Search results for ""Author Adrian Schleifenbaum""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kirche als Akteurin der Zivilgesellschaft: Eine zivilgesellschaftliche Kirchentheorie dargestellt an der Gemeinwesendiakonie und den Fresh Expressions of Church
Where church and civil society cooperate with each other, the church changes on an organizational, institutional, interactive and staging level. These changes are presented, classified and analyzed in a conversation with the social theories of Zygmunt Bauman and Ulrich Beck, current concepts on civil society and church theory. At the same time, social spaces can also be changed if the church and other civil society actors move together towards their neighborhood. This is impressively demonstrated by the community diaconia and the Fresh Expressions of Church. They will be examined as outstanding examples of a civil society-oriented church from the points of view previously worked out.