Search results for ""author ltd e"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity
This book provides an overview of current approaches and research in the field of international organizations with a focus on implementation issues in a globalized context. Written by a team of recognized leaders in the field, associated with the growing and influential International Organizations Network (ION). Covers topical issues such as managing virtual teams and globalization. Makes a cohesive statement about the field of international organizations. Is written with a focus on implementation issues. Offers a solid contribution to the closing of the gap between researchers and practitioners.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Protected Areas: Are They Safeguarding Biodiversity?
Protected areas spearhead our response to the rapidly accelerating biodiversity crisis. However, while the number of protected areas has been growing rapidly over the past 20 years, the extent to which the world’s protected areas are effectively conserving species, ecosystems, and ecosystem services is poorly understood. Highlights new techniques for better management and monitoring of protected areas Sets guidelines for the decision making processes involved in setting up and maintaining protected areas Fully international in scope and covering all ecosystems and biomes
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide
The Classics of Western Philosophy brings together 61 newly-commissioned essays on classic texts ranging from Ancient Greece to the twentieth century. Surveying the history of philosophy, the book focuses on historical texts rather than historical figures and covers the entire range of classics in a single volume. Provides 61 chapters written by leading experts on the classics of Western thought. Includes current references to the scholarly literature in addition to a select bibliography of major articles and books. Contributors include C.D.C. Reeve on Plato's Republic, Terrence Irwin on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Dominic O'Meara on Plotinus' Enneads, James Ross on Aquinas' Summa Theologiae, Don Garrett on Spinoza's Ethics, Allen Wood on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Stephen Houlgate on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Michael Dummett on Frege's ‘Über Sinn und Bedeutung,' Hanjo Glock on Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and David Woodruff Smith on Husserl's Logical Investigations. Surveys the history of philosophy by focussing on the historical texts rather than historical figures. Covers the entire range of classics in a single volume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sustainability in Combining Career and Care: Challenging Normative Beliefs about Parenting
In this special issue on Sustainability in Combining Career and Care, eight empirical studies following from an integrative framework address normative beliefs about parenting, "choices" in combining work and family, and outcomes for individual careers, couples, and children. Offers an integrative framework for understanding and changing the effects of normative beliefs about parenting on "choices" at the work-family interface and on outcomes for careers, couple and children. Highlights a wide range of multi-method studies of the work-family interface from multiple countries. Employs a micro-, meso-, and macro-level perspective on creating and promoting sustainability in combining career and care. Sheds a new light on popular misconceptions and stereotype reproductions in the media about the challenges, choices, and consequences of combining career and care for working parents. Posits an innovative process model for changing normative beliefs about parenting and career success: The "Triple-N Model" of (1) Nominating Norms, (2) Navigating Norms (3) and creating New, No-nonsense Norms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus and Mother
The second edition of this quick reference handbook for obstetricians and gynecologists and primary care physicians is designed to complement the parent textbook Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother The third edition of Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother is unique in that it gives in-depth attention to the two patients – fetus and mother, with special coverage of each patient. Clinical Obstetrics thoroughly reviews the biology, pathology, and clinical management of disorders affecting both the fetus and the mother. Clinical Obstetrics: The Fetus & Mother - Handbook provides the practising physician with succinct, clinically focused information in an easily retrievable format that facilitates diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment. When you need fast answers to specific questions, you can turn with confidence to this streamlined, updated reference.
Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Inland Waterways of France Volume 2 Northeast and Southeast: Northeast and Southeast: 2
The ninth edition of Inland Waterways of France is the ideal guide for planning cruises in and through the most fascinating and diverse waterway network in Europe. This edition takes a new paperback format, split into three volumes. David Edwards-May has investigated the many developments that have taken place during the last 10 years and presents a detailed description of the extraordinarily diverse system of navigable rivers and canals in France. With the restoration of historic navigations, the system now totals 9000 kilometres, and has become a favourite destination for tens of thousands of boaters from Europe and the rest of the world. This volume will serve to plan ongoing or future cruises through the 2500 kilometres of waterways from the northeast – the cross-border rivers Meuse, Moselle, Sarre and Rhine – to the Mediterranean. On the busier waterways recreational use is growing alongside the commercial traffic, but there are many places where boats can moor safely. Waterways are an important part of the appeal of France as a tourist destination. This new edition sets out the current state of the network in 126 pages in full colour, with detailed maps of 40 key sites, towns and junctions, and overview maps for each waterway. It is a unique blend of practical information, descriptions of places, maps, background historical notes and colour photographs.
Grub Street Publishing The Elizabeth David Collection
In 1965 Elizabeth David opened a shop in Pimlico, London, where she sold Le Creuset pans and other hard-to-get-hold-of kitchen utensils. The store, with its marvellous window displays, was as influential as her books would eventually be, pioneering a new generation of shops devoted exclusively to kitchenware. Rosi Hanson, who worked in David's shop for two years says, 'She was good fun, and the shop was magical. She rather loved being a shopkeeper, perhaps because it gave her a rest from writing. If someone wanted some very specific piece of equipment, I often heard her say: ;If you could come back, I think I may have one at home. On evenings when we stayed late to do the windows, she would make a picnic for us all to eat: terrine, things in jelly.' While she was still involved with the shop which bore her name, Elizabeth David Ltd, she produced a series of four little booklets: The Baking of an English Loaf, Dried Herbs, Aromatics and Condiments, English Potted Meats and Fish Pastes and Syllabubs and Fruit Fools which were sold exclusively in the shop. They were simple black and white productions which have now become rare, highly sought-after and very expensive collector's items. So Grub Street is delighted to have acquired the rights to these booklets from the David Estate and we are redesigning them as four hardback books in a slip case with specially commissioned beautiful artwork making them the perfect gift item. So for the first time in over 50 years these charming works will be available once again. Elizabeth David's books are all still in print today and they keep selling in quantities to each new generation of cooks who discover her and fall under her spell. And you can see her influence in the cooking of chefs such as Jeremy Lee, Shaun Hill and Rowley Leigh.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Small Animal Thoracic Surgery
A state-of-the-art reference for all aspects of thoracic surgery in dogs and cats Written by two of the foremost experts in this area of surgery, Small Animal Thoracic Surgery encompasses both basic and advanced thoracic surgery for dogs and cats. It provides a host of well-illustrated techniques for thoracic surgery, including classic open surgery, minimally invasive surgery, thoracoscopy, and image-guided hybrid surgery. This comprehensive and detailed book will help improve outcomes of thoracic cavity operations in small animal patients. Small Animal Thoracic Surgery provides the most current and complete information available on this challenging area of surgery. The book offers guidance for treating the many disorders that can affect the canine and feline thoracic cavity, including pleural effusions, pneumothorax, hernias, heart disease, and more. Small Animal Thoracic Surgery: Presents step-by-step descriptions of thoracic surgeries ranging from basic to advanced Features high-quality illustrations that depict key steps for each procedure Covers emerging minimally-invasive procedures, including thoracoscopy Offers up-to-date information for surgical treatment of ailments of the heart and lungs Provides video clips of procedures on a companion website An invaluable reference for veterinary surgeons, Small Animal Thoracic Surgery is also an ideal aid for general practitioners who perform some of the basic procedures in their clinics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Segment in Phonetics and Phonology
The Segment in Phonetics and Phonology unravels exactly what the segment is and on what levels it exists, approaching the study of the segment with theoretical, empirical, and methodological heterogeneity as its guiding principle. A deliberately eclectic approach to the study of the segment that investigates exactly what the segment is and on what level it exists Includes new research data from a diverse range of fields such as experimental psycholinguistics, language acquisition, and mathematical theories of communication Represents the major theoretical models of phonology, including Articulatory Phonology, Optimality Theory, Laboratory Phonology and Generative Phonology Examines both well-studied languages like English, Chinese, and Japanese and under-studied languages such as Southern Sierra Miwok, Päri, and American Sign Language
John Wiley and Sons Ltd You Cant Teach That
Who controls what is taught in American universities professors or politicians? The answer is far from clear but suddenly urgent. Unprecedented efforts are now underway to restrict what ideas can be promoted and discussed in university classrooms. Professors at public universities have long assumed that their freedom to teach is unassailable and that there were firm constitutional protections shielding them from political interventions. Those assumptions might always have been more hopeful than sound. A battle over the control of the university classroom is now brewing, and the courts will be called upon to establish clearer guidelines as to what if any limits legislatures might have in dictating what is taught in public universities. In this path-breaking book, Keith Whittington argues that the First Amendment imposes meaningful limits on how government officials can restrict the ideas discussed on university campuses. In clear and accessible prose, he ill
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Motivating Political Morality
Knowing what is the right thing to do is one thing. bringing yourself to do it is often quite another. This book is addressed to those who ask, 'Why should I be moral?' It explores strategies and tactics for evoking moral responses from people, especially in political contexts where so much is at stake.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd God and Morality: A Philosophical History
God and Morality evaluates the ethical theories of four principle philosophers, Aristotle, Duns Scotus, Kant, and R.M. Hare. Uses their thinking as the basis for telling the story of the history and development of ethical thought more broadly Focuses specifically on their writings on virtue, will, duty, and consequence Concentrates on the theistic beliefs to highlight continuity of philosophical thought
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Writing Revolution: Cuneiform to the Internet
In a world of rapid technological advancements, it can be easy to forget that writing is the original Information Technology, created to transcend the limitations of human memory and to defy time and space. The Writing Revolution picks apart the development of this communication tool to show how it has conquered the world. Explores how writing has liberated the world, making possible everything from complex bureaucracy, literature, and science, to instruction manuals and love letters Draws on an engaging range of examples, from the first cuneiform clay tablet, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Japanese syllabaries, to the printing press and the text messaging Weaves together ideas from a number of fields, including history, cultural studies and archaeology, as well as linguistics and literature, to create an interdisciplinary volume Traces the origins of each of the world’s major written traditions, along with their applications, adaptations, and cultural influences
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Future of Global Financial Services
This book explores the future of the financial services industry, giving readers an idea of the kinds of institutions and services that will survive in the early twenty-first century. An informative and provocative exploration of the future of the financial services industry. Focuses on likely changes in the near future, such as greater use of the Internet for banking transactions and the increasing globalization of financial services. Points to the probable disappearance of the insurance sector as a separate industry. Describes changing conditions in key financial centres, especially the US, the UK, Germany, Japan and Switzerland.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reformation Thought: An Introduction
Reformation Thought Praise for previous editions:“Theologically informed, lucid, supremely accessible: no wonder McGrath’s introduction to the Reformation has staying power!”—Denis R. Janz, Loyola University“Vigorous, brisk, and highly stimulating. The reader will be thoroughly engaged from the outset, and considerably enlightened at the end.”—Dr. John Platt, Oxford University“[McGrath] is one of the best scholars and teachers of the Reformation... Teachers will rejoice in this wonderfully useful book.”—Teaching HistoryReformation Thought: An Introduction is a clear, engaging, and accessible introduction to the European Reformation of the sixteenth century. Written for readers with little to no knowledge of Christian theology or history, this indispensable guide surveys the ideas of the prominent thought leaders of the period, as well as its many movements, including Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptism, and the Catholic and English Reformations. The text offers readers a framework to interpret the events of the Reformation in full view of the intellectual landscape and socio-political issues that fueled its development.Based on Alister McGrath’s acclaimed lecture course at Oxford University, the fully updated fifth edition incorporates the latest academic research in historical theology. Revised and expanded chapters describe the cultural backdrop of the Reformation, discuss the Reformation’s background in late Renaissance humanism and medieval scholasticism, and distill the findings of recent scholarship, including work on the history of the Christian doctrine of justification. A wealth of pedagogical features—including illustrations, updated bibliographies, a glossary, a chronology of political and historical ideas, and several appendices—supplement McGrath’s clear explanations.Written by a world-renowned theologian, Reformation Thought: An Introduction, Fifth Edition upholds its reputation as the ideal resource for university and seminary courses on Reformation thought and the widespread change it inspired in Christian belief and practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Re-Imagining Nature: The Promise of a Christian Natural Theology
Reimagining Nature is a new introduction to the fast developing area of natural theology, written by one of the world’s leading theologians. The text engages in serious theological dialogue whilst looking at how past developments might illuminate and inform theory and practice in the present. This text sets out to explore what a properly Christian approach to natural theology might look like and how this relates to alternative interpretations of our experience of the natural world Alister McGrath is ideally placed to write the book as one of the world’s best known theologians and a chief proponent of natural theology This new work offers an account of the development of natural theology throughout history and informs of its likely contribution in the present This feeds in current debates about the relationship between science and religion, and religion and the humanities Engages in serious theological dialogue, primarily with Augustine, Aquinas, Barth and Brunner, and includes the work of natural scientists, philosophers of science, and poets
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Management in Transition: Preparing for the 21st Century
In this cutting-edge text, Thomas Catanzaro brings his considerable experience and training to bear on management in the veterinary profession. He discusses changes emerging in the twenty-first century veterinary medical practice and the alterations they demand in management style and practice organization. Besides the techniques and concepts for developing new programs and procedures, Dr. Catanzaro provides real-life applications for immediate use by veterinary practitioners around the world. Veterinary Management in Transition specifically addresses the following areas: * Are you and your practice ready for change?; * What is governance?; * Why is it needed?; * How does it work?; * In group practices, how can the leadership role be shared?; * What issues do you need to consider when hiring a group administrator, and how do you train him or her?; * How can the transition from traditional, single-doctor forms of management to new, more effective forms be made? A self-assessment at the end of each chapter helps readers understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Generous appendixes offer stand-alone reviews of the concepts presented in the text as well as model administrative action plans for staff development and change management.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Quantitative Genetics with Special Reference to Plant and Animal Breeding
Quantitative modeling of Mendelian genetics Quantitative Genetics with Special Reference to Plant and Animal Breeding provides authoritative guidance on improving genetic material in breeding programs through the application of Mendelian genetics. Beginning with a brief background on genetic modeling and breeding programs, the book compares breeding procedures and selection approaches while offering expert guidance on mathematical and Mendelian representation of various schema. Highly detailed and practically-focused with clear guidance on methods and calculations, this guide provides invaluable reference for the design of breeding programs in the laboratory or agricultural industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions
Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions presents both classic articles fundamental to microeconomic analysis as well as modern treatments of frontier issues in applied theory. Complementary to standard textbook treatments, the readings and their bibliographies offer further coverage of new fields such as game theory, decision-making under uncertainty theory, and auction theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions
Readings in Applied Microeconomic Theory: Market Forces and Solutions presents both classic articles fundamental to microeconomic analysis as well as modern treatments of frontier issues in applied theory. Complementary to standard textbook treatments, the readings and their bibliographies offer further coverage of new fields such as game theory, decision-making under uncertainty theory, and auction theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Huns
This is a history of the Huns in Europe from their first attacks on the Goths north of the Black Sea to the collapse of their central European empire after the death of the legendary Attila. In the only connected narrative account of the rise and fall of the Huns in English, Professor Thompson reconstructs their campaigns in detail from disparate and often fragmentary sources. In the process, there emerges a clear picture of their dramatic successes, and failures, against the non-Roman peoples of central and eastern Europe, and of their many invasions of the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Sneetch is a Sneetch and Other Philosophical Discoveries: Finding Wisdom in Children's Literature
Taking Picture Books Seriously: What can we learn about philosophy through children's books? This warm and charming volume casts a spell on adult readers as it unveils the surprisingly profound philosophical wisdom contained in children's picture books, from Dr Seuss's Sneetches to William Steig's Shrek!. With a light touch and good humor, Wartenberg discusses the philosophical ideas in these classic stories, and provides parents with a practical starting point for discussing philosophical issues with their children. Accessible and multi-layered, it answers questions like, Is it okay for adults to deceive kids? What's the difference between saying the Mona Lisa is a great painting and vanilla is your favorite flavor? Each chapter includes illustrations commissioned especially for this book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hepatology: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
This book will be an affordable, highly practical handbook on hepatology, aimed at residents/trainees in gastroenterology, GI nurses, and recently qualified consultants to use as a quick reference when managing patients presenting with possible or overt liver disease. It will be of particular use for those GI internists/residents who have an interest specifically in hepatology. It does not aim to be a specialist textbook, but a shorter, 250pp guide that provides key clinical information on each area of hepatology in an accessible form. Extracting relevant material from large reference textbooks can be very time consuming and for this reason, information in this handbook will be presented succinctly in a style suitable for quick reference and easy understanding. The chief emphasis will be on the clinical assessment and management of these patients, and all the major areas of liver disease will be covered, from liver cirrhosis to viral hepatitis, to autoimmune liver failure. Chapters will use a variety of structural features and colour coded boxes to increase the accessibility for residents. These include: key points/take-home points, case history, practice points and management algorithm/flow-charts. Each chapter will also contain sample multiple choice questions that the reader will be able to test themselves on.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christian Spirituality: An Introduction
This text fills the need for a clear, informative, helpful and well-written introduction to Christian spirituality. Includes a detailed guide to resources in spirituality available on the Internet Written by a leading theological educationalist in a clear and accessible manner Encourages active engagement with primary sources through worked case studies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Controlling Reproduction: Women, Society, and State Power
Controlling reproduction – who has children, how many, and when – is important to states, communities, families, and individuals across the globe. However, the stakes are even higher than might at first be appreciated: control over reproduction is an incredibly powerful tool. Contests over reproduction necessarily involve control over women and their bodies. Yet because reproduction is so intertwined with other social processes and institutions, controlling it also extends far into most corners of social, economic, and political life. Nancy Riley and Nilanjana Chatterjee explore how various social institutions beyond the individual – including state, religion, market, and family – are involved in the negotiation of reproductive power. They draw on examples from across the world, such as direct fertility policies in China and Romania, the influence of the Catholic Church in Poland and Brazil, racial discrimination and resistance in Mexico and the US, and how Japan and Norway use laws intended to encourage gender equality to indirectly shape reproduction. This engaging book sheds new light on the operations of power and gender in society. It will appeal to students taking courses on reproduction in departments of sociology, anthropology, and gender studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Film Comedy
A wide-ranging survey of the subject that celebrates the variety and complexity of film comedy from the ‘silent’ days to the present, this authoritative guide offers an international perspective on the popular genre that explores all facets of its formative social, cultural and political context A wide-ranging collection of 24 essays exploring film comedy from the silent era to the present International in scope, the collection embraces not just American cinema, including Native American and African American, but also comic films from Europe, the Middle East, and Korea Essays explore sub-genres, performers, and cultural perspectives such as gender, politics, and history in addition to individual works Engages with different strands of comedy including slapstick, romantic, satirical and ironic Features original entries from a diverse group of multidisciplinary international contributors
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Classical Archaeology
The fully revised second edition of this successful volume includes updates on the latest archaeological research in all chapters, and two new essays on Greek and Roman art. It retains its unique, paired essay format, as well as key contributions from leading archaeologists and historians of the classical world. Second edition is updated and revised throughout, showcasing the latest research and fresh theoretical approaches in classical archaeology Includes brand new essays on ancient Greek and Roman art in a modern context Designed to encourage critical thinking about the interpretation of ancient material culture and the role of modern perceptions in shaping the study of art and archaeology Features paired essays – one covering the Greek world, the other, the Roman – to stimulate a dialogue not only between the two ancient cultures, but between scholars from different historiographic and methodological traditions Includes maps, chronologies, diagrams, photographs, and short editorial introductions to each chapter
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Linguistics
Linguistics is a comprehensive crosslinguistic introduction to the study of language, and is ideal for students with no background in linguistics. A comprehensive introduction to the study of language, set apart by its inclusion of cross-linguistic data from over 80 different spoken and signed languages Explores how language works by examining discourse, sentence-structure, meaning, words, and sounds Introduces psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic issues, including language acquisition, neurolinguistics, language variation, language change, language contact, and multilingualism Written in a problem-oriented style to engage readers, and is ideal for those new to the subject Incorporates numerous student-friendly features throughout, including extensive exercises, summaries, assignments, and suggestions for further reading Based on the bestselling Dutch edition of this work, the English edition has been revised and expanded to offer an up-to-date and engaging survey of linguistics for students new to the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Linguistics
Linguistics is a comprehensive crosslinguistic introduction to the study of language, and is ideal for students with no background in linguistics. A comprehensive introduction to the study of language, set apart by its inclusion of cross-linguistic data from over 80 different spoken and signed languages Explores how language works by examining discourse, sentence-structure, meaning, words, and sounds Introduces psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic issues, including language acquisition, neurolinguistics, language variation, language change, language contact, and multilingualism Written in a problem-oriented style to engage readers, and is ideal for those new to the subject Incorporates numerous student-friendly features throughout, including extensive exercises, summaries, assignments, and suggestions for further reading Based on the bestselling Dutch edition of this work, the English edition has been revised and expanded to offer an up-to-date and engaging survey of linguistics for students new to the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rickettsiology and Rickettsial Diseases: Fifth International Conference, Volume 1166
This volume contains the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases, in which an effort is made to address and clarify issues from clinical, diagnostic, epidemiologic, and molecular perspectives that have remained unsolved in the past. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences
This book explains the principal qualitative methods and applies them to psychological problems. It is designed for use in psychology and also other branches of social science. The books main aim is to increase people's confidence to use qualitative methods in their own research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Aid to the MRCP PACES, Volumes 1, 2 and 3: Stations 1 - 5
All three An Aid to the MRCP PACES volumes, covering Stations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, together at a specially discouted price.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind: Collected Philosophical Papers, Volume 2
Anscombe on thought, experience, sensation, and the ethics of virtue Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe is one of analytical philosophy's most prominent figures, the founder of consequentialism, and a leading mind in the field of virtue ethics. Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind: The collected Philosophical Papers of G.E.M. Anscombe, Volume 2, is part of a multivolume compilation of her life's work, providing insight into the mind of a groundbreaking 20th century philosopher. This volume's work explores memory, intentionality, causality and time, delving into the language, actions, and logic of perception, sensation, and more.
B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Ministry: A Primer for Renewed Life and Leadership in Mainline Protestant Congregations
An Introduction to Ministry is a comprehensive and ecumenical introduction to the craft of ministry for ministers, pastors, and priests that make up the mainline denominations in the United States. Ecumenically-focused, It offers a grounded account of ministry, covering areas such as vocation, congregational leadership, and cultivation of skills for an effective ministry. Covers the key components of the M.Div. curriculum, offering a map and guide to the central skills and issues in training Explores the areas of vocation, skills for ministry, and issues around congregational leadership Each topic ends with an annotated bibliography providing an indispensable gateway to further study Helps students understand both the distinctive approach of their denomination and the relationship of that approach to other mainline denominations Advocates and defends a generous understanding of the Christian tradition in its openness and commitment to broad conversation
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Handbook of Therapeutic Biomarkers in Cancer
In this volume, a team of internationally recognized experts provide an in-depth description of therapeutic biomarkers across a broad area of cancer research and oncology. With a wealth of information to specific therapies, each chapter focuses on a class of targeted chemotherapy agents. The book describes established and evolving diagnostic tests for therapeutic biomarkers that predict benefit, response, resistance, or drug side effects from specific therapeutic interventions. This volume is an essential handbook for health professionals and scientists researching current applicable biomarkers in oncology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Speech Perception
The Handbook of Speech Perception is a collection of forward-looking articles that offer a summary of the technical and theoretical accomplishments in this vital area of research on language. Now available in paperback, this uniquely comprehensive companion brings together in one volume the latest research conducted in speech perception Contains original contributions by leading researchers in the field Illustrates technical and theoretical accomplishments and challenges across the field of research and language Adds to a growing understanding of the far-reaching relevance of speech perception in the fields of phonetics, audiology and speech science, cognitive science, experimental psychology, behavioral neuroscience, computer science, and electrical engineering, among others.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Science Matters: Understanding the Methods of Psychological Research
Why Science Matters: Understanding the Methods of Psychological Research rises above standard research methods texts by presenting an up-to-date view of contemporary psychological science as it is currently understood and practiced. Explores not only the procedural aspects of psychological research, but also delves into the issue of how to accomplish effective science. Explicates how hypotheses and theories are to be evaluated. Suggests that the proper approach to devising and evaluating theories is by abduction, not by induction or deduction alone. Incorporates new investigatory procedures, current methodologists, conflicts and issues, implications of the philosophy of science, and a lively prose style. Provides a picture of science that will engage students and expand their abilities as both scientists and psychologists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Tenth Edition is a fully updated and revised version of the gold-standard reference on the use of drug therapy in all major veterinary species. Provides current, detailed information on using drug therapies in all major domestic animal species Organized logically by drug class and treatment indication, with exhaustive information on the rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine Includes extensive tables of pharmacokinetic data, products available, and dosage regimens Adds new chapters on pharmaceutics, ophthalmic pharmacology, food animal pharmacology, and aquatic animal pharmacology Includes access to a companion website with the figures from the book in PowerPoint
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Michigan: A History of the Great Lakes State
The fifth edition of Michigan: A History of the Great Lakes State presents an update of the best college-level survey of Michigan history, covering the pre-Columbian period to the present. Represents the best-selling survey history of Michigan Includes updates and enhancements reflecting the latest historic scholarship, along with the new chapter ‘Reinventing Michigan’ Expanded coverage includes the socio-economic impact of tribal casino gaming on Michigan’s Native American population; environmental, agricultural, and educational issues; recent developments in the Jimmy Hoffa mystery, and collegiate and professional sports Delivered in an accessible narrative style that is entertaining as well as informative, with ample illustrations, photos, and maps Now available in digital formats as well as print
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Geomorphological Processes and Landscape Change: Britain In The Last 1000 Years
The expert contributors to this cutting edge volume provide an overview of geomorphological process activity and landscape change in Britain over the past 1000 years. The range of the book is unusually broad, encompassing hillslope, valley floor and floodplain, fluvial, estuarine and coastal processes. Provides an overview of geomorphological process activity and landscape change in Britain over the past 1000 years. The range of the book is unusually broad, encompassing hillslope, valley floor and floodplain, fluvial, estuarine and coastal processes. Considers the relevance of technological and conceptual approaches to understanding landscape dynamics. Examines key process environments highlighting significant trends and the influence of human activity, and incorporating examples and modelling. Encourages geographers to look forward to the challenges that geomorphology faces in the new millennium. Find out more information about the RGS-IBG journals by following the links below: AREA: The Geographical Journal: Transactions of the Insititute of British Geographers:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader
The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A Reader brings together twenty-three of the most influential essays by leading scholars to reveal the rich variety of cultures and societies that existed in ancient Mesoamerica.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introducing World Christianity
This interdisciplinary introduction offers students a truly global overview of the worldwide spread and impact of Christianity. It is enriched throughout by detailed historic and ethnographic material, showing how broad themes within Christianity have been adopted and adapted by Christian denominations within each major region of the world. Provides a comprehensive overview of the spread and impact of world Christianity Contains studies from every major region of the world, including Africa, Asia, Latin America, the North Atlantic, and Oceania Brings together an international team of contributors from history, sociology, and anthropology, as well as religious studies Examines the significant social, cultural, and political transformations in contemporary societies brought about through the influence of Christianity Discusses Protestant, Evangelical, Catholic, and Orthodox forms of the faith Features useful maps and illustrations Combines broader discussions with detailed regional analysis, creating an invaluable introduction to world Christianity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer
An innovative guide to the practice of pelvic exenterative surgery for the management of advanced pelvic neoplasms Exenterative surgery plays an important role in the management of advanced pelvic cancer. However, while a large body of evidence regarding outcomes following pelvic exenteration now exists, practical strategies and management options remain unclear. Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer addresses this problem by assembling world-leaders in the field to provide insights into the latest techniques and best practices. It includes detailed coverage of: Surgical anatomy Operative approaches and exenterative techniques Reconstruction options Current evidence on survival and quality of life outcomes Featuring essential information for those managing patients with advanced pelvic neoplasms, Surgical Management of Advanced Pelvic Cancer consolidates the latest data and practical advice in one indispensable guide.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Discourse Analysis
The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest research to have developed since the original publication, including new theoretical paradigms and discourse-analytic models, in an authoritative two-volume set. Twenty new chapters highlight emerging trends and the latest areas of research Contributions reflect the range, depth, and richness of current research in the field Chapters are written by internationally-recognized leaders in their respective fields, constituting a Who’s Who of Discourse Analysis A vital resource for scholars and students in discourse studies as well as for researchers in related fields who seek authoritative overviews of discourse analytic issues, theories, and methods
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Carbonate Systems During the Olicocene-Miocene Climatic Transition
The Oligocene and Miocene Epochs comprise the most important phases in the Cenozoic global cooling that led from a greenhouse to an icehouse Earth. Recent major advances in the understanding and time-resolution of climate events taking place at this time, as well as the proliferation of studies on Oligocene and Miocene shallow-water/neritic carbonate systems, invite us to re-evaluate the significance of these carbonate systems in the context of changes in climate and Earth surface processes. Carbonate systems, because of a wide dependence on the ecological requirements of organisms producing the sediment, are sensitive recorders of changes in environmental conditions on the Earth surface. The papers included in this Special Publication address the dynamic evolution of carbonate systems deposited during the Oligocene and Miocene in the context on climatic and Earth surfaces processes focusing on climatic trends and controls over deposition; temporal changes in carbonate producers and palaeoecology; carbonate terminology; facies; processes and environmental parameters (including water temperature and production depth profiles); carbonate producers and their spatial and temporal variability; and tectonic controls over architecture. This book is part of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Special Publications. The Special Publications from the IAS are a set of thematic volumes edited by specialists on subjects of central interest to sedimentologists. Papers are reviewed and printed to the same high standards as those published in the journal Sedimentology and several of these volumes have become standard works of reference.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World
The first book to provide an introduction to the new theory of Net Locality and the profound effect on individuals and societies when everything is located or locatable. Describes net locality as an emerging form of location awareness central to all aspects of digital media, from mobile phones, to Google Maps, to location-based social networks and games, such as Foursquare and facebook. Warns of the threats these technologies, such as data surveillance, present to our sense of privacy, while also outlining the opportunities for pro-social developments. Provides a theory of the web in the context of the history of emerging technologies, from GeoCities to GPS, Wi-Fi, Wiki Me, and Google Android.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Knockout CV
"John Lees is a purveyor of sound, no nonsense career advice which delivers results, whatever your age or status."Carol Lewis, Business Features Editor, The TimesIt doesn't take months to learn how to write a CV that works, but it does take a few hours. This book is designed to take you through that process quickly, taking some short cuts, encouraging your readers to say one simple word: "yes".Features: Step by step approach to building a CV from scratch Detailed advice on getting bullet points and the profile right Example CVs, including entry level and executive CVs Demystifying of CV formats and styles, including 'hybrid', competency-based and functional CVs Drawing on over 25 years' experience of training recruiters, John Lees, author of the bestselling How To Get A Job You'll Love, is one of the UK's best known career strategists. In Knockout CV he shows you how to write CVs and cover letters that convey your strengths quickly and get you into the interview room. "A comprehensive and practical guide to building arelevant, evidence-based CV which will win the recruiter'sattention."Liz Mason, Associate Director, Alumni Career Services,London Business School, UK"You write a CV for a purpose: to get a job. Knockout CV works backwards from the desired result, analysing each feature of the CV from the perspective of impact on the decision-maker. No frills, no diversions, simply full of practical help."Shirley Anderson, HR Director, Talent and Reward, Pilkington Group Limited"This book is essential reading for anyone considering a career move or applying for another position... This is an excellent, practical guide which I believe will really make the difference to securing that interview."Christine Gaskell, Chair, Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership and former HR Director, Bentley Motors Ltd"John Lees leads you back to the basic document of so manyjob-hunting campaigns, and yet again opens your eyes to seethe real underlying principles. His clear and authoritative voice brings life back into what is often seen as a routine activity - CV writing - yet is so important in today's hyper-competitive job market."Matthias Feist, Head of Careers & Business Relations atRegent's University London, UK and Chair of PlaceNet: Placements in Industry Network"John has produced an honest and authentic approach to creating a winning CV which speaks to your strengths, and will make the difference to getting noticed and in front of the selection panel."Angella Clarke-Jervoise, Big 4 Partner Recruiter andInternational Career CoachPraise for John Lees' careers books:"When I read John's writing, two things happen. First, I feel as if he's standing right there, personally advising me. And second, I always come away thinking over the issue in a new way. It's a rare, but very useful, gift."Sarah Green, Associate Editor, Harvard Business Review"I know first-hand the joy that being in the right career can bring and I commend John Lees for his books and seminars which help other people do just that."Rosemary Conley CBE"John Lees is the Career Professional's professional; thedoyen of careers experts. His books and advice have helpedcountless numbers of people to enjoy better, more fulfilling careers."Dr Harry Freedman, Career and Business Strategist,Hanover Executive