Search results for ""Imagine That""
Boxer Books Limited The Elephant's Garden
A humorous fantasy story of greed set in a small Indian village, stunningly illustrated and retold by award-winning artist Jane Ray. Jasmine's garden has the most delicious fruit in the village - but someone is eating all her beautiful apples and apricots, kiwis and kumquats, papayas and peaches. Determined to discover the thief's identity, Jasmine waits... and waits. Little does she imagine that when he arrives, he'll lead her on a magical journey through the skies. Using vibrant collage artwork with jewel-like colours, Jane Ray has outdone herself by creating a beautiful new style. AGES: 3 to 6 AUTHOR: Jane Ray was born and raised in London, where she still lives. She has been illustrating and writing children's books for 25 years and has a special interest in folk and fairy tales. She enjoys writing her own stories (Can You Catch a Mermaid? and The Dolls House Fairy, both published by Orchard Books) and illustrating stories by other people, including The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy (Bloomsbury UK) and The King of Capri by Jeanette Winterson (Bloomsbury USA). For Boxer Books, Jane created an extraordinary quartet of story collections, all retold and illustrated by her. Jane also frequently works in primary schools, encouraging children to create their own books and pictures. She is married to the conductor David Temple and has three children. Jane has won numerous awards including the most prestigious Kate Greenaway award.
Encounter Books,USA American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup
Americans have never been more divided, and we’re ripe for a breakup. The bitter partisan animosities, the legislative gridlock, the growing acceptance of violence in the name of political virtue—it all invites us to think that we’d be happier were we two different countries. In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of law, we are already two nations. There’s another reason why secession beckons, says F.H. Buckley: we’re too big. In population and area, the United States is one of the biggest countries in the world, and American Secession provides data showing that smaller countries are happier and less corrupt. They’re less inclined to throw their weight around militarily, and they’re freer too. There are advantages to bigness, certainly, but the costs exceed the benefits. On many counts, bigness is badness. Across the world, large countries are staring down secession movements. Many have already split apart. Do we imagine that we, almost alone in the world, are immune? We had a civil war to prevent a secession, and we’re tempted to see that terrible precedent as proof against another effort. This book explodes that comforting belief and shows just how easy it would be for a state to exit the Union if that’s what its voters wanted. But if that isn’t what we really want, Buckley proposes another option, a kind of Secession Lite, that could heal our divisions while allowing us to keep our identity as Americans.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Face to Face: True stories of life, death and transformation from my career as a facial surgeon
'Face to Face is not just a brilliant introduction to one of the most exacting areas of modern medicine, it's a humbling glimpse of humans at their best.' Sunday TimesSo much of our identity and sense of self is vested in the face we see in the bathroom mirror every morning. Now imagine that face so ravaged by cancer, an accident, a gun shot wound or a car crash that it is barely recognizable. Think how it might feel if, after surgery, the person you remember, but had given up all hope of seeing again, is looking back at you from the mirror once more.Over the years, maxillofacial surgeon Jim McCaul has helped countless people make this journey. His extraordinary book follows the stories of some of the patients he has saved from terrible illness and life-changing injuries – and some he wasn’t able to help. We follow the epic and complex surgical procedures his job requires him to perform daily, where the margin for error is to all intents and purposes zero. Face to Face is a journey through the most high-tech and complex of microsurgical procedures as well as the facial reconstruction techniques pioneered during the First World War. But at its heart are the human stories of the patients for whom treatment is often quite literally a matter of life and death.'Fascinating and life-affirming ... Jim McCaul confides in us the joys and the agony of facial surgery.' Dr Richard Shepherd, bestselling author of Unnatural Causes
New York University Press Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2016 Investigates the causes, conduct, and consequences of the recent American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Understanding the United States’ wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is essential to understanding the United States in the first decade of the new millennium and beyond. These wars were pivotal to American foreign policy and international relations. They were expensive: in lives, in treasure, and in reputation. They raised critical ethical and legal questions; they provoked debates over policy, strategy, and war-planning; they helped to shape American domestic politics. And they highlighted a profound division among the American people: While more than two million Americans served in Iraq and Afghanistan, many in multiple deployments, the vast majority of Americans and their families remained untouched by and frequently barely aware of the wars conducted in their name, far from American shores, in regions about which they know little. Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan gives us the first book-length expert historical analysis of these wars. It shows us how they began, what they teach us about the limits of the American military and diplomacy, and who fought them. It examines the lessons and legacies of wars whose outcomes may not be clear for decades. In 1945 few Americans could imagine that the country would be locked in a Cold War with the Soviet Union for decades; fewer could imagine how history would paint the era. Understanding the U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan begins to come to grips with the period when America became enmeshed in a succession of “low intensity” conflicts in the Middle East.
Thomas Nelson Publishers When God Whispers Your Name
These days, bad news often outpaces the good. Problems outnumber solutions. You may turn and ask, "Where is God at a time like this?" Friend, he's right here. And he's whispering your name.You really want to do what is right. But sometimes life turns south. You're anxious, you're busy, you're cautious because you've been hurt before--or maybe you're all of the above. But pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado is here to share some good news: in the Bible and in the circumstances of your life, God whispers your name lovingly, tenderly, patiently, and persistently.Somewhere between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And he is calling you by name. Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe you just can't imagine that the One who made it all thinks of you that personally--that he keeps your name on his heart and lips. In When God Whispers Your Name, Max will help you: See yourself in the stories of hardship and redemption in Scripture Understand that you are uniquely known by God Grasp the great and daring love of the One who calls your name Each copy of When God Whispers Your Name also includes a discussion guide designed to let you dive deeper into the timeless scripture that underlies each of these lessons of hope, encouragement, and redemption.Max knows that we all need a reminder every now and then--not a sermon, but a simple reminder that God knows our names. Today, listen carefully. Hear that? God is whispering your name.
University of California Press Meat Planet: Artificial Flesh and the Future of Food
In 2013, a Dutch scientist unveiled the world’s first laboratory-created hamburger. Since then, the idea of producing meat, not from live animals but from carefully cultured tissues, has spread like wildfire through the media. Meanwhile, cultured meat researchers race against population growth and climate change in an effort to make sustainable protein. Meat Planet explores the quest to generate meat in the lab—a substance sometimes called “cultured meat”—and asks what it means to imagine that this is the future of food.Neither an advocate nor a critic of cultured meat, Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft spent five years researching the phenomenon. In Meat Planet, he reveals how debates about lab-grown meat reach beyond debates about food, examining the links between appetite, growth, and capitalism. Could satiating the growing appetite for meat actually lead to our undoing? Are we simply using one technology to undo the damage caused by another? Like all problems in our food system, the meat problem is not merely a problem of production. It is intrinsically social and political, and it demands that we examine questions of justice and desirable modes of living in a shared and finite world. Benjamin Wurgaft tells a story that could utterly transform the way we think of animals, the way we relate to farmland, the way we use water, and the way we think about population and our fragile ecosystem’s capacity to sustain life. He argues that even if cultured meat does not “succeed,” it functions—much like science fiction—as a crucial mirror that we can hold up to our contemporary fleshy dysfunctions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications
It is difficult to imagine that the statistical analysis of compositional data has been a major issue of concern for more than 100 years. It is even more difficult to realize that so many statisticians and users of statistics are unaware of the particular problems affecting compositional data, as well as their solutions. The issue of ``spurious correlation'', as the situation was phrased by Karl Pearson back in 1897, affects all data that measures parts of some whole, such as percentages, proportions, ppm and ppb. Such measurements are present in all fields of science, ranging from geology, biology, environmental sciences, forensic sciences, medicine and hydrology. This book presents the history and development of compositional data analysis along with Aitchison's log-ratio approach. Compositional Data Analysis describes the state of the art both in theoretical fields as well as applications in the different fields of science. Key Features: Reflects the state-of-the-art in compositional data analysis. Gives an overview of the historical development of compositional data analysis, as well as basic concepts and procedures. Looks at advances in algebra and calculus on the simplex. Presents applications in different fields of science, including, genomics, ecology, biology, geochemistry, planetology, chemistry and economics. Explores connections to correspondence analysis and the Dirichlet distribution. Presents a summary of three available software packages for compositional data analysis. Supported by an accompanying website featuring R code. Applied scientists working on compositional data analysis in any field of science, both in academia and professionals will benefit from this book, along with graduate students in any field of science working with compositional data.
John Murray Press Arguing for a Better World: How to talk about the issues that divide us
'Brings cooling clarity to the heat of today's culture wars' Priyamvada Gopal, author of Insurgent Empire'Allows us to not only interrogate our own views, but to persuade others using reason and optimism. A must read' Aaron Bastani, author of Fully Automated Luxury CommunismCan white people be victims of racism?Is it sexist to say 'men are trash'?Should we worry about 'cancel culture'?Tired of having the same old arguments? Kicking yourself for not being able to justify your views? Wondering whether individuals can bring about meaningful change?Now imagine that instead of losing another hour of your life in a social media spat or knowing that the only way to make it through lunch was by biting your tongue, you could find a way to talk about injustice - and, just possibly, change someone's mind.Many of us know what we think about inequality, but flounder when asked for our reasoning, leading to a conversational stalemate - especially when faced with a political, generational, or cultural divide. But living in echo chambers blunts our thinking, and if we can't persuade others, we have little hope of collectively bringing about change.In Arguing for a Better World, philosopher Arianne Shahvisi draws on examples from everyday life to show us how to work through a set of thorny moral questions, equipping us to not only identify our positions but to carefully defend them.'Logical, readable, authoritative . . . An everyday manual on how oppression came about, how it works, why it persists, and how to defeat it' Danny Dorling, author of Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists and A Better Politics
Glitterati Inc My Dolce Vita: A Memoir
Organised into three parts, replete with four 32-page photo inserts that illustrate the past to the present. A memoir spanning eight decades. The memoir bumps into people of distinction and interest - Queen Elizabeth, Jacqueline Kennedy, Eddie Fisher, Ava Gardner, Richard Burton, Joseph Heller, and Dirk Bogarde, to name a few. When Giovanna Govoni, age seventeen, welcomed the allied troops into Rome on June 5, 1944, never did she imagine that on this day, she was opening a door that was to become an illustrious adventure filled with glamour and excitement that rubbed shoulders with luminaries ranging from American army generals to international movie stars to corporate magnates. But such was her luck that she happened to be on Rome's via Flaminia as the American liberation troops entered the city and when overheard in the crowd speaking in perfect English to her mother by "Stan the Donut Man" at the head of the column led by General Mark Clark and the Fifth Army, Giovanna's life changed. Salvadore was born in France, educated until age six in England, and returned to her native Italy during World War II. She was cosmopolitan before the word had any meaning. An incredible chronicler of both fact and intuition, Salvadore has always kept copious appointment agendas from the age of ten. In My Dolce Vita, Salvadore describes her teenage school days and the horrors of World War II, her exciting years as the first female public relations executive in Italy for TWA and Howard Hughes, and her more than four glamorous decades as the PR legend of Villa d'Este on Lake Como.
Oxford University Press The Pursuit of Europe: A History
The European Union, we are told, is facing extinction. Most of those who believe that, however, have no understanding of how, and why, it became possible to imagine that the diverse peoples of Europe might be united in a single political community. The Pursuit of Europe tells the story of the evolution of the 'European project', from the end of the Napoleonic Wars, which saw the earliest creation of a 'Concert of Europe', right through to Brexit. The question was how, after centuries of internecine conflict, to create a united Europe while still preserving the political legal and cultural integrity of each individual nation. The need to find an answer to this question became more acute after two world wars had shown that if the nations of Europe were to continue to play a role in the world they could now only do so together. To achieve that, however, they had to be prepared to merge their zealously-guarded sovereign powers into a new form of trans-national constitutionalism. This, the European Union has tried to do. Here, Anthony Pagden argues that it has created not as its enemies have claimed, a 'super-state' but a new post-national order united in a political life based, not upon the old shibboleths of nationalism and patriotism, but upon a common body of values and aspirations. It is this, argues Pagden, that will allow the Union to defeat its political enemies from within, and to overcome the difficulties, from mass migration to the pandemic, which it faces from without. But it will only succeed in doing so if it also continues to evolve as it has over the past two centuries.
Skyhorse Publishing Astounding Sea Stories: Fifteen Ripping Good Tales
“1789 April: Just before sun-rising, Mr. Christian, with the master at arms, gunner’s mate, and Thomas Burket, seaman, came into my cabin while I was asleep, and seizing me, tied my hands with a cord behind my back and threatened me with instant death if I spoke or made the least noise.” So began William Bligh’s explanation of the infamous mutiny aboard the Bounty. His account of his capture and his phenomenal navigation of a small boat filled with men desperate to survive is one of the greatest sailing stories ever told. It is just one account readers will find in Astounding Sea Stories—many that have been sitting unread for decades. Some are from master writers whose deserved fame rests on works and characters who lived far from the sea. Here are sea stories from Jack London, his first published work, written miles from the frozen north that he loved and wrote about often—and from Charles Dickens without Scrooge, Victor Hugo far from Paris, and Arthur Conan Doyle on the deck of a ship without Sherlock or Watson. All are hidden gems that make you wish they had written and the sea and ships. Here also are marquee names like Melville and Richard Henry Dana, the official report of the sinking of the Titanic, a first-person account of the wreck of the Medusa, and a story by an unknown captain written after his ship was sunk by a whale. Imagine that. This eclectic collection will not disappoint any armchair seafarer.
Princeton University Press Dark Data: Why What You Don’t Know Matters
A practical guide to making good decisions in a world of missing dataIn the era of big data, it is easy to imagine that we have all the information we need to make good decisions. But in fact the data we have are never complete, and may be only the tip of the iceberg. Just as much of the universe is composed of dark matter, invisible to us but nonetheless present, the universe of information is full of dark data that we overlook at our peril. In Dark Data, data expert David Hand takes us on a fascinating and enlightening journey into the world of the data we don't see.Dark Data explores the many ways in which we can be blind to missing data and how that can lead us to conclusions and actions that are mistaken, dangerous, or even disastrous. Examining a wealth of real-life examples, from the Challenger shuttle explosion to complex financial frauds, Hand gives us a practical taxonomy of the types of dark data that exist and the situations in which they can arise, so that we can learn to recognize and control for them. In doing so, he teaches us not only to be alert to the problems presented by the things we don’t know, but also shows how dark data can be used to our advantage, leading to greater understanding and better decisions.Today, we all make decisions using data. Dark Data shows us all how to reduce the risk of making bad ones.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments
An idea-packed catalog of projects, activities, and science fun sure to inspire future "Edisons" . The Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments The Thomas Alva Edison Foundation Thomas Edison patented 1,093 inventions -- and more chemistry experiments than any other scientist ever! This book reflects the fascination that he found in experimentation and presents the best, most popular experiments and projects sponsored by the prestigious Edison Foundation. Here, in one convenient volume, you will find a range of activities from the very simple (for primary or middle grades or individual young scientists at home) to the intriguingly complex (for older students, groups, or an entire class). These experiments require no science background. They utilize inexpensive, easy-to-obtain materials. Most of all, the projects are fun to build, safe and useful, and each provides a good demonstration of important scientific principles in real-life action! Most youngsters and teens can work on the experiments with little supervision, and there are ample ideas for science fairs and "extra credit" projects. Over 100 illustrations are included, plus photos of the legendary inventor himself. Experiments in this book encompass magnetism, electricity, electrochemistry, chemistry, physics, energy, and environmental studies -- topics for varied interests in grades 4 through 11. Throughout, emphasis is on the essence of scientific "tinkering," experimenting for the pure fun of it . activities that lead to satisfying hobbies, new ideas, and learning. Edison himself would surely enjoy this book -- so imagine that you are visiting his laboratory, and let this be your introduction to a world of discovery. .
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Maybe It Happened This Way: Torah Stories Reimagined
This spirited collection will make the Jewish people’s beginnings tangible to today’s readers. --KIRKUS REVIEWSTake a fresh look at the Bible stories you think you know, retold using the Jewish concept of midrash.Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses. We think we know their stories, but the Bible tells us only part of it. What if we could see the full picture? Maybe we’d discover that… …Adam and Eve were challenging the rules, growing up. …Noah felt fearful and angry, desperate for any kind of hope. …Abraham and Sarah gleefully, recklessly smashed idols in his father’s workshop, and were stunned by a revelation that would change their world. …Moses could not imagine that the Israelites would want to follow him, and felt dread at being asked to lead. Maybe these iconic figures of the Bible were people just like us, filled with fear and joy, jealousy and passion, mischief and love. Maybe it happened this way. This is a modern take on Bible stories, with relatable characters; not earnest and reverent, but not transgressive either. It explores timeless themes of interest to kids, including fairness, sibling rivalry, perseverance, forgiveness, courage. Maybe It Happened This Way also covers many lesser-known narratives and lifts up the stories of women in the Bible as well. Includes an introduction explaining of the Jewish concept of midrash--stories created to add new layers to our understanding of the Bible; a discussion guide with questions; an index of values; and a guide to sources for each Bible story.
Little, Brown Book Group The Coven: For fans of Vox, The Power and A Discovery of Witches
'A compelling, prescient tale of an alternate world with far too many scary similarities to our own.' Angela ClarkeLet me repeat myself, so we can be very clear. Women are not the enemy. We must protect them from themselves, just as much as we must protect ourselves.Imagine a world in which witchcraft is real. In which mothers hand down power to their daughters, power that is used harmlessly and peacefully.Then imagine that the US President is a populist demagogue who decides that all witches must be imprisoned for their own safety, as well as the safety of those around them - creating a world in which to be female is one step away from being criminal...As witches across the world are rounded up, one young woman discovers a power she did not know she had. It's a dangerous force and it puts her top of the list in a global witch hunt.But she - and the women around her - won't give in easily. Not while all of women's power is under threat.The Coven is a dazzling global thriller that pays homage to the power and potential of women everywhere.*'A gripping and vividly drawn dystopian fantasy about the power and potential of women which feels easier to enjoy now Trump has gone.' Heat'Thought-provoking and powerful. A big, page-turning thriller.' Paula Daly'A real thrill ride.' Debbie Moon'Dark, dangerous & powerful - I couldn't put it down' Michelle Kenney, author of The Book of Fire series'Compelling, urgent and highly original as well as being a cracking read. I loved it.' Kate Hamer'A barnstorming, breathless ride - The Handmaid's Tale by way of wicca and Witchfinder General. Thrillingly cinematic and compulsive reading.' Stephen Volk
Little, Brown Book Group Body Neutral: A revolutionary guide to overcoming body image issues
A life-changing guide to reclaiming your relationship with your body and yourselfHave you ever thought that if only you could change the way you looked, your life would be better? It's so easy to imagine that by changing the outside of our bodies, we'd feel better on the inside. But we all know that even if we could magically attain a so-called 'perfect' body, our problems wouldn't actually be solved. That's because body image issues are never just about the body: they're always about something deeper inside.As a longtime personal trainer and coach, Jessi Kneeland has seen hundreds of clients achieve their fitness goals but still feel trapped in a web of body hatred, anxiety, obsession and dysmorphia. Searching for a solution, Kneeland set out on a quest to discover what it truly takes to help people understand, process and heal their body image issues for good. They share their discoveries in Body Neutral, where you'll learn:* The power of 'body neutrality' - the ability to accept and respect your body, even if it isn't the way you'd prefer it to be.* Which of the four 'body image avatars' - each of which represents a different root cause for body image issues - aligns with you and your relationship with your body: the self-objectifier, the high achiever, the outsider or the runner.* Actionable and unique methods to help you strip away the layers of false meaning, excess power, moral significance and shame that has been preventing you from both connecting to and appreciating your body and feeling truly worthy as a person.There is a reason you're unhappy with your body, and Body Neutral will help you discover what that reason is and how to defuse its power, freeing you to enjoy a life of true confidence, security and satisfaction.
Bodleian Library Instructions for British Servicemen in France, 1944
In 1944 the British War Office distributed a handbook to British soldiers informing them what to expect and how to behave in a newly-liberated France. Containing candid descriptions of this war-ravaged society (widespread malnourishment, rampant tuberculosis) as well as useful phrases and a pronunciation guide (Bonjewer, commont-allay-voo), it was an indispensable guide to everyday life. This small, unassuming publication had a deeper purpose: to bring together two allies who did not enjoy ideal relations in 1944. The book attempts to reconcile differences by stressing a shared history and the common aim — defeating Hitler. It also tried to dispel misapprehensions: ‘There is a fairly widespread belief among people in Britain that the French are a particularly gay, frivolous people with no morals and few convictions.’ Often unintentionally hilarious in its expression of these false impressions, the book is also a guide for avoiding social embarrassment: ‘If you should happen to imagine that the first pretty French girl who smiles at you intends to dance the can-can or take you to bed, you will risk stirring up a lot of trouble for yourself – and for our relations with the French.’ Many of its observations still ring true today. For example, ‘The French are more polite than most of us. Remember to call them “Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle,” not just “Oy!”’ Others remind us of how we recently we have adopted French customs: ‘Don’t drink yourself silly. If you get the chance to drink wine, learn to “‘take it”.’ Anyone with an interest in Britain, France or World War II will find this an irresistible insight into British attitudes towards the French and an interesting, timeless commentary on Anglo-French relations.
Bonnier Books Ltd Maya And Her Friends - A story about tolerance and acceptance from Ukrainian author Larysa Denysenko: All proceeds will go to charities helping to protect the children of Ukraine
ALL THE PUBLISHER'S PROFITS WILL BE DONATED DIRECTLY TO CHARITIES HELING TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN OF UKRAINE. "I wrote this book about different children from different Ukrainian families in 2017, when Russia had conquered Crimea and temporarily occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk. I write these forewords in the bathroom of my Kiev home in the roar of a Russian assailant's fire. I can imagine that one of Maja's classmates is now praying in a bomb shelter, another is writing a letter to his imprisoned father in Russia, and a third has already lost a loved one. It is less likely that one of the boys or girls will start their life in Helsinki. War is always against children. With this text, I want to shout to the world that the children of my country need international protection." Larysa Denysenko, February 2022 Since the occupation of Crimea in 2014, Ukrainian families with children have had to live their daily lives in the shadow of the threat of war. Maja and Friends tells the story of ordinary Ukrainian children and their families. Nine-year-old Maja has 16 classmates, all with different home backgrounds. Sofia's father has disappeared in the battles against Russia. When the war ends, he will hopefully be found. Aksana lives with her father because her mother is dead. Hristina lives with her grandmother because her parents are working abroad. Rais is a Crimean Tatar whose family had to leave his homeland due to the Russian occupation. Timko's parents are divorced, and he lives alternately with his mother and father. Petro is a Roma and has a huge family clan. Maja herself, on the other hand, has two mothers.
New York University Press Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals
Winner, 2022 Donald W. Light Award for Applied Medical Sociology, given by the Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association Winner, 2021 Robert K. Merton Book Award, given by the Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association 2021 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice Magazine Explores the social inequality of clinical drug testing and its effects on scientific results Imagine that you volunteer for the clinical trial of an experimental drug. The only direct benefit of participating is that you will receive up to $5,175. You must spend twenty nights literally locked in a research facility. You will be told what to eat, when to eat, and when to sleep. You will share a bedroom with several strangers. Who are you, and why would you choose to take part in this kind of study? This book explores the hidden world of pharmaceutical testing on healthy volunteers. Drawing on two years of fieldwork in clinics across the country and 268 interviews with participants and staff, it illustrates how decisions to take part in such studies are often influenced by poverty and lack of employment opportunities. It shows that healthy participants are typically recruited from African American and Latino/a communities, and that they are often serial participants, who obtain a significant portion of their income from these trials. This book reveals not only how social inequality fundamentally shapes these drug trials, but it also depicts the important validity concerns inherent in this mode of testing new pharmaceuticals. These highly controlled studies bear little resemblance to real-world conditions, and everyone involved is incentivized to game the system, ultimately making new drugs appear safer than they really are. Adverse Events provides an unprecedented view of the intersection of racial inequalities with pharmaceutical testing, signaling the dangers of this research enterprise to both social justice and public health.
New York University Press Adverse Events: Race, Inequality, and the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals
Winner, 2022 Donald W. Light Award for Applied Medical Sociology, given by the Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association Winner, 2021 Robert K. Merton Book Award, given by the Science, Knowledge, and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association 2021 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice Magazine Explores the social inequality of clinical drug testing and its effects on scientific results Imagine that you volunteer for the clinical trial of an experimental drug. The only direct benefit of participating is that you will receive up to $5,175. You must spend twenty nights literally locked in a research facility. You will be told what to eat, when to eat, and when to sleep. You will share a bedroom with several strangers. Who are you, and why would you choose to take part in this kind of study? This book explores the hidden world of pharmaceutical testing on healthy volunteers. Drawing on two years of fieldwork in clinics across the country and 268 interviews with participants and staff, it illustrates how decisions to take part in such studies are often influenced by poverty and lack of employment opportunities. It shows that healthy participants are typically recruited from African American and Latino/a communities, and that they are often serial participants, who obtain a significant portion of their income from these trials. This book reveals not only how social inequality fundamentally shapes these drug trials, but it also depicts the important validity concerns inherent in this mode of testing new pharmaceuticals. These highly controlled studies bear little resemblance to real-world conditions, and everyone involved is incentivized to game the system, ultimately making new drugs appear safer than they really are. Adverse Events provides an unprecedented view of the intersection of racial inequalities with pharmaceutical testing, signaling the dangers of this research enterprise to both social justice and public health.
Fordham University Press Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul: A Summer on the Lower East Side
In these pages Jonathan Boyarin invites us to share the intimate life of the Stanton Street Shul, one of the last remaining Jewish congregations on New York’s historic Lower East Side. This narrow building, wedged into a lot designed for an old-law tenement, is full of clamorous voices—the generations of the dead, who somehow contrive to make their presence known, and the newer generation, keeping the building and its memories alive and making themselves Jews in the process. Through the eyes of Boyarin, at once a member of the congregation and a bemused anthropologist, the book follows this congregation of “year-round Jews” through the course of a summer during which its future must once again be decided. The Lower East Side, famous as the jumping off point for millions of Jewish and other immigrants to America, has recently become the hip playground of twenty-something immigrants to the city from elsewhere in America and from abroad. Few imagine that Jewish life there has stubbornly continued through this history of decline and regeneration. Coming inside with Boyarin, we see the congregation’s life as a combination of quiet heroism, ironic humor, disputes for the sake of Heaven and perhaps otherwise, and—above all—the ongoing search for ways to connect with Jewish ancestors while remaining true to oneself in the present. Mornings at the Stanton Street Shul illustrates in poignant and humorous ways the changes in a historic neighborhood facing the challenges of gentrification. It offers readers with no prior knowledge of Judaism and synagogue life a portrait that is at once intimate and intelligible. Most important, perhaps, it shows the congregation’s members to be anything but a monochromatic set of uniform “believers” but rather a gathering of vibrant, imperfect, indisputably down-to-earth individuals coming together to make a community.
Penguin Books Ltd Dreamwalker: The Ballad of Sir Benfro Book One
Dreamwalker is the first spellbinding novel in the new epic fantasy series from J. D. Oswald - The Ballad of Sir Benfro. In a small village, miles from the great cities of the Twin Kingdoms, a young boy called Errol tries to find his way in the world. He's an outsider - he looks different from other children and has never known his father. No one, not even himself, has any knowledge of his true lineage. Deep in the forest, Benfro, the young male dragon begins his training in the subtle arts. Like his mother, Morgwm the Green, he is destined to be a great Mage. No one could imagine that the future of all life in the Twin Kingdoms rests in the hands of these two unlikely heroes. But it is a destiny that will change the lives of boy and dragon forever ... And so begins The Ballad of Sir Benfro - the unputdownable tale of the great dragons returning to the kingdom of men. Breathtakingly compulsive and beautifully written, The Ballad of Sir Benfro is for readers hooked to the world of George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones and those longing for the next Tolkien film adaptation. Dreamwalker is followed by The Rose Cord and The Golden Cage. J. D. Oswald is the author of the epic fantasy series, The Ballad of Sir Benfro. Currently, Dreamwalker, The Rose Cord and The Golden Cage are all available as Penguin eBooks. He is also the author of the Detective Inspector McLean series of crime novels under the name James Oswald. In his spare time James runs a 350-acre livestock farm in North East Fife, where he raises pedigree Highland Cattle and New Zealand Romney Sheep.
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada Salsa: Un poema para cocinar / A Cooking Poem
In this new cooking poem, Jorge Argueta brings us a fun and easy recipe for a yummy salsa.A young boy and his sister gather the ingredients and grind them up in a molcajete, just like their ancestors used to do, singing and dancing all the while.The children imagine that their ingredients are different parts of an orchestra — the tomatoes are bongos and kettledrums, the onion, a maraca, the cloves of garlic, trumpets and the cilantro, the conductor. They chop and then grind these ingredients in the molcajete, along with red chili peppers for the “hotness” that is so delicious, finally adding a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of salt. When they are finished, their mother warms tortillas and their father lays out plates, as the whole family, including the cat and dog, dance salsa in mouth-watering anticipation.Winner of the International Latino Book Award for Guacamole, Jorge Argueta has once again written a recipe-poem that families will delight in.Each book in the cooking poem series features a talented illustrator from the Latino world. In Salsa the text is complemented by the rich, earthy illustrations of multiple award-winning illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh. His interest in honoring the art of the past in contemporary contexts is evident in these wonderful illustrations, which evoke the pre-Columbian Mixtec codex.Key Text FeaturesrecipeCorrelates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.4Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.4Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
Oxford University Press Mass: The quest to understand matter from Greek atoms to quantum fields
Everything around us is made of 'stuff', from planets, to books, to our own bodies. Whatever it is, we call it matter or material substance. It is solid; it has mass. But what is matter, exactly? We are taught in school that matter is not continuous, but discrete. As a few of the philosophers of ancient Greece once speculated, nearly two and a half thousand years ago, matter comes in 'lumps', and science has relentlessly peeled away successive layers of matter to reveal its ultimate constituents. Surely, we can't keep doing this indefinitely. We imagine that we should eventually run up against some kind of ultimately fundamental, indivisible type of stuff, the building blocks from which everything in the Universe is made. The English physicist Paul Dirac called this 'the dream of philosophers'. But science has discovered that the foundations of our Universe are not as solid or as certain and dependable as we might have once imagined. They are instead built from ghosts and phantoms, of a peculiar quantum kind. And, at some point on this exciting journey of scientific discovery, we lost our grip on the reassuringly familiar concept of mass. How did this happen? How did the answers to our questions become so complicated and so difficult to comprehend? In Mass Jim Baggott explains how we come to find ourselves here, confronted by a very different understanding of the nature of matter, the origin of mass, and its implications for our understanding of the material world. Ranging from the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus, and their theories of atoms and void, to the development of quantum field theory and the discovery of a Higgs boson-like particle, he explores our changing understanding of the nature of matter, and the fundamental related concept of mass.
Merrell Publishers Ltd Made in London: From Workshops to Factories
Walking through London's busy streets, you would not imagine that the city boasts one of the world's most diverse manufacturing scenes. But throughout its 32 boroughs, people are making propellers, bicycles, ballet shoes, military uniforms, cardboard packaging, neon signs, umbrellas, chocolate truffles, craft beer and much more. Today there are around 4000 manufacturers based in Greater London, building on the city's rich heritage of making. While producing world-class goods, they are all jostling for space and dealing with familiar challenges, such as rising rents and trying to keep developers at bay. This book provides a fascinating glimpse behind the doors of London's making and manufacturing companies: the processes and spaces that are so often hidden from view, and the people who work there, from sole traders to workforces numbering in the hundreds. The introduction is written by Mark Brearley, an architect and Professor of Urbanism at London Metropolitan Museum who also owns the London-based tray and trolley manufacturer Kaymet. The main part of the book is arranged into chapters grouping similar types of manufacturer. In total, 50 businesses are featured, ranging from the Ford Motor Company in Dagenham, the biggest factory in London; to William Say, third-generation tin-can makers, in Bermondsey; Nichols Brothers, bespoke woodturners, in Walthamstow; Growing Underground, a salad farm in old air-raid shelters under the streets of Clapham; and Jost Haas, Britain's last glass-eye maker, in Mill Hill. Specially commissioned photography by Carmel King captures the making process, the materials, the finished products and the staff at each manufacturer, while concise, engaging descriptions are provided by the design and architecture journalist Clare Dowdy. Made in London is a timely celebration of the vibrant manufacturing scene that contributes so much to the creativity, vitality and economy of the city.
University of Minnesota Press Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era
For the past few hundred years, Western cultures have relied on print. When writing was accomplished by a quill pen, inkpot, and paper, it was easy to imagine that writing was nothing more than a means by which writers could transfer their thoughts to readers. The proliferation of technical media in the latter half of the twentieth century has revealed that the relationship between writer and reader is not so simple. From telegraphs and typewriters to wire recorders and a sweeping array of digital computing devices, the complexities of communications technology have made mediality a central concern of the twenty-first century. Despite the attention given to the development of the media landscape, relatively little is being done in our academic institutions to adjust. In Comparative Textual Media, editors N. Katherine Hayles and Jessica Pressman bring together an impressive range of essays from leading scholars to address the issue, among them Matthew Kirschenbaum on archiving in the digital era, Patricia Crain on the connection between a child’s formation of self and the possession of a book, and Mark Marino exploring how to read a digital text not for content but for traces of its underlying code. Primarily arguing for seeing print as a medium along with the scroll, electronic literature, and computer games, this volume examines the potential transformations if academic departments embraced a media framework. Ultimately, Comparative Textual Media offers new insights that allow us to understand more deeply the implications of the choices we, and our institutions, are making. Contributors: Stephanie Boluk, Vassar College; Jessica Brantley, Yale U; Patricia Crain, NYU; Adriana de Souza e Silva, North Carolina State U; Johanna Drucker, UCLA; Thomas Fulton, Rutgers U; Lisa Gitelman, New York U; William A. Johnson, Duke U; Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, U of Maryland; Patrick LeMieux; Mark C. Marino, U of Southern California; Rita Raley, U of California, Santa Barbara; John David Zuern, U of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
University of Oklahoma Press Picturing Migrants: The Grapes of Wrath and New Deal Documentary Photography
As time passes, personal memories of the Great Depression die with those who lived through the desperate 1930s. In the absence of firsthand knowledge, John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath and the photographs produced for the New Deal's Farm Security Administration (FSA) now provide most of the images that come to mind when we think of the 1930s. That novel and those photographs, as this book shows, share a history. Fully exploring this complex connection for the first time, Picturing Migrants offers new insight into Steinbeck's novel and the FSA's photography - and into the circumstances that have made them enduring icons of the Depression. Looking at the work of Dorothea Lange, Horace Bristol, Arthur Rothstein, and Russell Lee, it is easy to imagine that these images came straight out of the pages of The Grapes of Wrath. This should be no surprise, James R. Swensen tells us, because Steinbeck explicitly turned to photographs of the period to create his visceral narrative of hope and loss among Okie migrants in search of a better life in California. When the novel became an instant best seller upon its release in April 1939, some dismissed its imagery as pure fantasy. Lee knew better and traveled to Oklahoma for proof. The documentary pictures he produced are nothing short of a photographic illustration of the hard lives and desperate reality that Steinbeck so vividly portrayed. In Picturing Migrants, Swensen sets these lesser-known images alongside the more familiar work of Lange and others, giving us a clearer understanding of the FSA's work to publicize the plight of the migrant in the wake of the novel and John Ford's award-winning film adaptation. A new perspective on an era whose hardships and lessons resonate to this day, Picturing Migrants lets us see as never before how a novel and a series of documentary photographs have kept the Great Depression unforgettably real for generation after generation.
Oxford University Press Mass: The quest to understand matter from Greek atoms to quantum fields
Everything around us is made of 'stuff', from planets, to books, to our own bodies. Whatever it is, we call it matter or material substance. It is solid; it has mass. But what is matter, exactly? We are taught in school that matter is not continuous, but discrete. As a few of the philosophers of ancient Greece once speculated, nearly two and a half thousand years ago, matter comes in 'lumps', and science has relentlessly peeled away successive layers of matter to reveal its ultimate constituents. Surely, we can't keep doing this indefinitely. We imagine that we should eventually run up against some kind of ultimately fundamental, indivisible type of stuff, the building blocks from which everything in the Universe is made. The English physicist Paul Dirac called this 'the dream of philosophers'. But science has discovered that the foundations of our Universe are not as solid or as certain and dependable as we might have once imagined. They are instead built from ghosts and phantoms, of a peculiar quantum kind. And, at some point on this exciting journey of scientific discovery, we lost our grip on the reassuringly familiar concept of mass. How did this happen? How did the answers to our questions become so complicated and so difficult to comprehend? In Mass Jim Baggott explains how we come to find ourselves here, confronted by a very different understanding of the nature of matter, the origin of mass, and its implications for our understanding of the material world. Ranging from the Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus, and their theories of atoms and void, to the development of quantum field theory and the discovery of a Higgs boson-like particle, he explores our changing understanding of the nature of matter, and the fundamental related concept of mass.
Harvard University Press Heathen: Religion and Race in American History
An innovative history that shows how the religious idea of the heathen in need of salvation undergirds American conceptions of race.If an eighteenth-century parson told you that the difference between “civilization and heathenism is sky-high and star-far,” the words would hardly come as a shock. But that statement was written by an American missionary in 1971. In a sweeping historical narrative, Kathryn Gin Lum shows how the idea of the heathen has been maintained from the colonial era to the present in religious and secular discourses—discourses, specifically, of race.Americans long viewed the world as a realm of suffering heathens whose lands and lives needed their intervention to flourish. The term “heathen” fell out of common use by the early 1900s, leading some to imagine that racial categories had replaced religious differences. But the ideas underlying the figure of the heathen did not disappear. Americans still treat large swaths of the world as “other” due to their assumed need for conversion to American ways. Purported heathens have also contributed to the ongoing significance of the concept, promoting solidarity through their opposition to white American Christianity. Gin Lum looks to figures like Chinese American activist Wong Chin Foo and Ihanktonwan Dakota writer Zitkála-Šá, who proudly claimed the label of “heathen” for themselves.Race continues to operate as a heathen inheritance in the United States, animating Americans’ sense of being a world apart from an undifferentiated mass of needy, suffering peoples. Heathen thus reveals a key source of American exceptionalism and a prism through which Americans have defined themselves as a progressive and humanitarian nation even as supposed heathens have drawn on the same to counter this national myth.
Oxford University Press Inc Belisarius & Antonina: Love and War in the Age of Justinian
A unique look at a powerful marriage in the celebrated age of Justinian Belisarius and Antonina were titans in the Roman world some 1,500 years ago. Belisarius was the most well-known general of his age, victor over the Persians, conqueror of the Vandals and the Goths, and as if this were not enough, wealthy beyond imagination. His wife, Antonina, was an impressive person in her own right. She made a name for herself by traveling with Belisarius on his military campaigns, deposing a pope, and scheming to disgrace important Roman officials. Together, the pair were extremely influential, and arguably wielded more power in the late Roman world than anyone except the emperor Justinian and empress Theodora themselves. This unadulterated power and wealth did not mean that Belisarius and Antonina were universally successful in all that they undertook. They occasionally stumbled militarily, politically, and personally - in their marriage and with their children. These failures knock them from their lofty perch, humanize them, and make them even more relatable and intriguing to us today. Belisarius & Antonina is the first modern portrait of this unique partnership. They were not merely husband and wife but also partners in power. This is a paradigm which might seem strange to us, as we reflexively imagine that marriages in the ancient world were staunchly traditional, relegating wives to the domestic sphere only. But Antonina was not a reserved housewife, and Belisarius showed no desire for Antonina to remain in the home. Their private and public lives blended as they traveled together, sometimes bringing their children, and worked side-by-side. Theirs was without a doubt the most important nonroyal marriage of the late Roman world, and one of the very few from all of antiquity that speaks directly to contemporary readers.
Oxford University Press Artificial Justice
Imagine that Eric, a young man, has been convicted of a gang-related crime: he was found by police at the scene of a robbery carried out by his friends. The sentencing judge now needs to make a decision. Not knowing whether Eric poses a risk to the public, she turns to an algorithmic risk assessment - a set of rules, developed on the basis of correlations between individual characteristics and criminal activity, which predicts the likelihood of recidivism. Eric is a conscientious citizen, who has never before been in trouble with the law. However, he was raised in foster care, in an area with high rates of crime, poverty, and residential instability- facts to which the algorithm attributes a high risk score. The judge recommends a sentence of the maximum possible duration, with extended post-release supervision. Why does this matter? The answer most often given is that it matters because of inequality, captured through the language of 'bias' or 'discrimination': the effect of using algorithms can be to exacerbate unjustified differences between people, on the basis of considerations such as race, sex, or socio-economic circumstance. Using a diverse set of case studies, and making clear policy recommendations along the way, Artificial Justice unpacks the reasons that we might have to object to the use of statistical algorithms to allocate the burdens of policy decisions. It argues that these reasons extend beyond egalitarian concerns. Importantly, they include reasons that stem from the value of individual choice - of having the chance to affect what happens to us by choosing appropriately and being equipped to exercise those choices well. The book explores the substantive reasons that contribute to a picture of what's at stake for individuals when we use statistical algorithms to make decisions about how to treat others, and makes robust policy recommendations about the scope and nature of human-algorithm interaction. Artificial Justice is a compelling and accessible text, which offers a great deal to a wide and interdisciplinary audience of academics, students, and those otherwise interested in learning about algorithmic justice.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Modern Maverick: Why writing your own rules is better for you, your work and the world
Imagine designing a race that only you could win. Now imagine that race was your life. You’re done with living by other people’s rules. It’s time to define your own version of success and set free your inner maverick. Success is something that many of us are encouraged to pursue from a young age - but what defines 'success'? Many people are taught to set goals in pursuit of a generic definition of success that is dictated by society: chase money, pass exams, build profile, attract followers, or generate likes. Even if we do reach the top of the mountain, we often find it to be less than we expected. Living someone else’s life is draining; individuals are tired and society is poorer as a consequence. The Modern Maverick sets out a roadmap for a different way forward. A way that combines purpose and profit. A way that helps you figure out your own definition of success and gives you the courage and tools to pursue it. It moves beyond a general question around purpose, and instead focuses on identifying what you are truly passionate about, what you are uniquely good at, what you can get paid enough for - and how all of that dovetails with what the world needs. Using a distilled set of 'Maverick' principles, the books presents a clear 4D process to help you create the life you want: 1. Discover - what are you uniquely able to do 2. Dream - about what is possible for your life 3. Do - create and put into action your Maverick plan 4. Develop - ensure the plan evolves and deepens By helping you find the best version of yourself, your work and your relationships, the book shows you how to build your inner Maverick. By becoming clearer and more intentional about how and where you spend your energy and focus, you can create a life where you have positive impact, autonomy, choice and time. A win for you, but – crucially – a win for those close to you, and, over time, a win for society at large.
Workman Publishing The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream: The Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer
“A tour de force of storytelling.” —Louise Penny, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Chief Inspector Gamache series“Jobb’s excellent storytelling makes the book a pleasure to read.” —The New York Times Book Review “When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals,” Sherlock Holmes observed during one of his most baffling investigations. “He has nerve and he has knowledge.” In the span of fifteen years, Dr. Thomas Neill Cream murdered as many as ten people in the United States, Britain, and Canada, a death toll with almost no precedent. Poison was his weapon of choice. Largely forgotten today, this villain was as brazen as the notorious Jack the Ripper. Structured around the doctor’s London murder trial in 1892, when he was finally brought to justice, The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream exposes the blind trust given to medical practitioners, as well as the flawed detection methods, bungled investigations, corrupt officials, and stifling morality of Victorian society that allowed Dr. Cream to prey on vulnerable and desperate women, many of whom had turned to him for medical help. Dean Jobb transports readers to the late nineteenth century as Scotland Yard traces Dr. Cream’s life through Canada and Chicago and finally to London, where new investigative tools called forensics were just coming into use, even as most police departments still scoffed at using science to solve crimes. But then, most investigators could hardly imagine that serial killers existed—the term was unknown. As the Chicago Tribune wrote, Dr. Cream’s crimes marked the emergence of a new breed of killer: one who operated without motive or remorse, who “murdered simply for the sake of murder.” For fans of Erik Larson’s The Devil in the White City, all things Sherlock Holmes, or the podcast My Favorite Murder, The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream is an unforgettable true crime story from a master of the genre.
Hodder & Stoughton Breaking the Silence: The inspiriational story of a girl born deaf and how she took the gamble of a lifetime to hear
Imagine for a moment that you have never heard the voices of those you love, the music on the radio, the sound of birdsong at dawn, nor the persistent passing traffic on the road you walk down. Now imagine that the lips you have watched moving, the faces that you have smiled at, the words that you read in front of you all slowly start to disappear too. It's hard to comprehend, isn't it? Jo Milne had already lived a lifetime surrounded by silence, profoundly deaf from birth, when she began to lose her sight. Just before turning thirty, Jo was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome, a condition that will progressively affect her eyesight too. Although at this lowest ebb Jo suffered from deep depression, she has always been determined to live her life to the full. Jo has never let her disabilities affect the way she embraces life, however there was always so much that she was missing. In 2014 she made a life-changing decision to undergo major surgery. She had cochlear implants fitted allowing her to hear for the first time. Every moment of Jo's days since the operation has become a journey of discovery.She has been able to hear the voice of her own mother who has stood by her and helped her through some of her darkest moments. She has heard birds sing, people chatting and the sound of children laughing. She is embarking on an incredible journey through four missed generations of music - from the hymns she missed in school assembly to sweeping orchestral performances, from the Beatles and Rolling Stones to the music of this very moment and everything in between. Breaking the Silence is a remarkable and beautifully written memoir that will serve as an inspiration to everyone who reads it. By turns, heart-breaking and heart-warming, it is the incredibly uplifting life-story of a woman who refused to give up hope and always lives life with a smile upon her face.Watch Jo hear for the first time here:
University of Pennsylvania Press Star Territory: Printing the Universe in Nineteenth-Century America
The United States has been a space power since its founding, Gordon Fraser writes. The white stars on its flag reveal the dream of continental elites that the former colonies might constitute a "new constellation" in the firmament of nations. The streets and avenues of its capital city were mapped in reference to celestial observations. And as the nineteenth century unfolded, all efforts to colonize the North American continent depended upon the science of surveying, or mapping with reference to celestial movement. Through its built environment, cultural mythology, and exercise of military power, the United States has always treated the cosmos as a territory available for exploitation. In Star Territory Fraser explores how from its beginning, agents of the state, including President John Adams, Admiral Charles Henry Davis, and astronomer Maria Mitchell, participated in large-scale efforts to map the nation onto cosmic space. Through almanacs, maps, and star charts, practical information and exceptionalist mythologies were transmitted to the nation's soldiers, scientists, and citizens. This is, however, only one part of the story Fraser tells. From the country's first Black surveyors, seamen, and publishers to the elected officials of the Cherokee Nation and Hawaiian resistance leaders, other actors established alternative cosmic communities. These Black and indigenous astronomers, prophets, and printers offered ways of understanding the heavens that broke from the work of the U.S. officials for whom the universe was merely measurable and exploitable. Today, NASA administrators advocate public-private partnerships for the development of space commerce while the military seeks to control strategic regions above the atmosphere. If observers imagine that these developments are the direct offshoots of a mid-twentieth-century space race, Fraser brilliantly demonstrates otherwise. The United States' efforts to exploit the cosmos, as well as the resistance to these efforts, have a history that starts nearly two centuries before the Gemini and Apollo missions of the 1960s.
Spinifex Press Broken Bonds: Surrogate Mothers Speak Out
Celebrity couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and their sweet new baby Chicago. Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black and their cute little baby Robert. And thousands of other couples and single people around the world who obtain babies through surrogacy arrangements. The general public is compassionate to their plight and supportive of their 'right' to a baby. But who are the faceless, nameless women who nurture and give birth to these babies? These women who are left with empty arms and leaking breasts after delivery? Surrogacy-dealing companies call them ‘special angels’ who ‘make miracles possible’, giving ‘an extraordinary gift’. IVF clinics call them ‘gestational surrogates’. The intended parents have promised them healthcare, full reimbursement, and ongoing contact with the baby. What could possibly go wrong? Everything. Because surrogacy violates the human rights of the women whose bodies are used, and the children who are born. Because it is a fundamentally flawed and misogynist concept to imagine that women are interchangeable. And it is wishful thinking that watertight legal contracts and counselling can fix this. In this book, strong and courageous women from the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, India, Austria and Russia share their true stories of becoming 'surrogate' mothers out of kindness and compassion (or need for money), only to be deceived, neglected, abused, harassed, or abandoned by ‘baby buyers’, clinics, and lawyers. Their stories are tragic, shocking, and revelatory of a profit-driven industry that preys on desperation and women’s compassion. It becomes clear that it is not the occasional dysfunctional relationship or unreasonable surrogate causing problems in the surrogacy industry. Rather, it is the very nature of surrogacy as well as the surrogacy industry to use and abuse and discard. This book throws down a challenge to Big Fertility and its minions: women are not ovens or suitcases, babies are not products. Love is not to be bought.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Che Guevara: the definitive portrait of one of the twentieth century's most fascinating historical figures, by critically-acclaimed New York Times journalist Jon Lee Anderson
With unprecedented access to the Cuban Government's archives and total co-operation from Che's widow, Aleida March, as well as access to hitherto unpublished documents, including several of Che's personal diaries, this biography of one of history's most fascinating figures by critically-acclaimed New York Times journalist Jon Lee Anderson is truly definitive and monumental - not least because its creation solved a twenty-eight-year-old mystery: the whereabouts of Che Guevara's body...'Masterly and absorbing' -- The Sunday Times'Brilliantly evoked... The portrait is now as complete as it will ever be' -- The Times Literary Supplement'Absorbing and convincing... an indispensable work of contemporary history' ? Guardian'Probably the best biography I have read' -- ***** Reader review'It's hard to imagine that this work can be bettered' -- ***** Reader review'Simply outstanding' -- ***** Reader review'A terrific read and genuinely the type of book you can't put down after you start reading......' -- ***** Reader review***************************************************************A myth in his own lifetime; an international martyr-figure upon his death; a revolutionary fighter; a military strategist; a social philosopher; an economist; a medical doctor; a friend and confidant of Fidel Castro.Che Guevara's dream was an epic one - to unite Latin America and the rest of the developing world through armed revolution, and to end once and for all the poverty, injustice and petty nationalisms that had bled it for centuries. In the end Che failed in his quest but he is recognized as that one-in-a-million personality who just might have pulled it off.Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life shuttles between the revolutionary capitals of Havana and Algiers to the battlegrounds of Bolivia and the Congo; from the halls of power in Moscow and Washington to the exile havens of Miami, Mexico and Guatemala, in a gripping tale of revolution, international intrigue and covert operations. It has an epic sweep as it evokes an era of tumultuous change, describing major events like the Bay of Pigs invasion, the October Missile crisis and Kennedy's assassination, weaving in a cast of historic personalities including Castro, Kennedy, Kruschev, Mao Tse-tung, Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.With its painstaking research, never-before-seen documentation and compelling narrative, this is really the ultimate biography of a unique man.
Hamilcar Publications Bundini: Don't Believe The Hype
“Mr. Snyder writes lyrically, and his research appears to be impeccable: It’s hard to imagine that anyone has slipped through his interview net… When Bundini died, Ali was abroad and unable to attend the funeral, but he sent flowers with a card that read: ‘You made me the greatest.’ Many members of the boxing fraternity, George Foreman and Larry Holmes included, think that Ali wasn’t exaggerating. Mr. Snyder’s affecting portrait will convince the rest of us as well.” —Gordon Marino, Wall Street Journal“I think Bundini was the source of Muhammad Ali’s spirit. I wouldn’t even call him a trainer or cornerman, he was more important than a trainer. Ali had an unmeasurable determination and he got it from Bundini.” —George Foreman“When you talk about Bundini, you are talking about the mouthpiece of Muhammad Ali, an extension of Muhammad Ali’s spirit. There would never have been a Muhammad Ali without Drew Bundini Brown.” —Khalilah Camacho-Ali (Muhammad Ali’s second wife)“Bundini gave Ali his entire heart. Bundini played a very important part in Ali’s career. He was Ali’s right hand man. He knew exactly how to motivate him. He was the one guy who could really get him up to train and get him ready to fight.” —Larry HolmesFifty years after he coined the iconic phrase Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Drew “Bundini” Brown remains one of boxing’s most mysterious and misunderstood figures. His impact on the sport and the culture at large is undeniable. Cornerman and confidant to two of the greatest fighters ever—Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali—Brown lived an extraordinary American life.After a poverty-stricken childhood in Jim Crow Florida, Brown came of age traveling the world as a naval steward. On being discharged, he settled in New York City and spent wild nights in the jazz joints of Harlem, making a name for himself as the charismatic street philosopher and poet some called “Fast Black.” He married a white woman from a family of Orthodox Jewish immigrants, in dramatic defiance of 1950s cultural norms, and later appeared in films such as the blaxploitation classic, Shaft.In Bundini, Todd Snyder digs deep into Brown’s expansive story, revealing not only how he became Muhammad Ali’s “hype man,” but also, as boxing’s greatest motivator, how he became a model for others who seek to inspire, in any endeavor.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Men Who Hate Women: From incels to pickup artists, the truth about extreme misogyny and how it affects us all
***Laura Bates' new book Fix the System, Not the Women is out now in paperback*** The extremism nobody talks aboutAnd how it affects us all 'Laura Bates does so much of the dispiriting, heavy lifting in 21st century feminism. She trudges through it like a boss, and puts out books that perfectly describe growing problems, and possible solutions. She's a proper hero at the coal mouth.' Caitlin Moran ‘Laura Bates has done it again. From bantz to outright brutality, she exposes the landscape of misogyny. Passionate and forensic, Bates produces a powerful feminist clarion call. The world needs to take notice. Things must change.’ Anita Anand 'Fascinating, mind-blowing and deeply intelligent book that should be recommend reading for every person on our planet.' Scarlett Curtis 'In Men Who Hate Women, Laura Bates offers the alternative red pill to those who favour love, logic and humanity over debilitating hate.' Shami Chakrabarti 'A book of courage and tenacity.’ Robin Ince ‘This is how change is made: by looking at uncomfortable things directly in the eye and not turning away. This book is a rallying cry to end suffering, for both women AND men.’ Emma Gannon 'Men Who Hate Women has the power to spark social change.' Sunday Times Imagine a world in which a vast network of incels and other misogynists are able to operate, virtually undetected. These extremists commit deliberate terrorist acts against women. Vulnerable teenage boys are groomed and radicalised. You don't have to imagine that world. You already live in it. Perhaps you didn’t know, because we don’t like to talk about it. But it’s time we start. In this urgent and groundbreaking book, Laura Bates, bestselling author and founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, goes undercover to expose vast misogynist networks and communities. It’s a deep dive into the worldwide extremism nobody talks about. Interviews with former members of these groups and the people fighting against them gives unique insights on how this movement operates. Ideas are spread from the darkest corners of the internet – via trolls, media and celebrities – to schools, workplaces and the corridors of power, becoming a part of our collective consciousness. Uncensored, and sometimes both shocking and terrifying – this is the uncomfortable truth about the world we live in. And what we must do to change it.
Orion Publishing Co Slave to Sensation: A dark, intense and smouldering sexy read
In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of 'rehabilitation' - the complete psychic erasure of her personality ...Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murder of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion - and that the animal in him is fascinated by her.Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities - or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation ...***** 'WOW! WOW! WOW! I honestly don't know what to say about this book that hasn't already been said numerous times other than it's easily become my FAVORITE paranormal romance thus far. There wasn't a single thing about this story that I didn't absolutely and completely love.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A book I have read so many times, the first book in Singh's Psy-Changeling series is an absolute gem. Singh has created a world that grabs your attention and never let's go. We get well-rounded, three dimensional characters, and an engaging plot, all of which ensures you'll want to read it again and again.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A brand new original and slightly futuristic world. This series truly has one of the best world building in the genre with a general plot that just keep you riveted and guessing. This is my third read and not only I don't tire of it but each read brings into light new elements.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'What if you lived in a world that disavowed emotion, promoting only the powers of the mind? Hard to imagine that your heart could get you punished or make you considered to be defective. Welcome to Nalini Singh's world of changelings, a race of part human, part animals and step into the broiling conflict with another powerful race of Psy, with their powers of the mind.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC World-whizzing Facts: Awesome Earth Questions Answered
'Never mind the kids, I’ve had an education from reading this book! ... Recommended for any budding scientists, eco-warriors or fans of weird facts' Rachel Riley, TV presenter and mathematician ‘The best way to get out of being bored is discovering something new. The great thing about this book is it whizzes you off to a world of facts you had never heard of. Result: not being bored. Result!’ Michael Rosen, Children’s poet and author ‘Every page bursting with fantastic facts you never thought you needed to know. Indispensable, planet-saving, fact-tastic fun for all the family!’ Dallas Campbell, BBC Science presenter In this new book, TV science expert Dr Emily Grossman answers incredible and important questions about our natural world. You’ll find out silly things like why some animals do square-shaped poos and which direction a dog is likely to face while weeing, but you’ll also learn what climate change and wildlife loss are actually doing to our planet and what YOU can do to help. Covering a diverse range of key science topics, from human biology and animals and plants to the weather and space, Dr Emily shows readers why Earth is so weird and wonderfully great. Did you know there's a planet in our solar system where it actually rains diamonds? Imagine that! If you lived there, you'd always be picking them out of your hair, your pockets and probably your pants! Dr Emily also tackles Earth's BIGGEST problem: climate change. Through clear, sensitive explanations, you’ll find out what is actually happening to our Earth and what this means for both humans and wildlife - and what we can all do to help! Written by TV science expert, STEM ambassador and advocate for women in science Dr Emily Grossman, this book will make your eyebrows rise, your jaw drop and your world WHIZZ! It will also give you hope about our future and how we can ALL make a difference. ‘I love this book! It's funny, accessible and quirky and has exactly the right balance of questions and information to light the flame of scientific inquiry in young minds. A must-read for all budding young scientists’ Lucy Hawking, Children’s science author ‘Since we got this book, all my kids want to talk about is diamond rain, tuna fish eyeballs and how to save the planet … thank goodness Emily has written down the answers to their insatiably curious questions in a single handy and hilarious volume’ Helen Arney, Science presenter, comedian and author Emily Grossman's first book Brain-fizzing Facts: Awesome Science Questions Answered was shortlisted for the Teach Primary Book Awards 2020.
Colourpoint Creative Ltd Reporting the Troubles 2: More Journalists Tell Their Stories of the Northern Ireland Conflict
In this follow-up to their landmark first book, Deric Henderson and Ivan Little have gathered new stories from seventy journalists who have worked in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. These contributors write powerfully about the victims they have never forgotten, the events that have never left them, and the lasting impact of working through those terrible years. Reporting the Troubles 2, which includes contributions from a new generation of journalists, who came up in the years leading to the Good Friday Agreement, provides a compelling narrative of the last fifty years, and covers many of the key events in Northern Ireland’s troubled history, from Bloody Sunday in 1972 to the inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre in 2021. Grounded in the passionate belief that good journalism and good journalists make a difference, Reporting the Troubles 2 is a profoundly moving act of remembrance and testimony. 'I am sometimes asked to identify the most important story that I dealt with while I was editor of the Irish Times … I answer that the most important story was not published in a single day but over years. And it was not put together by any one journalist but by a whole cohort of reporters, photographers, feature writers and editors … For the most part they just got by-lines and the satisfaction of knowing that what they were doing was important, that the story had to be told, day by day, hour by hour. And that telling it could make a difference. It is difficult to imagine that there could ever have been a peace process without that.’ CONOR BRADY, former editor, Irish Times Contributions from - Gordon Adair, Don Anderson, Ciaran Barnes, Colin Bateman, Jilly Beattie, Charlie Bird, David Blevins, Declan Bogue, Conor Brady, Stephen Breen, Eugene Campbell, Peter Cardwell, Mark Carruthers, Niall Carson, Paddy Clancy, Simon Cole, Liam Collins, Mark Davey, Donna Deeney, Michael Denieffe, Patricia Devlin, Michael Donnelly, Roisín Duffy, Gavin Esler, Michael Fisher, Jim Flanagan, Mike Gaston, Gareth Gordon, Jim Gracey, Paul Harris, Deric Henderson, Mark Hennessy, Gary Honeyford, Paul Johnson, Fergal Keane, Vincent Kearney, Gerry Kelly, Will Leitch, Ivan Little, Robin Livingstone, David Lynas, Darragh MacIntyre, Michael Macmillan, Kevin Magee, Stanley Matchett, Don McAleer, Roisin McAuley, Barry McCaffrey, Jonny McCambridge, Freya McClements, Sir Trevor McDonald, Lindy McDowell, Mark McFadden, Hugh McGrattan, Seamus McKee, Fearghal McKinney, Allison Morris, Rod Nawn, Malachi O’Doherty, Maggie O’Kane, Mike Parry, Lance Price, Colin Randall, Paul Reynolds, Maggie Taggart, Eric Villiers, John Ware, Nicholas Watt, Johnny Watterson, David Young.
Seven Arches Publishing Time Traveller Danny and the Codebreaker: Special Commemorative Edition
The first edition of 'Time Traveller Danny and the Codebreaker' came out in 2012, the centenary of Alan Turing's birth, when there were still many adults, never mind children, who did not know of Turing's role in the top-secret work at Bletchley Park deciphering the German enigma code in World War 2, nor did they know of the part he played in the emerging science of computers. Much has changed since then. There has been a film about his life and work and the country has tried to make amends for their dreadful treatment of gay people including Alan Turing in the 1950's. In 2013 the Queen issued a royal pardon. In our new edition we are publishing the text of the official public apology made be the then prime minister, Gordon Brown in 2009. This alone makes this a commemorative edition, but we have done more to make this a special book. Readers can still enjoy the exciting adventure created by Paul Morris, the author. Although the adventure relies on time travel, the historical elements were carefully researched and that has made the book popular with both children and the adults who know much of the history. The main protagonist, Danny travels back in time and meets Alan Turing first as a young boy. He is cycling over 40 miles to his new school because the general strike had cancelled public transport. This, of course, is a factual occurrence and it would not take much to imagine that on this long ride a young boy might feel like giving up or that something unexpected happens, both possibilities used by Paul to draw in the reader. Then there follows a much more dangerous meeting in the secret world of Bletchley Park. Through talks and workshops featuring his book, Paul has inspired children and adults to find out more about Alan Turing, his life and his work. and this led to the inclusion in this special edition of the very best pieces of writing by children and young people who entered our 2018/19 writing competition. The outstanding quality of their work is a very fitting and touching tribute to Professor Turing. Another addition is the list of books, supplied to us by the Sherborne librarian that the schoolboy, Alan borrowed from the school library - surely of special interest to all librarians and teachers. Finally, we have teamed up with our very own cryptographer, Jo Welch, who has provided three coded messages for readers to crack. How will readers know if they have cracked these codes? Can you keep a secret and never every tell? - the mantra of those serving in Bletchley Park during World War 2.
Libri Publishing Harris Lebus: A Romance with the Furniture Trade
This book explores the history of the furniture manufacturer Harris Lebus from 1840 to 1970. Four generations of the Lebus family were engaged in the business which evolved from a family partnership into a public company. Oliver Lebus was chairman when the company ceased cabinet furniture manufacturing at Tottenham Hale in 1970. Using personal testimonies from those who were there, aspects of the story of 'the largest furniture factory' in the world are told through their eyes and using, in as far as possible, their own words.On a relatively, unremarkable North London Street, at Tottenham Hale, a set of railings stops short at a bricked wall on which a metal gatepost is affixed - this was the Ferry Lane entrance to Harris Lebus 'the largest furniture factory in the world'. Beyond the solitary post, a sloped, grass verge leads to a pleasant, low-rise housing built in the 1970's - Ferry Lane estate, and it is hard to imagine that this was once a bustling, energised furniture manufacturing hub. For seventy years furniture flowed on conveyor belts, and through a tunnel under Ferry Lane as the factory expanded in the fifties to occupy what is now Hale Village. During both World Wars the parts for wooden aircraft were made and assembled in huge workshops that were shrouded in secrecy. With the discovery of the factory underground war shelters in 2008 under what is now Hale Village and a subsequent Lebus exhibition curated by Haringey Local History Archives, interest was generated in this aspect of history and which has subsequently gathered momentum. Thousands of workers, each living individual lives came from near and far to spend their working days at Lebus. Many formed lifelong friendships, and just as four generations of the Lebus family spent their working lives in the factory, so too did successive generations of other families. Seemingly forgotten in the passing of time, they all left an indelible mark in this history. And in the case of some, their identities now emerge as their stories are explored; they are brought back to life telling their experiences in their own words. This is Paul Collier's first foray into authorship. In 2008, shortly after moving to Ferry Lane estate, Paul made a connection with Oliver Lebus, then in his nineties and who was the last family member of four generations at the company. They formed a special friendship and over several afternoons at his home in Kensington, Oliver introduced the author to his personal archives on which the foundations of this book were laid. Fully supported by both Haringey Local History Archives and members of the extended Lebus family, Harris Lebus - A Romance with the Furniture Trade, fully illustrated with over 200 photographs and images is a must read! His debut book appeals to a wide audience - interest in this history extends far beyond the locality of Tottenham Hale and Haringey, and will delight social historians and those with connections to the furniture trade, past and present.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Rise: A Pop History of Asian America from the Nineties to Now
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROne of Barnes and Noble's Best History Books of 2022 * Finalist for the CALIBA Golden Poppy Award * A Goodreads Readers Choice Nominee"Hip, entertaining...imaginative."—Kirkus, starred review * "Essential." —Min Jin Lee * "A Herculean effort."—Lisa Ling * "A must-read."—Ijeoma Oluo * "Get two copies."—Shea Serrano * "A bo2ok we've needed for ages." —Celeste Ng * "Accessible, informative, and fun." —Cathy Park Hong * "This book has serious substance...Also, I'm in it."—Ronny ChiengRISE is a love letter to and for Asian Americans--a vivid scrapbook of voices, emotions, and memories from an era in which our culture was forged and transformed, and a way to preserve both the headlines and the intimate conversations that have shaped our community into who we are today.When the Hart-Celler Act passed in 1965, opening up US immigration to non-Europeans, it ushered in a whole new era. But even to the first generation of Asian Americans born in the US after that milestone, it would have been impossible to imagine that sushi and boba would one day be beloved by all, that a Korean boy band named BTS would be the biggest musical act in the world, that one of the most acclaimed and popular movies of 2018 would be Crazy Rich Asians, or that we would have an Asian American Vice President. And that’s not even mentioning the creators, performers, entrepreneurs, execs and influencers who've been making all this happen, behind the scenes and on the screen; or the activists and representatives continuing to fight for equity, building coalitions and defiantly holding space for our voices and concerns. And still: Asian America is just getting started.The timing could not be better for this intimate, eye-opening, and frequently hilarious guided tour through the pop-cultural touchstones and sociopolitical shifts of the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and beyond. Jeff Yang, Phil Yu, and Philip Wang chronicle how we’ve arrived at today’s unprecedented diversity of Asian American cultural representation through engaging, interactive infographics (including a step-by-step guide to a night out in K-Town, an atlas that unearths historic Asian American landmarks, a handy “Appreciation or Appropriation?” flowchart, and visual celebrations of both our "founding fathers and mothers" and the nostalgia-inducing personalities of each decade), plus illustrations and graphic essays from major AAPI artists, exclusive roundtables with Asian American cultural icons, and more, anchored by extended insider narratives of each decade by the three co-authors. Rise is an informative, lively, and inclusive celebration of both shared experiences and singular moments, and all the different ways in which we have chosen to come together.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Narrative Identities: Psychologists Engaged in Self-Construction
" I can imagine that convincing psychologists to put pen to paper to construct narratives of their own lives, revealing stories about significant influences in their personal and professional identities was no easy feat. Yancy and Hadley have done just this, and their edited book offers a fascinating way to gain greater insight into the theoretical ideas of key psychologists through their self-construction."- Psychologist`…There is much to be inspired by, to reflect upon, to learn from, and to understand from a thorough reading of this book.' - Nordic Journal of Music Therapy`A collection of papers in which psychologists from assorted theoretical orientations take part in an exercise to discover how they came to be the `particular epistemic agents they have become'. Narrative, social constructionist, feminist, postmodernist, poststructuralist, hermeneutic, existential, phenomenological, humanistic, critical, psychoanalytic, performative, social therapeutic - they are all here.'- Journal of Analytical Psychology`Thirteen leading psychologists offer personal reflections on their professional identities within the context of their larger social lives. Their conceptions of self hood are examined through the lens of the theoretical presuppositions used in their daily work. These include narrative, feminist, social constructionist, postmodernist, hermeneutic, critical, poststructuralist, humanistic, and psychoanalytical therapeutic approaches'. - Book News`What a fascinating and illuminating work! Yancy and Hadley have succeeded in stimulating a group of accomplished narratologists in psychology…to deliberate on the ways in which their life experiences are related to their scholarly explorations of narrative. The authors…grace us with illuminating and articulate insights into the close linkages between personal and intellectual development.'- Ken Gergen, Mustin Professor of Psychology, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, and Mary Gergen, Professor of Psychology & Women's Studies,Penn State University, Delaware`I found Yancy and Hadley's collection of intellectual autobiographies a rich source for understanding and insight into the lives and innovations of the psychologists who are leading the development of the new approaches in psychology.'- Donald E. Polkinghorne, PhD, Attallah Chair of Humanistic Psychology, University of Southern CaliforniaIn this thoughtful collection, thirteen eminent psychologists from diverse schools of thought - including social constructionism, narrative psychology, feminism, phenomenology and psychoanalysis - examine their professional identities in the context of their personal biographies.The contributors address challenging questions about identity in relation to personality development, language and socialisation. They demonstrate how their cultural and historical contexts influenced their theoretical approaches to the nature of `self' and how these ideas in turn shaped how they perceive their personal histories.This unique insight into the lives of highly influential psychologists is a valuable reference and compelling reading for psychologists reflecting on their professional practice, and for anyone investigating issues of selfhood and identity from a psychological or philosophical perspective.
Penguin Books Ltd The Hurlers: The First All-Ireland Championship and the Making of Modern Hurling
In 1882, a letter was published in the Irish Times, lamenting the decline of hurling. The game was now played only in a few isolated rural pockets, and according to no fixed set of rules. It would have been absurd to imagine that, within five years, an all-Ireland hurling championship would be underway, under the auspices of a powerful national organization.The Hurlers is a superbly readable account of that dramatic turn of events, of the colourful men who made it happen, and of the political intrigues and violent rows that marked the early years of the GAA. From the very start, republican and ecclesiastical interests jockeyed for control, along with a small core of enthusiasts who were just in it for the sport. In this authoritative and seriously entertaning book, Paul Rouse shows how sport, culture and politics swirled together in a heady, often chaotic mix.'Fascinating ... a brilliantly researched book on hurling in the early years of the GAA' Martin Breheny, Irish Independent 'I heartily recommend it. Great picture of the emergence of modern Ireland amidst sport, nationalism, priests and assorted crazy hotheads ... Brilliant stuff' Dara Ó Briain 'A story of pioneerism, passion, intrigue, skulduggery and commitment ... a must read for the many sports, and particularly hurling, supporters and admirers in today's version of Ireland' Irish Times'Brilliantly entertaining ... not just the gripping account of that first championship, but also of how the game of hurling itself was saved in the 1880s from what seemed certain extinction' Sunday Independent 'Terrific' Kieran Shannon, Irish Examiner 'Can't recommend this enough. Amazing detail, brilliant story telling, full sweep of Irish life in the 1880's and all the seeds and fault lines of GAA life today brought to life' Ger Gilroy 'A brilliant piece of work' Matt Cooper'Both a sports and a history book, full of wonderful stories from a different time, with tales of passion, skullduggery and controversy, played out against the backdrop of what could be described as a civil war within the GAA and a land war that threatened to rip the country apart' RTÉ Culture 'Fascinating' Frank McNally, Irish Times'A page turner that continues to deliver chapter after chapter ... The Hurlers is a must read' Limerick Leader'A superbly readable account ... an authoritative and seriously entertaining book' Ireland's Own'The perfect read for a brilliant hurling year' Caitriona Lally, Irish Independent Top Books of 2018'A vital look into the early years of the GAA and a perfect gift for both sport and history lovers' Mark Gallagher, Mail on Sunday Books of 2018'Marries forensic historical research of the cultural and political contexts for the emergence of modern hurling with a polished style and storytelling ability that is rare among historians' Diarmaid Ferriter, Irish Times Books of 2018'Marvellous ... the definitive account of this remarkable period when hurling came to life' Clonmel Nationalist'Brilliant' Kenny Archer, Irish News
American Psychological Association How to Navigate Middle School: Kid Confident Book 4
“Smart and essential!” —Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid series"They used to tell kids to chant "sticks and stones" or "just ignore it." It didn't work. This book helps kids find the opposite approach: don't ignore it; understand it."--Tom Angleberger, Origami YodaHow to Navigate Middle School shows readers how to handle the increasing academic demands of middle school, organizational skills and time management, how to be self-determined, have grit, and a sense of agency. Whether you are just starting middle school or getting ready for the next grade, you probably have ideas about what the school year will be like--or should be like. Maybe you imagine that perfect day in middle school, where you are picked class president, made tons of new friends, or became the captain of the soccer team, or crushed your Spanish vocab test. Or maybe you imagine more a disastrous days...where you can’t get your locker open, don’t have anywhere to sit in the cafeteria, or trip while walking down the hallway. Or maybe you have heard from a friend or older sibling middle school teachers are strict or you will have 10 hours of homework a night! Whatever you have heard, it's most likely a combination some truth but a whole lot of drama and exaggeration. This book will help you separate fact from fiction and give you the tools and strategies you will need to find your place and be your best self in middle school. It will help you handle the increasing academic demands of middle school, teach amazing organizational skills and time management, show you what it takes to have grit and grow in amazing ways!Kid Confident Book 4: How to Navigate Middle School is part of an awesome book series developed with expert psychologist and series editor, Bonnie Zucker, PsyD that authentically captures the middle school experience. These nonfiction books skillfully guide middle schoolers through those tricky years between elementary and high school with a supporting voice of a trusted big sister or a favorite aunt, stealthily offering life lessons and evidence-based coping skills. Readers of Telgemeir's Guts will recognize similar mental health and wellness strategies and fans of Patterson's Middle School series will appreciate the honest look at uncertainty and chaos that middle graders can bring. Kid Confident offers what kids need to have fun with it all and navigate middle school with confidence, humor, perspective, and feel our mad respect for being the amazing humans they already are. Books in the series:Kid Confident (Book #1): How to Manage Your SOCIAL POWER in Middle School by Bonnie Zucker, PsyDKid Confident (Book #2): How to Master Your MOOD in Middle School by Lenka Glassman, PsyDKid Confident (Book #3): How to Handle STRESS for Middle School Success by Silvi Guerra, PsyDKid Confident (Book #4): How to NAVIGATE Middle School by Anna Pozzatti, PhD & Bonnie Massimino, MEd