men's effort to make themselves civilized and live a settled life.
Pentagon Press Civil Law in Islam
In Islamic laws, there are clear perceptions, regarding social and civil matters. The Islamic society, culture, values, norms social and religious philosophy have been a source of knowledge and inspiration for many centuries.
Scion Publishing Ltd Paediatrics: A clinical handbook
Paediatrics: a clinical handbook provides all the essential information required for a successful paediatrics rotation. Written by two recently qualified junior doctors and a consultant paediatrician, the book offers an exam-centred, reader-friendly style backed up with concise clinical guidance. Building on the success of the other ‘Clinical Handbook’ titles (Rheumatology and Psychiatry), Paediatrics: a clinical handbook provides reader-friendly coverage of the subject in an attractive full-colour design. To help the reader get to grips with the subject quickly and easily, the book features a wide variety of learning aids including mnemonics, numerous clinical photos, OSCE tips, red flag boxes and rapid diagnosis boxes. Paediatrics: a clinical handbook is ideal for medical students and junior doctors; like the other books in the series it will also appeal to medics who want a quick refresher of the subject. Self-assessment tests, in the form of 20 Short Answer questions and 40 Single Best Answer Questions, are available at: