Search results for ""Author Albert"
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Creating the V&A: Victoria and Albert's Museum (1851–1861)
Creating the V&A tells the definitive story of the formative years of London’s world-renowned Victoria and Albert Museum and the gathering of its early collections in the decade between the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the death of Prince Albert in 1861.The story of the V&A’s genesis is often centred on the first director and first curator (Henry Cole and J. C. Robinson), and their competing agendas for design reform and connoisseurship. And yet there is an untold story of how the young royal couple for whom it is named were highly instrumental in the establishment of the museum, as public supporters and large-scale lenders before a permanent collection was in place. The book is also full of fascinating and colourful stories of the strategies deployed to harvest treasures on the market as the young museum sought to fill its rapidly expanding buildings and compete with the British Museum and the Crystal Palace.For anyone interested in the history of collecting and curating, and for all fans of this legendary London museum, Creating the V&A explains how the foundational collections established parameters which still inform the museum’s collecting policies, role and identity today.
Princeton University Press The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 13: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, January 1922 - March 1923 (English Translation Supplement)
A translation of selected non-English texts included in Volume 13 is available in paperback. Since this supplementary paperback includes only select portions of Volume 13, it is not recommended for purchase without the main volume. Every document in The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein appears in the language in which it was written, and this supplementary paperback volume presents the English translations of select portions of non-English materials in Volume 13. This translation does not include notes or annotation of the documentary volume and is not intended for use without the original language documentary edition which provides the extensive editorial commentary necessary for a full historical and scientific understanding of the documents.
Peter Lang AG Leben Nach Maß - Zwischen Machbarkeit Und Unantastbarkeit: Biotechnologie Im Licht Des Denkens Von Albert Schweitzer
Michaels Vertrieb Das Buch der AntiGravitation Albert Einstein Nikola Tesla T Townsend Brown Gravitationskontrolle UFOs VortexTechnologie ElektroGravitationsantrieb
El fsico y el filsofo Albert Einstein Henri Bergson y el debate que cambi nuestra comprensin del tiempo
Una mirada fascinante al debate que cambió nuestra percepción de una de las características más fundamentales del universo: el tiempo.El 6 de abril de 1922, en París, Albert Einstein y Henri Bergson debatieron públicamente sobre el concepto del tiempo. Einstein consideraba que la teoría del tiempo de Bergson era una noción psicológica y superficial, irreconciliable con las realidades cuantitativas de la física.Bergson, quien ganó fama como filósofo al argumentar que el tiempo no debe entenderse exclusivamente a través de la lente de la ciencia, criticó la teoría de Einstein por ser una metafísica injertada en la ciencia, una que ignoraba los aspectos intuitivos del tiempo. El físico y el filósofo cuenta la notable historia de cómo este debate explosivo transformó nuestra comprensión del tiempo e impulsó una brecha entre la ciencia y las humanidades que persiste en la actualidad.Jimena Canales presenta en esta obra las ideas revolucionarias de Einstein y Bergson, su posterio
Gregorian & Biblical Press Verantwortung fur Alles Was Lebt Von Albert Schweitzer Und Hans Jonas Zu Einer Theologischen Ethik Des Lebens Tesi Gregoriana Teologia
Vida Publishers Detrás de Cada Puerta: Dios Está Detrás de Cada Puerta 'Que La Ciencia Abre' (Albert Einstein)
Princeton University Press The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 10: The Berlin Years: Correspondence, May-December 1920, and Supplementary Correspondence, 1909-1920 - Documentary Edition
The first half of this volume presents a substantial amount of heretofore unavailable correspondence. From among family letters closed for twenty years after the death of Margot Einstein, who donated them to the Albert Einstein Archives in Jerusalem, the volume presents, for the first time, letters written by Einstein's sons, the adolescent Hans Albert and little Eduard, and numerous letters written by Einstein to his cousin and future second wife Elsa Einstein. Combined with newly available correspondence with his close friend Heinrich Zangger, this supplementary correspondence provides vivid and intimate details of Einstein's private life. It documents the emotional bonds to his family and friends; the severe deprivations caused by the war to family members in Berlin and Zurich; the fragile health of Mileva Einstein-Maric during these years of separation and divorce; the worries and joys of caring for the sons; and Einstein's views on German and international politics during this turbulent period. The second half finds Einstein full of optimism about Germany's new democracy. He vigorously promotes general relativity and the endeavors of other scientists toward its further confirmation. He responds to the rising interest in his work among philosophers, as attested by correspondence with M. Schlick, H. Reichenbach, R. Carnap, E. Cassirer, and H. Vaihinger. And yet he is embroiled in vociferous, politically tinged, public attacks on his theory of relativity. He considers leaving Berlin, which would have deprived the Weimar Republic of its most famous scientist. In many letters, colleagues, friends, and unknown admirers offer support. Einstein travels to Leyden, where he is appointed a visiting professor and where, in the circle of friends such as P. Ehrenfest, H. A. Lorentz, and H. Kamerlingh Onnes, he is involved in lively debates on issues related to quantum physics. He visits Oslo and Copenhagen, where he meets with N. Bohr, and receives invitations to the United States, anticipating his first visit to the New World in 1921. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: A translation of selected non-English texts included in Volume 10 is available in paperback, Since this supplementary paperback includes only select portions of Volume 10, it is not recommended for purchase without the main volume.
Creative Media Partners, LLC The Old English Physiologus. Text and Prose Translation by Albert Stanburrough Cook Verse Translation by James Hall Pitman
Princeton University Press The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 8 (English): The Berlin Years: Correspondence, 1914-1918. (English supplement translation.)
This volume opens in spring 1914 when Einstein takes up a research professorship at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin and closes with the collapse of the German Empire four and one-half years later. A good portion of the documentation, which comprises more than 675 letters, has only recently been discovered by the editors. The letters touch on all aspects of Einstein's activities and shed new light on his inner life, while enriching our understanding of his published papers, presented in volumes 6 and 7 of this series. The breakup of Einstein's first marriage and the divorce are presented here for the first time in all their complexity. New material shows Einstein maintaining a strong sense of moral urgency throughout the war. The scientific correspondence documents Einstein's struggle to find satisfactory field equations for his new gravitational theory--the general theory of relativity--and his continued discussion with leading physicists and mathematicians about the implications and further development of the theory.
Princeton University Press The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 13: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence, January 1922 - March 1923 - Documentary Edition
In April 1922, we find Einstein lecturing in Paris, engaged in reestablishing ties among scientists in former enemy nations. Meanwhile, back in Berlin, political tensions are rising. In June, the brutal murder of his friend, Germany's foreign minister, Walther Rathenau, heavily affects Einstein who, for a while, fears for his own safety and briefly contemplates leaving Berlin and abandoning academic life altogether. When only a few months later it is announced that he will be awarded the Nobel Prize, after more than a decade of nominations, Einstein is on a steamer heading from Europe to Japan. As we learn in this volume, although he knew in advance of the coming prize, he nevertheless embarked on his longest voyage yet. His travel diary, published here for the first time, recounts in poetic prose the hectic schedule on land, the contemplative rest at sea, and his musings on science, philosophy, and art during his first encounter with the Far East, Palestine, and Spain. Einstein's work and intense scientific exchanges--with N. Bohr, P. Ehrenfest, A. Sommerfeld, M. Born, and others--during these fifteen months result in remarkable publications and intellectual developments. A paper written with Ehrenfest shows with uncompromising clarity that the outcome of the recent Stern-Gerlach experiment could not be explained by either classical or quantum theory. In a similar vein, he analyzes the phenomenon of superconductivity. Clearly among the leading quantum theorists, he focuses on its conceptual bases, tirelessly proposing crucial experiments that could decide between classical and quantum physics. We also see foundational interests develop in his concerns with a unified field theory of electromagnetism and gravitation. A translation of selected non-English texts included in Volume 13 is available in paperback at
Princeton University Press The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 11: Cumulative Index, Bibliography, List of Correspondence, Chronology, and Errata to Volumes 1-10
This index volume provides quick access to the most authoritative compilation of documents and information concerning Einstein's work and correspondence for the first half of his life. It offers readers a Cumulative Index to the first ten volumes of the collected papers, the first complete bibliography of Einstein's scientific and nonscientific writings until 1921, and a succinct biographical time line. This volume is an invaluable research tool for delving into Einstein's written legacy; his interactions with colleagues, institutions, friends, and family; and his scientific, political, educational, and social activities. Volume 11 presents three important and unique bibliographies: the List of Writings, 1891-1921; the Einstein Bibliography, 1901-1921; and a Cumulative Bibliography and Index of Citations for Volumes 1-10. The List of Writings includes all of Einstein's manuscripts that remained unpublished by 1921, while the Einstein Bibliography includes documents that were republished during this period. The Cumulative Bibliography and Index of Citations lists all literature written by authors cited in at least one of the first ten volumes of the series. This volume also contains two complete lists of Einstein's correspondence up through 1920, and a Chronology of Einstein's life for the years 1879-1921. The first list presents the correspondence in chronological order, while the second list presents the correspondence in alphabetical order by correspondent. The indexes and bibliographies implicitly correct inconsistencies and errata across the different volumes. Other corrections are explicitly collected in a List of Errata for the first ten volumes of the series.
V&R unipress GmbH Formen der Erinnerung.: Rhetorik der Rechtfertigung bei Baldur von Schirach, Albert Speer, Karl Dönitz und Erich Raeder
University of Alberta Press Reading Writers Reading: Canadian Authors' Reflections
"I am a writer because I was a reader first." Alison Gordon. "Nobody has ever written who never read." Mavis Gallant. "Reading is a connection, at once a way and a goal, a liberating destiny." Robert Kroetsch. Over 160 Canadian writers, in English and French, write about their experiences of reading. With striking photographs of each writer, Reading Writers Reading offers a sublime voyage into the heart of literary creation. Foreword by Russell Morton Brown.
The Library of America Albert Murray: Collected Novels & Poems (LOA #304): Train Whistle Guitar / The Spyglass Tree / The Seven League Boots / The Magic Keys/ Poems
University of Alberta Press Situating Design in Alberta
Situating Design in Alberta makes the case that design has the potential to drive economic growth, improve quality of life, and promote sustainability in the province and across the country. Contributors bring both scholarly and practice-based perspectives and come from diverse disciplines including architecture, interior design, industrial design, and visual communications. The collection is organized around four main topics—history, education, business, and sustainability—within which the authors explore a wide range of issues. This synergy of different design approaches lends a sense of forward momentum to the field, stimulates reflection about opportunities and challenges for both practitioners and policy makers, and provides a model for future studies in other regions. Foreword by Douglas J. Cardinal. Contributors: Tim Antoniuk, Ken Bautista, Carlos Fiorentino, Maria Goncharova, Andrea Hirji, Mark Iantkow, Barry Johns, Lyubava Kroll, Courtenay McKay, Skye Oleson-Cormack, Isabel Prochner, Janice Rieger, Elizabeth Schowalter, Megan Strickfaden, Tyler Vreeling, Ron Wickman
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft / Religion, Theology, and Natural Science: Das Wechselverhältnis zwischen religiös-weltanschaulichen Gehalten und naturwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung Albert Einsteins in seiner Entwicklung
Einsteins religiös-weltanschauliche Ãberzeugungen haben seine naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit maÃgeblich mitbestimmt und erst ermöglicht. Markus MÃ"hling untersucht das Wechselverhältnis zwischen religiös-weltanschaulichen Gehalten und naturwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung Albert Einsteins erstmals in umfassender, historisch-kritischer Darstellungsweise. Die religiös-weltanschaulichen Ãberzeugungen Einsteins lassen sich so in ihrer Entwicklung in einem neuen Licht erkennen.Besonderes Augenmerk kommt philosophisch-theologischen EinflÃ"ssen Einsteins von seiner Jugendzeit bis zum Abschluss der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie zu. Die historisch-kritische Darstellung dieses Wechselverhältnisses wird ergänzt durch eine systematische Darstellung des Wirklichkeitsverständnisses Einsteins sowie um Ãberlegungen der funktionalen Bestimmung zwischen religiös-weltanschaulichen Ãberzeugungen und naturwissenschaftlicher Arbeit. Es zeigt sich, dass bisher angenommene weltanschauliche EinflÃ"sse auf Einsteins Arbeit neu bewertet werden mÃ"ssen. Beispielsweise wurde die Rolle Spinozas weit Ã"berschätzt, die Humes und Schopenhauers wurde umgekehrt weit unterschätzt. MÃ"hling nimmt auch eine Neubewertung der Sichtweise der Quantentheorie in Einsteins Denken vor.FÃ"r Theologen, Physiker und Philosophen, die am interdisziplinären Dialog interessiert sind, leistet dieses Buch einen unumgänglichen Beitrag, indem es die Erforschung des Wirklichkeitsverständnisses Einsteins auf ein neues Niveau stellt und Voraussetzungen fÃ"r einen zukÃ"nftigen Dialog zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaft öffnet.
University of Alberta Press Aboriginal Cultures in Alberta
This heavily illustrated, full colour historical narrative is a testament to the past 11,000 years of Aboriginal history in Alberta. It conveys the many challenges that Aboriginal people confronted, and celebrates their enduring legacy. Berry and Brink explore grassroots political and cultural movements of the 1960s, contemporary self-government initiatives, and the ongoing reclamation of the Aboriginal voice.
The Library of America Albert Murray: Collected Essays & Memoirs (LOA #284): The Omni-Americans / South to a Very Old Place / The Hero and the Blues / Stomping the Blues / The Blue Devils of Nada / other writings
L'Erma Di Bretschneider I Sepolcri Padovani Di Santa Giustina: Il Sarcofago 75-1879 del Victoria and Albert Museum Di Londra E Altri Sarcofagi Dalla Basilica Di Santa Giustina in Padova
University of Alberta Press Damselflies of Alberta: Flying Neon Toothpicks in the Grass
With iridescent blues and greens, damselflies are some of the most beautiful flying insects as well as the most primitive. As members of the insect order Odonata they are related to dragonflies but are classified in a separate suborder. These aquatic insects are a delight to the eye and a fascinating creature of study. In Damselflies of Alberta, naturalist John Acorn describes the twenty-two species native to the province. Exhaustively researched, yet written in an accessible style, the author's enthusiasm for these flying neon toothpicks is compelling. More than a field guide, this is a passionate investigation into one of nature's winged marvels of the wetlands.
University of Alberta Press The Meteorites of Alberta
Not every rock is of an earthly nature. Meteorites are our windows to other worlds, affording us rare glimpses of our own solar system when it was young. In The Meteorites of Alberta, Anthony J. Whyte offers a fresh perspective on the scientific research as well as the local, human history behind sixteen major meteorite falls and finds in Alberta. These detailed accounts of otherworldly rocks--with additional chapters on meteorite observation and recovery in Alberta, and an Alberta connection to the meteorite that killed off the dinosaurs--will fascinate amateur rockhounds and meteoriticists alike. Foreword by Chris Herd.
University of Alberta Press Will the Real Alberta Please Stand Up?
One little question propels both author and reader on a genre-bending quest to find the elusive essence of a Canadian province built on sturdy stereotypes of oil-spoiled, beef-eating, bible-thumping rednecks devoid of class or culture. Through essay, interview, colourful observation, and whatever other exposé it takes to amplify the hyperbolic absurdity of seeking a simple answer to an incendiary question, Geo Takach spotlights the cultural complexity of this perplexing province. Readers will be delightfully edified after a dizzying romp around Wild Rose Country with Geo and a cast of citizens and celebs (alive and dead).
Simon & Schuster Ltd History Is All You Left Me: The much-loved hit from the author of No.1 bestselling blockbuster THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END!
From the author of the INTERNATIONAL NO. 1 BESTSELLER THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END comes an explosive examination of grief, mental illness, and the devastating consequences of refusing to let go of the past. Please note that covers may vary.You’re still alive in alternate universes, Theo, but I live in the real world where this morning you’re having an open casket funeral. I know you’re out there, listening. And you should know I’m really pissed because you swore you would never die and yet here we are. It hurts even more because this isn’t the first promise you’ve broken.Griffin has lost his first love in a drowning accident. Theo was his best friend, his ex-boyfriend and the one he believed he would end up with. Now, reeling from grief and worsening OCD, Griffin turns to an unexpected person for help. Theo's new boyfriend. But as their relationship becomes increasingly complicated, dangerous truths begin to surface. Griffin must make a choice: confront the past, or miss out on the future... PRAISE FOR HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME:'There isn't a teenager alive who won't find their heart described perfectly on these pages.' Patrick Ness, author of The Knife of Never Letting Go'This book will make you cry, think, and then cry some more.' Nicola Yoon, author of Everything, Everything'Sweetly devastating, passionately honest, breathtakingly human.' Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
University of Alberta Press Illuminating The Alberta Order of Excellence
University of Alberta Press Threshold: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing from Alberta
A dynamic collection of Alberta's vibrant literary culture. Established names and emerging talents are brought together to demonstrate the outstanding calibre of writing in the province. Features contributions by Greg Hollingshead, Kristjana Gunnars, Rudy Wiebe, Myrna Kostash, E.D. Blodgett, Suzette Mayr, Thomas Wharton, Claire Harris, Fred Wah, and many others.
University of Alberta Press Trudeau’s Tango: Alberta Meets Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 1968–1972
University of Alberta Press Prairie Water: Wildlife at Beaverhills Lake, Alberta
Beaverhills Lake, near Tofield, Alberta, lies at the heart of one of North America's most important wetlands. The lake supports hundreds of plant and animal species in its still, shallow waters, undisturbed by boats or swimmers. An engaging text with beautiful full-colour photos, Prairie Water is a must-read for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.
University of Alberta Press Polish War Veterans in Alberta: The Last Four Stories
In the aftermath of World War II, more than 4,500 Polish veterans, displaced by war and the Soviet-oriented Polish government, were resettled in Canada as farm workers; 750 of these men were accepted by the province of Alberta. Polish War Veterans in Alberta examines how these former soldiers came to experience their new country and its sometimes-harsh postwar realities. This compelling work of social history is brought to life through the words and stories of four veterans, whose remembrances provide an intimate first-hand look at a moment of Canada’s past that is at risk of being forgotten.
Simon & Schuster Ltd More Happy Than Not: The much-loved hit from the author of No.1 bestselling blockbuster THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END!
From the author of the INTERNATIONAL NO.1 BESTSELLER THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END. In his twisty, gritty, profoundly moving New York Times bestselling-debut, Adam Silvera brings to life a charged, dangerous near-future summer in the Bronx.Please note that covers may vary.Life hasn’t been easy for sixteen‑year‑old Aaron Soto, but with the help of his girlfriend, Genevieve, he’s slowly remembering what happiness might feel like. Then Thomas shows up . . . Thomas is smart and funny, and before long Aaron is spending all his time with him. But as Aaron’s feelings for Thomas intensify, tensions with his other friends start to build. Soon Aaron is faced with a choice – one that will make him question what it is he wants, and how far he’ll go to get it.PRAISE FOR MORE HAPPY THAN NOT:'Silvera managed to leave me smiling after totally breaking my heart. Unforgettable.' Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda 'Gut-wrenching' Guardian'Mandatory reading' New York Times
Hodder & Stoughton Never Go Back: an utterly gripping gangland crime thriller from the bestselling author for 2023
THE CARTER WOMEN DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES: THEY MAKE THEM. The brilliant new gangland thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of DIAMOND.Gangster Max Carter and his ex-wife Annie Carter are leading separate lives in separate countries: past hurts and broken promises cannot be resolved. But then a summons to Majorca and a tragic death makes Max question all that has happened to him over many years.He had two brothers - both are now dead. His closest friend has been found hanging from a London bridge. As the police wrestle with a seemingly unsolvable case, Max is forced to revisit his painful past to find answers to a mystery that seems to make no sense at all. Who is targeting his family and why?Annie Carter is at a crossroads in life. She has a luxurious lifestyle but no one to share it with, and Max clearly thinks she is in danger too. Her daughter, Layla, has left her mafia lover Alberto Barolli and is back in London, stumbling into the police investigation and making waves. You should never go back, so the old saying goes. But then, the Carter women don't follow the rules, they make them.And when the truth of what's been happening is finally revealed, will the Carter family stand together - or will it finish them for good?'We love a gangland thriller - and no one writes them better than Jessie Keane' CLOSER'If you enjoy gangster flicks such as Legend you'll love Never Go Back' YOURS
University of Alberta Press State of Struggle: Feminism and Politics in Alberta
Alberta's Conservative governments have employed several strategies to resist feminist claims for women's equality, from stonewalling during the 1970's oil boom, to grudging initiatives during the subsequent bust. Recently-under the guise of deficit reduction-Alberta has adopted a neoliberal ideology that seeks to shrink the province's role as a guarantor of equality. Lois Harder has written the definitive study of the modern evolution of politics in Alberta as seen through the lens of women's political struggles.
Hodder & Stoughton Never Go Back: an utterly gripping gangland crime thriller from the bestselling author for 2023
THE CARTER WOMEN DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES: THEY MAKE THEM.The brilliant new gangland thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of DIAMOND.Gangster Max Carter and his ex-wife Annie Carter are leading separate lives in separate countries: past hurts and broken promises cannot be resolved. But then a summons to Majorca and a tragic death makes Max question all that has happened to him over many years.He had two brothers - both are now dead. His closest friend has been found hanging from a London bridge. As the police wrestle with a seemingly unsolvable case, Max is forced to revisit his painful past to find answers to a mystery that seems to make no sense at all. Who is targeting his family and why?Annie Carter is at a crossroads in life. She has a luxurious lifestyle but no one to share it with, and Max clearly thinks she is in danger too. Her daughter, Layla, has left her mafia lover Alberto Barolli and is back in London, stumbling into the police investigation and making waves. You should never go back, so the old saying goes. But then, the Carter women don't follow the rules, they make them.And when the truth of what's been happening is finally revealed, will the Carter family stand together - or will it finish them for good?'We love a gangland thriller - and no one writes them better than Jessie Keane' CLOSER'If you enjoy gangster flicks such as Legend you'll love Never Go Back' YOURS* PRE-ORDER JESSIE'S NEXT NOVEL, DEAD HEAT, NOW! *
Orion Publishing Co All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopaedia by the bestselling author of JUST MY TYPE
The encyclopaedia once shaped our understanding of the world. Created by thousands of scholars and the most obsessive of editors, adults cleared their shelves in the belief that wisdom was now effortlessly accessible in their living rooms. Contributions from Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Orville Wright, Alfred Hitchcock, Marie Curie and Indira Gandhi helped millions of children with their homework. But now these huge books gather dust and sell for almost nothing on eBay, and we derive our information from the internet, apparently for free. What have we lost in this transition? And how did we tell the progress of our lives in the past? All the Knowledge in the World is a history and celebration of those who created the most ground-breaking and remarkable publishing phenomenon of any age. It tracks the story from Ancient Greece to Wikipedia, from modest single-volumes to the 11,000-volume Chinese manuscript that was too big to print. It looks at how Encyclopaedia Britannica came to dominate the industry and how an army of ingenious door-to-door salesmen sold their wares to guilt-ridden parents. It explains how encyclopaedias have reflected our changing attitudes towards sexuality, race and technology, and exposes how these ultimate bastions of trust were often riddled with errors and prejudice. With his characteristic ability to tackle the broadest of subjects in an illuminating and highly entertaining way, Simon Garfield uncovers a fascinating and important part of our past, and wonders whether the promise of complete knowledge - that most human of ambitions - will forever be beyond our grasp.
Orion Publishing Co All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopaedia by the bestselling author of JUST MY TYPE
The encyclopaedia once shaped our understanding of the world. Created by thousands of scholars and the most obsessive of editors, adults cleared their shelves in the belief that wisdom was now effortlessly accessible in their living rooms. Contributions from Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Orville Wright, Alfred Hitchcock, Marie Curie and Indira Gandhi helped millions of children with their homework. But now these huge books gather dust and sell for almost nothing on eBay, and we derive our information from the internet, apparently for free. What have we lost in this transition? And how did we tell the progress of our lives in the past? All the Knowledge in the World is a history and celebration of those who created the most ground-breaking and remarkable publishing phenomenon of any age. It tracks the story from Ancient Greece to Wikipedia, from modest single-volumes to the 11,000-volume Chinese manuscript that was too big to print. It looks at how Encyclopaedia Britannica came to dominate the industry and how an army of ingenious door-to-door salesmen sold their wares to guilt-ridden parents. It explains how encyclopaedias have reflected our changing attitudes towards sexuality, race and technology, and exposes how these ultimate bastions of trust were often riddled with errors and prejudice. With his characteristic ability to tackle the broadest of subjects in an illuminating and highly entertaining way, Simon Garfield uncovers a fascinating and important part of our past, and wonders whether the promise of complete knowledge - that most human of ambitions - will forever be beyond our grasp.
Peeters Publishers Pierrot Lunaire. Albert Giraud - Otto Erich Hartleben - Arnold Schoenberg: Une Collection D'etudes Musico-litteraires / A Collection of Musicological and Literary Studies / Eine Sammlung Musik- Und Literaturwissenschaftlicher Beitrage
Dans ce volume se trouvent recueillies les contributions au colloque international qui reunissait, a Louvain en octobre 2002, une douzaine de specialistes autour de l'objet musico-litteraire "Pierrot Lunaire". Issu d'un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire dont il constitue l'aboutissement, ce colloque s'inscrivait dans l'intersection entre les recherches musicologiques et litteraires les plus recentes sur le sujet afin d'en confronter les resultats et d'en dresser le bilan. Focalisee sur les differentes transformations tant litteraires que musicales subies par l'oeuvre - du recueil en vers d'Albert Giraud a la traduction allemande par Otto Erich Hartleben et de la composition musicale d'Arnold Schoenberg a la retraduction en francais de l'oeuvre - la discussion engagee ici n'a pas neglige le contexte culturel et historique avec lequel ces differentes mutations interferent et qui les explique en partie. Aussi la reception des differents etats de l'oeuvre par le public contemporain a-t-elle recu une attention particuliere.Les editeurs ont renonce a l'idee d'une publication unilingue de ces Actes. Ce volume trilingue traduira tant la nature interdisciplinaire de l'objet d'etude que son retentissement international.Ce colloque constituait en meme temps l'encadrement scientifique d'un concert par la London Sinfonietta dirigee par Diego Masson, avec Alison Wells (Sprechstimme) et Dirk Roofthooft (recitant).
University of Alberta Press Contested Classrooms: Education, Globalization, and Democracy in Alberta
Education has become a battlefield, the classroom the arena where the contest is fought. The 1997 Ontario teachers' strike, the federal government's Millennium Scholarship, and a wave of protests across the country are among the signals that the war is heating up. Alberta stands as a Canadian model of radical education reform, propelled by economic necessity. But is all reform necessarily right or good?-and who decides? A range of commentators-teachers, scholars, parents, and others-discuss the conflict in Alberta's schools.
Massey University Press The Writing Life: Twelve New Zealand Authors
A unique and intimate survey of the lives and work of 12 of our most acclaimed writers: Patricia Grace, Tessa Duder, Owen Marshall, Philip Temple, David Hill, Joy Cowley, Vincent O'Sullivan, Albert Wendt, Marilyn Duckworth, Chris Else, Fiona Kidman and Witi Ihimaera. As a group they are now the `elders' of New Zealand literature; they forged the path for the current generation. These interviews reveal not just the grand moments of their careers but also the defeats and disappointments. There are also stories about the enabling and symbiotic role of editors and publishers, showing how key industry figures have played a critical role in shaping New Zealand's literary landscape. They also share some advice on writing. Magnificent portraits by distinguished photographer John McDermott complete the package.
University of Alberta Press The University of Alberta Library: The First Hundred Years, 1908-2008
Although its mission and centrality to teaching and research remain fundamentally unchanged, the University of Alberta Library of today bears scant resemblance to its earliest incarnations. During its first century, it weathered frequent moves and much adversity, and witnessed many changes within the University and the world at large, as it gradually evolved into one of North America's largest academic research libraries. But throughout those 100 years, the commitment and dedication of its staff to service, innovation, and occasionally improvisation, have remained constant. This Centenary publication from The University of Alberta Library will enlighten fellow librarians, institutional historians, and friends of The University of Alberta.
University of Alberta Press Pulp Mills and the Environment: An Annotated Bibliography for Northern Alberta
Annotated list of materials related to the development and operation of pulp mills in northern Alberta.
University of Alberta Press Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary/alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan
Cree is the most widespread native language in Canada. The Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary/alperta ohci kehtehayak nehiyaw otwestamâkewasinahikan is a highly usable and effective dictionary that serves students, business, governments, and media. This remarkable dictionary includes extensive Cree-English and English-Cree sections based upon both Northern Cree (the "TH" dialect) and Plains Cree (the "Y" dialect). It also includes: parts of speech, a "New Terms" supplement to the English-Cree section, appendices on kinship terms, months and numbers, and terms commonly used in government, courts and other institutions. Work on the dictionary began in the mid 1970s through the initiative of Nancy LeClaire, a Cree nun from Maskwacis (then Hobbema). The dictionary has had many other generous and dedicated contributors from among Alberta's Cree speakers. The dictionary is designed for speakers, students, and teachers of Cree. [See online dictionary at or download the app from iTunes.] Foreword by Thelma J. Chalifoux.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Six Authors in Search of Justice: Engaging with Political Transitions
This book makes an original and readable contribution to defining the nature of justice in the aftermath of a repressive regime. While considering transitional justice as conventionally defined, this work explores broader conceptions of justice and is distinct in approaching the subject through a discussion of the lives and works of six writers: Victor Serge in Stalinist Russia, Albert Camus in Vichy France, Jorge Semprun in Spain under Franco, Ngugi wa Thiong'o in colonial and post-colonial Kenya, Ariel Dorfman in Chile under Pinochet, and Nadine Gordimer in apartheid South Africa. Each lived under a brutal regime, was prepared to take substantial risks in order to contribute to its overthrow, and survived a transition to a new regime. Each thought deeply about the evolving situation with viewpoints derived from a combination of lived experience and intellectual and artistic creation. Each illuminated key questions with reference to a particular country, while developing wider insights.Newman demonstrates that their writings provide a valuable addition to academic analysis and external policy advice that too often fails to take sufficient account of reflective understanding, social and cultural context and the specificity of each situation. He also highlights the evolving and multi-dimensional nature of justice and injustice in political transitions.
University of Alberta Press The Line Which Separates: Race, Gender, and the Making of the Alberta-Montana Borderlands