Search results for ""Author Simon""
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Literature of the Crusades
An interdisciplinary approach to sources for our knowledge of the crusades. The interrelation of so-called "literary" and "historical" sources of the crusades, and the fluidity of these categorisations, are the central concerns of the essays collected here. They demonstrate what the study of literary texts can do for our historical understanding of the crusading movement, challenging earlier historiographical assumptions about well-known poems and songs, and introducing hitherto understudied manuscript sources which elucidate a rich contemporary compositional culture regarding the matter of crusade. The volume discusses a wide array of European textual responses to the medieval crusading movement, from the Plantagenet and Catalan courts to the Italy of Charles of Anjou, Cyprus, and the Holy Land. Meanwhile, the topics considered include the connexions between poetry and history in the Latin First Crusade texts; the historical, codicological and literary background to Richard the Lionheart's famous song of captivity; crusade references in the troubadour Cerverí of Girona; literary culture surrounding Charles of Anjou's expeditions; the use of the Mélusine legend to strengthen the Lusignans' claim to Cyprus; and the influence of aristocratic selection criteria in manuscript traditions of Old French crusade songs. These diverse approaches are unified in their examination of crusading texts as cultural artefacts ripe for comparisonacross linguistic and thematic divides. SIMON THOMAS PARSONS teaches Medieval History at Royal Holloway, University of London and King's College London; LINDA PATERSON is Professor Emerita at Warwick University. Contributors: Luca Barbieri, Miriam Cabré, Jean Dunbabin, Ruth Harvey, Simon John, Charmaine Lee, Helen J. Nicholson, Simon Parsons, Anna Radaelli, Stephen Spencer, Carol Sweetenham.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Risk Planning and Management
The assessment and management of risks to human health and the environment has become a topic of increasing importance and presents one of the major challenges to modern society. This comprehensive volume draws together key papers from a range of different perspectives and offers the reader an important insight into the basic principles of environmental risk management.Topics include the background to environmental risk, human health and ecological risk assessment, risk perception and communication, strategic issues in corporate environmental risk and environmental risk and siting hazardous facilities.
Margaret K. McElderry Books Shadowhunters Short Story Collection (Boxed Set): The Bane Chronicles; Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy; Ghosts of the Shadow Market
Bristol University Press Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa: A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The transition to more just and sustainable development requires radical change across a wide range of areas and particularly within the nexus between learning and work. This book takes an expansive view of vocational education and training that goes beyond the narrow focus of much of the current literature and policy debate. Drawing on case studies across rural and urban settings in Uganda and South Africa, the book offers a new way of seeing this issue through an exploration of the multiple ways in which people learn to have better livelihoods. Crucially, it explores learning that takes place informally online, within farmers’ groups, and in public and private educational institutions. Offering new insights and ways of thinking about this field, the book draws out clear implications for theory, policy and practice in Africa and beyond.
Hodder Education Cambridge IGCSE™ Spanish Student Book Third Edition
This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2021.Strengthen language skills and cultural awareness with a differentiated approach that offers comprehensive coverage of the revised Cambridge IGCSE™ Spanish (0530/7160) syllabuses for first examination from 2021.- Develop the cultural awareness at the heart of the syllabus with engaging stimulus material and questions from around the world which will encourage a positive attitude towards other cultures- Progress the ability to use the language effectively with activities developing all four key skills, supported by teacher notes and answers in the teacher guide- Stretch and challenge students to achieve their best, whilst supporting all abilities with differentiated content throughout- Ensure the progression required for further study at A-level or equivalent- Help to prepare for the examination with exam-style questions throughoutAudio is available via the Boost eBook, Boost subscription or the Teacher Guide.Also available in the seriesReading and Listening Skills Workbook ISBN: 9781398329430Grammar Workbook ISBN: 9781510448070 Vocabulary Workbook ISBN: 9781510448094 Study and Revision Guide ISBN: 9781510448100 Boost eBook ISBN: 9781398329539Boost digital resources ISBN: 9781398329409Teacher Guide with audio ISBN: 9781510448568
Fordham University Press Freedoms Gained and Lost: Reconstruction and Its Meanings 150 Years Later
Reconstruction is one of the most complex, overlooked, and misunderstood periods of American history. The thirteen essays in this volume address the multiple struggles to make good on President Abraham Lincoln’s promise of a “new birth of freedom” in the years following the Civil War, as well as the counter-efforts including historiographical ones—to undermine those struggles. The forms these struggles took varied enormously, extended geographically beyond the former Confederacy, influenced political and racial thought internationally, and remain open to contestation even today. The fight to establish and maintain meaningful freedoms for America’s Black population led to the apparently concrete and permanent legal form of the three key Reconstruction Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as well as the revised state constitutions, but almost all of the latter were overturned by the end of the century, and even the former are not necessarily out of jeopardy. And it was not just the formerly enslaved who were gaining and losing freedoms. Struggles over freedom, citizenship, and rights can be seen in a variety of venues. At times, gaining one freedom might endanger another. How we remember Reconstruction and what we do with that memory continues to influence politics, especially the politics of race, in the contemporary United States. Offering analysis of educational and professional expansion, legal history, armed resistance, the fate of Black soldiers, international diplomacy post-1865 and much more, the essays collected here draw attention to some of the vital achievements of the Reconstruction period while reminding us that freedoms can be won, but they can also be lost.
Fordham University Press Giving the Devil His Due: Satan and Cinema
Finalist, 2021 Bram Stoker Awards (Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction) The first collection of essays to address Satan’s ubiquitous and popular appearances in film Lucifer and cinema have been intertwined since the origins of the medium. As humankind’s greatest antagonist and the incarnation of pure evil, the cinematic devil embodies our own culturally specific anxieties and desires, reflecting moviegoers’ collective conceptions of good and evil, right and wrong, sin and salvation. Giving the Devil His Due is the first book of its kind to examine the history and significance of Satan onscreen. This collection explores how the devil is not just one monster among many, nor is he the “prince of darkness” merely because he has repeatedly flickered across cinema screens in darkened rooms since the origins of the medium. Satan is instead a force active in our lives. Films featuring the devil, therefore, are not just flights of fancy but narratives, sometimes reinforcing, sometimes calling into question, a familiar belief system. From the inception of motion pictures in the 1890s and continuing into the twenty-first century, these essays examine what cinematic representations tell us about the art of filmmaking, the desires of the film-going public, what the cultural moments of the films reflect, and the reciprocal influence they exert. Loosely organized chronologically by film, though some chapters address more than one film, this collection studies such classic movies as Faust, Rosemary’s Baby, The Omen, Angel Heart, The Witch, and The Last Temptation of Christ, as well as the appearance of the Devil in Disney animation. Guiding the contributions to this volume is the overarching idea that cinematic representations of Satan reflect not only the hypnotic powers of cinema to explore and depict the fantastic but also shifting social anxieties and desires that concern human morality and our place in the universe. Contributors: Simon Bacon, Katherine A. Fowkes, Regina Hansen, David Hauka, Russ Hunter, Barry C. Knowlton, Eloise R. Knowlton, Murray Leeder, Catherine O’Brien, R. Barton Palmer, Carl H. Sederholm, David Sterritt, J. P. Telotte, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock
Liverpool University Press India and Europe in the Global Eighteenth Century
The long eighteenth century was a period of major transformation for Europe and India as imperialism heralded a new global order. Eschewing the reductive perspectives of nation-state histories and postcolonial ‘east vs west’ oppositions, contributors to India and Europe in the global eighteenth century put forward a more nuanced and interdisciplinary analysis. Using eastern as well as western sources, authors present fresh insights into European and Indian relations and highlight: how anxieties over war and piracy shaped commercial activity; how French, British and Persian histories of India reveal the different geo-political issues at stake; the material legacy of India in European cultural life; how novels parodied popular views of the Orient and provided counter-narratives to images of India as the site of corruption; how social transformations, traditionally characterised as ‘Mughal decline’, in effect forged new global connections that informed political culture into the nineteenth century.
Richmond Publishing Co Ltd Insects on cherry trees
Elsevier Health Sciences Oesophagogastric Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice
Oesophagogastric Surgery provides a short, up-to-date and practical reference guide for surgical trainees and established consultants needing an update in their subspecialty practice The seventh edition has been edited and fully revised by respected international experts in their fields, and provides a full list of current references and relevant resources. It includes a focus on early cancer and covers new developments in hiatal surgery and bariatric surgery. This volume is part of the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series, the pre-eminent reference for trainees in general surgery and those preparing for the FRCS examinations. Each volume summarises key issues within each surgical sub-specialty and provides evidence-based recommendations to support practice. Written by leading experts from the UK, Europe and around the world Covers all key areas of upper Gastrointestinal surgery Concise and easy to follow - ideal for exam revision or as a refresher aid Fully updated with latest evidence on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures Details of relevant investigations and evidence-based recommendations to support practice Key references to support content, plus a comprehensive list of references in the accompanying eBook Links to recommended online videos for further learning New chapters on the detection and the treatment of early oesophageal and gastric cancer Focus on new developments in hiatal surgery and the rapidly moving world of bariatric surgery New authors and extensive revisions
Word for Word Bible Comics The Book of Ruth: Word for Word Bible Comic: NIV Translation
Word for Word Bible Comics The Book of Judges: Word for Word Bible Comic: NIV Translation
Temple Lodge Publishing Learning to Experience the Etheric World: Empathy, the After Image and a New Social Ethic
Our world today is increasingly characterized by speed, movement and flux. There is often a lack of sufficient time to do 'what needs to be done', and life seems to be marked by change, upheaval and revolution. But in the midst of this turmoil, say the authors, people are having conscious and semiconscious experiences of the etheric world - the world that comprises the forces of life. However, this growing sensitivity to the etheric realm only intensifies experiences of movement and upheaval. To counter such feelings, we should take hold of our inner life and strengthen the 'I' - our true self. Featuring essays supplemented with a substantial amount of source material from Rudolf Steiner and other authors, this book is an invaluable resource for inner development and the beginnings of true spiritual vision. We learn to practise the ability to add to every physical perception - whether of stone, plant, animal or another person - the etheric reality associated with that entity. This process leads us to become more aware of the 'after-image' and to become conscious within the etheric realm. Baruch Urieli comments that this 'is not an esoteric path but is, rather, an endeavour to bring the beginnings of a natural consciousness of the etheric to full consciousness and, hence, under the rulership of the ego'.
Springer International Publishing AG OpenMP: Advanced Task-Based, Device and Compiler Programming: 19th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2023, Bristol, UK, September 13–15, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2023, held in Bristol, UK, during September 13–15, 2023.The 15 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The papers are divided into the following topical sections: OpenMP and AI; Tasking Extensions; OpenMP Offload Experiences; Beyond Explicit GPU Support; and OpenMP Infrastructure and Evaluation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge
Provides an in-depth look at science, policy and management in the water sector across the globe Sustainable water management is an increasingly complex challenge and policy priority facing global society. This book examines how governments, municipalities, corporations, and individuals find sustainable water management pathways across competing priorities of water for ecosystems, food, energy, economic growth and human consumption. It looks at the current politics and economics behind the management of our freshwater ecosystems and infrastructure and offers insightful essays that help stimulate more intense and informed debate about the subject and its need for local and international cooperation. This book celebrates the 15-year anniversary of Oxford University’s MSc course in Water Science, Policy and Management. Edited and written by some of the leading minds in the field, writing alongside alumni from the course, Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge offers in-depth chapters in three parts: Science; Policy; and Management. Topics cover: hydroclimatic extremes and climate change; the past, present, and future of groundwater resources; water quality modelling, monitoring, and management; and challenges for freshwater ecosystems. The book presents critical views on the monitoring and modelling of hydrological processes; the rural water policy in Africa and Asia; the political economy of wastewater in Europe; drought policy management and water allocation. It also examines the financing of water infrastructure; the value of wastewater; water resource planning; sustainable urban water supply and the human right to water. Features perspectives from some of the world’s leading experts on water policy and management Identifies and addresses current and future water sector challenges Charts water policy trends across a rapidly evolving set of challenges in a variety of global areas Covers the reallocation of water; policy process of risk management; the future of the world’s water under global environmental change; and more Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge is an essential book for policy makers and government agencies involved in water management, and for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying water science, governance, and policy.
Princeton University Press The Princeton Guide to Ecology
The Princeton Guide to Ecology is a concise, authoritative one-volume reference to the field's major subjects and key concepts. Edited by eminent ecologist Simon Levin, with contributions from an international team of leading ecologists, the book contains more than ninety clear, accurate, and up-to-date articles on the most important topics within seven major areas: autecology, population ecology, communities and ecosystems, landscapes and the biosphere, conservation biology, ecosystem services, and biosphere management. Complete with more than 200 illustrations (including sixteen pages in color), a glossary of key terms, a chronology of milestones in the field, suggestions for further reading on each topic, and an index, this is an essential volume for undergraduate and graduate students, research ecologists, scientists in related fields, policymakers, and anyone else with a serious interest in ecology. * Explains key topics in one concise and authoritative volume * Features more than ninety articles written by an international team of leading ecologists * Contains more than 200 illustrations, including sixteen pages in color * Includes glossary, chronology, suggestions for further reading, and index * Covers autecology, population ecology, communities and ecosystems, landscapes and the biosphere, conservation biology, ecosystem services, and biosphere management
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intergenerational Relations: Theory, Research and Policy
Changing times mean that people are living longer and in more complex families. Changes include greater geographical mobility, increased racial and ethnic diversity, new patterns of immigration and identity reformulation, and changing work and family roles. With governmental resources decreasing, it is especially important to understand the changing nature of multigenerational family structures, functioning, and roles in individual well-being in order to maximize the effectiveness of informal and formal supports available. This issue examines factors that facilitate anticipating, understanding, and designing support programs to meet the challenges facing individuals in all generation positions, families, and communities in the U.S. and around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse?
Financial Derivatives have long been the subject of conflicting views. For some, they are a useful instrument, too often maligned by those who do not understand them; for others, they are a complete waste of time and money. But which is it? Should we embrace financial derivatives, or fear them? In Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse? Simon Grima and Eleftherios I. Thalassinos rigorously explore the theory and debates surrounding this controversial topic. First exploring the perceived problems and the uses of derivatives, they study and evaluate the people who use financial derivatives; the impacts of derivatives use; and examples of safe use of derivatives. Looking at real-world examples, Grima and Thalassinos include public case studies on financial firms such as Barings Bank PLC, Allied Irish Bank, and Société Générale, as well as non-financial firms including Metallgesellschaft AG and Enron. Through these case studies, the roots of firm failure and large losses become clear, asking whether it is the misuse of this financial instrument, rather than the derivatives instrument itself, that is the cause. For students and researchers in finance, or practitioners involved in trading, regulating, or auditing, this is a fundamental text exploring a controversial and relevant concept.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Timescales of Magmatic Processes: From Core to Atmosphere
Quantifying the timescales of current geological processes is critical for constraining the physical mechanisms operating on the Earth today. Since the Earth’s origin 4.55 billion years ago magmatic processes have continued to shape the Earth, producing the major reservoirs that exist today (core, mantle, crust, oceans and atmosphere) and promoting their continued evolution. But key questions remain. When did the core form and how quickly? How are magmas produced in the mantle, and how rapidly do they travel towards the surface? How long do magmas reside in the crust, differentiating and interacting with the host rocks to yield the diverse set of igneous rocks we see today? How fast are volcanic gases such as carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere? This book addresses these and other questions by reviewing the latest advances in a wide range of Earth Science disciplines: from the measurement of short-lived radionuclides to the study of element diffusion in crystals and numerical modelling of magma behaviour. It will be invaluable reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as igneous petrologists, mineralogists and geochemists involved in the study of igneous rocks and processes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Applied Environmental Genomics
DNA is the essence of life and the original ‘big data’. New technologies are allowing scientists to access and make sense of this information like never before, and they are using it to solve the world’s greatest environmental challenges.Applied Environmental Genomics synthesises the latest and most exciting uses of genomic technologies for environmental science and management. With an emphasis on diversity of applications and real-world demonstrations, leading researchers have contributed detailed chapters on innovative approaches to obtaining critical management-relevant information about the natural world. These chapters are complemented by perspective sections written by environmental managers who describe their experiences using genomics to support evidence-based decisions.Ideal for students, researchers and professionals working in natural resource management and policy, Applied Environmental Genomics is a comprehensive introduction to a fast-moving field that is transforming the practice of environmental management, with profound relevance to industry, government and the public.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries: An Integrated Model
Seven of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are directly related to sustainable infrastructure development. The majority of sectors, including the road infrastructure sector, are under intense pressure to find financially feasible, socially acceptable, and environmentally conscientious project outcomes or techniques that will result in sustainable road infrastructure development (SRID). Sustainable Road Infrastructure Project Implementation in Developing Countries presents a model for implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries. Providing readers with comprehensive theoretical and practical directions on implementing sustainable road infrastructure projects in developing countries successfully, the authors discuss the factors which influence the implementation of sustainable road infrastructure projects, including the drivers, barriers, benefits, and determinants of sustainable road project implementation. The model offers road infrastructure stakeholders with a precise and functional tool that promotes collaboration, common language and comprehension, engagement and interaction among all individuals and institutions involved in SRIP implementation. It is beneficial to both professionals and scholars, in the area of architecture; building technology; civil engineering; sustainable/green construction and other disciplines in the built industry.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers LEGO®-Based Therapy: How to build social competence through LEGO®-based Clubs for children with autism and related conditions
This complete guide to LEGO® Therapy contains everything you need to know in order to set up and run a LEGO® Club for children with autism spectrum disorders or related social communication difficulties and anxiety conditions.By providing a joint interest and goal, LEGO® building can become a medium for social development such as sharing, turn-taking, making eye-contact, and following social rules. This book outlines the theory and research base of the approach and gives advice on all practical considerations including space, the physical layout of the room and choosing and maintaining materials, as well as strategies for managing behaviour, further skill development, and how to assess progress.Written by the pioneer of the approach alongside those who helped form it through their research and evaluation, this evidence-based manual is essential reading for professionals working with autism who are interested in running a LEGO® Club or learning more about the therapy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Major Incident Medical Management and Support: The Practical Approach in the Hospital
The new edition of Major Incident Medical Management and Support is a vital component in the blended learning course from Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), which aims to provide hospital staff at all levels with essential information on the preparation, management and support elements of dealing with casualties in a major incident. Split into five sections, each focuses on the elements requisite in preparing for, and responding, to a major incident. The first section discusses the epidemiology and incidences of major incidents and the structured approach to the hospital response. The second section contains the preparation required in planning for major incidents, including equipment and training. The third section covers the management of a major incident, concentrating on the clinical, nursing and management hierarchies. The fourth includes the various stages of support in a major incident, including declaring an incident and activating the plan, the reception, triage, definitive care and recovery phases of an incident. The final section focuses on special incidents which require additional consideration, including those involving hazardous chemicals, burns and children. Written in collaboration with the National Emergency Planning, Major Incident Medical Management and Support is an invaluable reference in the emergency department and beyond for staff needing to prepare for the rare, but inevitable, hospital major incidence response.
University of California Press A Grammar of Nzadi [B865]: A Bantu language of Democratic Republic of Congo
This publication presents the first documentation of Nzadi, a Bantu language spoken by fishermen along the Kasai River in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is the product of extensive study by the authors and participants in field methods and group study courses at the University of California, Berkeley, and consists of ten chapters covering the segmental phonology, tone system, morphology, and sentence structure, followed by appendices on the Nzadi people and history and on Proto-Bantu to Nzadi sound changes. Also included are three texts and a lexicon of over 1100 entries, including a number of fish species. Prior to this work, Nzadi had not even been mentioned in the literature, and at this time still has no entry as a language or dialect in the Ethnologue. Of particular interest in the study of Nzadi is its considerable grammatical simplification, resulting in structures quite different from those of canonical Bantu languages. Although Nzadi has lost most of the inherited agglutinative morphology, there are still recognizable class prefixes on nouns and a reflex of noun class agreement in genitive constructions. Other areas of particular interest are human/number agreement, tense-aspect-mood marking, non-subject relative clause constructions, and WH question formation. This succinct, but comprehensive grammar provides broad coverage of the phonological, grammatical and semantic properties that will be of potential interest not only to Bantuists, Africanists and those interested in this area of the DRC, but also to typologists, general linguists, and students of linguistics.
Quart Publishers Smart Sharing
The two-part publication firstly documents the process of planning, building and operating the project 'your+' by the Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts - Engineering & Architecture for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014. In the second part, lecturers, students and partners reflect on the social, architectural and technical aspects of "Smart Sharing". Short essays contribute to the interdisciplinary debate and reveal new perspectives for teaching, research and practice. 70 colour
Temple Lodge Publishing The Encounter with Evil and its Overcoming Through Spiritual Science: With Essays on the Foundation Stone
In our everyday lives, we are constantly challenged by the phenomenon of evil in all its many manifestations. But how can we cope with this seemingly eternal hindrance? In the first of these three essays, Sergei Prokofieff suggests that we start by developing a knowledge of the forces of evil in order to learn how they work in human evolution. Such knowledge is, in itself, the beginning of the process of overcoming evil. In order that members of the Anthroposophical Society might go further along this path, Rudolf Steiner gave them the spiritual 'Foundation Stone of the Good'. This Foundation Stone - which consists of light, imaginative form, and the substance of love - can live in our hearts and souls as a firm foundation for esoteric work, and a creative contribution towards the overcoming of evil. Ultimately it can lead us to a conscious experience of Christ in the etheric realm of the earth. In the second and third essays, Prokofieff examines further themes relating to the etheric advent of Christ, and its connection with the Foundation Stone of the Good.
Oxford University Press Venous Thromboembolism in Advanced Disease: A clinical guide
There is increasing recognition of the burden of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with advanced incurable disease and the clinical, ethical, and philosophical challenges they may pose. With a growing elderly population and oncological therapies helping patients live longer with malignant disease, VTE is likely to be an ongoing problem. Whilst presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of VTE in general medicine is well established, its management within the palliative care setting is less clear-cut. Clinical presentation is often masked by other palliative symptoms, and symptoms can be consistent with those of other conditions; diagnosis is therefore underappreciated, and the condition can be difficult to manage. Bringing together contributions from international experts in the field of VTE and palliative care, this book explores the increasing challenges faced by healthcare professionals when managing VTE in advanced disease. Topics such as the epidemiology and pathogenesis of the condition are discussed. It appraises the current evidence informing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of VTE, with particular emphasis on its application to patients with incurable malignancy and non-malignant disease. Chapters are illustrated with key learning points and, where appropriate, case studies are presented to illustrate the decision-making processes that may occur when balancing the evidence with its impact on patient quality of life. This practical resource is invaluable for healthcare professionals working in all areas of medicine where patients with advanced cancer and non-malignant disease are cared for.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Adapt Anything into a Screenplay
From concept to finished draft-a nuts-and-bolts approach to adaptations Aspiring and established screenwriters everywhere, take note! This down-to-earth guide is the first to clearly articulate the craft of adaptation. Drawing on his own experience and on fourteen years of teaching, screenwriter Richard Krevolin presents his proven five-step process for adapting anything-from novels and short stories to newspaper articles and poems-into a screenplay. Used by thousands of novelists, playwrights, poets, and journalists around the country, this can't-miss process features practical advice on how to break down a story into its essential components, as well as utilizes case studies of successful adaptations. Krevolin also provides an insider's view of working and surviving within the Hollywood system-covering the legal issues, interviewing studio insiders on what they are looking for, and offering tips from established screenwriters who specialize in adaptations. * Outlines a series of stages that help you structure your story to fit the needs of a 120-page screenplay * Explains how to adapt anything for Hollywood, from a single sentence story idea all the way to a thousand-page novel * Advises on the tricky subject of just how faithful your adaptation should be * Features helpful hints from Hollywood bigwigs-award-winning television writer Larry Brody; screenwriter and script reader Henry Jones; screenwriter and author Robin Russin; screenwriter and author Simon Rose; and more
Penguin Books Ltd Eastern Approaches
70th Anniversary Edition with a New Foreword by Sunday Times Bestselling Author Simon Sebag Montefiore'A classic' Observer | 'A legend' Washington Post | 'The best book you will read this year' Colonel Tim CollinsPosted to Moscow as a young diplomat before the Second World War, Fitzroy Maclean travelled widely, with or without permission, in some of the wildest and remotest parts of the Soviet Union, then virtually closed to foreigners. In 1942 he fought as a founder member of the SAS in North Africa. There Maclean specialised in hair-raising commando raids behind enemy lines, including the daring and outrageous kidnapping of the German Consul in Axis-controlled Iraq. In 1943 he parachuted into German-occupied Yugoslavia as Winston Churchill's personal representative to Josip Broz Tito and remained there until 1945, all enemy attempts to capture him proving unsuccessful.Eastern Approaches is Maclean's classic, gripping account of the sybaritic delights of diplomatic life, the thrill of remote travel in the then-forbidden zones of Central Asia, and the violence and adventure of world-changing tours in North Africa and Yugoslavia. Maclean is the original British action hero and this is blistering reading.'This book literally changed my life' Simon Sebag Montefiore'A man of daring character' Winston Churchill 'An absorbing mixture of military adventure, political judgement, urbane wit, cool humour and surprising incident' Financial Times'One of the bravest men in the British army, and one of the funniest' Ben Macintyre'Entertaining, important, the model for James Bond' New York Times
Baen Books Trinity
REDEMPTION AT TRINITY The Rim rebellion was glorious—and doomed from the start. Brilliant Rim Confederation Navy space ship captain Jared Clement skuttled his career and professional life by joining the rebels against the overwhelming force of the 5 Suns Alliance. The rebel cause was just. That didn’t matter. Ten years later, Clement regrets nothing, but would prefer to be left alone to his thoughts and drink. But a new chance to command a ship of incredible potential is thrust in his lap—humanity’s first truly faster-than-light vessel. The destination: Trinity, a newly discovered star system where strange signs of possible space farers may lead to humanity’s first alien encounter. Or to interstellar war. Humanity is on the brink of a new age, and everything depends on one crusty star ship captain, his gritty crew, and the Beauregard, a ship that was never meant to wage war turned into a weapon-bristling battleship that will either propel humanity to ultimate destruction—or into a new starfaring age of exploration and conflict. And along the way, a noble lost cause—one Captain Jared Clement—may finally get his revenge. And find his redemption. About Dave Bara: “. . . fun, fast, and proper science fiction, where the stakes are big and things matter.”—New York Times best-selling author Simon R. Green on Dave Bara’s Lightship Chronicles Series “This energetic mélange of tried-and-true elements—futuristic jargon, military and romantic tactics, and multiple levels of skullduggery—easily grabs the reader’s attention; more impressive is that Bara’s story holds that attention all the way to the end.” —Publishers Weekly on The Lightship Chronicles Series “Bara manages to ramp up the depth and complexity of his world while retaining that sense of excitement, suspense, and adventure.” —Barnes & Noble Sci Fi & Fantasy Blog
Baen Books Trinity
REDEMPTION AT TRINITY The Rim rebellion was glorious—and doomed from the start. Brilliant Rim Confederation Navy spaceship captain Jared Clement scuttled his career and professional life by joining the rebels against the overwhelming force of the 5 Suns Alliance. The rebel cause was just. That didn’t matter. Ten years later, Clement regrets nothing — and would prefer to be left alone to his thoughts and drink. But a new chance to command a ship of incredible potential is thrust in his lap—humanity’s first truly faster-than-light vessel. The destination: Trinity, a newly discovered star system where strange signs of possible spacefarers may lead to humanity’s first alien encounter. Or to interstellar war. Humanity is on the brink of a new age, and everything depends on one crusty starship captain, his gritty crew, and the Beauregard, a ship that was never meant to wage war turned into a weapon-bristling battleship that will either propel humanity to ultimate destruction or into a new starfaring age of exploration and conflict. And along the way, a noble lost cause—one Captain Jared Clement—may finally get his revenge. And find his redemption. About Trinity: “[A] rousing. . . far-future tale, taking hard-drinking former Rim Confederacy Navy Capt. Jared Clement of the gunship Beauregard into a whopper of a galactic confrontation. . . . [with] Clement’s rebirth as an idealistic military commander, leading to breathless Horatio Hornblower–type ship-to-ship action updated into a Star Trek–like environment. . . [with] plenty of fun, derring-do, and even some tension-relieving fraternization will keep readers invested in Clement and crew. This is an entertaining escape from the here and now.”—Publishers Weekly About Dave Bara: “. . . fun, fast, and proper science fiction, where the stakes are big and things matter.”—New York Times best-selling author Simon R. Green on Dave Bara’s Lightship Chronicles Series “This energetic mélange of tried-and-true elements—futuristic jargon, military and romantic tactics, and multiple levels of skullduggery—easily grabs the reader’s attention; more impressive is that Bara’s story holds that attention all the way to the end.” —Publishers Weekly on The Lightship Chronicles Series “Bara manages to ramp up the depth and complexity of his world while retaining that sense of excitement, suspense, and adventure.” —Barnes & Noble Sci Fi & Fantasy Blog
Baen Books Trinity's Children
Jared Clement has returned to Trinity, not as a mere ship captain but now as a 5 Suns Fleet Admiral. With his promotion comes increased responsibility that weighs heavy on his shoulders. 30,000 settlers are leaving the dying planets of the Rim, his home, and resettling next to the natives of the planet Bellus. Clement is responsible for those lives and the lives of the natives, Trinity’s children, and for building a better future for them all. But when his migrant fleet arrives in the Trinity system, they are faced with enemies both old and new. Former Fleet Admiral Elara DeVore has escaped her exile on the planet Alphus and has vanished into parts unknown. Soon, however, Clement discovers she has a new fleet and a new ally, the Solar League from Earth. The Solar League has arrived with a massive fleet and plans on taking Trinity for itself, then forcing the 5 Suns to surrender. With just a small military fleet to accompany the migrants, Clement is faced with the almost impossible task of defending both his people and the natives from becoming slaves of the Solar League. About Trinity: “[A] rousing. . . far-future tale, taking hard-drinking former Rim Confederacy Navy Capt. Jared Clement of the gunship Beauregard into a whopper of a galactic confrontation. . . . [with] Clement’s rebirth as an idealistic military commander, leading to breathless Horatio Hornblower–type ship-to-ship action updated into a Star Trek–like environment. . . [with] plenty of fun, derring-do, and even some tension-relieving fraternization will keep readers invested in Clement and crew. This is an entertaining escape from the here and now.”—Publishers Weekly About Dave Bara: “. . . fun, fast, and proper science fiction, where the stakes are big and things matter.”—New York Times best-selling author Simon R. Green on Dave Bara’s Lightship Chronicles Series “This energetic mélange of tried-and-true elements—futuristic jargon, military and romantic tactics, and multiple levels of skullduggery—easily grabs the reader’s attention; more impressive is that Bara’s story holds that attention all the way to the end.” —Publishers Weekly on The Lightship Chronicles Series “Bara manages to ramp up the depth and complexity of his world while retaining that sense of excitement, suspense, and adventure.” —Barnes & Noble Sci Fi & Fantasy Blog