Search results for ""Author Major"
Penguin Random House Children's UK Magic Puppy: Twirling Tails
Bark for joy at this grrreat magical new series! A sequel to the bestselling sensation, Magic Kitten.Kirsten loves being in the Limelight Majorettes with her best friend, Tracy. But when only Kirsten is chosen to be in the town parade, Tracy doesn't seem to want to be friends any more. Can the appearance of Storm, a honey-coloured Border Terrier puppy brighten up Kirsten's days?
Gallic Books The Infinite Air
After breaking records and becoming an international icon in the 1930s, Batten suddenly slipped out of view, disappearing to the Caribbean with her mother and eventually dying in obscurity in Majorca, buried in a pauper's grave.The compelling behind-the-scenes story of 'the Garbo of the skies' is a fascinating insight into the early days of flying, of mothers and daughters, fame and secrecy.
labutxaca Homes sense dones
Sis relats profunds i subtils que exploren la mentalitat masculina japonesa. Sis relats en què els protagonistes són homes sols. Les dones són les grans absents daquestes històries: han marxat, han fugit, han mort o senzillament han desaparegut... Però el seu esperit sembla estar sempre ben a prop.En aquest recull trobarem alguns dels trets més característics del millor Murakami: la música pop dels Beatles, els seus referents literaris, els personatges solitaris i melancòlics, un humor subtil... Sense anar gaire lluny, el títol del recull fa referència a la segona collecció de relats que Hemingway va publicar lany 1927, Men without women.La majoria dels relats han aparegut prèviament en algun mitjà japonès, però totes les versions han estat retocades o modificades per lautor per ser publicades en aquest format.Només un relat, el que dóna títol al volum, ha estat específicament escrit per al llibre.
Pares i fills
La mirada de la periodista Montserrat Besses sobre una França que busca el seu lloc al món.El president Emmanuel Macron ha revalidat el mandat per cinc anys més, els darrers d?un polític jove, ambiciós i singular. La França d?avui és un país encara més convuls que cinc anys enrere: l?extrema dreta de Marine Le Pen s?ha vist reforçada, el president no té majoria, la pandèmia, les reformes i les conseqüències de la guerra a Ucraïna han encès els carrers ?especialment de la França més allunyada de París?, es manté l?amenaça del terrorisme i la vella grandeur francesa tremola davant del futur, sacsejada per la globalització i un món cada vegada més polaritzat. La prestigiosa periodista Montserrat Besses, amb la seva experiència com a corresponsal de TV3 a París, presenta la França d?avui a través del símbol de Marianne, l?encarnació ?la cara, les cares? de la República Francesa.
Bonnier Books Ltd Testing Times for Tabitha Baird
'Witty, wise and wonderful . . . such fun!' - Miranda Hart on TABITHA BAIRD Tabitha's ignored her diary for a while but now there's just sooo much to say. Her family are still driving her crazy - it's time to choose GCSEs and Dad wants to get involved . . . MAJORLY bad idea. Little brother Luke is still mankenstein, Dumbledore Chops is 'officially' Mum's boyfriend (bleurgh!) and Gran's knitted creations for her dog Basil and the puppies are getting madder.And now her gang of bezzies are acting oddly because she's been getting sort of friendly with Dark Aly - random or what? - and she's still not sure if Sam is 'officially' her boyfriend. Tab's birthday party's coming up - what's a nearly fourteen-year-old to do?
Ara Llibres La llibertat com a resposta
Lluís Recoder, un dels polítics amb més projecció de futur del nostre país pren la paraula per primer cop. Aquest llibre és un document imprescindible per conèixer de primera mà qui és, d?on ve i cap on va Lluís Recoder, un dels homes forts de CIU i alcalde de Sant Cugat del Vallès. Un polític de perfil insòlit, extraordinari que, en els darrers anys, ha estat el cap visible d?un model de gestió exemplar.La llibertat com a resposta repassa en primera persona els moments claus de la seva trajectòria política i vital i ens fa partícips de les seves reflexions, però sobretot ens avança els projectes de futur i els seus interessos prioritaris: el medi ambient, l?educació, l?eficàcia en la gestió dels recursos, la força del catalanisme, la lluita contra el descrèdit de la política, i ens mostra l?empenta per continuar tirant endavant un projecte d?il?lusió renovada.?Estic convençut que una majoria de la societat catalana aposta per garantir el nostre progrés econòmic, que és el que
La promesa de la Julia
Quan la Julia comença a estudiar Criminologia a la universitat, un dels seus professors percepde seguida que és més intelligent que la majoria i li planteja un exercici controvertit: analitzarel cas de Pedro Juncosa, un psicòleg que va morir penjat cinc anys abans. Tot apunta aun suïcidi, però l?opinió del professor i de les investigacions posteriors generen molts dubtesa la Julia.Aquest nou cas altera tot el que envolta la noia, fins la seva història d?amor. A més, l?Emilio,el seu amic inseparable, coneix a la universitat una noia estranya, que li recorda l?Aurora, lanoia invisible. I la Vanesa rep una visita inesperada que li complicarà la vida.La mort torna a sacsejar la vida de la noia de la ment meravellosa. Set sospitosos. Amistatsperilloses. Amors. Desenganys. Mentides. I girs impredictibles. La història més Blue Jeans detotes, on es barreja l?essència de les dotze novelles anteriors.El joc ha començat.
Penguin Books Ltd Chopin's Piano: A Journey through Romanticism
'Beguiling ... Limpidly written, effortlessly learned' William Boyd, TLS, Books of the YearIn November 1838 Frédéric Chopin, George Sand and her two children sailed to Majorca to escape the Parisian winter. They settled in an abandoned monastery at Valldemossa in the mountains above Palma, where Chopin finished what would eventually be recognised as one of the great and revolutionary works of musical Romanticism - his 24 Preludes. There was scarcely a decent piano on the island (these were still early days in the evolution of the modern instrument), so Chopin worked on a small pianino made by a local craftsman, which remained in their monastic cell for seventy years after he and Sand had left.This brilliant and unclassifiable book traces the history of Chopin's 24 Preludes through the instruments on which they were played, the pianists who interpreted them and the traditions they came to represent. Yet it begins and ends with the Majorcan pianino, which during the Second World War assumed an astonishing cultural potency as it became, for the Nazis, a symbol of the man and music they were determined to appropriate as their own.The unexpected hero of the second part of the book is the great keyboard player and musical thinker Wanda Landowska, who rescued the pianino from Valldemossa in 1913, and who would later become one of the most influential musical figures of the twentieth century. Kildea shows how her story - a compelling account based for the first time on her private papers - resonates with Chopin's, while simultaneously distilling part of the cultural and political history of Europe and the United States in the central decades of the century. Kildea's beautifully interwoven narratives, part cultural history and part detective story, take us on an unexpected journey through musical Romanticism and allow us to reflect freshly on the changing meaning of music over time.
Ara Llibres Jet lag
Cada cop que ens enlairem desitgem que l'avió estigui en perfectes condicions, que el vol transcorri sense turbulències, que els empleats ens tractin amb amabilitat i -sobretot- que entre els passatgers no s'amagui cap desequilibrat. I la gran majoria de les vegades aquests desigs s'acompleixen, però... què passa quan no és així? Jet lag és el milor recull d'aventures, anècdotes i ensurts que han tingut lloc dins i fora del nostre país, tant dins dels avions com als aeroports. Benvingut a bord!
James Currey The Sudan: Contested National Identities
A political history of the Sudan since the second civil war began in 1983. This text provides a comprehensive analysis of Sudan's unresolved struggle between supporters of the majoritarian vision who seek to create a cohesive Arab-Islamic state and the pluralists who strive for equality before the law. North America: Indiana U Press
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Indian Philosophy Indian Revolution
In their brave and challenging book, grounded in political science and the Continental philosophical tradition, Divya Dwivedi and Shaj Mohan engage with the resurgence of upper-caste supremacism in India and its justification via the legacy of the Aryan doctrine' and Hindu nationalism. Their essays were written from 2016 to 2023, when India's democratic institutions were subverted and caste-based oppression overflowed into public spacekilling and menacing the lower castes of all religions, minorities, women, students and the media.This book chronicles the ascending oppression of democracy in India, a veritable biography of authoritarianism. Dwivedi and Mohan reject simplistic accounts of India's politics as the opposition between Hindu majoritarian nationalism' and the religious minorities', or between Hindu fundamentalism' and religious pluralism'. They propose instead a genuinely transformative account of Indian politics, grounded in political philosophy and in the lowe
Oxford University Press Inc Sister Style: The Politics of Appearance for Black Women Political Elites
"They don't think I'm viable, because I'm a Black woman with natural hair and no husband." This comment was made by Stacey Abrams shortly before the 2018 Democratic primary after she became the first Black woman to win a majory party's nomination for governor. Abrams' sentiment reflects the wider environment for Black women in politics, in which racist and sexist cultural ideas have long led Black women to be demeaned and fetishized for their physical appearance. In Sister Style, Nadia E. Brown and Danielle Casarez Lemi argue that Black women's political experience and the way that voters evaluate them is shaped overtly by their skin tone and hair texture, with hair being a particular point of scrutiny. They ask what the politics of appearance for Black women mean for Black women politicians and Black voters, and how expectations about self-presentation differ for Black women versus Black men, White men, and White women. Black women running for office face pressure, often from campaign consultants and even close colleagues, to change their style in order to look more like White women. However, as this book shows, Black women candidates and elected officials react differently to these pressures depending on factors like age and incumbency. Moreover, Brown and Lemi delve into the ways in which Black voters react to Black female candidates based on appearance. They base their argument, in part, on focus groups with Black women candidates and elected officials, and show that there are generational differences that determine what sorts of styles Black women choose to adopt and to what extent they change their physical appearance based on external expectations.
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Estranya histria del Dr Jekyll i Mr Hyde
L' estranya història del doctor Jekyll i míster Hyde (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1886) va ser escrita al llit, el 1885, mentre el seu autor, Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), es curava d'unes hemorràgies pulmonars.Un dels màxims-novellistes moderns ?i a més incomparable crític literari, a jutjar per les seves classes sobre literatura europea i russa? recomana, en parlar d'aquesta petita obra mestra, que esborrem de la memòria qualsevol idea que en tinguem com a novella o pellícula detectivesca. Per la senzilla raó que, si bé se la pot considerar com un dels precedents del gènere detectivesc, la novella d'Stevenson, a diferència de la majoria d'aquestes obres, excelleix sobretot pel seu estil. Tradicionalment, la crítica ha considerat L' estranya història del doctor Jekyll i míster Hyde com una paràbola i com una allegoria. Però, en realitat, aquesta obra és molt més que això. Es bàsicament, com diu Vladimir Nabòkov, un excellentrelat de fantasmes, i alhora una faula que es toba més a
Shackleton books Jane Goodall la millor amiga dels ximpanzès i la naturalesa
La majoria d?herois i heroïnes que coneixem són éssers extraordinaris amb poders màgics i una capa penjant de l?esquena. Però també n?hi ha de carn i ossos, tan humans com tu i com jo, que de vegades s?equivoquen i d?altres l?encerten d?allò més.Jane Goodall en va ser una. Quins poders tenia? Una curiositat increïble pels ximpanzés, uns prismàtics i molta paciència per aconseguir fer-se amiga seva. Va descobrir que aquests primats s?assemblen més als humans del que ens pensàvem: com nosaltres, també fan servir eines per alimentar-se, tenen vida social i, el més fascinant de tot, cadascú té la seva pròpia personalitat. Aquesta és la proesa de Jane Goodall i heus aquí la seva història.Els Meus Petits Herois és una collecció de biografies illustrades en les que es rendeix homenatge a les figures de la història que han fet del món un lloc millor.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Journeys in the Sun: Travel Literature and Desire in the Balearic Islands (1903–1939): Second edition
The Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands have always enticed the minds of British travellers. In the first years of the twentieth century, the tourist industry made the islands accessible for a wide number of visitors, who depicted them in pictures and words. In the following decades, however, the image of the islands shifted and developed considerably from a quiet and pastoral winter resort to a popular destination for pleasure-seeking tourists and "sea ‘n’ sun" tourism. Taking these last representations as a starting point, this book travels back in time to explain how, by whom and why these images were created/shifted/developed to articulate the ultimate place of leisure and pleasure signified in today’s Majorca and Ibiza. The depiction and the evolution of topics such as ‘travel’, ‘tourism’, ‘authenticity’, ‘landscape’, ‘South’, ‘North’, ‘margin’, ‘centre’, ‘exoticism’, ‘people’, ‘costumes’ and ‘customs’ are examined in order to establish their contribution to the formulation of the ‘Balearic paradise’ in the first third of the twentieth century. This book will help the reader to understand the imagery associated with the islands today.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reporting the Second World War: The Press and the People 1939-1945
The decisive role of Britain’s wartime newspaper journalism in shaping public opinion and government policy has been majorly overlooked. Much of the existing historiography has framed Britain’s newspapers as mouthpieces of state propaganda, readily conforming to the wishes of the wartime coalition. Tim Luckhurst challenges this through an analysis of illuminating and largely forgotten controversies which underscore the function the press held as guardians of democracy and propagators of dissenting opinion in British politics and society - from the overseas evacuation of children to the Allies’ carpet bombing of German cities. Reporting the Second World War is a timely and important intervention that duly recognises the place of national, regional and specialist titles in speaking truth to power in a democracy at war.
Peixos pelàgics i de fons profunds del mar Balear
Les illes Balears són un indret privilegiat dins la Mediterrània. A les seves aigües es reprodueix la preuada tonyina; hi calen els congres, els lluços i els raps, i hi viuen les sardines i les llampugues. Aquesta guia recull les espècies de peixos més comunes i representatives que viuen mar enfora (pelàgiques) i al fons profund (bentòniques). En podrem entreveure algunes navegant per les aigües balears; n'hi ha d'altres que són objecte de pesca, i la majoria les trobarem a les peixateries. La guia presenta les espècies illustrades acuradament i agrupades en làmines a una mateixa escala per facilitar-ne la comparació i la identificació. Els textos i les icones aporten informació actualitzada de cada espècie. La Fundació Marilles, entitat sense ànim de lucre que treballa per fer de la mar Balear un referent en conservació marina, ha fet possible l'edició d'aquesta guia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Russian Economy
As Russia aggressively tries to regain the status of a Great Power', whether it has the economic capacity to do so has become a matter of enormous topical importance, not just for those with a long-standing professional interest in the Russian economy, but also for a wider range of economists, political scientists, and foreign-policy specialists who need to understand the workings of this majorif somewhat unusualstate. Moreover, to determine if Russia can meet and sustain its apparent ambitions requires a knowledge not just of its current economic circumstances, but also of its economic past. What, if any, is the legacy of the Soviet period? How did Russia approach the transition from central planning to a market-type economy (a question which is relevant not just to our understanding of Russia itself, but also of transitional, emerging, and developing countries more generally)? And, leaving aside its Great Power ambitions, does the contemporary Russian economy possess the resources
Canongate Books An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington
Presenting the Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington: Adventurer. Philosopher. Idiot.Karl Pilkington isn't keen on travelling. Given the choice, he'll go on holiday to Devon or Wales or, at a push, eat English food on a package holiday in Majorca. Which isn't exactly Michael Palin, is it? So what happened when he was convinced by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant to go on an epic adventure to see the Seven Wonders of the World?Travel broadens the mind, right? You'd think so...Find out in Karl Pilkington's hilarious travel diaries.'He is a moron. A completely round, empty-headed, part-chimp Manc.' RICKY GERVAIS
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Transport and subgap states in superconducting heterostructures of effective Dirac systems
In recent years, effective Dirac systems have received a lot of attention in solid state physics. These are systems whose dispersion can effectively be described by a Dirac cone, the most prominent examples being graphene and topological insulators (TIs). These systems exhibit intriguing phenomena---for example, TIs can host perfectly transmitted modes or, in conjunction with superconductors, Majorana zero modes. This work deals with superconducting heterostructures of both of the aforementioned materials and examines transport phenomena as well as the formation of sub-gap states in such systems: In the first chapter, superconducting bilayer graphene with a chemisorbed adatom is investigated and the existence of peculiar sub-gap states, so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, is shown. The second chapter deals with T junction devices made out of three-dimensional (3D) TI nanowires. Together with proximity induced superconductivity in one arm and external magnetic fields, this setup allows for the occurrence of crossed Andreev reflection, including perfect crossed Andreev reflection, and negative nonlocal conductance. In the third chapter, Josephson junctions of 3D TI nanowires are investigated. The origin of unusual, experimentally observed supercurrent oscillations in dependence of a parallel magnetic field is examined in a semiclassical analysis.
Association pour la generalisation de l'Inventaire regional en Picardie Laon. Ville Haute (Aisne)
La ville de Laon a laisse glisser jusqu'au bas des pentes de son plateau les quertiers modernes devolus au logement de la majorite de ses habitants, aux voies de communication, et aux echanges. Le mouvement y a remplace les cultures maraicheres, mais ce n'est pas la la ville que l'on remarque. Emergence dans le relief si doux du Bassin Parisien, la brusque surprise nait de la cite medievale, epargnee par les destructions massives du XXe siecle, drapee dans ses pans de verdure et l'echarpe petrifiee de ses remparts d'oA' ne pointe nulle fleche. Laon est une ville au front carre. Le reseau dense, fantaisiste mais harmonieux de ses portes, maisons et hotels, court entre les temoins et les maitres de son prestigieux passe, poses comme des serre-livres a ses extremites: l'ancienne cathedrale Notre Dame a nulle autre pareille, la citadelle et l'abbaye Saint-Jean a l'est, l'abbaye Saint-Martin et l'abbaye Saint-Vincent a l'ouest et au sud, veillent toujours, avec d'autres fonctions, sur la cite religieuse et royale, le bourg fourmillant, et leurs confins aeres. En cet espace soigneusement delimite, celui qui prend la peine de se laisser conduire voit se derouler devant ses yeux huit siecles de vie urbaine et d'art de batir.
The Natural History Museum Discovering Dorothea: The Life of the Pioneering Fossil-Hunter Dorothea Bate
In 1898, a 19-year-old girl marched into the Natural History Museum and demanded a job. At the time, no women were employed there as scientists, but for the determined Dorothea Bate this was the first step in an extraordinary career as a pioneering explorer and fossil-hunter and the beginning of an association with the Museum that was to last for more than 50 years. As a young woman in the early 1900s she explored the islands of Cyprus, Crete and the little known Majorca and Menorca, braving parental opposition and considerable physical hardship and danger. In remote mountain caves and sea-battered cliffs, she discovered, against enormous odds, the fossil evidence of unique species of extinct fauna, previously unknown to science, including dwarf elephants and hippos, giant dormice and a strange small goat-like antelope. Thirty years later in Bethlehem, she excavated against a backdrop of violence and under the shadow of war. By the end of her life Dorothea had earned an international reputation as an expert in her field. 'Discovering Dorothea' captures the indomitable spirit of a woman who, against social pressure and in the face of physical hardship, devoted her life to discovery and deepened our knowledge of the natural world.
The University of Chicago Press Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary
Marjorie Perloff, among our foremost critics of twentieth-century poetry, argues that Ludwig Wittgenstein provided writers with a radical new aesthetic, a key to recognizing the inescapable strangeness of ordinary language. Taking seriously Wittgenstein's remark that "philosophy ought really to be written only as a form of poetry," Perloff begins by discussing Wittgenstein the "poet." What we learn is that the poetics of everyday life is anything but banal."This book has the lucidity and the intelligence we have come to expect from Marjorie Perloff.—Linda Munk, American Literature"[Perloff] has brilliantly adapted Wittgenstein's conception of meaning and use to an analysis of contemporary language poetry."—Linda Voris, Boston Review"Wittgenstein's Ladder offers significant insights into the current state of poetry, literature, and literary study. Perloff emphasizes the vitality of reading and thinking about poetry, and the absolute necessity of pushing against the boundaries that define and limit our worlds."—David Clippinger, Chicago Review"Majorie Perloff has done more to illuminate our understanding of twentieth century poetic language than perhaps any other critic. . . . Entertaining, witty, and above all highly original."—Willard Bohn, Sub-Stance
Princeton University Press Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors
This graduate-level textbook is the first pedagogical synthesis of the field of topological insulators and superconductors, one of the most exciting areas of research in condensed matter physics. Presenting the latest developments, while providing all the calculations necessary for a self-contained and complete description of the discipline, it is ideal for graduate students and researchers preparing to work in this area, and it will be an essential reference both within and outside the classroom. The book begins with simple concepts such as Berry phases, Dirac fermions, Hall conductance and its link to topology, and the Hofstadter problem of lattice electrons in a magnetic field. It moves on to explain topological phases of matter such as Chern insulators, two- and three-dimensional topological insulators, and Majorana p-wave wires. Additionally, the book covers zero modes on vortices in topological superconductors, time-reversal topological superconductors, and topological responses/field theory and topological indices. The book also analyzes recent topics in condensed matter theory and concludes by surveying active subfields of research such as insulators with point-group symmetries and the stability of topological semimetals. Problems at the end of each chapter offer opportunities to test knowledge and engage with frontier research issues. Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors will provide graduate students and researchers with the physical understanding and mathematical tools needed to embark on research in this rapidly evolving field.
Andorra eines dun temps passat
Des dels seus orígens, la humanitat ha emprat eines per fer més fàcils les tasques del seu dia a dia. Amb els avenços tecnològics, les eines també han evolucionat i la pagesia actual realitza la majoria de tasques amb un instrumental molt diferent del de fa tan sols mig segle. Els ràpids avenços i transformacions han fet que moltes eines pròpies de les tasques agrícoles d?Andorra durant segles hagin caigut en desús i que el seu nom, funció i forma d?utilització estiguin en risc de perdre?s. És amb la intenció de descriure, de conservar-ne el record i la memòria i de fer un homenatge als nostres avantpassats que neix aquest recull d?eines d?un temps passat d?Andorra, en què l?autor, a través de les seves vivències personals, rememora una època que no pot caure en l?oblit. El llibre presenta més d?una quarantena de fotografies antigues d?Andorra i de les eines que hi són descrites.
Educaula La comdia de lolla El metge a garrotades
Aquest volum inclou dues obres importants de dos autors cabdals -Plaute i Molière- pertanyents a dues èpoques -la clàssica romana i la barroca francesa-, i que estan unides per una sèrie d'afinitats formals i temàtiques. Pel que respecta al gènere, l'autor romà ens ofereix un comèdia que prolonga la tradició grega de la Comèdia Nova, i pel que fa a la temàtica, ens presenta un tema que ha estat tractat per la majoria d'autors de comèdia al llarg de la història literària. Cenyint-nos a la temàtica, cal dir que totes dues tenen un fil conductor que les uneix: el tema de l'avarícia.En efecte: Plaute, a La comèdia de l'olla, presenta una síntesi entre la comèdia grega nova i elements indígenes, manllevats de la farsa itàlica. Per la seva banda, Molière, amb El metge a garrotades, ofereix una comèdia que potser més aviat mereix el qualificatiu de farsa.
Headline Publishing Group The Bridesmaid's Dilemma: A fun, feisty and utterly romantic summer tale
Every summer has a story...Fun-loving travel rep Jess doesn't want to be chief bridesmaid at her snooty cousin's wedding, but it will cause a family feud if she refuses. She doesn't want to fall in love either but when a raucous stag party arrives at her Majorcan hotel, Jess hits it off instantly with best man, Eddie. A summer romance is exactly what commitment-phobe Jess needs and, as the stag-do draws to a close, so does the holiday fling. She has no intentions of carrying on the summer fun but when Eddie turns up again, Jess is faced with a big dilemma.Will this bridesmaid get the happy-ever-after she never knew she wanted...
John Wiley & Sons Inc Industrial Enzymes and Their Applications
A comprehensive, accessible, up-to-date catalog of enzymes andtheir uses in modern manufacturing. Enzymes have long been used by industrial product makers as majorcatalysts to transform raw materials into end products. Nowavailable in English for the first time, Industrial Enzymes andTheir Applications is the only authoritative catalog of enzymeswith in-depth coverage of their varied uses, the classes in whichthey are grouped, and which chemical reagents they have replaced oncurrent mass production lines. The first section surveys general enzyme characteristics anddiscusses their microbiological origin, including pH andtemperature dependence of the activity and stability of eachenzyme. The next section then examines the most importantindustrial enzymes in use today--includingcarbohydrate-hydrolyz-ing enzymes, proteases, estercleavage-fat-hydrolyzing enzymes, and immobilized enzymes. The lastsection is devoted to specific applications of technical enzymes insuch areas as food processing, beverage production, animalnutrition, leather, and textiles. Industrial Enzymes and Their Applications offers instant access toa wealth of key enzyme data--an invaluable, wide-ranging resourcefor industrial chemists, biochemists, biochemical engineers, andstudents.
Little, Brown Book Group Rafa: My Story
The Sunday Times bestselling autobiography from the greatest tennis player of his generation'A winner' Independent 'A terrific sporting memoir, full of memorable anecdotes' New Statesman 'As exciting as Rafa himself' Woman's OwnNo tennis player since Andre Agassi has captivated the world like Rafael Nadal. He's a rarity in today's sporting arena - a true sportsman who chooses to let his raw talent, dedication and humility define him. With a remarkable 16 grand slam victories under his belt, and with friend and rival Roger Federer's record haul of 20 in his sights, Nadal is an extraordinary competitor whose ferocity on court is made even more remarkable by his grace off it.This book takes us to the heart of Nadal's childhood, his growth as a player, and his incredible career. It includes memorable highs and lows, from victory in the 2008 Wimbledon final - a match that John McEnroe called the 'greatest game of tennis ever played' - to the injury problems that have frequently threatened his dominance of the sport, to becoming the youngest player of the open era to complete a career Grand Slam in 2010. It transports us from Nadal's lifelong home on the island of Majorca to the locker room of Centre Court as he describes in detail the pressures of competing in the greatest tournament in the world. It offers a glimpse behind the racquet to learn what really makes this intensely private person - who has never before talked about his home life - tick. And it provides us with a story that is personal, revealing and every bit as exciting as Nadal himself.
Ediciones Mayi La historia pequea de Cdiz 3. Cdiz en claroscuro
Encuadernación: RústicaEl verdadero origen de las tortillitas de camarones, la faina, Vicente el largo Agualimpia, Potoco, la patera de Mangoli, Las majorettes, los cohez de caballos, Jacamari, He ido a cazar Monos, La muerte de Manolete, Los palos del Corpus...Cadiz en claroscuro viene a completar la trilogia gaditana que se inicio con la Historia pequeña de Cadiz y Mas sobre la historia pequeña de Cadiz, donde ha quedado reflejado usos y constumbres que definen una epoca remebranza de un Cadiz distinto que lanza un guiño de complicidad a los mas adultos y queda registrado para conocimiento de los mas jovenes
Vintivuit contes
L'abundant i variada obra de Manuel de Pedrolo, fruit d'una coherent rebellió interna, constitueix en ella mateixa tota una literatura. Al darrere hi ha, és clar, un projecte militant, ambiciós i totalment compromès. En els obscurs anys de la postguerra, construir una literatura al més àmplia i rica possible significava, ni més ni menys, plantar cara al franquisme i posar els fonaments de la seva superació. Des dels seus inicis, el 1953, fins a la seva mort, el 1990, Pedrolo va publicar gairebé cent obres que comprenien gèneres i tècniques fins aleshores inèdits en llengua catalana. Aquesta abundant producció, juntament amb l'èxit aclaparador que va aconseguir amb les seves novelles, ha ocultat el seu vessant de contista. Amb aquesta antologia a cura de Jordi Coca volem despertar novament l'interès majoritari per un dels nostres grans narradors. Cal valorar els seus contes no només com una crònica de la resistència i d'uns temps difícils, sinó també com un autèntic microcosmos pedrolià
University of Wales Press Pam na fu Cymru: Methiant Cenedlaetholdeb Cymraeg
During the nineteenth century, the Age of Nationalism, small stateless nations all over Europe developed successful national movements which demanded rights for minority language communities. One of the central questions of Welsh history is why this didn’t happen in Wales. Welsh patriotism emphasised radicalism and liberalism, which subsumed Wales within the discourse of British progressive politics. Liberalism promotes majoritarian identities, and in Wales is a key component of British hegemony. Wales in the nineteenth century was more liberal and radical than almost any other country in Europe. Contrary to the popular view that this was a boost for Welsh nationalism, Pam na fu Cymru (Why Wales never happened) shows that this was the very reason for its failure.
Bradt Travel Guides Morocco: Marrakech - Essaouira - Fès - Atlas
Marrakech evokes images of labyrinthine souks, vibrant colours, and minarets stretching towards the sky, with a background of exotic scents wafting from food stalls. Further afield, the white walls and sea breeze of Essaouira are a refreshing break; the cool, snow-topped Atlas Mountains offer much to be discovered; and the medieval streets of Fes are Morocco at its most mysterious. From the vibrant Jemaa el Fna square to trekking in spectacular valleys, Footprint's Handbook will help you make the most of your trip to Morocco. * Practicalities section with indispensable information on getting there and around. * Highlights map of the region so you know what not to miss. * Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, drink and sleep. * Detailed street maps for Marrakech, Essaouira, Fes and other key destinations. * Slim enough to fit in your pocket. From the bright cobalt blues of Jardin Majorelle to the red rocks of gorges and canyons, this concise Footprint Handbook will show the the best of Morocco without weighing you down.
Malala Yousafzai la noia que va alçar la veu a favor dels drets dels infants
La majoria d?herois i heroïnes que coneixem són éssers extraordinaris amb poders màgics i una capa penjant de l?esquena. Però també n?hi ha de carn i ossos, tan humans com tu i com jo, que de vegades s?equivoquen i d?altres l?encerten d?allò més.Malala Yousafzai en va ser una. Quins poders tenia? Unes ganes enormes d?aprendre i una actitud molt valenta. Amb aquestes qualitats va poder enfrontar-se a aquells que volien prohibir-li que anés a l?escola pel fet de ser una nena. La Malala gairebé perd la vida per fer-ho, però no va rendir-se mai i, encara ara, lluita perquè tots els nens del món tinguin accés a l?educació. I per això, li van atorgar el Premi Nobel de la Pau. Aquesta és la proesa de Malala Yousafzai i heus aquí la seva història.Els Meus Petits Herois és una collecció de biografies illustrades en les que es rendeix homenatge a les figures de la història que han fet del món un lloc millor.
Una guía práctica y totalmente actualizada, ideal para realizar un corto viaje a la isla de Fuerteventura.La guía está dividida en cuatro apartados.En el primero, titulado Diez Indispensables, se propone una selección de los lugares, curiosidades y tradiciones de la zona que no hay que perderse: Betancuria, la península de Jandía, las dunas de Corralejo, el islote de Lobos, los quesos majoreros, las mejores playas de la isla...El segundo apartado, Visita a Puerto del Rosario, describe un itinerario monumental por la capital de la isla, donde se proporciona información detallada de los lugares de mayor interés. También incluye un plano de la ciudad con los monumentos más importantes destacados.El siguiente apartado, Excursiones por la isla, propone tres recorridos en coche de un día por Fuerteventura: Desde la capital a la península de Jandía, Un recorrido por el centro de la isla y El norte de Fuertevent
Princeton University Press Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy
A riveting account of how a popularly elected leader has steered the world's largest democracy toward authoritarianism and intoleranceOver the past two decades, thanks to Narendra Modi, Hindu nationalism has been coupled with a form of national-populism that has ensured its success at the polls, first in Gujarat and then in India at large. Modi managed to seduce a substantial number of citizens by promising them development and polarizing the electorate along ethno-religious lines. Both facets of this national-populism found expression in a highly personalized political style as Modi related directly to the voters through all kinds of channels of communication in order to saturate the public space.Drawing on original interviews conducted across India, Christophe Jaffrelot shows how Modi's government has moved India toward a new form of democracy, an ethnic democracy that equates the majoritarian community with the nation and relegates Muslims and Christians to second-class citizens who are harassed by vigilante groups. He discusses how the promotion of Hindu nationalism has resulted in attacks against secularists, intellectuals, universities, and NGOs. Jaffrelot explains how the political system of India has acquired authoritarian features for other reasons, too. Eager to govern not only in New Delhi, but also in the states, the government has centralized power at the expense of federalism and undermined institutions that were part of the checks and balances, including India's Supreme Court.Modi's India is a sobering account of how a once-vibrant democracy can go wrong when a government backed by popular consent suppresses dissent while growing increasingly intolerant of ethnic and religious minorities.
Actes Sud Miquel Barcelo: Terra Ignis
This book, published to accompany the recent ‘Works of Fire’ exhibition at the Céret Museum of Modern Art, presents Miquel Barceló’s ceramics work. Created in Majorca in a former tilery and brickyard transformed into a workshop, the terracotta figures are damaged or disturbed by the introduction of bricks in the still-fresh clay, which humanizes their familiar forms. The self-portrait is a recurrent theme: eyes and mouth engraved into vases, and amphorae in shapes inherited from Antiquity; skulls and heads explicitly evoke the idea of vanity, an ever-present theme in Barceló’s work, which appears in the fractures, cracks, and swelling that the clay undergoes before or during firing. Apart from the self-portraits, there are emanations of the animal or plant world, also disturbed by the bricks which come to inhabit or destroy them. Rosebuds bloom, fish live and fossilize, bricks form secret cavities. These spectacular works owe their presence to their apparent fragility as well as to their life force, and the struggle and dramas they welcome. All Barceló’s themes are present in his ceramic works. As ever, the passage of time and death are expressed in the most fragile and durable way.
HarperCollins Publishers Black Widow
In Dirty Game, Annie Bailey was an East End Madam. In Black Widow she’s queen of the gangs and trying to save her daughter’s life… Annie Bailey had done it all; Madam, mistress and Gangster's moll. Now she's Annie Carter, and she taking over the East End. Annie knew that it wouldn't last. Everything was going so well; she was living in Majorca, had Max Carter - the head of the Carter firm by her side, and had given him a beautiful daughter, Layla. But if there was one thing life had taught her, it was that everything could change in the blink of an eye. One minute she's lying by the pool, the next she's out cold. When she comes round Max and Layla are gone. It's not long before she gets the demands. They want money or she'll be getting her little girl back in pieces… There's only one thing Annie can do, she heads back to the East End of London and gathers the Carter firm together. Someone has snatched her husband and child. Now there's a score to settle, and it's being settled Annie Carter style…
Messenger Publications Ignatian Spirituality A-Z
What is discernment? Who was Peter Faber? Why do the Jesuits exude such optimism? Awareness. Emotions. Love. Work. We use such words every day in normal conversation, but those same words take on special meaning when used in the context of Ignatian spirituality. Other words and phrases, such as finding God in all things, are distinctly associated with the Ignatian approach to spiritual development. Acquiring a general grasp of these terms will prove invaluable to those who desire a better understanding of the Jesuit / Ignatian way of life. With Ignatian Spirituality A to Z, Jim Manney has provided a brief, informative, and entertaining guide to key concepts of Ignatian spirituality and essential characters and events in Jesuit history. The lexicon format allows readers to find terms quickly, and the concise descriptions are ideal for those new to the Ignatian story. From Pedro Arrupe to Francis Xavier, from Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam to Zeal, this book uncovers the rich language of the Jesuits. It will be an indispensable tool to anyone interested in Ignatian spirituality, to staff, faculty, and students at Jesuit institutions and schools, and to clergy and spiritual directors who advise others about prayer and spiritual matters.
De quin color són els teus secrets conte per promoure lexpressió emocional en la infànciaprevenir labús sexual i abordarlo de manera natural
Tens secrets? Saps de quin color són? Aprèn amb l'Alma com et fa sentir cada secret, què pots fer amb ells i amb qui has de compartir-los. El secret i el silenci són els millors aliats dels abusadors i la majoria els utilitzen per aconseguir que els nens facin silenci. Aquest conte està creat perquè els nens comparteixin els secrets que els fan sentir malament i oferir-los un espai de confiança on poder expressar-los. L'autora, Margarita García Marqués, gràcies a la seva experiència com a psicòloga i psicoterapeuta especialitzada en abús sexual infantil, comunicació, autoestima i infància, ofereix un conte útil per promoure l'expressió emocional a la infància, prevenir abusos (com l?abús sexual infantil) i saber abordar-los de manera natural en nens/es entre 3 i 10 anys. En el conte De quin color són els teus secrets? es presenta una protagonista propera al nen/a a través d'un llenguatge clar, senzill i divertit al mateix temps. A més, el llibre conté elements que ajuden a treure a la
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Escapada azul Marrakech
La ciudad roja, acaso la más bella de las ciudades imperiales de Marruecos, es hoy día el principal destino turístico del sur del país magrebí. La maraña de callejuelas que conforman la medina, ciudad vieja de Marrakech, parten de la mítica plaza de Jemaa el Fna. Allí cada atardecer humean los puestos de comida; narran los cuentacuentos ancestrales aventuras heroicas; asombran con sus números tragasables, saltimbanquis o tragafuegos. En la plaza comienzan los zocos, donde los cinco sentidos se ven apabullados por la avalancha de estímulos. El laberinto de la medina oculta palacios imponentes como El Badi o de la Bahia, la fascinante madrasa (escuela coránica) Ibn Yusseff, junto al bello museo de Marrakech, o el vistoso barrio de los curtidores. Fuera de la ciudad antigua, los jardines, especialmente el pictórico Jardín Majorelle, o el paseo por el palmeral. Vale la pena alojarse en un un elegante riad (palacio reconvertido en alojamiento) y degustar la exótica gastronomía nacional en c
Vintage Publishing The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words (1000 BCE – 1492)
It is a story like no other: an epic of endurance against destruction, of creativity in oppression, joy amidst grief, the affirmation of life against the steepest of odds. It spans the millennia and the continents – from India to Andalusia and from the bazaars of Cairo to the streets of Oxford. It takes you to unimagined places: to a Jewish kingdom in the mountains of southern Arabia; a Syrian synagogue glowing with radiant wall paintings; the palm groves of the Jewish dead in the Roman catacombs. And its voices ring loud and clear, from the severities and ecstasies of the Bible writers to the love poems of wine bibbers in a garden in Muslim Spain. Within these pages, the Talmud burns in the streets of Paris, massed gibbets hang over the streets of medieval London, a Majorcan illuminator redraws the world; candles are lit, chants are sung, mules are packed, ships loaded with spice and gems founder at sea. And a great story unfolds. Not – as often imagined – of a culture apart, but of a Jewish world immersed in and imprinted by the peoples among whom they have dwelled, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, from the Arabs to the Christians.Which makes the story of the Jews everyone’s story, too.
Educaula Històries de la mà esquerra
El 1981 es publica per primer cop en volum Històries de la mà esquerra i altres narracions, obra que recull els setze contes que Jesús Moncada havia elaborat durant la dècada anterior: quatre contes guardonats el 1971 amb el premi Joan Santamaria titulat Històries de la mà esquerra (1973); quatre contes més, Narracions de l'Ebre, amb què havia obtingut el premi Jacme March de 1980; i una tercera secció intitulada Cròniques de la sirga, amb els vuit contes restants. L'origen heterogeni d'aquest primer recull de contes, resultat d'una gestació llarga i intermitent, es diluirà formalment quan s'elimini la divisió en seccions de la primera edició, i amb la supressió del sintagma del títol i altres narracions.En Històries de la mà esquerra veiem desfilar un seguit de personatges, alguns de tendres, d'altres que es mouen entre el més ençà i el més enllà, de manera inquietat o de manera despreocupada i intranscendent. Uns personatges que si bé majoritàriament desfilen pels cafès i carrers d'u
The University of Chicago Press Becoming Political: Spinoza's Vital Republicanism and the Democratic Power of Judgment
In this pathbreaking work, Christopher Skeaff argues that a profoundly democratic conception of judgment is at the heart of Spinoza’s thought. Bridging Continental and Anglo-American scholarship, critical theory, and Spinoza studies, Becoming Political offers a historically sensitive, meticulous, and creative interpretation of Spinoza’s texts that reveals judgment as the communal element by which people generate power to resist domination and reconfigure the terms of their political association. If, for Spinoza, judging is the activity which makes a people powerful, it is because it enables them to contest the project of ruling and demonstrate the political possibility of being equally free to articulate the terms of their association. This proposition differs from a predominant contemporary line of argument that treats the people’s judgment as a vehicle of sovereignty—a means of defining and refining the common will. By recuperating in Spinoza’s thought a “vital republicanism,” Skeaff illuminates a line of political thinking that decouples democracy from the majoritarian aspiration to rule and aligns it instead with the project of becoming free and equal judges of common affairs. As such, this decoupling raises questions that ordinarily go unasked: what calls for political judgment, and who is to judge? In Spinoza’s vital republicanism, the political potential of life and law finds an affirmative relationship that signals the way toward a new constitutionalism and jurisprudence of the common.
Artmonsky Arts Holidaying: 50 Years of Advertising and Publicity Relating to Holidays
Holidaying was something only the wealthy could afford, well into the 19th century, visiting spas or taking the Grand Tour. With the coming of the railways whole factories, streets, even towns began to down tools for an annual break; with entrepreneurs like Thomas Cook, some even venturing across the Channel. The arrival of the combustion engine further democratised travel enabling some to holiday independently, others in organised charabancs and coach parties. By the end of WWII with the coming of cheap flights Marbella and Majorca began to replace the British resorts. Providing holidays became a highly competitive business between resorts and tour operators and this necessitated advertising. Holidaying is an account of this, richly illustrated to show the changes in fads and fashions when holidaying reached a mass market.
Ara Llibres Lendemà
Catalunya viu una etapa de gran transcendència. Les decisions democràtiques que prenem en els propers mesos marcaran el nostre futur.La gran majoria dels catalans volen exercir la llibertat i decidir si volen o no volen tenir un Estat propi. Certament un percentatge de la població té dubtes, interrogants substancials sobre com posicionar-ne davant una consulta. No tenen clar que pagui la pena crear un nou Estat. Tenen vincles emocionals profunds amb el poble espanyol. Dubten de la viabilitat de Catalunya com Estat. Temen que els jubilats no cobrin les pensions. Que les empreses catalanes perdin mercat i llocs de treball. Que l?atur encara augmenti més.
Cambridge University Press Globalisation and Governance: International Problems, European Solutions
While it might have been viable for states to isolate themselves from international politics in the nineteenth century, the intensity of economic and social globalisation in the twenty-first century has made this impossible. The contemporary world is an international world - a world of collective security systems and collective trade agreements. What does this mean for the sovereign state and 'its' international legal order? Two alternative approaches to the problem of 'governance' in the era of globalisation have developed in the twentieth century: universal internationalism and regional supranationalism. The first approaches collective action problems from the perspective of the 'sovereign equality' of all States. A second approach to transnational 'governance' has tried to re-build majoritarian governmental structures at the regional scale. This collection of essays wishes to analyse - and contrast - the two types of normative and decisional answers that have emerged as responses to the 'international' problems within our globalised world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The South European Right in the 21st Century: Italy, France and Spain
Since the European-wide domination of social democratic governments during the mid- to late-1990s, Right-wing parties have returned to power in the three largest Mediterranean democracies – Italy, France and Spain. This alternation has been symptomatic of growing majoritarianism in Southern Europe, a trend which has gone against much of the rest of the continent, and of a decline in clientelist effectiveness also traditionally seen as the Southern ‘norm’. This volume assesses the subsequent periods of incumbency of these three governments, considering the salient features of each in their reaction to winning government and implementing policy, given their divergent historical roots and paths to power. In particular, it focuses on the evolving role of perceived extremist elements on the Right, and adaptation to a European arena which imposes a level of continuity on incumbents of whatever hue, attempts to defend national interests notwithstanding. Lastly, it considers the extent to which the swing to the Right has already reached its peak, given the evidence of recent national and regional elections in France and Spain.