Search results for ""author marina"
Hungry Tomato Ltd DOGS: Heroic Companion Dogs
Hungry Tomato Ltd Dogs: An Illustrated Guide to 100 Brilliant Breeds
Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream Miss Juju and Her Tutu: Host a Ballerina Birthday
MER Paper Kunsthalle Heads and Tails Tales and Bodies: Engraving the Human Figure from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Springer International Publishing AG Migration and Transnationalism Between Switzerland and Bulgaria
This book explores trends in migration from Bulgaria to Switzerland since Bulgaria joined the European Union (EU) in 2007. Due to several unique factors, this in-depth case study provides a basis for understanding transnational migration in a wider European context. Bulgarians represent a fairly small community within Switzerland, and are quite scattered throughout the country. They come from various regions in Bulgaria with very different socio-economic profile. In Switzerland, apart from differences in linguistic regions and the federal system, there are significant regional disparities, providing a variety of contexts for exploring this transnational migration, causes and consequences.The first part of the book analyses who migrates and why, addressing regional disparities within Bulgaria. The text explores the impact of economic differences, educational background, and other factors that play into immigrants’ motivations to move. The next part of the book examines different migratory movements and transnational practices between Switzerland, Bulgaria, and other destination countries for Bulgarian immigrants. It addresses larger socioeconomic shifts and resulting impacts at individual, household, community, and national levels. Finally, the book assesses all of these factors within the context of shifting immigration policies. This work draws on mixed-method empirical research conducted in both countries over a three-year period, analysed within four major frameworks: transnationalism and migrant networks, social inequality, regional disparities and development, and immigration policies.The results will be of interest for researchers working in a variety of social science fields, including anthropology, geography, sociology, social psychology, law, public policy, political science, international studies, demography and exploring issues related to migration and development, social and regional disparities, inequality, employment, social networks, social identity and others.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Judges as Guardians of Constitutionalism and Human Rights
There are many challenges that national and supranational judges have to face when fulfilling their roles as guardians of constitutionalism and human rights. This book brings together academics and judges from different jurisdictions in an endeavour to uncover the intricacies of the judicial function. The contributors discuss several points that each represent contemporary challenges to judging: analysis of judicial balancing of conflicting considerations; the nature of courts' legitimacy and its alleged dependence on public support; the role of judges in upholding constitutional values in the times of transition to democracy, surveillance and the fight against terrorism; and the role of international judges in guaranteeing globally recognized fundamental rights and freedoms.This book will be of interest to human rights scholars focusing on the issues of judicial oversight, as well as constitutional law scholars interested in comparative perspectives on the role of judges in different contexts. It will also be useful to national constitutional court judges, and law clerks aiming to familiarise themselves with judicial practices within other jurisdictions.Contributors: A. Abat i Ninet, E. Afsah, C. Ayala, A. Barak, O. Bassok, D.T. Björgvinsson, W. Hoffmann-Riem, D. Hope, D. Jenkins, H. Krunke, TJ McIntyre, M. Scheinin, B. Tuzmukhamedov, G. Ulfstein, A. Usacka
Pluto Press Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Aid during the Covid-19 Crisis
In times of crisis, when institutions of power are laid bare, people turn to one another. Pandemic Solidarity collects firsthand experiences from around the world of people creating their own narratives of solidarity and mutual aid in the time of the global crisis of Covid-19. The world’s media was quick to weave a narrative of selfish individualism, full of empty supermarket shelves and con-men. However, if you scratch the surface, you find a different story of community and self-sacrifice. Looking at eighteen countries and regions, including India, Rojava, Taiwan, South Africa, Iraq and North America, the personal accounts in the book weave together to create a larger picture, revealing a universality of experience - a housewife in Istanbul supports her neighbour in the same way as a teacher in Argentina, a punk in Portland, and a disability activist in South Korea does. Moving beyond the present, these stories reveal what an alternative society could look like, and reflect the skills and relationships we already have to create that society, challenging institutions of power that have already shown their fragility.
Peter Lang AG Die Investmentaktiengesellschaft Aus Aufsichtsrechtlicher Und Gesellschaftsrechtlicher Perspektive
McGraw-Hill Education The Philadelphia Guide: Inpatient Pediatrics
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The ONLY handbook on pediatric hospitalist medicine!Focusing specifically on caring for pediatric patients in the hospital setting, this unique handbook addresses more than 350 of the most commonly encountered inpatient pediatric medical conditions. Unlike similar handbooks on the subject, The Philadelphia Guide goes beyond diagnostic strategies to include complete treatment and management guidelines.The emphasis on the treatment of so many inpatient conditions makes the book valuable for practitioners of all levels – from attending physicians to physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, pediatric nurses, and health practitioners from all disciplines involved in the care of pediatric patients in the hospital setting. Designed for immediate access, the handbook features alphabetized clinical sections and consistent chapter subheadings to make the book especially useful at the point of care.•Practical diagnostic strategies•Extensive differential diagnosis suggestions•Up-to-date treatment and management guidelines•Content designed both for easy browsing and pinpointing specific information•Alphabetical organization within chapters for rapid access•Structured format with consistent headings throughout•Bulleted content for efficient and effective access to relevant information•Tables listing pediatric dosages for emergency, airway, and rapid sequence intubation medications, as well as defibrillation and cardioversion protocols•Practical appendices covering normal vital signs, neonatal codes, and PALS algorithms
Verso Books They Can't Represent Us!: Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy
Here is one of the first books to assert that mass protest movements in disparate places such as Greece, Argentina, and the United States share an agenda-to raise the question of what democracy should mean. These horizontalist movements, including Occupy, exercise and claim participatory democracy as the ground of revolutionary social change today.Written by two international activist intellectuals and based on extensive interviews with movement participants in Spain, Venezuela, Japan, across the United States, and elsewhere, this book is both one of the most expansive portraits of the assemblies, direct democracy forums, and organizational forms championed by the new movements, and an analytical history of direct and participatory democracy from ancient Athens to Athens today. The new movements put forward the idea that liberal democracy is not democratic, nor was it ever.
Ediciones Pirámide Programa Previo prevenir la violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo
La violencia que tiene lugar en las primeras relaciones de noviazgo constituye un preámbulo de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja adultas, configurándose en un problema social de especial relevancia. La presente obra tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, ofrecer información técnica actualizada sobre las características de este fenómeno, los factores de riesgo y protección asociados, así como aquellas teorías y modelos que explican tanto su origen como mantenimiento, enmarcando su comprensión en un difícil momento evolutivo: la adolescencia. En segundo lugar, la obra se centra en la prevención aportando principios de actuación generales y de utilidad para cualquier propuesta de intervención en esta área. Además, desde un modelo de prevención multicomponente, se aporta información práctica y herramientas para la detección y reconocimiento de situaciones de riesgo, así como indicaciones para la actuación preventiva específica y coordinada de todos los sectores implicados: jóvene
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Sentinum 2: L'Area Sacra
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Benevento Romana
Editorial Seleer Llantos por un intercambio
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) El alumnado extranjero. Un reto educativo
Los cambios sociales obligan a la escuela a respuestas distintas y adecuadas a la realidad La presente obra es de un aporte de soluciones al problema nuevo de los alumnos inmigrantes, que presentan características y problemas claramente diferentes a los de la mayoría de nuestros alumnos.
Ediciones Medici, S.L. Hazlo bien hazlo seguro qué pasa con el sexo
Directo, claro e informativo Hazlo Bien, Hazlo Seguro constituye un libro esencial para el adolescente, así como para todo aquel que desee saber todo lo relacionado con el sexo en los noventa. Unánimemente considerada una guía sincera y abierta se dirige a los adolescentes, así como a padres y profesores para insistir en que el gran peligro de hoy no es ya la falta de información que puede llevar a un embarazo no deseado. Todos los jóvenes que quieran hacerse una idea de lo que es el sexo, y también los menos jóvenes, han de encontrar en este libro la información básica, cómo pueden evitarse problemas y a dónde acudir si precisa ayuda.
Debolsillo La magia de leer The Magic of Reading
Cómo recuperar y transmitir a los niños y los jóvenes la pasión y las ganas de leer.Leer es una urgente necesidad pública y privada. La vida humana transcurre entre palabras. Nuestra inteligencia es lingüística y nuestra convivencia, íntima o política, también. Este libro es una introducción poética, científica y práctica a la lectura. Un manual para padres, maestros, profesores de secundaria y para lectores curiosos. Pero es, ante todo, un libro de magia. Mezcla, pues, recetas y consejos para lograr encantamientos prodigiosos. Quienes dividen la magia en blanca y negra se equivocan. Olvidan que la magia más poderosa y magnífica es la del negro sobre el blanco. La escritura, y la lectura, claro, que es su complemento. De ella emergen hadas y dragones, mundos nuevos y mundos antiguos, personajes, historias, sentimientos, leyes, poemas y ecuaciones. El lenguaje transfiguró a la especie humana. Tal vez La magia de leer haga lo mismo con usted.
Los das luminosos Narrativa del Acantilado Band 338
En un pueblo del sur de Alemania, tres chiquillos disfrutan de la amistad y de los días luminosos intentando dejar atrás su historia familiar, marcada por el dolor y la pérdida. Veinte años más tarde, convertidos ya en estudiantes universitarios, deciden viajar juntos a Roma, donde su vínculo se ve sometido a las duras pruebas del amor, la traición y la culpabilidad. Con su habitual lenguaje depurado, Zsuzsa Bánk muestra en Los días luminosos la posibilidad de redención que a veces nos conceden los demás, gracias a los cuales logramos salvaguardar la esperanza. Una conmovedora novela sobre la amistad y la traición, el amor y la mentira, los secretos del pasado y los decisivos instantes que pueden cambiar nuestras vidas.
Barbara Fiore Editora La primavera de las 999 hermanas ranas
Mamá rana despierta a sus 999 hijas. Es primavera! Ya podéis levantaros! Pero que ha pasado? Mamá rana cuenta a sus hijas una y otra vez, y solo hay 998. La hermana mayor aún no se ha despertado-una, dos, tresMamá rana cuenta a las pequeñas, pero solo hay 998.-Qué raro-dice, y justo después oye unos ronquidos.-Vaya! Hay una que todavía duerme-exclama mamá rana, sorprendida.-Es nuestra hermana mayor.-La mayor aún no se ha despertado.-Es una dormilona!Las ranitas se ríen de su hermana.
Hybrid Verlag Riannu
Hybrid Verlag Riannu
Pocket Les enfants du secret
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Anthikad's Applied Psychology for Graduate Nurses (General and Educational Psychology)
V&R unipress GmbH Le théâtre nippon dans le théâtre français du XXe siècle: Dun regard kaléidoscopique á une réception productive
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on Mental Retardation Research
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The German Idealism Reader: Ideas, Responses, and Legacy
The German Idealism Reader is a comprehensive account of the key ideas and arguments central to German idealists and their immediate critics. Expanding the scope beyond the four best-known representatives - Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel - and including those thinkers often considered as secondary, but who are also crucial for understanding of this period, the Reader presents an influential era in all its philosophical complexity. Through its broad coverage of philosophers and their texts, it offers a complete dynamic picture of the intellectual period and features: - Selections from key texts by Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel - Readings from Reinhold, Schiller, Maimon, Schulze, Jacobi, Hölderlin, and Novalis - Responses to and critiques of German idealist thought by late nineteenth century thinkers, such as Schopenhauer, Feuerbach, Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche - Selections extending beyond the typical focus on epistemology and metaphysics to include ethics, religion, society, and art - A general introduction and timeline, together with a chronology and bibliography to each thinker and introductory overviews to both thinkers and text With readings carefully selected to illustrate thinkers in dialogue with each other, The German Idealism Reader provides a better appreciation of the philosophical discussions central to the period. This is essential reading for all students of German idealism and the nineteenth-century German and Continental philosophies, as well as to those studying the important movements and periods of European intellectual history.
Parenting Press Incorporated I'm Lost
Gabriela and her father become separated while visiting the zoo. She's worried that she won't find him. What can she do? Includes a parent who use a wheelchair.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Earthly Signs
Arcturus Editions Vocabulary Wordsearch: Over 85 Fun Puzzles!
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Information Ecosystems: Smart Press
Digital information, particularly for online newsgathering and reporting, is an industry fraught with uncertainty and rapid innovation. Digital Information Ecosystems: Smart Press crosses academic knowledge with research by media groups to understand this evolution and analyze the future of the sector, including the imminent employment of bots and artificial intelligence. The book adopts an original and multidisciplinary approach to this topic: combining the science of media economics with the experience of a practicing journalist of a major daily newspaper. The result is an essential guide to the opportunities of the media to respond to a changing global digital landscape. Independent news reporting is vital in the contemporary democracy; the media must itself become a new “smart press”.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: A Practitioners Toolkit
This book offers a pragmatic guide to navigating through the complex maze of EPR/ESR spectroscopy fundamentals, techniques, and applications. Written for the scientist who is new to EPR spectroscopy, the editors have prepared a volume that de-mystifies the basic fundamentals without weighting readers down with detailed physics and mathematics, and then presents clear approaches in specific application areas. The first part presents basic fundamentals and advantages of electron paramagnetic resonance spectrscopy. The second part explores severalapplication areas including chemistry, biology, medicine, materials and geology. A frequently-asked-questions sections focuses on practicalquestions, such as the size of sample, etc. It's an ideal, hands-on reference for chemists and researchers in the pharmaceutical and materials (semiconductor) industries who are looking for a basic introduction to EPR spectroscopy.
Quart Publishers Defining Criteria
Together, images and conversations portray the underlying motivation, orientation and stances of some of the most prominent young architects, photographers, artists and filmmakers whose body of work gravitates around the world of architecture. Interviews with: Kersten Geers (Office KGDVS, architect), François Charbonnet (Made In, architect), Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine (filmmakers), Junya Ishigami (architect), Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara (DOGMA, architects), Philipp Schaerer (visual artist), Go Hasegawa (architect), Bas Princen (photographer), Yuri Ancarani (visual artist) and Anne Holtrop (architect). Text in German.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Down Below
HarperCollins India Legend Of The Flute Player
Emerald Publishing Limited Motivation in Education at a Time of Global Change: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice
Economic, social and political disruption, financial recession, international migration and rapid technological advancements have produced major changes throughout the world regarding the availability and access to knowledge, human communication, social relationships, learning and education. As socioeconomic, sociodemographic and sociocultural conditions are constantly changing in parallel with rapid scientific and technological progress, learning environments are also evolving. The increased complexity of educational processes calls for new research and theoretical inquiry to address how these global changes affect education, schools and academic learning. This volume in the Advances in Motivation and Achievement Series is dedicated to the role of motivation in that process. The fundamental assumption of the volume is that, on the one hand, change and challenge have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ motivation to learn and achieve and, on the other hand, motivation can have a significant impact on students’ and educators’ capacity to cope with change and challenge effectively. This book opens up a dialogue on how to support achievement motivation in challenging times as a means for successful academic trajectories and positive adaptation to school. Internationally leading researchers provide a critical understanding of the role of current motivational theories during unsettling times, discuss a number of challenges affecting motivation in education, and indicate potential implications of motivational theory and research for educational practice.
Penguin Books Ltd Tales from Shakespeare
As children, Charles and Mary Lamb took great delight in exploring their benefactor's extensive library; as adults they began writing children's books together that also appealed to all generations. In Tales of Shakespeare they wished to bring their favourite plays to life for children too young to read and appreciate Shakespeare's work. This collection of twenty of Shakespeare's stories begins with The Tempest, which explores themes of magic, power and reconciliation, and ends with Pericles, Prince of Tyre, an exotic play of love, loss and family ties. Between these two tales are twelve romances and comedies, all written by Mary, and six tragedies, all written by Charles. Each tale is told chronologically and retains much of Shakespeare's lyricism, phrasing and rhythm. Together, they form a captivating and accessible introduction to the Bard's work.
University Press of Southern Denmark Hans Christian Andersen in Russia
Tusquets Editores Suicidio perfecto Perfect Suicide
La investigación sobre un misterioso suicidio correrá paralela a una interesante reflexión sobre los orígenes de la crisis económica en Grecia.El comisario Kostas Jaritos se aburre. Está de baja, recuperándose de una delicada operación después de que, durante la investigación de un caso, le dispararan en el pecho. Por toda distracción, recibe algunas visitas, lee los periódicos y mira la televisión. Precisamente, una noche ve cómo, en un programa de entrevistas, el constructor Iásonas Favieros, que ha amasado una fortuna en los últimos veinte años y ahora está enriqueciéndose como nunca con las obras de los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004, se suicida ante las cámaras y conmociona a todo el país. Se desata un alud de noticias, hipótesis e incluso de comunicados de extrañas organizaciones, y Kostas, convertido en un ciudadano más, primero reflexiona y luego, todavía convaleciente, decide investigar. En esa Grecia preolímpica que se debate entre un pasado difícil de olvidar y la
Debolsillo El universo en un solo atomo The Universe in a Single Atom
En cada átomo de los dominios del Universo existen infinitos sistemas solares.Su Santidad el Dalai Lama expone su visión de la ciencia y de la fe con una única intención: aliviar el sufrimiento humano. Mediante el estudio científico, que nunca ha abandonado, y el llamamiento a la práctica religiosa, el Dalai Lama explora muchos de los grandes y eternos debates y realiza asombrosas conexiones entre algunas cuestiones aparentemente dispares, como la evolución o el karma, llamadas a cambiar nuestra forma de percibir el mundo. Considera que la ciencia y la fe, cuyo antagonismo se encuentra en el origen del conflicto humano desde hace siglos, son distintos enfoques de la investigación, que se complementan con un objetivo compartido, que es la búsqueda de la verdad. En El universo en un solo átomo , el Dalai Lama nos desafía a que comprobemos que los beneficios de abrir nuestro corazón y nuestra mente a las conexiones entre ciencia y fe son preferibles a perpetuar la fractura, más ret
Ediciones Pirámide Violencia en el noviazgo
La violencia que tiene lugar en las primeras relaciones de noviazgo constituye un preámbulo de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja adultas, configurándose en un problema social de especial relevancia.La presente obra tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, ofrecer información técnica actualizada sobre las características de este fenómeno, los factores de riesgo y protección asociados, así como aquellas teorías y modelos que explican tanto su origen como mantenimiento, enmarcando su comprensión en un difícil momento evolutivo: la adolescencia.En segundo lugar, la obra se centra en la prevención aportando principios de actuación generales y de utilidad para cualquier propuesta de intervención en esta área. Además, desde un modelo de prevención multicomponente, se aporta información práctica para la detección y reconocimiento de situaciones de riesgo, así como indicaciones para la actuación preventiva específica y coordinada de todos los sectores implicados: jóvenes, famili