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ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: - On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; - Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; - Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Mechanical Shock
This volume considers the shock response spectrum, its various definitions, properties and the assumptions involved in its calculation. In developing the practical application of these concepts, the forms of shock most often used with test facilities are presented together with their characteristics and indications of how to establish test configurations comparable with those in the real, measured environment. This is followed by a demonstration of how to meet these specifications using standard laboratory equipment – shock machines, electrodynamic exciters driven by a time signal or a response spectrum – with a discussion on the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of each method.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Sinusoidal Vibration
Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and one authoritative reference work! This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products. Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems. The relative and absolute response of a mechanical system with a single degree of freedom is considered for an arbitrary excitation, and its transfer function is defined in various forms. The characteristics of sinusoidal vibration are examined in the context both of the real world and of laboratory tests, and for both transient and steady state response of the one-degree-of-freedom system. Viscous damping and then non-linear damping are considered. The various types of swept sine perturbations and their properties are described and, for the one-degree-of-freedom system, the consequence of an inappropriate choice of sweep rate are considered. From the latter, rules governing the choice of suitable sweep rates are then developed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Rayleigh-Ritz Method for Structural Analysis
A presentation of the theory behind the Rayleigh-Ritz (R-R) method, as well as a discussion of the choice of admissible functions and the use of penalty methods, including recent developments such as using negative inertia and bi-penalty terms. While presenting the mathematical basis of the R-R method, the authors also give simple explanations and analogies to make it easier to understand. Examples include calculation of natural frequencies and critical loads of structures and structural components, such as beams, plates, shells and solids. MATLAB codes for some common problems are also supplied.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems
A presentation of real examples of industrial uses for formal methods such as SCADE, the B-Method, ControlBuild, Matelo, etc. in various fields, such as railways, aeronautics, and the automotive industry, the purpose of this book is to present a summary of experience on the use of these “formal methods” (such as proof and model-checking) in industrial examples of complex systems. It is based on the experience of people who are currently involved in the creation and evaluation of safety critical system software. The involvement of people from within the industry allows us to avoid the usual problems of confidentiality which could arise and thus enables us to supply new useful information (photos, architecture plans, real examples, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc CENELEC 50128 and IEC 62279 Standards
CENELEC EN 50128 and IEC 62279 standards are applicable to the performance of software in the railway sector. The 2011 version of the 50128 standard firms up the techniques and methods to be implemented. This is a guide to its implementation, in order to understand the foundations of the standard and how it impacts on the activities to be undertaken, helping towards better a preparation for the independent evaluation phase, which is mandatory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Routing Protocols for Wireless Networks
This text introduces the principles of routing protocols and metrics as they affect wireless networking environments, specifically in urban areas. Timely because of the recent rise in small city life, this topic includes the consideration of ad hoc, mesh, vehicular, sensor, and delay tolerant networks. These approaches are each unique, and author Miguel Mitre Campista provides a thorough, but accessible, explanation of their individual characteristics for engineers, computer scientists, IT professionals, and curious Internet users.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids
This book deals with the management and valuation of energy storage in electric power grids, highlighting the interest of storage systems in grid applications and developing management methodologies based on artificial intelligence tools. The authors highlight the importance of storing electrical energy, in the context of sustainable development, in "smart grids", and discuss multiple services that storing electrical energy can bring. Methodological tools are provided to build an energy management system storage following a generic approach. These tools are based on causal formalisms, artificial intelligence and explicit optimization techniques and are presented throughout the book in connection with concrete case studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System: Modeling of Data Uncertainty and Knowledge
The topic of this book is the modeling of data uncertainty and knowledge for a health engineering problem such as the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system. This is the first book on this subject. It begins with the state of the art in related topics such as data uncertainty, knowledge modeling, and the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, followed by fundamental and theoretical aspects of this field. Clinically relevant applications of musculoskeletal system modeling are then introduced. The book finishes with a chapter on practical software and tools for knowledge modeling and reasoning purposes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 1: Low-Dimensionality Effects and Growth
GaN and ZnO nanowires can by grown using a wide variety of methods from physical vapor deposition to wet chemistry for optical devices. This book starts by presenting the similarities and differences between GaN and ZnO materials, as well as the assets and current limitations of nanowires for their use in optical devices, including feasibility and perspectives. It then focuses on the nucleation and growth mechanismsof ZnO and GaN nanowires, grown by various chemical and physical methods. Finally, it describes the formation of nanowire heterostructures applied to optical devices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE Standards
LTE (long-term evolution) mobile communication system is offering high bitrates in IP communications. Fourth Generation Mobile Communications/LTE describes various aspects of LTE as well as the change of paradigm, which it is bringing to mobile communications. The book is a vital resource for the entire mobile communication community. Coverage includes: LTE standards and architecture, Radio access sub-system, Signaling on the radio path, Macrocells, microcells, femtocells, SIM card and security, SIM card description, GPS driven applications, The Apple model, and much more more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart SOA Platforms in Cloud Computing Architectures
This book is intended to introduce the principles of the Event-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0) and its role in the new interconnected world based on the cloud computing architecture paradigm. In this new context, the concept of “service” is widely applied to the hardware and software resources available in the new generation of the Internet. The authors focus on how current and future SOA technologies provide the basis for the smart management of the service model provided by the Platform as a Service (PaaS) layer.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Appoaches in the Process Industries: The Manufacturing Plant of the Future
Competition from emerging and developing countries, challenges related to energy and water, the continuing increase in the global population and the obligation to be sustainable are all impacting developed countries such as the United States, France, etc. Manufacturing has been almost totally neglected by these developed countries and thus there is a strong need to review R&D and the development and industrialization processes. This is a prerequisite for maintaining and improving welfare and quality of life. The industrialization process can be defined as the process of converting research or laboratory experiments into a physical tool capable of producing a product of value for customers of specified markets. Such a process implies knowledge of BAT (best available techniques) in chemical engineering, plant design, production competitiveness, the proper utilization of tools (toolbox concept) such as value assessment, value engineering, eco-design, LCA (lifecycle analysis), process simulation, modeling, innovation and appropriate metrics usage. These are mandatory to ensure commercial success and covered by the authors of this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Innovation Biosphere: Planet and Brains in the Digital Era
This book addresses those involved in research or R&D. It introduces the principles of eco-innovation and the importance of the impact of their activity. This topic is considered in the context of natural and digital ecosystems powered by intelligent assistants (technology). Chapter 1 positions the innovation as a process and component of ecosystems including research, enterprises, technology (digitalecosystems) and environment. Sustainable success is a condition of survival and an expectation of those who invest in innovation. Chapter 2 describes the main elements to consider and gives some tips. Chapter 3 presents some selected initiatives at the national and European level and provides a way of measuring success.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Spatio-temporal Approaches: Geographic Objects and Change Process
Spatio-temporal Approaches presents a well-built set of concepts, methods and approaches, in order to represent and understand the evolution of social and environmental phenomena within the space. It is basedon examples in human geography and archeology (which will enable us to explore questions regarding various temporalities) and tackles social and environmental phenomena. Chapter 1 discusses how to apprehend change: objects, attributes, relations, processes.Chapter 2 introduces multiple points of view about modeling and the authors try to shed a new light on the different, but complementary approaches of geomaticians and thematicians. Chapter 3 is devoted to the construction of spatio-temporal indicators, to various measurements of the change, while highlighting the advantage of an approach crossing several points of view, in order to understand the phenomenon at hand. Chapter 4 presents different categories of simulation model in line with complexity sciences. These models rely notably on the concepts of emergence and self-organization and allow us to highlight the roles of interaction within change. Chapter 5 provides ideas on research concerning the various construction approaches of hybrid objects and model couplings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management and Engineering Innovation
This book discusses management and engineering innovation with a particular emphasis on human resource management (HRM) and production engineering. In an innovation context, the disciplines of management and engineering are linked to promote sustainable development, seeking cultural and geographical diversity in the studies of HRM and engineering, applications that can have a particular impact on organizational communications, change processes and work practices. This connection reflects the diversity of societal and infrastructural conditions. The authors mainly analyze research on important issues that transcend the boundaries of individual academic subjects and managerial functions. They take into account interdisciplinary scholarship and commentaries that challenge the paradigms and assumptions of individual disciplines or functions, which are based on conceptual and/or empirical literature. The book is designed to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of all those involved in management and engineering innovation whether in the profit or not-for-profit sectors, or in the public or private sectors. Contents 1. We the Engineers and Them the Managers, Teresa Carla Oliveira and Joao Fontes Da Costa. 2. Strategic Capabilities for Successful Engagement in Proactive CSR in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Resource-Based View Approach, Nuttaneeya (Ann) Torugsa and Wayne O’Donohue. 3. Innovative Management Development in the Automotive Supply Industry – A Preliminary Case Study for the Development of an Innovative Approach to Innovation Management, Frank E.P. Dievernich and Kim Oliver Tokarski. 4. Innovative Product Design and Development through Online Customization, M. Reza Abdi and Vipin Khanna. 5. Struggling for Survival and Success: Can Brazil’s Defense Industry Help Foster Innovation?, Alex Lôbo Carlos and Regina Maria de Oliveira Leite. 6. Knowledge Management Fostering Innovation: Balancing Practices and Enabling Contexts, Maria Joao Santos and Raky Wane. 7. Institutional Logics Promoting and Inhibiting Innovation, Teresa Carla Trigo Oliveira and Stuart Holland. 8. HRM in SMEs in Portugal: An Innovative Proposal of Characterization, Pedro Ribeiro Novo Melo and Carolina Machado. About the Authors Carolina Machado has been teaching Human Resource Management since 1989 at the School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Portugal, becoming Associate Professor in 2004. Her research interests include the fields of Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Management Change and Knowledge Management. J. Paulo Davim is Aggregate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience in production and mechanical engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks
In this title, the authors leap into a novel paradigm of scalability and cost-effectiveness, on the basis of resource reuse. In a world with much abundance of wirelessly accessible devices, WSN deployments should capitalize on the resources already available in the region of deployment, and only augment it with the components required to meet new application requirements. However, if the required resources already exist in that region, WSN deployment converges to an assignment and scheduling scheme to accommodate for the new application given the existing resources. Such resources are polled from many fields, including multiple WSNs already in the field, static networks (WiFi, WiMAX, cellular, etc) in addition to municipal, industrial and mobile resources.The architecture, framework and pricing policy, as well as approaches for backward compatibility with existing deployments, are presented in this book. We elaborate on the formalization of the problem, and contrast with existing work on coverage. This paradigm adopts optimal assignments in WSNs and exploits dynamic re-programming for boosting post-deployment and backward compatible protocols.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reverse Engineering in Control Design
Reverse Engineering in Control Design proposes practical approaches to building a standard H-infinity problem taking into account an initial controller. Such approaches allow us to mix various control objectives and to initialize procedures for a fixed-structure controller design. They are based on the Observer-Based Realization (OBR) of controllers. The interest of OBR from the controller implementation point of view is detailed and highlighted in this book through academic examples. An open-source toolbox is available to implement these approaches in Matlab®. Throughout the book academic applications are proposed to illustrate the various basic principles. These applications have been chosen by the author for their pedagogic contents and demo files and embedded Matlab® functions can be downloaded so readers can run these illustrations on their personal computers. Contents 1. Observer-based Realization of a Given Controller. 2. Cross Standard Form and Reverse Engineering. 3. Reverse Engineering for Mechanical Systems. Appendix 1. A Preliminary Methodological Example. Appendix 2. Discrete-time Case. Appendix 3. Nominal State-feedback for Mechanical Systems. Appendix 4. Help of Matlab® Functions. About the Authors Daniel Alazard is Professor in System Dynamics and Control at Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE), Toulouse, France – SUPAERO Graduate Program. His main research interests concern robust control, flexible structure control and their applications to various aerospace systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models: Analysis
Since Lord Rayleigh introduced the idea of viscous damping in his classic work "The Theory of Sound" in 1877, it has become standard practice to use this approach in dynamics, covering a wide range of applications from aerospace to civil engineering. However, in the majority of practical cases this approach is adopted more for mathematical convenience than for modeling the physics of vibration damping. Over the past decade, extensive research has been undertaken on more general "non-viscous" damping models and vibration of non-viscously damped systems. This book, along with a related book Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models: Identification, is the first comprehensive study to cover vibration problems with general non-viscous damping. The author draws on his considerable research experience to produce a text covering: dynamics of viscously damped systems; non-viscously damped single- and multi-degree of freedom systems; linear systems with non-local and non-viscous damping; reduced computational methods for damped systems; and finally a method for dealing with general asymmetric systems. The book is written from a vibration theory standpoint, with numerous worked examples which are relevant across a wide range of mechanical, aerospace and structural engineering applications. Contents 1. Introduction to Damping Models and Analysis Methods.2. Dynamics of Undamped and Viscously Damped Systems.3. Non-Viscously Damped Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.4. Non-viscously Damped Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.5. Linear Systems with General Non-Viscous Damping.6. Reduced Computational Methods for Damped Systems
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Remote Sensing Imagery
Dedicated to remote sensing images, from their acquisition to their use in various applications, this book covers the global lifecycle of images, including sensors and acquisition systems, applications such as movement monitoring or data assimilation, and image and data processing. It is organized in three main parts. The first part presents technological information about remote sensing (choice of satellite orbit and sensors) and elements of physics related to sensing (optics and microwave propagation). The second part presents image processing algorithms and their specificities for radar or optical, multi and hyper-spectral images. The final part is devoted to applications: change detection and analysis of time series, elevation measurement, displacement measurement and data assimilation. Offering a comprehensive survey of the domain of remote sensing imagery with a multi-disciplinary approach, this book is suitable for graduate students and engineers, with backgrounds either in computer science and applied math (signal and image processing) or geo-physics. About the Authors Florence Tupin is Professor at Telecom ParisTech, France. Her research interests include remote sensing imagery, image analysis and interpretation, three-dimensional reconstruction, and synthetic aperture radar, especially for urban remote sensing applications. Jordi Inglada works at the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (French Space Agency), Toulouse, France, in the field of remote sensing image processing at the CESBIO laboratory. He is in charge of the development of image processing algorithms for the operational exploitation of Earth observation images, mainly in the field of multi-temporal image analysis for land use and cover change. Jean-Marie Nicolas is Professor at Telecom ParisTech in the Signal and Imaging department. His research interests include the modeling and processing of synthetic aperture radar images.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Masonry: Stability and Behavior of Structures
This book covers the impact of sustainable masonry on the environment, touting the many benefits of utilizing local and/or low embodied energy materials in the construction of sustainable buildings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Markov Chains: Theory and Applications
Markov chains are a fundamental class of stochastic processes. They are widely used to solve problems in a large number of domains such as operational research, computer science, communication networks and manufacturing systems. The success of Markov chains is mainly due to their simplicity of use, the large number of available theoretical results and the quality of algorithms developed for the numerical evaluation of many metrics of interest. The author presents the theory of both discrete-time and continuous-time homogeneous Markov chains. He carefully examines the explosion phenomenon, the Kolmogorov equations, the convergence to equilibrium and the passage time distributions to a state and to a subset of states. These results are applied to birth-and-death processes. He then proposes a detailed study of the uniformization technique by means of Banach algebra. This technique is used for the transient analysis of several queuing systems. Contents 1. Discrete-Time Markov Chains 2. Continuous-Time Markov Chains 3. Birth-and-Death Processes 4. Uniformization 5. Queues About the Authors Bruno Sericola is a Senior Research Scientist at Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique in France. His main research activity is in performance evaluation of computer and communication systems, dependability analysis of fault-tolerant systems and stochastic models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model Based Systems Engineering: Fundamentals and Methods
This book is a contribution to the definition of a model based system engineering (MBSE) approach, designed to meet the objectives laid out by the INCOSE. After pointing out the complexity that jeopardizes a lot of system developments, the book examines fundamental aspects of systems under consideration. It goes on to address methodological issues and proposes a methodic approach of MBSE that provides, unlike current practices, systematic and integrated model-based engineering processes. An annex describes relevant features of the VHDL-AMS language supporting the methodological issues described in the book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Three-dimensional Separated Flow Topology: Critical Points, Separation Lines and Vortical Structures
This book develops concepts and a methodology for a rational description of the organization of three-dimensional flows considering, in particular, the case where the flow is the place of separations. The descriptive analysis based on the critical point theory of Poincaré develops conventional but rather unfamiliar considerations from aerodynamicists, who face the understanding of complex flows including multiple separation lines and vortices. These problems concern industrial sectors where aerodynamics plays a key role, such as aerospace, ground vehicles, buildings, etc. Contents 1. Skin Friction Lines Pattern and Critical Points. 2. Separation Streamsurfaces and Vortex Structures. 3. Separated Flow on a Body. 4. Vortex Wake of Wings and Slender Bodies. 5. Separation Induced by an Obstacle or a Blunt Body. 6. Reconsideration of the Two-Dimensional Separation. 7. Concluding Remarks. About the Authors Jean Délery is a Supaero (French National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space) engineer who has worked at Onera (French national aerospace research center) since 1964. He has participated in several major French and European aerospace programs, is the author of many scientific publications, and has occupied various teaching positions particularly at Supaero, the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Ecole polytechnique in France and “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy. He is currently emeritus adviser at Onera.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Loop-shaping Robust Control
The loop-shaping approach consists of obtaining a specification in relation to the open loop of the control from specifications regarding various closed loop transfers, because it is easier to work on a single transfer (in addition to the open loop) than on a multitude of transfers (various loopings such as set point/error, disturbance/error, disturbance/control, etc.). The simplicity and flexibility of the approach make it very well adapted to the industrial context. This book presents the loop-shaping approach in its entirety, starting with the declension of high-level specifications into a loop-shaping specification. It then shows how it is possible to fully integrate this approach for the calculation of robust and efficient correctors with the help of existing techniques, which have already been industrially tried and tested, such as H-infinity synthesis. The concept of a gap metric (or distance between models) is also presented along with its connection with the prime factors of a set of systems shaping a ball of models, as well as its connections with robust synthesis by loop-shaping, in order to calculate efficient and robust correctors. As H-infinity loop-shaping is often demanding in terms of the order of correctors, the author also looks at loop-shaping synthesis under an ordering constraint. Two further promising lines of research are presented, one using stochastic optimization, and the other non-smooth optimization. Finally, the book introduces the concept of correction with two degrees of freedom via the formalism of prime factorization. Avenues for future work are also opened up by the author as he discusses the main drawbacks to loop-shaping synthesis, and how these issues can be solved using modern optimization techniques in an increasingly competitive industrial context, in accordance with ever more complex sets of functional specifications, associated with increasingly broad conditions of usage. Contents Introduction 1. The Loop-shaping Approach 2. Loop-shaping H-infinity Synthesis 3. Two Degrees-of-Freedom Controllers 4. Extensions and Optimizations Appendix 1. Demonstrative Elements on the Optimization of Robust Stabilization with Order Constraint Appendix 2. Establishment of Real LMIs for the Quasi-Convex Problem of Optimization of the Weighting Functions About the Authors Philippe Feyel is an R&D Engineer for the high-tech company Sagem Défense Sécurité, part of the defence and security business of the SAFRAN group, in Paris, France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics 3: Applied Quality Control
This third book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics adds a pragmatic and supportive character to the previous volumes by focusing on case studies using corrected exercises that teachers, students or engineers will find extremely useful. Due to the wide themes approached in this series, it can also be used to organize work in this field in a new way, as well as in the maintenance of industrial plants.Several cases of sampling plans and their applications in industry are presented, as well as several solved case studies on the main indicators of capability according to ISO/TS 16949, ISO 8258 and FORD.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Shape-Memory Alloys Handbook
The aim of this book is to understand and describe the martensitic phase transformation and the process of martensite platelet reorientation. These two key elements enable the author to introduce the main features associated with the behavior of shape-memory alloys (SMAs), i.e. the one-way shape-memory effect, pseudo-elasticity, training and recovery. Attention is paid in particular to the thermodynamical frame for solid materials modeling at the macroscopic scale and its applications, as well as to the particular use of such alloys – the simplified calculations for the bending of bars and their torsion. Other chapters are devoted to key topics such as the use of the “crystallographical theory of martensite” for SMA modeling, phenomenological and statistical investigations of SMAs, magneto-thermo-mechanical behavior of magnetic SMAs and the fracture mechanics of SMAs. Case studies are provided on the dimensioning of SMA elements offering the reader an additional useful framework on the subject. Contents 1. Some General Points about SMAs. 2. The World of Shape-memory Alloys. 3. Martensitic Transformation. 4. Thermodynamic Framework for the Modeling of Solid Materials. 5. Use of the “CTM” to Model SMAs. 6. Phenomenological and Statistical Approaches for SMAs. 7. Macroscopic Models with Internal Variables. 8. Design of SMA Elements: Case Studies. 9. Behavior of Magnetic SMAs. 10. Fracture Mechanics of SMAs. 11. General Conclusion. Appendix 1. Intrinsic Properties of Rotation Matrices. Appendix 2. “Twinning Equation” Demonstration. Appendix 3. Calculation of the Parameters a, n and Q from the “Twinning” Equation. Appendix 4. “Twinned” Austenite/Martensite Equation. About the Authors Christian Lexcellent is Emeritus Professor at the École National Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques de Besançon and a researcher in the Department of Applied Mechanics at FEMTO-ST in France. He is a specialist in the mechanics of materials and phase transition and has taught in the subjects of mechanics of continuum media and shape memory alloys. He is also a member of the International Committee of ESOMAT.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems
Belonging to the wider academic field of computer vision, video analytics has aroused a phenomenal surge of interest since the current millennium. Video analytics is intended to solve the problem of the incapability of exploiting video streams in real time for the purpose of detection or anticipation. It involves analyzing the videos using algorithms that detect and track objects of interest over time and that indicate the presence of events or suspect behavior involving these objects. The aims of this book are to highlight the operational attempts of video analytics, to identify possible driving forces behind potential evolutions in years to come, and above all to present the state of the art and the technological hurdles which have yet to be overcome. The need for video surveillance is introduced through two major applications (the security of rail transportation systems and a posteriori investigation). The characteristics of the videos considered are presented through the cameras which enable capture and the compression methods which allow us to transport and store them. Technical topics are then discussed – the analysis of objects of interest (detection, tracking and recognition), “high-level” video analysis, which aims to give a semantic interpretation of the observed scene (events, behaviors, types of content). The book concludes with the problem of performance evaluation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions
The aim of this book is to relate fluid flows to chemical reactions. It focuses on the establishment of consistent systems of equations with their boundary conditions and interfaces, which allow us to model and deal with complex situations.Chapter 1 is devoted to simple fluids, i.e. to a single chemical constituent. The basic principles of incompressible and compressible fluid mechanics, are presented in the most concise and educational manner possible, for perfect or dissipative fluids. Chapter 2 relates to the flows of fluid mixtures in the presence of chemical reactions. Chapter 3 is concerned with interfaces and lines. Interfaces have been the subject of numerous publications and books for nearly half a century. Lines and curvilinear media are less known Several appendices on mathematical notation, thermodynamics and mechanics methods are grouped together in Chapter 4.This summary presentation of the basic equations of simple fluids, with exercises and their solutions, as well as those of chemically reacting flows, and interfaces and lines will be very useful for graduate students, engineers, teachers and scientific researchers in many domains of science and industry who wish to investigate problems of reactive flows. Portions of the text may be used in courses or seminars on fluid mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Computer Architecture
This book lays out the concepts necessary to understand how a computer works. For reasons of clarity, the authors have deliberately chosen examples that apply to machines from all eras, without having to water down the contents of the book. This choice helps to show how techniques, concepts and performances have evolved since the first computers. The book is divided into five parts. The first four, which are of increasing difficulty, are the core of the book: “Elements of a Basic Architecture”, “Programming Model and Operation”, “Memory Hierarchy”, “Parallelism and Performance Enhancement”. The final part provides hints and solutions to the exercises in the book as well as appendices. The reader may approach each part independently based on their prior knowledge and goals.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimization of Logistics
This book aims to help engineers, Masters students and young researchers to understand and gain a general knowledge of logistic systems optimization problems and techniques, such as system design, layout, stock management, quality management, lot-sizing or scheduling. It summarizes the evaluation and optimization methods used to solve the most frequent problems. In particular, the authors also emphasize some recent and interesting scientific developments, as well as presenting some industrial applications and some solved instances from real-life cases.Performance evaluation tools (Petri nets, the Markov process, discrete event simulation, etc.) and optimization techniques (branch-and-bound, dynamic programming, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, etc.) are presented first. Then, new optimization methods are presented to solve systems design problems, layout problems and buffer-sizing optimization. Forecasting methods, inventory optimization, packing problems, lot-sizing quality management and scheduling are presented with examples in the final chapters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Decision Making and Action
Making a decision, of any importance, is never simple. On the one hand, specialists in decision theory do not come within the reach of most policy makers and, secondly, there are very few books on pragmatic decision that are not purely anecdotal. In addition, there is virtually no book that provides a link between decision-making and action. This book provides a bridge between the latest results in artificial intelligence, neurobiology, psychology and decision-making for action. What is the role of intuition or emotion? What are the main psychological biases of which we must be wary? How can we avoid being manipulated? What is the proper use of planning? How can we remain rational even if one is not an expert in probabilities? Perhaps more importantly for managers, how does one go from decision to action? So many questions fundamental to the practice of decision-making are addressed. This book dissects all issues that arise almost daily for decision-makers, at least for major decisions. Drawing on numerous examples, this book answers, in plain language and imagery, all your questions. The final chapter takes the form of a brief reminder - everything you have to remember to be a good decision-maker.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics of Solid Interfaces
The growing occurrence of heterogeneous materials such as composites or coated substrates in structural parts makes it necessary for designers and scientists to deal with the specific features of the mechanical behavior of solid interfaces.This book introduces basic concepts on mechanical problems related to the presence of solid/solid interfaces and their practical applications. The various topics discussed here are the mechanical characterization of interfaces, the initiation and growth of cracks along interfaces, the origin and control of interface adhesion, focusing in particular on thin films on substrate systems. It is designed and structured to provide a solid background in the mechanics of heterogeneous materials to help students in materials science, as well as scientists and engineers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Network Coding
Network coding, a relatively new area of research, has evolved from the theoretical level to become a tool used to optimize the performance of communication networks – wired, cellular, ad hoc, etc. The idea consists of mixing “packets” of data together when routing them from source to destination. Since network coding increases the network performance, it becomes a tool to enhance the existing protocols and algorithms in a network or for applications such as peer-to-peer and TCP. This book delivers an understanding of network coding and provides a set of studies showing the improvements in security, capacity and performance of fixed and mobile networks. This is increasingly topical as industry is increasingly becoming more reliant upon and applying network coding in multiple applications. Many cases where network coding is used in routing, physical layer, security, flooding, error correction, optimization and relaying are given – all of which are key areas of interest. Network Coding is the ideal resource for university students studying coding, and researchers and practitioners in sectors of all industries where digital communication and its application needs to be correctly understood and implemented. Contents 1. Network Coding: From Theory to Practice, Youghourta Benfattoum, Steven Martin and Khaldoun Al Agha. 2. Fountain Codes and Network Coding for WSNs, Anya Apavatjrut, Claire Goursaud, Katia Jaffrès-Runser and Jean-Marie Gorce. 3. Switched Code for Ad Hoc Networks: Optimizing the Diffusion by Using Network Coding, Nour Kadi and Khaldoun Al Agha. 4. Security by Network Coding, Katia Jaffrès-Runser and Cédric Lauradoux. 5. Security for Network Coding, Marine Minier, Yuanyuan Zhang and Wassim Znaïdi. 6. Random Network Coding and Matroids, Maximilien Gadouleau. 7. Joint Network-Channel Coding for the Semi-Orthogonal MARC: Theoretical Bounds and Practical Design, Atoosa Hatefi, Antoine O. Berthet and Raphael Visoz. 8. Robust Network Coding, Lana Iwaza, Marco Di Renzo and Michel Kieffer. 9. Flow Models and Optimization for Network Coding, Eric Gourdin and Jeremiah Edwards.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Mechanics of Cementitious Materials and Structures
The book, prepared in honor of the retirement of Professor J. Mazars, provides a wide overview of continuum damage modeling applied to cementitious materials. It starts from micro-nanoscale analyses, then follows on to continuum approaches and computational issues. The final part of the book presents industry-based case studies. The contents emphasize multiscale and coupled approaches toward the serviceability and the safety of concrete structures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mobile Networks Architecture
This book explains the evolutions of architecture for mobiles and summarizes the different technologies: – 2G: the GSM (Global System for Mobile) network, the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) network and the EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global Evolution) evolution; – 3G: the UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) network and the HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) evolutions: - HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access), - HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access), - HSPA+; – 4G: the EPS (Evolved Packet System) network. The telephone service and data transmission are the two main services provided by these networks. The evolutions are fundamentally dictated by the increase in the rate of data transmission across the radio interface between the network and mobiles. This book is intended as a readily understandable support to help students and professionals wishing to quickly acquire the main concepts of networks for mobiles understand the technologies deployed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Ecosystems
The capacity to innovate is a fundamental resource for organizations as well as the true wealth of a society. To contribute fully to the prosperity of an organization, region or country, the innovation process - which is not only technology-based - requires the implementation of knowledge dynamics between domains that are often treated in isolation. This dynamic is based on a synergy between humans and intelligent machines. For several years, innovation has been omnipresent and part of strategic matters. The word "innovation" is in the headlines of reports, articles and business media, and is also the subject of events, projects, think tanks, clubs and blogs. Several forums on social networks are devoted to its various facets. It is a global phenomenon. This book introduces the concept of "e-co-innovation" which brings a better understanding of the successful transition from idea to reality and ultimate value. The motivation behind this book is to introduce a global and system overview of the subject, to present the various aspects of innovation from different angles and perspectives to finally bring the reader to an understanding of all ecosystem components, their metamorphoses, cross-influences and possible impacts on the balanced development of people, businesses, regions and countries.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Textual Information Access: Statistical Models
This book presents statistical models that have recently been developed within several research communities to access information contained in text collections. The problems considered are linked to applications aiming at facilitating information access: - information extraction and retrieval; - text classification and clustering; - opinion mining; - comprehension aids (automatic summarization, machine translation, visualization). In order to give the reader as complete a description as possible, the focus is placed on the probability models used in the applications concerned, by highlighting the relationship between models and applications and by illustrating the behavior of each model on real collections. Textual Information Access is organized around four themes: informational retrieval and ranking models, classification and clustering (regression logistics, kernel methods, Markov fields, etc.), multilingualism and machine translation, and emerging applications such as information exploration. Contents Part 1: Information Retrieval 1. Probabilistic Models for Information Retrieval, Stéphane Clinchant and Eric Gaussier. 2. Learnable Ranking Models for Automatic Text Summarization and Information Retrieval, Massih-Réza Amini, David Buffoni, Patrick Gallinari, Tuong Vinh Truong and Nicolas Usunier. Part 2: Classification and Clustering 3. Logistic Regression and Text Classification, Sujeevan Aseervatham, Eric Gaussier, Anestis Antoniadis, Michel Burlet and Yves Denneulin. 4. Kernel Methods for Textual Information Access, Jean-Michel Renders. 5. Topic-Based Generative Models for Text Information Access, Jean-Cédric Chappelier. 6. Conditional Random Fields for Information Extraction, Isabelle Tellier and Marc Tommasi. Part 3: Multilingualism 7. Statistical Methods for Machine Translation, Alexandre Allauzen and François Yvon. Part 4: Emerging Applications 8. Information Mining: Methods and Interfaces for Accessing Complex Information, Josiane Mothe, Kurt Englmeier and Fionn Murtagh. 9. Opinion Detection as a Topic Classification Problem, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, Marc El-Bèze, Patrice Bellot and Fréderic Béchet.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Logic and its components (propositional, first-order, non-classical) play a key role in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While a large amount of information exists scattered throughout various media (books, journal articles, webpages, etc.), the diffuse nature of these sources is problematic and logic as a topic benefits from a unified approach. Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence utilizes this format, surveying the tableaux, resolution, Davis and Putnam methods, logic programming, as well as for example unification and subsumption. For non-classical logics, the translation method is detailed. Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is the classroom-tested result of several years of teaching at Grenoble INP (Ensimag). It is conceived to allow self-instruction for a beginner with basic knowledge in Mathematics and Computer Science, but is also highly suitable for use in traditional courses. The reader is guided by clearly motivated concepts, introductions, historical remarks, side notes concerning connections with other disciplines, and numerous exercises, complete with detailed solutions, The title provides the reader with the tools needed to arrive naturally at practical implementations of the concepts and techniques discussed, allowing for the design of algorithms to solve problems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Home Area Networks and IPTV
The field of Home Area Networks (HAN), a dedicated residential subset of LAN technologies for home-based use, is fast becoming the next frontier for the communications industry. This book describes the various technologies involved in the implementation of a HAN: high-speed Internet connections, indoor implementations, services, software, and management packages. It also reviews multimedia applications (which are increasingly the most important and complex aspects of most HANs) with a detailed description of IPTV technology. It highlights the main technologies used for HANs: information transmission by means of copper pairs, coaxial cables, fiber optics, and Wi-Fi radio systems, as well as the software systems necessary for the processing and management of these data communications. These technologies – examples of which include the well-known 802.11 family of standards, and less widespread applications such as the HomePlug powerline standard – are highly relevant to multimedia, remote healthcare, remote working, energy, and device management in the home. The book is written for engineers working in the field, or who are interested in high-speed communication technologies and their actual or potential use in the home or in the small – medium size enterprise (SME) commercial environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Self-Compacting Concrete
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a relatively new building material. Nowadays, its use is progressively changing the method of concrete placement on building sites. However, the successful use of SCC requires a good understanding of the behavior of this material, which is vastly different from traditional concrete. For this purpose, a lot of research has been conducted on this area all over the world since 10 years. Intended for both practitioners and scientists, this book provides research results from the rheological behavior of fresh concrete to durability.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Product Life-Cycle Management: Geometric Variations
This book gives a comprehensive view of the most recent major international research in the field of tolerancing, and is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Computer Aided Tolerating. It is organized into 4 parts. Part 1 focuses on the more general problems of tolerance analysis and synthesis, for tolerancing in mechanical design and manufacturing processes. Part 2 specifically highlights the simulation of assembly with defects, and the influence of tolerances on the quality of the assembly. Part 3 deals with measurement aspects, and quality control throughout the life cycle. Different measurement technologies and methods for estimating uncertainty are considered. In Part 4, different aspects of tolerancing and their interactions are explored, from the definition of functional requirement to measurement processes in a PLM approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonparametric Tests for Complete Data
This book concerns testing hypotheses in non-parametric models. Classical non-parametric tests (goodness-of-fit, homogeneity, randomness, independence) of complete data are considered. Most of the test results are proved and real applications are illustrated using examples. Theories and exercises are provided. The incorrect use of many tests applying most statistical software is highlighted and discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Emotion-Oriented Systems
The Affective Computing domain, term coined by Rosalind Picard in 1997, gathers several scientific areas such as computer science, cognitive science, psychology, design and art. The humane-machine interaction systems are no longer solely fast and efficient. They aim to offer to users affective experiences: user’s affective state is detected and considered within the interaction; the system displays affective state; it can reason about their implication to achieve a task or resolve a problem. In this book, we have chosen to cover various domains of research in emotion-oriented systems. Our aim is also to highlight the importance to base the computational model on theoretical foundations and on natural data.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Photon-based Medical Imagery
This book describes the different principles and equipments used in medical imaging. Importance of medical imaging for diagnostic is strongly increasing and it is now necessary to have a good knowledge of the different physical possible principles. Researchers, clinicians, engineers and professionals in this area, along with postgraduate students in the signal and image processing field, will find this book of great interest.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optics in Instruments: Applications in Biology and Medicine
Optics is a science which covers a very large domain and is experiencing indisputable growth. It has enabled the development of a considerable number of instruments, the optical component or methodology of which is often the essential part of portent systems. This book sets out show how optical physical phenomena such as lasers – the basis of instruments of measurement – are involved in the fields of biology and medicine. Optics in Instruments: Applications in Biology and Medicine details instruments and measurement systems using optical methods in the visible and near-infrared, as well as their applications in biology and medicine, through looking at confocal laser scanning microscopy, the basis of instruments performing in biological and medical analysis today, and flow cytometry, an instrument which measures at high speed the parameters of a cell passing in front of one or more laser beams. The authors also discuss optical coherence tomography (OCT), which is an optical imaging technique using non-contact infrared light, the therapeutic applications of lasers, where they are used for analysis and care, and the major contributions of plasmon propagation in the field of life sciences through instrumental developments, focusing on propagating surface plasmons (PSP) and localized plasmons (LP). Contents: 1. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Thomas Olivier and Baptiste Moine. 2. Flow Cytometry (FCM) Measurement of Cells in Suspension, Odile Sabido. 3. Optical Coherence Tomography, Claude Boccara and Arnaud Dubois. 4. Therapeutic Applications of Lasers, Geneviève Bourg-Heckly and Serge Mordon. 5. Plasmonics, Emmanuel Fort. About the Authors Jean-Pierre Goure is Emeritus Professor of optics at Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne, France, and was previously director of the UMR 5516 laboratory linked with CNRS. He is the author of more than 100 publications in various fields, such as spectroscopy, instrumentation, sensors, optical fiber and optical communications. He was also previously deputy director in engineering science at CNRS and a member of several scientific associations such as the French Optical Society and the European Optical Society.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Management under UCITS III / IV: New Challenges for the Fund Industry
Risk Management under UCITS III/IV shows how asset managers, fund administrators, management companies and risk departments can satisfy the various financial regulators, which govern European markets, that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in place for the funds they manage or administer. The book explains all the requirements for risk management under the new UCITS III/IV regime, as well as the universe of financial instruments which can be used by portfolio managers, and identifies their associated risks and possible mitigation strategies. It is therefore required reading for anyone trying to fully understand and comply with UCITS III/IV requirements.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Solid Mechanics using the Finte Element Method
Today the fundamentals of solid mechanics may be explained by "numerical" experiments using the finite element method. The explanation is detailed in this book using many examples. After a short review of how the finite element method works (in Chapter 1), Chapter 2 develops some key points of solid mechanics: what is a beam? when and how can a structure be represented by beam elements? what are the basic hypotheses? what kind of information does a beam model provide? A generalized beam element is also presented. Chapter 3 uses the same approach for the discussion on stress concentrations and stress singularities: local effects; influence of geometric discontinuities, such as holes or corners; mesh refinements and/or analytic-numeric approaches. Chapter 4 is devoted to plate modeling: coupling of membrane and bending, folded, stiffened, composite plates. Chapter 5 provides a short presentation of the dynamics of structures with a particular focus on the modal method, the influence of local defaults on the modal response is also analyzed. Commercial software (Ansys) is used to study the examples.