Search results for ""Archaeological Institute of America""
Archaeological Institute of America Archaeological Institute of America 117th Annual Meeting Abstracts, Volume 39
Abstracts of the 117th annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, January 6-9, 2016 in San Francisco, California.
L'Erma di Bretschneider Archaeological Institute of America 118th Annual Meeting Abstracts, Volume 40
Archaeological Institute of America Pottery and Society: The Impact of Recent Studies in Minoan Pottery. Gold Medal Colloquium in Honor of Philip P Betancourt, 104th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, LA, 5 January 2003
Philip P. Betancourt revolutionised the study of Minoan pottery--just one of the many aspects of his career that led to his Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement. This volume presents some of the most recent studies in Minoan pottery using the techniques and methodologies pioneered by Betancourt. An essential collection for any scholar of Minoan pottery or of Aegean Prehistory in general.
Archaeological Institute of America Widening Harvest: The Neolithic Transition in Europe: Looking Forward, Looking Back
This volume brings together papers presented at a conference titled The Neolithic Transition in Europe: Looking Back-Looking Forward, held in Venice in 1998. Eighteen chapters address the origins of agriculture; the Neolithic transition in southern, central, and northern Europe; genetic and linguistic aspects of the Neolithic; and future prospects for research and analysis.
Archaeological Institute of America Hephaistus on the Athenian Acropolis: Current Approaches to the Study of Artifacts Made of Bronze and Other Metals
The study of bronzes and other metals from the Athenian Acropolis traditionally has been overshadowed by the emphasis given to the famous monuments of architecture and sculpture, in part due to the incomplete publication of the metal small finds from the site following the major excavation campaigns in the 19th century. Without attempting to be a comprehensive synthesis on this topic, this volume positions itself against this tradition by resuscitating discussion on the Acropolis bronzes. The introduction reflects on the history of the relevant scholarship vis-à-vis the life of the Acropolis bronzes in various museums and collections in Greece and elsewhere. The six essays provide overviews, reinterpretations, and critical discussions as well as new methodological approaches to various aspects of the existing corpus. Diane Harris-Cline employs Actor-Network theory to showcase the intricate web of social relationships behind each gesture that resulted in the deposition of bronzes on the Acropolis. Andronike Makres and Adele Scafuro reflect on methodological quandaries and detail their efforts to produce a new critical edition of the corpus of inscriptions on dedicatory and other bronzes that takes into account the materiality of this epigraphic record. Amy Sowder Koch reviews the corpus of hydriai from the Acropolis, taking into account newly published examples, and situates them within the larger context of bronze hydriai, seeking to understand Athens' role in bronze hydria production. Germano Sarcone revisits technical and social aspects of the impressively monumental and technically complex tripod-cauldrons from the Acropolis from the eighth century BCE onwards. Nassos Papalexandrou discusses the corpus of griffin cauldrons arguing that their original lavishness added to the prestige of the sanctuary during a formative period of Athenian society. Elena Karakitsou publishes a fascinating inscribed phiale retrieved from the southwestern entablature of the Parthenon along with the remains of a rare ritual deposit.
Archaeological Institute of America Aegean Prehistory: A Review
Aegean prehistory has developed over the 20th century into a distinctive and vibrant area of archaeological research. The past few decades, in particular, have seen a dramatic reorientation and expansion of goals and methods as well as a flood of new fieldwork in the Agean. Keeping abreast of these new developments has become a daunting task. Aegean Prehistory: A Review contains detailed syntheses of research, originally published in the American Journal of Archaeology and newly updated here. The volume conveys the diversity and richness of current approaches to the discipline of Aegean prehistory whilst also marshalling an enormous amount of information pertaining to field projects, museum studies, analyses of materials and texts, and supporting theories of interpretation. An introduction by Tracey Cullen places the review articles in historical perspective, tracing the evolution of Aegean prehistory from the 19th century to the present. The author also considers the current status of the discipline--its relationships with classical archaeology and anthropology, and the manner in which it is shaped by various sociopolitical forces. Aegean Prehistory: A Review is a powerful research tool for the exploration of Aegean themes. With its expansive and detailed coverage, the book constitutes essential reading for professionals and students of Aegean prehistory. It will also be of great interest to all who wish to learn more about intellectual trends and current discoveries in this part of the Mediterranean. Perhaps most important, Aegean Prehistory: A Review provides a solid foundation upon which Aegean archaeology can build as it continues to thrive in the coming years.
Archaeological Institute of America What Shall I Say of Clothes?: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of Dress in Antiquity
The essays in this volume engage explicitly in a variety of theoretical and methodological strategies for the interpretation of dress, dressed bodies, and their representations in the ancient world. Authors draw from a wide range of disciplinary frameworks, integrating literary and archaeological evidence, experimental archaeology, social theory and the study of iconography. This volume spans a broad area both geographically and chronologically, bringing the ancient Near East into dialogue with the classical world from prehistory through late antiquity. The breadth and inclusivity of this volume provide a strong theoretical and methodological foundation for the collaborative study of the dynamic role of dressed bodies and images that depict them.
Archaeological Institute of America Beyond Iconography: Materials, Methods, and Meaning in Ancient Surface Decoration
This volume presents a spectrum of current research on ancient surface decoration (painting mosaic, and stuccowork/plasterwork) that offers new avenues of exploration and directions of inquiry. The collected essays draw from a wide range of disciplinary frameworks and integrate material analysis, the study of technical characteristics, the investigation of literary and archaeological evidence, and the interpretation and reconstruction of iconographic programs. Geographically, the papers focus on paintings from the Mediterranean world, including examples from the Bronze Age Aegean, the Hellenistic Levant, and Roman Campania and Greece. Exciting work on Classical Maya paintings in Guatemala augment the case studies from the Mediterranean region and provide an important opportunity for cross-cultural comparisons of ancient artistic and cultural practices as well as modern analytical approaches. By offering a wide chronological and geographic panorama, this volumes expands existing research on ancient surface decoration and aims to secure a broad and variable foundation for continued work.
Archaeological Institute of America Aegean Prehistory: A Review
Aegean prehistory has developed over the 20th century into a distinctive and vibrant area of archaeological research. The past few decades, in particular, have seen a dramatic reorientation and expansion of goals and methods as well as a flood of new fieldwork in the Agean. Keeping abreast of these new developments has become a daunting task. Aegean Prehistory: A Review contains detailed syntheses of research, originally published in the American Journal of Archaeology and newly updated here. The volume conveys the diversity and richness of current approaches to the discipline of Aegean prehistory whilst also marshalling an enormous amount of information pertaining to field projects, museum studies, analyses of materials and texts, and supporting theories of interpretation. An introduction by Tracey Cullen places the review articles in historical perspective, tracing the evolution of Aegean prehistory from the 19th century to the present. The author also considers the current status of the discipline--its relationships with classical archaeology and anthropology, and the manner in which it is shaped by various sociopolitical forces. Aegean Prehistory: A Review is a powerful research tool for the exploration of Aegean themes. With its expansive and detailed coverage, the book constitutes essential reading for professionals and students of Aegean prehistory. It will also be of great interest to all who wish to learn more about intellectual trends and current discoveries in this part of the Mediterranean. Perhaps most important, Aegean Prehistory: A Review provides a solid foundation upon which Aegean archaeology can build as it continues to thrive in the coming years.
Archaeological Institute of America Collecting and Collectors: From Antiquity to Modernity
This volume is a timely exploration of many facets of collecting and collectors. It brings together sixteen papers originally presented in two colloquia and a workshop at the 2017 Annual Meeting in Toronto. Part 1, Collecting and Presenting the Etruscans in North America, focuses on a select number of collecting narratives that demonstrate how the art and material culture of a then little-known Italic culture made its way to the United States during the mid- to late 19th and early 20th centuries. Part 2, Satis sit una aliqua gemma: Collecting Classical Gem from Antiquity through the 19th Century, explores the significance that collecting antique gems acquired across time and space, as well the reasons why these objects remained highly valued and sought-after collectibles from antiquity to the modern era. Part 3, Researching Ownership Histories for Antiquities in Museum Collections, draws attention to discoveries that have been made through provenance research, and also to the challenges that shape the investigation of provenance.
Archaeological Institute of America The Consumers' Choice: Uses of Greek Figure-Decorated Pottery
As published excavated contexts become more plentiful and as older contexts are reexamined, it has become increasingly possible to consider Greek figure-decorated pottery from the perspective of its use. The essays in this volume explore the relationship between image and use in different contexts, with an emphasis on the user and consumer-that is, they explore the possible meanings images had for the individuals who obtained the objects on which they appear. The essays pose questions concerning why a consumer might choose a particular pot, why it might be part of an assemblage, or why a particular set of pots might have moved in a particular direction. The contributors are Sheramy D. Bundrick, An Jiang, Kathleen M. Lynch, Bice Peruzzi, Vivi Sarapanidi, Tara Trahey, and Vicky Vlachou. 67 b&w illustrations, photographs and drawings.
Archaeological Institute of America The Orientalizing Bucchero from the Lower Building at Poggio Civitate (Murio)
Excavations at the Etruscan site of Poggio Civitate (Murlo) have produced some of the most spectacular and provocative material recovered from Etruria. This volume presents the reconstruction and study of a large assemblage of bucchero pottery recovered from the "Lower Building" at Poggio Civitate in deposits dating from the late Orientalizing period. Bucchero is a characteristic Etruscan ceramic type that is commonly found at Orientalizing and Archaic period Etruscan sites. This study represents the first major publication on bucchero from Poggio Civitate and also is one of the few studies of a large assemblage of bucchero recovered from a nonfunerary context. The author examines the chronology, style, and function of the bucchero and also considers the question of its place of production. The analysis of the bucchero from the Lower Building has important implications not only for the dating of the rest of the Orientalizing period ceramic assemblage at Poggio Civitate, but also for the dating and study of bucchero in Etruria as a whole.
Archaeological Institute of America Of Things and Stories
From the gold of the shaft graves of Mycenae to an undecorated Late Roman lekythos and facade statuary in Roman Ephesus, this volume presents a distinct insight into the always shifting meanings, values, and relational connections of things, exploring a diversity of concepts, contexts, and material elements from prehistory to today.
INSTAP Academic Press Krinoi kai Limenes: Studies in Honor of Joseph and Maria Shaw
Joseph and Maria Shaw received the Archaeological Institute of America's Gold Medal for a lifetime of outstanding achievement in January of 2006. This volume is a collection of the papers presented at the Gold Medal Colloquium held in their honor during the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Montreal, Quebec. Additional articles have also been written for this volume. Many of the articles pertain to different aspects of Aegean Bronze Age architecture, harbors, frescoes, and trade, which are all keen interests of the Shaws.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Symposium in Context: Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora
This book presents the first well-preserved set of sympotic pottery which served a Late Archaic house in the Athenian Agora. The deposit contains household and fine-ware pottery, nearly all the figured pieces of which are forms associated with communal drinking. Since it comes from a single house, the pottery also reflects purchasing patterns and thematic preferences of the homeowner. The multifaceted approach adopted in this book shows that meaning and use are inherently related, and that through archaeology one can restore a context of use for a class of objects frequently studied in isolation. Winner of the 2013 James R. Wiseman Book Award given by the Archaeological Institute of America.
Pindar Press Second Chance: Greek Sculptural Studies Revisited
Trained in Italy, Greece, and the United States, the author has taught for over 35 years at Bryn Mawr College, and at other universities in the U.S. and abroad, receiving the Gold Medal of the Archaeological Institute of America for Distinguished Achievement. A pupil of Rhys Carpenter, she has devoted all her writing to Greek sculpture. The articles in this volume were selected from over 95 studies she has published. In addition, her books have surveyed the entire span of Greek sculpture from the Archaic to the Late Hellenistic period. The articles are here presented in the chronological order in which they first appeared, to document Profesor Ridgway's evolving views on the history of Greek sculpture. Preference has been given to those that were published in foreign journals and honorary volumes; two have been translated from the original Italian and one from French. Notes at the end of the book update all the studies.
Lockwood Press Roman Sculpture in Context
This volume tackles a pressing issue in Roman art history: that many sculptures conventionally used in our scholarship and teaching lack adequate information about their find locations. Questions of context are complex, and any theoretical and methodological reframing of Roman sculpture demands academic transparency. This volume is dedicated to privileging content and context over traditions of style and aesthetics. Through case studies, the chapters illustrate multivariate ways to contextualize ancient objects. The authors encourage Roman art historians to look beyond conventional interpretations; to reclaim from the study of Greek sculpture the Roman originals that are too often relegated to discussions of "copies" and "models"; to consider the multiple, dynamic, and shifting contexts that one sculpture could experience over the centuries of its display; and to recognize that post-antique receptions can also offer insight into interpretations of ancient viewers. The collected topics were originally presented in three conference sessions: "Grounding Roman Sculpture" (Archaeological Institute of America, 2019); "Ancient Sculpture in Context" (College Art Association, 2017); and "Ancient Sculpture in Context II: Reception" (College Art Association, 2019).
Pindar Press Second Chance: Greek Sculptural Studies Revisited
Trained in Italy, Greece, and the United States, the author has taught for over 35 years at Bryn Mawr College, and at other universities in the U.S. and abroad, receiving the Gold Medal of the Archaeological Institute of America for Distinguished Achievement. A pupil of Rhys Carpenter, she has devoted all her writing to Greek sculpture. The articles in this volume were selected from over 95 studies she has published. In addition, her books have surveyed the entire span of Greek sculpture from the Archaic to the Late Hellenistic period. The articles are here presented in the chronological order in which they first appeared, to document Profesor Ridgway's evolving views on the history of Greek sculpture. Preference has been given to those that were published in foreign journals and honorary volumes; two have been translated from the original Italian and one from French. Notes at the end of the book update all the studies.
Columbia University Press Buried Beneath the City: An Archaeological History of New York
Winner, 2023 SAA Book Award - Popular, Society for American ArchaeologyHonorable Mention, 2024 Felicia A. Holton Book Award, Archaeological Institute of AmericaBits and pieces of the lives led long before the age of skyscrapers are scattered throughout New York City, found in backyards, construction sites, street beds, and parks. Indigenous tools used thousands of years ago; wine jugs from a seventeenth-century tavern; a teapot from Seneca Village, the nineteenth-century Black settlement displaced by Central Park; raspberry seeds sown in backyard Brooklyn gardens—these everyday objects are windows into the city’s forgotten history.Buried Beneath the City uses urban archaeology to retell the history of New York, from the deeper layers of the past to the topsoil of recent events. The book explores the ever-evolving city and the day-to-day world of its residents through artifacts, from the first traces of Indigenous societies more than ten thousand years ago to the detritus of Dutch and English colonization and through to the burgeoning city’s transformation into the modern metropolis. It demonstrates how the archaeological record often goes beyond written history by preserving mundane things—details of everyday life that are beneath the notice of the documentary record. These artifacts reveal the density, diversity, and creativity of a city perpetually tearing up its foundations to rebuild itself. Lavishly illustrated with images of objects excavated in the city, Buried Beneath the City is at once an archaeological history of New York City and an introduction to urban archaeology.
Oxbow Books Mediterranean Archaeologies of Insularity in the Age of Globalization
Recently, complex interpretations of socio-cultural change in the ancient Mediterranean world have emerged that challenge earlier models. Influenced by today's hyper-connected age, scholars no longer perceive the Mediterranean as a static place where "Greco-Roman" culture was dominant, but rather see it as adynamic and connected sea where fragmentation and uncertainty, along with mobility and networking, were the norm. Hence, a current theoretical approach to studying ancient culture has been that of globalization. Certain eras of Mediterranean history (e.g., the Roman empire) known for their increased connectivity have thus been analyzed from a globalized perspective that examines rhizomal networking, cultural diversity, and multiple processes of social change. Archaeology has proven a useful discipline for investigating ancient "globalization" because of its recent focus on how identity is expressed through material culture negotiated between both local and global influences when levels of connectivity are altered. One form of identity that has been inadequately explored in relation to globalization theory is insularity. Insularity, or the socially recognized differences expressed by people living on islands, is a form of self-identification created within a particular space and time. Insularity, as a unique social identity affected by "global" forces, should be viewed as an important research paradigm for archaeologies concerned with re-examining cultural change.The purpose of this volume is to explore how comparative archaeologies of insularity can contribute to discourse on ancient Mediterranean "globalization." The volume's theme stems from a colloquium session that was chaired by the volume's co-editors at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in January 2017. Given the current state of the field for globalization studies in Mediterranean archaeology, this volume aims to bring together for the first time archaeologists working ondifferent islands and a range of material culture types to examine diachronically how Mediterranean insularities changed during eras when connectivity increased, such as the Late Bronze Age, the era of Greek and Phoenician colonization, the Classical period, and during the High and Late Roman imperial eras. Each chapter aims to situate a specific island or island group within the context of the globalizing forces and networks that conditioned a particular period, and utilizes archaeological material toreveal how islanders shaped their insular identities, or notions of insularity, at the nexus of local and global influences.