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Fresco Fine Art Publications Violent Grace: Edward Knippers: Paintings from 1968 to Present
The title, Violent Grace, suggests a paradox. This pairing has become an unexpected gateway into the astonishingly varied and prolific artistic career of Edward Knippers. Violence conjures images of aggression while grace has long been associated with beauty, poise, or an unmerited gift, perhaps even a kind of salvation. Within the ambiguity of this fertile paradox, the art of Edward Knippers—which can initially shock and disturb—opens up into something rich and rewarding.Our lives are reflected in the lives of his biblical characters; we understand their message in our own flesh and blood.Edward Knippers grapples with the perennial human questions embedded in the Bible—a strenuous effort never satisfied until it has extracted a blessing. This is the image of violent grace. Drawn into the wrestling match, we come away wounded—and blessed—by a passionate, unreasonable, overwhelming beauty.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Engineering Computation: An Introduction Using MATLAB and Excel
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Pilates for Children and Adolescents: Manual of Guidelines and Curriculum
Pilates for Children and Adolescents is the first comprehensive manual of guidelines and formal curriculum for teaching Pilates to young people. This book includes: -Guidelines for teaching Pilates to young people -Why Pilates is beneficial for children age 6 - 11 and adolescents age 12 - 19 -Crucial anatomical and cognitive development considerations for working with young people -Additional relevant topics designed to equip the Pilates teacher with tools for creating relevant and safe programs for different age ranges, such as: -safety considerations, exercise contraindications, scope of practice, and ethics -considerations for working in a variety of environments within both the public and private sectors -age appropriate exercises from the Pilates repertoire -a formal curriculum for teaching Pilates in schools including sample lesson plans -appendices which cover working with children with special needs, Pilates in the Schools pilot study results, and resources.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Philosophy of Dance
This volume brings together new work in the philosophy of dance for a general philosophical audience. Scholars working across the fields of philosophy, dance studies, and related areas explore the nature of dance as a practice and an artform. This collection of essays covers topics such as the experience of dancing, the nature and appreciation of dance artworks, and the distinctive contribution of dance to philosophical understanding.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Moral Responsibility and the Financial Crisis
A look at an economic disaster from a philosophical perspectiveA decade after the financial crisis, this publication considered the event from the standpoint of philosophy. Moral Responsibility and the Financial Crisis is a Midwest Studies in Philosophy volume that applies analytic philosophy to finance. The issue discusses the normative and meta-ethical challenges brought to light by the crisis. It also explores the individual and collective responsibility for the harm caused during the global economic event.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success: Facilitation and Activity Guide
THE STUDENT EQEDGE Facilitation and Activity Guide This Facilitation and Activity Guide is a companion to the book The Student EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Academic and Personal Success . It offers faculty and facilitators a hands-on resource for helping students reach their potential by tapping into the power of emotional intelligence. The Facilitation Guide includes exercises and activities which are designed to help students develop confidence, independence, the ability to set and meet goals, impulse control, social responsibility, problem-solving skills, stress tolerance, and much moreall of which help improve academic success. The Guide also contains a wealth of illustrative case studies, questions for student reflection, movie selections and TV shows that illustrate emotional intelligence, and a self-development plan. "The single best resource on emotional intelligence in student affairs, The Student EQ Edge: Student Workbook and Facilitation and Activity Guide are well organized, creative, and offer everything an emotional intelligence facilitator would need in a fast-paced student affairs environment. The examples are soundly constructed and resonate with students. These materials are my go-to resources."Candice Johnston, associate director of student leadership and organizations, Wake Forest University"If I were building a new course to improve student success, it would be founded on emotional intelligence. All the instruction in the world on 'study skills' cannot touch the advantages that come to students who are able to manage their emotional intelligence. And the best news of all is that these skills can be taught. EQ skills make the difference." Randy L. Swing, executive director, Association for Institutional Research "This Facilitation and Activity Guide is particularly useful, offering options from which the facilitator can draw in preparing assignments or learning community meetings. The focus on learners' needs, and particularly an authentic exploration of self and purpose, is practical yet has the potential to draw students to a deeper understanding of self that will draw them to high performance and contribution to others."Dennis Roberts, assistant vice president for faculty and student services for the Qatar Foundation
Duke University Press Someone to Talk To: A Novel
Tofu peddler Yang Baishun is a man of few words and few friends. Unable to find meaningful companionship, he settles for a marriage of convenience. When his wife leaves him for another man he is left to care for his five-year-old stepdaughter Qiaoling, who is subsequently kidnapped, never to be seen by Yang again. Seventy years later we find Niu Aiguo, who, like Yang, struggles to connect with other people. As Niu begins learning about his recently deceased mother’s murky past it becomes clear that Qiaoling is the mysterious bond that links Yang and Niu. Originally published in China in 2009 and appearing in English for the first time, Liu Zhenyun’s award-winning Someone to Talk To highlights the contours of everyday life in pre- and post-Mao China, where regular people struggle to make a living and establish homes and families. Meditating on connection and loneliness, community and family, Someone to Talk To traces the unexpected and far-reaching ramifications of seemingly inconsequential actions, while reminding us all of the importance of communication.
University of Pennsylvania Press Land and Lordship: Structures of Governance in Medieval Austria
Otto Brunner contends that prevailing notions of medieval social and constitutional history had been shaped by the nineteenth-century nation state and its "liberal" order. Whereas a sharp distinction between the public and the private might be appropriate to descriptions of contemporary society, such a dichotomy could not be projected back onto the Middle Ages. Focusing particularly on forms of lordship in late medieval Austria, Brunner found neither a "state" in the modern sense nor any distinction between the public and private spheres. Behind the apparent disorder of late medieval political life, however, Brunner discovered a coherent legal and constitutional order rooted in the the rights and obligations of noble lordship. In carefully reconstructing this order, Brunner's study weaves together social, legal, constitutional, and intellectual history.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XVII, Volume 17: Christian Discourses: The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress.
First published in 1848, Christian Discourses is a quartet of pieces written and arranged in contrasting styles. Parts One and Three, "The Cares of the Pagans" and "Thoughts That Wound from Behind--for Upbuilding," serve as a polemical overture to Kierkegaard's collision with the established order of Christendom. Yet Parts Two and Four, "Joyful Notes in the Strife of Suffering" and "Discourses at the Communion on Fridays," are reassuring affirmations of the joy and blessedness of Christian life in a world of adversity and suffering. Written in ordinary language, the work combines simplicity and inwardness with reflection and presents crucial Christian concepts and presuppositions with unusual clarity. Kierkegaard continued in the pattern that he began with his first pseudonymous esthetic work, Either/Or, by pairing Christian Discourses with The Crisis, an unsigned esthetic essay on contemporary Danish actress Joanne Luise Heiberg.
Island Press Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
The environment that we construct affects both humans and our natural world in myriad ways. There is a pressing need to create healthy places and to reduce the health threats inherent in places already built. However, there has been little awareness of the adverse effects of what we have constructed - or the positive benefits of well-designed built environments. This book provides a far-reaching follow-up to the path-breaking Urban Sprawl and Public Health, published in 2004. That book sparked a range of inquiries into the connections between constructed environments, particularly cities and suburbs, and the health of residents, especially humans. Since then, numerous studies have extended and refined the book's research and reporting. "Making Healthy Places" offers a fresh and comprehensive look at this vital subject today. There is no other book with the depth, breadth, vision, and accessibility that this book offers. In addition to being of particular interest to undergraduate and graduate students in public health and urban planning, it will be essential reading for public health officials, planners, architects, landscape architects, environmentalists, and all those who care about the design of their communities. "Making Healthy Places" presents a diagnosis of - and offers treatment for - problems related to the built environment. Drawing on the latest scientific evidence, with contributions from experts in a range of fields, it imparts a wealth of practical information, with an emphasis on demonstrated and promising solutions to commonly occurring problems.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XV, Volume 15: Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits
In his praise for Part I of Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits, the eminent Kierkegaard scholar Eduard Geismar said, "I am of the opinion that nothing of what he has written is to such a degree before the face of God. Anyone who really wants to understand Kierkegaard does well to begin with it." These discourses, composed after Kierkegaard had initially intended to end his public writing career, constitute the first work of his "second authorship." Characterized by Kierkegaard as ethical-ironic, Part One, "Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing," offers a penetrating discussion of double-mindedness and ethical integrity. Part Two, "What We Learn from the Lilies in the Field and from the Birds of the Air," humorously exposes an inverted qualitative difference between the learner and the teacher. In Part Three, "The Gospel of Sufferings, Christian Discourses," the philosopher explores how joy can come out of suffering.
Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream Sherry the Hare Doesn't Know How to Share
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Electricity & Electronics
Hodder & Stoughton The Essential Dalai Lama
A huge international success, the Dalai Lama's books have sold millions of copies worldwide. Now, for the first time, this inspirational new book brings together the Dalai Lama's writings on all sides of life from work to meditation, in his highly appealing and unique voice that applies the principles of ancient Buddhist thought to contemporary issues.For all fans of the Dalai Lama's writings, and for anyone yet to be introduced to his thinking, this is the perfect collection.
MH - Indiana University Press Letters from the Greatest Generation
Springer International Publishing AG Dermal Absorption and Decontamination: A Comprehensive Guide
This book is a comprehensive volume dedicated to dermal absorption and decontamination. Given risks including chemical warfare and accidents with toxic industrial chemicals, studies involving dermal absorption and decontamination are of the utmost importance. Each chapter consists of a systematic review on an important dermal absorption and/or decontamination topic. Chapters address key issues such as the general acceptance of water/ soap and water as the gold standard of dermal decontamination despite the fact that it commonly provides incomplete decontamination and may even result in a “wash-in effect” (an increased penetration of contaminant). Decontamination with other substances (e.g. RSDL) is explored, and factors that affect dermal penetration (e.g. anatomical variation) are summarized. All systematic reviews are comprehensive and up-to-date. Dermal Absorption and Decontamination will be useful for many fields and disciplines. Firstly, information on dermal decontamination may be used by governments for military and national defense purposes in the event of chemical warfare. Additionally, this information would be of use to many production companies, whose employees are at risk of an accident with toxic industrial chemicals. Topics covered in the book will also be of use to pharmaceutical companies, especially those exploring transdermal delivery of drugs and is of great relevance to those in the medical field, particularly dermatologists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Free Will and Moral Responsibility, Volume XXIX
The essays in this volume explore various issues pertaining to human agency, such as the relationship between free will and causal determinism, and the nature and conditions of moral responsibility. Builds on and extends some of the very best recent work in the field. Features lively and vigorous debate. Forges connections between abstract philosophical theorizing and applied work in neuroscience and even criminal law.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Moral Luck
Many of us are inclined to accept something like the following principle: We can only be properly morally assessed for what is in our control. And yet our ordinary practices seem to frequently violate this principle. The resulting tension, and the attempt to resolve it, is the problem of moral luck. For example, we tend to punish and think worse of the negligent driver who kills a child than we do the equally negligent driver who was lucky there was no child in his path. Thus, the lucky outcomes of our actions do seem to affect the extent to which we hold and are held responsible, but these are not things over which we exercise control. And, as Thomas Nagel famously illustrated in his response to Bernard Williams (the two of which papers form the founding documents of the moral luck debate), the influence of luck is not limited to outcomes. For the circumstances in which we find ourselves and, indeed, our very constitution are also shaped by luck. Since the publication of Williams’ and Nagel’s papers, the existence and breadth of moral luck has been hotly debated. This debate is not a mere intellectual trifle but, as the essays in this volume illustrate, a debate which lies at the heart of free will, responsibility, identity, causation, and self-creation.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The American Debate over Slavery, 1760-1865: An Anthology of Sources
"The American Debate over Slavery, 1760–1865 will be a superb resource for teachers and students of early American history. Editors Lubert, Hardwick, and Hammond have carefully assembled and introduced a rich collection of significant documents that bring the slavery debate into sharp and illuminating focus. This is easily the best book in its field." --Peter S. Onuf, University of Virginia and Thomas Jefferson Foundation (Monticello)
Crossway Books The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture's Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity
This polemic against the "Bauer-Ehrman Thesis" examines modern New Testament criticism against orthodoxy in early Christianity. Throughout, vigilance is shown toward the modern adherence to postmodern ideals of diversity.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Newly revised to specifically address Microsoft Excel 2019, this book is a step-by-step, exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical biological and life science problems. Excel is an effective learning tool for quantitative analyses in biological and life sciences courses. Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past. Excel 2019 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics capitalizes on these improvements by teaching students and professionals how to apply Excel 2019 to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work.Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand biological and life science problems. Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an appendix. Separately, there is a full practice test (with answers in an appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned. This new edition offers a wealth of new practice problems and solutions, as well as updated chapter content throughout.
Brookes Publishing Co How to Co-Teach: A Guide for General and Special Educators
What does good co-teaching look like in an inclusive classroom, and how can a general and special educator build a strong, respectful, and productive partnership? Find out in this introductory how-to guide, ideal for helping current and future co-teachers minimize conflict, maximize teamwork, and ensure the best outcomes for all students in Grades K–12.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) King City
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Imaging and the Aging Brain, Volume 1097
Advances in imaging are occurring at a brisk pace, and imaging techniques have great potential to act as pre-symptomatic predictors of disease as well as to chart the course of a disease. Neuroimaging has greatly advanced the understanding of brain function and its relationship to the anatomical substrate. This volume brings together internationally renowned imaging scientists, those studying the aging brain, industry experts, and clinicians to jointly examine the most current methods and their application to brain physiology, behavior, and age-related diseases. These reports explore new technologies, data from recent neuroimaging initiatives, and translational research applications. Topics covered include (1) in vivo imaging of molecules, cells, and networks throughout the lifespan, (2) cutting edge imaging technologies and studies of the physiology of aging, (3) translational application of neuroimaging, and (4) emerging technologies in the private sector. This volume is the proceedings of a meeting that celebrated the 25th anniversary of the American Federation for Aging Research and its longstanding history of philanthropy in the area of aging research. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member
University of Pennsylvania Press The Age of Apology: Facing Up to the Past
In a turnabout of the cynical belief that might makes right, nations now see fit to issue apologies to peoples and countries they have wronged. We live in an age that seeks to establish political truth, perhaps best exemplified by the creation of truth commissions in societies seeking to emerge from dictatorial pasts. The most noteworthy result of these efforts has been the near-universal realization that a society will not be able successfully to pass into the future until it somehow deals with the horrors of its past. A number of Western states and institutions have sought to come to terms with their relationships to non-Western states and peoples. Powerful actors and institutions are apologizing to the relatively powerless. What do these apologies mean? Are they an indication of a new international order, either politically or as they relate to international law? Or are these apologies fleeting and insignificant? In The Age of Apology twenty-two law, politics, and human rights scholars explore the legal, political, social, historical, moral, religious, and anthropological aspects of Western apologies in an attempt to answer these questions. Conversely, a nonapology might be as important to study, and several chapters discuss the absence or refusal of apology and how this might be interpreted.
Harvard University Press The Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: The First 25 Years, 1970–1995
Since 1970 a medical sciences curriculum has been taught jointly by Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1978, a doctoral program was founded to prepare physical scientists and engineers to address research at the interface of technology and clinical medicine. This volume describes, analyzes, and evaluates those first 25 years of the largest lasting collaborative educational and research program between two neighboring research universities.Containing introductory comments by the presidents of both institutions at the time of the inauguration of the program, this volume presents historiographic and autobiographical chapters by senior officials and faculty of both universities who helped to guide it through its first quarter century. Evaluation of the program and follow-up data on the first graduates are included as well. Courses are listed in the appendices, as are curricula, faculty, theses topics, and major research projects.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning
This revised edition presents an engineering design approach to ventilation and air conditioning as part of the comprehensive environmental control of the mine atmosphere. It provides an in-depth look, for practitioners who design and operate mines, into the health and safety aspects of environmental conditions in the underground workplace.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology
Psychology is of interest to academics from many fields, as well as to the thousands of academic and clinical psychologists and general public who can't help but be interested in learning more about why humans think and behave as they do. This award-winning twelve-volume reference covers every aspect of the ever-fascinating discipline of psychology and represents the most current knowledge in the field. This ten-year revision now covers discoveries based in neuroscience, clinical psychology's new interest in evidence-based practice and mindfulness, and new findings in social, developmental, and forensic psychology.
National Science Teachers Association The Feedback Loop: Using Formative Assessment Data for Science Teaching and Learning
What really helps your students learn science: Labs? Group work? Certain types of problems or test questions? Something you never even thought about? Find out with data that go way beyond what standardized test scores tell you. The Feedback Loop describes a process by which you design formative assessments of what you do and collect a variety of forms of data. Then, the book shows you ways to actually use the information to improve your teaching.Drawing on research-based findings and the experiences of both new and veteran classroom teachers, the guide offers practical ideas for middle and high school teachers, regardless of discipline. The first chapters introduce the Feedback Loop framework; highlight the four elements of goals, tools, data, and inferences; and explore how to close the loop by connecting inferences and goals through feedback. Later chapters show how to use the full loop to inform your instruction. The book supports the Next Generation Science Standards and includes classroom vignettes that ground the ideas in real-life situations. Meant to illuminate without overwhelming you, The Feedback Loop’s data-driven approach will support student learning and help strengthen your teaching practice in your very next lesson or unit.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Moran's Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics
Moran’s Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, SI Version, continues to offer a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, while retaining an engineering perspective. With concise, applications-oriented discussion of topics and self-test problems, this book encourages students to monitor their own learning. This classic text provides a solid foundation for subsequent studies in fields such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer and statistical thermodynamics, and prepares students to effectively apply thermodynamics in the practice of engineering. This edition is revised with additional examples and end-of-chapter problems to increase student comprehension.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Entrepreneurial Society: How to Fill the Gap Between Knowledge and Innovation
This timely book analyses the emergence of new firms in a broad context where economics, management and sociological approaches may be joined for a new perspective. The Entrepreneurial Society reveals that the market benefits of an entrepreneurial economy are evident in the new technology that has been made available to consumers over the past ten to 20 years. It illustrates that entrepreneurial firms provide the market with innovations that create new products and, in turn, generate new employment and tax revenue, thus playing a critical role in surviving the economic crisis. The expert contributors explore the diverse conditions that explain, permit and support entrepreneurship, allowing thinking ?outside the box? and enhancing breakthrough innovations. At a time when new challenges relating to the ecological footprint are appearing, this work will prove crucial.The eclectic approaches to entrepreneurship within this book, gathered from different countries and fields of research, will prove to be hotly sought after by researchers and postgraduate students of entrepreneurship and social policy.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Illimitable Freedom of the Human Mind Thomas Jeffersons Idea of a University
Selected as a Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year 2021Offers a twin biography of Thomas Jefferson in retirement and of the University of Virginia in its earliest years. Andrew O'Shaughnessy reveals how Jefferson's vision anticipated the modern university and profoundly influenced the development of American higher education.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Electricity & Electronics
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trends in Cox-2 Inhibitor Research
Yale University Press Black Artists in America: From Civil Rights to the Bicentennial
The second book in a three-volume series on Black American artists, featuring work from the 1950s to the 1970s that responded to the cultural, political, and social concerns of the era During the turbulent 1950s to 1970s, Black American artists, responding to increasing civil rights activism, challenged inequities in the art world. Artists created works that celebrated their racial identity, connected with Black audiences, and participated in the struggle for political, economic, and social equality. The establishment of artist collectives, such as Spiral, and museums devoted to Black art, including the Studio Museum in Harlem, alongside the emergence of art historians and critics such as David Driskell and Linda Goode Bryant, marked early steps to bring Black art into broader artistic discourse. The book features 140 color illustrations of paintings, sculptures, and works on paper by such celebrated artists as Romare Bearden, Sam Gilliam, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Howardena Pindell, and Alma Thomas, as well as by under-recognized artists. Essays provide an overview of the period and in-depth examinations of James A. Porter, an artist and art historian credited with establishing the field of African American art history, and Merton D. Simpson, an abstract painter, member of the Spiral group, and one of the most important dealers of African art in the United States. Published in association with the Dixon Gallery and GardensExhibition Schedule:Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis (October 22, 2023–January 14, 2024) Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento (February 4–May 19, 2024)
Karma Painting in New York 1971–83
A window into the world of 1970s painting through the work of 30 women artists Published to follow the landmark exhibition at Karma Gallery, New York, this catalog unites the works of 30 women painters who were active in New York City during the 1970s. The collection showcases the diverse practices and backgrounds of these artists, all of whom were deeply influenced by the transformative legacy of second-wave feminism. During this period, a new form of painting emerged, fusing elements of sculpture and textile into the medium while reevaluating its role through innovative art historical methodologies. Amid debates about the relevance of painting, women artists revitalized the practice, coinciding with a shifting political landscape characterized by the global revolt of women against their marginalized status. Artists include: Emma Amos, Ida Applebroog, Jennifer Bartlett, Betty Blayton, Vivian Browne, Cynthia Carlson, Martha Diamond, Louise Fishman, Suzan Frecon, Nancy Graves, Cynthia Hawkins, Mary Heilmann, Virginia Jaramillo, Jane Kaplowitz, Harriet Korman, Lois Lane, Helen Marden, Dindga McCannon, Ree Morton, Elizabeth Murray, Ellen Phelan, Howardena Pindell, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, Faith Ringgold, Dorothea Rockburne, Susan Rothenberg, Joan Semmel, Jenny Snider, Joan Snyder, Pat Steir.
University of Washington Press Cinema Remixed and Reloaded: Black Women and the Moving Image Since 1970
Cinema Remixed and Reloaded is a daring, bold, innovative look at black women artists and video art. This historical survey examines an intriguing and unbounded scope of work, including experimental film, projections, and installations. Creative projects by established artists who became interested in time-based media several decades ago, such as Camille Billops, Barbara McCullough, Howardena Pindell, and Adrian Piper, are presented alongside such midcareer artists as Berni Searle, Lorna Simpson, Kara Walker, and Carrie Mae Weems, who continually garner international acclaim. Works by emerging artists, including Elizabeth Axtman, Debra Edgerton, Lauren Kelley, Jessica Ann Peavy, Pamela Sunstrum, and Lauren Woods, are also featured. While exploring personal experiences and dissecting popular visual culture, the artists in Cinema Remixed and Reloaded provide relevant views on several important topics--memory, loss, alienation, racial politics, gender inequities, empowerment, and the pursuit of power.
Gregory R Miller & Company 52 Artists: A Feminist Milestone
The definitive account of Lucy Lippard’s pioneering 1971 feminist art exhibition, with work from a new generation of artists alongside the original participants This volume celebrates the 51st anniversary of the historic 1971 exhibition Twenty Six Contemporary Women Artists, curated by Lucy R. Lippard and presented at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum. It showcases work by the artists included in the original 1971 exhibition, alongside a new roster of 26 female-identifying or nonbinary emerging artists, tracking the evolution of feminist art practices over the past five decades. This significant volume includes new essays by Lippard, Amy Smith-Stewart and Alexandra Schwartz, as well as rare historical documentation of the original exhibition, images, installation views and checklists from both the 1971 and 2022 shows. Among the artists whose work was presented in the original 1971 exhibition are Cecile Abish, Alice Aycock, Cynthia Carlson, Susan Hall, Mary Heilmann, Audrey Hemenway, Laurace James, Mablen Jones, Carol Kinne, Christine Kozlov, Brenda Miller, Mary Miss, Dona Nelson, Shirley Pettibone, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, Reeva Potoff, Paula Tavins, Merrill Wagner, Grace Bakst Wapner, Jackie Winsor and Barbara Zucker. (All but three of the original 26 artists are included in 52 Artists.) The new generation of artists included are Leilah Babirye, Phoebe Berglund, LaKela Brown, Lea Cetera, Susan Chen, Pamela Council, Lizania Cruz, Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski, Florencia Escudero, Alanna Fields, Emilie L. Gossiaux, Ilana Harris-Babou, Loie Hollowell, Maryam Hoseini, Hannah Levy, Catalina Ouyang, Anna Park, Erin M. Riley, LJ Roberts, Aya Rodriguez-Izumi, Aliza Shvarts, Astrid Terrazas, Tourmaline, Rachel Eulena Williams, Kiyan Williams and Stella Zhong.
Yale University Press On the Basis of Art: 150 Years of Women at Yale
A tribute to the impressive roster of women artists who have graduated from Yale University Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the first women students at Yale, who came to study at the Yale School of the Fine Arts (now Yale School of Art) when it opened in 1869, and the 50th anniversary of undergraduate coeducation at the University, this volume honors the accomplishments of women artist-graduates of Yale. More than 80 artists—including Rina Banerjee, Janet Fish, Audrey Flack, Eva Hesse, Maya Lin, Howardena Pindell, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, and Mickalene Thomas—are represented with works drawn exclusively from the Yale University Art Gallery. Essays and timelines detail related milestones such as the appointment of art historian Anne Coffin Hanson as the first woman to be hired as a full, tenured professor on campus and Mimi Gardner Gates as the first female director of the Gallery. Amid the rise of feminist movements—from women’s suffrage to the #MeToo movement of today—this book asserts the crucial role women have played in pushing creative boundaries at Yale, and in the art world at large. Distributed for the Yale University Art GalleryExhibition Schedule:Yale University Art Gallery (September 10, 2021–January 9, 2022)
Yale University Press Going There: Black Visual Satire
A kaleidoscopic survey of black satire in 20th- and 21st-century American art In this groundbreaking study, Richard J. Powell investigates the visual forms of satire produced by black artists in 20th- and 21st-century America. Underscoring the historical use of visual satire as antiracist dissent and introspective critique, Powell argues that it has a distinctly African American lineage. Taking on some of the most controversial works of the past century—in all their complexity, humor, and provocation—Powell raises important questions about the social power of art. Expansive in both historical reach and breadth of media presented, Going There interweaves discussions of such works as the midcentury cartoons of Ollie Harrington, the installations of Kara Walker, the paintings of Robert Colescott, and the movies of Spike Lee. Other artists featured in the book include David Hammons, Arthur Jafa, Beverly McIver, Howardena Pindell, Betye Saar, and Carrie Mae Weems. Thoroughly researched and rich in context, Going There is essential reading in the history of satire, racial politics, and contemporary art.Published in association with the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research
Yale University Press Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary American Collage
An engaging introduction to contemporary Black American collage brings together art by fifty artists that reflects the breadth and complexity of Black identity “A lavish catalog . . . provides not just beautiful reproductions of the artworks but also commentary on the way these artists, and others, have used collage to address the full range of Black experience.”—Margaret Renkl, New York Times Building on a technique that has roots in European and American traditions, Black artists have turned to collage as a way to convey how the intersecting facets of their lives combine to make whole individuals. Artists have assembled pieces of paper, fabrics, and other, often salvaged, materials to create unified compositions that express the endless possibilities of Black-constructed narratives despite the fragmentation of our times. As artist Deborah Roberts asserts, “With collage, I can create a more expansive and inclusive view of the Black cultural experience.” More than 50 artists are represented in the book’s 140 color images, with some creating original artworks for this project. Featured artists include such well-known figures as Mark Bradford, Lauren Halsey, Kerry James Marshall, Wangechi Mutu, Howardena Pindell, Tschabalala Self, Lorna Simpson, Mickalene Thomas, and Kara Walker. In addition to scholarly essays, the publication contains short biographies of each artist written by Fisk University students. Distributed for the Frist Art Museum Exhibition Schedule: Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN (September 15–December 31, 2023) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX (February 18–May 12, 2024) The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC (July 6–September 22, 2024)
Distributed Art Publishers Afro-Atlantic Histories
A colossal, panoramic, much-needed appraisal of the visual cultures of Afro-Atlantic territories across six centuries Named one of the best books of 2021 by Artforum Afro-Atlantic Histories brings together a selection of more than 400 works and documents by more than 200 artists from the 16th to the 21st centuries that express and analyze the ebbs and flows between Africa, the Americas, the Caribbean and Europe. The book is motivated by the desire and need to draw parallels, frictions and dialogues around the visual cultures of Afro-Atlantic territories—their experiences, creations, worshiping and philosophy. The so-called Black Atlantic, to use the term coined by Paul Gilroy, is geography lacking precise borders, a fluid field where African experiences invade and occupy other nations, territories and cultures. The plural and polyphonic quality of “histórias” is also of note; unlike the English “histories,” the word in Portuguese carries a double meaning that encompasses both fiction and nonfiction, personal, political, economic and cultural, as well as mythological narratives. The book features more than 400 works from Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean, as well as Europe, from the 16th to the 21st century. These are organized in eight thematic groupings: Maps and Margins; Emancipations; Everyday Lives; Rites and Rhythms; Routes and Trances; Portraits; Afro Atlantic Modernisms; Resistances and Activism. Artists include: Nina Chanel Abney, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Emanoel Araujo, Maria Auxiliadora, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Paul Cézanne, Victoria Santa Cruz, Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Melvin Edwards, Ibrahim El-Salahi, Ben Enwonwu, Ellen Gallagher, Theodore Géricault, Barkley Hendricks, William Henry Jones, Loïs Mailou Jones, Titus Kaphar, Wifredo Lam, Norman Lewis, Ibrahim Mahama, Edna Manley, Archibald Motley, Abdias Nascimento, Gilberto de la Nuez, Toyin Ojih Odutola, Dalton Paula, Rosana Paulino, Howardena Pindell, Heitor dos Prazeres, Joshua Reynolds, Faith Ringgold, Gerard Sekoto, Alma Thomas, Hank Willis Thomas, Rubem Valentim, Kara Walker and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Barn: The Lives, Landscape and Lost Ways of an Old Yorkshire Farm
A revelatory uncovering of a vanished agricultural way of life by bestselling nature writer Sally Coulthard. 'A gem of a book' Country Smallholding 'Engaging and filled with gentle humour and fascinating facts' Get History 'Shows us the beauty and rich history of everyday things' Country Walking Magazine Across the foldyard from Sally Coulthard's North Yorkshire farmhouse, stands an old stone barn. When she discovered a set of witches' marks on one of its internal walls, she began to wonder about the lives of the people who had once lived and worked there. Both the intimate story of a building and its hinterland, and a wider social history, The Barn explores a hidden corner of rural Britain that has witnessed remarkable changes. From the eighteenth-century Enclosures to the Second World War, the fortunes of the Barn have been blown, like a leaf in a gale, by the unstoppable forces of new agriculture and industry. Seismic shifts in almost every area of society were all played out here in miniature – against a backdrop of scattered limestone villages and the softly rolling Howardian Hills.
Yale University Press Women Artists Together: Art in the Age of Women's Liberation
A fresh perspective on collaboration, collectivity, and conflict in the women’s art movement of the 1970s Women Artists Together is a thought-provoking study of how the women’s liberation movement galvanized a generation of women artists. It offers a fresh perspective on the history of the women’s art movement and considers how it was shaped by collaboration and togetherness. Retracing 1970s liberation politics, Amy Tobin emphasizes how artworks emerged from—and contested—feminist paradigms and contexts. Taking class, gender, race, and sexuality as central concerns, the book includes examples of inspirational feminist activism as well as fallings out, disagreements, and antagonism. Across four chapters, Tobin looks at the work of UK- and US-based artists including Judy Chicago, Mary Beth Edelson, Rose English, Harmony Hammond, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Claudette Johnson, Suzanne Lacy, Howardena Pindell, Ingrid Pollard, Carolee Schneemann, Cecilia Vicuña, and Kate Walker. Groups include the Feminist Art Programme at Cal Arts, Women’s Workshop of the Artists’ Union, Where We At, Black Women Artists Inc., and the South London Art Group, publications such as Heresies and Chrysalis, along with writers and curators including Lucy R. Lippard and Arlene Raven.
New York University Press Embodied Avatars: Genealogies of Black Feminist Art and Performance
How black women have personified art,expression,identity, and freedom through performance Winner, 2016 William Sanders Scarborough Prize, presented by the Modern Language Association for an outstanding scholarly study of African American literature or culture Winner, 2016 Barnard Hewitt Award for Outstanding Research in Theatre History, presented by the American Society for Theatre Research Winner, 2016 Errol Hill Award for outstanding scholarship in African American theater, drama, and/or performance studies, presented by the American Society for Theatre Research Tracing a dynamic genealogy of performance from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century, Uri McMillan contends that black women artists practiced a purposeful self-objectification, transforming themselves into art objects. In doing so, these artists raised new ways to ponder the intersections of art, performance, and black female embodiment. McMillan reframes the concept of the avatar in the service of black performance art, describing black women performers’ skillful manipulation of synthetic selves and adroit projection of their performances into other representational mediums. A bold rethinking of performance art, Embodied Avatars analyzes daring performances of alterity staged by “ancient negress” Joice Heth and fugitive slave Ellen Craft, seminal artists Adrian Piper and Howardena Pindell, and contemporary visual and music artists Simone Leigh and Nicki Minaj. Fusing performance studies with literary analysis and visual culture studies, McMillan offers astute readings of performances staged in theatrical and quotidian locales, from freak shows to the streets of 1970s New York; in literary texts, from artists’ writings to slave narratives; and in visual and digital mediums, including engravings, photography, and video art. Throughout, McMillan reveals how these performers manipulated the dimensions of objecthood, black performance art, and avatars in a powerful re-scripting of their bodies while enacting artful forms of social misbehavior. The Critical Lede interview with Uri McMillan