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John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis
The patient interview is at the heart of psychiatric practice. Listening and interviewing skills are the primary tools the psychiatrist uses to obtain the information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and then to plan appropriate treatment. The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the Accrediting Council on Graduate Medical Education identify interviewing skills as a core competency for psychiatric residents. The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis is a new and modern approach to this topic that fulfils the need for training in biopsychosocial assessment and diagnosis. It makes use of both classical and new knowledge of psychiatric diagnosis, assessment, treatment planning, and doctor–patient collaboration. Written by world leaders in education, the book is based on the acclaimed Psychiatry, Third Edition, by Tasman and Kay et al., with new chapters to address assessment in special populations and formulation. The psychiatric interview is conceptualized as integrating the patient’s experience with psychological, biological, and environmental components of the illness. This is an excellent new text for psychiatry residents at all stages of their training. It is also useful for medical students interested in psychiatry and for practicing psychiatrists who may wish to refresh their interviewing skills.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing
Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing Develop a care program to meet a child’s individual needs with this essential guide Even seemingly minor decisions can have a significant impact on the early development of a child, so it is essential for children to receive a carefully tailored program designed to meet the needs and concerns of each individual child. The second edition of Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing adds significant scope and material to the already vital first edition. Taking a child, young person and family-centred approach, it offers a comprehensive and accessible discussion of care planning with continuous reference to core principles and nursing values. This new edition continues to be a fundamental resource for the planning and execution of high-quality nursing care for children and young people. Readers of the second edition will also find: Detailed case scenarios designed to cultivate discussion and produce greater competence Increased emphasis on the voices of children and young people In-depth discussion of care planning for specific conditions including new chapters on Sickle Cell Disease, Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People, Transition from Children’s to Adults’ Services, and more Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing is a must-have for children’s nurses or for any nursing professionals involved in the care of children and young people.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism
THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO SUBSTANCE DUALISM “This is a terrific volume … by a long way, the best currently available anthology on dualism, and a worthy addition to Blackwell’s distinguished series of Companions.” Tim Crane, Central European University “A major contribution to an ongoing transformation of analytic philosophy of mind.” Howard Robinson, Central European University “This high quality volume offers a rich variety of perspectives on substance dualism and will be a valuable resource for students and researchers in philosophy of mind and philosophy of religion.” John Cottingham, University of Reading “Thorough and fair … the quality of the essays is high. This will certainly be the book on substance dualism.” Michael Tye, University of Texas at Austin Substance dualism has for some time been dismissed as an archaic and defeated position in philosophy of mind, but in recent years, the topic has experienced a resurgence of scholarly interest and has been restored to contemporary prominence by a growing minority of philosophers prepared to interrogate the core principles upon which past objections and misunderstandings rest. As the first book of its kind to bring together a collection of contemporary writing from top proponents and critics in a pro-contra format, the Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism captures this ongoing dialogue and sets the stage for rigorous and lively discourse around dualist and physicalist accounts of human persons in philosophy. Chapters explore emergent, Thomistic, Cartesian, and other forms of substance dualism — broadly conceived — in dialogue with leading varieties of physicalism, including animalism, non-reductive physicalism, and constitution theory. Loose, Menuge, and Moreland pair essays from dualist advocates with astute criticism from physicalist opponents and vice versa, highlighting points of contrast for readers in thematic sections while showcasing today’s leading minds engaged in direct debate. Taken together, essays provide nuanced paths of introduction for students, and capture the imagination of professional philosophers looking to expand their understanding of the subject. Skillfully curated and in touch with contemporary science as well as analytic theology, the Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism strikes a measured balanced between advocacy and criticism, and is a first-rate resource for researchers, scholars, and students of philosophy, theology, and neuroscience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Animal Welfare: The Science in its Cultural Context
The essential text on understanding and improving animal welfare Understanding Animal Welfare, 2nd Edition is revised and expanded to incorporate new research and developments in animal welfare. Updated with greater accessibility in mind, the reader is guided through animal welfare in its cultural and historical context, methods of study, and applications in practice and policy. Drawing examples from farm, companion, laboratory and zoo animals, the text provides an up-to-date overview of research and its applications, while also tracing how concepts and methods have evolved over time. Readers of the second edition of Understanding Animal Welfare will also find: New developments in understanding positive animal states The importance of human actions in determining animal welfare New content on “One Welfare” How free-living wild animals are affected by human technology and climate change Originally intended for scientists and professionals, Understanding Animal Welfare has also found a home in undergraduate classrooms. It is now the essential text for students, practitioners, veterinarians, and researchers in animal welfare and related fields.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education, 3 Volume Set
The definitive reference for anyone in the art and design education community Written in conjunction with The National Society for Education in Art and Design, the International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education offers an indispensable resource for students, scholars, and researchers working in the field of art and design education. It contains accessible introductions to key topics, concepts, and thinkers, as well as sophisticated debates on contentious areas, covering the whole age range from early years to post-university in formal and informal settings. This multi-volume reference work examines historical and contemporary art and design education worldwide, from over thirty different countries, in Africa, Europe Asia, Middle East, Australasia and the Americas. It includes topics such as Epistemic Disobedience in Contemporary Latin American Art; Visual Arts Education in Museums; Elementary Art and Design Curricula; Social and Mobile Media in Art and Design Curriculum; Performative Literacy; Postmodern Pedagogical Principles of Museum-Informed Art Education and much more. The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education defines the conversation for the entirety of the art and design community through authoritative reference of peerless quality.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health Care Professionalism at a Glance
Health Care Professionalism at a Glance offers accessible coverage of an increasingly important aspect of medical and health professional education. This concise text includes how to identify and develop professional behaviours, how they are assessed, and how to challenge unprofessional behaviours. Health Care Professionalism at a Glance: • Provides a user-friendly and thought provoking overview of health care professionalism • Introduces the main topics, key definitions and explores aspects relevant to learners and novice professionals • Considers fundamental features of professionalism that students are expected to acquire as well as how they are taught, learned and assessed • Includes summary boxes that highlight important points, reflection points, clinical cases and suggested further reading • Includes references relevant to different countries’ accrediting bodies This important new book will assist students in understanding the nature of professionalism, its assessment, and the implications for professional practice.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Financial Accounting
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: the Fifth Edition of Lumb and Jones is a reorganized and updated edition of the gold-standard reference for anesthesia and pain management in veterinary patients. Provides a thoroughly updated edition of this comprehensive reference on veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, combining state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and clinically relevant information Covers immobilization, sedation, anesthesia, and analgesia of companion, wild, zoo, and laboratory animals Takes a body systems approach for easier reference to information about anesthetizing patients with existing conditions Adds 10 completely new chapters with in-depth discussions of perioperative heat balance, coagulation disorders, pacemaker implantation, cardiac output measurement, cardiopulmonary bypass, shelter anesthesia and pain management, anesthetic risk assessment, principles of anesthetic pharmacology, and more Now printed in color, with more than 400 images
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Art: An Introduction
The Philosophy of Art is a highly accessible introduction to current key issues and debates in aesthetics and philosophy of art. Chapters on standard topics are balanced by topics of interest to today's students, including creativity, authenticity, cultural appropriation, and the distinction between popular and fine art. Other topics include emotive expression, pictorial representation, definitional strategies, and artistic value. Presupposing no prior knowledge of philosophy, Theodore Gracyk draws on three decades of teaching experience to provide a balanced and engaging overview, clear explanations, and many thought-provoking examples. All chapters have a strong focus on current debates in the field, yet historical figures are not neglected. Major current theories are set beside key ideas from Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Marx, and Hegel. Chapters conclude with advice on further readings, and there are recommendations of films that will serve as a basis for further reflection and discussion. Key ideas are immediately accompanied by exercises that will test students' reactions and understanding. Many chapters call attention to ideology, prejudices, and common clichés that interfere with clear thinking. Beautifully written and thoroughly comprehensive, The Philosophy of Art is the ideal resource for anyone who wants to explore recent developments in philosophical thinking about the arts. It is also provides the perfect starting point for anyone who wants to reflect on, and challenge, their own assumptions about the nature and value of art.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd On the Names-of-the-Father
What astonishing success the Name-of-the-Father has had! Everyone finds something in it. Who one's father is isn't immediately obvious, hardly being visible to the naked eye. Paternity is first and foremost determined by one's culture. As Lacan said, "The Name-of-the-Father creates the function of the father." But then where does the plural stem from? It isn't pagan, for it is found in the Bible. He who speaks from the burning bush says of Himself that He doesn't have just one Name. In other words, the Father has no proper Name. It is not a figure of speech, but rather a function. The Father has as many names as the function has props. What is its function? The religious function par excellence, that of tying things together. What things? The signifier and the signified, law and desire, thought and the body. In short, the symbolic and the imaginary. Yet if these two become tied to the real in a three-part knot, the Name-of-the-Father is no longer anything but mere semblance. On the other hand, if without it everything falls apart, it is the symptom of a failed knotting.- Jacques-Alain Miller
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Farewell to Growth
Most of us who live in the North and the West consume far too much – too much meat, too much fat, too much sugar, too much salt. We are more likely to put on too much weight than to go hungry. We live in a society that is heading for a crash. We are aware of what is happening and yet we refuse to take it fully into account. Above all we refuse to address the issue that lies at the heart of our problems – namely, the fact that our societies are based on an economy whose only goal is growth for growth’s sake. Serge Latouche argues that we need to rethink from the very foundations the idea that our societies should be based on growth. He offers a radical alternative – a society of ‘de-growth’. De-growth is not the same thing as negative growth. We should be talking about ‘a-growth’, in the sense in which we speak of ‘a-theism’. And we do indeed have to abandon a faith or religion – that of the economy, progress and development—and reject the irrational and quasi-idolatrous cult of growth for growth’s sake. While many realize that that the never-ending pursuit of growth is incompatible with a finite planet, we have yet to come to terms with the implications of this – the need to produce less and consume less. But if we do not change course, we are heading for an ecological and human disaster. There is still time to imagine, quite calmly, a system based upon a different logic, and to plan for a ‘de-growth society’.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to German Philosophy: From Kant to Habermas
Introduction to German Philosophy is the only book in English to provide a comprehensive account of the key ideas and arguments of modern German philosophy from Kant to the present. the first book in English to provide a comprehensive account of the key ideas and arguments of modern German philosophy from Kant to the present. offers an accessible introduction to the work, among others, of Kant, Fichte, the Romantics, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, the Vienna Circle, Husserl, Heidegger, Benjamin, Adorno, Gadamer, and Habermas. considers how German philosophy reacts to revolutionary changes in modern science, society, and culture; ideal for anyone wanting to know more about the role of the German tradition within philosophy and literature as a whole.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feminism and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge
Geography is a subject which throughout its history has been dominated by men; men have undertaken the heroic explorations which form the mythology of its foundation, men have written most of its texts and, as many feminist geographers have remarked, men's interests have structured what counts as legitimate geographical knowledge. This book offers a sustained examination of the masculinism of contemporary geographical discourses. Drawing on the work of feminist theories about the intersection of power, knowledge and subjectivity, different aspects of the discipline's masculinism are discussed in a series of essays which bring influential approaches in recent geography together with feminist accounts of the space of the everyday, the notion of a sense of place and views of landscape. In the final chapter, the spatial imagery of a variety of feminists is examined in order to argue that the geographical imagination implicit in feminist discussions of the politics of location is one example of a geography which does not deny difference in the name of a universal masculinity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Triumph of the Slippers
Since the beginning of the 21st century, global warming, terrorism, the pandemic and now the war in Ukraine have created a widespread feeling that the world is an increasingly dangerous place. In response to this situation, it is understandable that many people are inclined to retreat to the safety of their home the last refuge and safeguard against the savagery of the outside world. But the home is not just a shelter: it is a space that supplants and replaces the world, a wired cocoon that gradually renders any journey to the outside world superfluous. From our couch, we can enjoy remotely the pleasures once offered by the cinema, the theatre and the café. Everything, from food to love to art, can be delivered to your door. Armed with a smartphone and a Netflix account, why would anyone risk life and limb to venture out to the cinema? Compulsory confinement, the nightmare of the pandemic years, seems to have been replaced by voluntary self-confinement. Fleeing from the cities, wo
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Fallacies of Racism
Everyone has an opinion on racism. The vast majority of people would vehemently deny that they or those close to them are racist, yet many of the most common understandings of racism are highly problematic. If you mean no harm, then it can't be racist. Yes, it can. There are anti-discrimination laws now, so racism no longer occurs. Incorrect. Some of my best friends are Black, so I can't be racist. Not true. In this sharp, open-minded, and witty book, sociologist Jennifer PatriceSimssuccinctly addresses these problematic perceptions of racism asfallacies. Building on existing academic theories and drawing on her own cross-national research, two decades of teaching, and analyses of contemporary issues,shedelves into the most common and insidious fallacies about racism. In revealing them to be rooted in what scholars call an epistemology of ignorance, she shows how these perceptions justify and uphold white supremacy (inadvertently or otherwise). Accessibly written and full of concre
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Being Philosophical
Being Philosophicalguides readers through the perplexing initial moments of meeting philosophy by taking them inside philosophical thinking as an activity. In a beginner-friendly voice, Stephen Hetherington elucidates how intellectual tools' from a diversity of traditions, East and West, can enable us to start doing philosophy that is, to think from scratch' in a philosophical way. He explores many classical topics and issues that have preoccupied philosophers from Plato, early Buddhists and Confucius to Karl Marx and beyond selves, souls, identity, will, knowing and reasoning, acting morally, and more and presents possible methods for responding to different theories. Inviting and conversational,Being Philosophicalis the book needed by every new philosophy student or anyone wondering whether they might want to explore the world of philosophy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Science: An Anthology
Philosophy of Science: An Anthology assembles some of the finest papers in the philosophy of science since 1945, showcasing enduring classics alongside important and innovative recent work. Introductions by the editor highlight connections between selections, and contextualize the articles Nine sections address topics at the heart of philosophy of science, including realism and the character of scientific theories, scientific explanations and laws of nature, singular casusation, and the metaphysical implications of modern physics Provides an authoritative and accessible overview of the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Broken Body
A fascinating collection of essays exploring a fresh contemporary approach to the person and doctrine of Jesus Christ How should Christians think about the person of Jesus Christ today? In this volume, Sarah Coakley argues that this question has to be 'broken open' in new and unexpected ways: by an awareness of the deep spiritual demands of the christological task and its strikingly 'apophatic' dimensions; by a probing of the paradoxical ways in which Judaism and Christianity are drawn together in Christ, even by those issues which seem to 'break' them most decisively apart; and by an exploration of the mode of Christ's presence in the eucharist, with its intensification, 'breaking' and re-gathering of human desires. In this sequel to her celebrated earlier volume of essays, Powers and Submissions, Coakley returns to its unifying theme of divine power and contemplative submission, and weaves a new web of christological outcomes which remain replete with controversial implications for g
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Guide to Management Research Methods
This text shows business students how to conduct reliable research and how to argue the soundness of their research approach. A practical introduction to research methods for business students. Gives students the ability to conduct reliable research on the basis of empirical field data. Takes students through the research process systematically, from the initial definition of a research problem to the final presentation of results. Demonstrates the interrelationships between the different stages in a research project. Helps students to decide which methods are most appropriate. Teaches students to think both critically and creatively about research methods. Includes the most up-to-date methods, including use of the Internet and email. Supported by real-life examples, cases and practical guidelines.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Dental Pharmacology
A convenient and authoritative quick reference for drugs relevant to clinical dentistry Clinical Dental Pharmacology delivers an essential reference for dental practitioners seeking quick, easy access to current and accurate information about drugs used by dentists in clinical practice. The book covers common drugs prescribed by dental practitioners as well as systemic medications which may impact on provision of clinical dental care. A separate section on recognition and management common medical emergencies in dental practice is also included. Readers will find relevant material covering the indications, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, routes of administration, dosage, preparations, side effects, cautions, and contraindications of a host of relevant drugs. The text is accompanied by images designed to facilitate a visual understanding of key concepts and is organized by drug class, making information easy to find. It is an indispensable resource designed to avoid potentially se
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Maternal Pathophysiology
An introduction to pathophysiology specifically tailored to the needs of midwives Professional standards of proficiency require that midwives develop a robust understanding of pathophysiology, the study of disordered physical processes including disease and injury. This dedicated text equips both aspiring and registered midwives with the foundational understanding of pathophysiology required to deliver the best patient care. An understanding of pathophysiology is paramount for the delivery of safe and effective care during the various stages of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum recovery. This understanding provides midwives with the insight to recognise and respond promptly to complications, fostering optimal outcomes for the mother and the newborn. Early recognition is pivotal, allowing for timely interventions that can significantly influence maternal and fetal well-being. A holistic approach to care is the cornerstone of midwifery and an understanding of pathophysiology allows
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medical Decision Making
MEDICAL DECISION MAKING Detailed resource showing how to best make medical decisions while incorporating clinical practice guidelines and decision support systems Sir William Osler, a legendary physician of an earlier era, once said, Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. In Osler's day, and now, decisions about treatment often cannot wait until the diagnosis is certain. Medical Decision Making is about how to make the best possible decision given that uncertainty. The book shows how to tailor decisions under uncertainty to achieve the best outcome based on published evidence, features of a patient's illness, and the patient's preferences. Medical Decision Making describes a powerful framework for helping clinicians and their patients reach decisions that lead to outcomes that the patient prefers. That framework contains the key principles of patient-centered decision-making in clinical practice. Since the first edition of Medical Decision Making in 1988,
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Language, Gender, and Sexuality
Significantly expanded and updated, the second edition of The Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality brings together a team of the leading specialists in the field to create a comprehensive overview of key historical themes and issues, along with methodologies and cutting-edge research topics. Examines the dynamic ways that women and men develop and manage gendered identities through their talk, presenting data and case studies from interactions in a range of social contexts and different communities Substantially updated for the second edition, including a new introduction, 24 newly-commissioned chapters, ten updated chapters, and a comprehensive index Includes new chapters on research in non-English speaking countries – from Asia to South America – and cutting-edge topics such as language, gender, and popular culture; language and sexual identities; and language, gender, and socio-phonetics New sections focus on key themes and issues in the field, such as methodological approaches to language and gender, incorporating new chapters on conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, and variation theory Provides unrivalled geographic coverage and an essential resource for a wide range of disciplines, from linguistics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to communication and gender studies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Don't Wait For Your Ship to Come In...Swim Out to Meet It: Tools and Techniques for Positive Lasting Change
For those battle-scarred veterans of self-help books, psychologist Dr Gary Wood has answers that actually work. He argues that for real changes in the life of real people we need real psychology. In Don't Wait for Your Ship to Come In, Swim Out to Meet It, he presents an end to 'yo-yo self helping. This is a complete step-by-step program for personal development, based on the life-coaching techniques and evidence-based psychology that have made him immensely popular on British radio, TV and magazines. Written in his trademark, fun, conversational Dr Wood offers a wealth of tools and techniques for positive lasting change illustrated with exercises, quizzes and anecdotes. It covers everything from relaxation, to self-talk, to creative visualization, to goal setting. It also contains tools for enhancing anyone's creative capacity for change and overcoming self-sabotage. Throughout, the book focuses on personal strengths and solutions and contains tools for conducting a complete life review. Dr Gary Wood offers the challenge 'It's your life so take it personally'. This comprehensive, practical guide is a must for anyone who is truly serious about personal growth, empowerment and change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Learning Organization: Organizations 07.09
Fast track route to understanding the opportunities and consequences of engaging in organization and individual development as a core business strategy Covers the key areas of investment, appraisal, analysis, implementation and evaluation and relates the total approach to long term business and organization viability Examples and lessons from some of the world's most successful businesses, including P&O Cross Channel Ferries, Patagonia Inc, Sanyo and Semco, and ideas from the smartest thinkers, including Chris Argyris, Peter Senge and Geert Hofstede Includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Cooking For Dummies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Metasphysics of Free Will: An Essay on Control
The Metaphysics of Free Will provides a through statement of the major grounds for skepticism about the reality of free will and moral responsibility. The author identifies and explains the sort of control that is associated with personhood and accountability, and shows how it is consistent with causal determinism. In so doing, out view of ourselves as morally responsible agents is protected against the disturbing changes posed by science and religion.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Archaeology of Capitalism
An Archaeology of Capitalism offers an account of landscape and material culture from the later Middle Ages to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. In tracing some of the roots of modernity back to the transformation of the countryside, this book seeks an innovative understanding of the transition between feudalism and capitalism, and does so through a unique synthesis of archaeology, economic, social and cultural history, historical geography and architectural history. Medieval and early modern archaeology has in the past focused on small-scale empirical contributions to the study of the period. The approach taken here is both wider-ranging and more ambitious. The author breaks down the dividing lines between archaeological and documentary evidence to provide a vivid reconstruction of pre-industrial material life and of the social and mental processes that came together in the post-medieval period in the transition towards modernity. Matthew Johnson is careful to avoid a simplifying evolutionary explanation, but rather sees the period in terms of a diversity of social and material practices evident in material traces - traces that survive and that, when reused in different contexts, came to mean different things.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Zelensky: A Biography
Three years after the political novice Volodymyr Zelensky was elected to Ukraine’s highest office, he found himself catapulted into the role of war-time leader. The former comedian has become the public face of his country’s courageous and bloody struggle against a brutal invasion. Zelensky’s extraordinary leadership in the face of Russia’s aggression is an inspiration to everyone who stands opposed to the appalling violence unleashed on Ukraine. This book – the first biography of Zelensky published in English – tells his astonishing story. It has been revised and updated for this new paperback edition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Israelis and Palestinians: From the Cycle of Violence to the Conversation of Mankind
Can Israelis and Palestinians end their long conflict? The shocking violence of current events undermines hope, as does the long history of peace deals sabotaged by extremists on both sides. In this compelling and timely book, the eminent moral philosopher Jonathan Glover argues that one vital step towards progress is to better understand the disturbing psychology of the cycle of violence. Glover explores the psychological flaws that entrap both sides: the urge to respond to wounds or humiliation with backlash; political or religious beliefs held with a rigidity that excludes compromise; and people’s identity being shaped by the conflict in ways that make it harder to imagine or even desire alternatives. Drawing on the history of comparable conflicts that eased over time, Glover proposes some ways to gradually weaken the grip of this psychology. Completed as casualties mounted in the latest political and humanitarian crisis, Israelis and Palestinians is essential reading for anyone concerned by the ongoing violence in the Middle East.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Land Sickness
As a heatwave hits Paris, the author's entire existence is disrupted and disoriented by the effects of climate change. All his normal reference points are destroyed. To escape the heat and his growing anxieties, he flees to the small Mediterranean island of Porquerolles. But even in this idyllic setting, can he escape the harsh realities of the Anthropocene? Written as a fictionalized travelogue based on the author's own experiences, this inquiry into the issues raised by the climate crisis will be of interest to everyone concerned about the increasingly dire situation in which we find ourselves on our climate-damaged planet.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why We Disagree about Inequality: Social Justice vs. Social Order
Why do we disagree about the causes of and solutions to social inequality? What explains our different viewpoints on Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, income inequality, and immigration? In this tightly argued book, John Iceland, Eric Silver, and Ilana Redstone show how two clashing worldviews – one emphasizing Social Justice and another Social Order – are preventing Americans from solving their most pressing social problems. The authors show how each worldview provides a different understanding of human nature, morality, social change, and the wisdom of the past. They argue that, before Americans can find lasting solutions to today’s seemingly intractable societal challenges, they will need to recognize that each side possesses a wisdom the other lacks. Only then can we achieve the common ground and consensus we seek.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Critical Theory of AI
We live in an age of artificial intelligence. Machines think and act in ever more complex ways, making suggestions and decisions on our behalf. While AI might be seen as practical and profitable, issues of data surveillance, algorithmic control, and sexist and racist bias persist. In this rapidly changing landscape, social analysis of AI risks getting scaled down to issues of ‘ethics’, ‘responsibility’, and ‘fairness’. While these are important issues, they must be addressed not from an ‘AI first’ perspective, but more thoroughly in terms of power and contention. Approaching artificial intelligence from the often overlooked perspective of critical social theory, this book provides a much-needed intervention on how both old and new theories conceptualize the social consequences of AI. Questions are posed about the ideologies driving AI, the mythologies surrounding AI, and the complex relationship between AI and power. Simon Lindgren provides a way of defining AI as an object of social and political critique, and guides the reader through a set of contentious areas where AI and politics intersect. In relation to these topics, critical theories are drawn upon, both as an argument for and an illustration of how AI can be critiqued. Given the opportunities and challenges of AI, this book is a must-read for students and scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM disciplines.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Darkening Blackness: Race, Gender, Class, and Pessimism in 21st-Century Black Thought
The concept of Afropessimism does not refer to Black people, but rather to the likelihood of white society overcoming its own negrophobia, and to a radical distrust in white narratives of inclusivity. What if the ideas and reforms we regard as progressive were just the new and shiny face of racism? In the time of Black Lives Matter, the unswerving dehumanization and killing of Black people form the bedrock of our civilization. But a vast anti-Black collective feeling also manifests itself as a more insidious shared unconscious, hidden from view by the doctrines we deem as emancipatory. This book challenges the simplistic and pacifying aspects of current African American thought. It puts forward alternatives to intersectionality, poststructuralism, and radical democracy, which are often prioritized in the Black analysis of race, gender, and class. Accessible, historically informed, and politically alert, this book offers a critical analysis of the groundbreaking theories and strategies that radically reimagine the future of Black lives throughout the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd History of the Adriatic: A Sea and Its Civilization
The Adriatic is ‘the small Mediterranean’ – a sea within a sea, part of the Mediterranean and at the same time detached from it, a largely enclosed sea with stunning coastlines and a long history of commercial, political and cultural exchange. Silent witness to the flow of civilizations, the Adriatic is the meeting point of East and West where many empires had their frontiers and some overlapped. With Italy on one side and the Balkans on the other, the Adriatic is the area where the Latin West became intertwined with the Greek and Ottoman East. This book tells the history of the Adriatic from the first cultures of the Neolithic Age through to the present day. All of the great civilizations and cultures that bordered and crossed the Adriatic are discussed: Ancient Greece and Rome, Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire, Venice and the Ottomans, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam. Byzantium was replaced by Venice, queen of the Adriatic, which reached its zenith at the beginning of the sixteenth century and maintained commercial and military hegemony in its Gulf, sharing the sea with the Turks, the Habsburgs, the Pope and the Spanish vice-kingdom of Naples. It was Napoleon who ended Venice’s reign in 1797. In the nineteenth century, the Austrian Empire prevailed, and Central Europe reached the Mediterranean through the Adriatic. United Italy placed its most symbolic frontier in the eastern Adriatic, clashing with Austria-Hungary in the First World War. The twentieth century was marked by the prolonged conflicts and eventually peace between Yugoslavia, Albania and Italy. Today the Adriatic is a region increasingly integrated into the European Union, experiencing a new era of cooperation following the dramatic collapse of Yugoslavia. Across centuries, this book illustrates the rich cultural and artistic heritage of diverse civilizations as they left their mark on the cities, shores and states of the Adriatic.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd My Life in Fragments
Zygmunt Bauman was one of the great social thinkers of our time: inventor of the idea of liquid modernity, he transformed our way of thinking about the social conditions shaping our lives today. His own life was shaped by the great social forces that scarred the second half of the twentieth century – war, communism, antisemitism, forced migration. His work bears the traces of an outsider who knew all too well the enormous impact that social and political forces can have on personal lives. Bauman never wrote a full biography, but he wrote extended letters to his daughters in which he recounted the details of his life – his childhood and schooling; his experiences during the war and its aftermath; his forced emigration from Poland in 1968 and his subsequent life in exile, first in Israel and then in the UK, where he eventually settled at the University of Leeds. This book makes available for the first time these fragments of a life recounted, woven into a compelling autobiographical narrative that is laced with the broader reflections of a master thinker on some of the great issues of our time: identity, antisemitism and totalitarianism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Should We Ban Killer Robots?
Images of killer robots are the stuff of science fiction – but also, increasingly, of scientific fact on the battlefield. Should we be worried, or is this a normal development in the technology of war? In this accessible volume ethicist Deane Baker cuts through the confusion over whether lethal autonomous weapons – so-called killer robots – should be banned. Setting aside unhelpful analogies taken from science fiction, Baker looks instead to our understanding of mercenaries (the metaphorical ‘dogs of war’) and weaponized animals (the literal dogs of war) to better understand the ethical challenges raised by the employment of lethal autonomous weapons (the robot dogs of war). These ethical challenges include questions of trust and reliability, control and accountability, motivation and dignity. Baker argues that, while each of these challenges is significant, they do not – even when considered together – justify a ban on this emerging class of weapon systems. This book offers a clear point of entry into the debate over lethal autonomous weapons – for students, researchers, policy makers and interested general readers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Algorithmic Intimacy: The Digital Revolution in Personal Relationships
Artificial intelligence not only powers our cars, hospitals and courtrooms: predictive algorithms are becoming deeply lodged inside us too. Machine intelligence is learning our private preferences and discreetly shaping our personal behaviour, telling us how to live, who to befriend and who to date. In Algorithmic Intimacy, Anthony Elliott examines the power of predictive algorithms in reshaping personal relationships today. From Facebook friends and therapy chatbots to dating apps and quantified sex lives, Elliott explores how machine intelligence is working within us, amplifying our desires and steering our personal preferences. He argues that intimate relationships today are threatened not by the digital revolution as such, but by the orientation of various life strategies unthinkingly aligned with automated machine intelligence. Our reliance on algorithmic recommendations, he suggests, reflects a growing emergency in personal agency and human bonds. We need alternatives, innovation and experimentation for the interpersonal, intimate effort of ongoing translation back and forth between the discourses of human and machine intelligence. Accessible and compelling, this book sheds fresh light on the impact of artificial intelligence on the most intimate aspects of our lives. It will appeal to students in the social sciences and humanities and to a wide range of general readers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd WhatsApp: From a one-to-one Messaging App to a Global Communication Platform
In the 2010s, as chat apps became a primary mode of communication for many people across the world, WhatsApp quickly outpaced rival messaging apps and developed into a platform. In this book, the authors provide a comprehensive account of WhatsApp’s global growth. Charting WhatsApp’s evolution from its founding in 2009 to the present day, they argue that WhatsApp has been transformed from a simple, ‘gimmickless’ app into a global communication platform. Understanding this development can shed light on the trajectory of Meta’s industrial development, and how digital economies and social media landscapes are evolving with the rise of ‘superapps’. This book explores how WhatsApp’s unique characteristics mediate new kinds of social and commercial transactions; how they pose new opportunities and challenges for platform regulation, civic participation and democracy; and how they give rise to new kinds of digital literacy as WhatsApp becomes integrated into everyday digital cultures across the globe. Accessibly written, this book is an essential resource for students and scholars of digital media, cultural studies, and media and communications.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Common Good Constitutionalism
The way that Americans understand their Constitution and wider legal tradition has been dominated in recent decades by two exhausted approaches: the originalism of conservatives and the “living constitutionalism” of progressives. Is it time to look for an alternative? Adrian Vermeule argues that the alternative has been there, buried in the American legal tradition, all along. He shows that US law was, from the founding, subsumed within the broad framework of the classical legal tradition, which conceives law as “a reasoned ordering to the common good.” In this view, law’s purpose is to promote the goods a flourishing political community requires: justice, peace, prosperity, and morality. He shows how this legacy has been lost, despite still being implicit within American public law, and convincingly argues for its recovery in the form of “common good constitutionalism.” This erudite and brilliantly original book is a vital intervention in America’s most significant contemporary legal debate while also being an enduring account of the true nature of law that will resonate for decades with scholars and students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Fashioned Body: Fashion, Dress and Modern Social Theory
The Fashioned Body provides a wide-ranging and original overview of fashion and dress from an historical and sociological perspective. Where once fashion was seen as marginal, it has now entered into core economic discourse focused around ideas about 'cultural' and 'creative' work as a major driver of developed economies. This third edition of The Fashioned Body, the most comprehensive revision to date, revisits the classic works on fashion, dress and the body, and introduces contemporary issues and debates in the area. With new sections and revisions to all chapters, the major updates pick up on recent debates on fashion from the perspective of decolonising the curriculum, diversity, queer studies, sustainability, the environment, and digital fashion. A newly expanded bibliography of contemporary studies of fashion and dress is also included. The book continues to show how an understanding of fashion and dress requires analysing the meanings and practices of the dressed body in culture. Moreover, its central premise – that fashion is a 'situated practice' articulated through everyday dressed bodies – has become established orthodoxy within fashion studies since publication of the first edition in 2000. Remaining a seminal text in the field, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in the social role of fashion and dress in modern culture.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ways of Being Alive
The ecological crisis is a very real crisis for the many species that face extinction, but it is also a crisis of sensibility – that is, a crisis in our relationships with other living beings. We have grown accustomed to treating other living beings as the material backdrop for the drama of human life: the animal world is regarded as part of ‘nature’, juxtaposed to the world of human beings who pursue their aims independently of other species.Baptiste Morizot argues that the time has come for us to jettison this nature─human dualism and rethink our relationships with other living beings. Animals are not part of a separate, natural world: they are cohabitants of the Earth, with whom we share a common ancestry, the enigma of being alive and the responsibility of living decent lives together. By accepting our identity as living beings and reconnecting with our own animal nature, we can begin to change our relationships with other animals, seeing them not as inferior lifeforms but as living creatures who have different ways of being alive.This powerful plea for a new understanding of our relationships with other animals will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the ecological crisis and the future of different species, including our own.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Climate Coup
Inaction by governments in the face of climate change is often attributed to a lack of political will or a denial of the seriousness of the situation, but as Mark Alizart argues in this provocative book, we shouldn’t exclude the possibility that part of the reluctance might be motivated by cynicism and even sheer evil: for some people, there are real financial and political benefits to be gained from the chaos that will ensue from environmental disaster. The climate crisis creates its winners – individuals who orchestrate environmental chaos and bet on the collapse of the world as they bet on declining share values. In the face of this veritable ‘carbofascist’ coup targeting humanity, modifying our behaviour as individuals won’t suffice. We must train our critical attention on those financial and political actors who speculate on catastrophe and, in the light of this, we must rethink the strategy of ecological activism. This is a war to win, not a crisis to overcome.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Being with Data: The Dashboarding of Everyday Life
Once the rarified stuff of scientists and statisticians, data are now at the heart of our global digital economy, transforming everything from how we perceive the value of a professional athlete to the intelligence gathering activities of governments. We are told that the right data can turn an election, help predict crime, improve our businesses, our health and our capacity to make decisions. Beginning with a simple question - how do most people encounter and experience data? - Nathaniel Tkacz sets out on a path at odds with much of the contemporary discussion about data. When we encounter data, he contends, it is often in highly routinised ways, through formatted displays and for specific cognitive tasks. What data are and can do is largely a matter of how they are formatted. To understand our 'datafied' societies, we need to turn our attention to data's formats and the powers of formatting. This book offers an account of one such format: the dashboard. From their first appearance with the horse and carriage, Tkacz guides readers on the historical development of this format. Through analyses of car dashboards, early managerial dashboards, and the gradual emergence of dashboards as a computer display technology, Tkacz shows how today's digital dashboards came to be, and how their cultural history conditions the present. Highly original and wide-ranging, this book will change how you think about data.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Black Register
How can thinkers grapple with the question of the human when they have been dehumanized? How can black thinkers confront and make sense of a world structured by antiblackness, a world that militates against the very existence of blacks? These are the questions that guide Tendayi Sithole’s brilliant analyses of the work of Sylvia Wynter, Aimé Césaire, Steve Biko, Assata Shakur, George Jackson, Mabogo P. More, and a critique of Giorgio Agamben. Through his careful interrogation of their writings Sithole shows how the black register represents a uniquely critical perspective from which to confront worlds that are systematically structured to dehumanize. The black register is the ways of thinking, knowing and doing that emerge from existential struggles against antiblackness and that dwell in the lived experience of being black in an antiblack world. The black register is the force of critique that comes from thinkers who are dehumanized, and who in turn question, define, and analyze the reality that they are in, in order to reframe it and unmask the forces that inform subjection. This book redefines the arc of critical black thought over the last seventy-five years and it will be an indispensable text for anyone concerned with the deep and enduring ways in which race structures our world and our thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Food
We all need food to survive, and forty percent of the world’s population relies on agriculture for their livelihood. Yet control over food is concentrated in relatively few hands. Turmoil in the world food economy in recent decades has highlighted a number of vulnerabilities and contradictions inherent in the way we currently organize this vital sector. Extremes of both undernourishment and overnourishment affect a significant proportion of humanity. And attempts to increase production through the spread of an industrial model of agriculture has resulted in serious ecological consequences. The fully revised and expanded third edition of this popular book explores how the rise of industrial agriculture, corporate control, inequitable agricultural trade rules, and the financialization of food have each enabled powerful actors to gain fundamental influence over the practices that dominate the world food economy and result in uneven consequences for both people and planet. A variety of movements have emerged that are making important progress in establishing alternative food systems, but, as Clapp’s penetrating analysis ably shows, significant challenges remain.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Platforms and Cultural Production
The widespread uptake of digital platforms – from YouTube and Instagram to Twitch and TikTok – is reconfiguring cultural production in profound, complex, and highly uneven ways. Longstanding media industries are experiencing tremendous upheaval, while new industrial formations – live-streaming, social media influencing, and podcasting, among others – are evolving at breakneck speed. Poell, Nieborg, and Duffy explore both the processes and the implications of platformization across the cultural industries, identifying key changes in markets, infrastructures, and governance at play in this ongoing transformation, as well as pivotal shifts in the practices of labor, creativity, and democracy. The authors foreground three particular industries – news, gaming, and social media creation – and also draw upon examples from music, advertising, and more. Diverse in its geographic scope, Platforms and Cultural Production builds on the latest research and accounts from across North America, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and China to reveal crucial differences and surprising parallels in the trajectories of platformization across the globe. Offering a novel conceptual framework grounded in illuminating case studies, this book is essential for students, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to understand how the institutions and practices of cultural production are transforming – and what the stakes are for understanding platform power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sad Love: Romance and the Search for Meaning
As a woman with a husband and other partners, philosopher Carrie Jenkins knows that love is complicated. Love is most often associated with happiness, satisfaction and pleasure. But it has a darker side we ignore at our peril. Love is often an uncomfortable and difficult feeling. The people we love can let us down badly. And the ways we love are often quite different to the romantic ideals society foists upon us. Since we are inevitably disappointed by love, wouldn’t we be better off without it? No, says Carrie Jenkins. Instead, we need a new philosophy of love, one that recognizes that the pain and suffering love causes are a natural, even a good part of what makes love worthwhile. What Jenkins calls “sad love” offers no bogus “happy ever afters”. Rather, it tries to find a way properly to integrate heartbreak and disappointment into the lived experience of love. It’s time we liberated love.