Search results for ""author bait"
W. W. Norton & Company Flying Up the Mountain A Novel
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. Three Hotels: Plays and Monologues
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. The Substance of Fire and other plays
Stackpole Books Flies for Western Super Hatches
Authoritative reference to imitating the important trout food forms in rivers and streams of the West 150 patterns to match the super hatches of greatest significance to western anglers Comprehensive--includes mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, midges, terrestrials, aquatic worms, baitfish, sculpin, fish eggs, leeches, scuds, sowbugs 1,356 photographs including the undersides of insects to give the trout's eye view, ideal for matching what the trout sees Leeson and Schollmeyer team up to pair incredible photos with descriptions of the insect and solid information on the hatch, life cycle, fly patterns, and step-by-step tying instructions
Reprodukt Birgit
Rowman & Littlefield Knack Fishing for Everyone: A Complete Illustrated Guide
This user-friendly resource presents all the essentials of fishing—using all kinds of tackle, from spincasting and baitcasting to surf casting and fly fishing—for a variety of fish, in both fresh and salt water. With step-by-step photographs on every page, it shows how to tie the essential knots; select the right lures, lines, and tackle; identify fish; and make effective casts.
WW Norton & Co Flying Up the Mountain: A Novel
Ato and his friends Dzifa and Leslie have been selected to visit Nnoma, the bird sanctuary that Ato’s father helped build before he died. Ato is convinced that his father hid something valuable on the island, meant only for him. When the trio arrives at Nnoma with other children from across West Africa, they are split into teams and given missions to help broaden their knowledge of nature. The winners will become Asafo—ambassadors of Nnoma and defenders of the Earth. But then the adults running Nnoma start behaving erratically and Ato suspects foul play. When the trio uncovers a sinister plot to exploit the sanctuary, Ato and his friends must work together to protect it—and his father’s legacy. Kirkus praised Crossing the Stream as “a powerful coming-of-age story of self-discovery” in their starred review. Now, Flying Up the Mountain calls upon each of us to do our part in safeguarding our planet.
Igela Argitaletxea Galton kasua
Galton kasuan, Lew Archer detektibeak Anthony Galton aurkitu behar du, hogei urte lehenago etxetik alde egin eta desagertutako gaztea. Orain Galtonen amak, heriotza hurbil baitu, semearekin baketu eta bere ondarea utzi nahi dio. Archer detektibeak susmo txarra hartzen du, berehala konturatzen baita misterioaren pieza guztiak azkarregi hasten direla lotzen elkarrekin.Ross MacDonaldentzat nobela hau mugarri bat izan zen, bai bere nobelagintzan, bai Archer protagonista duen sailean. Hammett eta Chandler maisuak abiapuntu harturik, haien protagonista Sam Spade eta Philip Marlowe baino detektibe hurbilagoa jarriko digu aurrean MacDonaldek. Idealista, bai, baina errealismoan oinarritutako idealismo batez hornitua, eta sistematik "kanporatutako" batek bezala ibili nahiago duena. Oinak lurrean izango ditu, eta horregatik bereizten da behin eta berriz han-hemenka aurkituko dituen idealista ameslariengandik.NOSEY PARKERIgelak argitaratutako Ross Macdonald -en beste liburu batz
Ttarttalo, S.L. Begiratu dezaket zure pixoihalean
Xaguk jakingura handia du. Den-dena usnatu behar du, baita lagunen pixoihalak ere.Banan-banan, erbiaren, ahuntzaren, txakurraren, behiaren, zaldiaren eta txerriaren pixoihalak usnatu ditu. Jakina, besteek ere Xaguren pixoihala begiratu nahi dute. Eta ezusteko handia hartuko dute.Sagu txiki baten jakingura handiari buruzko ipuin dibertigarria.
Biga benetan identifikatu gabeko animalia
Eskolara berriz! ?Animalia? lehen hezkuntzako eskolak zabalik ditu ateak bere ikasleentzat lehen eskola-egunean eta Bigak bere lekua bilatzen du ikaskideen artean. Ikasturte berriaren ohiko hasiera dirudi, baina Bigak hasiera-hasieratik txunditu ditu ikasleak. Ez du bere ikaskide txikien batere antzik. Ez da haiek bezalakoa: ez hartza, ez txoria, ez dortoka. Eta zer esan haren botere eta ahalmen ikaragarriez, haiei esker bihurtu baita Biga eskolako patioko izarra, eta bide batez gorengo maila kendu baitio Leoi kameleoiari? Biga "benetan identifikatu gabeko animalia" da, eta txundituta uzten ditu denak, hunkituta eta liluratuta haren fantasiaz eta berezitasunaz. Eta, azken batean, adiskide handi bat besterik ez balitz? Heroi txiki berri bat, jatorra eta atsegina.Gidoiak bi orrialdeko abenturatan egituratuta daude, eta modu xaloan lantzen ditu gai garrantzitsuak: desberdintasuna, bullyinga edo adiskidetasuna. Umorea, jakina, funtsezkoa da eta nonahi ageri da Vincent Cautek samurtasun
Familiako lexikoa
Hau da Natalia Ginzburgen libururik intimoena. Bere familiako lexikoa du oinarri, azalean behintzat. Familiako hitzek, esaldiek eta esaerek gogora ekartzen dizkioten gertaerak kontatuko dizkigu.Bere familia-kronika osatzen duten lehengaiak, hots, heriotzak, jaiotzak edo maitasunak erabiliz, azalduko ditu Natalia Ginzburgek faxismoaren gorakada, Bigarren Mundu Gerra, hala nola Levi familiaren eta haren lagunen gorabeherak. Hitz propioek ekartzen dizkioten oroitzapenen bidez biziaraziko digu bere familiako giroa, baita XX. mendeko Italiakoa ere.
Stackpole Books Flies for Western Super Hatches
Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer team up to pair incredible photos with descriptions of insects and solid information on the hatch, life cycle, fly patterns, and step-by-step tying instructions in this authoritative reference to imitating the important trout food forms in rivers and streams of the West. This comprehensive guide includes 150 patterns to match the super hatches of greatest significance to western anglers: mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, midges, terrestrials, aquatic worms, baitfish, sculpin, fish eggs, leeches, scuds, and sowbugs. With 1,356 photographs including the undersides of insects to give the trout's eye view, ideal for matching what the trout sees.
Rowman & Littlefield Orvis Vest Pocket Guide to Caddisflies: The Illustrated Reference To The Major Species Of North America
Based on the original Orvis Caddisfly Handbook, this wholly revised title is small and light enough to carry along for use on the water. Caddisflies are as crucial a trout food as mayflies or baitfish, and any serious trout angler needs to know these insects well. Detailed descriptions and photographs of the major caddisfly species will direct the angler toward correct insect identification and fly-pattern choice.
Universidad Pública de Navarra/Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa Campus Berdea nafarroako unibertsitate publikoa landaretzari buruzko gidaliburua
Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoaren Iruñeko campusean 89 espezie eta zuhaitz barietate daude eta zuhaixka-formako hamar bat espezie aipagarri. Landare masa honek era harmoniatsuan biltzen ditu campuseko eraikinak, eta nortasun botaniko berezkoa duten hainbat lorategitan banatzen da. Multzoak berdegune pribilegiatu bihurtzen du lekua, paseatu eta atseden hartzeko egokia, baina baita naturarekiko eta arkitekturarekiko jakin-mina asetzeko ere.
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Litera & Musika 4Incluye: CD-ROMLiteratura eta musika uztartzearen aurrerabidean, Bernardo Atxagaren Henry Bengoa Inventarium (1986) lana aitzindaria izan zen. Zuzenean emateko lana izaki, egileaz gain Ruper Ordorika, kanta eta musika erantsiz, eta Jose Mari Iturralde, hitzezkoan, funtsezko partaideak izan ziren. 1986ko urtean eta ondokoetan hainbat herritan ibili ziren, Alberto eta Nando de la Casa anaiekin batera, zuzeneko emanaldiak eskaintzen. Grabazio bat ere egin zen (1987), Emak Bakia zigilupean eta Elkar disketxearen eskutik argitaratua, kaseta euskarrian, desmartxa eta esperientzi horren testigantza uzteko helburuarekin; erran nahi baita, borondate handiarekin, bitarteko xumeekin eta bestelako pretentsiorik gabe.
Turner Publishing Company 52 Things to Pick Up Your Poker Game
At the poker table, just like in the ocean, baitfish get gobbled up by sharks. To help you ascend to the top of the poker food chain, 52 Things To Pick Up Your Poker Game answers all the game’s most important questions with over 50 tips and strategies to give you the upper hand. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or a bare-bones beginner, this handy, information-packed guide will take your poker game to the next level by helping you discover: Bluffing techniques and when to use them—or not use them Winning strategies when you don’t have a winning hand What players to choose or avoid as your opponent How to help determine your opponent’s hand How to capitalize on your opponent’s weaknesses and your strengths
University of Nebraska Press Called Out but Safe: A Baseball Umpire's Journey
If an umpire could steal the show in a Major League game, Al Clark might well have been the one to do it. Tough but fair, in his thirty years as a professional umpire he took on some of baseball’s great umpire baiters, such as Earl Weaver, Billy Martin, and Dick Williams, while ejecting any number of the game’s elite—once tearing a hamstring in the process. He was the first Jewish umpire in American League history, and probably the first to eject his own father from the officials’ dressing room. But whatever Clark was doing—officiating at Nolan Ryan’s three hundredth win, Cal Ripken’s record breaker, or the “earthquake” World Series of 1989, or braving a labor dispute, an anti-Semitic tirade by a Cy Young Award winner, or a legal imbroglio—it makes for a good story. Called Out but Safe is Clark’s outspoken and often hilarious account of his life in baseball from umpire school through the highlights to the inglorious end of his stellar career. Not just a source of baseball history and lore, Clark’s book also affords a rare look at what life is like for someone who works for the Major Leagues’ other team.
University of Nebraska Press Called Out but Safe: A Baseball Umpire's Journey
If an umpire could steal the show in a Major League game, Al Clark might well have been the one to do it. Tough but fair, in his thirty years as a professional umpire he took on some of baseball’s great umpire baiters, such as Earl Weaver, Billy Martin, and Dick Williams, while ejecting any number of the game’s elite—once tearing a hamstring in the process. He was the first Jewish umpire in American League history, and probably the first to eject his own father from the officials’ dressing room. But whatever Clark was doing—officiating at Nolan Ryan’s three hundredth win, Cal Ripken’s record breaker, or the “earthquake” World Series of 1989, or braving a labor dispute, an anti-Semitic tirade by a Cy Young Award winner, or a legal imbroglio—it makes for a good story. Called Out but Safe is Clark’s outspoken and often hilarious account of his life in baseball from umpire school through the highlights to the inglorious end of his stellar career. Not just a source of baseball history and lore, Clark’s book also affords a rare look at what life is like for someone who works for the Major Leagues’ other team.
Granta Books The Dig
Deep in rural Wales, a farmer is struggling through lambing season when he becomes aware that his land is being stalked by a badger-baiter who brings with him the stark threat of violence. Built of the interlocking fates of these two solitary men, this is a searing story of isolation and loss, from a writer of uncommon gifts.
Pamiela Argitaletxea Paradisua eta katuak
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: Phonogauzak ; 8Incluye: DVDParadisua eta katuak, lehenengoz eta behin, kontaera bat da. Ez ordea tonu edo forma beti berdinekoa, osagarri baititu hainbat atal berezi: ipuinak, poemak, pasarte komikoak eta gogoetak. Batzuetan, katu kontuak aipatzen dira; bestetan, adineko andre batenak edo zeharo pozik dagoen apaiz batenak....
Bonnier Books Ltd Reekin Rhymes
Nae doot ye think ye ken this story. Ye dinnae. The real yin's faur mair gory. The phoney wan, the wan you ken, Wis cooked up auld lang syne and then Made tae soond aw saft and sappy Jist tae keep the bairnies happy. Mind ye, they got the first bit richt, The bit whaur in the deid o nicht, The Hackit Sisters, jewels and aw, Mairched swiftly tae the Palace Baw, While yon wee darlin Cinderellae Wis doon the cellar weet and smelly Whaur rats hauf-mad for things tae eat Began tae chaw on baith her feet... An enjoyable unputdownable scandalous retelling of traditional tales like Cinderella and Snow White made funnier and more gruesome in Matthew Fitt's hilariously honkin couplets in Scots. Roald Dahl took great delight in shocking and surprising his young readers and remains as popular as ever. This first ever translation of Revolting Rhymes into Scots is an exciting addition to the growing number of high quality books available to children and young people to read in the wonderfully rich and expressive Scots tongue.
Alai Argitaletxea Museoko hiltzailea
Nork mehatxatu du eskultorea? Nork hil nahi du eta zergatik? Luigik laguntza eskatu dio Martin Iriberri ikertzaileari. Diruz txarto zabiltzanean ezin diozu lan-eskaintza bati ezetz esan, nahiz eta etsai batena izan. Horixe gertatu zaio Martini. Lan erraza dirudi hasieran. Sakonago ikertzen hasi denean, ordea, ulertzen ez dituen gauza gehiegi dagoela konturatu da.Istorio beltz honetan Bilbon zehar ibiliko zara, Martin Iriberri ikertzaile pribatuarekin. Galtzaileen eta irabazleen hiri horretan edozer gertatu ahal da, baita hilketa ikaragarriena ere.
Springer Advances in Tropical Crop Protection
1. Introduction.- 2. Biological Control Agents and Management of Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Infesting Vegetable Production.- Syari Jamian, Siti Izera Ismail, Norsazilawati Saad, Sumaiyah Abdullah and Ibrahim Sani.- 3. Parasitoids Vs Predators: Challenges and Opportunities as Biological Control Agents Nur Azura Adam and Syari Jamian.- 4. Baculoviruses: Discovery, Interaction and Application Lau Wei Hong and Erise Anggraini.- 5. Biopesticides: The Development of Suitable Formulations Norhayu Asib and Dzolkhifli Omar.- 6. Emerging Rubber Disease and Potential Factors Contributing Nusaibah Syd Ali, Sharifah Aliya Syed Sagaff and Zaiton Sapak.- 7. Common Diseases in Pineapple and Their Management Zaiton Sapak, Anis Nadia Mohd Faisol Mahadeven and Nusaibah Syd Ali.- 8. The Microbiome of Banana and Its Role in Managing Fusarium Wilt Disease Noor Baity Saidi, Nurul Shamsinah Mohd Suhaimi.- 9. Utilization of Plant-based Product in Post-
Duke University Press New Approaches to Resistance in Brazil and Mexico
Bringing together historically and ethnographically grounded studies of the social and political life of Brazil and Mexico, this collection of essays revitalizes resistance as an area of study. Resistance studies boomed in the 1980s and then was subject to a wave of critique in the 1990s. Covering the colonial period to the present day, the case studies in this collection suggest that, even if much of that critique was justified, resistance remains a useful analytic rubric. The collection has three sections, each of which is preceded by a short introduction. A section focused on religious institutions and movements is bracketed by one featuring historical studies from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries and another gathering more contemporary, ethnographically-based studies. Introducing the collection, the anthropologist John Gledhill traces the debates about resistance studies. In the conclusion, Alan Knight provides a historian’s perspective on the broader implications of the contributors’ findings. Contributors. Helga Baitenmann, Marcus J. M. de Carvalho, Guillermo de la Peña, John Gledhill, Matthew Gutmann, Maria Gabriela Hita, Alan Knight, Ilka Boaventura Leite, Jean Meyer, John Monteiro, Luis Nicolau Parés, Patricia R. Pessar, Patience A. Schell, Robert Slenes, Juan Pedro Viqueira, Margarita Zárate
Erein Argitaletxea, S.A. Euli zamorroa
Ni ez naiz Paularen izeba besterik. Baina Paula nire etxera etorri da, bere gurasoengandik iheska, eta zaindu egin behar dut neska hau, nire laguntza guztia eskaini behar diot, dagoen zulo beltz horretatik atera behar dut. Paula ez baitago batere ondo. Ez du ikasi nahi, Institutora joateari ere utzi egin dio. Asko jaten badu ere, flakiak jota dago, argala eta ahula. Ez dauka ezertarako gogorik, haserre dago beti, eta edozein bidaltzen du haizea hartzera... Lagundu egin nahi nioke, baina zer egin dezaket, Paulak berak laguntzarik onartzen ez badu? Nik ere baditut neure arazoak. Lanez gainezka nago, Damianorekin joan nahi nuke oporretara, ez naiz ni inoren neskame...
Xarpa Books Harri Berdea Txano eta Oscar anaien abenturak Basque Edition
Kaixo!Txano dut izena, eta anaia biki bat dut: Oscar.Ikusi al duzu inoiz meteorito bat zerutik erortzen? Ba, guk bai?Uda hasieran, txango bat egiten ari ginela, halako batean suzko bola erraldoi batek zeharkatu zuen zerua gure begien aurrean, eta basoan erori zen!Bai, badakit berehala aldendu behar izango genukeela handik, baina ez, gu meteoritoaren bila abiatu ginen.Baita aurkitu ere!Harri berde bitxi bat zen.Bere distiraren atzean gordetzen zuen sekretuak betiko aldatu zuen gure bizitza.Etorri nahi duzu gurekin sekretu hori argitzera?
Astiberri Ediciones Asylum
Marinak, 94 urterekin, gogora ekartzen du Otxandiotik Bartzelonara, Bartzelonatik Frantziara eta Frantziatik Venezuelara egindako bidea. Haren erbestearen esperientziak bat egiten du Sanza, Aina, Chris eta Imeldarenarekin, horiek ere ihes egin behar izan baitute, gerratik, indarkeriatik, behartutako ezkontzetatik eta sexu-esplotaziorako pertsonaren salerosketetatik, homofobiatik eta feminizidiotik.Bere artea baliatuz, erbestearen esperientzak azaltzen ditu Javier de Isusik album honetan. Atzo bezala gaur, bizitza salbatzeko, duintasunez bizi ahal izateko toki baten bila ihes egin behar dutenen bizitzetan barneratzen da. Ihes egiten duten pertsonak dira, bai, baina horrez gain indarkeriari aurre egin behar diote, eta munduari agertzen diote nolako gaitasuna dugun jasateko eta geure bizitzak berreraikitzeko.
Duckworth Books Sir Humphrey of Batch Hall
Welcome to Batch Magna, a place where anything might happen. And often does... When the old squire of Batch Magna died, the life of distant relative Humphrey, an amiable, overweight short-order cook from the Bronx, turned into a movie. Now, as Sir Humphrey, he has acquired not only a new title but also a new love: the Honourable Clementine Wroxley. He and Clem plan to marry, settle into Batch Hall and begin a new life together. Their finances at this early stage rest on the estate’s shooting and fishing, stepping stones to a more secure future. But one day a cold wind from beyond their valley visits Batch Magna in the shape of badger baiters discovered in Cutterbach Wood. They are routed, but their defeat entails such disaster that Humphrey and Clem are driven to the wall, left with no way out but to sell the estate, and their future along with it. And then Miss Wyndham, village spinster and amateur sleuth, rides to the rescue on the 49 bus…
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Vintage Fishing Reels of Sweden
Here is the comprehensive guide to forty years of collectible Swedish-made reels. It contains background information on every manufacturer and discusses every production model made between 1940 and 1980. It includes baitcasters, spinning, and fly reels. With over 675 color photographs, vintage advertisements, and patent drawings, plus a guide to current values, it is a must have reference book for the collector and dealer alike. Today Swedish-made fishing reels are collected all over the globe and are among the most prized. Names such as ABU, Arjon, River, Pebeco, W.D., Nordic, Rainbow, Radius, and Victory make nearly every reel collector perk up his ears. There are several international collector clubs dedicated to the Ambassadeur alone, and many models bring top dollar at the auction block.
New Heroes & Pioneers ZANNIER HOTELS: A journey through Style, People and Experiences
The Zannier Hotel was born from the idea that, it was time to rethink our approach to travel and luxury hospitality by presenting an authentic cultural experience. The first hotel, Le Chalet, opened its doors in Megève in 2011 and set the tone – understated elegance in a tranquil setting, inviting togetherness and encouraging wholesome experiences. Founder and CEO, Arnaud Zannier, continues to hone the recipe that makes up the signature offering of both the hotels and residences: a focus on all the seemingly minor details that ultimately make for an unforgettable stay. The establishments across Europe, Africa and Asia are designed to nourish body, mind and soul. This book captures the earthy tones and raw natural environment that encompasse Omaanda lodge in the middle of the Namibian savanna and Sonop lodge in the Namib dessert; it evokes the sights and sounds of the rice paddy fields leading to Phum Baitang resort in Cambodia and activates palettes ready to taste the diversity of world flavours in traditional kitchen settings – from Menorca’s Nonna Bazaar to Bãi San Hô beach resort in Vietnam.
Zorionak zuri
Morino zezenaren urtebetetzea da, eta auskalo zer prestatu duen Claude eskeletoak lagunaren eguna ospatzeko. Ez da ohiko ospakizun bat izango, hori seguru. Meriendatxo bat hondartzan, agian? Edo beste bidaia bat karabanan? Zaila da aurretik jakitea, zeren Clauderen oina arrain txiki baten ahoan desagertu, arrain handiago batek arrain txikia jan, eta arrantza-ontzi batek arrain handia harrapatuko baitu. Nola edo hala, oin hori topatu beharra dago! Bi lagunek hondartza nudista bat zeharkatu behar badute Kapetonera heltzeko edo Purrustegi sorginaren erratzetako armairura sartu behar badute, hala egingo dute, eta gerorako utziko urtebetetze tarta.Adrien Albertek adiskidetasunari eta hazteari buruzko alegia bat eskaini zigun Claude eta Morinoren lehen abenturan, eta ildo berari jarraitzen dio bigarren liburuki honek, beti ere umore absurduaz eta nonahiko samurtasunez apaindurik.
HarperCollins Publishers Decoy
The shocking true story of one of Britain's most secretive, groundbreaking and successful police covert operationsBristol, 1979.An attacker roams the streetsYoung women are warned not to go out aloneEnter the Decoys.?For several years, a prolific predator haunted Bristol. Avon and Somerset Police had tried all their usual tactics to catch the Clifton Rapist', and public pressure was mounting.In 1979, a daring new plan was introduced, unlike anything previously attempted by a UK police force. A small group of young female officers some aged just 18 put their lives on the line, walking the quiet residential roads late at night, acting as bait.Drawing on in-depth research and first-hand interviews with the women at the heart of the operation, Decoy is a dramatic retelling of one of the most groundbreaking agent provocateur stings in British history.
Simon & Schuster The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging
The editors of The Huffington Post -- the most linked-to blog on the web -- offer an A-Z guide to all things blog, with information for everyone from the tech-challenged newbie looking to get a handle on this new way of communicating to the experienced blogger looking to break through the clutter of the Internet. With an introduction by Arianna Huffington, the site's cofounder and editor in chief, this book is everything you want to know about blogging, but didn't know who to ask. As entertaining as it is informative, The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging will show you what to do to get your blog started. You'll find tools to help you build your blog, strategies to create your community, tips on finding your voice, and entertaining anecdotes from HuffPost bloggers that will make you wonder what took you so long to blog in the first place. The Guide also includes choice selections from HuffPost's wide-ranging mix of top-notch bloggers. Among those who have blogged on HuffPost are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Larry David, Jane Smiley, Bill Maher, Nora Ephron, Jon Robin Baitz, Steve Martin, Lawrence O'Donnell, Ari Emanuel, Mia Farrow, Al Franken, Gary Hart, Barbara Ehrenreich, Edward Kennedy, Harry Shearer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam McKay, John Ridley, and Alec Baldwin.
Astiberri Ediciones Waluk
Hartz zuri txiki bat, amak abandonatutakoa, hartz zahar erretxin batekin elkartuko da, eta zaharrak bizitzaren gorabeherei aurre egiten irakatsiko dio. Miresmena eta beldurra. Edertasuna eta zalutasuna; itxura, zenbaitetan, gizakiena. Hartz zuriak animalia xarmagarriak dira, eta, lilura horri men eginez, Waluk kontakizun samurra eta hunkigarria sortu dute Ana Mirallesek eta Emilio Ruizek.Bizirauteko borrokan ari diren bi hartz zuri, pertsonen modura hitz egiteko eta hunkitzeko gauza diren bi hartz zuri baliatu dituzte Ana Mirallesek (hiru hamarkada luzeko eskarmentua duen marrazkilaria eta nazioartean zenbait komiki argitaratu dituena) eta Emilio Ruizek (alor desberdinetako gidoigile ezaguna) espezie horrek dituen arazoez, ingurunearen egungo arazoez eta gizkiak animalia horien etorkizunean duen eraginaz gogoeta egiteko.Horiek guztiak eta gehiago azaleratu dizkigute bi sortzaileek, Waluk gabeziez ere mintzo baita; agertzen digu nola izaki orok, adina edozein delarik ere, sekula e
Running Press,U.S. Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir (Revised and Expanded Edition)
TCM host Eddie Muller's Dark City is a film noir lover's bible, taking readers on a tour of the urban landscape of the grim and gritty genre in an authoritative, highly illustrated volume.This narrative history is packed with stories about the stars and makers of both long-recognized classics like The Maltese Falcon and under-the-radar "lost" greats such as Cry Danger. The book highlights more than one hundred films, breaking down plots and offering insider accounts behind-the-scenes of their making.". . . a righteous, rip-snorting riff on the ultimate cinematic genre-film noir. This book displays a salutary knowledge of the underpinnings of the genre; serves as a fabulous reference book; and most importantly, dishes the real life dirt on the freaks, geeks, commies, nymphos, hopheads, has-beens, red-baiters, and all-purpose fiends who made the genre great."-James Ellroy
Stackpole Books Fly Fisherman's Guide to Saltwater Prey: How to Match Coastal Prey Fish and Invertebrates with the Fly Patterns That Imitate Them
This is the complete reference for matching coastal prey fish and invertebrates with the fly patterns that imitate them. Photos of gamefish prey, information on the habitats, locations, and seasons when the prey are most likely found, and photos and recipes of the flies to imitate them help you create, tie, and fish the flies. The focus is on fly fishing for coastal gamefish in warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. This book features: the saltwater angler's identification guide to entomology and fly patterns with over 450 colour photographs of prey and flies; and, over 150 species and 200 fly patterns for crabs, shrimp, baitfish, and prey fish. Learn what saltwater gamefish eat and why and how to fish flies to mimic live saltwater prey.
Duke University Press Bombay Brokers
A political party worker who produces crowds for electoral rallies. A “prison specialist” who serves other people’s prison sentences in exchange for a large fee. An engineer who is able to secure otherwise impossible building permits. These and other dealmakers—whose behind-the-scenes expertise and labor are often invisible—have an intrinsic role in the city's functioning and can be indispensable for navigating everyday life in Bombay, one of the world’s most complex, dynamic, and populous cities. Bombay Brokers collects profiles of thirty-six such “brokers.” Written by anthropologists, artists, city planners, and activists, these character sketches bring into relief the paradox that these brokers’ knowledge and labor are simultaneously invisible yet essential for Bombay’s functioning. Their centrality reveals the global-scale paradoxes and gaps that these brokers mediate and bridge. In this way, Bombay Brokers prompts a reconsideration of what counts as legitimate and valuable knowledge and labor while offering insight into changing structures of power in Bombay and around the globe. Contributors. Anjali Arondekar, Sarthak Bagchi, Tobias Baitsch, Sangeeta Banerji, Srimati Basu, Tarini Bedi, Amita Bhide, Lisa Björkman, Uday Chandra, Simon Chauchard, Ka-Kin Cheuk, Michael Collins, Daisy Deomampo, Maura Finkelstein, Ajay Gandhi, Rupali Gupte, Kathryn C. Hardy, Lalitha Kamath, Prasad Khanolkar, Bhushan Korgaonkar, Ratoola Kundu, Ken Kuroda, Annelies Kusters, Lisa Mitchell, Shailaja Paik, Gautam Pemmaraju, Lubaina Rangwala, Llerena Guiu Searle, Atreyee Sen, Prasad Shetty, Rohan Shivkumar, Edward Simpson, David Strohl, Rachel Sturman, R. Swaminathan, Aneri Taskar, Yaffa Truelove, Sahana Udupa, Lalit Vachani, Leilah Vevaina
Duke University Press Bombay Brokers
A political party worker who produces crowds for electoral rallies. A “prison specialist” who serves other people’s prison sentences in exchange for a large fee. An engineer who is able to secure otherwise impossible building permits. These and other dealmakers—whose behind-the-scenes expertise and labor are often invisible—have an intrinsic role in the city's functioning and can be indispensable for navigating everyday life in Bombay, one of the world’s most complex, dynamic, and populous cities. Bombay Brokers collects profiles of thirty-six such “brokers.” Written by anthropologists, artists, city planners, and activists, these character sketches bring into relief the paradox that these brokers’ knowledge and labor are simultaneously invisible yet essential for Bombay’s functioning. Their centrality reveals the global-scale paradoxes and gaps that these brokers mediate and bridge. In this way, Bombay Brokers prompts a reconsideration of what counts as legitimate and valuable knowledge and labor while offering insight into changing structures of power in Bombay and around the globe. Contributors. Anjali Arondekar, Sarthak Bagchi, Tobias Baitsch, Sangeeta Banerji, Srimati Basu, Tarini Bedi, Amita Bhide, Lisa Björkman, Uday Chandra, Simon Chauchard, Ka-Kin Cheuk, Michael Collins, Daisy Deomampo, Maura Finkelstein, Ajay Gandhi, Rupali Gupte, Kathryn C. Hardy, Lalitha Kamath, Prasad Khanolkar, Bhushan Korgaonkar, Ratoola Kundu, Ken Kuroda, Annelies Kusters, Lisa Mitchell, Shailaja Paik, Gautam Pemmaraju, Lubaina Rangwala, Llerena Guiu Searle, Atreyee Sen, Prasad Shetty, Rohan Shivkumar, Edward Simpson, David Strohl, Rachel Sturman, R. Swaminathan, Aneri Taskar, Yaffa Truelove, Sahana Udupa, Lalit Vachani, Leilah Vevaina
Johns Hopkins University Press On Nixon's Madness: An Emotional History
Was Richard Nixon actually a madman, or did he just play one?When Richard Nixon battled for the presidency in 1968, he did so with the knowledge that, should he win, he would face the looming question of how to extract the United States from its disastrous war in Vietnam. It was on a beach that summer that Nixon disclosed to his chief aide, H. R. Haldeman, one of his most notorious, risky gambits: the madman theory. In On Nixon's Madness, Zachary Jonathan Jacobson examines the enigmatic president through this theory of Nixon's own invention. With strategic force and nuclear bluffing, Nixon attempted to coerce his foreign adversaries through sheer unpredictability. As his national security advisor Henry Kissinger noted, Nixon's strategy resembled a poker game in which he "push[ed] so many chips into the pot" that the United States' foes would think the president had gone "crazy." From Vietnam, Pakistan, and India to the greater Middle East, Nixon applied this madman theory. Foreign relations were not a steady march toward peaceful coexistence but rather an ongoing test of mettle. Nixon saw the Cold War as he saw his life, as a series of ordeals that demanded great risk and grand gestures. For decades, journalists, critics, and scholars have searched for the real Nixon behind these acts. Was he a Red-baiter, a worldly statesman, a war criminal or, in the end, a punchline? Jacobson combines biography and intellectual and cultural history to understand the emotional life of Richard Nixon, exploring how the former president struggled between great effusions of feeling and great inhibition, how he winced at the notion of his reputation for rage, and how he used that ill repute to his advantage.