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Oxford University Press Selected Poetry
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) is now recognized as a major poet of striking originality. He is widely admired for his particularly vivid expression of feeling, from the religious ecstasy of `he Blessed Virgin' to the torments of his loneliness and despair in `No Worst', and for conveying with wonderful freshness his sense of natural beauty in such poems as `The Windhover' and `Pied Beauty'. This selection, chosen from the award-winning Oxford Authors critical edition, includes all his major English poems and most of the larger fragments. The poems are supported with extensive notes and a useful introduction to Hopkins's life and poetry. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Verlag Peter Lang Saint Augustin Et La Bible: Actes Du Colloque de l'Université Paul Verlaine-Metz- (7-8 Avril 2005)
Leuven University Press Francis Alys. The Nature of the Game
The first multidisciplinary analysis of one of the most impactful and popular contemporary artworks of recent years.In 1999, a short video of a solitary boy kicking an empty bottle up a hill in Mexico City became the first instalment of Children’s Games, a series of works by artist Francis Alÿs (b. Antwerp, 1959). The ongoing project, which now numbers around thirty-five works, has gradually given shape to an extensive collection of videos of children at play. For almost twenty-five years, Alÿs and his collaborators Félix Blume, Julien Devaux, and Rafael Ortega have been travelling around the world to document the distinctive ways in which children interact with each other and their physical environment. They have gone from remote villages in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Nepal to the mountains of Switzerland and metropoles like Hong Kong and Paris, but have also visited the war-torn city of Mosul in Iraq, the border between Mexico and the United States, and the strait of Gibraltar that divides Africa and Europe. The resulting images are standing proof of the seriousness of play and of children’s stunning powers of resilience in the face of conflict.This volume provides a multidisciplinary perspective to the many layers of Children’s Games. It includes an interview with Francis Alÿs and Rafael Ortega, a series of essays by well-known scholars and art critics, curatorial statements, and a logbook related to the presentation of Children’s Games at the Venice Biennale of 2022.Contributors: Francis Alÿs (artist), Gerard-Jan Claes (filmmaker, artistic director of Sabzian), Tim Ingold (anthropologist, University of Aberdeen), Zeynep Kubat (art historian, curator and writer), Karen Lang (art historian, Royal Society of Arts), Rafael Ortega (artist), Rodrigo Perez de Arce (architect, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Juan Martín Pérez García (Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico (REDIM), Giulio Piovesan (journalist and photographer), John Potter (media education, University College London), Virginia Roy (curator at the University Museum of Contemporary Art of the National Autonomous University of Mexico), Stéphane Symons (professor of philosophy, KU Leuven), Hilde Teerlinck (Han Nefkens Foundation /curator of the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale 2022).Ebook available in Open Access.
Stenlake Publishing Old Ballynahinch
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Writings
Poet, visionary, short-story writer and autobiographer, Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855) explored the uncertain borderlines between dream and reality, irony and madness, autobiography and fiction with his groundbreaking writings. This comprehensive selection of his works includes 'Aurélia', the memoir of his madness; the haunting novella of love and memory 'Sylvie' (considered to be a masterpiece by Proust); the hermetic sonnets of 'The Chimeras'; as well as Nerval's experimental fictions and selections from his correspondence, which demonstrate his lucid awareness of how nineteenth-century psychiatry consigned his fertile imagination to the status of mental illness. Together these pieces confirm Nerval's place as a pioneering modernist, a precursor of the French Symbolists and a vital model for such writers as Marcel Proust, André Breton, Antonin Artaud and Michel Leiris.
Les Belles Lettres Clio Et Ses Disciples: Ecrire l'Histoire En Grece Et a Rome
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Constraint Programming in Music
Constraint programming (CP) is a declarative programming paradigm with many academic and industrial applications (from n-queens to planning, vehicle routing, and optimization, among other fields). Music composition has been one of these applications since the earliest works on automatic harmonization, and it remains a very special and challenging one due to its artistic (and highly subjective) nature. The early works on CP in music were limited to classical music composition, as the harmonization and counterpoint rules naturally translate into constraints. However, when contemporary composers began to be interested in constraints, CP became an essential tool in computer-assisted composition systems. As several contemporary musical pieces have now been composed "with constraints", it is reasonable to ask why CP applies so naturally to music, and what the particular features of musical problems are. This book presents information about recently developed musical CP systems from both the scientist's and composer's point-of-view. It will therefore be of interest to students and researchers of music technology, composers in the computer music scene, and music software companies-especially those trying to model high level musical behaviors (i.e., intelligent arpeggiation/arrangement on synthesizers, "Band in a Box" software, etc.), perform music data mining, and execute music taste engineering for online music delivery.
National Geographic Society National Geographic Traveler: Provence and the Cote d'Azur, 3rd Edition
Discover the best of Provence and explore its charming towns and cities, medieval abbeys, storybook castles, and Roman monuments. Follow this guided tour through its magical landscapes - fields of red poppies, fragrant lavender, olive trees, and sunflowers. The tour begins in Avignon, famed for its Palais des Papes, and moves into the surrounding countryside, including Orange and its Roman-era coliseum, and the charming hill towns of Gordes, Roussillon, and Bonnieux. On to the Bouches du Rhone, featuring Arles, van Gogh's old haunt; Les Baux and its troubadour-era remains; the Camargue, the marshy land of Provençal cowboys and flamingos; and chic and elegant Aix-en-Provence. After exploring revitalized Marseille, with its new museum, you are introduced to the Var, with its Mediterranean paradises of St. Tropez, Antibes, and the resort islands of Hyères, Porquerolles, and Port-Cros. Farther east awaits the fabled French Riviera, including the glittering towns of St. Tropez, Cannes, Nice, regal Monaco, and Menton, with its new Jean Cocteau museum. Finally, you discover Provence's more rugged side in Haute Provence, domain of the Gorges du Verdon.
Random House USA Inc Burns: Poems: Edited by Gerard Carruthers
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF THE PROFIT RATE: Competition, Crises and Historical Tendencies in Capitalism
In this important book, Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy assess the impact of the profit rate on modern economies, its role in the allocation of resources among industries, its influence on business fluctuations, and its relation to accumulation, technological change and wages.The Economics of the Profit Rate presents a broad synthesis of recent work and builds on classical theory, using the tools of modern economics, to suggest alternative approaches to conventional microeconomics and macroeconomics. In sharp contrast to the general equilibrium theory, the emphasis is placed on dynamics and the reaction of individual agents to disequilibrium. This impressive book includes an assessment of the history of the US economy in which theoretical and empirical analyses are consistently combined.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Rural Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice
This fourth volume in the Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research series edited by Colette Henry and Gerard McElwee draws together contemporary research contributions that critically explore a range of issues relating to rural enterprise. The chapters in this volume consider the various iterations of rural enterprise noting the underpinning synergy of the rural context but exploring the diversity of how this is articulated. Within this overarching theme, the volume contributors explore topics ranging across issues relating to networks, social exclusion, communities and gender. Research is presented from a range of different countries, including the UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, New Zealand, and Africa. The various studies use conceptual frameworks that underpin generic entrepreneurial theory and practice but recognise that their articulation within the rural environment acts as a particular lens to offer a novel perspective upon these issues. In offering their insightful critique, Henry & McElwee draw attention to the critical nature of rurality and its impact on entrepreneurship, thus furthering understanding in this area.
NBM Publishing Company Networked: Carabella on the Run
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death (deluxe Edition)
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death Vol. 1
Pluto Press Managerial Capitalism: Ownership, Management and the Coming New Mode of Production
The debate around growing inequality is raging amongst economists, and Marxists are finding new ways to map-out the modern economy. Managerial Capitalism introduces a new way of understanding the changing structure of our economy through the emergence and behaviour of a new class – managers. In the post war years as social democracy reigned, managers tended to form compromises with workers. However, under neoliberalism, allegiances have shifted. Today, a new alliance is forming between managers and capitalist owners, changing the nature of the hierarchy of power under capitalism. Additionally, the authors argue, this is happening much faster and universally than was previously thought. By applying Marx's basic concepts to the reality of the system today, through the use of extensive data sets as well as firmly rooting the argument in its historical context, Managerial Capitalism updates Marxism for the twenty-first century, through showing how the modes of production today are shaped by a new class, that must be understood if it is to be challenged.
Random House USA Inc Murtagh: The World of Eragon
DC Comics Doom Patrol Vol. 1 Brick by Brick
Verlag Peter Lang Approches Du Roman Et Du Théâtre Missionnaires
Pambazuka Press India in Africa: Changing Geographies of Power
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Bone: A Regulator of Physiology
Ablaze Balbuzar
Seagull Books London Ltd The Fable of the World: A Philosophical Enquiry into Freedom in Our Times
Modern political theory begins with the rise of the philosophical concept and practice of sovereignty in the sixteenth century. Over the course of the next several centuries, sovereignty was generalized as the form of the modern state - eventually, there was no state that was not sovereign, and there was no understanding of the state that did not depend upon the notion of sovereignty. Yet, as Gerard Mairet argues in "The Fable of the World", at this moment of the culmination of political sovereignty, the limitations and dangers of this theory and practice have become all too apparent. Furthermore, Mairet believes that we have begun to see the glimmers of a new form of political community beyond the sovereign state and its rootedness in inter-state violence: for Mairet, Europe has become the harbinger of a new federative form of statehood. In this rigorous investigation of the notion of sovereignty from Bodin and Hobbes, through Rousseau and the Federalists, to Foucault and the framers of the European constitution, Mairet examines the articulation of the concept through the bloody history of European colonialism. He also shows how the reconstitution of the European political community after World War II marked the beginning of a new trajectory - one that offers the hope of a post-sovereign mode of political being-in-the-world.
University of California Press The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to ISIS
This authoritative work provides an essential perspective on terrorism by offering a rare opportunity for analysis and reflection at a time of ongoing violence, threats, and reprisals. Some of the best international specialists on the subject examine terrorism's complex history from antiquity to the present day and find that terror, long the weapon of the weak against the strong, is a tactic as old as warfare itself. Beginning with the Zealots of the first century CE, contributors go on to discuss the Assassins of the Middle Ages, the 1789 Terror movement in Europe, Bolshevik terrorism during the Russian Revolution, Stalinism, "resistance" terrorism during World War II, and Latin American revolutionary movements of the late 1960s. Finally, they consider the emergence of modern transnational terrorism, focusing on the roots of Islamic terrorism, al Qaeda, and the contemporary suicide martyr. Along the way, they provide a groundbreaking analysis of how terrorism has been perceived throughout history. What becomes powerfully clear is that only through deeper understanding can we fully grasp the present dangers of a phenomenon whose repercussions are far from over. This updated edition includes a new chapter analyzing the rise of ISIS and key events such as the 2015 Paris attacks.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering
The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering is the industry's leading guide to the engineering of all types of bridges. This book has been written by a team of leading experts and contains all of the key topics that any bridge engineer needs to refer to. All aspects from bridge design, materials and management of bridges to loadings, construction and accessories such as expansion joints, parapets and bearings are covered in this manual. Bridge inspections and economic and sustainable maintenance are also included. Fully updated to a third edition, this book features new chapters on bridge aesthetics and temporary works. It is aligned with the guidance given in the Eurocodes and will become your go-to authority on all aspects of bridge design, construction and management. The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering will be of interest to all practitioners involved in any aspect of the analysis, design, construction, repair, inspection, maintenance, and refurbishment of bridges. It will also appeal to students at university or college, contractors, government agencies and research centres.
Bolinda Publishing Rugby Rebel
Penguin Books Ltd Poems and Prose
Dazzling in its prosodic innovations, such as the 'sprung rhythm' he pioneered, and wide-ranging in its complexity and metaphysical interest. The Penguin Classics edition of Gerard Manley Hopkins's Poems and Prose is selected and edited with an introduction by W.H. Gardner.Closer to Dylan Thomas than Matthew Arnold in his 'creative violence' and insistence on the sound of poetry, Gerard Manley Hopkins was no staid, conventional Victorian. On entering the Jesuit order the age of twenty-four, he burnt all his poetry and 'resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless by the wishes of my superiors'. The poems, letters and journal entries selected for this edition were written in the following twenty years of his life, and published posthumously in 1918. His verse is wrought from the creative tensions and paradoxes of a poet-priest who wanted to evoke the spiritual essence of nature sensuously, and to communicate this revelation in natural language and speech-rhythms while using condensed, innovative diction and all the skills of poetic artifice.Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was born in Essex, the eldest son of a prosperous middle-class family. He was educated at Highgate School and Balliol College, Oxford, where he read Classics and began his lifelong friendship with Robert Bridges. In 1866 he entered the Roman Catholic Church and two years later he became a member of the Society of Jesus. In 1877 he was ordained and was priest in a number of parishes including a slum district in Liverpool. From 1882 to 1884 he taught at Stonyhurst College and in 1884 he became Classics Professor at University College, Dublin. In his lifetime Hopkins was hardly known as a poet, except to one or two friends; his poems were not published until 1918, in a volume edited by Robert Bridges.If you enjoyed Hopkins' Poems and Prose, you might like John Clare's Selected Poems, also available in Penguin Classics.
Jewish Lights Publishing Hopkins: The Mystic Poets
Discover How Hopkins's Spiritual Life and Vision Can Enlighten Your Own "Poetry and art and music seize upon the human experience in ways that reveal new possibilities of intimacy with the Divine. In the way they reach out and grab us by the heart at unexpected times, they reaffirm that the Holy will meet us when it chooses.…" —from the Preface by Rev. Thomas Ryan, CSP Gerard Manley Hopkins, Christian mystical poet, is beloved for his use of fresh language and startling metaphors to describe the world around him. Beneath the surface of this lovely verse lies a searching soul, wrestling with and yearning for God. Hopkins writes from a Christian background, and yet his themes speak to people of all faiths who seek a deeper understanding of the presence of God in all of life. This beautiful sampling of Hopkins's poetry offers a glimpse into his unique spiritual vision that continues to inspire readers throughout the world. The poems unite his two devotions, presenting mystical images of Christ in the natural world, which serve as a window through which you might also begin to see the Divine Presence in the world around you.
St Michael's Abbey Press The Collects for Ordinary Time: A Study in the Roman Missal
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Quantum Optics
The formalism of quantum optics is elucidated in the early chapters and the main techniques are introduced. These are applied in the later chapters to problems such as squeezed states of light, resonance fluorescence, laser theory, quantum theory of four-wave mixing, quantum non-demolition measurements, Bell's inequalities, and atom optics. Experimental results are used to illustrate the theory throughout. This yields the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of experiment and theory in quantum optics in any textbook.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Making of The Umbrella Academy
Voltaire Foundation Œuvres complètes de Voltaire (Complete Works of Voltaire) 44B: Annales de l'Empire (II): Ch.18-39: Henri IV-Frederic d'Autriche
Princeton University Press Uncorked: The Science of Champagne - Revised Edition
Uncorked quenches our curiosity about the inner workings of one of the world's most prized beverages. Esteemed for its freshness, vitality, and sensuality, champagne is a wine of great complexity. Mysteries aplenty gush forth with the popping of that cork. Just what is that fizz? Can you judge champagne quality by how big the bubbles are, how long they last, or how they behave before they fade? And why does serving champagne in a long-stemmed flute prolong its chill and effervescence? Through lively prose and a wealth of state-of-the-art photos, this revised edition of Uncorked unlocks the door to what champagne is all about. Providing an unprecedented close-up view of the beauty in the bubbles, Gerard Liger-Belair presents images that look surprisingly like lovely flowers, geometric patterns, even galaxies as the bubbles rise through the glass and burst forth on the surface. He illustrates how bubbles form not on the glass itself but are "born" out of debris stuck on the glass wall, how they rise, and how they pop. Offering a colorful history of champagne, Liger-Belair tells us how it is made and he asks if global warming could spell champagne's demise. In a brand-new afterword, he updates the reader on new developments in the world of bubble science and delves even more deeply into the processes that give champagne its unique and beautiful character. Bubbly may tickle the nose, but Uncorked tackles what the nose and the naked eye cannot--the spectacular science that gives champagne its charm and champagne drinkers immeasurable pleasure.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory
This substantially revised second edition teaches the bifurcation of asymptotic solutions to evolution problems governed by nonlinear differential equations. Written not just for mathematicians, it appeals to the widest audience of learners, including engineers, biologists, chemists, physicists and economists. For this reason, it uses only well-known methods of classical analysis at foundation level, while the applications and examples are specially chosen to be as varied as possible.
Globe Law and Business Ltd Strategies for Growth in Law Firms
As a result of Brexit, and the subsequent move by companies and organisations from London to continental European capital cities (eg. Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris), as well as further globalisation and analysis of referral work, international law firms have made it a strategic priority to expand their capabilities and to enter new markets. They can do so by merging with or taking over a national independent law firm, via lateral hires and/or by the onboarding of teams. Each of these strategies requires a thorough approach and methodology. Strategies for Growth in Law Firms, coordinated by Gerard Tanja and Robert van Beemen of Venturis Consulting, explores some of the crucial elements relating to international growth strategies in the legal sector: law firm mergers, market entries, the onboarding of teams, and the development of international referral strategies. It includes coverage of: •Which strategies international firms pursue with a market entry; •How they identify and assess the (potential) candidate firms; •How they ensure they hire the right teams; and •What national independent boutiques (as popular candidates) take into consideration when merging with an international firm. It provides in-depth insights, practical tools and case studies regarding the methodologies, execution and implementation of growth strategies for law firms, as well as an overview of the developments in the various international legal markets (Europe, Asia, Latin-America) and of the different international growth strategies pursued by international law firms, the Big 4 and alternative legal service providers, including the implementation of these strategies (post-merger integration). This title will be of use to both international law firms and national boutique firms in the US, UK, EU and Asia. It provides valuable guidance for managing directors, business development directors, partners and managers responsible for the development of the international network of law firms, and general counsel will also find it beneficial.
Viella Editrice A Description of All Spain: de Situ, Longitudine, Forma Et Divisione Totius Hispaniae Libellus
Les Belles Lettres Saints-Fondateurs Du Christianisme Ethiopien: Frumentius, Garima, Takla-Haymanot, Ewostatewos
Basic Health Publications Peak Performance - Body and Mind: Make Your Body Last a Lifetime
Your body is a highly complex machine and you are in control - or should be. How you manage your body, how you take care of it, and how well you know it will determine how well and how long you survive. Peak Performance draws from the fields of kinetics, biomechanics and physiology. The authors present a highly systematic approach to life that will bring you to a much higher level of comfort, satisfaction and accomplishment. You'll actually experience a sense of exhilaration as you learn to eat walk and breathe in ways that can avoid negative environmental impact.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Human Anatomy
Immerse yourself in the spectacular visuals and dynamic content of Principles of Human Anatomy. Designed for the one-term Human Anatomy course, this textbook raises the standard for excellence in the discipline with its enhanced illustration program, refined narrative, and dynamic resources. Principles of Human Anatomy is a rich digital experience, giving students the ability to learn and explore human anatomy both inside and outside of the classroom.
Cambridge University Press Oeuvres de Desargues
The French mathematician and engineer Gérard Desargues (1591–1661) was one of the founders of projective geometry. Desargues' theorem is named in the honour of this prolific writer of treatises on geometry and its application to the arts and architecture. His important writings, which had been lost, were published in 1864 by the mathematician and scientific historian Noël-Germinal Poudra (1794–1894). Poudra's two-volume edition, republished here, reveals the major role played by Desargues in the scientific debates of the seventeenth century. It includes a biography of Desargues, in which Poudra discusses his role as architect, as well as his influence on famous scientists of his time including Pascal and Descartes. Volume 2 contains Poudra's analysis of the works of the engraver Abraham Bosse (1603–76), which develop some of Desargues' ideas. It also reproduces some of the - often critical - responses to Desargues' work by his contemporaries.
Oxford University Press Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Works
This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together all Hopkins's poetry and a generous selection of his prose writings to give the essence of his work and thinking. Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-89) was one of the most innovative of nineteenth-century poets. During his tragically short life he strove to reconcile his religious and artistic vocations, and this edition demonstrates the range of his interests. It includes all his poetry, from best-known works such as 'The Wreck of the Deutschland' and ''The Windhover' to translations, foreign language poems, plays, and verse fragments, and the recently discovered poem 'Consule Jones'. In addition there are excerpts from Hopkins's journals, letters, and spiritual writings. The poems are printed in chronological order to show Hopkins's changing preoccupations, and all the texts have been established from original manuscripts. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Amsterdam University Press History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction
The humanities include disciplines as diverse as literary theory, linguistics, history, film studies, theology, and philosophy. Do these various fields of study have anything in common that distinguishes them from, say, physics or sociology? The tripartite division between the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities may seem self-evident, but it only arose during the course of the 19th century and is still contested today. 'History and Philosophy of the Humanities: An Introduction' presents a reasoned overview of the conceptual and historical backgrounds of the humanities. In four sections, it discusses: - the most influential views on scientific knowledge from Aristotle to Thomas Kuhn; - the birth of the modern humanities and its relation to the natural and social sciences; - the various methodological schools and conceptual issues in the humanities; - several themes that set the agenda for current debates in the humanities: critiques of modernity; gender, sexuality and identity; and postcolonialism. Thus, it provides students in the humanities with a comprehensive understanding of the backgrounds of their own discipline, its relation to other disciplines, and the state of the art of the humanities at large.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer A Thomas More Source Book
This title brings together texts by and about Thomas More - poet, scholar, statesman, educational reformer, philospher, historian and saint. The writings focus upon More's views of education, political theory, church-state relations, love and friendship, practical politics and conscience.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Complications in Surgery
Complications in Surgery, Second Edition offers authoritative recommendations for preventing and managing complications in all current general surgery procedures. The opening sections discuss institutional risk management issues and risks common to all operations, such as wound healing problems, infection, shock, and complications in immunosuppressed patients. Subsequent sections focus on complications of specific procedures in thoracic, vascular, gastric, endocrine, breast, and oncologic surgery, as well as organ transplantation and pediatric surgery. This edition includes new information on surgical quality assessment and patient safety and updated information in the organ-specific chapters.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to the Human Body
Introduction to the Human Body combines exceptional content and outstanding visual, auditory, and interactive presentations for a multimodal and comprehensive learning experience. This digital course gives students the ability to learn and explore anatomy and physiology both inside and outside of the classroom.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical and Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Wind energy conversion systems are subject to many different types of faults and therefore fault detection is highly important to ensure reliability and safety. Monitoring systems can help to detect faults before they result in downtime. This book presents efficient methods used to detect electrical and mechanical faults based on electrical signals occurring in the different components of a wind energy conversion system. For example, in a small and high power synchronous generator and multi-phase generator, in the diode bridge rectifier, the gearbox and the sensors. This book also presents a method for keeping the frequency and voltage of the power grid within an allowable range while ensuring the continuity of power supply in the event of a grid fault. Electrical and Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in Wind Energy Conversion Systems presents original results obtained from a variety of research. It will not only be useful as a guideline for the conception of more robust wind turbines systems, but also for engineers monitoring wind turbines and researchers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2011, Volume 26
The twenty-sixth volume in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, providing authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature in the field All chapters written by established experts and all topics carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in both the research literature and in current practice Presents developments in such established areas as stress and well-being, consumer behavior, employee trust, deception and applicant faking, the assessment of job performance and work attitudes, and the employment interview Newer topics explored include methodological issues in the development and evaluation of multiple regression models, and the psychological impact of the physical office environment Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the chosen topic, and each is supported by a valuable bibliography
Imperial College Press Surgical Talk: Revision In Surgery (2nd Edition)
As final examinations approach, medical students often become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of knowledge required to pass all subjects in one go, including surgery, medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, pharmacology, and psychiatry. Students cannot know each of these subjects in as much detail as they did during their individual attachments and they need to concentrate on important topics rather than minutiae.Whereas existing textbooks cover many topics very well and in great detail, they are lengthy and difficult to read in a short space of time; some subjects are poorly covered and give no real understanding of practical management and logical thought processes — the exact requirements for passing finals.In this second edition, each chapter has been extensively rewritten and updated with the help of experts in their respective subjects.