Search results for ""Edinburgh University Press""
Edinburgh University Press The Mountain Flora of Greece: v. 2
This second volume completes a project, begun by Cambridge University Press, to produce an up-to-date detailed Greek flora. A team of 25 botanists from several European countries catalogue the flora and endemic species found in the Greek mountain region. Each entry gives name and bibliography reference, synonomy, a description of the species, notes on nomenclature and typification, ecology and flowering time, distribution, chromosome number and special features.
Edinburgh University Press Virginia Woolf and Classical Music: Politics, Aesthetics, Form
This study is a groundbreaking investigation into the formative influence of music on Virginia Woolf's writing. In this unique study Emma Sutton discusses all of Woolf's novels as well as selected essays and short fiction, offering detailed commentaries on Woolf's numerous allusions to classical repertoire and to composers including Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner. Sutton explores Woolf's interest in the contested relationship between politics and music, placing her work in a matrix of ideas about music and national identity, class, anti Semitism, pacifism, sexuality and gender. The study also considers the formal influence of music - from fugue to Romantic opera - on Woolf's prose and narrative techniques. The analysis of music's role in Woolf's aesthetics and fiction is contextualized in accounts of her musical education, activities as a listener, and friendships with musicians; and the study outlines the relationship between her 'musicalized' work and that of contemporaries including Joyce, Lawrence, Forster, Mansfield and Eliot. It analysis of music, national identity and war in The Voyage Out, Jacobs Room and Mrs Dalloway. It offers a close reading of Wagner's influence on the plot and narrative techniques of The Voyage Out. It analysis of music and philo and anti Semitism in The Years. It offers innovative reading of the 'fugal' structure of Mrs Dalloway.
Edinburgh University Press Reanimating Shakespeares Othello in PostRacial America
Edinburgh University Press Xenophon's Anabasis: A Socratic History
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic
Substantially reworks accounts of gothic and globalisation, to examine located gothic engagements with global histories and phenomena Provides a comprehensive theorisation of globalgothic in the age of planetary crisis Includes analyses of gothic fiction from six continents Offers a range of new globalgothic approaches, modalities and regional permutations The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic is the most substantial exploration to date of gothic fiction in the international context. Examining texts from across six continents, the volume considers how gothic imagines, colludes with or interrogates relationships and phenomena that are planetary in scale. Accordingly, chapters address gothic engagements with among others resource imperialism, (ongoing) colonial history, diasporic identity, buckling economic unions, the rise of the internet, enthnonationalism, and entangled systems of gendered, racialised and ecocidal power. In this way, the collection moves decisively beyond the framework of globalisation to identify a range of new globalgothic approaches and modes, overall demonstrating that gothic is a key though sometimes complicit register for negotiating the challenges and histories of our uneven global present.
Edinburgh University Press Virginia Woolf and NineteenthCentury Women Writers
Edinburgh University Press Marginalised Populations in the Ancient Greek World: The Bioarchaeology of the Other
Edinburgh University Press Comic Gothic
Extends the body of scholarship on Comic Gothic to cover contemporary texts, new media and texts from other cultures
Edinburgh University Press Reading Portrait Photographs in Proust Kafka and Woolf
Considers the emotional and relational implications of portrait photographs for three modernist writers
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Writing After Devolution: Edges of the New
Edinburgh University Press The Problem of Secret Intelligence
What is intelligence why is it so hard to define, and why is there no systematic theory of intelligence? Kjetil Anders Hatlebrekke creates a new, systematic model of intelligence analysis, arguing that good intelligence is based on understanding the threats that appear beyond our experience, and are therefore the most dangerous to society.
Edinburgh University Press Exotic Cinema: Encounters with Cultural Difference in Contemporary Transnational Film
A critical reassessment of the aesthetic strategies and cultural value of exoticism in contemporary transnational cinemas Offers an original, critical reappraisal of decentred exoticism in contemporary transnational and world cinema Includes eighteen case studies that are embedded in rich contextual detail and discussions of thematically similar films Brings exoticism into dialogue with cognate frameworks that conceptualise cross-cultural encounters, including primitivism, Orientalism, cultural translation, cultural appropriation, cosmopolitanism and autoethnography, thereby shifting the terms of the debate into a direction that opens new lines of inquiry Analyses examples of global art, Indigenous and popular mainstream cinema from East Asia, India, South America, Canada, Australia, Europe and the US Comes with a companion website: Exotic Cinema is the first systematic analysis of decentred exoticism in contemporary transnational and world cinema. By critically examining regimes of visuality such as the imperial, the ethnographic and the exotic gaze, which have colonised our minds and ways of looking, Daniela Berghahn makes an important contribution to the urgent agenda of decolonising film studies. Berghahn demonstrates that decentred exoticism's aesthetic versatility and alluring alterity are uniquely relevant for understanding the transnational appeal of world cinema. She addresses prevalent controversies surrounding exoticism and illustrates that, in contemporary world cinema, it is utilised to draw attention to new ethical and socio-political goals. Global in scope and transnational in perspective, Exotic Cinema invites students and researchers to reassess this prominent mode of cultural representation.
Edinburgh University Press An Introduction to Political Thought: A Conceptual Toolkit
New for this edition * New chapter on international political thought This textbook gives you all the vocabulary you need -- political, conceptual and historical -- to engage confidently and deeply with political thought and the moral and political worlds in which we live. It traces the history of political thought from Plato and Aristotle to Benhabib and Rorty, following a unique dual structure that introduces key thinkers and core concepts. Topics covered include: Universal moral order o liberty o political freedom o the state o socialism o utilitarianism o distributive justice o group politics o multiculturalism o international political theory o conservatism o feminism o postmodernism o global justice Thinkers covered include: Plato o Aristotle o Hobbes o Locke o Rousseau o Marx o Bentham o Rawls o Nozick o Walzer o Kymlicka o Parekh o Pogge o Hume o Burke o Oakeshott o Benhabib o Phillips o Modood o Rorty
Edinburgh University Press Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology
This is the first sustained exploration of Simondon's work to be published in English. The work of French philosopher Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989) has recently come to prominence in America and around the English-speaking world, having been of great importance in France for many years. Now available in paperback, this is the first collection of essays on this important thinker. They outline the central tenets of Simondon's thought, his influence on philosophy, philosophy of science, media studies, social theory and political philosophy, and his relationship to other thinkers such as Heidegger, Deleuze and Canguilhem. It includes a contextualising introduction and a glossary of technical terms.
Edinburgh University Press Intelligence Power in Practice
Michael Herman (1929 2021) was the world's leading intelligence practitioner academic. Among his senior roles during a thirty-five year career in Her Majesty's Civil Service, he was Secretary of the Joint Intelligence Committee from 1972 75, and Head of several GCHQ Divisions in the 1970s 80s. After his professional retirement, he was a Gwilym Gibbon Research Fellow at Nuffield College Oxford and founding director of the Oxford Intelligence Group.This volume draws on Herman's professional experience and personal recollections to examine the past and present British intelligence. In twenty-one chapters he offers an insider's perspective on the Cold War intelligence contest against the Soviet Union and its continuing legacy today. This includes proposals for intelligence ethics and reform in the twenty-first century, and the declassified copy of his evidence to the 2004 Butler Review. Herman also discusses the role of personalities in the British intelligence community, producing sketches of Cold War contemporaries on the JIC and several Directors of GCHQ. The combination of operational experience and academic reflection makes this volume a unique contribution to intelligence scholarship.
Edinburgh University Press Criminal Evidence and Procedure: an Introduction
A practical guide to the conduct of criminal cases. Whether a student of Scots Law coming to criminal evidence and procedure as part of your LLB law degree or as part of your Diploma in Professional Legal Practice, or a practitioner needing a quick reference guide, this textbook covers all of the essentials. Sheriff Alastair Brown draws on his extensive experience in practice to present a clear and up-to date overview of the subject, taking into account updates relating to the law of arrest, the treatment of vulnerable witnesses, the sentencing powers for non-harassment orders and the First Diet procedure.
Edinburgh University Press The Lawful Forest: A Critical History of Property, Protest and Spatial Justice
This book is a study of the critical history of space, and the ways in which a dominant property ideology has entrenched an exclusionary and profoundly alienating version of spatial ordering. It focuses on select periods in time, when the seemingly linear trajectory of enclosure momentarily wavers and alternate spatial paths briefly materialize, before 'disappearing' from plain sight. Using the forest as a thematic device, Clark and Page explore the tensions that pervade our propertied relationships; between commodity and community, abstraction and context, and private enclosure and the public square.The book draws on a range of case studies including the 13th century Forest Charter, Thomas More's Utopia, the Diggers' radical agrarianism, the Paris Commune's battle for the right to the city, and Australian forest protestors of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Through analysis of these movements and their contexts, the authors illustrate the origin, history and legal status of the lawful forest and its modern-day companions. Although the dominant spatial paradigm is one where private rights prevail, this book shows that communal relationships with land have always been part of our law and culture.
Edinburgh University Press Theatre Through the Camera Eye: The Poetics of an Intermedial Encounter
Laura Sava critically engages with the filmic representation of theatre, focusing on a selection of art house and independent films which provide a sophisticated commentary on the interaction between the two media.
Edinburgh University Press Hans Kelsen's Political Realism
Challenges conventional views of Hans Kelsen and foreign-policy realism in International Relations theory Focuses on Kelsen as a political thinker and actor Introduces Kelsen as a political realist Shows how Kelsen thought of human nature the state, and war Challenges today's Schmittians and conventional views of foreign-policy realism Highlights the possibility for progress and peace in a rough world A lively account of Kelsen's life and political thinking This book is the first work to show this iconic legal philosopher's significance as a progressive political realist. In a lively account of Kelsen's life and political thinking, Robert Schuett introduces him as a political realist and brings his thought on human nature, the state and war into productive tension with today's Schmittians and conventional views of foreign policy realism. At a precarious moment in world history, where Western liberal principles are challenged by visions of illiberal democracy at home and abroad, this new reading of the Pure theory of law, state and international legal order is a timely defense of the ideals of an open society through a realistic style of politics.
Edinburgh University Press George A. Romero's Independent Cinema: Horror, Industry, Economics
Examines George A. Romero's regional production company Laurel Entertainment and its contribution to American cinema Reframes key academic analysis on auteur filmmaking, cult horror and independent cinema from an industrial perspective Integrates business and economic theory to provide a new paradigm for understanding American film production practices Offers a unique close study of a regional American production company specialising in horror content Presents the first academic analysis of Laurel Entertainment and independent film producer Richard Rubinstein Draws upon original interviews with George A. Romero and his collaborators George A. Romero is recognised as one of the most culturally significant horror auteurs in American cinema. From his debut Night of the Living Dead onwards, he demonstrated a commitment to politically challenging low-budget genre cinema, gaining fan adoration and critical esteem. Romero's cult status may be assured, but the activities of the Pittsburgh-based production company that facilitated a substantial part of his output have largely been untold. George A. Romero's Independent Cinema is the first in-depth analysis of Romero's Laurel Entertainment, revealing the decision-making and business planning that takes place away from Hollywood, while offering an industry-determined analysis of such films as his zombie masterpiece Dawn of the Dead and the seldom-discussed Martin and Knightriders. Tracking Laurel Entertainment across four decades, this book draws upon business and economic studies to critically recast historical developments in the American independent film sector, providing a forensic-level insight into a media production company whose output redefined horror cinema.
Edinburgh University Press A History of Modern Linguistics: From the Beginnings to World War II
Takes a sociological approach to the history of linguistics Offers a concise history of modern linguistics up to World War II Examines the connections between linguistics and neighbouring fields, including philosophy, psychology and anthropology Focuses on historical figures in linguistics, and the social and political contexts that shaped their ideas and methods Provides extensive suggestions for further reading In this book, McElvenny offers a concise history of modern linguistics from its emergence in the early nineteenth century up to the end of World War II. Written as a collective biography of the field, it concentrates on the interaction between the leading figures of linguistics, their controversies, and the role of the social and political context in shaping their ideas and methods. While A History of Modern Linguistics focuses on disciplinary linguistics, the boundaries of the account are porous: developments in neighbouring fields - in particular, philosophy, psychology and anthropology - are brought into the discussion where they have contributed to linguistic research.
Edinburgh University Press Lucretius III: A History of Motion
Offers a new theory of history through an original reading of Lucretius' De Rerum NaturaFor Lucretius, history means something surprisingly different than we ordinarily think. Instead of thinking of history in terms of time, he thought of it in terms of motion. This book unpacks the implications of this unique kinetic philosophy of history. In the final volume of his trilogy on De Rerum Natura, Thomas Nail argues that in books five and six, Lucretius described a world born to die. What does it mean to live in such a world? De Rerum Natura provides a guidebook to answering this question.
Edinburgh University Press Sacred Place and Sacred Time in the Medieval Islamic Middle East: A Historical Perspective
This book offers a fresh perspective on religious culture in the medieval Middle East. It investigates how Muslims thought about and practised at sacred spaces and in sacred times through two detailed case studies: the shrines in honour of the head of al-Husayn (the martyred grandson of the Prophet); and the (arguably) holy month of Rajab. Author Daniella Talmon-Heller explores the diverse expressions of the veneration of the shrine and the month from the formative period of Islam until the late Mamluk period. She pays particular attention to changing political and sectarian affiliations and to the development of new genres of religious literature. And she juxtaposes the sanctification of space and time in individual and communal Sunni, Ithna'ashari and Isma'ili piety.
Edinburgh University Press Film and the Imagined Image
Edinburgh University Press Language Revitalisation in Gaelic Scotland: Linguistic Practice and Ideology
Edinburgh University Press Experience and Eternity in Spinoza
The first English-language translation of Pierre-Fran ois Moreau's seminal study, which fundamentally transforms our inherited understanding of Spinoza's philosophy Presents a systematic reappraisal of Spinoza's philosophical system around the enigmatic concept of experience Demonstrates how Spinoza's concept of experience is essential to an understanding of the Ethics, including such crucial concepts as necessity, infinitude and eternity Bridges the divide in contemporary scholarship between Spinoza the affect theorist and Spinoza the hyper-rationalist What could it mean to feel eternal? Through a detailed study of Spinoza's concept of 'experience', Moreau shows how Spinoza extends the power of reason to domains frequently seen as irrational, from common life to history, language to the passions. Where previously Spinoza's thought was identified exclusively with the geometrical method, Moreau demonstrates that by mobilising his unique account of 'experience', Spinoza is able to capture the singularity of individuals, their lives, languages, passions and societies. With readings of each of Spinoza's most famous works, from the Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect to the Ethics, but also unprecedented studies of minor writings such as the Hebrew Grammar, Moreau renews our understanding of Spinoza's philosophy by showing us how his geometrical and experiential methods operate simultaneously. Finally, this new vision of Spinoza's philosophy illuminates the enigmatic experience of eternity mentioned in Book V of Spinoza's Ethics.
Edinburgh University Press Concise Scots Dictionary: Second Edition: 2018
First published in 1999, this new edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect modern Scots usage, alongside coverage of older Scots. Combining accessible style, clear layout and durable hardback format, this is a user-friendly and robust dictionary that you can turn to again and again for reference and enjoyment.
Edinburgh University Press An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure (2nd Edition)
Bestselling introduction to English morphology, now revised and updatedWhat exactly are words? Are they the things that get listed in dictionaries, or are they the basic units of sentence structure? Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy explores the implications of these different approaches to words in English. He explains the various ways in which words are related to one another, and shows how the history of the English language has affected word structure.Topics include: words, sentences and dictionaries; a word and its parts (roots and affixes); a word and its forms (inflection); a word and its relatives (derivation); compound words; word structure; productivity; and the historical sources of English word formation.Requiring no prior linguistic training, this textbook is suitable for undergraduate students of English - literature or language - and provides a sound basis for further linguistic study.The second edition featuresupdated exercises throughout, with answers and discussionfully updated recommendations for further readingrefreshed examples and referencesa completely new introduction and glossary
Edinburgh University Press Slaves and Highlanders: Silenced Histories of Scotland and the Caribbean
Shortlisted for the 2021 Highland Book Prize Explores the prominent role of Highland Scots in the slavery industry of the cotton, sugar and coffee plantations of the 18th and 19th centuries Scots were involved in every stage of the slave trade: from captaining slaving ships to auctioning captured Africans in the colonies and hunting down those who escaped from bondage. This book focuses on the Scottish Highlanders who engaged in or benefitted from these crimes against humanity in the Caribbean Islands and Guyana, some reluctantly but many with enthusiasm and without remorse. Their voices are clearly heard in the archives, while in the same sources their victims' stories are silenced - reduced to numbers and listed as property. David Alston gives voice not only to these Scots but to enslaved Africans and their descendants - to those who reclaimed their freedom, to free women of colour, to the Black Caribs of St Vincent, to house servants, and to children of mixed race who found themselves in the increasingly racist society of Britain in the mid-1800s. As Scots recover and grapple with their past, this vital history lays bare the enormous wealth generated in the Highlands by slavery and emancipation compensation schemes. This legacy, entwined with so many of our contemporary institutions, must be reckoned with. *Pays special attention to the new colonies of the southern Caribbean, including Grenada and Guyana, and to Suriname in the years to 1863 *Contributes to the debate on reparation by reappraising the idea of Scots complicity in the slave trade *Includes a short foreword by Rod Westmaas and Juanita Cox-Westmaas, co-founders of Guyana Speaks, an organisation for the Guyanese diaspora in London
Edinburgh University Press IkYat Ab AlQSim
This study compares ?ikayah, a mysterious text surviving in a single manuscript, to other comical banquet texts and party-crashing characters, especially from Ancient Greece and Rome.
Edinburgh University Press Uk Oil and Gas Law: Current Practice and Emerging Trends: Volume II: Commercial and Contract Law Issues
Analyses and critiques the key regulatory and commercial dimensions of the oil and gas industryIn recent years, a great deal has changed in the oil and gas industry, from legal and regulatory change to falling oil prices. The contemporary oil and gas industry is now intensely focussed on cost-saving and the UK has radical redrawn its revenue-raising expectations.This updated third edition has been published in two volumes: this volume focuses on commercial and contract law issues, while the other deals with resource management and regulatory law. The twin volumes bring together academic and practising lawyers, mainly based in Aberdeen, Europe's Energy Capital, to consider the key regulatory and commercial dimensions of an ever-changing hydrocarbon province.New for this editionSignificantly revised to take account of new case law relevant to default provisions and contractual interpretationA significantly expanded treatment of upstream commercial issues, including new chapters on the LOGIC contracts and Drilling contractsAdditional midstream and downstream content, including new chapters by industry experts on transportation and oil sales agreementsContributorsJudith Aldersey-Williams, Partner, CMS, Nabarro and Olswang, Aberdeen.James Cowie, Trainee Solicitor, Jones Day, Aberdeen.Greg Gordon, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Aberdeen.Luke Havemann, Senior Associate, Bowmans Oil & Gas Team in Cape Town, South Africa.Tina Hunter, Professor of Law, University of Aberdeen.Alexander Kemp, Schlumberger Professor of Petroleum Economics, University of Aberdeen.Steven Latta, Assistant Head of Transnational Education, Glasgow Caledonian University.John Paterson, Professor of Law and Vice Principal for Internationalisation, University of Aberdeen.Claire Ralph, Head of Tax, Falklands Island Government; formerly Oil and Gas UK and HM Treasury.Uisdean Vass, Senior Counsel, Womble Bond Dickinson, Aberdeen.Emre Uenmez, Lecturer in Law, University of Aberdeen.Constantinos Yiallourides, Teaching Fellow, University of Aberdeen.
Edinburgh University Press Avizandum Statutes on Scots Property, Trusts & Succession Law: 2023-2024
Edinburgh University Press Avizandum Statutes on Scots Family Law: 2023-2024
Avizandum Statutes are designed specifically to provide undergraduates at Scottish universities with legislation and, where appropriate, other core materials in a readily accessible format. All materials have been selected on the basis of their relevance to university courses and appear in updated form. The lack of annotation and commentary means that the volumes are ideal for use in examinations.
Edinburgh University Press Paratextuality in Anglophone and Hispanophone Poems in the Us Press 1855 1901
Provides paratextual readings of Anglophone and Hispanophone poems about celebrities, panics, pandemics and colonisation in the nineteenth-century United States
Edinburgh University Press Delict Essentials: 5th Edition
Edinburgh University Press Thami AlGlaoui
Orit Ouaknine-Yekutieli examines the life and deeds of Thami al-Glaoui (1879 1956), the multiple ways in which his story has been told, and reconfigures the story of major events and processes in modern Moroccan history and historiography.
Edinburgh University Press Public Health and the American State
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Commercial Law Essentials
Your indispensable guide to Scots Commercial Law, fully updated with the latest statutes and case lawKey features of the new edition: Fully updated to take account of recent case law, including Court of Session and UK Supreme Court judgments Covers legislation passed since the previous edition, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015, the Insurance Act 2015 and the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 2016 Highlights how this important area of the law currently works and outlines relevant principles and rules This book covers key material for your Scots commercial law course. It provides a clear overview of core subjects including sale of goods, the law of agency, insurance, rights in security, personal insolvency, and commercial dispute resolution. With helpful student features, including Essential Facts and Essential Cases for each chapter, it is a perfect study guide when preparing for exams and a handy reference for general use.
Edinburgh University Press Women in East Asian Cinema: Gender Representations, Creative Labour and Global Histories
Examines the work of women in East Asian Cinema in front of and behind the screen Highlights understudied areas on women's contributions to film East Asian film in particular Highlights importance of re-historicising women's creative labour in film, not just as actors on screen Recentres women's film history into film history more broadly Creates opportunities for dialogue amongst established and emerging scholars working in different areas of East Asian film studies Women in East Asian Cinema brings together new and emerging work to highlight and explore the understudied contributions of women to the films and creative industries of East Asia. It is a book which foregrounds the importance of re-historicising women's creative labour in film, not just as actors on screen, but as voices who have steered the production, circulation and consumption of these films across global contexts. Over three sections, the book provides perspectives on gender representation in East and South-East Asian cinema; new explorations of women's labour contributions as directors, screenwriters, and editors; and considerations of the contemporary circulation processes through which such work reaches global audiences. By recentring women's film histories within the broader history of cinema and interrogating the geo-political boundaries of what might constitute 'East Asia' in the process, this volume makes a robust intervention into studies of East Asian cinema and women in film.
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh History of Childrens Periodicals
The most wide-ranging study of the history of children's periodicals to date
Edinburgh University Press War Power, Police Power
Why is liberalism so obsessed with waste? Is there a drone above you now? Are you living in a no-fly zone? What is the role of masculinity in the 'war on terror'? And why do so many liberals profess a love of peace while finding new ways to justify slaughter in the name of 'peace and security'? In this, the first book to deal with the concepts of war power and police power together, Mark Neocleous deals with these questions and many more by radically rethinking the relationship between war power and police power.
Edinburgh University Press Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus: A Critical Introduction and Guide
Offera a guide to Deleuze and Guattari's masterwork, A Thousand Plateaus. The sheer volume and complexity of Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus can be daunting. What is a rhizome? What is a war machine? What is a body without organs? Brent Adkins demonstrates that all the questions raised by A Thousand Plateaus are in service to Deleuze and Guattari's radical reconstruction of the methods and aims of philosophy itself. To achieve this, Adkins demonstrates that the crucial term for understanding A Thousand Plateaus is 'assemblage.' He links each plateau with a particular type of assemblage - social, political, linguistic - as he guides you through this difficult test. It explains all the major terms found in A Thousand Plateaus in clear language; each chapter corresponds to a 'plateau' for ease of reference and provides a singular interpretation of the work in terms of assemblages and connecting that interpretation with traditional and contemporary debates within philosophy.
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768: The Ottoman Empire
Provides a nuanced picture of the Greek experience in the Ottoman empire. The period of Ottoman rule in Greek history has undergone a dramatic reassessment in recent years. Long reviled as four hundred years of unrelieved slavery and barbarity ('the Turkish yoke'), a new generation of scholars, based mainly but not exclusively in Greece, is rejecting this view in favor of a more nuanced picture of the Greek experience in the Ottoman Empire. This volume considers this new scholarship, most of it in Greek, and makes it accessible for the first time to a wider audience. Molly Greene also discusses the changing views of the Ottoman Empire more generally and assesses what this changing historiography can tell us about this period in Greek history. The book begins with the conventional date of 1453, the fall of Constantinople, and includes debates over the extent to which 1453 represented a real break with the past. The volume ends with the Russo Ottoman War of 1768 - 1774, which brought to an end the relative peace and stability of the Ottoman eighteenth century and helped to usher in the nationalist movements in the region. It covers the period from the fall of Constantinople to the Russo Ottoman War; It assesses new scholarship on the period and synthesises this for the reader; the fate of the 1,000 year Byzantine heritage; the millet system and Ottoman society; the connections between the Greek population and other members of Ottoman society and the Greeks in a European context.
Edinburgh University Press Conceiving a Nation: Scotland to 900 Ad
This new edition for the New History of Scotland series, replacing Alfred Smyth's Warlords and Holy Men (1984), covers the history of Scotland in the period up to 1000 AD. A great deal has changed in the historiography of this period in the intervening three decades: an entire Pictish kingdom has moved nearly a hundred miles to the north; new archaeological finds have forced us to rethink old assumptions; and the writing of early medieval history is beginning to struggle out of the shadow of later medieval sources. Gilbert Markus brings a stimulating approach to studying this elusive period, analysing both its litter of physical evidence as well as its literary sources - what he calls'luminous debris'-as a method of shedding light on the reality of the period. In doing so, he reforms our historical perceptions of what has often been dismissed as a 'dark age'.
Edinburgh University Press Media Persian
Essential Middle Eastern Vocabularies Series Editor Elisabeth Kendall Essential Middle Eastern Vocabularies give you up-to-date expressions, jargon and new coinages to express modern concepts across broad areas of interest such as the media, the internet, law and business. Key Features: * Terms grouped in thematic sections * Easy-to-learn lists to test translation * Links to online audio files to help you check your pronunciation * Index Media Persian Dominic Parviz Brookshaw What is the Persian term for 'climate change'? How would you say 'detention centre'? Could you recognise the phrase 'The World Cup'? Or 'information technology'? This short, accessible vocabulary gives you ready-made lists of key terms in media Persian for translating both from and into Persian. It is divided into 13 key areas: General Politics and Government Elections Conflict and Security Law and Order Human Rights Economics Trade and Industry Science and Technology Energy Environment Aid and Development Culture and Sport
Edinburgh University Press Modernist Literature: An Introduction
This engaging textbook provides a critical assessment of British modernist literature produced between 1900 and 1945. Each chapter focuses on a single decade, a distinct genre and a specific theme: the 1900s - the short story - gender and sexuality; the 1910s - poetry - war, technology and propaganda; the 1920s - the novel - new modes of literary expression; the 1930s - the documentary - political engagement. A final chapter covers the 1940s and beyond looking at new literary and artistic movements and 'other' modernisms. Covering canonical texts and lesser-known works, Modernist Literature introduces students to current debates in Modernism and a range of literature in its historical and aesthetic contexts. Features: *Examines four distinct genres - the short story, poetry, novel and documentary - decade-by-decade. *Combines close readings with cultural and political analyses of British modernism. *Includes a Chronology and Further Readings with each chapter.
Edinburgh University Press The Liberty Reader
The quest for liberty has driven political movements across the globe, inspiring revolutions in America, France, China and many other countries over the centuries. Even today, Western governments justify their military interventions in the name of promoting freedom. But what is this liberty that is so fervently pursued? Does it mean a private space for individuals, the capacity for free and rational choice, or collective self-rule? What is the difference between positive and negative liberty, or the relationship between freedom and coercion? Reflecting on these questions reveals a surprisingly rich landscape of ideas, as well as further questions. The Liberty Reader, edited and introduced by the distinguished political philosopher Professor David Miller, collects some of the most important and insightful essays written in the past century by philosophers, political theorists and other thinkers who have reflected on the nature of liberty and how to achieve it.The essays have been chosen to represent a wide range of political perspectives - liberal, libertarian, socialist, feminist and republican - and a carefully structured bibliography allows the reader to pursue particular topics in greater depth. It is essential reading for students of social and political theory, political philosophy, and anyone searching for a deeper understanding of the variety of ideas and visions that lie behind perennial human strivings for liberty. Features contributions from: *Hannah Arendt * Gerald C. MacCallum Jr *Isiah Berlin * David Miller *G. A. Cohen * Philip Petit *T. H. Green * Quentin Skinner *F. H. Hayek * Hillel Steiner *Nancy J. Hirschmann * Charles Taylor Key Features: *collects12 essential essays on liberty written during the 20th century *provides a range of political perspectives: liberal, libertarian, socialist, feminist and republican *introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the historical development of ideas about liberty *structured bibliography allows students to pursue topics in greater depth *student-friendly: essays have been chosen for their accessibility to undergraduates
Edinburgh University Press Linguistics and the Language of Translation
This book is for students of translation, languages and linguistics who would like to enhance their understanding of the relationships between these areas of study. The book uses explanation, discussion and practice to make explicit the forms of knowledge of language and of translation that makes translators successful. Chapters on the development of translation studies in the west and on contemporary approaches to translation provide the disciplinary context within which the processes and products of translating are studied. The theoretical and academic context for the chapters in which application is focal is provided by the book's flexible and forward-looking approach to meaning and translation. Meaning is seen as a temporary relationship between participants in language events and translation as a creative activity that contributes to such events. From this position, interaction between language study, linguistics and translation studies is seen as mutually enriching. Five practical chapters cover sounds and rhythms, lexis, collocation and semantic prosody, texture, register, cohesion, coherence, implicature, speech and text acts, text and genre analysis, clausal thematicity and transitivity and the expression through language choices of ideological positions. Features: * Each chapter provides examples for analysis and translating practice based on a variety of text types, including poems, prose, drama, newspaper and journal articles, promotional materials and texts for tourists. * Examples are drawn mainly from Danish, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, but most practice sections can be used for analysis and translation into any language from English * The book can be used at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.