Search results for ""Humboldt""
De Gruyter Ahnen, Göttinnen und Helden: Skulpturen aus Asien, Afrika und Europa
Beschützen, heilen oder bestrafen – diese Kräfte schrieben Menschen verschiedener Zeiten und Herkünfte den Bildwerken zu, die hier zum ersten Mal gemeinsam vorgestellt werden: sei es die Skulptur des Mangaaka aus der heutigen Republik Kongo, die Schutzgöttin Mahamayuri aus China oder die Maria auf der Weltkugel aus Süddeutschland. 45 Objekte aus zwei Berliner Museen, entstanden zwischen dem 4. und 19. Jahrhundert, vermitteln ein lebendiges Zeugnis der allgegenwärtigen Bedürfnisse nach Schutz und Orientierung bei der Bewältigung individueller oder gesellschaftlicher Krisen. Sie stehen für die Existenz einer nicht-sichtbaren Welt von Göttern, Geistern oder Ahnen und schufen eine Verbindung zwischen dem Diesseits und einer „anderen Wirklichkeit". Durch ihre museale Präsentation ist ihr Gebrauchszusammenhang oftmals verlorengegangen – ein Umstand, der von den Autor/-innen dieses Buches kritisch reflektiert wird.
De Gruyter Gegen den Strom: Die Omaha. Francis La Flesche und seine Sammlung
Francis La Flesche (1857–1932) lebte zwischen zwei Welten: Als Umoⁿhoⁿ (Omaha) kämpfte er für deren Rechte, als Wissenschaftler erforschte er seine eigene Kultur. Er gilt als erster indigener Ethnologe Nordamerikas und steht stellvertretend für die vielen indigenen Akteur/-innen, ohne die ethnologische Sammlungen niemals entstanden wären. Die meisten dieser Personen sind uns nicht mehr bekannt, denn im Zentrum stehen bis heute die europäischen und nordamerikanischen Sammler. Francis La Flesche bildet eine Ausnahme: Seine Arbeit gibt einen Einblick in indigene Handlungsmacht und deren Widerstand gegen Rassismus und Kolonialismus sowie die aktive Teilhabe am Handel mit Objekten. Das Buch präsentiert zum ersten Mal La Flesches Aufzeichnungen über die Gegenstände, die er der 1894 ins heutige Ethnologische Museum nach Berlin gesandten Sammlung beigab – ein beeindruckendes Zeugnis seiner erfolgreichen Bemühungen, die Kultur der Omaha für künftige Generationen zu bewahren.
Escritos sobre formación y lenguaje
Esta edición, preparada por Pilar Mancebo Pérez, reúne en un único volumen diferentes trabajos de Wilhelm von Humboldt, escritos en distintas etapas de su vida ?de 1792 es el más temprano, de 1835, ya al final de sus días, el más tardío?.Todos ellos están recorridos por una idea común, la humanitas, vocación universalista en virtud de la cual la individualidad, el lenguaje o el concepto de nación no quedan recogidos sobre sí mismos, autonomizados en su validez y, también, en su potencialidad conflictiva.Asuntos tales como la formación (Bildung), el origen del hombre, el carácter de los griegos o, en un plano más político, la necesaria limitación de las atribuciones del Estado y la organización de los sistemas de instrucción, se encuentran todos ellos tamizados, en la filosofía de Humboldt, por la universalidad de la comprensión, presupuesto irrenunciable de la hermenéutica que le permite conjurar cierta deriva del romanticismo y de sus siniestros herederos.Humboldt califica
En el 250 aniversario del nacimiento de Alexander von Humboldt, la colección Hojas en la hierba de la editorial Relee ha querido rendir un homenaje al científico y explorador prusiano recreando sus andanzas por la España de 1799. De todos sus viajes, este es el menos documentado por la falta de un diario como los que escribió a partir del momento que se embarcó en A Coruña hacia América. Para recrear su diario, hemos contado con los inestimables conocimientos del biólogo e historiador de la ciencia Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper, uno de los mayores expertos en Humboldt, quien para esta recreación del viaje del explorador prusiano, este Paseo, ha empleado material de archivo procedente de sus investigaciones, los diarios manuscritos del propio Humboldt, su correspondencia, sus publicaciones, el diario de su hermano Wilhelm en su viaje por España, las cartas de su cuñada Carolina, algunas cartas de Bonpland y su diario botánico, así como los relatos de otros viajeros de la época. Con todo ello
De Gruyter Weltmann und Hofkünstler: Alexander von Humboldts Briefe an Christian Daniel Rauch. Kommentierte Edition
Der Gelehrte Alexander von Humboldt gehört gleich Goethe zu den Größen einer Zeit, die im geistigen Austausch mittels kürzerer oder längerer Briefe ihre Ideen und Projekte, Gedanken und Gefühle transportierten. Derartige Quellen sind von höchster Anschaulichkeit und großer Lebendigkeit. Fast 150 Briefe Humboldts an den Bildhauer Christian Daniel Rauch, der – beispielsweise durch das Reiterstandbild Friedrichs des Großen Unter den Linden – in Berlin allgegenwärtig ist, werden hier erstmals veröffentlicht und fachkundig kommentiert. In den zwischen 1807 und 1857 geschriebenen Briefen entsteht ein höchst facettenreicher Einblick in die Welt zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft, Bürgertum und Hof, Frankreich und Deutschland, zwischen zwei engen Freunden. So schrieb Humboldt 1836 an Rauch: 'Sie, verehrter Freund, sind seit meines Bruders Tod mir die erfreulichste, anmutigste Erscheinung in dieser mir verödeten Welt.'
Bucknell University Press Anthropology and the German Enlightenment: Perspectives on Humanity
This volume is a collection of essays on various notions of the human state during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment period in Germany. The book includes articles on Madame de Stael, Herder and India, Kant and race, Nicholas von Zinzendorf, Lichtenberg, the Brothers Grimm, and Humboldt.
T.M.C. Asser Press International Criminal Law—A Counter-Hegemonic Project?
This book enquires into the counter-hegemonic capacity of international criminal justice. It highlights perspectives and themes that have thus far often been neglected in the scholarship on (critical approaches to) international criminal justice.Can international criminal justice be viewed as a ‘counter-hegemonic’ project? And if so, under what conditions? In response to these questions, scholars and practitioners from the Global South and North reflect inter alia on the engagement with international criminal justice in the context of Ukraine, Palestine, and minorities in South-Asia while also highlighting the hegemonic tendencies built into the institutional structure of the International Criminal Court on the axes of gender and language. Florian Jeßberger is Professor of Criminal Law and Director of the Franz von Liszt Institute for International Criminal Justice, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Leonie Steinl is a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Kalika Mehta is an Associate Researcher at the Franz von Liszt Institute for International Criminal Justice, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
Linkgua Breviario del Nuevo Mundo
Arcadia Publishing Falk: Company Lumber Town of the American West
Walter de Gruyter Briefe Juli 1791 Bis Juni 1795
Seemann Henschel GmbH infinite. Living with Death
Hirmer Verlag GmbH Das rekonstruierte Berliner Schloss
University of Pennsylvania Press Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development
Linguistic Variability and Intellectual Development, Wilhelm von Humbolt's most famous work, was published by his brother Alexander posthumously, in 1836. It promptly established itself as a classic in the philosophy of language and has held that position ever since. With many examples from a vast multitude of languages, from Sanskrit to Delaware Indian, the author shows how character and structure of a language expresses the inner life and knowledge of its speakers and how their intellectual development is in turn shaped by their language.
Simon & Schuster Brave Companions: Portraits in History
Master historian David McCullough’s classic book about some of history’s most daring and accomplished figures from Alexander von Humboldt to Charles and Anne Lindbergh.Pulitzer Prize–winning author David McCullough has written profiles of exceptional men and women who shaped the course of history and changed how we see the world. Their remarkable stories express much that is timeless about the human condition. Here are Alexander von Humboldt, whose epic explorations of South America surpassed in scope the Lewis and Clark expedition; Harriet Beecher Stowe, “the little woman who made the big war”; Western artist Frederic Remington; the extraordinary Louis Agassiz of Harvard; Charles and Anne Lindbergh, and their fellow long-distance pilots Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Beryl Markham; Harry Caudill, the Kentucky lawyer who awakened the nation to the tragedy of Appalachia; and David Plowden, a contemporary photographer of vanishing America. Different as they are from each other, McCullough’s subjects have in common a rare vitality and sense of purpose. These are brave companions: to each other, to David McCullough, and to the reader, for with rare storytelling ability McCullough brings us into the times they knew and their very uncommon lives.
The University of Chicago Press American Mediterraneans: A Study in Geography, History, and Race
The story of the “American Mediterranean,” both an idea and a shorthand popularized by geographers, historians, novelists, and travel writers from the early nineteenth century to the 1970s. The naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, visiting the Gulf-Caribbean in the early nineteenth century, called it America’s Mediterranean. Almost a century later, Southern California was hailed as “Our Mediterranean, Our Italy!” Although “American Mediterranean” is not a household phrase in the United States today, it once circulated widely in French, Spanish, and English as a term of art and folk idiom. In this book, Susan Gillman asks what cultural work is done by this kind of unsystematic, open-ended comparative thinking.American Mediterraneans tracks two centuries of this geohistorical concept, from Humboldt in the early 1800s, to writers of the 1890s reflecting on the Pacific world of the California coast, to writers of the 1930s and 40s speculating on the political past and future of the Caribbean. Following the term through its travels across disciplines and borders, American Mediterraneans reveals a little-known racialized history, one that paradoxically appealed to a range of race-neutral ideas and ideals.
The University of Chicago Press American Mediterraneans: A Study in Geography, History, and Race
The story of the “American Mediterranean,” both an idea and a shorthand popularized by geographers, historians, novelists, and travel writers from the early nineteenth century to the 1970s. The naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, visiting the Gulf-Caribbean in the early nineteenth century, called it America’s Mediterranean. Almost a century later, Southern California was hailed as “Our Mediterranean, Our Italy!” Although “American Mediterranean” is not a household phrase in the United States today, it once circulated widely in French, Spanish, and English as a term of art and folk idiom. In this book, Susan Gillman asks what cultural work is done by this kind of unsystematic, open-ended comparative thinking.American Mediterraneans tracks two centuries of this geohistorical concept, from Humboldt in the early 1800s, to writers of the 1890s reflecting on the Pacific world of the California coast, to writers of the 1930s and 40s speculating on the political past and future of the Caribbean. Following the term through its travels across disciplines and borders, American Mediterraneans reveals a little-known racialized history, one that paradoxically appealed to a range of race-neutral ideas and ideals.
Harvard University Press A Source Book in Geography
This remarkable volume presents a panorama of geographical writings from Hesiod to Humboldt, from the beginnings of geographical thought in the Western world to the emergence of topical specialization. It includes a wealth of material from non-Western sources, particularly Moslem and Chinese, that has not been collected before.The selections are arranged chronologically, and contain geographical theory, descriptions of terrestrial phenomena by early observers, and excerpts from major voyages of discovery. Some are obvious classics: Socrates on the nature of the Earth, Ezekiel’s description of the commerce of Tyre, Columbus’s first glimpse of the West Indies, Buffon on the history of the Earth, and Kant’s geographical lectures. Yet more commonly, George Kish provides a sense of the discovery with such finds as the ambassador’s report to the Caliph of Baghdad on the lands and customs of the Norsemen, the study of the Tartar Empire by John of Monte Corvino, Archbishop of Peking, and Jefferson’s private memo to Alexander von Humboldt seeking information on the American West.Each section is highlighted by a brief but engagingly written introduction by the editor. Throughout, the unique cultural and professional perspective of Kish is very much in evidence.
Logros Extraordinarios de la Humanidad
La historia de la humanidad está llena de personas valientes que se plantearon cosas inalcanzables para el resto: intrépidos viajeros que recorrieron caminos inexplorados como Marco Polo; grandes conquistadores que descubrieron nuevos mundos, como Colón, osados marineros que dieron la vueltas al globo como Magallanes y Elcano; sabios científicos en busca de conocimientos lejanos como von Humboldt o Darwin, atrevidos exploradores como el doctor Livingstone.
Simon & Schuster Brave Companions
From Alexander von Humboldt to Charles and Anne Lindbergh, these are stories of people of great vision and daring whose achievements continue to inspire us today, brilliantly told by master historian David McCullough.The bestselling author of Truman and John Adams, David McCullough has written profiles of exceptional men and women past and present who have not only shaped the course of history or changed how we see the world but whose stories express much that is timeless about the human condition. Here are Alexander von Humboldt, whose epic explorations of South America surpassed the Lewis and Clark expedition; Harriet Beecher Stowe, “the little woman who made the big war”; Frederic Remington; the extraordinary Louis Agassiz of Harvard; Charles and Anne Lindbergh, and their fellow long-distance pilots Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Beryl Markham; Harry Caudill, the Kentucky lawyer who awakened the nation to the tragedy of Appalachia; and David Plowden, a present-day photographer of vanishing America. Different as they are from each other, McCullough’s subjects have in common a rare vitality and sense of purpose. These are brave companions: to each other, to David McCullough, and to the reader, for with rare storytelling ability McCullough brings us into the times they knew and their very uncommon lives.
Hirmer Verlag The Reconstruction of Berlin Palace: Façade, Architecture and Sculpture
The reconstructed Berliner Schloss in the heart of the German capital is both a monument of Baroque architecture and a vital new cultural building in the city. The art history, architecture and sculpture of the palace’s masterful façades by Andreas Schlüter are brought to life here in words and pictures. The Berliner Schloss marks the reinstatement of the point of reference for the urban plan of the historical centre of the capital: through the Baroque masterpiece by Andreas Schlüter the boulevard Unter den Linden and the historic buildings of the Lustgarten acquire once more a meaningful interconnection. Most of the authors are involved in this major project. They explain with the help of the impressive photographs by Leo Seidel the fascinating construction process, the imagery of the Baroque sandstone façade, the technology and the craftsmanship behind its reconstruction as well as the architectural concept of the building.
Quercus Publishing Measuring the World
Measuring the World recreates the parallel but contrasting lives of two geniuses of the German Enlightenment - the naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt and the mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. Towards the end of the 18th century, these two brilliant young Germans set out to measure the world. Humboldt, a Prussian aristocrat schooled for greatness, negotiates savannah and jungle, climbs the highest mountain then known to man, counts head lice on the heads of the natives, and explores every hole in the ground. Gauss, a man born in poverty who will be recognised as the greatest mathematician since Newton, does not even need to leave his home in Göttingen to know that space is curved. He can run prime numbers in his head, cannot imagine a life without women and yet jumps out of bed on his wedding night to jot down a mathematical formula. Measuring the World is a novel of rare charm and readability, distinguished by its sly humour and unforgettable characterization. It brings the two eccentric geniuses to life, their longings and their weaknesses, their balancing act between loneliness and love, absurdity and greatness, failure and success.
HarperCollins Publishers Breakheart Pass
A magnificent tale of heart-stopping suspense from the highly acclaimed master of the genre. The Rocky Mountains, Winter 1873… One of the most desolate stretches of railroad in the West. Travelling along it is a crowded troop train, bound for the cholera-stricken garrison at Fort Humboldt. On board are the Governor of Nevada, the daughter of the fort’s commander and a US marshal escorting a notorious outlaw. Between them and safety are the hostile Paiute Indians – and a man who will stop at nothing, not even murder…
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Informationsverwaltungsrecht internationaler Institutionen: Dargestellt am Entwicklungsverwaltungsrecht der Weltbank und Vereinten Nationen
Internationale Institutionen agieren und regieren mehr denn je durch Informationen und Wissen. Dabei geraten ihre Informationsbeziehungen zu Staaten und Individuen in den Fokus politischer und rechtlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Das institutionelle Völkerrecht birgt daher ein bislang nicht systematisch erfasstes Regelungs- und Forschungsfeld: das Informationsverwaltungsrecht internationaler Institutionen. Michael Riegner entfaltet dessen dogmatische Strukturen, allgemeine Prinzipien und interdisziplinäre Kontexte exemplarisch anhand des Rechts internationaler Entwicklungsinstitutionen. Er schlägt einen rechtswissenschaftlichen Zugriff auf Global Governance vor, der das internationale Verwaltungsrecht nicht nur rechtssetzungs- und gerichtsbezogen, sondern auch informationsbasiert konzeptioniert.Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Promotionspreis der Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Bibliotheksgesellschaft - e.V. 2017 ausgezeichnet.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottesvolk und Gotteswort: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kirchengeschichte II
Der zweite Band mit Aufsätzen von Dorothea Wendebourg präsentiert Forschungen aus ihren Jahren an der Theologischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Wegen seiner Bedeutung für die Forschungsdiskussion wurde auch ein älterer Beitrag zur Reformation aufgenommen. Kennzeichnend für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit der Verfasserin ist die Weite des zeitlichen Horizonts von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart und die Breite der räumlichen Erstreckung von Griechenland bis England. Im Mittelpunkt steht die deutsche Kirchengeschichte, und zwar die Reformation mit ihren Folgewirkungen, insbesondere was Kirche, Gottesdienst und kirchliches Amt betrifft.
Influx Press Lucifer Over London: A Guide to the Adopted City
London, a city of constant transition, transaction, translation. London does not exist; London is a language without a place and it is the aphasic city; it's the mother of all languages. Lucifer Over London is a new anthology nine narrative essays written by a host of international prize-winning authors including Chloe Aridjis, Viola di Grado, Xiaolu Guo, Joanna Walsh and Zinovy Zinik. First published in Italy by Humboldt Books, Lucifer Over London is now appearing in English for the first time. This is a version of London as seen from the immigrants of recent migrations, of deportations to come, from those who create London even as they contradict it.
WW Norton & Co Faust: A Norton Critical Edition
This edition presents Parts I and II complete. Cyrus Hamlin provides essential supporting material for this difficult text, and his Interpretive Notes have been expanded and reset in larger, easy-to-read type. "Comments by Contemporaries" includes short pieces by Margaret Fuller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Carlyle, and Wilhelm von Humboldt. "Modern Criticism"--comprised of ten essays newly added to the Second Edition--presents the perspectives of Stuart Atkins, Jaroslav Pelikan, Benjamin Bennett, Franco Moretti, Friedrich A. Kittler, Neil M. Flax, Marc Shell, Jane Brown, Hans Rudolf Vaget, and Marshall Berman. A Selected Bibliography is included.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Popular Revenants: The German Gothic and Its International Reception, 1800-2000
The first book in English on the German Gothic in over thirty years, consisting of new essays investigating the internationality of the Gothic mode. The literary mode of the Gothic is well established in English Studies, and there is growing interest in its internationality. Gothic fiction is seen as transgressive, especially in the way it crosses borders, often illicitly -- for instance, in the form of plagiarized texts or pseudo-translations of nonexistent sources. In the 1790s, when the English Gothic novel was emerging, the real or ostensible source of many of these uncanny texts was Germany. Thisfirst book in English dedicated to the German Gothic in over thirty years is aimed at students and researchers in German Studies and English Studies, and redresses deficiencies in existing sources, which are outdated, piecemeal, or not sufficiently grounded in German Studies. The book examines the international reception of German Gothic since the 1790s heyday of the Gothic novel in Britain and Germany; traces a line of Gothic writing in German to thepresent day; and inquires into the extraliterary impact of German Gothic. Thus the essays do full justice to the Gothic as a site of conflict and exchange -- both between cultures and between discourses. Contributors:Peter Arnds, Silke Arnold-de Simine, Jürgen Barkhoff, Matthias Bickenbach, Andrew Cusack, Mario Grizelj, Jörg Kreienbrock, Barry Murnane, Victor Sage, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Catherine Smale, Andrew Webber Andrew Cusack is Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Institut für Kulturwissenschaft of the Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Barry Murnane is Assistant Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
Rare Bird Books The Edge of the Continent: The Forest
This is a book about California. Specifically, this first volume is about Northern California, the wet part of the state, the green part, a place where redwoods reign and fog is common. From 2009-2013, Jacqueline Suskin lived in Humboldt County, on the edge of the continent, writing poetry. In this collection, we come to know her as a lover of land, a steward, and an ecstatic earth worshiper. This book is a personal narrative, a selection of formative memories, but most importantly it’s a shared compendium of terrain, an atlas of verse that offers each reader a retreat, and a pathway to access this sacred landscape that provides us with so much.
WW Norton & Co American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic
When Dr David Hosack tilled the America’s first botanical garden in the Manhattan soil more than two hundred years ago, he didn’t just dramatically alter the New York landscape; he left a monumental legacy of advocacy for public health and wide-ranging support for the sciences. A charismatic dreamer admired by the likes of Jefferson, Madison and Humboldt, and intimate friends with both Hamilton and Burr, the Columbia professor devoted his life to inspiring Americans to pursue medicine and botany with a rigour to rival Europe’s. Though he was shoulder-to-shoulder with the founding fathers Hosack and his story remain unknown. Now, in melodic prose, Victoria Johnson eloquently chronicles Hosack’s tireless career to reveal the breadth of his impact.
McGill-Queen's University Press Humboldt's Mexico: In the Footsteps of the Illustrious German Scientific Traveller
The incalculable influence of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) on biology, botany, geology, and meteorology deservedly earned him the reputation as the world's most illustrious scientist before Charles Darwin. Humboldt's breath-taking explorations of Mexico and South America from 1799 to 1804 are akin to Europe's second "discovery" of the New World - this time, a scientific one. His Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain is a foundational document about Mexico and its cultures and is still widely consulted by anthropologists, geographers, and historians. In Humboldt's Mexico, Myron Echenberg presents a straightforward guide with historical and cultural context to Humboldt's travels in Mexico. Humboldt packed a lifetime of scientific studies into one daunting year, and soon after published a four-volume account of his findings. His adventures range widely from inspections of colonial silver mines and hikes to the summits of volcanoes to meticulous examination of secret Spanish colonial archives in Mexico City and scientific discussions of archaeological sites of pre-Hispanic Indigenous cultures. Echenberg traces Humboldt's journey, as described in his publications, his diary, and other writings, across the heartland of Mexico, while also pursuing Humboldt's life, his science, his experiences, his influence on scholars of his time and after, and the various efforts by others to honour and at times to denigrate his legacy. Part history, part travelogue, and always highly readable and informative, Humboldt's Mexico is an engaging account of a gifted scientist and visionary that ranges across topics as diverse and broad as natural history was in his era.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hierarchie und Verhandlung: Die Verschiebung deutscher Konfliktlösungsmuster 1871-1971 am Beispiel der Religionsverfassung
Deutschland hat sich in einem Modell demokratisiert, das gesellschaftliche Konflikte vorrangig in Verhandlungsmustern auszugleichen versucht. Hiermit unterscheidet es sich deutlich von anderen westlichen Demokratien, vor allem den USA. Dieses verhandlungsdemokratische Modell, das sich vom Kaiserreich bis zur Bundesrepublik in mühsamen Kämpfen gegen die lange dominante autoritäre hierarchische Alternative durchsetzen musste, bestimmt nicht nur die formellen politischen Institutionen, sondern mit dem deutschen Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodell und der Religionsverfassung die gesamte Schnittstelle der Staat-Gesellschafts-Beziehungen. Dominik Rennert zeigt exemplarisch anhand des Religionsrechts, wie das Modell zunächst in Weimar scheiterte, um sich dann in Bonn zu stabilisieren, und wie das Staatsrecht der Zeit in langen Auseinandersetzungen auf seine Herausbildung reagiert hat. Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Promotionspreis der Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin 2023 ausgezeichnet.
Royal Botanic Gardens Catalogue of Useful Plants of Colombia
The most comprehensive listing of the known useful plants for this country. Compiled by a team of Colombian and international botanists from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Humboldt Institute and numerous partner institutions, it consolidates expert-generated information linked and accessible through an online portal (ColPlantA). The checklist is accompanied by 11 chapters written by specialists, providing perspectives on the state of knowledge on the useful plants of Colombia, covering a range of topics, from taxonomic, geographic and conservation aspects, to their use in sustainable value chains and contributions to the bioeconomy, specific topics such as medicinal, edible and insecticide plants, and their representation in the Amazon region, and in Kew’s economic botany collection. The catalogue is further enriched by diverse supplementary material.
Princeton Architectural Press An Atlas of Geographical Wonders: From Mountaintops to Riverbeds
This is the first book to catalog comparative maps and tableaux that visualize the heights and lengths of the world’s mountains and rivers. Produced predominantly in the nineteenth century, these beautifully rendered maps emerged out of the tide of exploration and scientific developments in measuring techniques. Beginning with the work of explorer Alexander von Humboldt, these historic drawings reveal a world of artistic and imaginative difference. Many of them give way—and with visible joy—to the power of fantasy in a mesmerizing array of realistic and imaginary forms. Most of the maps are from the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection at Stanford University.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Prepositional Network Models – A Hermeneutical Case Study
This book presents an ongoing debate in cognitive linguistics about the modelling of prepositional polysemy, known as "the story of over." Additionally, it discusses a Polish counterpart - "the story of za(-)" (a preposition and a verbal prefix). Its further aim is to reveal a deep divergence of perspectives between the cognitive and hermeneutical approaches to the meaning of words. The argument could be summarised as follows: the issue of the representation of lexical senses (available out of context) presupposes the issue of distinct meanings of words in communal use, which in turn presupposes the question of the transformative power of words (in linguistics, articulated by Humboldt as energeia). In short, the book proposes to complement a post hoc static cognitive approach with a dynamic "expressive" one.
Penguin Books Ltd Living with the Gods
Neil MacGregor was Director of the National Gallery, London from 1987 to 2002 and of the British Museum from 2002 to 2015, and Chair of the Steering Committee of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin from 2015 to 2018. His previous books include A History of the World in 100 Objects, Shakespeare's Restless World and Germany: Memories of a Nation, all available in Penguin and now between them translated into more than a dozen languages. In 2010, he was made a member of the Order of Merit, the UK's highest civil honour. In 2015 he was awarded the Goethe Medal and the German National Prize. In 2018 the radio series Living with the Gods received the Sandford Saint Martin Award for Religious Broadcasting.
Hatje Cantz Daniel Theiler: Reconstructing Tomorrow
The Mitte district of Berlin is marked by numerous reconstructions of buildings, one of which is the newly erected Humboldt Forum. Daniel Theiler has investigated this quarter’s cultural history and socio-cultural context, while examining the manifestations of hierarchical power politics. This has resulted in a series of works by the artist/architect on the reconstruction of the Berlin Castle, which plays a major role in this volume, entering into a dialogue with interdisciplinary essays on the current debates about reconstruction. This first comprehensive catalogue of the artist’s work compiles pieces from the last five years. Featuring a conversation between Natalie Keppler and Daniel Theiler, as well as essays by Ortrun Bargholz, Bertolt Meyer, Constanze Müller, Elke Neumann, Juliane Richter, Johannes Warda, Elisabeth Würzl, and a foreword by Anke Hannemann.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sketchbook Traveler Southwest: Southwest
Keeping visual journals has been popular for centuries among artist-travelers like Albrecht Dürer, J. M. W. Turner, Katsushika Hokusai, and David Hockney. Explorers like Jacques le Moyne, Alexander von Humboldt, Charles Darwin, and Marianne North also recorded their journeys in sketchbooks and diaries. Topographical drawing was essential. Knowing what destinations looked like let voyagers know they had arrived. Carrying this concept to the next level, Sketchbook Traveler expands plein air painting beyond the range of easels and backpacks, providing educators with instructional concepts. It gives professional artists many new (and old) ways to hone mobile sketching skills. Inviting readers to explore their surroundings through drawing and writing, Sketchbook Traveler is a field guide to mindful engagement with personal experience in ways that make every day an adventure.
Transcript Verlag Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage: A Berlin Ethnography
The museum and heritage sector has been shaken by debates over how to address colonialism, migration, Islamophobia, LGBTI+ and multiple other forms of difference. This major multi-researcher ethnography of museums and heritage in Berlin provides new insight into how "diversity" is understood and put into action in museums and heritage. Exploring new initiatives and approaches, the book shows how these work - or do not - in practice. By doing so, it highlights ways forward - for research and action - for the future. The fieldwork locations on which this book is based include the Humboldt Forum, the Museum of Islamic Art, the Museum für Naturkunde, and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, as well as Berlin streets and protests.
Profile Books Ltd The Seaweed Collector's Handbook: From Purple Laver to Peacock’s Tail
Seaweed is so familiar and yet its names - pepper dulse, sea lettuce, bladderwrack - are largely unknown to us. In this short, exquisitely illustrated portrait, the Dutch poet and artist Miek Zwamborn shares her discoveries of its history, culture and use, from the Neolithic people of the Orkney Islands to sushi artisans in modern Japan. Seaweed troubled Columbus on his voyages across the Atlantic, intrigued von Humboldt in the Sargasso Sea and inspired artists from Hokusai to Matisse. Covering seaweed's collection by Victorians, its adoption into fashion and dance and its potential for combating climate change, and with a fabulous series of recipes based around the 'truffles of the sea', this is a wonderful gift for every nature lover's home.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Berlin Contemporary: Architecture and Politics After 1990
For years following reunification, Berlin was the largest construction site in Europe, with striking new architecture proliferating throughout the city in the 1990s and early 2000s. Among the most visible and the most contested of the new projects were those designed for the national government and its related functions. Berlin Contemporary explores these buildings and plans, tracing their antecedents while also situating their iconic forms and influential designers within the spectacular world of global contemporary architecture. Close studies of these sites, including the Reichstag, the Chancellery, and the reconstruction of the Berlin Stadtschloss (now known as the Humboldt Forum), demonstrate the complexity of Berlin’s political and architectural “rebuilding”—and reveal the intricate historical negotiations that architecture was summoned to perform.
WW Norton & Co American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic
When Dr David Hosack tilled the America’s first botanical garden in the Manhattan soil more than two hundred years ago, he didn’t just dramatically alter the New York landscape; he left a monumental legacy of advocacy for public health and wide-ranging support for the sciences. A charismatic dreamer admired by the likes of Jefferson, Madison and Humboldt, and intimate friends with both Hamilton and Burr, the Columbia professor devoted his life to inspiring Americans to pursue medicine and botany with a rigour to rival Europe’s. Though he was shoulder-to-shoulder with the founding fathers Hosack and his story remain unknown. Now, in melodic prose, Victoria Johnson eloquently chronicles Hosack’s tireless career to reveal the breadth of his impact.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Rise and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries of the Common Era
This collection of essays is partly the product of a symposium that took place at Humboldt University, Berlin in July 2010. It was supplemented by other articles which contributed further relevant aspects to the overall topic. The aim of the conference was to explore the longstanding conundrum of the rapid rise and growth of Christianity in the first three centuries CE. This well-studied question finds a special home in the city of Berlin where, at the beginning of the last century, Adolf von Harnack, Professor at Friedrich Wilhelms University (today Humboldt University) Berlin carried out what was arguably its most famous treatment. According to Harnack, early Christian history began in the missionary activity of contemporary Judaism. The movement spread as the result of a combination of deliberate syncretism with a measure of simplicity in the cultural and political unity of the Roman Empire. Over the past thirty years, scholars such as Ramsey MacMullen and Rodney Stark have questioned some of Harnack's conclusions. Arising from outside of the field of New Testament Studies (Ancient History and Sociology of Religion, respectively), both MacMullen's and Stark's approach remained at some distance from specialist understandings of, for example, complex theological and rhetorical aspects of early Christian texts. Therefore, in the wake of these important studies, a variety of new strategies have emerged taking these and other vital concerns into account. The essays in this volume represent these assorted approaches. Methodological rigor is the only unambiguous theme running throughout this otherwise diverse collection. The essays are collected under two broad sub-headings: Cultural Milieu and Texts. Topics treated include Paul, Jesus and the Gospels, other New Testament texts, the Apocryphal Acts, and the expansion of Christianity in the second and third centuries.
Getty Trust Publications The Nine Letters on Landscape Painting – Written in the Years 1815–1824, With a Letter From Goethe by Way of Introduction
Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) - court physician to the King of Saxony - was a naturalist, amateur painter and theoretician of landscape painting whose "Nine Letters on Landscape Painting" is an important document of early German Romanticism and an appeal for the integration of art and science. Carus was inspired by and had contacts with the greatest German intellectuals of his day. He prefaced his work with a letter from his correspondence with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who was his primary mentor in both science and art. His writings also reflect, however, the influence of the German natural philosopher, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, especially Schelling's notion of a world soul, and the writings of the naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt. Carus played a role in the revolution in landscape painting taking place in Saxony around Caspar David Friedrich.
Park Books Experimental Zone: An Interdisciplinary Investigation on the Spaces and Practices of Collaborative Research
Experimental Zone documents a remarkable experiment in spatial research at the interdisciplinary laboratory Image Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Every two months, for four years, researchers reconfigured a 350-square meter workspace for forty scientists. The design-based collaborative experiment's focus was on the interrelation of space and knowledge production: What spatial qualities are required by interdisciplinary teams for their research work? With some 300 striking and straightforward graphics, Experimental Zone presents the findings of the experiment. It highlights the spatial conditions under which individual and collaborative research unfold, overlap, or merge and reveals the characteristics of an architecture that fosters interdisciplinary. The experiment's innovative interdisciplinary approach is also reflected in the book's design, with each of the five chapters and the comprehensive visual material reflecting publishing traditions in design, architecture, and the humanities.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Culture as Process: A Tribute to Jaan Valsiner
Jaan Valsiner has made numerous contributions to the development of psychology over the last 40 years. He is internationally recognized as a leader and innovator within both developmental psychology and cultural psychology, and has received numerous prizes for his work: the Alexander von Humboldt prize, the Hans Killian prize, and the Outstanding International Psychologist Award from the American Psychological Association. Having taught at Universities in Europe, Asia and north and south America, he is currently Niels Bohr professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. This book is the first to discuss in detail the different sides of Valsiner’s thought, including developmental science, semiotic mediation, cultural transmission, aesthetics, globalization of science, epistemology, methodology and the history of ideas. The book provides an overview, evaluation and extension of Valsiner’s key ideas for the construction of a dynamic cultural psychology, written by his former students and colleagues from around the world.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Morgenländischer Glanz: Eine deutsche jüdische Literaturgeschichte (1750-1850)
Welche Bedeutung hatte der Orientalismus für die Möglichkeits- und Rezeptionsbedingungen deutschen jüdischen Schreibens? Kathrin Wittler rekonstruiert Dynamiken von Traditionsbruch und Traditionsstiftung, die sich im Zeitraum von ca. 1750 bis 1850 im Kontext kontroverser Debatten über die Emanzipation der Juden und über die hebräische Bibel ergaben. Einen weiten Bogen von Moses Mendelssohn und Naphtali Herz Wessely bis zu Heinrich Heine und Fanny Lewald spannend, erschließt Kathrin Wittler literarische Experimente mit Sprachen und Schriften sowie mit poetischen Formen und Stilen in der Umbruchszeit um 1800. Sie zeigt, dass der Orientalismus jüdischen Autorinnen und Autoren dazu diente, der europäischen Gegenwart ihres Lebens und Schreibens durch Ursprungs- und Vermittlungsfiguren einen morgenländischen Glanz zu verleihen und west-östliche Schreibpositionen zu definieren.Die dem Buch zugrundeliegende Qualifikationsschrift wurde 2017 mit dem Sonderpreis der Humboldt-Universität für eine Dissertation zum Thema "Judentum und Antisemitismus" gewürdigt und 2018 mit dem Johannes Zilkens-Promotionspreis der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes ausgezeichnet.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften in der Literatur- und Theologiegeschichte des frühen Christentums
Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge einer Tagung, die 2015 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin stattfand, dem Jahr, in dem sich der Fund der Nag-Hammadi-Codices zum 70. Mal jährte. Die Perspektive des Bandes ist darauf gerichtet, die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften im Kontext der Literatur- und Theologiegeschichte des frühen Christentums zu interpretieren. Damit wird ein bislang nur wenig beachteter Aspekt in den Vordergrund gestellt. War die Diskussion über die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften bislang häufig darauf gerichtet, deren Verhältnis zur antiken Gnosis bzw. zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments zu untersuchen, so wird hier ein anderer Ansatz verfolgt. Die Schriften werden entsprechend ihren literarischen Gattungen (etwa: Apokalypsen, theologische und philosophische Traktate oder Evangelien) in den Blick genommen. In Beiträgen international renommierter Forscher wird untersucht, in welcher Weise die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften diese Gattungen realisieren und wie sich ihre Stellung innerhalb der Literatur und Theologie des antiken Christentums beschreiben lässt.