Search results for ""Anthem Press""
Anthem Press God's Boat
Yoko teaches piano during the day, works at a bar at night and dreams of her disappeared lover every minute. Her ten-year-old daughter Soko, born out of this brief passionate affair that marked her mother for ever, lives around her mother’s constant yearning as her desperate search for the elusive man of her dreams means moving house more times than either of them can remember. The two travel through life on what Yoko calls “God’s boat”, in a journey through the rituals of everyday life, while beyond them lie the madness of love and the raw grief of loss.
Anthem Press Changes in the Higher Education Sector: Contemporary Drivers and the Pursuit of Excellence
This book considers the importance of teaching excellence in higher education and why it is important to recognize it for the goal of improving student learning. It considers the essential attributes of excellence in teaching as well as the main current factors both internally and externally that are driving higher educational institutes to raise their quality of teaching. The book looks at some of the more popular latest teaching methodologies that academics can employ to promote deep learning and enable students to ultimately become independent learners.
Anthem Press The Spanish Frustration: How a Ruinous Empire Thwarted the Nation-State
Old troubles with remote origins persist in modern Spain, including huge public debts, extensive corruption, widespread unlawfulness, oligarchical politics, territorial splits, and permanent protests and riots. When did Spain screw up? The Spanish Frustration provides an interpretation of several important aspects of present-day Spain and its past stories. It argues that, in the long term, Spain missed the opportunity to become a consolidated modern nation-state because it was entangled in imperial adventures for several centuries when it should have been building a solid domestic basis for further endeavors. In short: a ruinous empire made a weak state, which built an incomplete nation, which sustains a minority democracy.
Anthem Press Institutional Provisions and Care for the Aged
Anthem Press Science, Spirituality and the Modernization of India
Spirituality played a key role in the construction of Indian modernity. While science has certainly been an agent of modernization in India and other non-Western countries, what makes Indian modernity somewhat special is that spiritual leaders have also been instrumental in the process. Moreover, leading Indian scientists and spiritualists have recognized the immense potential for dialogue between the two disciplines. Post-colonial India, with its ready access to a holistic spirituality and significant achievements in science and technology, is a fertile site for such a dialogue. Each of the book's four sections addresses specific themes: (1) The tension not just between science and spirituality, but also between the East and West; (2) How some key figures in India became carriers of modern consciousness, and explored the relationship between science and spirituality in the very process of trying to reform their society; (3) Significant areas of research in which science and spirituality are both deeply implicated; (4) The relationship of both scientific and spiritual practice with gender and social justice.
Anthem Press Class and Religion in Ancient India
A fascinating read for scholars and general readers alike, 'Class and Religion in Ancient India' highlights the interdependence between the class structure and the Vedic and Brahmanical form of religion in ancient India. It seeks to demolish the myth that religiosity and spirituality were the distinctive characteristics of ancient Indian civilization. The author demonstrates that religion was a superstructure of class relations used primarily by the ruling class and the state to perpetuate a predatory class structure based on exploitation and oppression.
Anthem Press Basics of Nonlinearities in Mathematical Sciences
This book is primarily an attempt to familiarize the reader with nonlinear systems, in particular qualitative characteristics in a variety of systems amenable to mathematization. Differential equations form the bulk of the book, while the basics of nonlinearities are presented through theorems and problems, aiming to bring out the essence of some aspects of nonlinearities in the emerging discipline of mathematical science. Qualitative studies that reflect the evolution of nonlinearities have not thus far been approached in this way.
Anthem Press Rise of the Asian Giants: The Dragon-Elephant Tango
Anthem Press Autonomy: Beyond Kant and Hermeneutics
In the first decade of the twenty-first century autonomy has become one of the major concerns of our social and political existence. The right to autonomous life is now a political, cultural and social call of both the individual and the group – a rare conformity that points to the crucial importance of autonomy in the agenda of critical thinking. Though the notion of autonomy in the modern era was at first applied in a political context, the term was quickly taken up in the context of individual rational persons, their rights and existences. In the wake of anticolonial movements, the term gained new perspectives and meanings which would imply new rights and new responsibilities. It became the emblem of group rights, in particular minority rights. In time the idea of autonomy became not only the standard of rights and responsibilities, but also an issue of governmentality. The present volume is a critical attempt to understand autonomy from both historical and analytical perspectives. An international group of scholars seeks answers that go beyond the thinking of Immanuel Kant or a simple hermeneutic reading of the principle of autonomy. Autonomy, in this collective reading, emerges as deeply rooted in social practices and contentious politics.
Anthem Press Legal Identity, Race and Belonging in the Dominican Republic: From Citizen to Foreigner
This book offers a critical perspective into social policy architectures primarily in relation to questions of race, national identity and belonging in the Americas. It is the first to identify a connection between the role of international actors in promoting the universal provision of legal identity in the Dominican Republic with arbitrary measures to restrict access to citizenship paperwork from populations of (largely, but not exclusively) Haitian descent. The book highlights the current gap in global policy that overlooks the possible alienating effects of social inclusion measures promulgated by international organisations, particularly in countries that discriminate against migrant-descended populations. It also supports concerns regarding the dangers of identity management, noting that as administrative systems improve, new insecurities and uncertainties can develop. Crucially, the book provides a cautionary tale over the rapid expansion of identification practices, offering a timely critique of global policy measures which aim to provide all people everywhere with a legal identity in the run-up to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Anthem Press Process Philosophy: A Synthesis
The book analyses and compares a variety of processes of change: in evolution, learning and innovation, language and meaning, self and society and ethics and morality. Taking a realistic approach, the book is inspired by pragmatic philosophy, in particular, that of Dewey, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger, and employs insights from economics, sociology, anthropology, and social psychology. The book aims to give a coherent synthesis of ideas about change and aims to see how one can take a process view of various features of humanity, such as knowledge, relations between people, language and morality, and how, vice versa, that might contribute to process philosophy.
Anthem Press World Trade and Investment Law Reimagined: A Progressive Agenda for an Inclusive Globalization
World trade and investment law is in crisis: new and progressive ideas are needed. Rules that facilitated globalization and supported global economic growth are being challenged. A system of global governance that once seemed secure is now at risk as the United States ignores the rules while developing countries struggle to escape restrictions. Some want to tear global institutions and agreements down while others try desperately to maintain the status quo. Rejecting both options, a group of trade and investment law experts from 10 countries, South and North, have joined hands to propose ideas for a new world trade and investment law that would maintain global growth while distributing costs and benefi ts more fairly. Paying special attention to those who have suffered from trade dislocation and to restrictions that have hampered innovative growth strategies in developing countries, they outline a progressive trade and investment law agenda in World Trade and Investment Law Reimagined.
Anthem Press Special Economic Zones in India: Myths and Realities
Anthem Press Community Warriors
'Community Warriors' features a lucid narrative style which facilitates a seamless passage through the sociocultural history of post-independence Bihar and unravels the disturbing aspects of the march of democracy in the enigmatic 'heart of India'.
Anthem Press Addiction, Representation and the Experimental Novel, 1985–2015
Since the nineteenth century, the Western realistic novel has persistently represented the addict as a morally toxic force bent on destroying the institutions, practices, and ideologies that historically have connoted reason, order, civilization. Addiction, Representation undertakes an investigation into an alternative literary tradition that unsettles this limited portrayal of the addict. The book analyzes the practices and politics of reading the experimental addiction novel, and outlines both a practice and an ethics of reading that advocates for a more compassionate response to both diegetic and extra-diegetic addicts—an approach that, at its core, is focused on understanding.
Anthem Press The Making of History: Essays Presented to Irfan Habib
A Marxist scholar and historian, Irfan Habib has been a towering presence in the Indian intellectual scene for over four decades. Professor Habib's undiminished commitment to the cause of socialism is reflected in these highly original and bold analyses of Marxist historiography and theories of socialist construction.
Anthem Press Taiwan Today
The 1980s economic boom in East Asia drew the world’s attention towards Taiwan. India-Taiwan economic relations have been growing and the setting up of economic and cultural centres has promoted people-to-people contacts. Cultural and educational ties between the two nations are also increasing. This book is inspired by a conference titled ‘Taiwan Today’ organized by the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi. The Department of East Asian Studies is one of the few academic centres where all the entities in the East Asian region are studied and researched. This book will be very useful for those interested or engaged in research on East Asia.
Anthem Press Georges Braques PostCubism Masterpieces
Krampf's exclusive collection of Goerges Braque's post-Cubist paintings reveals both Braque's pioneering individuality and craftsmanship in the history of Modern Art. Oras the artist once said himself, I do not do as I want, I do as I can.Progress in art does not consist in expanding one's limitations, but in knowing them better.'Focusing on the artist's transformative period between 1920 and 1960, which arguably produced his best work, this illustrative book explores Braque's most overlooked post-Cubism artwhere he transcends both his own limitations and that of his surroundings, showing readers and collectors alike the timeless and enduring impact of Braque's work.
Anthem Press Locating Australian Literary Memory
‘Locating Australian Literary Memory’ explores the cultural meanings suffusing local literary commemorations. It is orientated around eleven authors – Adam Lindsay Gordon, Joseph Furphy, Henry Handel Richardson, Henry Lawson, A. B. ‘Banjo’ Paterson, Nan Chauncy, Katharine Susannah Prichard, Eleanor Dark, P. L. Travers, Kylie Tennant and David Unaipon – who have all been celebrated through a range of forms including statues, huts, trees, writers’ houses and assorted objects. Brigid Magner illuminates the social memory residing in these monuments and artefacts, which were largely created as bulwarks against forgetting. Acknowledging the value of literary memorials and the voluntary labour that enables them, she traverses the many contradictions, ironies and eccentricities of authorial commemoration in Australia, arguing for an expanded repertoire of practices to recognise those who have been hitherto excluded.
Anthem Press An Insider's Experience of Insurgency in India's North-East
Written with empathy and lucidity, Mukherjee’s book combines hard fact with sensitive insight in his approach to the region’s landscape, people and history. The author analyses problems intrinsic to this enigmatic area, offering viable solutions where possible.
Anthem Press Subaltern Sports: Politics and Sport in South Asia
This unique volume explores sports stories that contain elements of colonialism and show the rise of nationalism and the emergence of communalism; other examples show how the establishment of nationhood in a post-colonial world, the challenge of the regions to the political centre and the impacts of globalization and economic liberalization have all left their mark on the development of sport in South Asia. Quite simply, South Asian history and society have transformed sports in the region while at the same time such games and activities have often shaped the development of South Asia.
Anthem Press Saving Sunnyville
Sunnyville has everything it needs. But one day, trouble arrives. When a sudden landslide cuts off all its power, water and fresh food deliveries, it’s up to a few curious and smart kids to find the solutions. Maya, Ana and Scotty head to the hills to explore. Using real-world examples found in nature and engineering solutions, the kids work hard to bring back clean water, electricity and fresh food to the townspeople. With their inspiring solutions, they end up not only saving Sunnyville but also creating a new and improved town.