Search results for ""christian focus publications""
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God is God and You are You: Finding Confidence for Sharing Our Faith
An uplifting, encouraging reminder that God works through his imperfect people. Evangelism is crucial, it is urgent, it is exciting, it is wonderful. There is nothing more thrilling than to see God at work in people’s lives and to see men, women, boys and girls discovering the incredible joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. But it is also hard. Really hard. Often, sharing our faith with other people is the area of our Christian lives where we feel at our most useless. The Bible contains a wealth of theological truth that is a powerhouse of encouragement for evangelism, including the basic truths that God is God and you are you. God is who he has always been: infinite, eternal, unchangeable, all–powerful, at work in his world. You are you; you don’t need to become someone you are not. God has not called a select group of elite Christians to tell the world about Jesus; he has chosen his weak, insecure, ineloquent people. He has chosen you.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
For centuries, Baptists have published confessions of faith as formal statements of their beliefs. Chief among these is the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. This doctrinal statement is a spiritual treasure trove worthy of our fresh attention. In this new study, more than twenty contributors unpack its timeless biblical truths, ‘things which are most surely believed among us’ (Luke 1:1). Our prayer is that the Lord will use this volume to richly edify and sanctify His people worldwide, and to assist the churches in pursuing biblical holiness and doctrinal purity. May these labors send God’s people back again and again to the Bible, which is—as the confession states—the ‘only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience’ (1.1). Includes contributions from: Earl M. Blackburn Brian Borgman Dave Chanski David Charles Jason Ching Victor Claudio Jim Domm Gary Hendrix Steven Hofmaier Jeff Johnson Mitch Lush Lee McKinnon John Price Mike Renihan John Reuther Mark Sarver James Savastio Jeffery Smith Rob Ventura Calvin Walden Sam Waldron Austin Walker Jeremy Walker
Christian Focus Publications Ltd No Difficulties With God: The Life of Thomas Charles, Bala (1755–1814)
An exciting, easy–to–read biography of a preacher, scholar and educationalist whose impact on the religious and cultural life of Wales and other nations was immense. Thomas Charles was a household name in Wales at least until the mid–twentieth century. The moving story of the young teenager Mary Jones walking twenty–six miles alone over the mountains to Bala to buy her copy of the Bible from him remains popular to this day, drawing attention to Charles’s work in obtaining copies of the Bible for people in Wales and other countries. Enjoying an intimate relationship with Christ, Charles worked tirelessly preaching the gospel, educating the poor to read the Bible, then obtaining Bibles in Welsh and other languages for people to read. His extensive contacts with Evangelical Anglican clergy in England was a key in supporting and extending his influence in and beyond Wales. There is much to learn from Charles’s commitment to Christ and His church, his love of the Bible and awareness of divine providence as well as his experience of genuine revivals. As we learn about Thomas Charles’ life and faith may we follow his example in communing intimately with our risen, exalted Lord and proclaim Him passionately to the whole world.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track: Womanhood: A Student’s Guide to Womanhood
A short, readable guide for young adults to what the Bible says about being a woman What does it mean to inhabit a female body, a female mind? In what ways do women reflect God’s glory? What does the Bible say about the role Christian women play? Abigail Dodds’ short, readable book tackles this important topic and shows the beauty of the role that God has created for women. Crucial reading for any young woman who seeks to glorify God. Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren’t always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Good Portion – the Church: Delighting in the Doctrine of the Church
What is the Church? Why does it need to exist, and why is it so important? In this important addition to the Good Portion series, Erin Wheeler unpacks what the Bible says about the Church and invites us to see the beauty of the Bride of Christ. She begins by ensuring that we understand what the Church is before turning our attention to the specific things that churches do. This book not only ensures that our minds and hearts are filled with correct doctrine, but encourages us to take steps towards putting our understanding into practice. Contents Series Preface Introduction: It Doesn’t Matter Until It Does Part One: What Is the Church? God’s Idea: His Plan and Purpose for the Church A Roaring Fire: The Importance and Privilege of Church Membership A Gathering That Glorifies God: The Mission of the Church Part Two: What Does the Church Look Like? A Devotion to the Word: Preaching, Teaching, Reading, Singing, Praying A Visible Picture of the Invisible: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper A Pursuit of Holiness: Church Unity and Discipline A Flock with a Job to Do: Congregationalism, Elders, and Deacons A Different Kind of Community: Life with One Another Conclusion: A Heavenly Gathering Selected Bibliography Scripture Index
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Take Me Up
Stephen Lungu was only three years old when his mother abandoned him on the streets of Zimbabwe. By the age of eleven, Stephen had run away too, living a life on the streets, sleeping rough and scavenging for his food. As a teenager he was recruited into the Black Shadows gang, with dreams of revolution and terrorism. Stephen’s intention was even to fire bomb an evangelistic event being held in his town but instead of bringing death and destruction he stayed to listen. That was when his life changed from a life of darkness and fear to a life of being held in the arms of his heavenly father.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Reign: The Church in the Middle Ages
3 BC–AD 476 During the Middle Ages the church laboured to build a community of faith. Benedict, Columba, and Francis organized communities in which the Gospel could be preached. Theodulf, Anselm, and Bernard of Clairvaux answered the call to reform that community and theology. And when the church’s leaders drifted from the authority of Scripture, a first wave of reformers in Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe, and John Hus arose to call God’s people back to the grace of God. This was a Church that sought to reign, love and conquest, a Church that wanted to secure freedom, and proclaim the gospel. When that Church fell into corruption it undertook its own reform. Which one of these is the medieval Church? They all are! And in that we can find hope in the God Who loves His Church as we seek to live in His name. The Risen Hope series is a narrative–driven history of the Church. Introducing key people and events from the last two thousand years, readers will be captivated by the fascinating stories and engaging writing style. Risen Hope replaces the out–of–print History Lives series.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christian Heroines: Just Like You
These women made sacrifices for their faith. They endured pain and suffering in order to give glory to their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and they have given us a legacy. With these twenty–six heroines you can go through history and see how these women made a difference in their world and in the church. From the slave girl Blandina through to the young mother Betty Stam, we discover the women from the early church to modern missionaries who face their struggles with the strength of God. Nothing could separate them, or us, from the love of God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Trustworthiness of God’s Words: Why the Reliability of Every Word from God Matters
This is a book about God’s jealousy for his integrity, his passion to be believed, on the basis of his words alone. Throughout Scripture God expresses his determination to be known as the God who keeps his words. He has resolved that every person and nation will see and confess that all his words are reliable down to every last syllable, jot, and tittle. Learning to trust a God who is sovereign and in control, especially in the ache and throb of life, means hanging on to the conviction that everything he says is utterly dependable. Knowing that God’s words are trustworthy and living it out can be two different things though, so as well as laying out the theological foundations, Layton MacDonald Talbert explores the practical applications. What does trusting God’s words look like in real life and how has it played out in the experience of God’s people? Let Talbert show you how in tracing the reliability of God through history we can learn to trust him with the future.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Understanding Family Worship: Its History, Theology and Practice
An enriching companion to Terry L. Johnson’s popular Family Worship Book The practice of family worship has been a foundation stone of faith for many families across many generations. In his book The Family Worship Book, Terry L. Johnson aided families to have meaningful times of devotion together. In this supplement to The Family Worship Book Terry L. Johnson seeks to strengthen, clarify and enrich those devotions. He begins by looking at the godly home, which provides the vital context in which family worship occurs. Then the biblical and theological arguments for daily family worship in are examined drawing from the Old and New Testaments as well as the classic authors. Once the case for family worship has been made, Johnson then moves on to develop the elements or practices of which family worship consists, as well as helpful tips for establishing the discipline practice of family worship. Finally, he discusses catechizing. Together, this monogram provides a feast of classic Reformed insight.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 10 Women Who Overcame Their Past
This book contains the stories of ten women whose circumstances and choices led them to a place that seemed far removed from the fruitful, joy–filled life we are called to live in Christ. But each of their stories is a testament to the work God does through his imperfect children. Their stories will encourage and inspire, and remind you that you are not alone in your struggles. The names of some of these women are well–known, some are less so. The first five stories are about relationships with other people; the next five stories are about inner struggles. Overcoming Sexual Sin & Identity – Rosaria Butterfield Difficult Marriage and Divorce – Joy Davidman Bereavement – Elisabeth Elliot Singleness – Betsie & Corrie ten Boom Overcoming with Forgiveness – Betsie & Corrie ten Boom Eating Disorders – Christie Dondero Bettwy Illness – Susannah Spurgeon False Beliefs – Doreen Virtue Self–Righteousness – Susanna Wesley The Fear of Man – Sarah Edwards Through exploring how other women of Christ’s Kingdom began anew in him, you will be encouraged on your own path of joy and freedom. Although you may not be in the same position as these women, there are things we can learn from each of them. In every chapter, MacLeod focuses on bearing fruit for Christ even in these circumstances and includes questions to think through and discuss how the truths learned by these women could be applied to your own life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd S.E.E.K.: More Real World Questions / More Real Word Answers
Lots of people are seeking something. Some are seeking things that don’t exist (like the Loch Ness monster), others are simply seeking happiness. Jesus promises that those who seek God will find him. And this book will help you on the way to seeking him. Ask questions. Engage with the answers. Think through these issues for yourself. This engaging follow–up to the popular A.S.K. takes 52 new questions from real teenagers. Covering issues from society, education, the Bible, theology, God, each short chapter contains a question, a Bible passage, a verse, a discussion, something to consider, further reading and a prayer.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd William Wilberforce: His Unpublished Spiritual Journals
These spiritual journals will give readers insight into the heart and mind of one of Britain’s leading abolitionists. William Wilberforce (1759–1833) is best remembered as a leading figure in the movement to have the slave trade abolished throughout the British Empire. He was a Member of Parliament from the age of 21 until he retired due to ill health at the age of 66. His conversion in 1785 caused him to change his lifestyle and to commit his future life and work to the service of God. He wrote a series of spiritual journals as a record of his spiritual pilgrimage. These journals are an honest record of Wilberforce’s spiritual life: the Scriptures and Christian books he read; people he met; people he witnessed to; his spiritual and physical struggles; and many other fascinating insights. Throughout his writings his constant desire to be a better Christian is striking. This man, admired by many, saw himself as a sinner, and his diaries are filled with his striving to put this sin to death. He follows a Puritan pattern of self–introspection and his journals are form of spiritual confession. Michael McMullen has transcribed the original manuscripts and has added many helpful annotations and footnotes. Scripture passages, book titles, names of people and events are clarified. These annotations will assist the reader to better understand the context and value of the journals. This work gives an invaluable insight into the life and motivations of William Wilberforce. There is much to be gleaned from his example in life and culture today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd What was the Gutenberg Bible?
Johann Gutenberg invented a world–changing machine that meant people could read God’s Word for themselves. The world could share ideas, discoveries and new and God’s Word could be quickly, inexpensively and accurately reproduced. Danika Cooley helps 9–11 year–olds discover how the printing press paved the way for the Reformation.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Who was Martin Luther?
Martin Luther was a young man who was afraid of a thunderstorm. He was a monk seeking for salvation. He was a reformer who inspired a continent to return to the Word of God. Danika Cooley introduces 9–11 year olds to this key figure in the Reformation.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Luke 1–13: The Year of the Lord’s Favour
Esteemed biblical scholar Dale Ralph Davis examines the treasure to be found in Luke’s gospel. His humor and love for his Saviour shine through in this addition to the Focus on the Bible series. Taking a few verses at a time, the exegesis draws the reader into the fascination that Luke has for this man Jesus. Volume one covers chapters 1–13 of Luke, while volume two covers chapters 14–24.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God’s Promises Kept: Devotions Inspired by Charles Spurgeon
For many years adults have enjoyed and been blessed by the profound thinking and clear writing of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Now this small padded book allows children to discover this joy for themselves. Following the premise of The Chequebook of the Bank of Faith, prolific children’s author and editor Catherine MacKenzie has adapted Spurgeon’s devotionals to be accessible to today’s 9–14 year olds, allowing a new generation to treasure God’s promises. Each entry finishes with a suggestion for what the reader should do in response to what they have read, and a prayer.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God’s Way of Holiness: Growing in Grace by Walking with God
From the preface: The way of peace and the way of holiness lie side by side, or rather, they are one. That which bestows the one imparts the other; and he who takes the one takes the other also. The Spirit of peace is the Spirit of holiness. The God of peace is the God of holiness. In the companion work to his book God’s Way of Peace, Horatius Bonar shows us that a life that has been saved is a life that is holy. The Spirit of God works in us to make us holy. The saving work of Christ on the cross has given us the victory over sin, but while we are on this earth we battle on. Read and be encouraged.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Grace, Faith and Glory: Freedom in Christ
What is legalism? Wearing hats? Not wearing hats? Raising your hands in worship – or not? What is freedom from legalism? Doing your own thing? Not according to Dominic Smart. Legalism is, he points out, the belief that we can make and keep ourselves right with God by the keeping of rules and regulations. Pointing out how often churches collude in this deception, he gives us the antidotes to legalism and shows us how it robs the Christian of joy and assurance, but also robs God of the glory that is rightfully His. This is a book to challenge your thinking and behaviour, one to read and meditate on. Let it transform your life!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Something Worth Living For: God, the World, Yourself, and the Shorter Catechism
Lengthy, heavy, theological tomes have their place, but sometimes we need a simple way of understanding the doctrine that is central to our faith. The Westminster Shorter Catechism is designed to do just that. Randall Greenwald takes the question and answer format that it follows and, in short chapters, encourages us to dig for the gold that is to be found in its pages. Read, and be enriched.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How to Live an ‘In Christ’ Life: 100 Devotional Readings on Union with Christ
Everywhere we look in the letters of Paul we encounter ‘in Christ.’ But how many of us know why the Apostle Paul uses this expression—or ones like it—over and over again in his letters? What is so important about being in Christ? Is it possible that when Paul talks about inChristness, he is handing us a set of keys that will open up his letters and reveal what is most essential to living the Christian life? In these 100 devotional readings, we discover why inChristness is so important and how to live an in–Christ life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching 1 Samuel: From Text to Message
The book of 1 Samuel is a blockbuster. One of the most well–known books of the Old Testaments, its gripping narrative is dominated by big characters. Andrew Reid helps preachers get a handle on the vital part it plays in the unfolding story of the Bible.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Tough Issues, True Hope: A Concise Journey through Christian Ethics
If God rescues us to be his people, then how can our lives demonstrate our love for him? Luke Davis takes us on a journey through some of the big questions in the arena of Christian ethics, highlighting why our ideas matter. He helps us to have a firm grasp of what the issue is, what God’s Word has to say about it, and what practical impact that has on our lives.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Big Bible Science 2: More Experiments that Explore God’s World
Big Bible Science 2 helps children and those who teach them to explore God’s World and God’s Word through real world science experiments. There are twenty–one different units taking students through scientific concepts such as Potential and Kinetic energy, Levers, Pulleys, Chemical Reactions, Condensation and Symbiosis. God creates young minds to ask questions and seek answers. This book is designed to stir the imaginations of students and develop a lasting love for Christ. The units are fun, interesting, and affirm the biblical worldview of creation. Big Bible Science is written to appeal to various ages and learning styles. This material is ideal for homeschoolers or classroom–based activities. It is for the head and the heart: a good mix of solid science and inspirational devotions. Each unit has: Objectives: These are the science learning goals. Materials: What you need before each lesson The Big Idea: A scientific explanation of the lesson that also ties in a biblical perspective. Activities: Demonstrations, games and experiments. Apply it: Ideas about how to find examples of the lesson in your world. Go Beyond: For more advanced students this will challenge them to think and experiment further. Units in Big Bible Science 2: Potential & Kinetic Energy Simple Machines in a playground Mechanical Advantage of a Lever Fixed Pulley: Changing the Direction of Force Angular Momentum & Centripetal Motion Buoyancy of Boats Law of Conservation of Matter Indicators of a Chemical Reaction Heat Capacity & Specific Heart Condensation Colligative Properties Symmetry of Nature Deciduous and Evergreen Trees Plant a Bean Parts of a Plant at the Dinner Table Symbiosis Bird Population Study Endoskeleton versus Exoskeleton Carnivores, Herbivores & Omnivores: The Food Chain How the Moon Shines Weathering & Erosion
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Jim Elliot: He Is No Fool
Jim Elliot had a loving wife, a beautiful little girl, and a reason for real joy. God had called him to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the Auca Indians. The love of Christ not only thrilled him, but gave him peace. Jim would spend the rest of his life bringing Jesus to the lost Aucas … but the rest of Jim’s life was only a matter of months. Persecution and death are a reality for many Christians today. Jim Elliot and four other young men died in the middle of doing God’s work. The very people they had come to rescue came out against them with machetes and clubs. But Jim had realised for quite some time what serving God really meant. There is nothing that is worth more than Jesus – not even your life. ‘He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’ This is the story of Jim’s love for a fighting people and of his fight for a loving God. When his life ended, the work went on and many of the Auca Indians today have the same reason that Jim Elliot had for real joy. Includes: Thinking Further Topics Timeline Map
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Creaking on the Stairs: Finding Faith in God Through Childhood Abuse
I think there is real hope to be found, in the middle of our deepest traumas, in the good news about Jesus Christ. I also think that there is a place for us to find hope and community within the church. Because of these two beliefs, I truly think, distant though it may be, that we may even get to a place of peace within our souls and a place of forgiveness for those who hurt us so much. This is a book that has no easy answers and will offer none. This is a book that tries to get behind the tough questions of why God permits such abuses to occur in this world. Using his own story of childhood abuse, Mez McConnell tells us about a God who is just, sovereign and loving. A good father who knows the pain of rejection and abuse, who hates evil, who can bring hope even in the darkest place. ‘It’s not a pagan rags to Christian riches story. It’s real, raw and radical. I suspect that there will be as many people shocked by the Bible teaching that Mez wrestles with, as there will be those shocked by the abuse he suffered. With chapters like ‘The glorious, wonderful reality of Hell’ and ‘The terrible reality of Heaven’, there is no chance of this book being perceived as comfortable.’ – David Robertson, Christian Today
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Columba: the Faith of an Island Soldier
Columba’s name dominates the narrative of early Scottish Christianity. What was established on Iona through Columba’s astonishing leadership, and through a succession of energetic and resourceful abbots, exerted a unique influence on the development of Christianity in Scotland and beyond. Bruce Ritchie’s analytical biography is the key to understanding the real Columba, his theology, his spirituality, and the faith that drove him across the sea.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Majesty of God in the Midst of Innocent Suffering: The Message of Job
The book of Job speaks to some of the most universal issues of our human experience. Feelings of grief, misery, sorrow and distress are played out against the backdrop of a man resolute in his claim of innocence of the accusations, brought by three of his alleged friends, of being an unrepentant sinner. But Job’s sufferings serve to demonstrate more truth than Job and his friends grasped. Walter Kaiser guides us through this often–neglected book to find that pure worship in suffering is not only possible, but that such times of suffering can deepen our insight into the character of God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Basket of Fragments: Notes for Revival
Robert Murray McCheyne lived only until his thirtieth year, and yet his preaching continues to impact generations of believers. In the years following his death, his congregation compiled a collection of his sermons from their own personal notes, so eager were they to preserve his writings. The result is a collection of bite–size sermons characterised by Christ–centred exposition, that testifies to McCheyne’s trust in the Word of God. A Basket of Fragments overflows with wisdom stemming from a love of Scripture and a passionate desire to see people saved. Each portion of clear yet poetic teaching, when savoured, will produce lasting spiritual nourishment.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God Willing: Divine Conduct or The Mystery of Providence
The working of God in all parts of our lives, in small things as well as great, we call ‘providence’. These special workings of his providence are not mere accidents. From the day of our birth, to the day of our death, God is working for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose. In this simplified and abridged form of his 1677 classic work entitled Divine conduct or The Mystery of Providence John Flavel addresses how God works providentially in our lives, as well as why and how we should think deeply about these providences. An encouragement to Christians to taste and see the good God has done in our own lives.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Rebels Rescued
Reformed theology teaches that, because we are more sinful than we could ever imagine, it can only be God who takes that broken shopping cart wheel (our sinful heart) and replaces it with one that has both the ability and the desire to seek him and to follow him. Brian Cosby is the perfect tool for helping students understand the essentials of reformed theology.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Five Half–Truths: Addressing the Most Common Misconceptions of Christianity
There are many types of lie, but perhaps the most dangerous and deceptive of all is the half–truth. A manipulative distortion of truth, it sounds convincing but is destructively distant from what is true. Flip Michaels tackles five half–truths that are commonly used as arguments against the validity of the Bible, Christianity, God, Christ and faith. He clearly and engagingly unveils the whole truth and explains why understanding the whole meaning is crucial. These five truths are: The Bible was written by men and inspired by God. All religions are the same, except Christianity. God is love and holy, holy, holy. Jesus is truly a man and truly God. Our good deeds matter when preceded by faith. A useful evangelistic tool, a helpful clarification for new believers or a valuable reminder for those who have been believers for a long time.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Why Is There Evil in the World (and So Much of It?)
Many people argue that the presence of evil in the world is proof that God cannot exist, or if He does exist, cannot be good or all–powerful.Greg Welty uses biblical exegesis alongside his experience as a philosopher to present a different conclusion. God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the world, really does work all things for good. A must–read for anyone struggling with this issue.Chapter titles include:1. What is the Problem of Evil?2. The Greater–Good Theodicy: A Threefold Argument for Three Biblical Themes3. Licensing the Greater–Good Theodicy: God’s Sovereignty over Evil4. Limiting the Greater–Good Theodicy: The Inscrutability of God’s Purposes5. Can Free Will or the Laws of Nature Solve the Problem of Evil?6. ObjectionsAppendix: Going Beyond Job, Joseph and Jesus for the Greater–Good Theodicy The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered is a Christian apologetics series which addresses ten commonly asked questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Each book, while easy to read, is challenging and thought–provoking, dealing with subjects ranging from hell to science. A good read whatever your present opinions. The first two titles in the series are: Why Should I Believe Christianity? by James N. Anderson Does Christianity Really Work? by Williams Edgar
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Isaiah Vol 1: A Mentor Commentary
There are many academic commentaries, but very few hold to an inerrant view of Scripture as Mentor commentaries do. This series of expositions of Scripture successful refute wilder departures from orthodoxy whilst appreciating and learning from latest theological research. This expanding series includes commentaries on the Old and New Testament. Isaiah is a book of literary, historical, theological and ecclesial riches. Paul R. House contends that Isaiah wrote the whole book during his long ministry. Predicts the coming of the Messiah. Strives to treat Isaiah as a prophetic book, as a work that highlights major themes such as creation, sin in its many manifestations (e.g. covenant breaking), proper ethical behaviour, approaching judgement often described as ‘the day of Yahweh’, and renewal effected by Yahweh’s redeeming work. Yahweh displays indomitable determination to redeem in Isaiah. The creator will redeem his people. He will give them a permanent home in a new heavens and earth, a perfect Zion, and a safe place. The redeemed will come from many nations, and they will serve him in their lifetimes and beyond. Sin and death cannot stop this plan. All Yahweh’s covenants will be kept, the dead shall rise, justice will prevail, and the Davidic messiah will play the key role in this inexorable victory.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Long Story Short: The Bible in 12 Phrases
The Bible is a big book and reading it can seem a bit daunting, especially if you’re not sure where to start. It’s also a very important book. Is has had a huge impact on the world – socially, morally, politically – and even on the language we use. This book is structured around 12 phrases that come from the Bible and uses them to explain the whole story – from the first book (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation). If you want to find out what the Bible is all about, and why it has changed the world, this book is for you.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Heaven on Earth: What the Bible Teaches about Life to Come
Why a book about heaven? For all the skepticism that abounds in our time, people still want to know what happens after death. Do you know with any certainty where your conscious, thinking, self–aware, communicative self will be? And does it matter, as long as you are in ‘heaven’? But the importance of ‘heaven’ does not consist only in it being the alternative to ‘hell’. It is not just an abstract future state into which we will slip, it is a physical reality which can give us joy and hope even now as we look toward it. Derek Thomas examines how the Christian can and should think about heaven: 1. We Die … Then what? 2. Are You Ready? 3. Falling Asleep 4. The Trumpet Shall Sound 5. The New Heaven and New Earth 6. What Will Heaven be Like? 7. Like the Angels
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Training – How Do I Grow as A Christian?
The Christian life is many things, so it can be hard to know how exactly we should live it. Training is a guide to show new Christians just that—how you should live and grow. Walking through the basic spiritual disciplines, Training uses short stories to show how you can love God and your neighbor. What does it look like to follow Jesus, listen to God, talk to God, love your spiritual family and love the lost? That’s what this book is all about.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Cyprian of Carthage: His Life and Impact
Cyprian of Carthage’s story is one of incredible perseverance for the sake of the gospel. Living through a time of terrible persecution towards Christians, Cyprian wrestled with questions surrounding the church and contributed greatly to the writings on its importance as the bride of Christ. He dealt first–hand with the effects which persecution has on church bodies and offered many insights which are becoming increasingly relevant in the West today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Heaven, So Near – So Far: The Story of Judas Iscariot
In this sequel to Heaven, How I got Here, Colin S. Smith masterfully retells the gospel story from the perspective of Judas Iscariot. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, and Peter, who denied Jesus, both hit a low point in their lives when it looked as if they were done with Jesus forever. Yet these men responded in very different ways. Judas separated from the other disciples and gave up on faith in Christ completely. Peter chose a different and a better path.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Christian's Pocket Guide to Mary: Mother of God?
A Christian's Pocket Guide to Mary offers a biblical account of Mary's character, contrasting this with the Roman Catholic traditions which have developed throughout history, distorting her nature from an obedient servant and worshipper of God to a worshipped saint herself. De Chirico writes with the authority of thorough research as well as personal experience of the traditions surrounding Mary which have become so integral to Roman Catholic worship.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Daily Readings–the Early Church Fathers
The early church fathers have always had a special place in Christian theology. As the first interpreters of the gospel, we often find in their words a sense of the gospel’s sheer freshness and reality. More than this, they were the thinkers who first hammered out the full meaning of what Scripture says about the Trinity and the person of Christ. Their sayings, presented here by Nick Needham, are more than just relevant – they present the opportunity to kindle within us something of that same healthy and godly spirit.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How Could a Loving God Send anyone to Hell?
The question of whether God can be loving and send people to hell is one people have been asking for a long time. Surely a God who sends people to hell cannot love them? Starting with a look at who God is and how we relate to Him, Benjamin Skaug looks at the difficult topic of hell, and what the Bible says about it.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd If It's Not Too Much Trouble - 2nd Ed.: The Challenge of the Aged Parent
"Professional carer" - it's almost a contradiction in terms.Let down by the 'system' Ann Benton, aided by a team of helpers, charts the journey of her father-in-law from unsatisfactory hospital care, through spectacularly absent 'care in the community', to being looked after at home. In eight easy-to-digest chapters she gives a Christian perspective on caring for your aged parent as well as giving practical tools to help those who find themselves in the same situation. Ann brings out the positive benefits of caring for those unable to look after themselves in her light-hearted, poignant and straightforward manner.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Believe – What Should I Know?
The Bible isn’t just a big book full of stories from a long time ago. It also tells us what we are to believe about God, life and what happens after this life. Christians sometimes use a lot of complicated words to describe these things, but this brief breakdown of everything you need to know is easy to understand. Chapter Headings include: Who is God? Who is God the Son? Who is God the Spirit? Angels and Demons Creation and Fall Atonement and Election Sanctification and Perseverance Heaven and Hell The Return of Jesus
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Army of God: Spurgeon’s Vision for the Church
The figures associated with Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s ministry are staggering. Between his preaching and the printings of his sermons, he reached hundreds of thousands of people, in his lifetime and in the years since. But he was not an itinerant preacher or writer or philanthropist. He faithfully served the Metropolitan Tabernacle from his arrival in 1854 to his death in 1892. Undergirding everything else was this central responsibility: Spurgeon was the pastor of a church. What was Spurgeon’s ecclesiology and how did it affect how he ordered and led his local church? Chang examines Spurgeon’s Reformed ecclesiology and Baptist polity and looks at how they were shaped by his militant church outlook.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ezekiel Vol 2: A Mentor Commentary
Ezekiel was a prophet during the dark days of the exile of his people in Babylon, both before and after the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. Speaking to a people who had lost everything, Ezekiel nevertheless had the difficult task of making Judah aware of their rebellion against God – and of its consequences. Through all the unusual and confusing turns of Ezekiel’s account, John L. Mackay provides a scholarly treatment of the Old Testament prophet, without losing a sense of reverence and devotion towards the God Ezekiel served. Offering great depths of exegesis and great warmth of pastoral insight, these two exhaustive volumes are aimed at the pastor and student.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Genesis: The Beginning of God’s Plan of Salvation
Genesis provides us with a foundation for correctly understanding the world. Within Genesis, the character and the role of human beings within the world God has created is revealed. In reading Genesis we find on every occasion, in his dealings with mankind, God steps in by his grace and demonstrates that he is in control.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Her–Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church
Women were an integral part of Jesus’ life and ministry as described in all four Gospels, and they are integral to the life of the church wherever Christianity has spread. In whatever position they found themselves, whether queens or slaves, they lived for their Saviour and sought to bring others to Him. Her–Story brings together well–known names, such as Fanny Crosby and Joni Eareckson Tada to lesser known Christians from across the centuries, in 366 devotions. The recurring theme – their love for Jesus.