Search results for ""author ross"
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, I. Acta S. Abakerazun. II. Acta Takla Hawaryat: (Aeth. II, 24), T.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum. I. Acta Marqorewos: (Aeth. II, 22), V.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, Fasc. 1. Acta S. Basalota Mika'el Et S. Anorewos: (Aeth. II, 20), V.
Ediciones del Lunar En la orilla del alma correspondencia
Ediciones Pirámide Cómo desarrollar la inteligencia emocional de los niños estrategias para padres
Las estrategias que propone este libro no solo ayudan a establecer una vida familiar armoniosa, sino que, sobre todo, permiten desarrollar la inteligencia emocional de los hijos (y también de los padres). Padres e hijos podemos aprender a entender mejor quiénes somos, qué queremos y cómo nos sentimos cuando establecemos una relación afectiva fuerte y nuestros hijos se sienten queridos, protegidos y seguros en nuestra presencia, cuando les damos permiso para expresar sus ideas y sentimientos más profundos en conversaciones informales en las que los padres utilizamos la escucha activa, cuando permitimos a los hijos resistir a nuestras órdenes y sabemos escuchar su resistencia, o cuando les permitimos expresarse con total libertad en las mediaciones.La obra nos ayuda a desarrollar en familia la capacidad de regular las emociones y conductas cuando discutimos planes o ideas, cuando hablamos con respeto a nuestros hijos en los momentos de tensión, cuando les exigimos que también ellos n
Romantic Ediciones CB Crnicas del confn II. Ainhara
Andorra eines dun temps passat
Des dels seus orígens, la humanitat ha emprat eines per fer més fàcils les tasques del seu dia a dia. Amb els avenços tecnològics, les eines també han evolucionat i la pagesia actual realitza la majoria de tasques amb un instrumental molt diferent del de fa tan sols mig segle. Els ràpids avenços i transformacions han fet que moltes eines pròpies de les tasques agrícoles d?Andorra durant segles hagin caigut en desús i que el seu nom, funció i forma d?utilització estiguin en risc de perdre?s. És amb la intenció de descriure, de conservar-ne el record i la memòria i de fer un homenatge als nostres avantpassats que neix aquest recull d?eines d?un temps passat d?Andorra, en què l?autor, a través de les seves vivències personals, rememora una època que no pot caure en l?oblit. El llibre presenta més d?una quarantena de fotografies antigues d?Andorra i de les eines que hi són descrites.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Cities - Coins - Commerce: Essays Presented to Ian Blanchard on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Brill Schoningh Warschau: Ein Wiederaufbau, Der VOR Dem Krieg Begann
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. My Desert Island Sheet Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Sleepy Creepy Zombie Sheet Alfred Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Musica De Navidad Book 3
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazzin Americana For Two Book 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Concertino in Latin Styles Solo with Piano Accompaniment Student Concertos
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Christmas Medleys for Two Bk 2 4 Graded Duets for Early Intermediate Pianists
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. MSica Latina Para DOS Book 2 6 Early Intermediate Piano Duets That Celebrate Latin American Styles
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. One of a Kind Solos Bk 4 8 Unique Piano Pieces
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. One of a Kind Solos Bk 3 9 Unique Piano Pieces
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. One of a Kind Solos Bk 2 10 Unique Piano Pieces
Holiday House Inc Everywhere Blue
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Candlelight Sheet Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Christmas Medleys for Students Bk 1 7 Graded Arrangements for Late Elementary Pianists 7 Graded Selections for Late Elementary Pianists
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Lost in the Wind Sheet Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Bat That Ball Sheet Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Creative Composition Toolbox Bk 6 A StepbyStep Guide for Learning to Compose
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Brazilian Nights Sheet Alfred Duet
ADAC Reiseführer ADAC Reisefhrer Venedig Der Kompakte mit den ADAC Top Tipps und cleveren Klappenkarten
Alpmann Schmidt Skript Familienrecht
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Wirtschaftsgeschichte neu denken Mit einer Darstellung der Ursprnge moderner konomischer Theorien
Herbert von Halem Verlag Fotojournalismus
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 4 Schuljahr Wrter zum Merken bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 2 Schuljahr Ableiten und Verlngern bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 2 Schuljahr Silben schwingen bungsheft
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Climatic Impact of Activities: Methodological Guide for Analysis and Action
Where the environment is concerned, regardless of scale, the logic of the Native American hummingbird which �does its part� should prevail. To act independently of others is indeed the sine qua non of the global shift towards a regenerative economy of humanity and ecosystems, expurgating the pervading pollution (particularly from oil use). Small- and medium-sized enterprises, which this book especially targets, do not need disproportionately-sized study facilities in order to reduce their impact on global warming. Climatic Impact of Activities provides valuable methodological and practical support for establishing a complete and reliable diagnosis of the greenhouse effect, and for planning the corresponding corrective actions. This book guides the reader step by step in developing an informed emissions assessment with realistic and advanced case studies, in full compliance with official methodological recommendations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc HPLC in Enzymatic Analysis
The use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques in the study of enzymatic reactions has grown significantly since the publication of the first edition of this highly successful book: the role of enzymes in biological research has expanded; the application of HPLC and enzymes has extended to more disciplines; advances in separation techniques and instrumentation have increased the capability of HPLC; and the discovery of new enzymes has spawned new methods of analysis. High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition addresses these developments in its coverage of the refinements of HPLC methods and their use in a wide range of laboratory applications. It offers the same practical approach found in the first edition, incorporates a wealth of new information into existing chapters, and adds new chapters to deal with new applications, including capillary electrophoresis, forensic chemistry, microdialysis, and the polymerase chain reaction. Topics include: * Application of HPLC to the assay of enzymatic activities * Concepts and principles of HPLC, including the latest technological advances * Concepts and principles of capillary electrophoresis (CE) * Strategy for design of an HPLC/CE system for assay of enzyme activity * Preparation of enzymatic activities from tissues and single cells * Analysis of enzymatic activities in body fluids, including chromatobiosis * HPLC for the identification of new enzymatic activities * Fundamentals of the polymerase chain reaction * HPLC in forensics * Survey of enzymatic activities assayed by the HPLC method, including many new categories * Multienzyme systems, including many new examples * HPLC in the analysis of contaminated food "It is the ability of HPLC to accomplish separations completely and rapidly that led to its original application to problems in the life sciences, particularly those related to purification. An analysis of the literature revealed that this technique was used primarily for the purification of small molecules, macromolecules such as peptides and proteins, and more recently, antibodies. This application to purification has all but dominated the use of the method, and there has been a plethora of books, symposia, and conferences on the use of HPLC for these purposes. However, it was only a matter of time before others began to look beyond and to explore the possibilities that result from the capacity to make separations quickly and efficiently." --from the preface to the First Edition Easy to read and full of practical advice and hundreds of diagrams and examples, High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and laboratory workers in analytical chemistry and biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology, and for anyone interested in keeping up with this fast-growing field.
The University of Michigan Press Pragmatic Liberation and the Politics of Puerto Rican Diasporic Drama
Agenda Publishing The Urban Field
Agenda Publishing The Urban Field
Marsilio Domus Grimani: The Collection of Classical Sculptures Reassembled in its Original Setting After 400 Years
The Palazzo Grimani in Venice is a 16th-century palace in the Mannerist style. The former residence of the patrician Grimani family, the building also housed the Grimanis' vast collection of Greek and Roman antiquities until 1596, when the collection comprising sculptures, vases, marbles and bronzes was transferred to the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice. In 2019, the Biblioteca is undergoing major ceiling repairs, so the Grimani collection has been temporarily relocated to its original home.Domus Grimani offers an extensive and detailed photographic tour of the building and its original collection, displaying and explicating not only their selection of Greco-Roman art, but also the residence of a 16th-century noble family; for the exhibition, objects and furnishings belonging to the Grimanis have also been retrieved from public and private collections in order to recreate their home as faithfully as possible.
Communalism Press A Politics for the 99%
Nova Science Publishers Inc Abstinence Education
Cottage Door Press Mini Mindful Moments: Gratitude
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Value of Privacy
This new book by Beate Rössler is a work of real quality and originality on an extremely topical issue: the issue of privacy and the relations between the private and the public. Rössler investigates the reasons why we value privacy and why we ought to value it. In the context of modern, liberal societies, Rössler develops a theory of the private which links privacy and autonomy in a constitutive way: privacy is a necessary condition to lead an autonomous life. The book develops a theory of freedom and autonomy which sees the ability to pose the “practical question” of how one wants to live, of what a person strives to be, at the centre of the modern idea of autonomy. The question of privacy is emerging as an increasingly important topic in social and political theory and is central to many current debates in law, the media and politics. The Value of Privacy will be widely recognised to be a classic contribution to the subject.
Troubador Publishing From a Position of Strength
Lorenzo Rossi, former head of the Vatican police, is enjoying the Tuscan sunshine until his ex-fiancée, CIA agent Cathy Doherty, shows up worried about his safety. Rossi is sceptical until he learns that a Russian agent with links to the CIA, crashed her car near his family's olive farm in Siena. With the help of the Russian’s associates, Rossi and Cathy unravel a conspiracy that could lead to nuclear war. With danger mounting and bodies piling up, they realise they’re pawns in a deadly game…
American Bar Association Ten Great American Trials: Lessons in Advocacy
Ten Great American Trials provides chapter-length accounts of some of the most highly publicizedand fascinatingcourt cases of the twentieth century. Embedded in each of our narratives is an analysis of the use by prosecutors and defense attorneys of trial advocacy techniques (involving discovery, pre-trial motions, jury selection, direct testimony, cross-examination, the introduction of forensic exhibits, and summations) to craft compelling stories about what happened. We also assess the impact of cultural, social, and political values on the proceedings and the outcomes. We selected the cases, several of which have been dubbed "the crime of the century," because they are dramatic, suspenseful, emotional, intellectually powerful, and have become part of American culture.