Search results for ""author anne""
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Fashion Business Reader
The Fashion Business Reader is the first comprehensive anthology of classic and cutting-edge writings on the global fashion business, from production to consumption. Bringing together a rich interdisciplinary and international range of writings in one volume, this essential text encompasses creative, theoretical, and practical approaches from scholarship spanning business, the social sciences, arts, and humanities. As well as extracts from ground-breaking journal articles, book chapters, and other key writings, the reader includes several newly commissioned articles on contemporary themes and methodological approaches. Each section of the volume contains an introduction by an expert scholar plus a guide to further reading, and each individual extract is introduced so that readers can place important writings in context. This is an essential course text for students on a wide range of fashion and business courses and a one-stop authoritative reference for scholars and professionals.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers
Illustrates the Complex Biochemical Relations that Permit Life to ExistIt can be argued that the dawn of the 21st century has emerged as the age focused on molecular biology, which includes all the regulatory mechanisms that make cellular biochemical reaction pathways stable and life possible. For biomedical engineers, this concept is essential to their chosen profession. Introduction to Molecular Biology, Genomics, and Proteomics for Biomedical Engineers hones in on the specialized organic molecules in living organisms and how they interact and react. The book’s sound approach to this intricately complex field makes it an exceptional resource for further exploration into the biochemistry, molecular biology, and genomics fields. It is also beneficial for electrical, chemical, and civil engineers as well as biophysicists with an interest in modeling living systems. This seminal reference includes many helpful tools for self study, including— 143 illustrations, 32 in color, to bolster understanding of complex biochemical relations 20 tables for quick access to precise data 100 key equations Challenging self-study problems within each chapter Conveys Human Progress in the Manipulation of Genomes at the Molecular LevelIn response to growing global interest in biotechnology, this valuable text sheds light on the evolutionary theories and future trends in genetic medicine and stem cell research. It provides a broader knowledge base on life-permitting complexities, illustrates how to model them quantitatively, and demonstrates how to manipulate them in genomic-based medicine and genetic engineering. Consequently, this book allows for a greater appreciation among of the incredible complexity of the biochemica
Tilbury House,U.S. Talking Walls: Discover Your World
In this book walls really do talk, and oh, the stories they tell. This new edition combines the beloved children's books Talking Walls and Talking Walls: The Stories Continue. Together, those titles sold more than 170,000 copies. This new edition, thoroughly revised by the author, makes the text more accessible to young readers and English Language Learners and produces a book that is ideal for reading aloud. The back matter includes a world map that helps readers locate the many walls described, as well as additional information about the walls, the places, and the people. The Talking Walls books have been much honored, including: Top 25 Non-Fiction Children's Books Boston Globe Children's Books of Distinction Hungry Minds Review Noteworthy Book from Parallel Cultures: Horn Book Paperback Plum Booklinks Notable Children's Trade Book in the Social Studies: Children's Book Council/National Council on the Social Studies Winner of a Mom's Choice Gold Award -- Picture Books category Pick of the Lists, American Bookseller Best Multicultural Book, Publisher's Weekly "Cuffie Award" Fountas & Pinnell Level T
Africa World Press Mapping Intersections: African Literature and Africa's Development Vol. 2
Princeton University Press Complexities: Women in Mathematics
Sophie Germain taught herself mathematics by candlelight, huddled in her bedclothes. Ada Byron Lovelace anticipated aspects of general-purpose digital computing by more than a century. Cora Ratto de Sadosky advanced messages of tolerance and equality while sharing her mathematical talents with generations of students. This captivating book gives voice to women mathematicians from the late eighteenth century through to the present day. It documents the complex nature of the conditions women around the world have faced--and continue to face--while pursuing their careers in mathematics. The stories of the three women above and those of many more appear here, each one enlightening and inspiring. The earlier parts of the book provide historical context and perspective, beginning with excursions into the lives of fifteen women born before 1920. Included are histories of collective efforts to improve women's opportunities in research mathematics. In addition, a photo essay puts a human face on the subject as it illustrates women's contributions in professional associations. More than eighty women from academe, government, and the private sector provide a rich melange of insights and strategies for creating workable career paths while maintaining rewarding personal lives. The book discusses related social and cultural issues, and includes a summary of recent comparative data relating to women and men in mathematics and women from other sciences. First-person accounts provide explicit how-tos; many narratives demonstrate great determination and perseverance. Talented women vividly portray their pleasure in discovering new mathematics. The senior among them speak out candidly, interweaving their mathematics with autobiographical detail. At the beginning of a new century, women at all stages of their careers share their outlooks and experiences. Clear, engaging, and meticulously researched, Complexities will inspire young women who are contemplating careers in mathematics and will speak to women in many fields of endeavor and walks of life.
University of Notre Dame Press Suspicious Moderate: The Life and Writings of Francis à Sancta Clara (1598–1680)
The historiography of English Catholicism has grown enormously in the last generation, led by scholars such as Peter Lake, Michael Questier, Stefania Tutino, and others. In Suspicious Moderate, Anne Ashley Davenport makes a significant contribution to that literature by presenting a long overdue intellectual biography of the influential English Catholic theologian Francis à Sancta Clara (1598–1680). Born into a Protestant family in Coventry at the end of the sixteenth century, Sancta Clara joined the Franciscan order in 1617. He played key roles in reviving the English Franciscan province and in the efforts that were sponsored by Charles I to reunite the Church of England with Rome. In his voluminous Latin writings, he defended moderate Anglican doctrines, championed the separation of church and state, and called for state protection of freedom of conscience. Suspicious Moderate offers the first detailed analysis of Sancta Clara's works. In addition to his notorious Deus, natura, gratia (1634), Sancta Clara wrote a comprehensive defense of episcopacy (1640), a monumental treatise on ecumenical councils (1649), and a treatise on natural philosophy and miracles (1662). By carefully examining the context of Sancta Clara's ideas, Davenport argues that he aimed at educating English Roman Catholics into a depoliticized and capacious Catholicism suited to personal moral reasoning in a pluralistic world. In the course of her research, Davenport also discovered that "Philip Scot," the author of the earliest English discussions of Hobbes (a treatise published in 1650), was none other than Sancta Clara. Davenport demonstrates how Sancta Clara joined the effort to fight Hobbes's Erastianism by carefully reflecting on Hobbes's pioneering ideas and by attempting to find common ground with him, no matter how slight.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Laughter is the Best Weapon: The Remarkable Adventures of an Unconventional Soldier
“An army may march on its stomach but it leans on its funny bone.” So says Brigadier Charles Ritchie, and he should know. Postings to the Yemen, Northern Ireland, Bosnia and other far-away trouble spots gave him many opportunities to demonstrate that the ability to laugh – and make others laugh – is an invaluable skill in an officer’s kitbag. In Laughter is the Best Weapon – the Remarkable Adventures of an Unconventional Soldier, Charles abandons the popular trend for military heroism and angst-ridden confessions. Instead he leads the reader on a forthright yet light-hearted and self-deprecating journey through his 38 years’ service as a Royal Scot. In the process we witness his sometimes significant, but often comedic, participation in a wide range of recent British military operations. If you prefer your military history more entertainingly honest than earnestly intellectual and your soldiers hilariously slapstick rather than heroically stoic, then this is the book for you. Liberally sprinkled with career-limiting cock-ups, bizarre near-death experiences and the clatter not of gunfire but shameless name-dropping, these delightfully varied anecdotes deliver a hugely entertaining glimpse into the extraordinary life of one of the British Army’s most spirited and loveable characters.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europa Jenseits Des Konvergenzparadigmas: Divergenz - Dynamik - Diskurs
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Informationen Der Offentlichen Hand - Zugang Und Nutzung
Karl-Alber-Verlag Leben in Lebendigen Fragen: Zwischen Kontinuitat Und Pluralitat
Brepols N.V. Women at the Burgundian Court: Presence and Influence = Femmes Aa La Cour De Bourgogne : Praesence Et Influence
Classiques Garnier Rituels de la Vie Publique Et Privee
Classiques Garnier Que Me Servent Mes Vers ?: La Musique Chez Ronsard, Avec Un Supplement Vocal de 22 Chansons
Les Belles Lettres Erasme, l'Education Du Prince Chretien
No Place Press Hello Leonora, Soy Anne Walsh
Alice James Books Lit from Inside: 40 Years of Poetry from Alice James Books
Skyhorse Publishing 12 Lessons in Business Leadership: Insights From the Championship Career of Tom Brady
Expert analysis of the leadership style of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady!The merits of business leaders are under scrutiny more and more these days, whether it's Travis Kalanick, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or many others. But there's one place where true leadership is always revealed: on the field. And no matter what you think of the New England Patriots of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, you can't argue with the success of Tom Brady, the winningest quarterback of all time. Both revered and hated by football fans, Brady is loved and respected by those who work with him, and his leadership abilities cannot be denied by even his harshest critics. The skills he uses to make his team successful year after year on the field can be executed in the workplace, whether you're a team member, team leader, or CEO.In 12 Lessons in Business Leadership: Insights From the Championship Career of Tom Brady, authors Kevin Daum and Anne Mary Ciminelli team up to analyse the strong leadership abilities of the six-time Super Bowl Champion, and translate them into accessible, practical lessons for any stage of your career.In this easy-to-read, entertaining book, the authors help you acquire and practice all the skills you need to have a championship season every year of your career. Practical and instructive, this book makes the perfect gift for anyone looking to rise in their particular vocation or looking to emulate one of the most respected leaders of today!Each chapter focuses on one of twelve leadership lessons gleaned from Brady's career and why it matters in your life and career. In the Executing the Play section of each chapter, the authors outline best practices on how leaders can apply that lesson in their workplace, as well as share exercises leaders can complete to develop and strengthen the skill and implement the lesson.
Aspen Publishers The Legal Writing Handbook: Analysis, Research, and Writing
Capstone Press What Eats What in a Rain Forest Food Chain (Food Chains)
OM Book Service Loose-Leaf for Business and Society
New Directions Publishing Corporation A Brief History of Portable Literature
An author (a version of Vila-Matas himself) presents a short “history” of a secret society, the Shandies, who are obsessed with the concept of “portable literature.” The society is entirely imagined, but in this rollicking, intellectually playful book, its members include writers and artists like Marcel Duchamp, Aleister Crowley, Witold Gombrowicz, Federico García Lorca, Man Ray, and Georgia O’Keefe. The Shandies meet secretly in apartments, hotels, and cafes all over Europe to discuss what great literature really is: brief, not too serious, penetrating the depths of the mysterious. We witness the Shandies having adventures in stationary submarines, underground caverns, African backwaters, and the cultural capitals of Europe.
Templar Books Children's Stories from the Bible
WW Norton & Co Edmund Spenser's Poetry: A Norton Critical Edition
This revised and enlarged Fourth Edition expands and improves on the strengths of the previous three editions. All selections are based on early and established texts, fully glossed, and carefully annotated. An Editor's Note follows each section. This new edition addresses the shifts in scholarly and critical interests in Spenser studies since 1993 as well as access provided by new technology. Notes reflect the information that Spenser’s best readers would have at their fingertips without spoiling the pleasure of reading Spenser for the first time. Mother Hubberds Tale from the 1591 Complaints is newly included. The Ruines of Rome, Spenser’s translation of Joachim Du Bellay’s Antiquitez, is also added to give readers the chance to see Spenser at work as a translator and to give the English perspective on Rome. Sixteen critical essays have been added to supplement fourteen earlier commentaries. Among the perspectives new to the Fourth Edition are those of C. S Lewis, Martha Craig, Gordon Teskey, Jeff Dolven, David Wilson-Okamura, and Jennifer Summit. In keeping with the last edition, critical pieces on the House of Busyrane, Spenser's pastoral, Muiopotmos, and Amoretti are grouped together to facilitate classroom discussion. New selections from Jane Grogan, Andrew D. Hadfield, Colin Burrow, Lynn Staley, Lauren Silberman, and A. E. B. Coldiron join the readings on House of Busyrane, and “Amoretti” grows with selections by A. Leigh DeNeef and Helena Mennie Shire. A Chronology of Spenser's life and an extensive Bibliography are also included.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition
Random House USA Inc The Diary of a Young Girl: Introduction by Francine Prose
Skira Hanne Tyrmi: The Lost Thing
The Lost Thing uses the house as a metaphor in which the various rooms are images of mental states, memories and displacements. The catalogue accompanying the exhibition is structured as a labyrinthine wandering from room to room showing an experimental exploration of installation art’s ability to articulate existential issues through a poetic architectural adaptation. Hanne Tyrmi (1954) is a Norwegian artist who has been active in the art scene since the 1980s. As an artist, she is totally unafraid of using a variety of visual languages to make her point: she is a sort of “polyglot” with a reputation for creating sculptures, installations, videos and photographic works that invade our emotions like a benign virus. Her work is infectious and any contact with it sets in motion a metamorphosis that brings about a healthy resistance to the emotional malaise of our time. A strong sense of adventure can be felt in her works, something she learnt from her travels around the world, without fear and with an open mind. She lived and worked in Brazil, South Africa and India for years; more recently she moved her studio from Oslo to Xiamen in order to work in Chinese workshops. Hanne has ventured into the world of art fearless of its conventional canons and she is willing to address issues and subjects many artists would shy away from. Her curiosity is focused on how one’s mind and body behave when confronted by certain images and environments, i.e. on the emotional reactions of the viewers.
Steidl Publishers Jim Dine: Grace and Beauty
Kehrer Verlag Zisls
Kerber Verlag René Wirths: ZEUG
The book ZEUG is a hybrid between an artist book and a catalogue raisonné and provides a complete overview of the works created since 2006 by the Berlin-based painter René Wirths. The works are also sorted into groups based on in part formal, in part content-related, and often surprising criteria. Wirths is a painter of things whose pictures, despite their hyper realistic attention to detail, nevertheless dissolve again into colour and abstraction. The motifs depicted are thus robbed of their “authenticity” (to quote Heidegger) and become a phenomenological examination of the things that surround us. The book pursues these examinations and supplements the astounding oeuvre by positing new aspects. Text in English, German and French.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Professional and Therapeutic Boundaries in Forensic Mental Health Practice
People who use forensic mental health services are defined by the fact that they have violated boundaries, often in many ways. For clinicians employed to work therapeutically with this client group however, the capacity to initiate and maintain boundaries is critical to safety as well as to good treatment outcomes. This book provides a thorough introduction to the subject of professional and therapeutic boundaries and their particular complexities within forensic mental health settings. The contributors, all experts in their respective fields, address the challenges of establishing working boundaries within forensic mental health services from multiple perspectives. They explore the ways in which boundaries can be initiated and maintained in different areas of forensic mental health work, including in psychotherapy, mental health nursing, arts therapies, forensic psychiatry and family therapy, and when working with different client groups, including children and adolescents, offenders with severe personality disorders in high security settings and sex offenders. Consideration is also given to boundaries and homicide, maternal boundary violations and boundaries in a forensic learning disability service.This authoritative, interdisciplinary resource will support all forensic mental health practitioners in this crucial aspect of their work.
James Currey The Political Economy of Everyday Life in Africa: Beyond the Margins
Multi-disciplinary examination of the role of ordinary African people as agents in the generation and distribution of well-being in modern Africa. What are the fundamental issues, processes, agency and dynamics that shape the political economy of life in modern Africa? In this book, the contributors - experts in anthropology, history, political science, economics, conflict and peace studies, philosophy and language - examine the opportunities and constraints placed on living, livelihoods and sustainable life on the continent. Reflecting on why and how the political economy of life approach is essential for understanding the social process in modern Africa, they engage with the intellectual oeuvre of the influential Africanist economic anthropologist Jane Guyer, who provides an Afterword. The contributors analyse the politicaleconomy of everyday life as it relates to money and currency; migrant labour forces and informal and formal economies; dispossession of land; debt and indebtedness; socio-economic marginality; and the entrenchment of colonial andapartheid pasts. Wale Adebanwi is the Rhodes Professor of Race Relations at the University of Oxford. He is author of Nation as Grand Narrative: The Nigerian Press and the Politics of Meaning (University of Rochester Press).
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Therapeutic Relationships with Offenders: An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Forensic Mental Health Nursing
Working in any area of mental health nursing presents complex issues regarding the nurse-patient relationship. For those working in prolonged clinical contact with offenders, relationships with patients and colleagues can be particularly emotionally intense and sometimes difficult to express. This book attempts to understand and articulate the emotional labour of forensic nursing and explores the challenge of establishing and maintaining therapeutic relationships with offenders. The first book to consider the emotional and relational component of forensic mental health nursing, the chapters cover a number of specialist forensic areas from this psychodynamic perspective, such as women's services, services for people with personality disorders, intensive care, high security psychiatric hospitals, medium secure units and services for adolescent offenders. A chapter on therapeutic communities is also included, along with chapters on challenging relational phenomena such as working with hate and the difficulties of managing difference when working in environments that produce high levels of anxiety. Therapeutic Relationships with Offenders provides essential information for mental health nurses working in the forensic field and will be of interest to any professionals working with challenging populations and people with personality disorders.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd The Magical Unicorn Society: Baby Unicorns
The Magical Unicorn Society is opening its doors once again to reveal eight brand-new stories about the world’s most magical and elusive creatures. This time, the stories reveal the little-known facts about young unicorns, which are notoriously secretive and difficult to study.This beautifully illustrated compendium brings together tales of rare encounters with young unicorns, called younglings, from each of the eight unicorn families. Each story tells the tale of a special relationship formed between a youngling and a baby animal, as witnessed by a young person who is then bonded with the unicorn for life. Find out how a Mountain Jewel unicorn creates a lifelong bond with a wild panda cub and a young man, and follow the Water Moons as they help a young girl and a baby dolphin save their island from a sea monster.Discover the differences between younglings and adult unicorns, from magical powers that are just developing to the colours of their coats and tails. Follow the flow chart to find out which baby unicorn would be your best friend and discover what happens when a unicorn is born and what their favourite foods are.The book also features an introduction by Valentina Luz, the head of the Baby Unicorn division at the Magical Unicorn Society.Also available in the series:The Magical Unicorn Society 9781782439639The Magical Unicorn Society Official Colouring Book 9781789290561The Magical Unicorn Society: The Golden Unicorn – Secrets and Legends 9781789291551The Magical Unicorn Society: Unicorns, Myths and Monsters 9781789293494
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Human Trafficking: An Organised Crime?
'Human trafficking' brings to mind gangsters forcing people, often women and girls, to engage in dangerous activities against their will, under threat of violence. However, human trafficking is not limited to the sex trade, and this picture is inadequate. It occurs in many different industries---domestic service, construction, factory labour, on farms and fishing boats---and targets people from all over the globe. Human trafficking is much more complicated and nuanced picture than its common representations. Victims move through multiple categories along their journey and at their destination, shifting from smuggled migrant to trafficking victim and back again several times. The emergence of a criminal pyramid scheme also makes many victims complicit in their own exploitation. Finally, the threat posed by the involvement of organised crime is little understood. The profit motives and violence that come with such crime make human trafficking more dangerous for its victims and difficult to detect or address. Drawing on field research in source, transit and destination countries, the authors analyse trafficking from four countries: Albania, Eritrea, Nigeria and Vietnam. What emerges is a business model that evolves in response to changes in legislation, governance and law enforcement capacities.
Getty Trust Publications Rubens - Picturing Antiquity
The first study devoted to classical art's vital creative impact on the work of the Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens. For the great Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), the classical past afforded lifelong creative stimulus and the camaraderie of humanist friends. A formidable scholar, Rubens ingeniously transmitted the physical ideals of ancient sculptors, visualized the spectacle of imperial occasions, rendered the intricacies of mythological tales, and delineated the character of gods and heroes in his drawings, paintings, and designs for tapestries. His passion for antiquity profoundly informed every aspect of his art and life. Including more than 150 color illustrations, this volume addresses the creative impact of Rubens's remarkable knowledge of the art and literature of antiquity through the consideration of key themes. The book's lively interpretive essays explore the formal and thematic relationships between ancient sources and Baroque expressions: the significance of neo-Stoic philosophy, the compositional and iconographic inspiration provided by exquisite carved gems, Rubens's study of Roman marble sculpture, and his inventive translation of ancient sources into new subjects made vivid by his dynamic painting style. This volume is published to accompany an exhibition on view at the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa October 21, 2020, to January 11, 2021.
Getty Trust Publications Bouchardon - Royal Artist of the Enlightenment
One of the most imaginative and fascinating artists of eighteenth-century France, Edme Bouchardon (1698-1762) was instrumental in the transition from Rococo to Neoclassicism and in the artistic rediscovery of classical antiquity. Much celebrated in his time, Bouchardon created some of the most iconic images of the age of Louis XV. His oeuvre demonstrates a remarkable variety of themes (from copies after the antique to subjects of history and mythology, portraiture, anatomical studies, ornament, fountains and tombs), media (drawings, sculptures, medals, prints), and techniques (chalk, plaster, wax, terracotta, marble, bronze). This lavishly illustrated publication represents an unprecedented and thorough survey on this major and unique artist from the Age of Enlightenment, offering in-depth scholarship based on unpublished material detailing the subtle relationship between, as well as the relative autonomy of, the artist's two careers as a sculptor and a draftsman.
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House and Beyond
Offers a sustained, critical examination of Wilder's writings, including her Little House series, her posthumously published The First Four Years, her letters, journalism, and autobiography. The collection also draws on biographies of Wilder, letters to and from Wilder and her daughter, and other biographical materials.
Edinburgh University Press Artmachines: Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon
Artmachines presents, constructs and transforms the thought of Deleuze and Guattari, excavating a new philosophy of individuation and creative production from their work. The essays range over literature, art, cinema, philosophy, psychoanalysis and politics to converge around the concepts of individuation, ecology, territory, the machine, transversality and the refrain.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Natural Products: Discourse, Diversity, and Design
Natural Products: Discourse, Diversity and Design provides an informative and accessible overview of discoveries in the area of natural products in the genomic era, bringing together advances across the kingdoms. As genomics data makes it increasingly clear that the genomes of microbes and plants contain far more genes for natural product synthesis than had been predicted from the numbers of previously identified metabolites, the potential of these organisms to synthesize diverse natural products is likely to be far greater than previously envisaged. Natural Products addresses not only the philosophical questions of the natural role of these metabolites, but also the evolution of single and multiple pathways, and how these pathways and products may be harnessed to aid discovery of new bioactives and modes of action. Edited by recognized leaders in the fields of plant and microbial biology, bioorganic chemistry and natural products chemistry, and with contributions from researchers at top labs around the world, Natural Products is unprecedented in its combination of disciplines and the breadth of its coverage. Natural Produces: Discourse, Diversity and Design will appeal to advanced students and experienced researchers, from academia to industry, in diverse areas including ecology, industrial biotechnology, drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, agronomy, crop improvement, and natural product chemistry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Textbook of in vivo Imaging in Vertebrates
This book describes the new imaging techniques being developed to monitor physiological, cellular and subcellular function within living animals. This exciting field of imaging science brings together physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine to yield powerful and versatile imaging approaches. By combining advanced non-invasive imaging technologies with new mechanisms for visualizing biochemical events and protein and gene function, non-invasive vertebrate imaging enables the in vivo study of biology and offers rapid routes from basic discovery to drug development and clinical application. Combined with the availability of an increasing number of animal models of human disease, and the ability to perform longitudinal studies of disease evolution and of the long-term effects of therapeutic procedures, this new technology offers the next generation of tools for biomedical research. Well illustrated, largely in colour, the book reviews the most common and technologically advanced methods for vertebrate imaging, presented in a clear, comprehensive format. The basic principles are described, followed by several examples of the use of imaging in the study of living multicellular organisms, concentrating on small animal models of human diseases. The book illustrates: The types of information that can be obtained with modern in vivo imaging; The substitution of imaging methods for more destructive histological techniques; The advantages conferred by in vivo imaging in building a more accurate picture of the response of tissues to stimuli over time while significantly reducing the number of animals required for such studies. Part 1 describes current techniques in in vivo imaging, providing specialists and laboratory scientists from all disciplines with clear and helpful information regarding the tools available for their specific research field. Part 2 looks in more detail at imaging organ development and function, covering the brain, heart, lung and others. Part 3 describes the use of imaging to monitor various new types of therapy, following the reaction in an individual organism over time, e.g. after gene or cell therapy. Most chapters are written by teams of physicists and biologists, giving a balanced coherent description of each technique and its potential applications.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition
Yale University Press Always Reaching: The Selected Writings of Anne Truitt
An expansive collection of texts providing insight into the inner life, creativity, and practice of the innovative American artist Anne Truitt Spanning more than fifty years, this comprehensive volume collects the letters, journal entries, interviews, lectures, reviews, and remembrances of the groundbreaking twentieth-century artist Anne Truitt (1921–2004). Alexandra Truitt, the artist’s daughter and a leading expert on her work, has carefully selected these writings, most of which are previously unpublished, from the artist’s papers at Bryn Mawr College as well as private holdings. Revelations about the artist’s life abound. Among Truitt’s earliest writings are excerpts from journals written more than a decade before her first artistic breakthrough, in which she establishes themes that would occupy her for decades. In later texts she shares uncommon insights into the practices of other artists and writers, both predecessors and peers. Like Truitt’s published journals, these writings offer a compelling narrative of her development as an artist and efforts to find her voice as a writer. They show that Truitt’s creative impulse to translate the inner workings of her mind into a symbolic language, so important to understanding her sculpture, predates her art.
Yale University Press This Is a Portrait If I Say So: Identity in American Art, 1912 to Today
The first in-depth exploration of the rise and evolution of abstract, symbolic, and conceptual portraiture in American art This groundbreaking book traces the history of portraiture as a site of radical artistic experimentation, as it shifted from a genre based on mimesis to one stressing instead conceptual and symbolic associations between artist and subject. Featuring over 100 color illustrations of works by artists from Charles Demuth, Marcel Duchamp, Marsden Hartley, and Georgia O’Keeffe to Janine Antoni, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Roni Horn, Jasper Johns, and Glenn Ligon, this timely publication probes the ways we think about and picture the self and others. With particular focus on three periods during which non-mimetic portraiture flourished—1912–25, 1961–70, and 1990–the present—the authors investigate issues related to technology, sexuality, artist networks, identity politics, and social media, and explore the emergence of new models for the visual representation of identity. Taking its title from a 1961 work by Robert Rauschenberg—a telegram that stated, “This is a portrait of Iris Clert if I say so”—this book unites paintings, sculpture, photography, and text portraits that challenge the genre in significant, often playful ways and question the convention, as well as the limits, of traditional portrayal.Published in association with the Bowdoin College Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:Bowdoin College Museum of Art (06/25/16–10/23/16)
Indiana University Press Music in Arabia: Perspectives on Heritage, Mobility, and Nation
Music in Arabia extends and challenges existing narratives of the region's distinctive but understudied music to reveal diverse and dynamic music cultures rooted in centuries-old heritage.Contributors to Music in Arabia bring a critical eye and ear to the contemporary soundscape, musical life, and expressive culture in the Gulf region. Including work by leading scholars and local authorities, this collection presents fresh perspectives and new research addressing why musical expression is fundamental to the area's diverse, transnational communities. The volume also examines music circulation as a commodity, such as with the production of early recordings, the transnational music industry, the context of the Arab Spring, and the region's popular music markets. As a bonus, readers can access a linked website containing audiovisual examples of the music, dance, and expressive culture introduced throughout the book. With the work of resident scholars and heritage practitioners in conversation with that of researchers from the United States and Europe, Music in Arabia offers both context and content to clarify how music articulates identity and nation among multiethnic, multiracial, and multinational populations.
Columbia University Press Animals and the Human Imagination: A Companion to Animal Studies
Human beings have long imagined their subjectivity, ethics, and ancestry with and through animals, yet not until the mid-twentieth century did contemporary thought reflect critically on animals' significance in human self-conception. Thinkers such as French philosopher Jacques Derrida, South African novelist J. M. Coetzee, and American theorist Donna Haraway have initiated rigorous inquiries into the question of the animal, now blossoming in a number of directions. It is no longer strange to say that if animals did not exist, we would have to invent them. This interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collection reflects the growth of animal studies as an independent field and the rise of "animality" as a critical lens through which to analyze society and culture, on a par with race and gender. Essays consider the role of animals in the human imagination and the imagination of the human; the worldviews of indigenous peoples; animal-human mythology in early modern China; and political uses of the animal in postcolonial India. They engage with the theoretical underpinnings of the animal protection movement, representations of animals in children's literature, depictions of animals in contemporary art, and the philosophical positioning of the animal from Aristotle to Derrida. The strength of this companion lies in its timeliness and contextual diversity, which makes it essential reading for students and researchers while further developing the parameters of the discipline.
Wolters Kluwer Health Grant's Atlas of Anatomy
For more than 75 years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated 16th edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly. Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set this book-only version of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representations bring structures to life and provide students with the ultimate lab resource. Renowned, high-resolution, dynamically colored illustrations organized in dissection sequence enable the formation of 3D constructs for each body region and provide detailed, realistic reference during dissection. Tables detail muscles, vessels, and other anatomic information in an easy-to-use format ideal for review and study. Enhanced medical imaging includes more than 100 clinically significant MRIs, CT images, ultrasound scans, and corresponding orientation drawings to help students confidently apply the laboratory experience to clinical rotations. Color schematic illustrations reinforce the relationships of structures and anatomical concepts in vibrant detail.