Search results for ""author john wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibrations: Applications to Equipment
The purpose of this book is to clarify the issues related to the environment of mechanical vibrations in the material life profile. In particular, through their simulation testing laboratory, through a better understanding of the physical phenomenon, means to implement to simulate, measurements and interpretations associated results. It is aimed at development of technical consultants, quality and services primarily to those testing laboratories, as well as to all those who are faced with supply reference to the environmental test calls and particularly here, vibration tests. Furthermore it should also interest students of engineering schools in the areas of competence of their future professions affected by vibration.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Location Strategies and Value Creation of International Mergers and Acquisitions
This title enriches both areas of research, finance and international management to analyze the choice of location and value creation in mergers and acquisitions. Our research answers the following question: What are the determinants of the location and value creation in mergers and acquisitions?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures
Using a general approach, this book supports the student to enable mastery of the methods of analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures. To show the performance of the methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures, selected beams, gantries and reticular structures are selected and subjected to a comparative study by the different methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Operational Research and Networks
This book presents the principal concepts of operations research (OR), the tools for the planning support and the management of various types of networks. The term "network" is meant to include physical networks, for instance road and rail networks, as well as logical networks that are used in the planning of complex projects. In this case, the vertices of the network correspond to activities and the connections describe temporal relations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wood Machining
Wood as an engineering material can be technically defined “as a hygroscopic, orthotropic, biological, and permeable material having extreme chemical diversity and physical complexity with structures, that vary extensively in their shape, size, properties and function”. Therefore, using wood to its best advantage and most efficiency in engineering applications, specific characteristics or chemical, physical and mechanical properties must be considered. The products are divided into two classes, solid wood and composite wood products. Solid wood includes shipbuilding, bridges, flooring, mine timbers, etc. Composite wood products include insulation board, plywood, oriented strand board, hardboard and particle board. In recent years, the machining of wood products has acquired great importance due the short supply of wood and increasing environmental awareness among users and manufacturers. The optimization of the machining process centers around the mechanism of chip formation, tool wear, workpiece surface quality, crack initiation and propagation of different types of wood. Other factors are also humidity, temperature, static preloads, and vibrations that can affect the wood during the machining process. The book provides some fundamentals and recent research advances on machining wood and wood products.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Control of Synchronous Motors
Synchronous motors are indubitably the most effective device to drive industrial production systems and robots with precision and rapidity. Their control law is thus critical for combining at the same time high productivity to reduced energy consummation. As far as possible, the control algorithms must exploit the properties of these actuators. Therefore, this work draws on well adapted models resulting from the Park’s transformation, for both the most traditional machines with sinusoidal field distribution and for machines with non-sinusoidal field distribution which are more and more used in industry. Both, conventional control strategies like vector control (either in the synchronous reference frame or in the rotor frame) and advanced control theories like direct control and predictive control are thoroughly presented. In this context, a significant place is reserved to sensorless control which is an important and critical issue in tomorrow’s motors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical Machines Diagnosis
Monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machine faults is a scientific and economic issue which is motivated by objectives for reliability and serviceability in electrical drives. This book provides a survey of the techniques used to detect the faults occurring in electrical drives: electrical, thermal and mechanical faults of the electrical machine, faults of the static converter and faults of the energy storage unit. Diagnosis of faults occurring in electrical drives is an essential part of a global monitoring system used to improve reliability and serviceability. This diagnosis is performed with a large variety of techniques: parameter estimation, state observation, Kalman filtering, spectral analysis, neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence, etc. Particular emphasis in this book is put on the modeling of the electrical machine in faulty situations. Electrical Machines Diagnosis presents original results obtained mainly by French researchers in different domains. It will be useful as a guideline for the conception of more robust electrical machines and indeed for engineers who have to monitor and maintain electrical drives. As the monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines is still an open domain, this book will also be very useful to researchers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optics in Instruments
The role of optical instruments is very important and affects all areas of human activity, from scientific analysis (such as spectrometry) to recreation and leisure pursuits like photography and television. Optical components are often an essential part of the instrument, but are not always visible. It is therefore useful and important to understand how they work. In this book the reader will find both a review of the most important components currently used, the theoretical foundation for their application, and an example of evolution. To do this, we first supply the basic knowledge in optics necessary for the understanding of the instruments: geometrical optics, photometry, colorimetry, image analysis and processing, as well as a short description of the sources used: lamps, lasers and semiconductor sources. Optical systems such as zoom lens under different illuminations are discussed. As a first example of application, the evolution of microscopy, up to the most recent technological progress, are given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Silicon Non-Volatile Memories: Paths of Innovation
Semiconductor flash memory is an indispensable component of modern electronic systems which has gained a strategic position in recent decades due to the progressive shift from computing to consumer (and particularly mobile) products as revenue drivers for Integrated Circuits (IC) companies. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the different technological approaches currently being studied to fulfill future memory requirements. Two main research paths are identified and discussed. Different "evolutionary paths" based on the use of new materials (such as silicon nanocrystals for storage nodes and high-k insulators for active dielectrics) and of new transistor structures (such as multi-gate devices) are investigated in order to extend classical floating gate technology to the 32 nm node. "Disruptive paths" based on new storage mechanisms or new technologies (such as phase-change devices, polymer or molecular cross-bar memories) are also covered in order to address 22 nm and smaller IC generations. Finally, the main factors at the origin of these phenomena are identified and analyzed, providing pointers on future research activities and developments in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Complexity in the Natural Sciences to Complexity in Operations Management Systems
Although complexity makes up the very fabric of our daily lives and has been more or less addressed in a wide variety of knowledge fields, the approaches developed in the Natural Sciences and the results obtained over the past century have not yet permeated Management Sciences very much. The main features of the phenomena that the Natural Sciences deal with are: non-linear behavior, self-organization and chaos. They are analyzed with the framing of what is called “systems thinking”, popularized by the mindset pertaining to cybernetics. All pioneers in systems thinking either had direct or indirect connections with Biology, which is the discipline considered complex par excellence by the public. When applying these concepts to Operations Management Systems and modeling organizations by BDI (Beliefs, Desires, Intentions) agents, the lack of predictability in the conduct of change management that is prone to bifurcations (tipping points) in terms of organizational structures and in forecasting future activities, reveals them to be ingrained in the interplay of complexity and chaos.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Climate Change: Identification and Projections
Under certain scenarios on the subject of CO2 emissions, by the end of the century the atmospheric concentration could triple its pre-industrial level. The very large numerical models intended to anticipate the corresponding climate evolutions are designed and quantified from the laws of physics. However, little is generally known about these: genesis of clouds, terms of the greenhouse effect, solar activity intervention, etc. This book deals with the issue of climate modeling in a different way: using proven techniques for identifying black box-type models. Taking climate observations from throughout the millennia, the global models obtained are validated statistically and confirmed by the resulting simulations. This book thus brings constructive elements that can be reproduced by anyone adept at numerical simulation, whether an expert climatologist or not. It is accessible to any reader interested in the issues of climate change.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Piezoelectric ZnO Nanostructure for Energy Harvesting, Volume 1
Over the past decade, ZnO as an important II-VI semiconductor has attracted much attention within the scientific community over the world owing to its numerous unique and prosperous properties. This material, considered as a “future material”, especially in nanostructural format, has aroused many interesting research works due to its large range of applications in electronics, photonics, acoustics, energy and sensing. The bio-compatibility, piezoelectricity & low cost fabrication make ZnO nanostructure a very promising material for energy harvesting.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: - On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; - Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; - Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis, Volume 1
Image processing and image analysis are typically important fields in information science and technology. By “image processing”, we generally understand all kinds of operation performed on images (or sequences of images) in order to increase their quality, restore their original content, emphasize some particular aspect of the information or optimize their transmission, or to perform radiometric and/or spatial analysis. By “image analysis” we understand, however, all kinds of operation performed on images (or sequences of images) in order to extract qualitative or quantitative data, perform measurements and apply statistical analysis. Whereas there are nowadays many books dealing with image processing, only a small number deal with image analysis. The methods and techniques involved in these fields of course have a wide range of applications in our daily world: industrial vision, material imaging, medical imaging, biological imaging, multimedia applications, satellite imaging, quality control, traffic control, and so on
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Compact Antennas for Wireless Communications and Terminals: Theory and Design
Compact Antennas for Wireless Communications and Terminals deals with compact microwave antennas and, more specifically, with the planar version of these antennas. Planar antennas are the most appropriate type of antenna in modern communication systems and more generally in all applications requiring miniaturization, integration and conformation such as in mobile phone handsets. The book is suitable for students, engineers and scientists eager to understand the principles of planar and small antennas, their design and fabrication issues, and modern aspects such as UWB antennas, reconfigurable antennas and diversity issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Methods
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Models
This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 1
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aims to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, that presents basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; Classical solution methods, that presents the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; Elements from mathematical programming, that presents fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 3
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aims to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. “Applications of Combinatorial Optimization” is presenting a certain number among the most common and well-known applications of Combinatorial Optimization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Development in the USA
After WWII, the United States of America proposed their way of life, based on an unlimited consumption of land, goods, and energy, as a model for the entire world. Nowadays, this expansionist model has reached its limits. This book provides a comprehensive study of the geographical basis of the American settlements, assuming that part of the U.S. overshooting is related to geography because of harsh climates and the continental size of the Nation, but another part is the result of a cultural habits of expansion and segregation. Urban Sprawl, for instance, is the real Achille's heel of America, because it challenges the cultural revolution required by sustainability. From the continental physiography to the New Orleans – Katrina case, this book explores these issues with maps and charts created with the help of a nationwide multiscalar GIS.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics
This book examines the phenomena of fluid flow and transfer as governed by mechanics and thermodynamics. Part 1 concentrates on equations coming from balance laws and also discusses transportation phenomena and propagation of shock waves. Part 2 explains the basic methods of metrology, signal processing, and system modeling, using a selection of examples of fluid and thermal mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanocomputers and Swarm Intelligence
For the last 50 years, the power of integrated circuits has continued to grow. However, this performance will end up reaching its physical limit. What new ways will then be available to develop even more powerful and up-to-date systems? This book introduces the principles of quantic computing, the use of nano-tubes in molecular transistors and ADN computing. It suggests new fabrication methods for the 21st century and introduces new architecture models, ranging from the most conventional to the most radical. Using a chronological theme, it explains our unavoidable entry in the nano-device world: from the 1948 transistor to the microchip. It concludes by anticipating the changes in daily living: investments, impact on coding activities, nanocomputing systems implementation and IT job mutation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Action in Uncertainty: Expertise, Decision and Crisis Management
Despite uncertainty, people are born to act. Faced with environmental aggression and upheaval, inaction is more stressful than action. What choices, strategies or methods need to be implemented so that action is as effective as possible in terms of the objectives to be achieved? We should not delude ourselves about the term "good decision", which does not have much meaning when we act in an uncertain environment and when we know the weakness of forecasts. However, we must know how to act and be capable of taking the most appropriate action. Action in Uncertainty is a real guide to taking effective action when nothing is certain. According to the different types of uncertainty, what are the respective good uses of expertise and intuition? How do we motivate teams and avoid cognitive bias and manipulation? These themes are dealt with in clear and accessible terms to help decision-makers make the right choices in a world that is more uncertain than ever.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Marine Radioecology, Volume 6
The marine environment, in addition to a not insignificant background of "natural" radioactivity, has continued to receive inputs of radionuclides directly or indirectly through atomic fallout, discharges from the nuclear industry or from nuclear accidents. After their introduction, the fate of these radionuclides is complex with modifications of physicochemical forms, dispersion in marine water masses and adsorption onto sedimentary particles. Marine organisms then bioaccumulate these radionuclides to a greater or lesser extent, dispersing them via their burrowing activities, horizontal and vertical migrations or through food webs. All of these phenomena lead to very variable radioactive contamination, depending on location and the nature of the marine environments concerned, and consequently, to very different doses of irradiation to marine organisms. The harmful effects of ionizing radiation on living marine organisms are felt at varying levels of biological organization from the molecule to the ecosystem, passing through the cell, the organ, the individual and the population. In the end, the radioactive risk for marine organisms can decline according to several situations, which can be normal, programmed or accidental.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Recording and Voice Processing, Volume 2: Working in the Studio
Capturing, recording and broadcasting the voice is often difficult. Many factors must be taken into account and achieving a true representation is much more complex than one might think.The capture devices such as the position of the singer(s) or narrator(s), the acoustics, atmosphere and equipment are just some of the physical aspects that need to be mastered. Then there is the passage through the analog or digital channel, which disrupts the audio signal, as well as the processes that are often required to enrich, improve or even transform the vocal timbre and tessitura. While in the past these processes were purely material, today digital technologies and software produce surprising results that every professional in recording and broadcasting should know how to master.Recording and Voice Processing 2 focuses on live and studio voice recordings. It presents the various pieces of hardware and software necessary for voice recording, and details possible sound channel configurations based on recording location. An actual recording, and its various constraints, is then considered, addressing the pitfalls to avoid and the strategies to use in order to achieve a satisfactory result. Different special effects (vocoder, auto-tune, Melodyne, etc.) that can be used on the voice, whether spoken or sung, are also presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Queues 1: Analytical and Simulation Approach - Basics
Matrix-analytic methods (MAM) were introduced by Professor Marcel Neuts and have been applied to a variety of stochastic models since. In order to provide a clear and deep understanding of MAM while showing their power, this book presents MAM concepts and explains the results using a number of worked-out examples.This book’s approach will inform and kindle the interest of researchers attracted to this fertile field. To allow readers to practice and gain experience in the algorithmic and computational procedures of MAM, Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Queues 1 provides a number of computational exercises. It also incorporates simulation as another tool for studying complex stochastic models, especially when the state space of the underlying stochastic models under analytic study grows exponentially.The book’s detailed approach will make it more accessible for readers interested in learning about MAM in stochastic models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Embryogeny and Phylogeny of the Human Posture 2: A New Glance at the Future of our Species
The future of the human posture is in the spotlight. The 200-year-old locomotion paradigm can no longer resist the advancement of knowledge, yet 2,500 years of thinking on the place of verticalized human anatomy and its reflexive consciousness in the natural history of life and the Earth, is more relevant than ever.This book retraces these reflections from pre-Socratic philosophers, focusing on the link between verticality and the most complex and consciously reflexive nervous system on the top rung of the ladder of living beings. The origin of animated forms, or animals, was considered metaphysical until the 19th century but reflection on their inception, from fertilization, paved the way for mathematics of infinitesimal geometry and dynamics. The simian filiation was inconceivable until Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck bridged the gap in 1802 with the locomotion postulate to explain the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal posture, sustained by the hypothesis of inheritance of acquired characteristics.This doctrine was overturned in 1987 by the discovery of the embryonic origins of the straightening – specific dynamics linked to neurogenesis – confirming the natural place of human verticality and nervous system complexity with its psychomotor and cognitive consequences. Sapiens find themselves at the physical limit of the straightening while mechanisms of gametogenesis have never ceased in making neurogenesis exponentially more complex. Is the future exclusively terrestrial or does intrauterine hominization open up new perspectives for space exploration? Posturologists, occlusodontics, osteopaths, cognisciences – all anthropological sciences exposed to human verticality are concerned with this discovery, which allows Sapiens to face their natural destiny.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Disarmament and Decommissioning in the Nuclear Domain
Following the acquisition of the atomic bomb by five states, the United Nations began drafting several treaties to limit nuclear proliferation. These efforts failed, as four more states also acquired nuclear weapons. In a similar vein, an attempt to limit atomic weapons - primarily within the two superpowers - was initiated.While the number of weapons has decreased, the new bombs now being manufactured are more powerful and more precise, negating any reduction in numbers. In the field of civil nuclear use, all nuclear facilities (reactors, factories, etc.) have a limited lifespan. Once a plant is permanently shut down, these facilities must be decommissioned and dismantled.These operations are difficult, time-consuming and costly. In addition, decommissioning generates large volumes of radioactive waste of various categories, including long-lived and high-activity waste. Risks to the environment and to health are not negligible during decommissioning. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have produced numerous publications with recommendations. Each state has its own decommissioning strategy (immediate or delayed) and final plan for the site - whether it be returning it to greenfield status or obtaining a nuclear site license with centuries-long monitoring.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Frugal Innovation and Innovative Creation
Businesses and enterprises can no longer avoid the concern of their Natural Environmental impact, which calls into question their economic activities. Frugal Innovation and Innovative Creation is at the crossroads of economics and management in business, particularly focused on innovative enterprises and their interactions with the Natural Environment. Navigating these interactions can be perceived by companies as a costly constraint, especially in an innovation process, which is already very expensive. The aim of this book is therefore to highlight the need for a satisfactory technology level while innovating, without risking damage to the Natural Environment. The challenge here is to propose a form of frugal innovation that is likely to be successful, while also mindful of the environmental considerations from the outset, hence the concept of environmental frugal innovation. Furthermore, by questioning the practice of innovative creation (especially if it integrates the ideas of respect for and preservation of the Natural Environment), this book reveals the importance of two key elements that are present regardless of the modality (the level of technology and organization): improvisation and bricolage.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hyperdocumentation
The term "hyperdocumentation" is a hyperbole that seems to characterize a paradox. The leading discussions on this topic bring in diverse ideas such as that of data, the fantasy of Big Data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, algorithmic processing, the flow of information and the outstanding successes of disinformation.The purpose of this book is to show that the current context of documentation is just another step in human construction that has been ongoing for not centuries but millennia and which, since the end of the 19th century, has been accelerating. Coined by Paul Otlet in 1934 in his Traite de Documentation, "hyperdocumentation" refers to the concept of documentation that is constantly being expanded and extended in its functionalities and prerogatives.While, according to Otlet, everything could potentially be documented in this way, increasingly we find that it is our lives that are being hyperdocumented. Hyperdocumentation manifests as an increase not only in the quantity of information that is processed but also in its scope, as information is progressively integrated across areas that were previously poorly documented or even undocumented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc System Requirements Engineering: A SysML Supported Requirements Engineering Method
The book deals with requirements engineering in the context of System Engineering. He proposes a method to guide this activity engineering. The method is supported by the SysML modeling language. A first chapter aims to present the context and the associated definitions, to position the requirements engineering in the processes system engineering, to define the modeling and its contributions, and to make the link with the management of IS projects. The second chapter is devoted to the proposed method for implementing the requirements engineering subprocesses. Each of the 8 activities the component is first described before specifying how the SysML language can be exploited to achieve it effectively. Proposal for a book Please fill out the questionnaire below and send it back to Chantal Menascé: The 3rd chapter is an application of the method to define the needs of the stakeholders of a system. The example is built on the basis of the RobAFIS'2018 competition. The 4th chapter continues the application of the method in the continuity of the IS processes to define the requirements of the same system. The appendices present at the same time a toolbox to realize the engineering of the requirements but also the complete results of engineering in Chapters 3 and 4.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Simulation, An Art of Prediction, Volume 2: Examples
Numerical simulation is a technique of major importance in various technical and scientific fields. Whilst engineering curricula now include training courses dedicated to it, numerical simulation is still not well-known in some economic sectors, and even less so among the general public. Simulation involves the mathematical modeling of the real world, coupled with the computing power offered by modern technology. Designed to perform virtual experiments, digital simulation can be considered as an "art of prediction". Embellished with a rich iconography and based on the testimony of researchers and engineers, this book shines a light on this little-known art. It is the second of two volumes and gives examples of the uses of numerical simulation in various scientific and technical fields: agriculture, industry, Earth and universe sciences, meteorology and climate studies, energy, biomechanics and human and social sciences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Japan and Natural Disasters: Prevention and Risk Management
Japan is one of those countries most often affected by powerful natural hazards: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, heavy rains, heavy snowfall, tornadoes, etc. The Archipelago is considered a very advanced country in terms of forecasting, prevention and management of natural disasters. A detailed analysis of the reality of recent years is however necessary. In the run-up to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, among others, a publication on the subject will inform a large number of people wanting to know more about the risks of natural disasters in Japan.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Urban Logistics: Planning and Evaluation
Urban logistics has been a subject of interest to researchers and practitioners for more than 20 years in France and Europe, and more than 40 in the United States. Nevertheless, the subject remains difficult to address by a lack of unification in the definitions and proposed methods but also by what makes its great richness: the diversity of actors and the pluridisciplinarity of the methods and techniques available.This book, which synthesizes more than 10 years of personal research on the subject, but also experience within different teams and projects, intends to bring a unified vision (and more and more followed at the international level) on logistics planning Urban development. It begins with an overview of research in urban logistics and then describes and defines the main components: flows, actors, infrastructures, management components, technologies, regulations and financing actions. A unified vision of these elements as well as the definition of sustainable urban logistics is proposed.Then, the book presents the basics of planning and managing sustainable urban logistics. First, the basics of the before-after analysis are introduced, not only for the experiments but also for the simulation of scenarios. To carry out this type of analysis, two main groups of methods are needed: methods for estimating flows and methods for calculating evaluation indicators. The book presents the main global standards and dominant models for the estimation of the urban freight transport demand, i.e. of freight transport needs in urban areas. Then it presents the methods for estimating and simulating transport and distribution schemes (i.e. transport supply) as well as a proposal for integrated supply-demand modeling. All these methods are presented for immediate application to practitioners, accompanied by summary tables and parameters necessary for their implementation.As far as evaluation is concerned, the book presents a framework for the choice of sustainable indicators and scorecards. Second, the main methods for economic, environmental, social and accessibility assessment are presented. They are accompanied by tables and figures necessary for their implementation. Finally, the main applications of the proposed methods are introduced. The book is meant to be a practical guide to applying the main methods from scientific research to a practical context, and presents examples of quantified and explained application. It is thus the first book that summarizes and presents the main unified methods to help the different decision-makers to implement them in their actions of planning and management of the urban logistics and the transport of goods in town.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formulation
This book deals with the formulation of industrial products Its field of application goes from food-processing industry to the industry of elastomers showing that the principles of development follow always the same methodology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dimensional Analysis and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics
Dimensional analysis is the basis for the determination of laws that allow the experimental results obtained on a model to be transposed to the fluid system at full scale (a prototype). The similarity in fluid mechanics then allows for better redefinition of the analysis by removing dimensionless elements. This book deals with these two tools, with a focus on the Rayleigh method and the Vaschy-Buckingham method. It deals with the homogeneity of the equations and the conversion between the systems of units SI and CGS, and presents the dimensional analysis approach, before addressing the similarity of flows. Dimensional Analysis and Similarity in Fluid Mechanics proposes a scale model and presents numerous exercises combining these two methods. It is accessible to students from their first year of a bachelor�s degree.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Transformations in the Challenge of Activity and Work: Understanding and Supporting Technological Changes
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES AND HUMAN RESOURCES SET Coordinated by Patrick Gilbert The accelerating pace of technological change (AI, cobots, immersive reality, connected objects, etc.) calls for a profound reexamination of how we conduct business. This requires new ways of thinking, acting, organizing and collaborating in our work. Faced with these challenges, the Human and Social Sciences have a leading role to play, alongside others, in designing, supporting and implementing these digital transformation projects. Their ambition is to participate in the development of innovative and empowering devices, that is to say, systems that are truly at the service of human beings and their activity, that empower these professionals to take action and that also provide occupational health services. This book takes a multidisciplinary look at the challenges of these digital transformations, making use of occupational psychology, ergonomics, sociology of uses, and management sciences. This viewpoint also helps provide epistemological, methodological and empirical insights to better understand and support the changes at work.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Theory of Distributions: Introduction
Many physical, chemical, biological and even economic phenomena can be modeled by differential or partial differential equations, and the framework of distribution theory is the most efficient way to study these equations. A solid familiarity with the language of distributions has become almost indispensable in order to treat these questions efficiently. This book presents the theory of distributions in as clear a sense as possible while providing the reader with a background containing the essential and most important results on distributions. Together with a thorough grounding, it also provides a series of exercises and detailed solutions. The Theory of Distributions is intended for master’s students in mathematics and for students preparing for the agrégation certification in mathematics or those studying the physical sciences or engineering.
Bellevue Literary Press Bob Stevenson
"A witty, roller-coaster ride of uncertain identity set against the gritty certainties of New York City. In compelling, unadorned prose, Richard Wiley gives us a bewitching and ultimately moving tale." --Caryl Phillips, author of A Distant Shore and The Lost Child Dr. Ruby Okada meets a charming man with a Scottish accent in the elevator of her psychiatric hospital. Unaware that he is an escaping patient, she falls under his spell, and her life and his are changed forever by the time they get to the street. Who is the mysterious man? Is he Archie B. Billingsly, suffering from dissociative identity disorder and subject to brilliant flights of fancy and bizarre, violent fits? Or is he the reincarnation of Robert Louis Stevenson, back to haunt New York as Long John Silver and Mr. Edward Hyde? Her career compromised, Ruby soon learns that her future and that of her unborn child depend on finding the key to his identity. With compelling psychological descriptions and terrifying, ineffable transformations, Bob Stevenson is an ingenious tale featuring a quirky cast of characters drawn together by mutual fascination, need, and finally, love. Richard Wiley is the author of eight novels including Soldiers in Hiding, winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and Ahmed's Revenge, winner of the Maria Thomas Fiction Award. Professor emeritus at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, he divides his time between Los Angeles, California and Tacoma, Washington.
Muddy Boots Press The Adventures of Riley, the Museum Dog
There is a mystery afoot at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. A hole appears here, a tiny bite there. Someone has been eating the art! Join Riley the Museum Dog, who is specially trained to sniff out pests, as he attempts to catch the mischievous culprit. Children will enjoy the antics, as the hunt leads them past and introduces them to some of the world's great art. Featuring works by John Singleton Copley, Frida Kahlo, Claude Monet, Kehinde Wiley, and more. Co-produced by The Boston Globe and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The Adventures of Riley the Museum Dog is authored by Devra First, with hand-drawn illustrations by Ryan Huddle.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Leadership Challenge: deutschsprachige Ausgabe
Ein Leadershipbuch, das alle anderen in den Schatten stellt! Basierend auf umfangreicher Forschung und Interviews mit Führungskräften auf allen Ebenen (öffentlicher und privater Unternehmen weltweit) befasst sich das Buch mit dem anhaltenden Interesse an Leadership als kritischem Aspekt menschlicher Organisationen. Kouzes und Posner, die führenden Leadership-Experten unserer Zeit, zeigen, wie Führungskräfte mit Visionen Außergewöhnliches erreichen. Mit packenden Geschichten und tiefen Einsichten befassen sie sich eingehend mit den fundamentalen Aspekten von Leadership, um dem Leser dabei zu helfen, mit der sich stetig verändernden Welt Schritt zu halten. Die Autoren ergreifen dabei die Gelegenheit zu unterstreichen, dass Leadership nicht nur jeden angeht, sondern, dass es sich dabei um eine Beziehung handelt: eine Beziehung zwischen der eigenen Weiterentwicklung und der Entwicklung derer, die geführt werden. "Es hat mir nicht nur Spaß gemacht ... ständig ertappte ich mich dabei, zu nicken und zu mir selbst zu sagen: 'Das ist richtig! So wird es gemacht! So fühlt es sich an!' Die Autoren haben es geschafft, die Quintessenz dessen, was ich für das Herzstück von sich verändernder Leadership halte, zu erfassen." Robert D. Haas, Vorsitzender und CEO, Levi Strauss & Co. "Leadershipbücher gibt es wie Sand am Meer und die meisten überdauern keine Woche, ganz zu schweigen von Jahren. The Leadership Challenge gibt es immer noch, weil es auf Forschung beruht, es praktisch ist und Herz besitzt. Glauben Sie mir, Jim Kouzes und Barry Posner haben harte Beweise für ein Thema, das wir normalerweise als weich betrachten." Tom Peters, Management-Guru, Gründer und Vorsitzender, Tom Peters Company "25 Jahr lang habe ich über Leadership geschrieben und darüber gelehrt. The Leadership Challenge ist eines der fünf besten Bücher, die ich jemals gelesen habe. Ich empfehle es fortlaufend anderen Menschen." John C. Maxwell, Gründer von The INJOY Group, einem Unternehmen zur Beratung und Training von Führungskräften in USA und Kanada "Jim Kouzes und Barry Posner haben die praktischste, verständlichste und inspirierendste Forschung zum Thema Leadership verfasst, die ich je gelesen habe. Anstelle einer weiteren Version von 'Promi Leadership', hilft The Leadership Challenge dabei, praktische Weisheiten von realen Führungskräften aller Ebenen in unterschiedlichen Arten von Unternehmen zu erfahren. Jede Führungskraft kann sich auf das Wissen in diesem Buch beziehen." Marschall Goldsmith, Bestseller-Autor und bei Forbes als einer der 5 Top-Trainer für Führungskräfte genannt
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Excel-VBA Alles in einem Band für Dummies
Kenntnisse in VBA-Programmierung sind wichtig, um noch mehr aus Excel herauszuholen. Die Excel-Experten Michael Alexander und Dick Kusleika erklären Ihnen zunächst die Grundlagen von VBA. Dann geben Sie Ihnen einen Einblick in die wichtigsten Programmiertechniken. Später widmen Sie sich den fortgeschritteneren Techniken und erläutern wie Sie UserForms arbeiten. Sie führen Sie auch in viele scheinbar kleine, aber trotzdem wichtige Gebiete rund um Excel-VBA ein. So finden Sie in diesem Buch was Sie brauchen, ob Sie Einsteiger in Excel-VBA sind oder hier schon erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Anchorage in Concrete Construction
A comprehensive treatment of current fastening technology using inserts (anchor channels, headed stud), anchors (metal expansion anchor, undercut anchor, bonded anchor, concrete screw and plastic anchor) as well as power actuated fasteners in concrete. It describes in detail the fastening elements as well as their effects and load-bearing capacities in cracked and non-cracked concrete. It further focuses on corrosion behaviour, fire resistance and characteristics with earthquakes and shocks. It finishes off with the design of fastenings according to the European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG 001), the Final Draft of the CEN Technical Specification 'Design of fastenings for use in concrete' and the American Standards ACI 318-05, Appendix D and ACI 349-01, Appendix B.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Internet für Dummies
Dieses Buch begleitet Sie bei Ihren ersten Schritten in die große, weite Welt des Internets. Finden Sie den passenden Anbieter und machen Sie Ihren Computer fit für den Sprung ins WWW. Lernen Sie sich zielsicher online zu bewegen und die Seiten zu finden, die Sie suchen, verschicken Sie E-Mails, regeln Sie Ihre Finanzen mit E-Banking und erstellen Sie vielleicht sogar Ihre erste eigene Website. Doch auch der Spaß soll nicht zu kurz kommen! Shoppen auf eBay oder Amazon, Musik herunterladen, Videos auf YouTube anschauen oder lustige Flash Games spielen - all das und noch viel mehr werden Sie mit diesem Buch online entdecken. Ein großes Thema ist natürlich auch Ihre Sicherheit: Internet für Kinder, Antivirensoftware, Firewall oder Spamfilter - hier finden Sie alles, was Sie für einen gelungenen und sicheren Interneteinstieg brauchen und wissen müssen.
Pushkin Press After the Lights Go Out
'Thrums with authenticity' The Times 'Powerful, bruising and beautiful' Chris Whitaker A bleak, brilliant slice of American noir' Daily Mail The latest novel from the CWA-shortlisted author of Three-Fifths - a Sunday Times, Guardian and Financial Times Book of the Year ____________ IT'S NOT A COMEBACK. IT'S A FIGHT FOR HIS LIFE. Xavier "Scarecrow" Wallace is a biracial Black MMA fighter on the wrong side of thirty, who's been given a last-ditch chance to break into the big leagues. He is also losing his battle with pugilistic dementia, a struggle he is desperate to hide. In the nursing home of his father, a white man suffering from Alzheimer's, Xavier witnesses shocking episodes that expose ugly truths about his family and his past. As the big fight draws near, Xavier is faced with a dangerous dilemma: throw his match or suffer the deadly consequences. ____________ FURTHER PRAISE FOR JOHN VERCHER 'John Vercher could well be the next great American novelist' Kia Abdullah 'Shrewd and explosive' New York Times 'Vercher writes with the intensity of championship round' Kevin Powers, author of The Yellow Birds 'A stunning, stone-cold knockout' P. J. Vernon, author of Bath Haus 'Think Warrior by way of Fat City' William Boyle, author of Shoot the Moonlight Out 'John Vercher writes like a fighter, a dancer, an athlete' Wiley Cash, author of A Land More Kind than Home
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biochemie für Dummies
Haben Sie Ihre liebe Mühe mit der Biochemie? Diese ganzen Formeln und Reaktionen sind überhaupt nicht Ihr Ding? Die nächste Prüfung steht vor der Tür? Kein Problem! In diesem Buch erklärt der Autor Ihnen, was Sie über Biochemie wissen müssen. Er führt Sie so einfach wie möglich und so komplex wie nötig in die Welt der Kohlenhydrate, Lipide, Proteine, Nukleinsäuren, Vitamine, Hormone und Co. ein. So leicht kann Biochemie sein.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Health Physics: Radiation-Generating Devices, Characteristics, and Hazards
The book bridges the gap between existing health physics textbooks and reference material needed by a practicing health physicist as the 21st century progresses. This material necessarily encompasses emerging radiation-generating technologies, advances in existing technology, and applications of existing technology to new areas. The book is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate science and engineering courses. It is also be a useful reference for scientists and engineers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biochemie kompakt für Dummies
Stehen Sie auf Kriegsfuß mit der Biochemie? Diese ganzen Formeln und Reaktionen sind überhaupt nicht Ihr Ding? Die nächste Prüfung steht vor der Tür? Kein Problem! "Biochemie kompakt für Dummies" erklärt Ihnen das Wichtigste, was Sie über Biochemie wissen müssen. Sie werden so einfach wie möglich und so komplex wie nötig in die Welt der Kohlenhydrate, Lipide, Proteine, Nukleinsäuren, Vitamine, Hormone und Co. eingeführt. So leicht und kompakt kann Biochemie sein.