Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Landschaft Performance Teilhabe
Transcript Verlag Narrative in Urban Planning: A Practical Field Guide
What do planners need to know in order to use narrative approaches responsibly in their practice? This practical field guide makes insights from narrative research accessible to planners through a glossary of key concepts in the field of narrative in planning. What makes narratives coherent, probable, persuasive, even necessary - but also potentially harmful, manipulative and divisive? How can narratives help to build more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive communities? The authors are literary scholars who have extensive experience in planning practice, training planning scholars and practitioners or advising municipalities on how to harness the power of stories in urban development.
Transcript Verlag Migration und Herabsetzung
Transcript Verlag Unverfügbar Kulturen des Heiligen
Transcript Verlag Medienzukunft 2025 Wie kann Vielfalt gelingen
Transcript Verlag São Paulo Heterotopia: Urban Spaces in Suspense / Urbane Rume in der Schwebe
Public and private, traffic and open space, planned and spontaneous - our idea of a city is characterised by opposites. However, the contributors to this bilingual book show that these poles can also be consciously connected. The urban building blocks from São Paolo present surprisingly idiosyncratic city scenes: People dancing along the motorway, strolling through the stone archipelago, splashing around in front of the city skylineMany of the case studies are linked to the ideas of the Brazilian urban planner Francisco Prestes Maia. As early as in the 1930s, he developed concepts that combine traffic, open space and architecture - a surprisingly contemporary approach.?–ffentliches und Privates, Verkehr und Freiraum, Geplantes und Spontanes - unsere Stadtvorstellung ist geprägt durch Gegensätze. Dagegen zeigen die Beitragenden in dem zweisprachigen Band, dass sich diese Pole auch bewusst verknüpfen lassen. Die Stadtbausteine aus São Paolo präsentieren unerwartet eigenwillige Stadtszenen: Tanzende entlang der Schnellstra??e, Flanierende durch das Steinarchipel, Planschende vor der StadtsilhouetteViele der vorgestellten Projekte sind verknüpft mit den Ideen des brasilianischen Stadtplaners Francisco Prestes Maia. Schon in den 1930er Jahren entwickelte er Konzepte, die Verkehr, Freiraum und Architektur zusammendenken - ein überraschend aktueller Ansatz.
Transcript Verlag Virtual Skills Lab Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitalen Wandel
Transcript Verlag Kritische Polizeiforschung
Transcript Verlag Auf der Suche nach der fünften Dimension Kollaboration und Digitalität in der Kunstpädagogik
Transcript Verlag Women's Leadership in Music: Modes, Legacies, Alliances
Various modes of women's contemporary cultural, social and political leadership can be found in music. Informed by different histories and culturally bound social mores but also by a comparative perspective, the contributors of this volume ask what can be considered leadership in culture from women's point of view. They deconstruct the notion of leadership as corporative and career-related modes of success by showing how women's agency, power and negotiation in and through music can and should be considered as empowering, transformative and role-modeling. By interweaving several disciplinary perspectives - from ethnomusicology, musicology and cultural management to sociology and anthropology - this volume aims to substantially contribute to the study of women's leadership.
Transcript Verlag 10 Minuten Soziologie Land
Transcript Verlag Von Giotto bis Matrix
Transcript Verlag Das dialogische Kunstwerk
transcript Verlag Food Media Senses
Transcript Verlag Handbuch Queere Zeitgeschichten I
Transcript Verlag Poesie und Reflexion zwischen 1755 und 1848
Transcript Verlag Commoning Art Die transformativen Potenziale von Commons in der Kunst
Transcript Verlag Teaching Research in Design: Guidelines for Integrating Scientific Standards in Design Education
Since the 1990s, the concern to define areas of research in design has dominated academic debates. As a result, we are now facing a multitude of understandings. This is especially true for practice-based design research. Sandra Dittenberger, Hans Stefan Moritsch and Agnes Raschauer discuss how the concept of learning by research can be integrated into product design studio teaching. They show different international approaches for integrating research into teaching and contrast the areas of design research with scientific standards. The book features study results that helped generate both a general orientation for research in design education and guidelines for students of how to integrate research into their project work.
Transcript Verlag Verschwörung Denken
Transcript Verlag Die verborgenen Codes der Erben
Transcript Verlag WerkstattGeschichte
Transcript Verlag Im Zeichen des Unverfügbaren
Transcript Verlag Witwerschaft
Transcript Verlag Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation
Transcript Verlag Wissenschaftsdidaktik IV
Transcript Verlag Wissenschaftsdidaktik III
Transcript Verlag Die konformistische Revolte
Transcript Verlag Sammlerinnen
Transcript Verlag Arab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation
Berlin is increasingly emerging as a hub of Arab intellectual life in Europe. In this first study of Arab culture to zoom in on the thriving metropolis, the contributors shed light on the dynamics of transformation with Arabs as agents, subjects, and objects of change in the spheres of politics, society and history, gender, demographics and migration, media and culture, and education and research. The kaleidoscopic character of the collection, embracing academic articles, essays, interviews and photos, reflects critical encounters in Berlin. It brings together authors from inter- and multidisciplinary fields and backgrounds and invites the readers into a much-needed conversation on contemporary transformations.
Transcript Verlag Plagiate in der Wissenschaft
Transcript Verlag Kalibrierung der Wissenschaft
Transcript Verlag An den Rändern des Wissens
Transcript Verlag Queere KI
Transcript Verlag Soziale Ordnungen des Sterbens
Transcript Verlag Öffentliche Bibliotheken zwischen Digitalisierung und Austerität
Transcript Verlag Harald Schmidt Zur Ästhetik und Praxis des Populären
Transcript Verlag Obdach und Wohnungslosigkeit in pandemischen Zeiten
Transcript Verlag Disturbed Ecologies: Photography, Geopolitics, and the Northern Landscape in the Era of Environmental Crisis
In the context of an environmental crisis, photography and its related practices can be part of an emancipatory project, challenging techno-utopian solutions and envisioning alternative possibilities for sustaining life on this planet. This anthology critically addresses the geopolitics of environmental devastation from the perspective of photographers, artists, curators and theorists. The contributors engage with recent debates about the Anthropocene and the need to identify the socioeconomic and political causes of climate change. The essays question the validity of images within which ecological crisis is seen as the consequence of undifferentiated human activity.
Transcript Verlag Der Wirklichkeit verfallen
Transcript Verlag Körperlichkeit in der Musik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Transcript Verlag Pierre Bourdieu und die Fotografie
Transcript Verlag The Femininity Puzzle: Gender, Orientalism and the Jewish Other
In the Hobsbawmian long 19th century, gender and processes of sexualisation and feminisation have been crucial in the construction of the "Jewish Other". Ulrike Brunotte explores how these processes came about by addressing imaginative, aesthetic, and epistemological questions. She analyses how literature, psychoanalysis and the performing arts traverse and react to the ambivalence of racialised stereotypes. The "femininity puzzle" presents itself in two ways: first in the role of effeminisation of the male Jew in antisemitic discourse, and then in the transgressive forms of femininity connected to Jewish women, especially the allosemitic Orientalisation in the figure of the "Beautiful Jewess".
Transcript Verlag Vom Ethos in Nachhaltigkeitsberichten
Transcript Verlag Zwischen Anstalt und Schule
Transcript Verlag Bewegung Spiel und Sport im Kindesalter
Transcript Verlag Kollegiale Fallberatung für Pädagogen und Pädagoginnen
Transcript Verlag Levinas und die Künste