Search results for ""Author Linda"
James Clarke & Co. Ltd Law and Religion Essays on the Place of the Law in Israel and Early Christianity
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Zukunftswerk 2024
Gräfe und Unzer Edition CoCreation
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Queen is rising
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Eine kleine Geschichte Islands suhrkamp taschenbuch German Edition
Kailash Königin und Samurai
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Music Therapy with Families: Therapeutic Approaches and Theoretical Perspectives
This comprehensive book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children or dying family members through to families in psychiatric or paediatric hospital settings.International contributors explain the theoretical background and practice of their specific approach, including an overview of research and illustrative case examples. Particular emphasis is placed on connecting theory and clinical practice and on discussing the challenges and relevance of each model. This practical and theoretically anchored book will prove valuable for music therapists, students and researchers in the fast developing field of music therapy with families.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Music Therapy Assessment: Theory, Research, and Application
As the use of music therapy becomes more widespread so too does the need for detailed assessment. Standardised assessment tools, and knowledge of how to integrate assessment into clinical practice, are needed for teaching, research and clinical purposes all around the world. Based on the findings of members of the International Music Therapy Assessment Consortium (IMTAC), this comprehensive anthology collects the latest research and clinical practice methods about music therapy assessment. Looking at the available assessment tools holistically, the book covers the major assessment models currently used in clinical practice, and details each model's setting and motivation, development, theoretical background, and how to implement it in a clinical setting.
Archaeopress Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Association of Ground Stone Tools Research
Ground Stone Tools and Past Foodways brings together a selection of papers presented at the 3rd meeting of the Association of Ground Stone Tools Research, which was held at the University of Copenhagen in 2019. Ground stone artefacts are one of the most enduring classes of material culture: first used by Palaeolithic gatherer-hunters, they are still used regularly by people in many parts of the world to grind, mash and pulverize plants, meat and minerals. As such, ground stone artefacts provide a well preserved record at the nexus of interaction between humans, plants and animals. The papers in this volume focus especially on the relationship between ground stone artefacts and foodways and include archaeological and ethnographic case studies ranging from the Palaeolithic to the current era, and geographically from Africa to Europe and Asia. They reflect the current state of the art in ground stone tool research and highlight the many ways in which foodways can be studied through holistic examinations of ground stone artefacts.
WW Norton & Co Economics of Development
This classic text has been aggressively revised to incorporate the latest research defining the Development Economics field today.
Peeters Publishers Essays on John (Ed. by C. M. Tuckett)
Life Trust Human Spirit
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Zukunftswerk
Gräfe und Unzer Edition King is back
unum Wunderwerk
Goldmann TB Werde verrückt
Kailash Königin und Samurai
Wild Goose Publications Practising The Sacred Art Of Listening: A Guide to Enrich Your Relationships and Kindle Your Spiritual Life
DC Comics Superboy The Man Of Tomorrow
Conner Kent is back in the DC Universe! But after the events of Dark Crisis, he not only feels like he doesn t fit in with the rest of the Superman family, he doesn t fit in with the hero community at all. Conner takes his fight for truth and justice to the stars and sets out on a mission to carve his own path. Space is a big place though and what unknowns lurk for him in the great unknown?
American Psychological Association Coparenting: A Conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems
James McHale defines coparenting as “an enterprise undertaken by two or more adults who together take on the care and upbringing of children for whom they share responsibility.” Coparents may be members of the child’s extended family, divorced or foster parents, or other specialized caregivers. This landmark book was written to encourage good coparenting as a powerful support for at-risk children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Part I examines the concepts, theories, and empirical research underlying this dynamic socialization force characteristic of all family systems. Part II explores clinical applications—the various assessments and interventions that promote coparenting. The result is essential reading for those interested in the welfare of children.
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Textproduktion von schwach schreibenden Jugendlichen
Africa World Press Birthing Masculinity: Dialogues of Peace and Social Justice
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Mit Montessori Lesen und Schreiben lernen Der Praxisleitfaden zum Schriftspracherwerb KindergartenGrundschule
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Arbeit am Tonfeld bei ADHS Pdagogische und psychodynamische Aspekte der Affektregulierung
Nova Science Publishers Inc Border Security & the Removal of Illegal Aliens
Gräfe und Unzer Edition Heirate dich selbst
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Roma Lateinische Grammatik RSR
Goldmann TB Knigin und Samurai Wenn Frau und Mann erwachen
Alianza Editorial Retórica
Técnica del arte de hablar encaminada prioritariamente a persuadir al otro, la Retórica nació y se perfeccionó en una sociedad como la griega antigua, de carácter y sistema político predominantemente orales, y para la cual el dominio de la palabra era una necesidad práctica. Aunque inscrito dentro de una tradición anterior, el tratado que a ella dedicó Aristóteles se apartó, sin embargo, tanto de caminos trillados como de una retórica de corte más sofístico, para llegar a constituir, lindando los campos de la ética, la política y la dialéctica, un texto no sólo orientado a conseguir la persuasión, sino a evaluar la realidad y a tomar las decisiones más correctas.Introducción y traducción de Alberto Bernabé
Books on Demand Das verflixte Corona-Jahr: Als Reiseleiterin zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung - Ein Tagebuch
JOVIS Verlag Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst: Studienausgabe Band 4: Straßenräume
Band 4 des vierbändigen Werks Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst enthält Beispiele von Straßenräumen als Anleitung zum Entwurf: die Allee, das Zielgebäude, die Biegung, die Arkade, die Anmutung und Breite. Außerdem werden Straßenräume aus Augsburg, Bad Arolsen, Bad Tölz, Berlin, Bremen, Chemnitz, Dinkelsbühl, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Halle (Saale), Hamburg, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Köln, Landshut, Leipzig. Lindau, München, Münster, Potsdam, Regensburg, Speyer, Stralsund, Wiesbaden und Wismar im Vergleich gezeigt. Mit einem Essay von Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani. Das Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen für den städtebaulichen Entwurf und liegt nun auch als Studienausgabe vor. Stadträume, Hofräume, Platzräume und Straßenräume werden anhand von 150 Beispielen aus über 70 deutschen Städten maßstäblich dargestellt, analysiert und verglichen. Herausgeber Christoph Mäckler knüpft an die Lehrbücher von Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin und Josef Stübben aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert an und liefert eine fundierte Anleitung zum Bauwerk Stadt. Die Studienausgabe ist als Set (Band 1 bis 4) erhältlich. Darüber hinaus können die einzelnen Bände separat erworben werden.
JOVIS Verlag Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst: Studienausgabe Band 3: Platzräume
Band 3 des vierbändigen Werks Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst enthält Beispiele von Platzräumen als Anleitung zum Entwurf. Außerdem werden Platzräume aus Aachen, Alsfeld, Ansbach, Berlin, Braunschweig, Bremen, Celle, Dresden, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Freudenstadt, Görlitz, Hamburg, Hannover, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Kempten, Leipzig, Lindau, Lübeck, Lüneburg, Ludwigsburg, Mannheim, München, Putbus, Regensburg, Rosenheim, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Stralsund, Trier, Tübingen, Wangen, Warendorf, Weimar, Wismar und Wuppertal im Vergleich gezeigt. Mit Essays von Jan Pieper und Mirjam Schmidt. Das Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen für den städtebaulichen Entwurf und liegt nun auch als Studienausgabe vor. Stadträume, Hofräume, Platzräume und Straßenräume werden anhand von 150 Beispielen aus über 70 deutschen Städten maßstäblich dargestellt, analysiert und verglichen. Herausgeber Christoph Mäckler knüpft an die Lehrbücher von Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin und Josef Stübben aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert an und liefert eine fundierte Anleitung zum Bauwerk Stadt. Die Studienausgabe ist als Set (Band 1 bis 4) erhältlich. Darüber hinaus können die einzelnen Bände separat erworben werden.
Penguin Clásicos Breviario para polticos
Los mejores libros jamás escritos.Solo el azar determina las acciones de los hombres.El cardenal Giulio Mazarino presenta en su Breviario para políticos una particular concepción sociopolítica de la época que le tocó vivir y eligió protagonizar. Desarrolla así, escueta y precisamente, un agudo análisis de la condición humana. A lo largo de sus páginas, se ofrecen al lector directrices y consejos de un pragmatismo atroz, lindante de la inmoralidad, cuyo único objetivo es la obtención de más y más poder. Inteligente, aguda y, por encima de todo, tremendamente sincera, la presente es una obra imprescindible para historiadores, para literatos y, por supuesto, para políticos.En la palpitante versión de María Pons Irazazábal, este lacerante epítome se revela no solo como el retrato de uno de los hombres más poderosos de su tiempo, sino, en palabras del maestro Umberto Eco, firmante de la introducción que abre el volumen, como un retrato robot de uso diario, para
Globe Pequot Press The Fight for Rome
Continuing the adventures of Quintus Honorius Romanus (a.k.a. Taurus)—legendary gladiator of ancient Rome—this second book in the series picks up in AD 68, when the emperor is dead, and the throne is up for grabs. Three contenders square off to take control of the government, and as civil unrest begins to build, Quintus and his friends, the beast hunter Lindani and the gladiatrix Amazonia, are forced to fight with the legionnaires of Rome in what will soon become bloody civil war. Meanwhile, in a remote corner of the empire, Quintus’ former slave, Lucius Calidius, plots another rise to power—and not even Quintus will stand in his way.
Milkweed Editions American Boy: A Novel
We were exposed to these phenomena in order that we might learn something, but of course the lessons we learn are not always what was intended. So begins Matthew Garth's stor of the fall of 1962, when the shooting of a young woman on Thanksgiving Day sets off a chain of unsettling evens in Willow Falls, Minnesota. Matthew first sees Louisa Lindahl in Dr. Dunbar's home office, and at the time her bullet wound makes nearly as strong an impression as her unclothed body. Fueled over the following weeks by his feverish desire for this mysterious woman and a deep longing for the comfort and affluence that appears to surround the Dunbars, Matthew finds himself drawn into a vortex of greet, manipulation, and ultimately betrayal.
Ediciones Desnivel, S. L Rutas en el macizo de Ubiña
El macizo de Ubiña se localiza en el sector astur-leonés de la Cordillera Cantábrica, justo en el centro de Asturias y con su límite sur lindando a la comarca leonesa de Babia. Este espacio excepcional forma parte del Parque Natural de Las Ubiñas-La Mesa, que en 2012 fue además declarado Reserva de la Biosfera por la Unesco. El territorio del parque se caracteriza por los fuertes contrastes, con profundos valles y elevadas cimas de más de 2.000 metros, situadas en su mayoría dentro del macizo de Ubiña -segundo macizo más montañoso de Asturias tras los Picos de Europa-. Cumbres como los Fontanes (2.417 m) o Peña Ubiña (2.414 m) son sus máximos exponentes. En esta guía encontrarás una buena selección de rutas circulares para recorrer y conocer a pie las cumbres, puertos, valles y brañas de este magnífico espacio natural. Pero si lo tuyo es también la bici, te presentamos una ruta cicloturista que en 4 etapas te dará la oportunidad de ciclar todo el perímetro del macizo. Todas las rutas p
Auckland University Press Galleries of Maoriland: Artists, Collectors and the Maori World, 1880-1910
Galleries of Maoriland introduces us to the many ways in which Pakeha discovered, created, propagated and romanticised the Maori world at the turn of the century - in the paintings of Lindauer and Goldie, among artists, patrons, collectors and audiences; inside the Polynesian Society and the Dominion Museum; among stolen artefacts and fantastical accounts of the Maori past. The culture of Maoriland was a Pakeha creation. But Galleries of Maoriland shows that Maori were not merely passive victims: they too had a stake in this process of romanticisation. What, this book asks, were some of the Maori purposes that were served by curio displays, portrait collections, and the wider ethnological culture? Why did the idealisation of an ancient Maori world, which obsessed ethnological inquirers and artists alike, appeal also to Maori? Who precisely were the Maori participants in this culture, and what were their motives? Galleries of Maoriland looks at Maori prehistory in Pakeha art; the enthusiasm of Pakeha and Maori for portraiture and recreations of ancient life; the trade in Maori curios; and the international exhibition of this colonial culture. By illuminating New Zealand's artistic and ethnographic economy at the turn of the twentieth century, this book provides a new understanding of our art and our culture.
Bonnier Books Ltd Behind Frenemy Lines
"I'm suggesting a deal of sorts." Principal Blythe studies my face with intensity. Her words are slow and carefully selected. "I want you to help me expel a student, Erika."When Erika Monroe is approached with an offer too tempting to refuse - a scholarship to her dream college - she signs up to plot the expulsion of Lindale High's notorious flirt and rule-breaker, Chase Thatcher. Her plan is simple: catch him in an act of wrongdoing and give the principal the evidence she needs to expel him.But as Erika finds herself increasingly entangled in a web of lies, moral dilemmas, and bad behavior (not to mention those pesky feelings), it quickly becomes clear that her path to Stanford won't be as clear-cut as she had hoped. And with Chase, being bad feels kinda good...Confronted by decisions about who she is and what she stands for, how long can Erika continue to hide behind frenemy lines?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Extreme Leadership: Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm
Much has been written about how leaders and teams function in traditional business settings, but there is comparatively scant literature on the behaviors of leaders and teams facing extreme situations: that is, situations that fall outside the scope of daily experience. This book presents cases drawn from a diverse set of non-traditional and extreme leadership scenarios, offering a fresh perspective on both leadership research and management practice.This groundbreaking volume features expert contributions from across the globe by both management scholars and business leaders. Divided into three main parts - Extreme Expedition Leaders, Extreme Work Teams and Extreme Individual Leaders - the book explores both specific instances of non-traditional leadership and their theoretical and practical implications. Examples discussed include polar and mountaineering expeditions such as Shackleton's Endurance expedition, survival and rescue efforts such as the Chilean mine cave-in, security and police crises such as the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and groundbreaking media and entertainment leaders such as Francis Ford Coppola and Glenn Miller.This unique volume will appeal to students and professors of leadership and management studies, as well as managers, executives and other corporate business leaders.Contributors: S.E. Anderson, M.D. Bowman, J.G. Clawson, B.S. Coffey, O. Epitropaki, C.S. Fuller, C.M. Giannantonio, Y. Giordano, G.B. Graen, M. Hällgren, R.O. Harris, A. Hornett, A.E. Hurley-Hanson, R. Jordán, M. Koljatic, P. Daniels Lee, P. Lievre, M. Lindahl, I.W. Lovegrove, C. Mainemelis, L. Mann, G. Musca, M. Perez, J.G. Perkins, A. Rehn, G. Rix-Lièvre, L. Rouleau, T.A. Scandura, M.M. Sharif, T.A. Sprinkle, M.J. Urick, M. Useem
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Extreme Leadership: Leaders, Teams and Situations Outside the Norm
Much has been written about how leaders and teams function in traditional business settings, but there is comparatively scant literature on the behaviors of leaders and teams facing extreme situations: that is, situations that fall outside the scope of daily experience. This book presents cases drawn from a diverse set of non-traditional and extreme leadership scenarios, offering a fresh perspective on both leadership research and management practice.This groundbreaking volume features expert contributions from across the globe by both management scholars and business leaders. Divided into three main parts - Extreme Expedition Leaders, Extreme Work Teams and Extreme Individual Leaders - the book explores both specific instances of non-traditional leadership and their theoretical and practical implications. Examples discussed include polar and mountaineering expeditions such as Shackleton's Endurance expedition, survival and rescue efforts such as the Chilean mine cave-in, security and police crises such as the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and groundbreaking media and entertainment leaders such as Francis Ford Coppola and Glenn Miller.This unique volume will appeal to students and professors of leadership and management studies, as well as managers, executives and other corporate business leaders.Contributors: S.E. Anderson, M.D. Bowman, J.G. Clawson, B.S. Coffey, O. Epitropaki, C.S. Fuller, C.M. Giannantonio, Y. Giordano, G.B. Graen, M. Hällgren, R.O. Harris, A. Hornett, A.E. Hurley-Hanson, R. Jordán, M. Koljatic, P. Daniels Lee, P. Lievre, M. Lindahl, I.W. Lovegrove, C. Mainemelis, L. Mann, G. Musca, M. Perez, J.G. Perkins, A. Rehn, G. Rix-Lièvre, L. Rouleau, T.A. Scandura, M.M. Sharif, T.A. Sprinkle, M.J. Urick, M. Useem
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Jurisprudence in a Globalized World
In this unique book, leading legal scholars and philosophers provide a breadth of perspectives and inspire stimulating debate around the transformations of jurisprudence in a globalized world. Traditionally the central debates surrounding jurisprudence and legal theory are concerned with the elucidation of the particularities of state-law. This innovative book considers that this orthodox picture may no longer be tenable, given the increasing standardization of technologies, systems and information worldwide. Split across four thematic parts, this timely book provides a broad overview of the topic, followed by in depth analyses investigating the modifications to jurisprudence s methodological approaches driven by globalization, the concepts and theoretical tools required to account for putative new forms of legal phenomena, and normative issues relating to the legitimacy and democratic character of these legal orders. Chapters cover legal encounters with alterity in a post-monist mode, normative legal pluralism, relating law and power in a historical global context, cosmopolitan legitimacy and human rights and dignity in a corporate world. Jurisprudence in a Globalized World will be a key resource for students and scholars working in global transnational law, public international law and legal theory and philosophy. Contributors include: M. Del Mar, P. Eleftheriadis, J.L. Fabra-Zamora, K.W. Gray, M. Grellete, K. Günther, M. Jovanovic, C. Lafont, H. Lindahl, H. Muir Watt, G. Pavlakos, W. Twining
Freytag-Berndt Lake Constance, Motorcycle map 1:200.000
The motorbike map of Lake Constance makes bikers' hearts beat faster. The road map is designed for the planning and implementation of extended motorcycle tours and impresses with its easy-to-read and detailed cartography. Six tour suggestions offer demanding excursions through the attractive landscape around the "Swabian Sea". The starting points are cities on the shores of Lake Constance. Cross-border routes lead through Switzerland to Winterthur, to the Appenzell region or to Vorarlberg in Austria. The winding pass roads offer fantastic views of Lake Constance. The routes are marked directly on the map. The tours and numerous sights along the route are described on the back of the map and you can find out which intermediate stops are worthwhile. Information on the motorbike map of Lake Constance Scale: 1:200,000 1,550 km of marked motorcycle tours Bikertreffs tour information Scenic routes 61 x 90 cm GPX Tracks Waterproof and tear resistant On Lake Constance itself, cities such as Constance, Friedrichshafen, Lindau and Bregenz invite you to visit with their numerous sights. The volcanic and castle region of the Hegau offers attractive views and the Allgäu with the towns of Weingarten, Ravensburg and Kempten is also worth a visit. Waterproof and tear-resistant The map is printed on a special waterproof and durable paper so that it can also be used for orientation on rainy days. Resource-saving production The map consists of 80% ground limestone. The production is much more resource-saving than with conventional paper because the consumption of water, wood and energy is significantly lower.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Microeconomics: Efficiency and Equity in Public Policy
This book contains a concise, simple, yet precise discussion of externalities, public goods and insurance. Rooted in the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics and in noncooperative equilibrium, it employs elementary calculus. The book presents established theory in novel ways, and offers the tools for the application of the social welfare criteria of efficiency and equity to environmental economics, networks, bargaining, political economy, and the pricing of public goods and public utilities.This innovative, user-friendly textbook will be of use over a broad range of disciplines. The applications found here include international global-warming issues (North vs. South model), and bargaining over externalities (Coase's theorem). This text also introduces the Wicksell-Lindahl model in its original form, which depicts the parliamentary negotiation between representative parties and provides an effective introduction to political economy. Later, these ideas are applied to the pricing of an excludable public good, revealing the theoretical connection between public utility pricing and the pricing of excludable public goods.The text integrates three forms of discourse: verbal, graphical, and formal. Elementary calculus is frequently used, allowing for clarity and precision; qualities that are often missing in conventional textbooks. The main text considers a finite number of consumers and appendices cover the continuum mathematical model, which is implicit in the references to the 'marginal consumer' found in traditional texts.The analysis found in Public Microeconomics is simple and operational, conducive to computationally easy examples and exercises. This textbook is ideally suited to graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses ineconomics, political science, policy and philosophy.Contents: Preface Foreword to Students 1. Introduction 2. Private Goods Without Externalities 3. Externalities 4. Public Goods 5. Public Utilities 6. Uncertainty and Asymmetrical Information Index