Search results for ""Author Sam"
Archaeopress Parian Polyandreia: The Late Geometric Funerary Legacy of Cremated Soldiers’ Bones on Socio-Political Affairs and Military Organizational Preparedness in Ancient Greece
This book centres on the anthropological study of two late 8th century BC monumental graves, designated as T144 and T105, at the ancient necropolis of Paroikia at Paros. The study investigates inter-island features of the human record, observable as ingrained traces in the skeletal record. These have particular significance as they may relate to Parian endeavours in the northern Aegean to colonise Thasos. Through the ‘Paros Polyandreia Anthropological Project,’ it was possible to gain insights into aspects of the human environment and experience in the Parian context. A considerable population sample of cremated male individuals was available, shedding light on trends that would have involved Thasos; and discerning further facets of the human condition during the Late Geometric to the Early Archaic periods in the ancient Hellenic world. The report integrates the basic anthropological data, evaluations and assessments derived from the study of the human skeletal record of Polyandreia T144, and T105. Bioarchaeological and forensic anthropological research results include the morphometric analyses of biological developmental growth and variability in relation to manifestations of acquired skeleto-anatomic changes, along with inquiries into the demographic dynamics, and the palaeopathologic profile of the individuals involved. Such intra-site juxtaposition afforded the possibility to deliberate on issues of the intended purpose, function, and symbolic meaning of the two funerary activity areas, and to reflect on the organizational abilities and capacities of the Parians in political and military affairs. Moreover, inter-site evaluations of the burial grounds of Orthi Petra of Eleutherna-Crete, Plithos of Naxos, Athenian Demosion Sema, Pythagoreion of Samos, and Rhodes make possible comparisons of taphonomic conditions, with cremated materials’ metric analyses, and reflections on aspects of the funerary customs and practices of the interring of cremated war dead.
Oxford University Press Inc Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church
Based on the National Study of Youth and Religion--the same invaluable data as its predecessor, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers--Kenda Creasy Dean's compelling new book, Almost Christian, investigates why American teenagers are at once so positive about Christianity and at the same time so apathetic about genuine religious practice. In Soul Searching, Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton found that American teenagers have embraced a "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"--a hodgepodge of banal, self-serving, feel-good beliefs that bears little resemblance to traditional Christianity. But far from faulting teens, Dean places the blame for this theological watering down squarely on the churches themselves. Instead of proclaiming a God who calls believers to lives of love, service and sacrifice, churches offer instead a bargain religion, easy to use, easy to forget, offering little and demanding less. But what is to be done? In order to produce ardent young Christians, Dean argues, churches must rediscover their sense of mission and model an understanding of being Christian as not something you do for yourself, but something that calls you to share God's love, in word and deed, with others. Dean found that the most committed young Christians shared four important traits: they could tell a personal and powerful story about God; they belonged to a significant faith community; they exhibited a sense of vocation; and they possessed a profound sense of hope. Based on these findings, Dean proposes an approach to Christian education that places the idea of mission at its core and offers a wealth of concrete suggestions for inspiring teens to live more authentically engaged Christian lives. Persuasively and accessibly written, Almost Christian is a wake up call no one concerned about the future of Christianity in America can afford to ignore.
Abrams The Portrait of a Mirror: A Novel
A stunning reinvention of the myth of Narcissus as a modern novel of manners, about two young, well-heeled couples whose parallel lives converge and intertwine over the course of a summer, by a sharp new voice in fiction Wes and Diana are the kind of privileged, well-educated, self-involved New Yorkers you may not want to like but can't help wanting to like you. With his boyish good looks, blue-blood pedigree, and the recent tidy valuation of his tech startup, Wes would have made any woman weak in the knees—any woman, that is, except perhaps his wife. Brilliant to the point of cunning, Diana possesses her own arsenal of charms, handily deployed against Wes in their constant wars of will and rhetorical sparring.Vivien and Dale live in Philadelphia, but with ties to the same prep schools and management consulting firms as Wes and Diana, they’re of the same ilk. With a wedding date on the horizon and carefully curated life of coupledom, Vivien and Dale make a picture-perfect pair on Instagram. But when Vivien becomes a visiting curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art just as Diana is starting a new consulting project in Philadelphia, the two couples’ lives cross and tangle. It’s the summer of 2015 and they’re all enraptured by one another and too engulfed in desire to know what they want—despite knowing just how to act.In this wickedly fun debut, A. Natasha Joukovsky crafts an absorbing portrait of modern romance, rousing real sympathy for these flawed characters even as she skewers them. Shrewdly observed, whip-smart, and shot through with wit and good humor, The Portrait of a Mirror is a piercing exploration of narcissism, desire, self-delusion, and the great mythology of love.
University of Pennsylvania Press Ennobling Love: In Search of a Lost Sensibility
"Richard, Duke of Aquitaine, son of the King of England, remained with Philip, the King of France, who so honored him for so long that they ate every day at the same table and from the same dish, and at night their beds did not separate them. And the King of France loved him as his own soul; and they loved each other so much that the King of England was absolutely astonished at the vehement love between them and marveled at what it could mean." Public avowals of love between men were common from antiquity through the Middle Ages. What do these expressions leave to interpretation? An extraordinary amount, as Stephen Jaeger demonstrates. Unlike current efforts to read medieval culture through modern mores, Stephen Jaeger contends that love and sex in the Middle Ages relate to each other very differently than in the postmedieval period. Love was not only a mode of feeling and desiring, or an exclusively private sentiment, but a way of behaving and a social ideal. It was a form of aristocratic self-representation, its social function to show forth virtue in lovers, to raise their inner worth, to increase their honor and enhance their reputation. To judge from the number of royal love relationships documented, it seems normal, rather than exceptional, that a king loved his favorites, and the courtiers and advisors, clerical and lay, loved their superiors and each other. Jaeger makes an elaborate, accessible, and certain to be controversial, case for the centrality of friendship and love as aristocratic lay, clerical, and monastic ideals. Ennobling Love is a magisterial work, a book that charts the social constructions of passion and sexuality in our own times, no less than in the Middle Ages.
United Nations Recomendaciones relativas al transporte de mercancías peligrosas: Reglamentación modelo, Volumes I & II
The Model Regulations cover the classification of dangerous goods and their listing, the use, construction, testing and approval of packagings and portable tanks, and the consignment procedures (marking, labelling, placarding and documentation). They aim at ensuring a high level of safety by preventing accidents to persons and property and damage to the environment during transport and, providing at the same time, a uniform regulatory framework which can be applied worldwide for national or international transport by any mode.
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington: Volume 17: 1 October 1794-31 March 1795
The highlight events of the months from October 1794 through March 1795, the period documented by Volume 17 of the Presidential Series, were the suppression of the Whiskey Insurrection in western Pennsylvania and the negotiation of the Jay Treaty with Great Britain.The volume opens with Washington, believing that his constitutional duty as commander in chief required his presence, en route to rendezvous with the troops called out to suppress the insurrection. After meeting with representatives from the insurgent counties and reviewing the troops, he concluded that serious resistance was unlikely, and, after penning a letter to Henry Lee on 20 October commending the troops and reminding them to support the laws, he returned to the capital. Still, regular letters from Alexander Hamilton, who remained with the expedition, kept him apprised of troop movements and activities. Washington devoted more than half of his annual address to discussion of the rebellion. After the submission of the rebellious counties, he also had to consider requests for pardons for the few individuals not included in a general pardon issued in November. Other domestic issues included a transition in Washington’s cabinet, as Hamilton and Henry Knox resigned the Treasury and War departments; supervision of the Federal City, where the commissioners sent a comprehensive statement of the affairs of the City to Washington in early 1795; and Indian affairs, which in the north involved the aftermath of the Battle of Fallen Timbers and treaty negotiations with the Iroquois and Oneida, and in the south involved news of the destruction of the Cherokee towns of Nickajack and Running Water as well as continuing concerns about Creek hostility in Georgia and the Southwest Territory. Washington also received an early report that the Yazoo land scheme threatened to increase tensions with the Creeks in Georgia. In addition to writing the State Department, John Jay kept Washington apprised of the progress of negotiations. Of particular note are his letters of 19 November, announcing the signing of the treaty, and 25 February, justifying his efforts. However, although notice of the treaty was received, the official copy did not arrive at Philadelphia by the adjournment of Congress, so consideration of the treaty would await a special session of the Senate. Meanwhile, Samuel Bayard had been dispatched to London to prosecute American claims in the British admiralty courts. Elsewhere, Thomas Pinckney was sent to Madrid as a special envoy to revive stalled negotiations with Spain. David Humphreys returned to the United States to discuss negotiations with the Barbary States, prompting Washington to ask Congress to authorise consuls for those states and to appoint Humphreys as minister plenipotentiary to negotiate with them. James Monroe sent one optimistic letter discussing his reception as minister to France. As for private concerns, Washington’s weekly correspondence with his Mount Vernon farm manager, largely suspended during his time with the troops, resumed upon his return to Philadelphia. He entertained offers about his lands in western Pennsylvania, on the Ohio River, and on Difficult Run in Virginia, and he paid taxes on and sought information about his land in Kentucky. Washington also corresponded with Tobias Lear about the Potomac Company’s development of the Potomac River.
Peeters Publishers Fathers and Brothers: The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in the Light of Canon 384 of the Code of Canon Law
Law is concerned with the recognition of human relationships and the duties and obligations which they generate. It is through the promulgation of norms that such legal systems declare this recognition. However, human relationships find expression in lived experience. It is in this same lived experience that the values espoused by the legal system stand or fall. The relationship between incardinated cleric and Diocesan Bishop is central to the vitality of the particular church. The dynamic of the relationship has been encapsulated in familial terms redolent of mutual dependency and commitment. Canon 384 CIC proclaims the duty of the Diocesan Bishop to protect the rights of his priest. Yet the lived experience not infrequently exposes the incardinate priest to a reality of isolation and abandonment. Such experiences oblige us to ask: what are the legitimate expectations of the incardinated cleric? This study is directed to the resolution of this question.
Quaterni Los ninjas de Koga y su código secreto
Para resolver el conflicto por su sucesión, el shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, deja sin efecto la prohibición de guerra y convoca un duelo a muerte entre dos clanes de ninjas rivales, los Iga y los Kôga. El vencedor gobernará Japón durante los próximos mil años.Cuando comienza la cruenta lucha, un inesperado romance florece entre Gennosuke y Oboro, los próximos líderes de cada clan, cuyos destinos están inexorablemente unidos a los de sus familas. Los desventurados amantes deberán elegir entonces entre el amor verdadero y el destino. Podrá su amor acabar con una rivalidad de cuatrocientos años? Triunfará la vida o la muerte?Una novela épica apasionante, un inolvidable viaje al Japón feudal. El mejor relato que se ha escrito sobre estos samuráis de la sombra, en el que se inspiró el manga Basilisk (Premio Kôdansha 2004), y el anime del mismo título.?Una novela debe ser, ante todo, interesante: debe tener atractivo en el desarrollo de su trama para que cualquier persona, en cualquier lu
Astiberri Ediciones Waluk
Hartz zuri txiki bat, amak abandonatutakoa, hartz zahar erretxin batekin elkartuko da, eta zaharrak bizitzaren gorabeherei aurre egiten irakatsiko dio. Miresmena eta beldurra. Edertasuna eta zalutasuna; itxura, zenbaitetan, gizakiena. Hartz zuriak animalia xarmagarriak dira, eta, lilura horri men eginez, Waluk kontakizun samurra eta hunkigarria sortu dute Ana Mirallesek eta Emilio Ruizek.Bizirauteko borrokan ari diren bi hartz zuri, pertsonen modura hitz egiteko eta hunkitzeko gauza diren bi hartz zuri baliatu dituzte Ana Mirallesek (hiru hamarkada luzeko eskarmentua duen marrazkilaria eta nazioartean zenbait komiki argitaratu dituena) eta Emilio Ruizek (alor desberdinetako gidoigile ezaguna) espezie horrek dituen arazoez, ingurunearen egungo arazoez eta gizkiak animalia horien etorkizunean duen eraginaz gogoeta egiteko.Horiek guztiak eta gehiago azaleratu dizkigute bi sortzaileek, Waluk gabeziez ere mintzo baita; agertzen digu nola izaki orok, adina edozein delarik ere, sekula e
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Dogmatik als Methode
Juristen streiten ständig über Methodenfragen, zu denen die Methodenlehre nichts zu sagen hat: diese arbeitet sich stattdessen an der Erkenntnissicherheit der juristischen Interpretation ab und kreist um das Subsumtionsideal wie um einen Pflock, an dem sie ziehen, von dem sie sich aber nicht lösen kann. Die juristische Praxis gerät dabei aus dem Blick. In der juristischen Argumentation kommt ein buntes Sammelsurium an bereichsspezifischen Begriffen und Methoden zur Anwendung, das nicht unmittelbar aus dem Gesetz folgt. Zum Spiel dieser Begriffe hat Methodenlehre nichts zu sagen, zur Infrastruktur gesetzlicher Normen fällt ihr nichts ein. Die Leerstelle der Methodenlehre hat dabei einen konkreten Namen: Dogmatik. Jannis Lennartz nimmt ihre Legitimation, Form und Produktion in den Blick, um ein realistisches Bild juristischer Praxis zu geben. Das vorliegende Werk ist eines der 'Juristischen Bücher des Jahres 2018', die in der NJW 41/2018 als Leseempfehlung ausgewählt wurden.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Phonic Books Totem: Decodable Books for Older Readers (CVC, Consonant Blends and Consonant Teams, Alternative Spellings for Vowel Sounds - ai, ay, a-e, a)
Zak’s adventures begin when he’s captured by two men and his shepherd’s staff acquires special powers. Starting at CVC level, the books progress through consonant blends, consonant teams and alternative vowel spellings. Phonic Books Totem comprises 12 books and shares the same phonic progression as the Phonic Books Alba series and can be used in parallel to consolidate phonemic knowledge and reading skills. (cvc, cvcc, ccvc, ccvcc, sh, ch, tch, th, ck, ng, qu, wh, le, -ed, ai, ay, a-e, a, ee, ea, e, y, ey, o-e, ow, oa, o, er, ir, ur, ow, ou, igh, i-e, y, i, oo, ew, u-e, u). Book 1: The Kidnap (cvc, cvcc) Book 2: The Gift (cvc, cvcc, ccvc) Book 3: On the Brink of Death (cvc, cvcc, ccvc, ccvcc) Book 4: The Shadow on the Cliff (sh, ch, th) Book 5: Bad Luck (ck, ng, qu, wh) Book 6: Dangers on the Plain (‘ae’: ai, ay, a-e, a) Book 7: Valley of Dreams (‘ee’: ee, ea, e, y, ey) Book 8: The Monster Below (‘oe’: o-e, ow, oa, o) Book 9: Murky Waters (‘er’: er, ir, ur) Book 10: Danger All Around (‘ow’: ow, ou) Book 11: Jungle Fright (‘ie’: igh, i-e, y, i) Book 12: Hooves! (‘oo’: oo, ew, u-e, u) Accompanying photocopiable activities for segmenting, comprehension, blending and writing can be found in Totem Activities.
Sounds True Inc I Am a Warrior Goddess
A young girl finds strength and courage through her connection to nature, taking care of her mind and body, and treating others with kindness A warrior goddess is strong, powerful, and kind. She’s friends with the sun and the wind. She takes care of her body and mind. She helps others and makes the world a better place. In this empowering tale of a little girl with big dreams, young readers learn how each day is full of opportunities to make a positive impact with ordinary actions. Our heroine is generous, grateful, and fierce. As she connects with the Earth, takes care of her body, and finds strength in kindness, she discovers her inner warrior goddess and inspires young girls everywhere to do the same. The original picture book version of this title has sold 25,000 copies since its release in February 2018.
Trafalgar Square Favorite Rag Rugs: 45 Inspiring Weave Designs
Creating rag rugs has enthralled weavers for over a century. Now you, too, can recycle your favorite fabrics and transform them into unique rugs that will bring a striking personal touch to every room in your home. From stripes, checks, and rosettes to mosaic, twists, and diamond twill; from soft to sturdy, and subtle to statement-making, Tina Ignell's superb selection of rag rugs provides you a wealth of inspiration, conveniently paired with practical instruction. Inside, find: - Six technique-based sections with 45 designs by 20 professional weavers - Charts, illustrations, and color photos of finished projects - Creative use of unusual materials, like lambskin, straw, and leather - Specialty patterns, such as a round rug and a runner for a spiral staircase - Instructions for finishing, including fringed and woven edges - A bonus section of five different rugs woven on the same warp - Resources and supplier contact information
Page Street Publishing Co. Take a Bow, Noah Mitchell
All Noah Mitchell wants is to meet his online crush, MagePants69, IRL. He knows the boy lives in the same small town, but his crush’s overprotective parent won’t ever let them meet. So on a hunch when M’s offline obligations start matching Noah’s mother’s rehearsals, Noah decide to join the musical for a shot at love. Used to being ignored at home and bullied at school, the theatre is even more than Noah bargained for. While Noah does get closer to his crush - Eli - Noah doesn’t want to risk revealing their online connection and ruining their friendship for romance until he’s sure it’s true love. But when all Noah’s secrets come spilling out after the debut performance, he must pick up the pieces and finally sort out who can be forgiven, what love is worth saving, and what it means to stand up for himself.
Skyhorse Publishing The Snark Handbook: Politics and Government Edition: Gridlock, Red Tape, and Other Insults to We the People
Another political year is upon us . . . a year in which we elect another useless figurehead to piss off the masses, confuse the classes, and, above all, reward the jackasses. It will be a time of fear, angst, and anger, the perfect moment for The Snark Handbook: Politics and Government Edition. Filled with quotes, jokes, and timeless snarks, this brave foray into the political theater, old and new, will serve as a priceless source of sanity as you navigate the asylum. In the same inimitable style as the previous bestselling Snark titles, this timely entry is guaranteed to amuse and entertain. The wit and humor of Lawrence Dorfman shines in this collection, where he highlights the ineptitude and malice that is American democracy. You’ll see first-hand the shenanigans that started with our Founding Fathers and still continue bravely on today. Hail to the Chief!
WW Norton & Co Chow: Simple Ways to Share the Foods You Love with the Dogs You Love
Nobody keeps us company in the kitchen as faithfully as our dogs. As patiently as dogs wait, they are often disappointed by their same boring bowl of food, which is missing many important nutrients. The wait is over—here comes CHOW! CHOW shows you the benefits of more than 100 foods that can be simply added to the dog bowl or combined with a few other ingredients to make a quick meal loaded with real meat, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Each simple recipe is accompanied by information on the powerhouse of nutrients that work to keep your pet happy and healthy. Think your dog won’t eat a blueberry? Try providing it frozen, cut in half, or dried, and even an old dog will start learning new tricks. Whether it's scraps from the cutting board or a low-calorie meal, your dog will love you even more when you provide something better in the bowl—with CHOW!
Amazon Publishing The Patient: A Novel
A therapist must face her own worst fear—one of her patients is a serial killer. Danielle Rycroft suspects someone close to her has a dark secret. In the confidential setting of therapy, her patients share their anxieties and fears. Now, with a string of murders in town putting her on edge, Danielle’s own worries come close to eclipsing her patients’. In each case, the pattern is the same: parents killed while their children sleep blissfully unaware in their beds. Her best friend, Detective Tami Sloan, is the only person she has confided in. Danielle believes that there’s still a secret one patient has yet to share. But which one? Behind a familiar face is a stranger who’ll do anything to hide their worst compulsions. The anxiety brings Danielle to her own therapist’s office, seeking counsel and comfort. But what is she willing to risk, and how much closer must she get, to stop them?
Manchester University Press Insanity, Identity and Empire: Immigrants and Institutional Confinement in Australia and New Zealand, 1873–1910
Insanity, identity and empire examines the formation of colonial social identities inside the institutions for the insane in Australia and New Zealand. Taking a large sample of patient records, it pays particular attention to gender, ethnicity and class as categories of analysis, reminding us of the varied journeys of immigrants to the colonies and of how and where they stopped, for different reasons, inside the social institutions of the period. It is about their stories of mobility, how these were told and produced inside institutions for the insane, and how, in the telling, colonial identities were asserted and formed. Having engaged with the structural imperatives of empire and with the varied imperial meanings of gender, sexuality and medicine, historians have considered the movements of travellers, migrants, military bodies and medical personnel, and ‘transnational lives’. This book examines an empire-wide discourse of ‘madness’ as part of this inquiry.
Rowman & Littlefield This Phenomenal Life: The Amazing Ways We Are Connected with Our Universe
Entertaining, colorful, and deceptively full of facts, This Phenomenal Life tells the story of the wondrous ways that humans are always completely at one with our surrounding world. From the vast galaxies above to the miniature microbes within, humans are organically connected to the complex cycles and mysterious processes of our universe. Every single atom of our body is made of remnants of stars and massive explosions in the galaxies, and we share the same biochemical basis of life with all living beings on earth, from a single-celled amoeba to a giant blue whale. Whimsically hip illustrations elucidate wild science-based facts, from the unexpected intimacy we have with fungi on a daily basis, to the similar ways that humans and birds learn to communicate. Powerful evidence of our interconnection with nature combined with beautiful artwork will inspire the reader to look at the world in a whole new way.
Adams Media Corporation The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book
Your essential guide to the modern wedding!Is it acceptable to invite my boss to my wedding? Can I tell my guests not to post pictures of my wedding online before I can? How do I ask my in-laws to help with wedding costs? How long do I have to write thank-you notes?Every bride has her own etiquette dilemma, from dealing with unhappy stepfamilies to a guest who posts a picture of the invitation on Facebook, advertising the wedding date and site to hundreds of nonguests. While some etiquette rules stay the same (bringing an uninvited guest is still rude), the ever-changing modern world has brought on a new slew of challenges. Luckily, The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book, 4th Edition has the advice you need to conquer any etiquette predicament.From satisfying future in-laws to controlling your event''s online presence, you''ll learn how to handle every situation with grace and ease. Organized to guide you through the wedding-planning process as it h
Abrams The Last Thing You Said
Lucy always loved summers on Halcyon Lake—sunning on the lake raft, relaxing on the boat, and spending every possible minute with her best friend, Trixie, and Trixie’s brother, Ben, Lucy’s lifelong crush. Until last summer, when one tragic event turned their idyllic world upside down. Now nothing is the same. This summer, Trixie is gone, and Ben is distant, numbing his pain with parties and a string of interchangeable girlfriends. Lucy does her best to move on and avoid this cold new Ben. She throws herself into babysitting, waitressing, and a sweet new romance with the renter next door. But in their small lake town, forgetting the past—and Ben—proves impossible. He still seems to be everywhere: at work, at the movies . . . and in Lucy’s heart. Lucy so wants to move on, but how can she forgive when she can’t forget?
WW Norton & Co The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write: Poems
In this moving, playful, and deeply philosophical volume, Gregory Orr seeks innovative ways for the imagination to respond to and create meaning out of painful experiences, while at the same time rejoicing in love and language. A passionate exploration of the forces that shape us, The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write explores themes of survival and the powerlessness of the self in a chaotic and unfair world, finding hope in the emotions and vitality of poetry. With characteristic meditative lyricism, the poet reflects on grief and the power of language in extended odes (“Ode to Nothing,” “Ode to Words”) and slips effortlessly from personal trauma (“Song of What Happens”) to public catastrophe (“Charlottesville Elegy”). The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write confirms Orr’s place among the preeminent lyric poets of his generation, engaging the deepest existential issues with wisdom and humor and transforming them into celebratory song.
Business Law Text and Cases
Comprehensive, authoritative, and reader-friendly, market-leader BUSINESS LAW: TEXT AND CASES delivers an ideal blend of classic "black letter law" and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. Today, BUSINESS LAW, 14E continues to set the standard for excellence. The text offers a strong student orientation that makes the law accessible, interesting, and relevant. The cases, content, and features are thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. Cases range from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout this edition with new features, such as new Digital Updates that demonstrate how digital progress is affecting the law. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.
Freedom House The Prague Spring: A Mixed Legacy
This is a collection of original essays by Czechs, most of whom were chief players in Czechoslovakia's 1969 drama. That brief spring still lives as the drama of the most extensive liberalization of any Communist system and of its crushing defeat in a Soviet-led invasion. Twenty years later, the reflections of the writers gathered in this book assume a special meaning in light of Soviet events, for the Soviet Union is now being invaded by the very same ideas that moved it to invade Czechoslovakia. As at several times in their history, the Czechs-overpowered and on the brink of a seeming assimilation by a powerful neighbor-watch their ideas at work. Though the final results of the reform process in the Soviet Union cannot be predicted, it is certain that the USSR, and with it Eastern Europe, will be different from what they were before Mikhail Gorbachev's rise to power. The tremors of that change are the aftershocks of Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring.
Wesleyan University Press Septet for the Luminous Ones
A Black poet performs a shamanic soul retrieval of the seven-hundred-year-old diasporic Black arts traditionContinuing her search for a neotropical mythos in this brilliant second collection, poet fahima ife articulates various scenes of subduction. Spoken in quiet recognition and grounded in desire, Septet for the Luminous Ones imagines a lush soundscape textured in oblique spiritual fusion of the Taíno and Yoruba. Or, what it sounded like coming together for the first time, and what it sounds like ever after, breathless, diaspora calling. Similar to the incidents in Maroon Choreography, what resounds in these poems is an ecstatic love song of the Caribbean Americas, of the main lands and islands, shaped and reshaped as breathwork, ritual, communion, and fantasy. In essence, the collection speaks to raise the vibrational frequencies of all beings on Earth through a pulse of Black English.[sample poem]preface to a twenty-volume spiritual ascentneoromanticismthe seven players, and our c
The University of Michigan Press The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord: Nabokov and His Father
In The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord, Gavriel Shapiro contends that Vladimir Nabokov’s worldview and verbal artistry cannot be fully understood without first understanding the relationship between the writer and his father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, the distinguished jurist and prominent statesman at the turn of the 20th century, who at the same time was a great connoisseur of literature, painting, theatre, and music; a passionate lepidopterist; an enthusiastic chess player; and an avid athlete. Although Nabokov experts have long noted the importance of this relationship, this is the very first book-length study on this crucial subject.In this book, Shapiro explores the unique nature of their bond, which Nabokov characterised as that of the “tender friendship” marked by the “charm of our perfect accord,” particularly exceptional when compared to numerous father-and-son relationships in Russian and Western European literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Penguin Putnam Inc Written in the Stars
Naila's conservative immigrant parents have always said the same thing: You may choose what you want to be when you grow up, but we will choose your husband. Dating, even a friendship with a boy, is forbidden. So when Naila falls in love with Saif, a Pakistani-American classmate, and tries to date him on the sly, her parents are livid. They insist on a trip to Pakistan to visit their relatives and explore their roots. But several weeks into what she's been led to believe is a family vacation, Naila suddenly learns the real reason for the trip - her parents have found a 2 suitor and they are determined Naila will marry him. Naila is aghast. Her only hope of escape is Saif, who swore he would do anything for her. But will it be too late by the time he gets to her? And was this destiny written in the stars? Or can she make her own destiny.
McGraw-Hill Education Identities and Inequalities Exploring the Intersections of Race Class Gender Sexuality BB SOCIOLOGY
We donât experience our everyday lives through just one lens; rather, we experience all elements of our identityârace, class, gender, sexualityâsimultaneously. Identities and Inequalities acknowledges this complex reality and brings to light the importance of studying the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality. It also examines these intersections as both elements of personal identity and sources of social inequality. This new edition brings into conversation a multitude of current events, from police violence and global public health crises, to the legalization of same-sex marriage. With both updated statistics and a fresh look at todayâs social climate, Newmanâs Identities and Inequalities will prepare students to study these all-important issues in a whole new way. The Connect course for this offering includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience which guides students to master, recall, and apply key concepts while providing automa
JOVIS Verlag Kirche Raum Gegenwart
Open churches are valuable public spaces that embrace new possibilities while continuing to fulfill their liturgical function. The focus of Kirche Raum Gegenwart is the sustainable transformation of these locations in a way that goes beyond purely architectural intervention. Using four case studies from dioceses in southern Germany, the book and traveling exhibition of the same name provide concrete examples of what these changes might look like. Together with relevant stakeholders from the local communities, artists and architects have taken widely varying approaches to the supplementary uses of church spaces. The designs presented in the volume are complemented by fourteen particularly successful church transformations that have already been implemented in southern Germany. In addition to this, written contributions provide deeper insights into the changes occurring within the two largest Christian denominations and the unique requirements of these increasingly frequent spatial transformations.
JOVIS Verlag Denkmal Ost-Moderne II: Denkmalpflegerische Praxis der Nachkriegsmoderne
Architecture and urban development of the 1960s and 1970s have now become part of everyday heritage protection and the subject of an interdisciplinary discourse. It is redevelopment practices that have emerged as the actual hurdle with regard to responsible and careful approaches to this heritage. It is not the basic heritage worthiness of this construction era that is questioned, but the possibilities to preserve it successfully. Therefore examples and evidence have to be found to show whether and how these heritage buildings can be adapted to present-day economic, safetyrelated and ecological requirements. Denkmal Ost-Moderne II is based on the conference of the same name and presents current viewpoints and examples from heritage protection practice, including inventorization: how can one make and justify a selection from the enormous range of buildings available? The credibility of heritage protection with regard to post-war modernity depends on this to a significant extent.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Systematic Theology as a Rationally Justified Public Discourse about God
For centuries it has been discussed whether systematic theology is a scientific discipline. But it is not obvious what is meant by either systematic theology or scientific discipline. Michael Agerbo Mørch presents an understanding of systematic theology as a tripartite discipline and science as a rationally justified public discourse about a given topic. Systematic theology is shown to meet the most generally accepted criteria for scientific work, since its theories can be tested and even falsified in an intersubjective setting. This can be done by the most proper tool we have for assessing and comparing scientific theories, which is coherence theory. Therefore, even though systematic theology is a distinct and normative discipline, it is not compromising for its theories because it can present its theses in a transparent way that can be checked and criticized by peers and compared to relevant alternatives. As such, the book shows that systematic theology is a scientifically strong discourse that meets accepted criteria to the same degree as other disciplines.
Springer International Publishing AG Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals
The book provides an accessible overview of audio signal processing, and enables readers to design and write algorithms for the analysis, synthesis, and manipulation of musical and acoustic signals for any programming language. It provides an overview of highly interdisciplinary topics developed in a simple but rigorous way, and described in a unified and formal language which focuses on determining discrete-time audio signal models. Readers can find within a self-contained volume basic topics ranging over different disciplines: mechanical acoustics, physical systems and linear and nonlinear models, with lumped and distributed parameters; described and developed with the same level of mathematical formalism, easy to understand and oriented to the development of algorithms. Topics include the fundamental concepts of acoustic mechanics and vibration; the design of filters and equalizers for sound signals, the so-called audio effects, abstract methods of sound synthesis, and finally, methods of synthesis by physical modeling.
Rutgers University Press Life in a Cambodian Orphanage: A Childhood Journey for New Opportunities
What is it like to grow up in an orphanage? What do residents themselves have to say about their experiences? Are there ways that orphanages can be designed to meet children's developmental needs and to provide them with necessities they are unable to receive in their home communities? In this book, detailed observations of children's daily life in a Cambodian orphanage are combined with follow-up interviews of the same children after they have grown and left the orphanage. Their thoughtful reflections show that the quality of care children receive is more important for their well-being than the site in which they receive it. Life in a Cambodian Orphanage situates orphanages within the social and political history of Cambodia, and shows that orphanages need not always be considered bleak sites of deprivation and despair. It suggests best practices for caring for vulnerable children regardless of the setting in which they are living.
Hat & Beard American Equations in Black Classical Music
A new collection that is a testament to the power of poetry as a vehicle for introspection, social commentary, and artistic expression. With its evocative verses and resonant themes, American Equations in Black Classical Music invites readers on a transformative journey through the melodic landscapes of jazz, the analytical realms of economics, the intricacies of American life. While making room for the speculative, to allow one''s imagination to begin to continue to draw from past lessons/innovations to hack future portals for these traditions to breathe new lives. A poet known for her work as MoorMother, Ayewa poems hold that same power. In the poetic tradition of jazz & protest poetry of the 60''s and 70''s, Ayewa continues to question systems and make connections between the historical and the present. In the tradition of her artistic group Black Quantum Futurism, Ayewa''s poems speak to the communal survival mechanisms and temporal technologies that Black musicians and artistic co
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Mystery of Pain
Why does scratching an itch feel so good? Why is pain from a mosquito bite preferable to the same pain from an unidentified source?Douglas Nelson provides the reader with a comprehensive, practical and highly accessible guide to the scientific understanding of pain. The book explores the different types of pain, providing clear explanations of the processes involved within the body. It examines key issues such as diagnosis and measurement of pain, the placebo effect and fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), and takes an in depth look at causes and treatment for chronic pain. The book is full of practical advice and small changes one can make to improve the effectiveness of pain treatment.Presented as a personal tutorial for understanding the psychology of pain, this book will be useful for practitioners, patients, and the general reader alike. It will be of particular interest to psychologists, alternative medicine practitioners, massage therapists and psychotherapists.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist II: Manuscripts in the John Rylands & Chetham's Libraries, Manchester
The John Rylands and Chetham's Libraries, Manchester, were both founded by charitable local magnates and in the course of time have become well known in many parts of the world. Housed in their striking original premises, they both contain major collections of manuscripts which in each case include important texts in Middle English prose. In particular, the Rylands collection, which is the larger, has fifteen copies of the Wycliffite Bible, six of the prose 'Brut', three of Nicholas Love's 'Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesu Christ<', two of 'Pore Caitif', as well as single copies of numerous other works. Chetham's has a Wycliffite Bible, a 'Mandeville's Travels', a 'Polychronicon' translation by Trevisa, lives of Christ and of the saints, and an important series of scientific and medical texts. The 'Handlist' of these manuscripts describes each text and gives concise bibliographical information on each, in the same style as the previously published 'Handlist I' covering the Huntington Library.
Canongate Books This Ragged Grace: A Memoir of Recovery and Renewal
A WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2023: BIOGRAPHYThis Ragged Grace tells the story of Octavia's journey through recovery from alcohol addiction, and the parallel story of her father's descent into Alzheimer's. Looking back over this time, each of the seven chapters explores the feelings and experiences of the corresponding year of her recovery, tracing the shift in emotion and understanding that comes with the deepening connection to this new way of life. Over the course of this seven-year period, life continues to unfold. Paths are abandoned, people fall ill, waters get choppy, seemingly impossible things are navigated without the old fixes.As Octavia moves between London, the island of Stromboli, New York, Cornwall and Margate, each place offers something new but ultimately always delivers the same message: that wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
Maverick Arts Publishing The Unlucky Adventures of Udders The Legend of Lucky Luke
Tangled Tales are a new innovative junior fiction format which involves two stories in one book. Each side follows a different character in the same story, which aims to encourage children to see that not everything is always what it seems. Whether it''s a group of adventuring ants and the kids trying to save them, or the world''s luckiest and unluckiest boys, these books are sure to get everyone giggling and thinking.The Unlucky Adventures of Udders: Udders just might be the most unlucky boy in the world. He always has the worst spawns in BlockCraft, his birthday presents never arrive and, worst of all, he doesn't have any friends beside his Nanny. When this year's birthday seems to be going down the toilet too, will a trip to the fair change it all??The Legend of Lucky Luke: Everything always goes Luke's way. Whether it's his personal beam of sunshine that follows him
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Shedding the Shackles: Women's Empowerment Through Craft
A celebration of female inventiveness and aesthetic sensibility, Shedding the Shackles explores women’s craft enterprises, their artisanal excellence, and the positive impact their individual projects have on breaking the poverty cycle. In the first part of the twentieth century, suffering from a legacy inherited from the Victorian era, craft skills, such as weaving, sewing, embroidery, and quilting were regarded largely as women’s domestic pastimes, and remained undervalued and marginalised. It has taken several decades for attitudes to change, for the boundaries between ‘fine art’ and craft to blur, and for textile crafts to be given the same respect and recognition as other media. Featuring artisans and projects from across the globe Shedding the Shackles celebrates their vision and motivation giving a fascinating glimpse into how these craft initiatives have created a sustainable lifestyle, and impacted upon their communities at a deeper level.
Bonnier Books Ltd The Making of Mila and Blake (The MILA Trilogy 3)
The breathtaking finale in the MILA trilogy... Return to sun-soaked Tennessee for one last summer of romance.Mila's back in Nashville, two years since the fallout with Blake and on a mission to put the past behind her before heading to college. Goodbye family drama, Hollywood crises...and Blake.Enter reality - Blake is home too, with his troubled father and a brand-new girlfriend in tow. Luckily Mila's family ranch serves as a distraction, but even there, tensions are sparked when she and her best girlfriends meet a hot new stablehand.In true Mila fashion, it's impossible to forget what happened between her and Blake, and buried feelings erupt to the surface. Has enough time passed that they can try one last time, or has it been too long since they were on the same path? Will this be the making of Mila and Blake... or their undoing?
Verso Books Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World
Examining a series of El Niño-induced droughts and the famines that they spawned around the globe in the last third of the 19th century, Mike Davis discloses the intimate, baleful relationship between imperial arrogance and natural incident that combined to produce some of the worst tragedies in human history. Late Victorian Holocausts focuses on three zones of drought and subsequent famine: India, Northern China; and Northeastern Brazil. All were affected by the same global climatic factors that caused massive crop failures, and all experienced brutal famines that decimated local populations. But the effects of drought were magnified in each case because of singularly destructive policies promulgated by different ruling elites. Davis argues that the seeds of underdevelopment in what later became known as the Third World were sown in this era of High Imperialism, as the price for capitalist modernization was paid in the currency of millions of peasants' lives.
Drawn and Quarterly Shortcomings Screenplay
The annotated and expanded screenplay adaptation of the landmark graphic novelBen and Miko's relationship is in trouble. He's a struggling filmmaker, she works for a local film festival, and in various ways, they're both searching for something else. When he's not managing a derelict movie theater, Ben spends his time obsessing over unavailable blonde women, watching Criterion Collection DVDs, and eating in diners with his best friend Alice, a grad student with a serial dating habit. When Miko moves to New York for an internship, Ben begins to explore what he thinks he wants, throwing himself headfirst into new relationships, unfamiliar surroundings, and uncharted emotional territory. Equal parts comedy and drama, Shortcomings explores the complexities of culture, desire, and Asian American identity with a critical eye and unsparing, irreverent wit.Based on Adrian Tomine's groundbreaking graphic novel of the same name, Shortcomings was written by
Turner Publishing Company Breaking into TV Writing
The old screenwriting motto is, “Work on your script, and the jobs will come.” This is false.A great script is only as good as the effort you put into your career, but there is little information for the aspiring screenwriter about how to break in. Even those who study TV or film in college are taught to simply “get a production assistant job.” But then what? And how do you get that job to begin with?Breaking into TV Writing contains all the crucial information left out of most screenwriting books, like: How to get your first job in TV What TV writing samples you need How to break into the elusive TV writers’ room How a writers’ room creates an episode of TV Which assistant jobs are worth your time (and which you should avoid at all costs) Anton Schettini provides a rare insider’s glimpse of the modern-day network and streaming TV writers’ room. Here
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Michigans Upper Peninsula Sixth Edition
Make the most of the natural beauty and adventurous spirit of the 'U.P.,' from vast aquamarine waters to charming upland towns, with Moon Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Inside you'll find: Strategic, flexible itineraries, whether you want to see the best of the peninsula in a week or two or spend a long weekend on Mackinac Island Top experiences and things to do: Relax in a cozy lake lodge or a grand Victorian-style hotel, sample local vintages at U.P. wineries, kick back at an outdoor summer concert, or tour dozens of picturesque lighthouses. Indulge in local delicacies like Cornish pasties, Swedish meatballs, and Mackinac Island fudge. Wander around the country's best-preserved ghost town or watch costumed interpreters reenact battles at historic military sites Best outdoor adventures for every season: Hike past colorful maple forests and rushing waterfalls, and spot wild moose, red foxes, and white-
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Maine Ninth Edition
Explore the spruce-studded mountains, classic shoreline villages, and rugged character of the Pine Tree State with Moon Maine. Inside you'll find: Strategic itineraries ranging from an eleven-day road trip through the whole state to a week on the coast, with ideas for every season Must-see highlights and unique experiences: Sample wild blueberries, farmstead cheeses, and preserves from roadside farmers' markets or find the best beachfront lobster shack. Trace picturesque lighthouses down the coast, stop to smell the roses at the botanical gardens, and taste some of Maine's best wines, craft beer, and mead. Watch the boats sway in a quiet harbor, mingle with locals over a 'chowdah suppah,' and unwind on a sandy pocket beach Outdoor adventures: Hike through majestic timberland forests or summit the peak of Katahdin on the final stretch of the Appalachian Trail. Take a moose safari, experience the rush
Pan Macmillan Hilldiggers
Hilldiggers is a fast-paced standalone, following events in Neal Asher's Spatterjay trilogy.They have extraordinary power and aren’t afraid to use it . . . Two planets in the same solar system are locked in war, when some kind of cosmic super-string is discovered. It seems packed with alien technology, or even perhaps life. And for safety it is stored – in four segments – within a maximum-security space station. A female research scientist falls pregnant on the station soon after, and gives birth to quads. Then she commits suicide. But why? By the war’s end, one planet is devastated. It fell victim to the other’s incredible hilldigger weaponry – so named as their blasts create mountains. Meanwhile, the quads have reached adulthood, and are gaining power in post-war society. One of them has his sights set on claiming the hilldiggers and their power for himself. But with what consequences for humanity?
Pan Macmillan Only Child
A Richard and Judy Book Club Pick.Compelling, compassionate and powerful, Rhiannon Navin's Only Child will stay with you long after you've turned the final page.We all went to school that Tuesday like normal. Not all of us came home.When the unthinkable happens, six-year-old Zach is at school. Huddled in a cloakroom with his classmates and teacher, he is too young to understand that life will never be the same again.Afterwards, the once close-knit community is left reeling. Zach's dad retreats. His mum sets out to seek revenge. Zach, scared, lost and confused, disappears into his super-secret hideout to try to make sense of things. Nothing feels right – until he listens to his heart . . .But can he remind the grown-ups how to love again?'Captivating . . . Will appeal to fans of Room, The Lovely Bones and The Fault in Our Stars' – Independent
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Death of a Traveller: A Counter Investigation
It is a simple story. A 37-year-old man belonging to the Traveller community is shot dead by a special unit of the French police on the family farm where he was hiding since he failed to return to prison after temporary release. The officers claim self-defense. The relatives, present at the scene, contest that claim. A case is opened, and it concludes with a dismissal that is upheld on appeal. Dismayed by these decisions, the family continues the struggle for truth and justice. Giving each account of the event the same credit, Didier Fassin conducts a counter-investigation, based on the re-examination of all the available details and on the interviews of its protagonists. A critical reflection on the work of police forces, the functioning of the justice system, and the conditions that make such tragedies possible and seldom punished, Death of a Traveller is also an attempt to restore to these marginalized communities what they are usually denied: respectability.