Search results for ""Karma""
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Vol. 17
The ninja adventures continue with Naruto’s son, Boruto!Naruto was a young shinobi with an incorrigible knack for mischief. He achieved his dream to become the greatest ninja in his village, and now his face sits atop the Hokage monument. But this is not his story... A new generation of ninja is ready to take the stage, led by Naruto's own son, Boruto!Boruto prepares to unleash the full power of his Karma against Code, but the stress on his body may be more than he can take. Meanwhile, Naruto heads to the battlefield to rescue his son, but will he make it in time?
Penguin Books Ltd The Story of the Stone
The Story of the Stone (c.1760) is one of the greatest novels of Chinese literature. The first part of the story, The Golden Days, begins the tale of Bao-yu, a gentle young boy who prefers girls to Confucian studies, and his two cousins: Bao-chai, his parents' choice of a wife for him, and the ethereal beauty Dai-yu. Through the changing fortunes of the Jia family, this rich, magical work sets worldly events - love affairs, sibling rivalries, political intrigues, even murder - within the context of the Buddhist understanding that earthly existence is an illusion and karma determines the shape of our lives.
Ensayo para una comprensión integral de la Bhagavad Gita
Esta obra no es una traducción de la Bhagavad Gîtâ, es un ensayo en el que se intenta presentar las ideas más destacadas de esta aclamada obra, corazón del hinduismo y exponente de una sabiduría perenne. De todos modos, tras una introducción muy clarificadora, se pasa revista a los distintos capítulos, uno a uno, extrayendo su esencia y destacando lo más relevante para una mirada actual. Ni que decir tiene que se muestra el entrelazamiento de los tres Yogas fundamentales que aquí se despliegan: el camino del conocimiento o gnosis (jñâna), la vía de la acción (karma) y el sendero del amor divino, la devoción y la entrega (bhakti).
Penguin Books Ltd The Upanishads
The Upanishads, the earliest of which were composed in Sanskrit between 800 and 400 bce by sages and poets, form part of the Vedas - the sacred and ancient scriptures that are the basis of the Hindu religion. Each Upanishad, or lesson, takes up a theme ranging from the attainment of spiritual bliss to karma and rebirth, and collectively they are meditations on life, death and immortality. The essence of their teachings is that truth can by reached by faith rather than by thought, and that the spirit of God is within each of us - we need not fear death as we carry within us the promise of eternal life.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Soulmate Myth: A Dream Come True or Your Worst Nightmare?
Many people are looking for their soulmate and expect to be blissfully happy when they find one. But, sadly, they seem doomed to disappointment. Soulmates are both a powerful fact and one of the biggest illusions of all time. This new book from the best selling author of The Crystal Bible draws on Judy Hall's thirty five years as a karmic counsellor examining karmic relationships in general and soulmates in particular. It explains why meeting a soulmate can be a soul-scouring experience and what the karmic lessons and conundrums may be. Offering exercises and visualisations to heal the past, it then introduces the revolutionary new concept of twinflames: soulmates without the karma.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Kundalini Energy: Activate Your Power for Enlightenment
Kundalini can transform your mind, body, and soul and help you find true happiness. With this book, you will learn how to awaken your kundalini, let go of fear, and cultivate pure contentment. Join Kundalini expert Shannon Yrizarry as she shares tips and techniques for breathwork, meditation, incantations, mantras, mudras, working with herbs, spiritual nutrition, chakras, crystals, essential oils, incense, astrology, and dream work. Kundalini Energy teaches you how to strip away your burdensome material attachments while providing simple techniques to harmonize the energy of your body and connect to the power of universal consciousness. These amazing spiritual practices support your efforts to clear negative karma, strengthen your immune system, work through anxiety and depression, and improve your vitality.
Floris Books The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 2: Origin and Growth of his Insights
Emil Bock lectured widely on Rudolf Steiner after the Second World War, and during the course of his research he uncovered many previously unknown aspects of Steiners life. This book, the second of two volumes, explores some of the themes and ideas in Steiners work, as well as exploring the nature of destiny.The early years of Jesus, the Christmas festival and the break from the Theosophical Society to the Anthroposophical Society are just some of the many themes and events covered in this comprehensive study. Bock also examines the circle of people around Steiner at this time and, using Steiner's ideas on karma and reincarnation, draws interesting parallels with Rome, Byzantium, Ephesus and the Grail Castle.
Anness Publishing Buddha and His Teachings
With an estimated 350 million adherents, Buddhism is the fifth largest belief system in the world today. This book explores the roots of this faith, from the life of the Buddha through to the early forms of Buddhism that developed into what is practised worldwide today. The opening section looks at the Buddha's life in detail, from his early years as a protected infant through to his spiritual awakening and quest for enlightenment. This book then moves on to look in detail at the Buddha's teachings, from his interpretation of the Dharma and the importance of karma, through to his attitudes towards the consumption of meat and alcohol and the pivotal role of meditation in the search for enlightenment. Written by a leading expert this beautifully presented exploration of early Buddhism is lavishly illustrated with over 200 stunning photographs and illustrations, and is an essential reference for anyone interested in Buddhist teachings and the history if Buddhism. This is an in-depth chronology of the life and times of the Buddha and how his teachings have developed into modern Buddhism. It offers a comprehensive overview of the key beliefs of Buddhism, lavishly illustrated with over 200 photographs and artworks. It examines the life and teachings of the Buddha and explores how they have been interpreted to form the various branches of modern Buddhism. There are special features on the Buddha's travels and the spread of his teachings throughout India. It looks at the doctrines that are central to the Buddhist universe, such as the Dharma, the importance of karma, the four noble truths and the role of meditation.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Numbers of Your Life: Numerology & Personal Discovery
Research the numbers of your life! Add together the numbers of your birth date, then take your destiny and life path in hand. Discover your past, present, and future, as well as the challenges of life and its sweet rewards. Compare your numbers for love and lifelong happiness. Does he love you? Is she right for you? Look at your telephone number, your house number, or your business name to unlock their intriguing messages. Learn about your name, your life path, karma, energy patterns, compatibility, your personal and law cycles. Explore the lives of two people to learn the step-by-step instructions for putting together your own rhythms of life and the adventures they offer.
Rockpool Publishing Mystical Healing Reading Cards
Healing everything from fear and anxiety to ancestral patterns and karma, this deck will be one of the most profound and life changing you have ever encountered. Propel yourself into your inner life of feelings, soul wisdom and spiritual evolution with this mystical card deck. Each card's evocative image offers you profound knowledge of Self and Spirit combined with practical guidance and tools for transformation. You will find yourself more aware, more resilient and more able to tackle challenges and embrace opportunities. Author Inna Segal’s power lies in her ability to awaken you to what is going on inside you and giving you cutting-edge, powerful, enlivening processes for regeneration and refinement.
Rudolf Steiner Press Founding a Science of the Spirit: Fourteen Lectures
14 lectures, Stuttgart, August 22 to September 4, 1906 (CW 95) These lectures offer a fine introduction to the whole of Steiner's teaching. He speaks of the fundamental nature of the human being in relation to the cosmos, the evolution of the Earth, the journey of the soul after death, reincarnation and karma, good and evil, the modern path of meditative training, as well as giving answers to individual questions. Throughout the text, Steiner emphasizes the scientific exposition of spiritual phenomena. As he says in his final lecture, "The highest knowledge of mundane things is thoroughly compatible with the highest knowledge of spiritual truths." Previous translation: At the Gates of Spiritual Science
Octopus Publishing Group The Astrology Bible: The definitive guide to the zodiac
The Astrology Bible is a comprehensive guide to traditional and modern astrology that brings together everything you need to know about the subject, including its meaning, correspondences and how to practise it. If you are a beginner, this book will help you to use astrology to choose the right path in life, understand yourself and others, find love or select a career. If you already have astrological skills, it will deepen and expand your knowledge of zodiac lore.* Use your birthchart to arrive at a better understanding of yourself* Learn how planetary activity affects behaviour, personality, health and karma* Gain greater insight into your life and the lives of people around you
Penguin Books Ltd Tristessa
'She understands Karma, she says: "What I do, I reap"'Her name means sadness, yet Tristessa, a prostitute and morphine addict, lives without cares in her shabby room with a menagerie of pets and an altar to the Virgin Mary. Based on Jack Kerouac's own real-life love affair in Mexico city, this is the story of a man's ill-fated relationship with a woman he portrays with tenderness and dignity, even as her life spirals out of control. 'A narrative meditation studying a hen, a rooster, a dove, a cat, a chihuaha dog, family meat, and a ravishing, ravished junky lady, first in their crowded bedroom, then out to drunken streets, taco stands, and pads at dawn in Mexico City slums' Allen Ginsberg
Jess mestima
La protagonista d'aquesta història, la Maria, està codemnada als fracassos sentimentals. Després d'haver-se carregat ella mateixa el seu primer matrimoni, coneix un fuster fantàstic, que sembla l'home perfecte. Dolç, sensible i generós, Joshua ho té tot per ser la parella ideal, i la Maria no s'acaba de creure la sort que ha tingut de trobar-lo. Però té una estranya obsessió: està convençudíssim que és Jesús.Després de l'èxit de Maleït karma, una faula moderna, irreverent i divertidíssima, David Safier confirma el seu talent per a la comèdia i l'humor amb Jesús m'estima, una història d'amor hilarant que tracta temes tan delicats com la família i la tolerància entre les persones. Diversió en estat pur!
Hay House Inc On My Way to a Happy Life
Now available in a new format and a fresh package: a children's book about how the world works from a spiritual perspective, by two New York Times best-selling authors.Newly repackaged with a fresh cover, this children's book by New York Times best-selling authors Deepak Chopra and Kristina Tracy offers a simple guide to a happy, successful future. When kids understand how the world works from a spiritual point of view, it makes it easier for them to navigate life with joy and love. Vibrant illustrations by Rosemary Woods and simple rhymes help readers of all ages engage with the seven lessons on happiness, love, karma, dharma, acceptance, and more.
Temple Lodge Publishing Practising Destiny: Principles and Processes in Adult Learning
More and more people are beginning to realize that education needs to continue throughout life. As individuals and collectively, we face the choice of either staying as we are, or striving constantly to develop. Over decades of seminars and training work, Coenraad van Houten has developed three paths of learning for adults, each involving its own distinct method: Vocational Learning, Destiny Learning and Spiritual Research Learning. Although quite separate, the three paths are closely linked, with each building on the previous one. This book depicts the sevenfold path of Destiny Learning. It is a path that leads through working in groups to a practical knowledge of karma. In addition, the seven professional fields of the adult educator are developed and described as an aid to self-training.
Pragmatic Bookshelf Test-Driving JavaScript Applications
Debunk the myth that JavaScript is not easily testable. Whether you use Node.js, Express, MongoDB, jQuery, AngularJS, or directly manipulate the DOM, you can test-drive JavaScript. Learn the craft of writing meaningful, deterministic automated tests with Karma, Mocha, and Chai. Test asynchronous JavaScript, decouple and properly mock out dependencies, measure code coverage, and create lightweight modular designs of both server-side and client-side code. Your investment in writing tests will pay high dividends as you create code that's predictable and cost-effective to change. Design and code JavaScript applications with automated tests. Writing meaningful tests is a skill that takes learning, some unlearning, and a lot of practice, and with this book, you'll hone that skill. Fire up the editor and get hands-on through practical exercises for effective automated testing and designing maintainable, modular code. Start by learning when and why to do manual testing vs. automated verification. Focus tests on the important things, like the pre-conditions, the invariants, complex logic, and gnarly edge cases. Then begin to design asynchronous functions using automated tests. Carefully decouple and mock out intricate dependencies such as the DOM, geolocation API, file and database access, and Ajax calls to remote servers. Step by step, test code that uses Node.js, Express, MongoDB, jQuery, and AngularJS. Know when and how to use tools such as Chai, Istanbul, Karma, Mocha, Protractor, and Sinon. Create tests with minimum effort and run them fast without having to spin up web servers or manually edit HTML pages to run in browsers. Then explore end-to-end testing to ensure all parts are wired and working well together. Don't just imagine creating testable code, write it. What You Need: A computer with a text editor and your favorite browser. The book provides instructions to install the necessary automated testing-related tools.
Equinox Publishing Ltd What the Buddha Thought
In "What the Buddha Thought", Richard Gombrich argues that the Buddha was one of the most brilliant and original thinkers of all time. Intended to serve as an introduction to the Buddha's thought, and hence even to Buddhism itself, the book also has larger aims: it argues that we can know far more about the Buddha than it is fashionable among scholars to admit, and that his thought has a greater coherence than is usually recognised. It contains much new material. Interpreters both ancient and modern have taken little account of the historical context of the Buddha's teachings; but by relating them to early brahminical texts, and also to ancient Jainism, Gombrich gives a much richer picture of the Buddha's meaning, especially when his satire and irony are appreciated. Incidentally, since many of the Buddha's allusions can only be traced in the Pali versions of surviving texts, the book establishes the importance of the Pali Canon as evidence. The book contains much new material. The author stresses the Buddha's capacity for abstraction: though he made extensive use of metaphor, he did not found his arguments upon it, as earlier thinkers had done. He ethicized and radically reinterpreted older ideas of karma (human action) and rebirth. Similarly, building on older texts, he argued for the fundamental importance of love and compassion, and analysed fire as a process which could stand as a model for every component of conscious experience. Morally, the Buddha's theory of karma provided a principle of individuation and asserted each individual's responsibility for his own destiny. To make the book completely accessible to the general reader, the author provides an introductory section of 'Background Information,' for easy reference.
Western Michigan University, New Issues Press The Nature of Remains
In Flyshoals, Georgia, karma is writ small enough to witness. When Doreen Swilley discovers that her boss and lover of thirty years intends to fire her to placate his dying wife, she devises a plan to steal his business from him. Her plan just might work too, if she is not thwarted by a small town’s enmeshed histories and her family’s own dark secrets. Set during the 2009 recession, The Nature of Remains rests at the intersection of class, gender, education and place. Through extended geological metaphor, readers witness the orogeny, crystallization, and weathering of the human soul. Doreen’s journey reveals the ways even a woman’s most precious connections—her children, her grandchildren, her lover—operate within larger social structures capable of challenging her sovereignty.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Make it Happen: Manifest Joy and Peace in the Life of Your Dreams
Everything you desire is within your grasp – simply ask the universe to make it happen. Create the life you want by using intention-focusing techniques and affirmations. Joanne Gregory guides you through the process of manifestation, explaining the key principles of cosmic ordering, such as the laws of attraction and karma. You’ll learn how to tap into the powerful energies that flow through everything and everyone to ask the cosmos for what you need. By working with over 50 inspiring messages from the universe, you will discover how to break down your personal barriers and let go of things and people that are holding you back to make space for all the amazing things the universe has to offer you.
Rabsel Editions Patterns in Emptiness: Understanding Dependent Origination in Buddhism
How do Buddha’s teachings answer the most profound questions of our existence? What makes his thinking unique amongst other systems of thought? The answer lies in his teachings on “dependent origination,” which hold the key to unlocking his doctrines of karma, rebirth, suffering, liberation, and compassion. Patterns in Emptiness shows how understanding this core Buddhist teaching of “dependent origination” can transform how we see the world and provide an antidote to the disordered thinking that leaves us in the grip of disruptive emotions. Without understanding this essential teaching, our meditation practice is likely to lead only to greater confusion.Lama Jampa Thaye is a scholar and meditation master trained in the Sakya and Kagyu traditions of Buddhism by eminent masters.
Minotaur Books,US When I'm Dead: A Black Harbor Novel
On a bone-chilling October night, Medical Examiner Rowan Winthorp investigates the death of her daughter’s best friend. Hours later, the tragedy hits even closer to home when she makes a devastating discovery - her daughter, Chloe, is gone. But, not without a trace. A morbid mosaic of clues forces Rowan and her husband to question how deeply they really knew their daughter. As they work closely to peel back the layers of this case, they begin to unearth disturbing details about Chloe and her secret transgressions… details that threaten to tear them apart. Amidst the noise of navigating her newfound grief and reconciling the sins of her past, an undeniable fact rings true for Rowan: karma has finally come to collect.
Union Square & Co. The Intuition Oracle: 52 Cards & Guidebook to Help Access Your Inner Wisdom
A new deck for accessing your inner wisdom and developing your extrasensory perception from the bestselling authors of Karma Cards. The idea that every human being has an innate ability to make good decisions based on their “gut instinct” is experiencing a surge of popularity in this time of instability and insecurity. This unique oracle deck is an essential tool in developing that inner wisdom. The 52 illustrated oracle cards correspond to archetypes and universal symbols, which are meant to prompt meditative thought. An accompanying guidebook includes a variety of intuition-sharpening exercises to be used with the cards. By incorporating The Intuition Oracle deck into your regular practice, you can acquire a finely tuned sense of what your spirit and your body are telling you to be true. Includes 52 cards and guidebook.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Indian Spirituality
Explore the culture and spiritual practices of India and learn the origins and beliefs of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism with this elegantly designed guide. The global historical, social, and cultural reach of the Indian subcontinent is rivaled by few. Reincarnation, karma, and yoga are terms and practices that are part of the common parlance and lives of billions of people, even those not connected to the Indian spiritual milieu.Indian Spirituality dives into why these practices have had such an enduring impact around the world, including lessons on: The geopolitical history that shaped Indian spirituality The four Dharmic religions and their beliefs The spiritual evolution of yoga practices Tips for incorporating philosophical tenets into your everyday life Accessible instruction on yoga, meditation, and chanting as a path to peace and wellness With Indian
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Total Life Cleanse
A comprehensive guide to the integrated detox of body, mind, and spirit • Presents a practical 28-day plant-based program, divided into four cycles, to initiate and maximize physical, mental, and spiritual detoxification • Provides plant-based smoothie and meal recipes, tips on liver health and healthy elimination, exercise and yoga practices, breathing and meditation techniques to address toxic thought patterns, and Karma/Forgiveness cleansing rituals Integrating the ancient wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine with naturopathic principles and contemporary nutritional science, Jonathan Glass, M.Ac., C.A.T., presents a practical 28-day program, divided into four cycles, designed to initiate and maximize detoxification of your body, mind, and spirit from the harmful effects of the modern lifestyle. Glass reveals the interconnectedness of what we consume, both mentally and nutritionally, emphasizing that clea
Collective Ink Unlock Your Psychic Powers
These techniques really work. With countless useful tips, and dozens of fascinating insights, this classic international bestseller is the ultimate guide for everyone wishing to enjoy a new level of psychic and intuitive awareness. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner, here is the key to developing your psychic abilities in order to help others and yourself. It includes; Psychic Touch; Aura Viewing; HealingClairvoyance; Dos and Don'ts; Yoga Wisdom; Visualisation; Telepathy Crystal Gazing; Astrology; Clairaudience; Intuition Dreams; Channelling; Destiny; and Karma. This new, improved edition, containing eleven additional exercises, used over many years by thousands of people around the world with outstanding results, also contains a Foreword by legendary rock musician Dave Davies of The Kinks, who describes Richard as "...a powerful psychic...a wonderful healer and an outstanding spiritual teacher...".
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Color Yourself to Mindfulness: 100 Mandalas and Motifs to Color Your Way to Inner Calm
Reduce stress and find inner calm by colouring in these exquisite mandalas and motifs originally designed by artist Melissa Launay. The act of being mindful is being aware of the present moment. The process of colouring is meditative as you become intently aware of colours, designs and motifs – you are living in the moment and the concentration and repetitive nature help to make you oblivious to the stresses and strains of everyday living. In Color Yourself to Mindfulness, there are 100 original designs of mandalas for Awareness, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Abundance, Creativity and Karma. Mandalas, symbols of the cosmos, have inspired those who gaze upon them for hundreds of years. Get ready to experience inner calm and peace as you connect to the shapes and symbols that create these powerful images.
Arkano Books Las enseñanzas de las realidades paralelas lo que nuestras vidas paralelas pueden enseñarnos sobre las relaciones la sanación cuerpomente y la transformación personal
La regresionista Mira Kelley comparte en esta obra las asombrosas y transformadoras lecciones que ha aprendido de sus clientes a lo largo del tiempo y aporta ejercicios sencillos para ponerlas en práctica. A lo largo de estas páginas aprenderás a conectar con tu Yo Superior en cualquier momento para recibir su guía y consejo y descubrirás que todo cuanto te rodea no es más que un reflejo de ti mismo. También comprenderás la inmensa importancia que tiene el perdonar, por qué tienes todo el derecho de amarte a ti mismo y el modo en el que el Universo te apoya siempre de modo amoroso e incondicional.Con Las enseñanzas de las Realidades Paralelas descubrirás de qué modo puedes sanar tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu a la vez que comprendes la naturaleza del tiempo, del karma, del destino y del libre albedrío.
Ed. Dharma, S.L. Introduccin al tantra la visin de la totalidad
Según las enseñanzas tántricas del budismo, cada ser humano pude conseguir experiencias profundas y duraderas de felicidad y satisfacción, muy rápidamente, si utiliza todos los aspectos de la energía humana, en especial la energía del deseo.Lama Yeshe, maestro tibetano de estas enseñanzas, explica que nuestros deseos, normalmente, sólo nos traen más insatisfacción, pero usándolos hábilmente pueden ser nuestros recursos más preciosos. En nosotros está la posibilidad de romper gradualmente nuestra distorsionada y limitada forma de ver las cosas y de aprender a emplear correctamente nuestra capacidad para disfrutar.Se exponen varios métodos de meditación. Todo encaja dentro de la estructura general de las prácticas del sutra: el karma, la renuncia, la compasión. Con la práctica de estos métodos de transformación espiritual podemos alcanzar, finalmente, nuestros objetivos más altos.
IRH Press USA Inc. The Essence of Buddha: The Path to Enlightenment
The essence of Buddha is about living a life with meaning and purpose. It offers a contemporary interpretation of the way to enlightenment, written by highly revered spiritual leader. The fundamental tenets of the Buddhist understanding of life, such as The Eightfold Path, The Six Paramitas and the Laws of Causality, are clearly explained in modern and accessible terms, along with the need for self-reflection, the nature of karma and reincarnation, and other teachings of the Buddha. Enlightenment is a potential achievement for every sentient being. The path towards it is an expansion of consciousness, moving from material concerns to an increaed awareness of the unseen spiritual reality. This, and the practice of a love that gives, rather than just expecting to be loved, is the only path to happiness, and a better world.
Hijo de padre angloirlandés y madre griega, Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) llegó en 1890 a Japón, donde, subyugado por el país (casó con una japonesa, fue profesor en la Universidad Imperial de Tokio y llegó a ser súbdito japonés, adoptando el nombre de Yakumo Koizumi), permaneció hasta su muerte, dedicado a la enseñanza y a la literatura. Su sensibilidad y empatía hacia el Imperio del Sol Naciente lo llevaron a ser uno de los primeros divulgadores de su mundo y sus tradiciones en Occidente. Publicada en 1904, poco antes de su fallecimiento, " Kwaidan " es una recopilación de cuentos fantásticos del Japón, relacionados en su mayoría con el más allá, la reencarnación o el karma. Su última parte, dedicada a algunos insectos (mariposas, mosquitos, hormigas) sintetiza con exquisita sensibilidad las supersticiones y creencias japonesas en torno a dichos animales, así como sus atribuciones culturales.
Shambhala Publications Inc The Heart of Tibetan Buddhism
Authentic and practical teachings on what lies at the heart of Tibetan Buddhism, including karma, renunciation, bodhichitta, kindness, preparing for death, and much more.Perfect for practitioners, meditators, and anyone who wishes to better understand their own mind, this is an important message from a fresh voice within the tradition.Discover thoughtful advice and applicable practices for following a genuine Buddhist path and living a meaningful life in this succinct book. This profoundly graspable introduction to the heart of Tibetan Buddhism comes from a fresh voice within the tradition who has a growing online teaching presence. Khenpo Sherab Sangpo studied for decades with some of modern history''s greatest teachers in the Dzogchen lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, achieving impressive theoretical knowledge and experiential realization.This wide-ranging book offers easy-to-follow teachings and practices to cultivate a kind mind—bodhichitta&mdas
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bright Shining
''A powerful book from one of my favorite writers on something we all need more of...and could give more of.'' — Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way and Ego Is the Enemy“Luminous. . . . A work to both devour and savour, Baird has, once again, written a book the world needs now.''”—GuardianFrom the bestselling author of Phosphorescence comes a beautiful and timely exploration of that most mysterious but necessary of human qualities: grace.Grace is hard to define. It can be found when we create ways to find meaning and dignity in connection with each other, building on our shared humanity, being kinder, bigger, better with each other. If, in its crudest interpretation, karma is getting what you deserve, then grace is the opposite: forgiving the unforgivable, favoring the undeserving, loving the unlovable.
Vintage Publishing The Glass Kingdom
A tense, stunningly well-observed heist novel from 'the bastard child of Graham Greene and Patrica Highsmith' (Metro)Sarah Talbot Jennings, a young American living in New York, has fled to Bangkok to disappear. Armed with a suitcase full of cash, she takes up residence at the Kingdom, a glittering complex slowly sinking into its own twilight. There, against a backdrop of shadowy gossip and intrigue, she is soon drawn into the orbit of the Kingdom's glamorous ex-pat women. But when political chaos and a frenzied uprising wrack the streets below, and Sarah witnesses something unspeakable, her safe haven begins to feel like a trap. From a master of atmosphere and suspense comes a brilliantly unsettling story of cruelty and psychological unrest, and an enthralling glimpse into the shadowy crossroads of karma and human greed.
Oxford University Press The Foundations of Buddhism
Buddhism is a vast and complex religious and philosophical tradition with a history that stretches over 2,500 years, and which is now followed by around 115 million people. In this introduction to the foundations of Buddhism, Rupert Gethin concentrates on the ideas and practices which constitute the common heritage of the different traditions of Buddhism (Thervada, Tibetan, and Eastern) which exist in the world today. From the narrative of the story of the Buddha, through discussions of aspects such as textual traditions, the framework of the Four Noble Truths, the interaction between the monastic and lay ways of life, the cosmology of karma and rebirth, and the path of the bodhisattva, this books provides a stimulating introduction to Buddhism as a religion and way of life, which will also be of interest to those who are more familiar with the subject.
Oni Press,US Star Beasts
Wanna know the real reason Pluto isn’t a planet anymore? Bandit is a pup on Earth who leaves his family to join the secret order of the Star Beasts – cosmic creatures sworn to protect Earth and spread goodness throughout the universe. Only thing is, he's having trouble fitting in. But when powerful relics are suddenly stolen, the Star Beasts must band together to find the deadly galactic fossils before Pluto’s evil emperor, Khaos Krill – he wants to build the Novataur, an ancient monster that could wipe out all of Earth’s species! Captain Bandit leads the crew on a kick-asteroid space race to collect all the relics. Flashtista, the warrior turtle, Clio, the goldfish historian, Karma, the healing tiger, Pep, the techie iguana, and the rest of Star Beasts risk their lives to learn that true family is never really lost and that protecting love is the greatest duty of all.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Little Book of Sex: Hot | Hot | Hot
“Love is an ice cream sundae with all the marvellous coverings. Sex is the cherry on top.” Jimmy Dean Succumb to your primal desires with The Little Book of Sex. From the first signs of attraction to the post-coital glow, explore the wonderful world of sex through raunchy quotes, tales of history’s most insatiable lovers and sensual tips to get you in the mood for lurve. With forays into foreplay, a romp through the Karma Sutra and even an explanation of the science behind the sizzle, you’re in for titillating treat. Perfect for couples who want to add a bit of spice to their love life or as a cheeky present for a friend soon to be hitched, The Little Book of Sex is the ideal book to get you feeling frisky (and probably provide a bit of a giggle at the same time!).
Rudolf Steiner Press Paths and Goals of the Spiritual Human Being: Life Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science
Speaking to audiences in Denmark, Germany and France, Rudolf Steiner discusses a wide range of topics: from positive and negative human soul capacities, true self-knowledge and karma, to changes in human consciousness, from ancient times to the modern era - all in the context of the incarnation of Christ on earth. The lectures illustrate the diversity of Steiner's approach when speaking to different audiences. Reflecting on the polymath Novalis, for example, he is urgent about the responsibility of spiritual science to help humanity awaken to the new age. A few months later, talking of Hegel and deploring the fact that an interest in spiritual matters often fails to be accompanied by an equal interest in logical thought, Steiner uses a dispassionate, philosophical tone. But throughout the lectures he is consistent in his view that spiritual science does not reject conventional science. Trained philosophical thinking leads to different conclusions than materialism, he says, but there is nothing in the field of spiritual science that need be rejected by rigorous scientific thought. Although the lectures were given to a variety of audiences, ideas recur from different perspectives and in different contexts, with strong thematic links binding them together. These include the relationship between philosophy and science; the nature of clairvoyance; Christ's presence in the etheric realm; reincarnation and karma; the mystery drama The Portal of Initiation; Christmas and its symbols; and the transformation of consciousness that occurred when Christ incarnated physically on earth. In the final lectures, Rudolf Steiner speaks inspiringly about the Christmas festival, contrasting the feeling of inwardness that people used to experience with the hectic cultural environment of modern cities. However, this does not lead Steiner to be nostalgic about the past. Rather, he states, we should seek to recreate a mood of inwardness in a new way, appropriate to our modern age and consciousness. These lectures give us the tools to bring such a contemporary spiritual approach to our lives.
Hector, el Chistera, esta mas que harto. Harto de ser un bicho raro. Harto de que los abusones de la ciudad la tomen con el. Y cuando Domingo y sus amigos le gastan una jugarreta aun mas cruel de lo habitual, ya no puede mas y decide abandonar su suen~o de ser mago.No cuenta con los poderosos aliados que el destino esta a punto de poner en su camino: una fuerza misteriosa llamada karma que, al final, pone a todo el mundo en su sitio; la cabezoneria casi sobrenatural de su amiga Valentina; los eventos, tambien sobrenaturales, que invaden las mejores casas de Chassburgo desde la llegada de una muchacha forastera... Y entre tantas cosas raras, como no va a despertar el fantasma del teatro?Conseguiran al fin los Tres del Barona desentran~ar los misterios del teatro? Tal vez lo sepamos en el ultimo libro de la serie!
Rudolf Steiner Press An Exercise for Karmic Insight
"There is the possibility of a comparatively quick maturing of insight into karmic relationships if, for a considerable time, we try patiently, and with inner energy, to picture with greater and greater consciousness an experience which would otherwise simply take its course, without being properly grasped, and fade away in the course of life..." In this unique lecture, Rudolf Steiner presents a practical exercise for gaining insight into karma. He draws our attention to the ordinary events of life, encouraging us to take an image of a single event and meditate on it. He describes the method in great detail, and explains how, over several days and nights, the image becomes incorporated into our various spiritual bodies. Eventually, this image reaches our physical body in a transformed state, leading to a perception of a previous earth life and the cause of the event first pictured in meditation...
IRH Press USA Inc. The Challenge of Enlightenment: Now, Here, the New Dharma Wheel Turns
These comprehensive and essential Buddhist teachings that are written in an easy-to-understand way will resolve the commonly misunderstood concepts taught in modern Buddhism such as ‘egolessness’ and ‘void’, as well as the true meaning of ‘the middle way', ‘nirvana’ and ‘Buddha-nature’. These concepts of spiritual awareness are now resurrected. Ryuho Okawa's clear-cut explanations of the core Buddhist teachings are what has been anticipated among authentic seekers of Truth, so look no farther. 1. The Spirit of Buddhism 2. Freedom and Ignorance 3. The Four Noble Truths 4. What is ‘Egolessness’? 5. ‘Void’ or ‘Emptiness’ and Causality 6. Karma and Reincarnation 7. Progress Through the Middle Way 8. The Two Concepts of ‘Lesser Vehicle’ and ‘Great Vehicle’ 9. What is Nirvana? 10. ‘Void’ or ‘Emptiness’ and Salvation 11. ‘Egolessness’ from the Perspective of the Middle Way 12. Buddha-Nature and the Attainment of Buddhahood
Icon Books Introducing Buddha: A Graphic Guide
Meditation, Karma, Zen, Tantric and Nirvana are some of the many Buddhist ideas Westerners hear of frequently, even if their meaning has been lost in translation. This vast and complex non-theistic religion is woven into the fabric of Asian civilisations. from India to the Himalayan regions, China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan and elsewhere. What is Buddhism really all about? Introducing Buddha describes the life and teachings of the Buddha, but it also shows that enlightenment is a matter of experiencing the truth individually, and by inspiration which is passed from teacher to student. Superbly illustrated by Borin Van Loon, the book illuminates this process through a rich legacy of stories, explains the practices of meditation, Taoism and Zen, and goes on to describe the role of Buddhism in modern Asia and its growing influence on Western thought.
Penguin Young Readers Group Rabbits Snow Dance A Traditional Iroquois Story
Rabbit’s Snow Dance Master storytellers Joseph and James Bruchac present a hip and funny take on an Iroquois folktale about the importance of patience, the seasons, and listening to your friends. Pair it with other stories about stubborn animals like Karma Wilson’s Bear Wants More and Verna Aardema’s Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears. Rabbit loves the winter. He knows a dance, using an Iroquois drum and song, to make it snow—even in summertime! When rabbit decides that it should snow early, he starts his dance and the snow begins to fall. The other forest animals are not happy and ask him to stop, but Rabbit doesn’t listen. How much snow is too much, and will Rabbit know when to stop? The father-son duo behind How Chipmunk Got His Stripes, Raccoon’s Last Race, and Turtle’s Race with Beaver present their latest retelling of Native American folklore.
Oxford University Press Inc The Classical Upanisads
The Upani?ads are rich and complex Sanskrit Hindu scriptures dating back to the 8th century BCE and are a staple of world religion courses across the globe. In this volume, Signe Cohen guide readers through on the thirteen Classical Upani?ads, those generally regarded as the oldest: Bhadrayaka, Chandogya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Isa, Kena, Katha, Mundaka, Svetasvatara, Mandukya, Prasna, Kausitaki, and Maitri Upanisad. Where most survey textbooks present a cursory overview of these texts, The Classical Upani?ads: A Guide provides a nuanced but accessible exploration of the Upani?ads that will benefit both scholars, students, and general readers alike. This volume explores the historical, geographical, and social context of the Classical Upani?ads and discusses issues of dating, authorship, and transmission of the texts. Cohen also breaks down central ideas in the Upani?ads, such as atman, brahman, karma, reincarnation, moksa, knowledge, and sacred sounds (mantras). The text also discusse
Orion Publishing Co Sun Signs, Orion Plain and Simple
Jonathan Dee and Sasha Fenton, two of the most dynamic and established writers on spiritual subjects, join forces to create the ultimate guide to sun signs. By using the decan system, which demonstrates variations between people born in different parts of each sign (i.e., early, middle, or late) - to assess your birth placement, you can get detailed answers to any question you want to ask. This encyclopedic reference explains everything about your sign's characteristics, from your ideal home to your ruling planet, from your weaknesses to your best days. Handy charts for both your sun and decan sign show your compatibility with others for love, friendship, and work and list those signs with which you are unlikely to harmonize.Other topics include:· Good days/bad days· Strengths/weaknesses· Friends, relationships, and career· Health and karma· Correspondences for each sign, including herbs, flower remedies, best foods, best landscapes, colors, and gems
Ed. Dharma, S.L. La curación definitiva el poder de la curación
Experimentamos la enfermedad a un nivel físico, pero para poder curarnos debemos comprender cómo se produce la verdadera sanación: en nuestro corazón y en nuestra mente. En Curación Definitiva; el poder de la compasión, el renombrado maestro de meditación Lama Zopa Rimpoché nos ayuda a reconocer las raíces de la enfermedad y nos ofrece las herramientas para crear nuestra felicidad futura. Además de aportar relatos de quienes se han recuperado de la enfermedad por medio de la meditación, Rimpoché explora el papel central del karma y el hábito mental de "poner nombres" en la producción de las enfermedades, y como la meditación y otras técnicas para desarrollar la compasión y la cognición profunda pueden eliminar las causas reales de todas las dolencias."Este es, sin duda, un libro increíble. De sus páginas emana una sabiduría tan relajante, tanta luz curativa que manifiesta la presencia, las palabras, y las enseñanzas de uno de los grandes lamas actuales. Este es un libro que s
Miraguano Ediciones Ganesha el dios de la inteligencia smbolos mitos tradicin y culto
Ganesha, el dios hindú de cabeza de elefante, es sin duda la deidad más popular y querida en toda la India. Simboliza la inteligencia y sus aplicaciones. Cualquiera que sea su orientación, todo hindú coincide en este punto y adora a Ganesha antes de hacerlo a otras figuras divinas. Esto se debe a la extendida noción de que la mente desarrollada y cultivada es el instrumento que poseemos para avanzar en el camino espiritual, para entender el universo y sus leyes.Este dios es, además, un símbolo múltiple, pues representa la fauna, la infancia, el microcosmos y el macrocosmos, la cultura, la literatura, los poderes de la mente, el karma, la agricultura, la memoria, la suerte, la alegría, la prosperidad, la familia, los amigos y las soluciones. Es el eliminador de problemas, por lo que se le invoca antes de iniciarse cualquier tipo de solemnidad, viaje o actividad.En este libro se describe su origen, su posición en el panteón hindú, sus representaciones iconográficas, sus símbolos,
Temple Lodge Publishing Why Become a Member of the Anthroposophical Society?
The author developed this booklet from talks that were held for members of the Anthroposophical Society. These became occasions for many to question potential membership of the First Class in a more conscious way, and for some to take the decisive step of entering the Michael School. 'This experience gave rise to the occasion for printing this lecture separately for interested individuals, as a stimulus to consider their relationship to the Michael School on Earth against the background of the karma that guides human beings in their present incarnation to anthroposophy. In this sense, the present text may well be an aid for some interested individuals to grasp to its full extent the unique significance of the establishment of the Esoteric School - carried out as it was by Rudolf Steiner based on the Michael Spirit - so as to gain the courage and will to become a member out of full inner conviction.' (From the Preface)