Search results for ""Author Aldo Schiavone""
Europa Compass What Is Progress
Poncio Pilato
La figura de Poncio Pilato se encuentra en la intersección entre la memoria y la historia. Por una parte, los Evangelios, grandes laboratorios de la memoria religiosa cristiana, que inauguran un nuevo modelo de comunicación literaria que combina composición escrita y tradición oral. Es a propósito de la muerte de Jesús, eje de su estrategia narrativa, como dan cuenta de Pilato,sobre todo el Evangelio de Juan. Por otra parte, dos intelectuales del siglo I, Flavio Josefo y Filón de Alejandría, que escribieron sobre Pilato en el contexto de los hechos acaecidos en la Judea romana durante los principados de Tiberio y Calígula.A partir de estas fuentes, Aldo Schiavone elabora el retrato del prefecto de Judea reconstruyendo minuciosamente los hechos que condujeron a la muerte de Jesús. De los personajes históricos vinculados a este acontecimiento culminante de la narración cristiana, punto de contacto entre la rememoración evangélica y la historia imperial, fue Pilato el que desempeñó el
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd What is Progress
Does it still make sense to talk about progress? The word “progress” conjures up a positivistic view of the world, a late Victorian boundless trust in humanity’s talents for discovery and invention, and of advancement in any field, whether cultural or otherwise. But what happened after that? Did two World Wars splinter those certainties, causing progress to become separate from the idea of advancement? And can we still, nowadays, after and during an all-encompassing technological revolution, talk about progress? According to Schiavone, the financial crisis of 2008 proved a turning point, the moment when governments and people found themselves forced to act just to defend and keep what had already been achieved. The only possible solution to the ensuing political and cultural deficit is a global response that transcends the particular interest of this or that country. This is being amply demonstrated now, in the midst of the new global emergency that is coronavirus. Completed just before the start of the crisis, and with the addition of a chapter dedicated to it, these pages interrogate the progressive function of technology, not as an alien power but as an integral part of what makes us human.
WW Norton & Co Pontius Pilate: Deciphering a Memory
The only historic figure outside the early Christian tradition to whom the Gospels ascribe a dialogue with Jesus is the first-century Roman prefect Pontius Pilate. Presiding over the trial and execution of Jesus, Pilate is a figure who has straddled history and legend for over two thousand years. Now, Aldo Schiavone presents a comprehensive, revisionist biography of Pilate that meticulously reconstructs the social, religious and political context in which his fateful encounter with Jesus took place. Drawing on a wealth of original research, Schiavone weaves together the sources, from epigraphs to the Gospels, from Josephus to Tacitus and Philon, to create a portrait that approaches its subject as if for the first time, without any other intent than to try to explain what happened.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Cnaeus Domitius Ulpianus: Ad Edictum Libri I-III
Harvard University Press The Pursuit of Equality in the West
One of the world’s foremost historians of Western political and legal thought proposes a bold new model for thinking about equality at a time when its absence threatens democracies everywhere.How much equality does democracy need to survive? Political thinkers have wrestled with that question for millennia. Aristotle argued that some are born to command and others to obey. Antiphon believed that men, at least, were born equal. Later the Romans upended the debate by asking whether citizens were equals not in ruling but in standing before the law. Aldo Schiavone guides us through these and other historical thickets, from the first democracy to the present day, seeking solutions to the enduring tension between democracy and inequality.Turning from Antiquity to the modern world, Schiavone shows how the American and the French revolutions attempted to settle old debates, introducing a new way of thinking about equality. Both the French revolutionaries and the American colonists sought democracy and equality together, but the European tradition (British Labour, Russian and Eastern European Marxists, and Northern European social democrats) saw formal equality—equality before the law—as a means of obtaining economic equality. The American model, in contrast, adopted formal equality while setting aside the goal of economic equality.The Pursuit of Equality in the West argues that the United States and European models were compatible with industrial-age democracy, but neither suffices in the face of today’s technological revolution. Opposing both atomization and the obsolete myths of the collective, Schiavone thinks equality anew, proposing a model founded on neither individualism nor the erasure of the individual but rather on the universality of the impersonal human, which coexists with the sea of differences that makes each of us unique.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Cnaeus Domitius Ulpianus: Institutiones. de Censibus
Harvard Department of the Classics East & West: Papers in Ancient History Presented to Glen W. Bowersock
The papers in this volume are based on a 2006 Princeton University symposium in honor of Glen W. Bowersock on the occasion of his retirement from the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study. Here a distinguished international group of ancient historians explores the classical antiquity that Bowersock has given us over a scholarly career of almost fifty years. The topics offered in East and West range throughout the ancient world from the second century BCE to late antiquity, from Hellenistic Greece and Republican Rome to Egypt and Arabia, from the Second Sophistic to Roman imperial discourse, from Sulla’s self-presentation in his memoirs to charitable giving among the Manichaeans in Egypt. This collection of essays represents the first attempt to take in Glen Bowersock’s well-developed scholarly interests as a whole. The contributors open up new avenues that often run well beyond the conventional geographical and temporal boundaries of the Greco-Roman Mediterranean, leading to a host of fresh insights into antique thought and life.