Search results for ""author linda"
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Cost-Benefit Assessment within the Context of the Ec Water Framework Directive: Method for Justifying Exemptions Based on Disproportionate Costs
Hirmer Verlag Franz Gertsch: Looking Back
The internationally famous Swiss artist Franz Gertsch will celebrate his 90th birthday in 2020. The Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, which has a long-standing relationship with the artistand which is one of the most important presentation locations for his printed works, is taking advantage of this occasion as a reason for an exhibition and a bibliophile jubilee publication.In addition to his portraits, which are now counted amongst theicons of Swiss art, Gertsch is famous for his captivating landscapes. Less anchored in general awareness are his outstanding early works from the 1940s to 1950s, and it is on these that the volume focuses. Together with the artist, groups of themes were chosen from his collection and the stocks of the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich. Colour proofs which have been produced during the printing of his incomparable monochrome worlds round out this publication for art lovers.
Encounter Books,USA Athwart History: Half a Century of Polemics, Animadversions, and Illuminations: A William F. Buckley Jr. Omnibus
For most of the last century, William F. Buckley Jr. was the leading figure in the conservative movement in America. The magazine he founded in 1955, National Review, brought together writers representing every strand of conservative thought, and refined those ideas over the decades that followed. Buckley's own writings were a significant part of this development. He was not a theoretician but a popularizer, someone who could bring conservative ideas to a vast audience through dazzling writing and lively wit. Culled from millions of published words spanning nearly sixty years, Athwart History: Half a Century of Polemics, Animadversions, and Illuminations offers Buckley's commentary on the American and international scenes, in areas ranging from Kremlinology to rock music. The subjects are widely varied, but there are common threads linking them all: a love for the Western tradition and its American manifestation; the belief that human beings thrive best in a free society; the conviction that such a society is worth defending at all costs; and an appreciation for the quirky individuality that free people inevitably develop.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Explorations in College Algebra
Explorations in College Algebra's overarching goal is to reshape the College Algebra course to make it more relevant and accessible to all students. This is achieved by shifting the focus from learning a set of discrete mechanical rules to exploring how algebra is used in social and physical sciences and the world around you. By connecting mathematics to real-life situations, students come to appreciate its power and beauty.
Guilford Publications The Complexity of Connection: Writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute
In this important third volume from the Stone Center at Wellesley College, founding scholars and new voices expand and deepen the Center's widely embraced psychological theory of connection as the core of human growth and development. The volume presents an absorbing and practical examination of connection and disconnection at both individual and societal levels. Chapters explore how experiences of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, and gender influence relationships, and how people can connect across difference and disagreement. Also discussed are practical implications of the theory for psychotherapy, for the raising of sons, and for workplace and organizational issues.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection The Diagram as Paradigm: Cross-Cultural Approaches
Nova Science Publishers Inc Deliberations in Community Development: Balancing on the Edge
Rowman & Littlefield Thinking from the Underside of History: Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation
Enrique Dussel's writings span the theology of liberation, critiques of discourse ethics, evaluations of Marx, Levinas, Habermas, and others, but most importantly, the development of a philosophy written from the underside of Eurocentric modernist teleologies, an ethics of the impoverished, and the articulation of a unique Latin American theoretical perspective. This anthology of original articles by U.S. philosophers elucidating Dussel's thought, offers critical analyses from a variety of perspectives, including feminist ones. Also included is an essay by Dussel that responds to these essays.
Springer Publishing Co Inc Certified Nurse Educator (CNE®/CNE®n) Review, Fourth Edition
Liturgical Press Faith beyond Belief: Spirituality for Our Times
A personal, surprising, and heart-warming book wherein two spiritual masters of our time advance the central questions of life and faith.“Brother David Steindl-Rast and Father Anselm Grün are figures of hope, people who by the power of their example can offer an orientation in a world that has become too complex to comprehend. The spirituality they radiate is an everyday thing that is nevertheless both profound and vivid. . . . “Our conversations, on which this book is based, could be read as a ‘crash course’ in Christian spirituality. This book will be an inspiration and an aid to spiritual life for many people of our time, whether they are believers or not.”Johannes KaupFrom the Introduction
PLURAL PUBLISHING Language and Literacy Development for English Language Learners An Interdisciplinary Focus on English Learners with Communication Disorders
A number of books and studies have shed light on the value of professionals working together to address the language and literacy needs of English learners (ELs) with communication differences and/or disorders. However, few resources have directly and intentionally addressed the merging of the two disciplines.
Collective Ink Prayers with Bears: The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes features the verses Matthew 5:3-10 Happy Bear helps his friends apply the Scriptures to their daily activities and prayers.
Clarion Books When My Name Was Keoko
CABI Publishing International Trade in Forest Products: Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples
Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.
Guilford Publications Oral Language and Comprehension in Preschool: Teaching the Essentials
Before children are readers and writers, they are speakers and listeners. This book provides creative, hands-on strategies for developing preschoolers' speaking, listening, and oral comprehension skills, within a literacy-rich classroom environment. Each chapter features helpful classroom vignettes; a section called Preschool in Practice, with step-by-step lesson ideas; and Ideas for Discussion, Reflection, and Action. The book addresses the needs of English language learners and describes ways to support students' literacy development at home. The final chapter pulls it all together through a portrait of an exemplary day of preschool teaching and learning. Reproducible forms and checklists can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning
Provides a comprehensive reference for scholars, educators, stakeholders, and the general public on matters influencing and directly affecting education in today’s schools across the globe This enlightening handbook offers current, international perspectives on the conditions in communities, contemporary practices in schooling, relevant research on teaching and learning, and implications for the future of education. It contains diverse conceptual frameworks for analyzing existing issues in education, including but not limited to characteristics of today’s students, assessment of student learning, evaluation of teachers, trends in teacher education programs, technological advances in content delivery, the important role for school leaders, and innovative instructional practices to increase student learning. The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning promotes new, global approaches to studying the process of education, demonstrates the diversity among the constituents of schooling, recognizes the need for and presents a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, and details exemplary practices in education. Divided into four sections focused on general topics—context and schooling; learners and learning; teachers and teaching; and educators as learners and leaders—and with all-new essays that look at what has been, what is, and what could be, this book is destined to inspire thoughtful contemplation from readers about what it means to teach and learn. Examines teaching, learners, and learning from a contemporary, international perspective, presenting alternative views and approaches Provides a single reference source for teachers, education leaders, and agency administrators Summarizes recent research and theory Offers evidence-based recommendations for practice Includes essays from established and emerging U.S. and international scholars Each chapter includes a section encouraging readers to think ahead and imagine what education might be in the future Scholars from around the world provide a range of evidence-based ideas for improving and modifying current educational practices, making The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning an important book for the global education community and those planning on entering into it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Scaled Worlds: Development, Validation and Applications
A major transformation in research and training is expected, using new, more advanced versions of computer-based systems. Technology now affords new capabilities: complex and distributed expert decisionmaking and team performance can now be elicited and rehearsed through affordable and easily distributed systems. These new systems will transform research and training on two fronts. It will allow research needed to bridge the gap between internal (i.e. laboratory control) and external (e.g. operational relevance) validity. In addition, it enables a coalition of forces, from training instructors and their students, to research scientists and quantitative performance modelers. While simulation-based research and training is rapidly advancing, with increased funding and sponsorship, as yet there is no comprehensive documentation of tools and techniques. This book addresses the problem, bringing together experts from a variety of perspectives. Their contributions document emerging trends and issues with regard to development, utilization, and validation of these emerging ’scaled world’ systems. The readership includes researchers and practitioners who develop and/or utilize simulation-based environments, educators interested in instructional technology and researchers who require criterion-based performance evaluation.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Study Guide for Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
Use this practical study guide to get more out of Lilley's Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 10th Edition textbook! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in the textbook, this workbook helps you review and understand the key terms, key concepts, and pharmacology that nurses need to know. Exercises include NCLEX-RN® examination-style review questions, critical thinking and application questions, and case studies. It provides the review and practice you need to master the nursing process and nursing pharmacology! Application-based NCLEX® exam practice questions include at least one alternate item question per chapter. Review questions in each chapter are divided into sections: Chapter Review and NCLEX® Examination Preparation, Matching, Critical Thinking and Application, and Case Study. Focus on prioritization features prioritization exercises in which you must evaluate a clinical scenario and answer the question: What is the nurse's best action? Overview of drug calculation concepts helps you correctly perform mathematical problems when calculating drug dosages, and includes practice problems and a practice quiz. Sample drug labels are shown. Learning strategies expand upon the unique, cartoon-illustrated study strategies in the Lilley textbook, and offer additional information and learning tips. Answers for all questions are provided at the back of the book. NEW! Expanded NCLEX® focus includes one to two additional NCLEX examination-style questions for each chapter, including additional alternate item format types. NEW! Updated review questions reflect the updated content in the 10th edition of the Lilley textbook.
Indiana University Press Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender
"The editors have performed a great service in making widely available a documentary history of the interpretation of the Eve and Adam story." —Publishers Weekly"This fascinating volume examines Genesis 1-3 and the different ways that Jewish, Christian, and Muslim interpreters have used these passages to define and enforce gender roles. . . . a 'must' . . . " —Choice"Wonderful! A marvelous introduction to the ways in which the three major Western religious traditions are both like, and unlike one another." —Ellen Umansky, Fairfield UniversityNo other text has affected women in the western world as much as the story of Eve and Adam. This remarkable anthology surveys more than 2,000 years of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim commentary and debate on the biblical story that continues to raise fundamental questions about what it means to be a man or to be a woman. The selections range widely from early postbiblical interpretations in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha to the Qur'an, from Thomas Aquinas to medieval Jewish commentaries, from Christian texts to 19th-century antebellum slavery writings, and on to pieces written especially for this volume.
New York University Press The Psychology of Property Law
Considers how research in psychology offers new perspectives on property law, and suggests avenues of reform Property law governs the acquisition, use and transfer of resources. It resolves competing claims to property, provides legal rules for transactions, affords protection to property from interference by the state, and determines remedies for injury to property rights. In seeking to accomplish these goals, the law of property is concerned with human cognition and behavior. How do we allocate property, both initially and over time, and what factors determine the perceived fairness of those distributions? What social and psychological forces underlie determinations that certain uses of property are reasonable? What remedies do property owners prefer? The Psychology of Property Law explains how assumptions about human judgement, decision-making and behavior have shaped different property rules and examines to what extent these assumptions are supported by the research. Employing key findings from psychology, the book considers whether property law’s goals could be achieved more successfully with different rules. In addition, the book highlights property laws and conflicts that offer productive areas for further behaviorally-informed research. The book critically addresses several topics from property law for which psychology has a great deal to contribute. These include ownership and possession, legal protections for residential and personal property, takings of property by the state, redistribution through property law, real estate transactions, discrimination in housing and land use, and remedies for injury to property.
V&R Unipress Macht Und Herrschaft Transkulturell: Vormoderne Konfigurationen Und Perspektiven der Forschung
National League for Nursing,U.S. Best Practices in Teaching and Learning in Nursing Education
Annick Press Ltd Space on Earth: How Thinking Like an Astronaut Can Help Save the Planet
Really “high” tech to inspire us for sustainable solutions on Earth.Who could imagine an idea born on a space station would help sustain our planet? Astronauts, living on the International Space Station, have to protect their resources because their lives depend on it. They learn to conserve water, air, food, energy, and waste.These efforts have in turn lead to amazing and innovative ideas for air quality, food production, and water purification here on Earth.With vivid, energetic illustrations, photographs, and Dr. Dave’s experiments on key topics, readers learn about technological innovations such as waterless toilets and the world’s tallest air purification tower.
Design Originals Strippin' Along: Applique Quilts on a Roll
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Comprehensive School Health Education
McGraw-Hill Companies Looseleaf for Marriages and Families: Intimacy Diversity & Strengths
Rethinking Schools The New Teacher Book: Finding Purpose, Balance, and Hope During Your First Years in the Classroom
Amsterdam University Press Abstraction in Medieval Art: Beyond the Ornament
Abstraction haunts medieval art, both withdrawing figuration and suggesting elusive presence. How does it make or destroy meaning in the process? Does it suggest the failure of figuration, the faltering of iconography? Does medieval abstraction function because it is imperfect, incomplete, and uncorrected-and therefore cognitively, visually demanding? Is it, conversely, precisely about perfection? To what extent is the abstract predicated on theorization of the unrepresentable and imperceptible? Does medieval abstraction pit aesthetics against metaphysics, or does it enrich it, or frame it, or both? Essays in this collection explore these and other questions that coalesce around three broad themes: medieval abstraction as the untethering of the image from what it purports to represent; abstraction as a vehicle for signification; and abstraction as a form of figuration. Contributors approach the concept of medieval abstraction from a multitude of perspectives-formal, semiotic, iconographic, material, phenomenological, epistemological.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany YALE: History of An Art School: Design by Irma Boom
De Gruyter Friedl Dicker-Brandeis: Works from the Collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Bauhaus artist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis The work of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898–1944) occupies a key position in the broader history of the Austrian avant-garde while also deepening our understanding of modernism. Her work covers an impressive range of media and genres in the visual and applied arts. Influenced by her studies at Vienna’s Kunstgewerbeschule (which later became the University of Applied Arts Vienna), the Itten Private School, and the Bauhaus in Weimar, she worked as a painter, stage designer, architect, designer in Vienna and Berlin, in exile, and as a deportee. This book explores the heterogeneity of Dicker’s work, reconstructs her artistic strategies and references to aesthetic and political discourses from the 1920s to the 1940s, and documents for the first time her works in the collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Portrait of her work and collection catalog, dedicated to the artist, designer, and architect Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Essays by Julie M. Johnson, Robin Rehm, Daniela Stöppel, and others To accompany an exhibition in Vienna and Zurich; awarded as one of the most beautiful books in Austria in 2022
Bristol University Press Social Policy Review 16: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2004
Social Policy Review 16 has been given a new editorial lease of life and has been re-organised to reflect more closely key developments in the UK and internationally.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century IX: English and Continental Perspectives
This series [pushes] the boundaries of knowledge and [develops] new trends in approach and understanding. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The essays here provide a series of unusual, varying and complex perspectives on late-medieval society, with a particular focus on the European context. They show how in the north of England the Cliffords and tenants of the honourof Pontefract were forced to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of their conflicting loyalties to local lords and distant kings; how in East Anglia the growing cult of St Margaret was reinforced by dissemination of her life-story [published here from a manuscript in the British Library]; how at Westminster the court of Henry IV was enhanced by his purchase of luxury items, and how the inept rule of his grandson Henry VI led to the "de-skilling" ofhitherto competent bureaucracies in the exchequer and chancery; how in Normandy a fine line was drawn between brigandage and movements for independence; how in Burgundy the classic ideals of chivalry, as presented in the duchy's literature, contrasted with the grim reality of military and political confrontations; and how in Florence infants were nurtured. Contributors: Frederik Buylaert, Christine Carpenter, Vincent Challet, Juliana Dresvina, Jan Dumolyn, Andy King, Jessica Lutkin, Alessia Meneghin, Sarah Rose
Rising Stars UK Ltd Rising Stars Mathematics Year 6 Textbook
Exam Board: Non-SpecificLevel: KS2Subject: MathematicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: Summer 2016The full-colour, engaging Textbook for Year 6 is designed to aid high-quality teaching and learning. Characters introduce and discuss a common misconception for each concept, supported by visual representations. A set of practice activities is provided per concept, offering bare practice, through to practice in context and then open-ended investigation, to build conceptual understanding. This textbook has been written and reviewed by mathematics experts with extensive classroom experience.
Monacelli Press The Well-Dressed Window: Curtains at Winterthur
Featuring forty rooms at Winterthur, The Well-Dressed Window is an important resource in documenting the design and detailing of window treatments. The Well-Dressed Window: Curtains at Winterthur is a unique compendium of design and textile history and an invaluable resource for designers and homeowners alike. Today Henry Francis du Pont, the force behind the transformation of Winterthur from a family house to the premier museum of American decorative arts, is recognized, along with Henry Davis Sleeper and Elsie de Wolfe, as one of the early leaders of interior design in this country. Working with architects, curators, and antiques dealers, du Pont created some 175 room settings within the house. He assembled his rooms using architectural elements from historic houses along the East Coast and filled them with an extraordinary collection of American furniture and decorative arts. Du Pont’s unique talent was his ability to arrange historically related objects in a beautiful way, in settings that enhanced their shape and form through the choice of color, textiles, and style. Du Pont paid particular attention to the design of the curtains, and The Well-Dressed Window surveys his achievement, explaining how the fabrics were selected as well as their relationship to the architecture and other decorative elements in the rooms. Forty rooms are presented, each specially photographed to show the overall space in addition to details of fabric and trim. A series of stereoviews taken in the 1930s as well as other period photographs reveal the evolution of the window treatments and upholstery over nearly sixty years. Of particular interest is du Pont’s seasonal changing of the curtains, which were rotated throughout the year as the lighting and colors in the surrounding garden shifted.
Edinburgh University Press The Contemporary Poetry Archive: Essays and Interventions
These 13 newly commissioned chapters examine the impact of archival poetry collections on both literary scholarship and poetic practice.
Edinburgh University Press Transatlantic Anglophone Literatures, 1776-1920: An Anthology
This anthology provides a single, convenient volume of diverse primary texts supporting the teaching and research field of Anglophone Transatlantic literatures and print culture. Focusing on ongoing and shared concerns and social practices across the long nineteenth century, the book's thematically-organised sections mark major Transatlantic social movements of that era as expressed, negotiated, and recorded through literary production. The anthology offers a range of tools and texts for innovative thinking, teaching, and exploration. Headnotes provide guidance on how individual selections arose from social and historical contexts. Annotations create student-friendly identification of key terms or allusions
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Essential Skills Clusters for Nurses: Theory for Practice
"This timely book identifies the theory which underpins these Essential Skills Clusters to support the development of best nursing practice. I hope you enjoy it."—From the foreword by Garth Long, Professional Education Advisor, Nursing and Midwifery Council All nursing students are required to have the underpinning knowledge to demonstrate proficiency in performing nursing skills, especially those identified on the Essential Skills Clusters. Essential Skills Clusters for Nurses is a comprehensive, practical resource for students providing them with the core theory and knowledge underpinning these nursing skills. Divided into five sections that discuss a particular area of the Essential Skills Clusters, this text explores care, compassion and communication; organisational aspects of care; infection prevention and control; nutrition and fluid maintenance, and medicines management and pharmacology. It will be essential reading for all pre-registration nursing students, on all branch programmes. Key features of the text: Provides the underpinning theory and knowledge behind core nursing skills, and those on Essential Skills Clusters Relevant and applicable to all branches of nursing Accessible and interactive, with activities, further reading and case studies Each chapter written by a specialist in that particular field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Animal Cruelty Investigations: A Collaborative Approach from Victim to Verdict
Animal Cruelty Investigations: A Collaborative Approach from Victim to Verdict provides a framework for the experts who respond to animal cruelty cases: veterinarians, law enforcement agencies, animal care and control organizations, and prosecutors. This book is a practical guide which provides insight and direction for every phase of an animal cruelty investigation. The step-by-step guidance on responding to particular issues and challenges related to animal cruelty cases is bolstered by the extensive library of checklists, form templates, specific case protocols, and lists of available resources. This book is designed to empower readers to respond to animal cruelty cases confidently and effectively by: Introducing veterinarians to their critical role in animal cruelty investigations including forensic examination and necropsy, crime scene response, report writing, and testimony. Included are detailed Specific Case Protocols for common animal cruelty scenarios. Helping animal shelters navigate the challenges of holding animals in protective custody, housing unusual species, and placing evidence animals in foster care. Offering law enforcement agencies useful methods for investigating animal cruelty such as search and seizure protocols, witness interview techniques, and valuable forms and templates necessary to strengthen and ensure proper search warrant execution, evidence collection and handling, and chain of custody; all with a focus on animals as both victims and evidence. Guiding prosecutors through the steps necessary to utilize the veterinarian’s findings during trial and providing insight into issues to be considered when reviewing search warrants, filing charges, proposing plea agreements, or filing pre-conviction forfeiture motions. This book is a must-have reference and guide for veterinarians, technicians, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and all those involved in the protection of animals’ health and wellbeing. The successful investigation of animal crimes relies on each of these disciplines, not only carrying out their professional duties, but having a collective understanding of what each other needs in order to meet that expectation.
University of Minnesota Press Multiple Voices in Feminist Film Criticism
This volume offers readers a comprehensive survey of the varied contributions feminist scholars have been making to film study over the past two decades. In its scope, "Multiple Voices in Feminist Film Criticism" presents the range of theoretical, critical, and educational directions open to feminist students of film, and encourages readers to participate in assessing and shaping the critical context in which films are produced and received. The editors have included a variety of perspectives informed by psychoanalytic, linguistic, historical, Marxist, textual, and postcolonial discourses. Along with highlighting the diversity of feminist film scholarship, this pluralist approach recognizes differences among women and is attentive to issues of race, class, nationality, ethnicity, and sexuality. Combining original and previously published essays, this work includes re-assessments of individual films, of genres and cycles, of narrative and filmic conventions, and of spectator positioning and response. In addition to this extensive collection of theory and criticism, the editors have added course files that explore the rationale for feminist film courses and show how films and critical readings can be presented in a meaningful way.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applying Theory to Educational Research: An Introductory Approach with Case Studies
Applying Theory to Educational Research provides educational researchers with an accessible introduction to the process of selecting and applying theories in their work. Offers an innovative and accessible approach to educational research by providing practical examples of the application of theory Gives 'hands-on' accounts for the researcher and practitioner Explains and discusses complex ideas in the light of experience in using and applying them Covers the application of major theorists such as Bourdieu, Foucault, Weber, Derrida, and Vygotsky For beginning researchers, theory can be one of the most stimulating – yet intellectually daunting – aspects of academic work. Applying Theory to Educational Research provides new educational researchers with a uniquely accessible introduction to the process of selecting and applying theories in their own work. Written by a team of leading educationalists writing from the perspective of new researchers, clearly structured chapters introduce individual theorists and their ideas, present their applications and limitations, and provide extensive references and suggestion for further reading. Major theorists such as Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Max Weber, Jacques Derrida, and Lev Vygotsky are included, along with many more recent educational theorists. Throughout the text, helpful hints and signposts are provided to alert readers to the potential pitfalls of applying theory. Innovative and illuminating, Applying Theory to Educational Research offers a wealth of practical insights that will point the way for novice researchers struggling to navigate an often daunting intellectual obstacle course.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mentorship
Mentoring and practice assessment is an increasingly important aspect of your ongoing professional development, but can be challenging. This pocket-sized guide will provide you with essential tips to ensure you and your students really get the most out of the experience.The Nursing & Health Survival Guides have evolved - take a look at our our app for iPhone and iPad.
University of Illinois Press African Americans in U.S. Foreign Policy: From the Era of Frederick Douglass to the Age of Obama
Bookended by remarks from African American diplomats Walter C. Carrington and Charles Stith, the essays in this volume use close readings of speeches, letters, historical archives, diaries, memoirs of policymakers, and newly available FBI files to confront much-neglected questions related to race and foreign relations in the United States. Why, for instance, did African Americans profess loyalty and support for the diplomatic initiatives of a nation that undermined their social, political, and economic well-being through racist policies and cultural practices? Other contributions explore African Americans' history in the diplomatic and consular services and the influential roles of cultural ambassadors like Joe Louis and Louis Armstrong. The volume concludes with an analysis of the effects on race and foreign policy in the administration of Barack Obama. Groundbreaking and critical, African Americans in U.S. Foreign Policy expands on the scope and themes of recent collections to offer the most up-to-date scholarship to students in a range of disciplines, including U.S. and African American history, Africana studies, political science, and American studies.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Maths for Scotland Second Level Problem Solving Pack: For Curriculum for Excellence Primary Maths (Primary Maths for Scotland)
The Problem Solving Pack supports teachers in developing children’s problem solving skills within the 2nd level numeracy and mathematics Curriculum for Excellence. It is a flexible resource which can be used to teach problem solving strategies and provides a ready-made bank of rich problem-solving activities for children working within 2nd level. Each photocopiable Problem Solving Pack contains:· Comprehensive introduction· Problem solving and reasoning teaching strategies· Bank of problem solving activities· Resource sheets (online) This Problem Solving Pack:• Is written to the Scottish curriculum and linked to benchmarks• Focuses on the development of the skills rather than teaching the content• Gives teachers the tools to teach problem solving skills to their children• Supports the mastery approach to have all children working on the same topic at the same time• Allows flexibility for children working at different levels within a topic, by providing support and extension options where required• Can be used independently or as part of the Primary Maths for Scotland programme
HarperCollins Publishers Year 5 Learning (The Shanghai Maths Project)
The Shanghai Maths Project Year 5 Learning is a pupil textbook containing the Year 5 maths facts and full pictorial glossary to enable children to master the Year 5 maths programme of study for England. It sits alongside the Practice Books and the Teacher’s Guide to complete the Shanghai Maths programme for Year 5. The Shanghai Maths Project Year 5 Learning is a pupil textbook containing:• Maths facts for each topic with colourful models and images• Full Year 5 pictorial glossary of mathematical termsIt sits alongside the Practice Books and the Teacher’s Guide to complete the Shanghai Maths programme for Year 5.
HarperCollins Publishers Teacher’s Guide 5A (The Shanghai Maths Project)
The Shanghai Maths Project Teacher's Guide part A, along with part B, provides teachers with all the support they need to deliver the programme of study as part of a mastery approach. It takes teachers through each topic, explains mathematical contexts and provides teaching ideas and activities for whole-class, intervention and enrichment. The Shanghai Maths Project Teacher's Guide 5A, together with The Shanghai Maths Project Teacher's Guide 5B, provides teachers with all the support they need to deliver the Year 5 maths programme of study as part of a mastery approach to teaching. Contents include:Comprehensive introduction, including guidance on mastery, variation theory, the concrete pictorial abstract (CPA) approachRecommended teaching sequence and planning supportUnits of teaching, with suggested activities for whole-class instruction, methods and suggested activities to provide same-day intervention and same-day enrichment (mastery with greater depth)
HarperCollins Publishers The Golden Turtle and Other Tales: Band 16/Sapphire (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Three folk tales from around the world retold by the wonderful storyteller Gervase Phinn. In the first, a golden turtle offers a kindly fisherman riches beyond his wildest dreams. In the secod, Amparo’s daughter looks sweet, but when she’s determined to do something nothing gets in her way. In the third, a naughty leprechaun gets a big shock! Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. A ‘wanted’ poster on pages 54 and 55 for the leprechaun in the last story helps children to recap all the naughty things he did. Text type: Three stories from other cultures. This book is paired with The Ultimate World Quiz, a non-fiction information book full of facts about our planet. Curriculum links: Geography: Passport to the world; Citizenship: Choices, Living in a diverse world. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Praeclarus Press Clinical Instruction in Lactation: Teaching the Next Generation
Haymarket Books Coup: A Story of Violence and Resistance in Bolivia
In three dramatic weeks in October and November 2019, the fourteen years of progressive change that Evo Morales’ pink tide government had worked to implement in Bolivia and beyond came to a screeching halt. President Morales was forced to resign after protests against his re-election to a fourth term in allegedly fraudulent elections erupted among the urban middle classes, anti-indigenous racists, and prominent conservative politicians. The country’s far right used the ensuing crisis to orchestrate a successful coup, with military and police backing, paving the way for a repressive “transition” government led by Jeanine Áñez to take power. The Áñez government quelled popular protests with lethal force, shut down critical media outlets, and targeted members of Morales’ political party, the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS). Despite postponing elections three times, the Áñez government was eventually forced to call elections in October 2020. The MAS swept back into power, winning elections with 55% of the vote and returning democracy to the country. This book tells the story of this year of upheaval in Bolivia, providing a critical analysis of the 14 years of the MAS government that preceded it as well as the MAS return to power in 2020. It includes personal stories and commentary from women and men on the streets, leaders in social movements, members of the MAS party and government, survivors of Áñez’s abuses, and intellectuals.