Search results for ""Broadview Press Ltd""
Broadview Press Ltd The Subjection of Women
This volume of The Subjection of Women provides a reliable text in an inexpensive edition, with explanatory notes but no additional editorial apparatus.
Broadview Press Ltd The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself was the first work that influenced the nineteenth-century genre of slave narrative autobiographies. Written and published by Equiano, a former slave, it became a prototype for those that followed.Kidnapped in Africa as a child, Equiano was transported to the Caribbean and then to Virginia, bought by a Quaker shipowner, and placed in service at sea. Aboard various American and British ships, he sailed throughout the world, and he continued to do so after having purchased his freedom in 1766. Once settled in London, he fought tirelessly to end slavery.This edition of Equiano's Narrative places the text in the center of abolitionist activity in the late eighteenth century. Equiano knew many of the leading abolitionist figures of his time, and this edition allows readers to trace the common ideas and cross-influences in the works of the political and literary figures who fought for the end of slavery in America and England. The original 1789 text of the narrative has been used for the Broadview edition with Equiano's subsequent emendations included in the appendices.
Broadview Press Ltd Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language: A Concise Anthology
This concise and affordable anthology is designed for use as a textbook in both undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy of language. It aims to provide a core of essential primary sources and may be used either on its own, or in conjunction with a secondary source.
Broadview Press Ltd Joseph Andrews
Joseph Andrews, first published in 1742, is in part a parody of Samuel Richardson’s Pamela. But whereas Richardson’s novel is marked by the virtues of female chastity and the triumph of steadfast morality, Fielding’s Joseph Andrews is peopled with lascivious women, thieves, hypocrites, and general fools. As we follow the characters in their travels, what unfolds is a lively panoramic satire of mid-Georgian England.
Broadview Press Ltd Moral Matters
Moral Matters is a concise and accessible look at such ethical issues as euthanasia, animal rights, abortion, and pornography. It provides a focused set of views from the unified perspective of one of North America’s leading libertarian thinkers, and aims to provoke thought and discussion as well as to enrich understanding.For the new edition the text has been revised throughout, the introduction has been greatly expanded, and a new chapter on environmental issues has been added.
Broadview Press Ltd Native Poetry in Canada: A Contemporary Anthology
Native Poetry in Canada: A Contemporary Anthology is the only collection of its kind. It brings together the poetry of many authors whose work has not previously been published in book form alongside that of critically-acclaimed poets, thus offering a record of Native cultural revival as it emerged through poetry from the 1960s to the present. The poets included here adapt English oratory and, above all, a sense of play. Native Poetry in Canada suggests both a history of struggle to be heard and the wealth of Native cultures in Canada today.
Broadview Press Ltd Marcella
Marcella, young and with a new-womanly independence, has a yearning to help the poor. When a gamekeeper is murdered near where she lives, Marcella finds herself at odds with her wealthy fiancé over beliefs about property and justice. The discovery leads Marcella to pursue—among other things—a career in nursing. In settings ranging from village cottages, London slums and hospital wards to fashionable drawing rooms and the Ladies’ Gallery of the Houses of Parliament, the book combines a gripping story with serious issues—socialism, rural and urban poverty, poaching laws, journalistic ethics, the Woman Question—inspiring critics to liken Marcella to George Eliot’s novels.The Broadview Literary Texts edition records the substantive differences between the two major editions published during Ward’s lifetime, and included among the many appendices are news accounts of the murder trial and executions that inspired the novel, and previously unpublished letters by Ward.NB: Mary Augusta Ward has traditionally been known as Mrs. Humphry Ward.
Broadview Press Ltd Little Women
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott’s masterpiece of Children’s literature, is the story of the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Living in a small Massachusetts town, the girls and Mrs. March must make do while Mr. March is away serving as an Army Chaplain during the Civil War. At the story’s center lies Jo who, as she approaches adulthood, must reconcile her duties to her family with her desire to become a successful writer.The many appendices in this Broadview edition include materials on the early women’s movement, the novel’s composition, and Alcott’s literary influences.
Broadview Press Ltd The Adventures of Eovaai
Haywood’s novel is the story of the beautiful Princess Eovaai. Groomed for the throne by her father, who teaches her Lockean notions of liberty, she is overthrown, enmeshed in civil war, and then magically transported to a foreign land by an evil man. Part magician, part politician, he plots to marry her for political reasons. The fascinating reflexive structure of The Adventures of Eovaai incorporates argumentative intrusions (by the Translator, an Historian, etc.), interweaves political and amatory storylines, and blends a wild mix of genres.
Broadview Press Ltd Memoirs of Emma Courtney
In November of 1795, after William Godwin requested a sketch of Mary Hays’ life, she arrived at the idea of Memoirs of Emma Courtney. Godwin followed up his request with a “hint” that a fictional exploration of the painful experience she had undergone in her relationship with William Frend might help her to come to terms with it. It was to be an “instructive rather than self indulgent” work. The resulting novel is one of the most interesting and important explorations of gender-related issues of the time. Emma is exposed to a series of situations—motherlessness, orphanhood, poverty, dependence, and more—which encourage her to reflect “on the inequalities of society, the source of every misery and vice, and on the peculiar disadvanteges of my sex.” The novel quickly became viewed as “a scandalous disrobing in public” but it has endured as much on the basis of its readability as on its pointed social commentary.
Broadview Press Ltd The History of Ophelia
In the mid-eighteenth century, Sarah Fielding (1710-68) was the second most popular English woman novelist, rivaled only by Eliza Haywood. The History of Ophelia, the last of her seven novels, is an often comic epistolary fiction, narrated by the heroine to an unnamed female correspondent in the form of a single protracted letter.This Broadview edition includes a critical introduction and valuable appendices that contain contemporary reviews of the novel, Richard Corbould's illustrations to the Novelist’s Magazine edition, and excerpts from Sarah Fielding’s Remarks on Clarissa.
Broadview Press Ltd The Odd Women
George Gissing’s The Odd Women dramatizes key issues relating to class and gender in late-Victorian culture: the changing relationship between the sexes, the social impact of ‘odd’ or ‘redundant’ women, the cultural impact of ‘the new woman,’ and the opportunities for and conditions of employment in the expanding service sector of the economy. At the heart of these issues as many late Victorians saw them was a problem of the imbalance in the ratio of men to women in the population. There were more females than males, which meant that more and more women would be left unmarried; they would be ‘odd’ or ‘redundant,’ and would be forced to be independent and to find work to support themselves. In the Broadview edition, Gissing’s text is carefully annotated and accompanied by a range of documents from the period that help to lay out the context in which the book was written.In Gissing’s story, Virginia Madden and her two sisters are confronted upon the death of their father with sudden impoverishment. Without training for employment, and desperate to maintain middle-class respectability, they face a daunting struggle. In Rhoda Nunn, a strong feminist, Gissing also presents a strong character who draws attention overtly to the issues behind the novel. The Odd Women is one of the most important social novels of the late nineteenth century.
Broadview Press Ltd Lodore
Beset by jealousy over an admirer of his wife's, Lord Lodore has come with his daughter Ethel to the American wilderness; his wife Cornelia, meanwhile, has remained with her controlling mother in England. When he finally brings himself to attempt a return, Lodore is killed en route in a duel. Ethel does return to England, and the rest of the book tells the story of her marriage to the troubled and impoverished Villiers (whom she stands by through a variety of tribulations) and her long journey to a reconciliation with her mother.Lodore's scope of character and of idea is matched by its narrative range and variety of setting; the novel's highly dramatic story-line moves at different points to Italy, to Illinois, and to Niagara Falls. And in this edition, which includes a wealth of documents from the period, the reader is provided with a sense of the full context out of which Shelley's achievement emerged.
Broadview Press Ltd Daisy Miller (1878)
Henry James’s Daisy Miller was an immediate sensation when it was first published in 1878 and has remained popular ever since. In this novella, the charming but inscrutable young American of the title shocks European society with her casual indifference to its social mores. The novella was popular in part because of the debates it sparked about foreign travel, the behaviour of women, and cultural clashes between people of different nationalities and social classes.This Broadview edition presents an early version of James’s best-known novella within the cultural contexts of its day. In addition to primary materials about nineteenth-century womanhood, foreign travel, medicine, philosophy, theatre, and art—some of the topics that interested James as he was writing the story—this volume includes James’s ruminations on fiction, theatre, and writing, and presents excerpts of Daisy Miller as he rewrote it for the theatre and for a much later and heavily revised edition.
Broadview Press Ltd Local Government in Action: A Simulation
Broadview Press Ltd The Institutions of Liberal Democratic States
Broadview Press Ltd Anatomy of a Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the Vote in the 2000 Canadian Election
Anatomy of a Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the Vote in the 2000 Canadian Election provides a compressive account of the factors that led Canadians to vote the way they did in the Fall 2000 Canadian election, which resulted in a third consecutive Liberal majority government. The book explains the overall impact that these factors had on how well or poorly each of the parties did in the election. The authors address in particular the following questions: Why was turnout so low? What were Canadians' perceptions of the economy and how much impact did these perceptions have on vote choice? What were voters' opinions on the major issues of the day and did these opinions affect their decision on election day? What did voters think of the leaders and how much weight did these evaluations have on their choice? The study is based on mass surveys, involving more than 3,000 respondents, conducted both during the campaign and after the election. It also draws on a detailed content analysis of the parties' messages and nightly news broadcasts throughout the campaign and its aftermath. Academics please note that this is a title classified as having a restricted allocation of complimentary copies; complimentary copies remain readily available to adopters and to academics very likely to adopt this title in the coming academic year. When adoption possibilities are less strong and/or further in the future, academics are requested to purchase the title at an academic discount, with the provison that University of Toronto Press will happily refund the purchase price (with or without a receipt) if the book is indeed adopted.
Broadview Press Ltd From Love Canal to Environmental Justice: The Politics of Hazardous Waste on the Canada - U.S. Border
Broadview Press Ltd International Economics in the Age of Globalization
International Economics in the Age of Globalization provides the intellectual basis for an understanding of the increasingly integrated world economy. The requisite background is not solely economic theory, but includes the history and the purposes and workings of the organizations, laws, instruments, and customary practices in the international economy. Economic theory is not limited to the abstract; its concern with institutions has both a practical and theoretical base. How can one evaluate a criticism of the World Trade Organization, a fear of the dangers of financial derivatives, the supposed freedom of a multinational firm, or the presumed unfairness of dumping without knowing both theory and institutions? Where did these institutions come from? What problems are they solving-as well as creating? This book's balance between theory and institutions is akin to texts in Public Expenditure or Money and Banking. The leading international economics texts, in contrast, push the real world into the background and present the subject as a more specialized intermediate theory course, accessible only to people who have a solid theoretical background. The result is that good discussions of many of the key issues in modern international economics simply are not available in the curriculum, or accessible to any but economics majors. This book aims to remedy that failing, challenging economics majors and non-majors alike. It will also be of value to students of business and public affairs and to the economic-literate general public.
Broadview Press Ltd Re-Situating Identities: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Broadview Press Ltd Configuring Gender: Explorations in Theory and Politics
"Gender", as an idea or concept "defines the feminist critical project." It is in the spirit of this project that Barbara Marshall undertakes a critical examination of gender as a constitutive category, not only in feminist social theory but also in recent political debates. This brief book focuses on how the idea of gender has developed both in scholarship and in the public mind, for the notion of gender has, as the author notes, "taken up residence in the public consciousness, and become one of the lenses through which we seek to understand ourselves and our everyday lives, as well as to comprehend the public issues of the day." Gender has become a critical social fact but a fact (like all such facts) constantly reconstituted as those who fight the social issues through which it travels, adopt it for their own purpose. Feminists have defined critiques of patriarchal society according to their understanding of gender divisions. In so doing, they have also critiqued more traditional liberal and Marxist theories for their blind spots with respect to gender. In turn, Western feminists have been challenged by a new and diverse range of voices that have entered the conversation more recently. Others have deployed the idea of gender to undermine feminist politics, rendering gender a pejorative term for those in dissident feminist, anti-feminist, or conservative circles. Marshall also sets the politicization of gender in a larger context, examining the ways in which gender is continually reconstructed in global processes of economic and political change. She concludes with an attempt to reassess the status of gender as a key concept for both feminist and sociological analysis and suggests strategies for reconfiguring our understanding of gender in a more contextualized and pragmatic way.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1: The Medieval Period
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials. Innovative, authoritative and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature has established itself as a leader in the field.The full anthology comprises six bound volumes, together with an extensive website component; the latter has been edited, annotated, and designed according to the same high standards as the bound book component of the anthology, and is accessible by using the passcode obtained with the purchase of one or more of the bound volumes.In the revised third edition of this volume, the term 'Anglo-Saxon' has been removed from our editorial apparatus - a change made in response to recent scholarly work that has drawn attention to the term's historical and current usage by white supremacists. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements; the pagination, however, remains the same.
Broadview Press Ltd Writing Essays About Literature: A Brief Guide for University and College Students
This book gives students an answer to the question, “What does my professor want from this essay?” Using a single poem by William Carlos Williams as the basis for the process of writing a paper, it walks students through the processes of reading, brainstorming, researching secondary sources, gathering evidence, and composing and editing the paper.Writing Essays About Literature is designed to strengthen argumentation skills and deepen understanding of the relationships between the reader, the author, the text, and critical interpretations. Its lessons about clarity, precision, and the importance of providing evidence will have wide relevance for student writers. The second edition has been updated throughout and provides three new complete sample essays showing varying approaches to the final essay.
Broadview Press Ltd Hadji Murat
Based on historical events, Tolstoy's beloved final novella tells the story of the rebel leader Hadji Murat-whom Tolstoy described as 'the leading daredevil of the Caucasus'-and of the precarious alliance he forged with his enemies during his final days. Set during the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the 1850s and expressing empathy for the resistance of the native peoples of Dagestan and Chechnya, Hadji Murat raises significant questions of power, imperialism, and betrayal, and remains moving and relevant today. This richly annotated edition features a selection of illuminating background materials that help situate the novella in its historical and literary context.
Broadview Press Ltd Only By Experience: An Anthology of Slave Narratives
The historical and literary importance that slave narratives—the autobiographical accounts written by formerly enslaved people in the United States and throughout the Atlantic world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries—wielded in their own time and continue to wield in ours is difficult to overstate. Popular and widely read on both sides of the Atlantic, slave narratives played an indispensable role in the campaigns against slavery in Britain and the United States and in the development of a black literary tradition, and they continue to be widely read and to shape popular understandings and memories of slavery today. "Only By Experience": An Anthology of Slave Narratives collects, in whole or in part, sixteen of the most significant and influential slave narratives. Based on material from the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of British Literature and Broadview Anthology of American Literature, the anthology includes works from the British empire as well as the United States and puts classic examples of the slave narrative genre in conversation with works that raise questions about how the genre is defined. The anthology also features thorough headnotes and annotations for each work, as well as detailed contextual materials for many of the works included.
Broadview Press Ltd Frederick Douglass: Selected Writings and Speeches
Universally recognized today as one of the most important and influential Americans of the nineteenth century, Frederick Douglass rose to prominence in the national abolitionist movement before and during the Civil War by virtue of the vividness and power with which, drawing on his personal experiences of enslavement and freedom, he spoke and wrote against American slavery and he continued to propound his vision of an America that would afford freedom, equality, and opportunity to all long after slavery was formally abolished. This edition offers a selection of Douglass's most significant writing and oratory from throughout his long career, including the complete texts of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, which has become a classic example of the slave narrative genre, and The Heroic Slave, Douglass's only published work of fiction, together with excerpts from Douglass's other autobiographical writings and key speeches he gave both before and after the Civil War. The edition also provides clear and thorough annotations for the assistance of the student reader and a range of contextual materials, including responses to Douglass's Narrative and photographs of Douglass. As an introduction to Douglass's life and work that balances breadth and concision, this edition is well suited for a variety of undergraduate courses in American history and literary studies. This volume is one of a number of editions that have been drawn from the pages of the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of American Literature; like the others, it is designed to make a range of material from the anthology available in a format convenient for use in a wide variety of contexts.
Broadview Press Ltd Pop Culture for Beginners
Pop Culture for Beginners promotes reflective engagement with the world around us and provides a set of tools for thinking critically about how meaning is created, reinforced, and circulated. Privileging a semiotic approach, the book’s first part, “The Pop Culture Toolbox,” outlines the development of pop culture studies; explains the semiotic framework; introduces students to a variety of critical lenses including Marxism, feminism, postcolonialism, and Critical Race Theory; and then offers an overview of several pop culture “pivot points” including authenticity, convergence culture, intersectionality, intertextuality, and subculture. The book’s second part provides a series of units, prepared in consultation with subject area experts, built around topics central to popular culture studies: television and film, music, comics, gaming, social media, and fandom. Each chapter includes “Your Turn” activities and discussion questions, as well as possible assignments and suggestions for further reading. The unit chapters in part two also include enabling questions as beginning points for thinking critically and sample readings demonstrating relevant scholarly approaches to popular culture; important vocabulary terms throughout are included in a substantive glossary at the end.
Broadview Press Ltd Soundwriting: A Guide to Making Audio Projects
Written in an encouraging and accessible way, this textbook is about how to compose with sound—to make powerful soundwriting like podcast episodes, audio essays, personal narratives, and documentaries. Using ideas and language from rhetoric and writing studies as well as the authors’ personal experiences with soundwriting, this book teaches soundwriters how to approach the world with a listening ear and body, determine a writing process that feels right, target the perfect audience, use such rhetorical tools as music and sound effects, and work in an audio editor. The many exercises throughout the book and the supportive resources on the companion website will further help budding makers to strengthen their skills and their understanding of what it takes to make compelling audio projects.
Broadview Press Ltd Grammar by Diagram: Workbook
Grammar by Diagram is a book designed for anyone who wishes to improve grammatical understanding and skill. Using traditional sentence diagraming as a visual tool, the book explains how to expand ten basic patterns for simple sentences into compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences, and how to employ verbals (infinitives, gerunds, and participles), other specialized structures, and even punctuation for additional versatility. The Grammar by Diagram Workbook provides practice exercises to accompany each chapter, including cumulative exercises with which students can check their progress at key points, a summary of concepts for each chapter, and a complete answer key.
Broadview Press Ltd This Language, A River: A History of English, Workbook
This Language, A River is an introduction to the history of English that recognizes multiple varieties of the language in both current and historical contexts. The book aims to enable students to both grasp traditional histories of English, and to extend and complicate those histories. Exercises throughout provide opportunities for puzzling out concepts, committing terms and data to memory, and applying ideas. A comprehensive glossary and up-to-date bibliographies help to guide further study.This accompanying workbook includes exercises keyed to each chapter of the textbook. Exercises are graded into beginning, intermediate and advanced groupings, which will aid in making the textbook appropriate for different levels of students.
Broadview Press Ltd Reading Children’s Literature: A Critical Introduction
Reading Children’s Literature: A Critical Introduction offers insights into the major discussions and debates currently animating the field of children's literature. Informed by recent scholarship and interest in cultural studies and critical theory, it is a compact core text that introduces students to the historical contexts, genres, and issues of children’s literature. A beautifully designed and illustrated supplement to individual literary works assigned, it also provides helpful apparatus that makes it a complete resource for working with children’s literature both during and after the course.The second edition includes a new chapter on children's literature and popular culture (including film, television, and merchandising) and has been updated throughout to reflect recent scholarship and new offerings in children’s media.
Broadview Press Ltd Joining the Dialogue: Practices for Ethical Research Writing
Joining the Dialogue offers an exciting new approach for teaching academic research writing to introductory students by drawing on communication ethics. Holding to the current view that academic writing means situating ourselves in a research community and learning how to join the research conversations going on around us, Joining the Dialogue proposes that how we engage in dialogue with other researchers in our community matters. We not only read, acknowledge, and build on the research of others as we compose our work; we also engage openly, attentively, critically, and responsively to their ideas as we articulate our own. With this in mind, Joining the Dialogue is geared to helping students discover the key ethical practices of dialogue-receptivity and responsivity-as they join a research conversation. It also helps students master the dialogic structure of research essays as they write in and for their academic communities. Combining an ethical approach with accessible prose, dialogic structures and templates, practical exercises, and ample illustrations from across the disciplines, Joining the Dialogue not only teaches students how to write research essays, but how to write those essays ethically as a dialogue with other researchers and readers.
Broadview Press Ltd Philebus
The Philebus is the only Platonic dialogue that takes as its central theme the fundamental Socratic question of the good, understood as that which makes for the best or happiest life. It offers an extended psychological and epistemological investigation of such topics as sensation, memory, desire, anticipation, the truth and falsity of pleasures, and the types and gradations of knowledge, as well as a methodological exposition of dialectic and a metaphysical schema—found nowhere else in the dialogues—that is intended to illuminate the nature of mixture. In its interweaving of ethical, metaphysical, and epistemological issues, the Philebus offers a unique opportunity to assess the relation of these topics in Plato’s mature thought and so to gain insight into his philosophical vision as a whole. This edition also includes parallel passages from other Platonic dialogues and related material from Aristotle, the Stoics, and Epicurus.
Broadview Press Ltd Writing Science in the Twenty-First Century
Writing Science in the Twenty-First Century offers guidance to help writers succeed in a broad range of writing tasks and purposes in science and other STEM fields. Concise and current, the book takes most of its examples and lessons from scientific fields, such as the life sciences, chemistry, physics, and geology, but some examples are taken from mathematics and engineering. The book emphasizes building confidence and rhetorical expertise in fields where diverse audiences, high ethical stakes, and multiple modes of presentation present unique writing challenges. Using a systematic approach—assessing purpose, audience, order of information, tone, evidence, and graphics—it gives readers a clear road map to becoming accurate, persuasive, and rhetorically savvy writers.
Broadview Press Ltd Opposition and Paradoxes: Philosophical Perplexities in Science and Mathematics
Since antiquity, opposed concepts such a s t he One and the Many, the Finite and the Infinite, and the Absolute and the Relative, have been a driving force in philosophical, scientific, and mathematical thought. Yet they have also given rise to perplexing problems and conceptual paradoxes which continue to haunt scientists and philosophers. In Oppositions and Paradoxes, John L. Bell explains and investigates the paradoxes and puzzles that arise out of conceptual oppositions in physics and mathematics. In the process, Bell not only motivates abstract conceptual thinking about the paradoxes at issue, he also offers a compelling introduction to central ideas in such otherwise-di¬ cult topics as non-Euclidean geometry, relativity, and quantum physics.These paradoxes are often as fun as they are flabbergasting. Consider, for example, the Tristram Shandy paradox: an immortal man composing an autobiography so slowly as to require a year of writing to describe each day of his life—he would, if he had infinite time, never complete the work, although no individual part of it would remain unwritten … Or imagine an English professor who time-travels back to 1599 to offer a printing of Hamlet to William Shakespeare, so as to help the Bard overcome writer’s block and author the play which will centuries later inspire an English professor to travel back in time … These and many other of the book’s paradoxes straddle the boundary between physics and metaphysics, and demonstrate the hidden difficulty of many of our most basic concepts.
Broadview Press Ltd In A Glass Darkly
From the predatory same-sex desire in “Carmilla” to the ghostly hallucinations in “Green Tea,” the five supernatural stories in In a Glass Darkly reflect a profound and deeply disturbing uncertainty about the nature of humanity. Originally published separately in magazines, the stories are framed and linked in this collection as case notes in the papers of the fictional Dr. Hesselius. Sheridan Le Fanu’s approach to the supernatural reworks traditional Irish oral storytelling and combines it with nineteenth-century adaptations of the eighteenth-century Gothic novel. Appendices include Le Fanu’s correspondence about the stories, posthumous assessments of his life and work, and twentieth-century critical commentaries by M.R. James and Elizabeth Bowen. Engravings from the original serial publications of several stories are also included.
Broadview Press Ltd Black Beauty
Continuously in print and translated into multiple languages since it was first published, Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty is a classic work of children’s literature and an important text in the fields of Victorian studies and animal studies. Writing to “induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses,” Sewell realistically documents the working conditions of Black Beauty, who moves down the social scale from a rural carriage horse to a delivery horse in London. Sewell makes visible and tangible the experience of animals who were often treated as if they were machines. Though she died shortly after it was published, Sewell’s book contributed significantly to late nineteenth-century campaigns for humane treatment of horses and remains a seminal anti-cruelty text today.The Broadview Press edition reproduces the first edition of 1877, restoring material often abridged in other modern editions. Appendices include materials on contemporary animal-rights movements, “equine management,” and Victorian understandings of animal emotions.
Broadview Press Ltd A City Girl: A Realistic Story
In April 1888, Friedrich Engels wrote a letter to the English novelist and journalist Margaret Harkness, expressing his appreciation for her first novel, A City Girl: A Realistic Story, and calling it “a small work of art.” A City Girl was one of many slum novels set in the East End of London in the 1880s. It tells the story of a young East Ender, Nelly Ambrose, who is seduced and abandoned by a middle-class politician. After the birth of her child and betrayal by her family, Nelly is rescued by two outside forces: the Salvation Army and a sympathetic local man, George, who marries her despite her “fallen” status. While Nelly’s relative passivity and social ignorance distinguishes her from contemporary New Woman heroines, Harkness’s sympathy for Nelly’s position and refusal to judge her morally make A City Girl a fascinating and original novel.This Broadview Edition includes contemporary reviews of A City Girl along with historical documents on London’s East End, fallen women in late-Victorian fiction, and reform organizations for East End women.
Broadview Press Ltd A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects
In his autobiography, David Hume famously noted that A Treatise of Human Nature “fell dead-born from the press.” Yet it is now widely regarded as one of the greatest philosophical works written in the English language. Within, Hume offers an empirically informed account of human nature, addressing a range of topics such as space, time, causality, the external world, personal identity, passions, freedom, necessity, virtue, and vice. This edition includes not only the full text of the Treatise but also Hume’s summarizing Abstract, as well as selections drawn from critical book reviews which showcase the work’s reception in Hume’s own time. Angela Coventry’s expert introduction and annotations serve to contextualize the book’s themes and arguments for modern readers.
Broadview Press Ltd The Morality of War
The first edition of The Morality of War was one of the most widely-read and successful books ever written on the topic. In this second edition, Brian Orend builds on the substantial strengths of the first, adding important new material on: cyber-warfare; drone attacks; the wrap-up of Iraq and Afghanistan; conflicts in Libya and Syria; and protracted struggles (like the Arab-Israeli conflict). Updated and streamlined throughout, the book offers new research tools and case studies, while keeping the winning blend of theory and history featured in the first edition. This book remains an engaging and comprehensive examination of the ethics, and practice, of war and peace in today’s world.
Broadview Press Ltd Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues
Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues covers the most important normative, conceptual, and legal issues associated with sexual harassment. Keith Dromm provides an insightful introduction to the theoretical and practical discussion, examining the most influential approaches to sexual harassment and offering his own analyses. Each chapter ends with review questions, discussion questions, and suggestions for group activities.
Broadview Press Ltd The Theory and Practice of Experimental Philosophy
In recent years, developments in experimental philosophy have led many thinkers to reconsider their central assumptions and methods. It is not enough to speculate and introspect from the armchair–philosophers must subject their claims to scientific scrutiny, looking at evidence and in some cases conducting new empirical research. The Theory and Practice of Experimental Philosophy is an introduction and guide to the systematic collection and analysis of empirical data in academic philosophy.This book serves two purposes: first, it examines the theory behind “x-phi,” including its underlying motivations and the objections that have been leveled against it. Second, the book offers a practical guide for those interested in doing experimental philosophy, detailing how to design, implement, and analyze empirical studies. Thus, the book explains the reasoning behind x-phi and provides tools to help readers become experimental philosophers.
Broadview Press Ltd An Introduction to Logical Theory
This book reclaims logic as a branch of philosophy, offering a self-contained and complete introduction to the three traditional systems of classical logic and the philosophical issues that surround those systems. The exposition is lucid, clear, and engaging. Practical methods are favoured over the traditional, and creative approaches over the merely mechanical. The author's guiding principle is to introduce classical logic in an intellectually honest way, and not to shy away from difficulties and controversies where they arise. Relevant philosophical issues, such as the relation between the meaning and the referent of a proper name, logical versus metaphysical possibility, and the conceptual content of an expression, are discussed throughout. In this way, the book is not only an introduction to the three main systems of classical logic, but also an introduction to the philosophy of classical logic.
Broadview Press Ltd Animals and Ethics: An Overview of the Philosophical Debate
Can animals be regarded as part of the moral community? To what extent, if at all, do they have moral rights? Are we wrong to eat them, hunt them, or use them for scientific research? Can animal liberation be squared with the environmental movement? Taylor traces the background of these debates from Aristotle to Darwin and sets out the views of numerous contemporary philosophers—including Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Mary Anne Warren, J. Baird Callicott, and Martha Nussbaum—with ethical theories ranging from utilitarianism to eco-feminism. The new edition also includes provocative quotations from some of the major writers in the field. As the final chapter insists, animal ethics is more than just an “academic” question: it is intimately connected both to our understanding of what it means to be human and to pressing current issues such as food shortages, environmental degradation, and climate change.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Prose, 1832-1900
The Victorian era witnessed dramatic transformations in print culture, and this new anthology covers the exciting intellectual and social debates of the period. From first-person accounts of the lives of factory workers to Oscar Wilde’s aesthetic theory, and from narratives of British travelers in Africa and Asia to Havelock Ellis’s theories of “sexual inversion,” the surprising diversity of nineteenth-century nonfiction writing is represented. Illustrations from Victorian periodicals provide a vivid sense of the original reading experience.The book’s thematic organization emphasizes the social and historical contexts of prose writings, as well as the way in which these writings address each other. In addition to a general critical introduction, the anthology features new thematic introductions by experts in the field.
Broadview Press Ltd Old English Liturgical Verse: A Student Edition
This is a student edition with full Glossary of Old English poems, from manuscripts dated between A.D. 975 and 1060, which are based on liturgical materials used in the Anglo-Saxon Church. Each poem is presented with both a semi-diplomatic and a modern critical text on facing pages. Detailed explanatory notes accompany the text of each poem, and an introduction provides historical, cultural, and liturgical background for this sub-genre of vernacular English verse.
Broadview Press Ltd Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy: Selected Readings Presenting the Interactive Discourses Among the Major Figures
In this important collection, the editors argue that medieval philosophy is best studied as an interactive discussion between thinkers working on very much the same problems despite being often widely separated in time or place. Each section opens with at least one selection from a classical philosopher, and there are many points at which the readings chosen refer to other works that the reader will also find in this collection. There is a considerable amount of material from central figures such as Augustine, Abelard, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham, as well as extensive texts from thinkers in the medieval Islamic world. Each selection is prefaced by a brief introduction by the editors, providing a philosophical and religious background to help make the material more accessible to the reader.This edition, updated throughout, contains a substantial new chapter on medieval psychology and philosophy of mind, with texts from authors not previously represented such as John Buridan and Peter John Olivi.
Broadview Press Ltd Moral Issues In Global Perspective, Volume 3: Moral Issues
Now available in three thematic volumes, the second edition of Moral Issues in Global Perspective is a collection of the newest and best articles on current moral issues by moral and political theorists from around the globe. Each volume seeks to challenge the standard approaches to morality and moral issues shaped by Western liberal theory and to extend the inquiry beyond the context of North America. Covering a broad range of issues and arguments, this collection includes critiques of traditional liberal accounts of rights, justice, and moral values, while raising questions about the treatment of disadvantaged groups within and across societies affected by globalization. Providing new perspectives on issues such as war and terrorism, reproduction, euthanasia, censorship, and the environment, each volume of Moral Issues in Global Perspective incorporates work by race, class, feminist, and disability theorists.In Moral Issues, the third of the three volumes, issues such as euthanasia and health care, reproductive issues, pornography and hate speech, animal rights, and environmental ethics are examined in the context of globalization and of differing social contexts and practices. Sixteen essays are new, one of which was written especially for this volume.Moral Issues in Global Perspective is available in three separate volumes―Moral and Political Theory, Human Diversity and Equality, and Moral Issues.