Search results for ""Author Anouchka Grose""
Notting Hill Editions Fashion: A Manifesto
On the one hand clothes can supposedly help you out with embodied life by concealing the bits you feel ashamed of and accentuating the bits you're proud of. However, fashion isn't really about clothes in any practical sense, but rather the endless replacement of clothes by other clothes, and especially the vilification of certain styles and the extreme elevation of others. Like gambling, fashion is a system that keeps us captivated by treating us badly, trapping us in a cycle of promises and dashed hopes by suggesting that new clothes will help us to like ourselves more. And while it's easy to dismiss fashion as elitist and wasteful, isn't it also fascinating, exciting and perhaps sometimes even radical - not to mention surprisingly egalitarian? Rather than insisting we give up on the pleasures that clothes have to offer, this brilliant new book by psychoanalyst and writer Anouchka Grose puts forward a post-fashion logic that rejects the parade of manufactured novelties in favour of more idiosyncratic forms of sartorial imitation. Taking us on a journey from the court of Louis XIV to TikTok's avant apocalypse, Fashion: A Manifesto scrutinises fashion from a number of angles: historically, psychologically, politically, environmentally, even linguistically, to open up questions about the ways in which it works both for and against us and looks forward to a future where our clothes treat us - not to mention the planet - a great deal more kindly.
Watkins Media Limited A Guide to Eco-Anxiety: How to Protect the Planet and Your Mental Health
A Guide to Eco-Anxiety outlines a manifesto for action, connection and hope. Showing how to harness anxiety for positive action, as well as effective ways to reduce your personal carbon footprint. The most powerful thing we can do to combat climate change is to talk about it and act collectively. But despite it being an emergency, most people don’t bring climate change into conversation in everyday life. The book explores the health impact of experiencing eco-anxiety, grief and trauma, and signposts recommended treatments and therapies. It also tackles practical issues such as: why it's important to reduce plastic waste; parenting and the choice to have a family; which is more effective to bring your carbon footprint down, go vegan or fly less? The book will cultivate a pragmatic form of hope by offering a dynamic toolkit packed with practical ways to connect with community and systemic support, self-care practices to ease the symptoms of anxiety, and strategies to spread awareness and – crucially – bring about change.
MACK Uneasy Listening: Notes on Hearing and Being Heard
What makes a good listener? There are a number of commonsensical ideas about what constitutes doing it well - patience, tolerance, availability, responsiveness, lack of moral judgement - but is it really so simple? Is it a skill one can easily learn or more of a quirk or talent? And why do some people seem to be so much better at it than others? Written by a psychoanalyst and a violin maker, 'Uneasy Listening' is a dialogue between two very different kinds of professional listener: the former working with speech, the latter with musical instruments. Beginning as total strangers, Anouchka Grose and Robert Brewer Young embark on an engaging, entertaining, and winding meditation on communication that weaves together wide-ranging references from across psychoanalytic theory, philosophy, contemporary politics and culture. As they discuss the differences, similarities, and resonances between their practices, they run up against some of the illuminating difficulties of dialogue itself. The result is a kind of awkward duet in which two thinkers and practitioners accommodate, interrupt, and perplex each other in an attempt to say something about what listening means.
Magic Cat Publishing How to Manage Your Eco-Anxiety: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Positive Change
"An essential mental-health handbook for the next generation" – Vanessa Nakate HOW DOES CLIMATE CHANGE MAKE YOU FEEL? SAD? AFRAID? POWERLESS? GUILTY? YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE FEELING THIS WAY. Drawing on years of experience as a psychoanalyst, Anouchka Grose shares cutting-edge insights on how to manage your eco-anxiety. You’ll find out how to validate your emotions. You’ll learn how to build your resilience. You’ll even discover the comfort that can be found in your community. Ten accessible steps will help you understand your eco-anxiety, and the toolkit at the end of each step will allow you to grow with the knowledge and learn how your are part of the solution. You'll finish this book feeling equipped with the solutions and practical action needed to make a real difference to the planet, to others, and to yourself.