Search results for ""Dr. Seuss""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cartoon Figural Toys
Includes nearly 750 toys, representing almost 50 years of cartoon collectibles, with items dating back to 1949. All the major players are here: Casper™, cereal and advertising characters; Disney™; Dr. Seuss™; Hanna-Barbera™; Looney Tunes™; The Peanuts Gang™; Popeye™; Rocky and Bullwinkle™; Underdog™, and many more. Jameson Scott and Jim Rash include a value guide, with representative prices for each toy; over 200 full-color photographs; and information on animation companies and figural toys of the post-World War II era. For the very serious collector, for the newly interested buyer, for the grown-up kid, for the nostalgia buff--here is a book for all to enjoy.
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Tea with the Queen
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, our first ever Squishy picture book sees Ava and her invisible cat go to Buckingham Palace to visit the Queen.A day out with Squishy could never be boring!When Squishy and Ava go on a trip to London, they can't resist the chance to explore the palace, but when they accidentally find the Queen, will she be able to see how wonderful Squishy is?'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
The University of Chicago Press Children's Literature: A Reader's History, from Aesop to Harry Potter
Ever since children have learned to read, there has been children's literature. Seth Lerer here charts the makings of the Western literary imagination from Aesop's fables to Mother Goose, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to Peter Pan, from "Where the Wild Things Are" to "Harry Potter". The only single-volume work to capture the rich and diverse history of children's literature in its full panorama, this extraordinary book reveals why J. R. R. Tolkien, Dr. Seuss, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beatrix Potter, and many others, despite their divergent styles and subject matter, have all resonated with generations of readers. "Children's Literature" is an exhilarating quest across centuries, continents, and genres to discover how, and why, we first fall in love with the written word.
HarperCollins Publishers Is a Camel a Mammal? (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 1)
“From fruit eating bats to smart chimpanzees, from moles in their holes to seals in the seas”, Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat takes young readers on a fun-filled tour of the world of mammals. This title forms part of a series of books that takes a look at natural history through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at beginning readers – from four to seven years old – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
Random House USA Inc No es fácil ser conejo (It's Not Easy Being a Bunny Spanish Edition)
Una edición en español de un querido libro de la serie Beginner Book sobre autoaceptación y conejitos divertidos, ¡perfecto para Pascua y todo el año! ¡Yiyo Pilloconejillo ya no quiere ser un conejito! Sus orejas son demasiado grandes y está cansado de comer zanahorias cocidas. Sería mucho más divertido ser un oso, un pájaro o un cerdo. . . ¿verdad? (¿Cómo resultó? ¡ESTABA EQUIVOCADO!) Sigue leyendo mientras Yiyo se va de casa e intenta determinar quién es, y a dónde pertenece, en esta simpatiquísima historia de autodescubrimiento. ¡Este adorable y divertido libro ilustrado es un regalo especial para primeros lectores hispanohablantes o cualquier persona interesada en aprender a hablar español! Originalmente creado por Dr. Seuss, la serie Beginner Books anima a los niños a leer por su cuenta, con palabras e ilustraciones sencillas que dan pistas sobre su significado.A Spanish edition of a beloved Beginner Book about self-acceptance—and funny bunnies—perfect for Easter and all year long!P.J. Funnybunny doesn't want to be a bunny anymore! His ears are too big and he's tired of eating cooked carrots. It would be much more fun to be a bear, a bird, or a pig . . . right? (As it turn out? WRONG!) Read along as P.J. leaves home and tries to determine who he is—and where he belongs—in this hilarious tale of self-discovery. This adorable and fun picture book is a special treat for beginning readers, Spanish speakers, or anyone interested in learning to speak Spanish!Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Tea with the Queen
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, our first ever Squishy picture book sees Ava and her invisible cat go to Buckingham Palace to visit the Queen. A day out with Squishy could never be boring! When Squishy and Ava go on a trip to London, they can't resist the chance to explore the palace, but when they accidentally find the Queen, will she be able to see how wonderful Squishy is? 'A surefire hit.' Guardian 'Charming.' The Times 'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent 'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust 'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
Edinburgh University Press American Culture in the 1940s
This book explores the major cultural forms of 1940s America - fiction and non-fiction; music and radio; film and theatre; serious and popular visual arts - and key texts, trends and figures, from Native Son to Citizen Kane, from Hiroshima to HUAC, and from Dr Seuss to Bob Hope. After discussing the dominant ideas that inform the 1940s the book culminates with a chapter on the 'culture of war'. Rather than splitting the decade at 1945, Jacqueline Foertsch argues persuasively that the 1940s should be taken as a whole, seeking out links between wartime and postwar American culture. Key Features: * Focused case studies featuring key texts, genres, writers, artists and cultural trends * Detailed chronology of 1940s American culture * Bibliographies for each chapter * 20 black and white illustrations
The University of Chicago Press Children`s Literature – A Reader`s History, from Aesop to Harry Potter
Ever since children have learned to read, there has been children's literature. Seth Lerer here charts the makings of the Western literary imagination from Aesop's fables to Mother Goose, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to Peter Pan, from "Where the Wild Things Are" to "Harry Potter". The only single-volume work to capture the rich and diverse history of children's literature in its full panorama, this extraordinary book reveals why J. R. R. Tolkien, Dr. Seuss, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Beatrix Potter, and many others, despite their divergent styles and subject matter, have all resonated with generations of readers. "Children's Literature" is an exhilarating quest across centuries, continents, and genres to discover how, and why, we first fall in love with the written word.
A playful twist on Dr. Seuss''s OH THE PLACES YOU''LL GO - the perfect graduation for young people setting sail, from grown-ups who can''t believe it''s time for them to go.Remember how, back in the delivery room, you swore to teach that kid everything they''d need to know? And now, wham.... the same child appears to be packing a suitcase. And what with the whirl of being a parent, you never got around to all the wisdom-sharing. JUST A ZILLION THINGS BEFORE YOU GO is a make-good on all those promises -- sorta. It mixes precious safety tips (it''s not nagging, it''s love) with inspiration. It''ll watch over a wonderful kid along their way.
Edinburgh University Press American Culture in the 1940s
This book explores the major cultural forms of 1940s America - fiction and non-fiction; music and radio; film and theatre; serious and popular visual arts - and key texts, trends and figures, from Native Son to Citizen Kane, from Hiroshima to HUAC, and from Dr Seuss to Bob Hope. After discussing the dominant ideas that inform the 1940s the book culminates with a chapter on the 'culture of war'. Rather than splitting the decade at 1945, Jacqueline Foertsch argues persuasively that the 1940s should be taken as a whole, seeking out links between wartime and postwar American culture. Key Features: * Focused case studies featuring key texts, genres, writers, artists and cultural trends * Detailed chronology of 1940s American culture * Bibliographies for each chapter * 20 black and white illustrations
Random House Children's Books ÂCÃmo el Grinch se perdià la Navidad How the Grinch Lost Christmas Spanish Edition
El Grinch ESTÁ DE VUELTA y listo para demostrarles a los habitantes de Villa-Quién que ha cambiado. Esta entrañable saga, disponible ya con rimas en español, ha sido escrita e ilustrada al estilo del querido clásico navideño de Dr. Seuss, ¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad! The Grinch is BACK and ready to prove to the residents of Who-ville that he's changed. This heartwarming sequel--now available in rhyming Spanish--is written and illustrated in the style of Dr. Seuss's beloved holiday classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!Todo el año y con paciencia, el Grinch logró esperarpara celebrar la Navidad y a los Quiénes animar,y mostrarles a los Quiénes que HABÍA LOGRADO CAMBIAR.¿Pero ahora CÓMO, pensó, lo voy a demostrar?Ha pasado un año desde que el Gr
HarperCollins Publishers Fine Feathered Friends (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 6)
“A bird gets its namefrom the simplest things –what it does, how it looks,or the song that it sings.”And so Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat introduces young readers to the amazing world of birds. This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built..
HarperCollins Publishers There’s No Place Like Space! (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 7)
“I’m the Cat in the Hat,and we’re off to have fun.We’ll visit the planets,the stars and the sun!”And so Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat whisks young readers off on a fun-filled tour of the solar system. This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
Random House USA Inc 101 Ways to Help the Earth with Dr. Seuss's Lorax
Simple suggestions for helping the planet that kids can do themselves—ideal for nurturing a love of nature and for celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax!Encourage children to be eco-friendly with the fun, easy ideas in this guidebook—and a little help from the Lorax, Dr. Seuss's beloved icon of environmentalism! From tips on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle, to low-cost earth-friendly crafts and activities, games, and more, there are over 100 ways for kids to help the planet—inside, outside, in the classroom, and in the community! Printed on recycled paper and featuring full-color illustrations and photographs, links to helpful Web sites, suggestions for further reading, and silly eco-jokes, this is a perfect choice for fostering a love of the natural world and of Dr. Seuss!
HarperCollins Publishers Oh Say Can You Seed? (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library)
“From the giant gum treeto this very small weed,every flowering plantstarted out as a seed.”And so Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat introduces young readers to the fascinating world of seeds and flowering plants. This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
HarperCollins Publishers Oh, the Pets You Can Get! (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 8)
I’m the Cat in the HatI love pets as you see.You can meet lots of petsif you travel with me.In this charming book, Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat introduces young readers to all kinds of pets and how to look after them. This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
Random House USA Inc Busy Street
A new Beginner Book all about vehicles, featuring favorite things that go!On a busy street in a busy town, cars and trucks go zipping 'round. Buses, trains—watch them go! How many vehicles do YOU know?Buckle up and join Mommy and Bonnie on their drive as they encounter more than 20 types of vehicles! From garbage trucks and school buses to fire engines and police cars, working vehicles can be spotted all over town—and each plays an important role. Beginner Books were created by Dr. Seuss to encourage children to read all on their own. Vehicle enthusiasts will take pride in cruising through Busy Street's simple rhyming text, perfect for beginning readers ages 3 to 7. And with Edward Miller's fun, colorful illustrations, little ones will want to take this book for a spin time and time again.
Quirk Books Kid Artists: True Tales of Childhood from Creative Legends
The series that began with Kid Presidents and Kid Athletes has a new volume that chronicles the childhoods of 16 celebrated artists-everyone from Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh to Mary Cassat, Frida Kahlo, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and even Dr. Seuss! Readers will learn: Georgia O'Keeffe was so enthralled by nature that she once ate dirt just to see what it tasted like.* Jackson Pollock lost the top of his right index finger in a childhood accident (and the severed tip was eaten by a rooster!).* Andy Warhol's favourite childhood lunch was-what else?-a bowl of Campbell's tomato soup. Every scribble, sketch, and sticky situation comes to life in these kid-friendly and relatable stories, all with Doogie Horner's trademark whimsical illustrations. Kid Artists is a delight for budding artists and eager readers alike.
HarperCollins Publishers Oh, The Things You Can Do That Are Good For You! (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 5)
“From the top of your headto the tips of your toesLearn all about healthfrom a cool cat who knows!”In this delightful book, Dr. Seuss’ famous Cat in the Hat explains to young readers all the different ways to stay healthy. This title and others form part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at nature and natural sciences through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
HarperCollins Publishers On Beyond Bugs (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 4)
“They live in water, the earth and the sky. Just wait… and you’ll soon see an insect go by!” With these words Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat sets out to take young readers on a fascinating tour of the insect world – a world teeming with six legged critters from moths to fleas and fireflies. This title forms part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at natural history through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
HarperCollins Publishers Wish For A Fish (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 2)
I’m the Cat in the Hat, and I hear that you wish, to go down to the sea, and visit the fish.” And so Dr. Seuss’ famous feline plunges young readers from the sunny surface waters to the deepest ocean trenches in search of an amazing array of marine creatures. This title forms part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at natural history through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven years old – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
HarperCollins Publishers Oh Say Can You Say Di-no-saur?: All about dinosaurs (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, Book 3)
“The T. Rex was strong, with teeth sharp as knives. When most dinos saw him, they ran for their lives!” And so Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat introduces young readers to the fiercest of all the many extinct reptiles featured in this exciting exploration of the Age of Dinosaurs. This title forms part of a series of books that takes an off-beat look at natural history through a fun combination of Seussian rhymes and zany illustrations. Aimed at early readers – from four to seven year olds – the books are designed to bridge the gap between concept books written for preschoolers and more formal non fiction titles that require fluent reading skills. By presenting the facts in a lively and rhythmic manner, they provide the critical foundation upon which complex facts and ideas can eventually be built.
Abrams Clayton Parker Really Really REALLY Has to Pee
From the screenwriter behind family favorites like Despicable Me and Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax comes a hilarious, rhyming picture book romp about knowing when to GO Clayton Parker can’t wait for his field trip to the zoo. When his teacher encourages the class to go before they go . . . Clayton rushes onto the bus and doesn’t give it a second thought. Little does he know . . . Clayton Parker really really REALLY has to pee. He discovers this as soon as he gets to the zoo. And he panics! Clayton needs a bathroom, and he needs one now! The first one he finds is broken. The next one isn’t much of a bathroom at all. What will Clayton do? A cautionary tale for the procrastinator in us all, this hilarious picture book romp will have readers vowing alongside Clayton Parker: “Before I go out anywhere, I’ll always try to pee.”
Holiday House Zooni Tales A Friend Till the End
Loads of laughs and silly gaffs fill this charming early reader graphic novel in rhyme, from a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honoree.Dog Man meets Dr. Seuss in this fabulously furry young graphic novel that pairs rollicking rhyme with an irresistible pooch.A bee in spring, a ship in space,A car about to win a race . . . A stinky sock, a spider crew, A dog who wants to read with you! Kid friendly wordplay makes phonics fun, while charming illustrations follow Zooni through colorful mishaps and dog naps. Never fear! Zooni’s pals are always near. These loyal animal friends stick together through every adventure—from cheese quests to road tests.Told in three full-length stories and two mini comics, tails will be wagging for this fuzzy, four-legged star. A perfect fit for read alouds and newly independent readers.A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selectio
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Radiant
“It’s all here: the grade school Walt Disney and Dr. Seuss; the adolescent acid trips; the fondness for Post-it notes and flying saucers; the long tails of Dubuffet and Burroughs; the encounters with Madonna, Warhol, and one game-changer of a subway Johnny Walker Red poster. Brad Gooch takes us deep into Keith Haring’s imagination while somehow managing to fix the aura and energy of the 1980s New York art scene to the page. A keen-eyed, beautifully written biography, atmospheric, exuberant, and as radiant as they come.”—Stacy Schiff, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Revolutionary: Sam AdamsA stunning life of the iconic American artist, Keith Haring, by the acclaimed biographer Brad Gooch.In the 1980s, the subways of New York City were covered with art. In the stations, black matte sheets were pasted over outdated ads, and unsigned chalk drawings often popped up on thes
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lizzy McTizzy and the Busy Dizzy Day
From bestselling author Sarah Weeks and New York Times bestselling illustrator Lee Wildish comes an irresistibly fun picture book starring a girl who’s on the lookout for her shoe.Lizzy McTizzy is late to a party and can’t find her other shoe! She’ll stop at nothing to find it even if that means swinging from the chandelier or looking under the cat. The search leaves her dizzy just minutes before the celebration and she’s still one blue shoe short.Join Lizzy as she finds out that being yourself is the best accessory of all!Together, So B. It author Sarah Weeks′s signature rhyming text and How to Babysit a Grandpa illustrator Lee Wildish′s lively art create a story full of humor that reminds us that it’s not what you wear but how you feel that counts.Perfect for fans of Rosie Revere, Engineer and Dr. Seuss books.
Walker Books Ltd Nanette's Baguette
Today is the day Nanette gets to get the baguette! Is she set? YOU BET!"If there’s a living creator of children’s books who stands a chance of occupying a cultural position akin to a Dr. Seuss, it’s Mr. Willems" The New York Times From Mo Willems, the multi award-winning creator of the Pigeon series and the Knuffle Bunny trilogy, comes a hilarious new tongue-twister read-aloud about a little girl, Nanette, on a mission to buy a baguette. It's Nanette's very first solo trip to the bakery. But will Nanette get the baguette from baker Juliette? Or will Nanette soon be beset with regret? Set in a meticulously handcrafted-paper-modelled French village, the uniquely vibrant laugh-out-loud world of Nanette's Baguette may be Mo's best creation yet. Get set to "crack" into an irresistible tale you won't soon forget!
Random House USA Inc I Am Horton
A board book based on Horton Hears a Who! for Dr. Seuss's youngest fans--perfect for showing the rewards of being kind!Horton the Elephant describes how life in the Jungle of Nool has changed for the better since he heard--and saved--the tiny Whos in this sweet, sturdy board book based on Horton Hears a Who! Written in simple rhymed verse and aimed at toddlers and preschoolers, it's a perfect introduction to one of Dr. Seuss's most beloved characters and happiest stories. Now everyone in the family--even pre-readers--can share in the joy when Horton's kindness and perseverance saves the Whos and inspires his jungle friends to change their ways! Fans of I Am Horton will want to check out these other super-simple board book introductions to classic Dr. Seuss characters: I Am Sam-I-Am; I Am the Lorax; I Am Max; and I Am Cindy-lou Who!
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: On with the Show
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the seventh in this irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.'In a change to our scheduledprogramme tonight,I proudly present,for your joy and delight . . .'(in the glare of the bulbs, Ava tipped her tall hat)'AMAZING AVA! AAAAAAND . . .HER INVISIBLE CAT!'Ava and Squishy are going to see the circus, but when one of the acts doesn't turn up they must perform in his place!Another joyful, hilarious, instant classic of a tale for five year olds and upwards, stunningly illustrated by Ella Okstad.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Big Country Fair
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the sixth in this irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.Squishy McFluff has been blow-dried and primped to perfection. He must win the Country Fair prettiest pet competition - and will if Ava has anything to do with it . . .But not everyone can see he's the winner. The Mayor seems to have a particular blindspot . . . That is until Ava and her invisible pet foil a dastardly robbery!Another joyful, hilarious, instant classic of a tale for five year olds and upwards, stunningly illustrated by Ella Okstad.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
Everyman The Great Cat
The feline has inspired poetic adoration since the days of the pharaohs, and the poems collected here cover an astonishing range of periods, cultures, and styles. Poets across the continents and centuries have described the feline family-from kittens to old toms, pussycats to panthers-doing what they do best: sleeping, prowling, prancing, purring, sleeping some more, and gazing disdainfully at lesser beings like ourselves. Here are Yeats's Minnaloushe, Christopher Smart's Jeoffry, Lewis Carroll's Cheshire Cat, T. S. Eliot's Rum Tum Tugger, William Blake's tyger and Rilke's panther. Here are tributes from Sufi mystics, medieval Chinese poets, and haiku masters of imperial Japan, from Chaucer, Shelley, Borges, Neruda, Dickinson, and Shakespeare. Here are the cats of Mother Goose, and the one who wore the hat for Dr. Seuss.The Great Cat will delight cat lovers everywhere, celebrating as it does the beauty, the mystery, the gravity, the grace, and, of course, the unassailable superiority of the cat.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Green Art: Trees, Leaves, and Roots
Trees come in many forms and are shaped by a huge variety of climatic and human forces. This makes them iconic vehicles for expressing human conditions and allows for commentary on deep ecology. Artists have always been arboreal fans; some artists look at trees and see them as canvases for their particular vision. Others may decide to replicate them in their favorite medium, whether it is ceramics, fabrics, paint or glass. They combine, redesign, and transform their materials into art that changes the way we perceive the world. Their creations grab our attention and give us a promise of renewal and beauty; their work with trees, roots, and leaves creates magic and mystery for us to delight in. In this striking collection, 106 international, twenty-first century artists portray their world in sculpture, glass, paint, clay, wood and other contemporary mediums, displayed in over 500 images. As Dr. Seuss suggests in The Lorax, they "Speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues."
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Supermarket Sweep!
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the second in an irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.Can you see him? My kitten? He has eyes big and roundHis miaow is so sweet (but it makes not a sound!)Imagine him quick! Have you imagined enough?Oh, good, you can see him! It's Squishy McFluff!When Mum drags Ava to the supermarket, her invisible cat Squishy McFluff can't resist coming along, with hilarious, chaotic and surprising results!Told in full colour throughout, this is the perfect stepping stone from picture books to older fiction.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.'Gurgle
Little, Brown & Company Freshman Year A Graphic Novel
Everyone gets a fresh start. Who do you want to be? Sarah is leaving suburban Wisconsin for college n Minnesota. She has high hopes for the future: impress her professors, meet interesting new people, stay close to her best friends and boyfriend back home, flourish as an artist, and shed her lingering high school anxieties. What seems manageable at first quickly unravels into a tailspin and she is overwhelmed by the freedom, the isolation, and all the possibilities that await in this new environment. Based on the author''s personal college journal and comics, Freshman Year navigates the inner workings of an 18-year-old girl in witty and heartfelt detail. This graduation gift pairs perfectly with OH, THE PLACES YOU''LL GO!. Dr. Seuss''s sentimental graduation picture book is beloved, but the one teens really need is Freshman Year. This graphic novel debut shows the places students actually do go-the home goods aisle at Target; lavish li
Skyhorse Publishing The Little Red Book of Love
At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”PlatoWho, being loved, is poor?”Oscar WildeLove is life’s essential ingredient. It is the shared connection that moves mountains and transcends boundaries. Love is pure. It is powerful and overwhelming. Love conquers all. It is beautiful. It will take your breath away. It is the great equalizer. Love, and all the many ways that have been used to describe it, have inspired the most beautiful words ever spoken or set to the page. Inside The Little Red Book of Love, you’ll find a selection of mankind’s most eloquent musings on the topic of love.Inspire yourself and others with the words of: Dr. Seuss Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mother Teresa Marilyn Monroe Jane Austen Robert Frost John Lennon And many, many more!For lovers of every kindhusbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, mistresses, partnersthis handsome keepsake will be happily given and received on special occasions, to those who matter most.
Random House USA Inc The Pink Book
An over-the-top celebration of pink, as told by a small girl with a BIG imagination!In this charming Beginner Book by New York Times best-selling author Diane Muldrow, a spunky young girl encourages readers to spot the different shades of pink in the real--and sometimes imaginary--world around her. From the pearly pink inside a shell to the rosy hue she'll paint the White House when she's President, this charming ode to a beloved color is ideal for reading-aloud or reading alone. With bright, cheerful illustrations by Mike Yamada, beginning readers will be (dare we say) tickled PINK! Originally created by Dr. Seuss himself, Beginner Books are fun, funny, and easy to read. These unjacketed hardcover early readers encourage children to read all on their own, using simple words and illustrations. Smaller than the classic large format Seuss picture books like The Lorax and Oh, The Places You’ll Go!, these portable packages are perfect for practicing readers ages 3-7, and lucky parents too!
Random House USA Inc If I Ran Your School-by the Cat in the Hat
The Cat is on a mission to make school FUN in this hilarious new Beginner Book--a sequel to If I Had Your Vote--by the Cat in the Hat--that's a perfect choice for back to school!When the Cat hears that Sally and her brother of the classic The Cat in the Hat think school is dull, he arrives at their classroom--along with Little Cats A, B, and C from The Cat in the Hat Comes Back--to demonstrate how school fun should be done! Among the changes he'd make? Adding two-headed class pets; replacing show-and-tell with smell-and-tell; planting book-blooming seeds (growing rooms full of books); and adding such nontraditional materials as mops and plungers to art class! An ideal choice for children entering school for the first time, this easy reader is bound to cause lots of giggles--helping to ease any back-to-school anxiety!Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.
Random House USA Inc If I Ran Your School-by the Cat in the Hat
The Cat is on a mission to make school FUN in this hilarious new Beginner Book--a sequel to If I Had Your Vote--by the Cat in the Hat--that's a perfect choice for back to school!When the Cat hears that Sally and her brother of the classic The Cat in the Hat think school is dull, he arrives at their classroom--along with Little Cats A, B, and C from The Cat in the Hat Comes Back--to demonstrate how school fun should be done! Among the changes he'd make? Adding two-headed class pets; replacing show-and-tell with smell-and-tell; planting book-blooming seeds (growing rooms full of books); and adding such nontraditional materials as mops and plungers to art class! An ideal choice for children entering school for the first time, this easy reader is bound to cause lots of giggles--helping to ease any back-to-school anxiety!Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.
Scholastic Dick the Delightful Duck (HB)
Even the most delightful ducks can have a bad day . . . What's the matter with Dick the Duck? He's usually so kind and friendly! But today Dick got out on The Wrong Side of Bed. He feels humpy and grumpy, cranky and cross. Can anyone help cheer him up? Luckily Dick's friends rally round and shower him with kindness, and Dick is soon back to his usual delightful self! This magnificently funny rhyming story shows that even the most delightful ducks can have a bad day. (And that's totally okay!) Children will adore this hilarious rhyming story by the much-loved author of the PONGWIFFY books Kaye Umansky is one of the funniest children's writers around. This brilliant rhyming story is a joy to read aloud, and has echoes of Dr Seuss Ben Mantle's superb colourful illustrations bring every character to life. Each page is packed with fabulous, funny details Full of warmth and humour, Dick the Delightful Duck shows even the youngest children that it's okay not to be okay, and how they can be a good friend
Scholastic Dick the Delightful Duck
Even the most delightful ducks can have a bad day . . . What's the matter with Dick the Duck? He's usually so kind and friendly! But today Dick got out on The Wrong Side of Bed. He feels humpy and grumpy, cranky and cross. Can anyone help cheer him up? Luckily Dick's friends rally round and shower him with kindness, and Dick is soon back to his usual delightful self! This magnificently funny rhyming story shows that even the most delightful ducks can have a bad day. (And that's totally okay!) Children will adore this hilarious rhyming story by the much-loved author of the PONGWIFFY books Kaye Umansky is one of the funniest children's writers around. This brilliant rhyming story is a joy to read aloud, and has echoes of Dr Seuss Ben Mantle's superb colourful illustrations bring every character to life. Each page is packed with fabulous, funny details Full of warmth and humour, Dick the Delightful Duck shows even the youngest children that it's okay not to be okay, and how they can be a good friend
Rizzoli International Publications The Little Big Book for Dads, Revised Edition
The Little Big Book for Dads, Welcome's companion to the best-selling The Little Big Book for Moms, is back in an updated edition featuring a fresh cover design, a revised introduction and a new ISBN. This classic is a treasure trove piled high with stories, fairy tales, poetry, activities, recipes, and songs - all selected with the dad in mind. Featuring text by authors as diverse, funny, and profound as Bill Cosby, Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash, and Dr. Seuss, and illustrated throughout with early twentieth-century art from artists including Jessie Wilcox Smith and Kate Greenway, The Little Big Book for Dads makes for a special reading experience to be shared between dad and a little one. Filled with activities to while away the hours together, including making sandcastles and identification games; jokes, riddles, and great tongue twisters to laugh over; and even some fun stuff to try in the kitchen with the kids, like mac and cheese, sloppy joes, and chicken fingers. All in all, it's a book dads -and kids, too- will love and appreciate.
Tuttle Publishing The Rocket Book
"When Fritz,the Janitor's bad kid,Went snooping in the basement,He found a rock snugly hidBeneath the window casement.He struck a match with one fell swoop;Then, on the concrete kneeling,he lit the rocket and—she—oop!It shot up through the ceiling."Long before Richard Scarry or Dr. Seuss, an American artist delighted a generation of children and their parents with hilarious, topsy-turvy illustrations and slightly subversive tales told in rhyme. This was illustrator/author Peter Newell.Originally published in 1912, The Rocket Book remains as profoundly enjoyable and incredibly popular as ever. This classic work will delight readers of all ages with the story of how a rocket launched from the basement floor of an apartment building and how it interrupts the day.Peter Newell (1862-1924) began his career as an artist drawing portraits, using crayons as his medium. In his fantastic humor, many believe, is the first appearance of the gentle humor of the absurd which The New Yorker has subsequently developed to such a high level.
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Seaside Rescue!
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the fifth in this irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.Ava danced round her room,Shouting: "Hip hip hooray!It's holiday time!And we're going today!"Ava is excited to be going on holiday to the seaside. But with Squishy McFluff, the mischievous invisible cat coming along things are bound to get very, very silly . . .Rising star Pip Jones continues to give her quirky twist to everyday experiences in this warm and humorous series. The jaunty rhyming text is perfect for reading aloud, and Ella Okstad's gorgeous, distinctive illustrations will help more confident readers learn to read by themselves for the first time.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
Texas A & M University Press Mobilizing the Home Front: War Bonds and Domestic Propaganda
During World War II, the home front offered unprecedented levels of moral, financial, and labor support for the war effort. This was no accident. Through the U.S. Treasury Department's war bond drives, Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration strategically cultivated national morale by creating the largest single domestic propaganda campaign known to that time. Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny joined Judy Garland, Dorothy Lamour, and Lana Turner to urge Americans to buy war bonds, helping to create a virtual army of home front soldiers. Dr. Seuss drew cartoons, Irving Berlin wrote songs, and Norman Rockwell designed posters to help raise over $185 billion for the struggle, most of it coming from average citizens who well remembered the poverty of the Depression. In ""Mobilizing the Home Front"", James J. Kimble marshals archival documents, public appeals, and a wealth of internal memoranda, reports, and surveys to offer a new understanding of the government's eight war bond drives and the psyche of the nation at war. With roots in propaganda studies, military history, rhetorical criticism, and peace studies, this book adds new dimensions to our understanding of the waging of war by the ""Greatest Generation.
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: The Invisible Cat!
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the first in an irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.'Can you see him? My kitten? Close your eyes tightHis fur is so soft and all silvery whiteImagine him quick! Have you imagined enough?Oh, good, you can see him! It's Squishy McFluff!'When Ava discovers an imaginary cat in the cabbage patch, she knows she's found a new best friend. Together, Ava and Squishy McFluff get up to all kinds of mischief . . .Told in full colour throughout, this is the perfect stepping stone from picture books to older fiction. Bright new talent Pip Jones gives a hilarious, quirky twist to everyday experiences for readers aged 5+.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle
Scholastic This Rock Is Mine (HB)
Friendship wins the day in this fabulously funny quarrel! Two frogs sit on an ordinary little rock. But . . . uh-oh! Both frogs think it's their rock - and they really don't want to share! The frogs fight and squabble furiously. But when a hungry heron swoops down, both frogs realise it's time to find another rock . . . together! Kaye Umansky's brilliantly simple rhyming story shows how two grumpy frogs go from fighting . . . to friendship (with lots of laughter along the way.) Alice McKinley's hilarious illustrations bring to life every twist and turn of this wonderfully witty little drama. Written in absolutely perfect rhyme, this story is a joy to read aloud. Every parent and child will identify with these squabbling frogs. An excellent (and very funny) lesson in how to resolve a quarrel! Kaye Umansky is one of the UK's best-loved children's authors. She is a brilliant comic writer, and is the award-winning creator of the bestselling Pongwiffy fiction series. Her superb rhyming picture books have echoes of Dr Seuss. Alice McKinley's illustrations are full of warmth and humour, and packed with clever details to spot.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Language Arts Learning Centers for the Primary Grades
Want to make the most of learning centers but not sure how? Let this outstanding resource be your guide. It features four complete language arts learning center units, based on popular children's books, that will fit into virtually any curriculum. The units include Dr. Seuss and His Friends, Bears, Dogs, and American Tall Tales and Legends, and can be used in any order. Each unit comes with an illustrated bulletin board activity, a letter to parents explaining the learning center activities and suggesting home enrichment ideas, a group activity for the entire class, and "take off" suggestions that serve as springboards for extended activities across other content areas. This unique handbook provides over 100 reproducible whole language activities that will improve students' skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, math, and art. Children will get a variety of opportunities for acquiring new knowledge, as well as practicing previously learned concepts. Primary teachers and resource-room and special education teachers will find detailed directions for using a learning center system-from introducing, setting up, managing, and evaluating learning centers as part of the regular classroom program.
Faber & Faber Squishy McFluff: Meets Mad Nana Dot
From the funniest voice in young fiction today, the third in this irresistible series for young readers about imaginary friends in hilarious rhyming text and with adorable illustrations by Ella Okstad.Oh yippee! Young Ava is very excitedTo see Nana Dot (who's rather short-sighted).Nan's fun! And she's funny! And if that's not enough, Can Ava's Mad Nana SEE Squishy McFluff?Ava and Squishy are up to their normal no-good when Dad whisks them off to Nana Dot's - Mum's got to go to the hospital to bring back Ava a baby sister! But Mad Nana Dot's lost her glasses so can't SEE Squishy McFluff . . . and a trip to the hairdresser's, the post office, the fishmonger all end in adorable disaster.Told in full colour throughout, this is the perfect stepping stone from picture books to older fiction.'A surefire hit.' Guardian'Charming.' The Times'Bound to ensure catisfaction.' Independent'Cleverly bridging the gap between picture books and longer fiction, the lovable Squishy is certain to be a success with under-sevens.' BookTrust'In delightful rhyme reminiscent of Dr Seuss, this charmingly illustrated book is bound to become a bedtime fave.' Gurgle