Search results for ""Author Ralph""
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Ralph Masiello's Farm Drawing Book
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Ralph Masiello's Ocean Drawing Book
Derrydale Press Veiled Horizons
First published in 1939 by The Derrydale Press, Veiled Horizons offers a collection of anecdotes of fishing for the giants of the sea as well as 'fish tales' many would find difficult to swallow. Writing in the same style as Zane Grey's fishing stories, Ralph Bandini enthralls his readers with breath taking descriptions, narrow escapes and of course, the one that got away.
The Banner of Truth Trust Learning in Christs School
AMSCO Music Jam Trax Jazz
University of Virginia Press The Madisons at Montpelier: Reflections on the Founding Couple
Restored to its original splendor, Montpelier is now a national shrine, but before Montpelier became a place of study and tribute, it was a home. Often kept from it by the business of the young nation, James and Dolley Madison could finally take up permanent residence when they retired from Washington in 1817. Their lifelong friend Thomas Jefferson predicted that, at Montpelier, the retiring Madison could return to his ""books and farm, to tranquility, and independence,"" that he would be released ""from incessant labors, corroding anxieties, active enemies, and interested friends.""As the celebrated historian Ralph Ketcham shows, this would turn out to be only partly true. Although the Madisons were no longer in Washington, Dolley continued to take part in its social scene from afar, dominating it just as she had during Jefferson’s and her husband’s administrations, commenting on people and events there and advising the multitude of young people who thought of her as the creator of society life in the young republic. James maintained a steady correspondence about public questions ranging from Native American affairs, slavery, and utopian reform to religion and education. He also took an active role at the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1829-30, in the defeat of nullification, and in the establishment of the University of Virginia, of which he was the rector for eight years after Jefferson’s death. Exploring Madison’s role in these post-presidential issues reveals a man of extraordinary intellectual vitality and helps us to better understand Madison’s political thought. His friendships with figures such as Jefferson, James Monroe, and the Marquis de Lafayette-as well as his assessment of them (he outlived them all)-shed valuable light on the nature of the republic they had all helped found.In their last years, James and Dolley Madison personified the republican institutions and culture of the new nation-James as the father of the Constitution and its chief propounder for nearly half a century, and Dolley as the creator of the role of ""First Lady."" Anything but uneventful, the retirement period at Montpelier should be seen as a crucial element in our understanding of this remarkable couple.
Stackpole Books ShipBusters
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Epistemology
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that investigates our beliefs, evidence, and claims of knowledge. It is one of the core areas of philosophy, and is relevant to an astonishingly broad range of issues and situations. Epistemological issues arise whenever we recognize that there is a fact of the matter, but we do not know what it is, when we wonder about the future (or the past or distant places), when we seek answers in the sciences, and even in our entertainment (e.g., murder mysteries and comedies of misunderstanding). The Historical Dictionary of Epistemology provides an overview of this field of study and of the theories, concepts, and personalities through the use of a list of acronyms, a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and more than 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries, covering notable concepts, theories, arguments, publications, issues, and philosophers. Students and others who wish to acquaint themselves with epistemology will be greatly aided by this reference.
Rowman & Littlefield Songs & Poems of Robert Burns
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Learn to Play in the Orchestra Book 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Learn to Play in the Orchestra Book 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Learn to Play in the Orchestra Book 1
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Learn to Play in the Orchestra Book 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Learn to Play in the Orchestra Book 2
Penguin Putnam Inc Valley of the Gun
Culturea The Turner Twins
Editions Guy Binsfeld Gesund bauen und Wohnen. Das baubiologische Passivhaus
BIS Publishers B.V. HotchPotch: Lexicon of (un)Useful Creative Knowledge
A book about little-known (un)useful facts from the creative field. Structured as a dictionary, it includes meaningful information, idle gossip and anecdotes from A to Z. This is where Coco Chanel, David Carson and Chupa Chups come together on a spread and create inspirational connections and knowledge. It’s a perfect handbook for design students, designers, architects and everybody that works in the creative industry. ‘Hotchpotch’ is structured as a dictionary, making it easy to follow or to look up information on a certain subject. The main objective of the book is to create inspirational connections and to supply knowledge.
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag Gier ist ein Luder
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag Treue hat ihre Grenzen
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag Tote Frauen schweigen nicht
Kehrer Verlag Secret Of Light
Belle Epoque Verlag vae victoribus
Belle Epoque Verlag gambit
Vista Point Verlag GmbH Go Vista Ibiza Formentera
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Volksfrömmigkeit
Books on Demand Schweighausers Korrekturen
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Die Liebenden von Mantua
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Das Lied vom Honig Eine kleine Kulturgeschichte der Biene
Müller C.F. Sachenrecht III Kreditsicherungsrecht
Vahlen Franz GmbH Storyseller Wie Marken zu Bestsellern werden
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Der unsichtbare Mann Roman
Tectum Verlag Kinderzeichnungen und Pränatalpsychologie
Thienemann Lumpi 1 Lumpi
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Erinnerungen eines Davongekommenen
Bibliograph. Instit. GmbH 99 einfache Fragen für vielfältige Unterhaltungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern
Lübbe Ein ehrenwertes Opfer
Europ.Verlagsgesellschaft Ein Schweizer am Hofe der Kaiser und Könige in Köln
Nachtschatten Verlag Ag Die sechs Lebenswege HeilerFriedensstifterForscherWissenschaftlerKriegerBeschtzerKnstlerMusikerLehrerHistoriker ErbauerOrganisator
Nachtschatten Verlag Ag Raum des Geistes Strom der Zeit Wie man seine Bewusstseinszustnde verstehen und navigieren kann
Scottish Text Society The Taill of Rauf Coilyear
First edition of a lively medieval romance. The author of the fifteenth-century Older Scots romance of Rauf Coilyear may be unknown, but the popularity of this comic king-in-disguise tale is undisputed; it is cited by William Dunbar and Gavin Douglas at the turn of the century, and again in the mid-sixteenth century Complaynt of Scotland. The disguised king in this case is Charlemagne, and the hero a bluff collier called Ralph, who unwittingly plays host to him for one stormy night and teaches his bemused guest some rough lessons in his own version of courtesy. When Ralph is lured to court, the mistaken identities continue as he encounters the great Sir Roland and battles Saracens. Throughout, the scrappy hero maintains his dignity, as indeed does his king: both parties finish the tale immensely pleased with each other and with the bond they have forged. The text survives only in a 1572 print by Robert Lekpreuik (whose own career seems tohave been only marginally less exciting than Rauf's: he printed it in St Andrews while attempting to evade imprisonment in Edinburgh, ultimately without success). It is edited here with an introduction and notes. RALPHHANNA is Emeritus Professor of Palaeography, University of Oxford.
St Augustine's Press Shakespearean Variations
In 'Shakespearean Variations', Ralph McInerny takes the first lines of the sonnets and their end rhymes, and composes sonnets of his own. The formal structure of the sonnet has always provided a salutary discipline for the poet-iambic pentameter, te delicate symmetry of octet and sextet, the losing couplet which epitomizes the poem. The stamp that Shakespeare put upon the form, the themes of love and death, age and youth, loyalty and betrayal, have come to seem to adhere to the very form. The pleasure to be had form reading 'Shakespearean Variations' will vary with one's acquaintance with the originals buth should always turn one to the bard himself.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Take My Word for it
Professor Mervyn Morris, Jamaica’s Poet Laureate writes: 'Ralph Thompson’s luminous autobiography is a fascinating portrait. A witty businessman and poet who studied in the United States and served as an Air Force lawyer in Japan, he writes vividly about family and his Jamaican formation, changes in racial climate, vicissitudes in business and public service; about painting, poetry, love and betrayals. Critical and self-critical, he is a man of conscience trying to understand.'Take My Word For It offers rich insights into the long and full life of one of one of Jamaica's finest poets who has also been at the heart of the island's economic and commercial development. There are moving and sometimes comic chapters of a pre-war boyhood in colonial Jamaica in a far from prosperous white and Catholic Jamaican family, the years spent at the Jesuit college of Fordham in the USA, and postwar service in the United States Airforce, serving in Japan. Thereafter Ralph Thompson tells the story of a life at the heart of Jamaica's development of tourism, capitalist modernity and the leadership of Seprod, one of the island's largest companies. There are fascinating glimpses of involvement with Jamaica's sharply divided political life -- between Michael Manley and Edward Seaga. But along with the businessman who can convey something of the excitement of commercial strategy and take-over bids, there is also the artist and poet who has explored the inner life, not least the position of a white man in a Jamaica whose decolonisation has been in part about discovering its black identity. Ralph Thompson has long had a passionate concern with the quality of the education on offer to all Jamaicans, and he writes with feeling about his contribution to the debate around educational issues and practical attempts to make improvements. There is also the loyal supporter of Derek Walcott's Trinidad Theatre Workshop who did much to bring that theatre to wider Caribbean and American notice, who writes about his friendship with Walcott with warmth and insight.Amply illustrated with photographs, images of Thompson's paintings and extracts from his poetry, Take My Word For It is a beautifully and frankly written record of a significant Jamaican life.Contains 19 illustrations/photographs, 12 in full colour.