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University of Wales Press Creu Dinasyddiaeth i Gymru: Mewnfudo Rhyngwladol a'r Gymraeg
Dyma’r gyfrol gyntaf sydd yn ymdrin â mewnfudo rhyngwladol, cymunedau Cymru a’r Gymraeg o safbwynt ieithyddol a chymdeithasol. Ers dechrau’r ganrif, cafwyd trafodaethau cynyddol am ddyfodol amrywiaeth mewn nifer o wladwriaethau, gan gynnwys Prydain a Chymru. Mae’r gyfrol hon yn mynd ati i drafod sut y mae llywodraethau ac athronwyr cyfoes wedi ymwrthod ag amlddiwylliannedd tra yn chwilio am ffyrdd newydd o uno pobl trwy iaith a diwylliant. Wrth drafod y cyd-destun damcaniaethol a pholisi, mae’r gyfrol yn tynnu ar ymchwil empeiraidd gyda mewnfudwyr, tiwtoriaid iaith a swyddogion llywodraethol Cymru, i ddatgelu safbwyntiau am integreiddio yng Nghymru ac i herio rhagdybiaethau am berthynas mewnfudwyr a’r Gymraeg. Daw cymhlethdod sefyllfa iswladwriaethol Cymru i’r brig wrth i Lywodraeth Cymru ddatgan cefnogaeth dros ddwyieithrwydd, tra bod polisïau’r Wladwriaeth Brydeinig yn haeru polisi mewnfudo a dinasyddiaeth homogenaidd ac unieithog. Mae’r gyfrol yn awgrymu llwybr posibl i Gymru, felly, sef diffinio dinasyddiaeth amlethnig Gymreig a Chymraeg ei hun.
Thinkers Publishing Sleutelconcepten in het middenspel deel 2: Pionnenstructuren
Talloze onderwerpen zijn mooi beschreven en keurig uitgewerkt. Maar bij het bestuderen van partijen van schaakstudenten, of het nou talentvolle jeugd was, of volwassen clubschakers van divers niveau, viel me één aspect op dat ik als volgt zal proberen te beschrijven: nadat de klok is aangezet en de partij is begonnen, wordt de opening gespeeld. Veel spelers blijken redelijk goed op de hoogte van de theorie. Onvermijdelijk komt het moment waarop één van beide spelers afwijkt, waardoor beide spelers op zichzelf zijn aangewezen. In de fase daarna moeten de spelers hun weg zien te vinden in een wirwar van varianten en plannen. Zij mogen de tactiek niet uit het oog verliezen, maar bovenal zullen zij een strategisch plan moeten bepalen. In deze fase viel mij – door de bank genomen – op dat veel clubschakers over het algemeen de momenten waarop tactiek een rol speelt, goed in de gaten hebben. Laten we zeggen dat er gemiddeld om de vijf zetten tactiek in de stelling zit. Echter… die andere vier zetten moeten zij toch zelf verzinnen! Maar hoe moeten zij dat doen? Waar moeten ze op letten? Welke principes dienen zij te hanteren. Hoe zien ze of een bepaald strategisch kenmerk dominanter is dan een ander? Als ervaren speler en gediplomeerd schaaktrainer kon ik er meestal wel een vinger achter krijgen waar het ergens mis ging. Dat was bij elke speler telkens anders, maar toch slaagde ik er soms in om een “grootste gemene deler” in de partijen van iemand op te sporen. Daarmee was ik er nog niet. Want elke partij was natuurlijk verschillend met de partijen die nog gingen komen. Hoe kon ik deze speler daadwerkelijk vooruit helpen hiermee? In deel 2 komen de belangrijke Pionnenstructuren aan bod!
De Gruyter Smart Analysis of Tourism Policy Efficiency in Bulgaria for the Period 1980-2017
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of tourism in the economy of Bulgaria. In this paper, we present the history of the Bulgarian tourism industry trends from the beginning to its contemporary policy patterns. We apply an econometric methodology consisting of unit root test, cointegration analysis, linear regression, correlation analysis, Granger causality test and 3-D visualizations by IBM Watson Studio based on the statistics for the period 1980-2017. Exploring the link between tourism and the economic development of Bulgaria, the tourism – led - growth hypothesis about Bulgaria is validated for the post-communism period. Our findings show that a relationship between tourism and Bulgaria’s economic development exists. We can conclude that tourism is in part an endogenous growth process. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Smart Analysis of Tourism Policy Efficiency in Bulgaria for the Period 1980-2017 is covered by the following services: Baidu ScholarBarnes & NobleBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCiandoCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Commercial Biosensors: Applications to Clinical, Bioprocess, and Environmental Samples
Commercial Biosensors offers professionals an in-depth look at some of the most significant applications of commercially available biosensor-based instrumentation in the medical, bioprocess, and environmental fields. Featuring contributions by an international team of scientists, the book provides readers with an unparalleled opportunity to see how their colleagues around the world are using these powerful new tools. Commercial Biosensors is divided into three sections. In the first, which is devoted to applications of biosensors to clinical samples, the authors explore how biosensors are currently being used for in-home diabetes monitoring, point-of-care diagnostics, and noninvasive sensing, and biomedical research. The second section deals with cutting-edge applications of biosensors in bioprocess control- for example, measuring glucose, sucrose, glutamate, or choline concentrations during food and beverage production and measuring ethanol concentration during beer fermentation. In the final section, readers learn about the use of biological oxygen demand (BOD) biosensors for monitoring environmental samples. This book is an indispensable addition to the reference libraries of biosensor technologists, physicians, analytical chemists, environmental engineers, pesticide chemists, clinical chemists, and food chemists. An in-depth exploration of state-of-the-art commercial biosensor technology and its aplications. Commercial biosensor technology has taken off over the past few years, and the number of applications is growing rapidly. This book offers professionals a timely and authoritative look at some of the most important of these applications. Over the course of seven chapters authored by leading international experts, readers learn all about the latest in: * Biosensors and diabetes management * Microfabricated biosensors and point-of-care diagnostics systems * Noninvasive biosensors in clinical analysis * Surface plasmon resonance and evanescent wave biosensors * Biosensor-based instruments in food and beverage production * Biosensors in environmental sampling Commercial Biosensors is required reading for all professionals who would like to take advantage of the enormous potential of one of today's most important new commercial technologies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 3
Complex problems and systems, which prevail in the real world, cannot often be tackled and solved either by traditional methods offered by mathematics or even the traditional computer science (CS) and and artificial intelligence (AI)..). What is the way out of this dilemma? Advanced methodologies, and tools and techniques, „mimicking” human reasoning or the behavior of animals, animal populations or certain parts of the living bod, based on traditional computer science science and the initial approaches of artificial intelligence are often referred to as biologically inspired methods, or often computational intelligence (CI). Computational intelligence offers effective and efficient solutions to many „unsolvable" problems problems. However, it is far from being a ready to use and complete collection of approaches, and is rather a continuously developing field without clear borders. The emerging new models and algorithms of computational intelligence are deeply rooted in the vast apparatus of traditional mathematics. Thus, the investigation of connections and synergy between mathematics and computational intelligence is an eminent goal which is periodically pursued by a group of mathematicians and computational intelligence researchers who regularly attand the annual European Symposia on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics (ESCIM). Some relevant papers from the last ESCIM-2020 are included in this volume.
Taylor & Francis Inc Stream Ecology and Self Purification: An Introduction, Second Edition
This new edition of a very successful standard reference is expanded and fully reworked. The book explains and quantifies the processes whereby streams cleanse themselves, reducing their pollutant load as a natural process. Mechanisms of purification in running waters have always been critical with regard to clearly identified pollution sources. This new edition explains the self-purifying function of streams and rivers in light of recent EPA rules on nonpoint pollutants and total maximum daily loads (TMDLs). It also covers basic concepts such as biological oxygen demand (BOD). Also new in this edition is an extended discussion of how streams originate and how they fit into the geomorphology of the earth and other water supply sources. Information is presented on aquatic life, including macroinvertebrates and their role as bioindicators of stream health. Chapter review tests and answers are included so that the readers can evaluate their mastery of the concepts presented. Stream Ecology and Self-Purification: An Introduction, 2nd Edition serves as a practical introduction to ecology combined with an explanation of how streams absorb and react to pollution. This text will prove valuable to water and wastewater plant operators, watershed managers, trainers, environmental students, water quality professionals, and will be an excellent preparation aid to wastewater/water operator licensing exams.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Hitler's Oil Broker: Thomas Brown, Harbinger of Worldwide Conflict
Thomas Brown is an unknown figure of Scottish origin who played a significant role in the onset and development of both world wars in the first half of the 20th century. In the First World War he contributed to the Anglo-German conflict in the Middle East particularly in his switch from UK to German nationality in 1914 by contributing directly to the expansion of German imperialism in the Persian Gulf and Ottoman Empire. His most important role was in providing logistical support to German and Turkish forces in support of the Turkish jihad in November 1914\. Despite his arrest by MI5 as a suspected traitor in 1919,he returned to Germany as a business middleman aided by former political and military colleagues in the Weimar Republic. After promoting German interests in Iran, he was able as a company director to represent German steel manufacturers who bought into the Anglo-Italian British Oil Development Company (BOD) in Iraq. He helped to obtain an oil concession from independent in Iraq in 1932, and used his skills as a negotiator with British, German and Arab speakers to promote a large oil strike and major expansion of the company in 1935. It is here that the German-Italian axis comes to centre-stage. Brown initially rejected Italian approaches to take over the company - exactly when Mussolini was trying to conquer Abyssinia - in favour of support for the UK investors, Lord Glenconner and Sir Percy Hunting. Brown was not fully aware of the manoevering by the Hitler regime since autumn 1933 to promote alliances with Britain, Italy and Japan aganst the USSR and France, which ended in December 1935 with Hitler's preference for Italy. This was accelerated by Gestapo investigations into Italian involvement and Hitler's calculation that it would promote divisions among former allies and decrease German dependence on the world oil economy they dominated. Access to oil was key to military and political success. Brown belately understood that Britain was opposed to permitting Italy and Germany access to to key raw materials. Brown reported directly to Berlin even though he was mistakenly identified as a 'Scottish Jew' but he failed to recognise that Hitler's support for Italy enabled access to Italian oil while maintaining domestic sources of fuel for rearmament of the army and air force. Brown was terminally ill by 1936 but had provided the template for a successful search by the German navy for access to oil, independent of the Anglo-American dominance of the world oil industry.
Open University Press Brief Strategic Coaching: The Problem Resolution Process that Inspired B rief and Solution-focused Thinking
Brief Strategic Coaching offers coaches a different process for rapid problem resolution and change. The book guides readers to identify problematic attempts at solutions, to get unstuck and reach their goals by breaking free from the vicious cycle of “the more I try to solve a problem, the worse it gets”. Instead, the new solution is often radically different to the original one and brief strategic coaching supports successful implementation of these new actions.Coaches can use this book to: -Integrate brief strategic coaching with their current methods of working-Understand and assess current solution attempts by coachees-Support coachees to escape the cycle of problem maintenance-Adjust problem perceptions and develop new solution strategies with the coacheeThis book offers a fresh and practical take on a classic idea, making it an essential addition to the bookshelves of coaches and management leaders globally. "I wish I’d had my hands on this before - my leader clients certainly would have benefited! A highly valuable addition to the coach’s toolkit."Liz Hall, Editor of Coaching at Work magazine, Author of Mindful Coaching and Coach Your Team"Engaging and practical, this book is an invaluable guide for coaches and practitioners who work with clients wishing to break free from ineffective problem-solving strategies."Dr Christiana Iordanou, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Kent; Co-author of Values and Ethics in Coaching "I highly recommend this book to everyone who is interested in learning to apply the strategic approaches of Milton Erickson in coaching."Bernhard Trenkle, President ISH International Society of Hypnosis Member BOD of Milton Erickson Foundation, PhoenixAndrew Armatas is an Australian-born executive coach and psychologist with background experience in brief approaches to change and corporate mental health. A founding member of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, his expertise lies in mental training skills, suggestive techniques and brief strategic principles in corporate and coaching contexts.