Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dual Innovation Systems: Concepts, Tools and Methods
Technical superiority is one of the keys to military domination. Thus, defense industries have supported the development of increasingly efficient systems and made significant contributions to technical progress. However, since the late 1980s, defense industries� technological initiative has been questioned and new sources of innovation have been sought by turning to the civilian sphere. A duality was born from this marriage of defense and civil innovation which developed their synergies in order to improve the innovation process in both areas. Dual Innovation Systems uses a systemic approach to investigate this dual approach to innovation and how it promotes improvements in the research and development processes of the defense and civilian areas. It also presents a variety of tools for measuring the performance of a dual innovation system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems
How to manage the cybersecurity of industrial systems is a crucial question. To implement relevant solutions, the industrial manager must have a clear understanding of IT systems, of communication networks and of control-command systems. They must also have some knowledge of the methods used by attackers, of the standards and regulations involved and of the available security solutions. Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems presents these different subjects in order to give an in-depth overview and to help the reader manage the cybersecurity of their installation. The book addresses these issues for both classic SCADA architecture systems and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 1: Large Rivers, From Abundance to Scarcity
The Earth’s oceans are currently undergoing unprecedented changes: rivers have suffered a severe reduction in their sediment transport, and as a result, sediment input to the oceans has dropped lower than ever before. These inputs have varied over millennia as a result of both natural occurrences and human actions, such as the building of dams and the extraction of materials from riverbeds. Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 1 examines how river basins have been affected by the sedimentary crises of various historical epochs. By studying global balances, it provides insights into the profound disruption of the solid transport of fluvial bodies. The book also explores studies of various rivers, from the Amazon, which remains relatively unaffected, to dying rivers such as the Colorado and the Nile.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Military Nuclear Accidents: Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
The use of atomic energy for military purposes has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the outset. This applies to all levels of use: from the manufacture of weapons to their commissioning. This book provides an overview of the potential impact of such accidents. The prospective consequences of local and global nuclear war are detailed. Similarly, for each accident, the environmental, ecological, health and socio-economic consequences are reviewed. The contamination of the environment and its fauna and flora is detailed and the effects of ionizing radiation are reported. The same is provided for human populations and the adverse effects on the health and physical and mental states of the populations concerned. The economic cost of accidents is also evaluated. The research presented in this book is based on scientifically recognized publications, and reports from the military forces of the various countries concerned and from the national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, ICPR, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Co-innovation Dynamics: The Management of Client-Supplier Interactions for Open Innovation
Over the last 30 years, the pace of innovation has exploded while available resources have become increasingly scarce. Open Innovation is the solution, with client–supplier relationships being the main expedient. However, collaborating in innovation is full of obstacles, from uncertainties in innovation as a whole to difficulties with managing a business relationship. Co-innovation Dynamics, based on a deep-dive ethnographic inquiry enlightened by state-of-the-art management research, presents the daily life story of a collaborative innovation project. Also, based on two other qualitative and quantitative studies on co-innovation management, this book offers lessons and tips on how to manage the dynamics of collaborative innovation in the client–supplier relationship.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Music Machines: The New Musical Instruments
Since 1960, with the advent of musical electronics, composers and musicians have been using ever more sophisticated machines to create sonic material that presents innovation, color and new styles: electro-acoustic, electro, house, techno, etc. music. The music of Pierre Henry, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, Daft Punk and many others has introduced new sounds, improbable rhythms and a unique approach to composition and notation. Electronic machines have become essential: they have built and influenced the music of the most recent decades and set the trend for future productions. This book explores the theory and practice related to the different machines which constitute the universe of musical electronics, omitting synthesizers which are treated in other works. Sequencers, drum machines, samplers, groove machines and vocoders from 1960 to today are studied in their historical, physical and theoretical context. More detailed approaches to the Elektron Octatrack sequencer-sampler and the Korg Electribe 2 groove machine are also included.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Electronics 1: Materials and Physical Processes
Due to their special properties, organic semiconductors enable the development of large-area, low-cost devices, paving the way for flexible and nomadic applications that advantageously replace those made with traditional semiconductors. This book describes the properties and deposition methods of organic semiconductors, transparent conductive materials or metals which are used in the fabrication of organic devices. The physical processes (optical, electrical and interface) that control the mechanisms in the formation and transport of the charge carriers of the materials are studied and explained in detail. Organic Electronics 1 introduces the fundamental and applied aspects of the field of organic electronics. It is intended for researchers and students in university programs or engineering schools specializing in electronics, energy and materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Era 2: Political Economy Revisited
Over 200 years, industry has mastered iron, fire, power and energy. Today, electronics shape our everyday objects with the widespread integration of chips; from computers and telephones to keys, games and white goods. Data, software and computation structure our behavior and the organization of our lives. Everything is translated into data: the digit is king. Consisting of three volumes, The Digital Era explores technical, economic and social phenomena that result from the generalization of the Internet. This second volume discusses the impact of digital technology on the evolution of market relations and the media and examines the reasons why such changes put political economy to the test.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge Management: The Creative Loop
Knowledge management is a strategic issue for companies, and international standards such as ISO recently integrate it into its requirements. However, it is still an ill-defined concept, and methodologies to implement it are not very well known. This book is the result of over twenty years of research in different labs and application in a wide range of public or private companies around the world. It gives a global and coherent view both from the theoretical and practical point of views.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Additive Manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing 2: Current Techniques, Improvements and their Limitations
Additive manufacturing, which was first invented in France and then applied in the United States, is now 33 years old and represents a market of around 5 billion euros per year, with annual growth of between 20 and 30%. Today, additive manufacturing is experiencing a great amount of innovation in its processes, software, engineering and materials used. Its strength as a process has more recently allowed for the exploration of new niches, ranging from applications at nanometer and decameter scales, to others in mechanics and health. As a result, the limitations of the process have also begun to emerge, which include the quality of the tools, their cost of manufacture, the multi-material aspects, functionalities and surface conditions. Volume 2 of this series presents the current techniques, improvements and limits of additive manufacturing, providing an up-to-date review of this process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Collective Intelligence and Resiliency in Healthcare Organizations
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH HPLC richtig optimiert: Ein Handbuch für Praktiker
Neben der Methodenentwicklung ist die Optimierung bestehender Methoden eine zentrale Aufgabe im HPLC-Labor. Eine Aufgabe, die heute in immer kürzerer Zeit und kosteneffizient erledigt werden muss. Das Handbuch bietet eine fundierte Hilfe, um diese Herausforderung noch besser zu meistern. International renommierte Autoren wie John W. Dolan, Michael McBrien, Veronika R. Meyer, Uwe D. Neue, Lloyd R. Snyder oder Klaus K. Unger behandeln sowohl die allgemeinen Grundlagen und Strategien der Optimierung als auch die spezifischen Aspekte der unterschiedlichen Techniken wie RP-HPLC, NP-HPLC, Micro- und Nano-HPLC sowie der Kopplungstechniken wie LC-MS. Auch die richtige Säulenauswahl sowie Enantiomerentrennungen gehören zu den behandelten Themen. Die Autoren liefern konkrete, praktische Tipps ebenso wie relevante Hintergrundinformationen. Sie bieten darüber hinaus Einblicke in die Optimierungspraxis sieben international renommierter Firmen verschiedener Branchen. Einige Beiträge stellen die Anwendung gängiger Optimierungssoftware wie DryLab oder ChromSword dar. Das ganze wird abgerundet durch praxisnahe Berichte erfahrener Anwender aus den verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten, inbesondere aus den Life Sciences, wie beispielsweise Proteomics oder Pharmaentwicklung. Alle Beiträge sind in einem auf das Wesentliche konzentrierten und anwendungsnahen Stil geschrieben. Der Aufbau des Buches mit abgeschlossenen Kapiteln erleichtert das gezielte Nachschlagen.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wavelets and their Applications
The last 15 years have seen an explosion of interest in wavelets with applications in fields such as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar and earthquake prediction. Wavelets represent an area that combines signal in image processing, mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. As such, this title is intended for the wide audience that is interested in mastering the basic techniques in this subject area, such as decomposition and compression.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Modeling
The fuel cell is a potential candidate for energy storage and conversion in our future energy mix. It is able to directly convert the chemical energy stored in fuel (e.g. hydrogen) into electricity, without undergoing different intermediary conversion steps. In the field of mobile and stationary applications, it is considered to be one of the future energy solutions. Among the different fuel cell types, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has shown great potential in mobile applications, due to its low operating temperature, solid-state electrolyte and compactness. This book presents a detailed state of art of PEM fuel cell modeling, with very detailed physical phenomena equations in different physical domains. Examples and a fully coupled multi-physical 1.2 kW PEMFC model are given help the reader better understand how to use the equations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Decision Making Process: Concepts and Methods
This book provides an overview of the main methods and results in the formal study of the human decision-making process, as defined in a relatively wide sense. A key aim of the approach contained here is to try to break down barriers between various disciplines encompassed by this field, including psychology, economics and computer science. All these approaches have contributed to progress in this very important and much-studied topic in the past, but none have proved sufficient so far to define a complete understanding of the highly complex processes and outcomes. This book provides the reader with state-of-the-art coverage of the field, essentially forming a roadmap to the field of decision analysis. The first part of the book is devoted to basic concepts and techniques for representing and solving decision problems, ranging from operational research to artificial intelligence. Later chapters provide an extensive overview of the decision-making process under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Finally, there are chapters covering various approaches to multi-criteria decision-making. Each chapter is written by experts in the topic concerned, and contains an extensive bibliography for further reading and reference.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Factory for Knowledge: Production and Validation of Scientific Results
This book explores how the technical upheavals of the 21st century have changed the structures and architecture of the creation, sharing and regulation of knowledge. From the new economic and technical models of production and dissemination of knowledge, the book deals with all new forms of valorisation. It also explains how the legislative deficit in the world and in Europe, around digital is being filled by new initiatives, such as the law for a Digital Republic, in France. It is therefore a book that provides a valuable follow-up to the book "The New Challenges of Knowledge", of which it constitutes the continuation and operational deepening.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Engineering: The Power of Intangible Networks
This title explores the issue of innovation engineering, a feature that is essential to the continuation of growth and development in the commercial world. Discussion is divided into three parts: Part I covers the historical basis of innovation, noting that diversity rests upon a duality between concepts in theory and applications put into practice, as well as discussing how innovation has resulted from the interaction of numerous factors, be they societal, human, managerial, organization or technological. Part II focuses on practical applications – the technologies, tools and methods employed in putting theoretical innovation into practice – while Part III looks at what factors underpin success, discussing the social and psychological aspects involved in successful innovation engineering. Consideration is also given to recent developments and systems which will assist in ensuring the continuation of this process in the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Value Creation in Management Accounting and Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach
This book explores two combined approaches (strategy and accounting) from a cross-disciplinary perspective in order to improve knowledge of value creation in various contexts. Existing studies on this topic have generally adopted a purely account-based or strategy-oriented approach to address this issue. However, this book draws upon a number of well-defined theoretical and empirical backgrounds and methodologies. Since the 1980s, many changes have occurred and companies have increasingly focused their strategies on value creation. Consequently, new strategic directions have emerged, especially for managerial accounting. Management accounting and alignment with strategy could thus improve performance. This book encourages further thought and reflection on these issues which should be pursued in the future as firms face new challenges associated with the acceleration of digital transformation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Brain-Computer Interfaces 2: Technology and Applications
Brain–computer interfaces (BCI) are devices which measure brain activity and translate it into messages or commands, thereby opening up many possibilities for investigation and application. This book provides keys for understanding and designing these multi-disciplinary interfaces, which require many fields of expertise such as neuroscience, statistics, informatics and psychology. This second volume, Technology and Applications, is focused on the field of BCI from the perspective of its end users, such as those with disabilities to practitioners. Covering clinical applications and the field of video games, the book then goes on to explore user needs which drive the design and development of BCI. The software used for their design, primarily OpenViBE, is explained step by step, before a discussion on the use of BCI from ethical, philosophical and social perspectives. The basic notions developed in this reference book are intended to be accessible to all readers interested in BCI, whatever their background. More advanced material is also offered, for readers who want to expand their knowledge in disciplinary fields underlying BCI.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 1: Monitoring and Prognostics
This book addresses the steps needed to monitor health assessment systems and the anticipation of their failures: choice and location of sensors, data acquisition and processing, health assessment and prediction of the duration of residual useful life. The digital revolution and mechatronics foreshadowed the advent of the 4.0 industry where equipment has the ability to communicate. The ubiquity of sensors (300,000 sensors in the new generations of aircraft) produces a flood of data requiring us to give meaning to information and leads to the need for efficient processing and a relevant interpretation. The process of traceability and capitalization of data is a key element in the context of the evolution of the maintenance towards predictive strategies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Integration of Demand Response into the Electricity Chain: Challenges, Opportunities, and Smart Grid Solutions
The concept of Demand Response (DR) generally concerns methodologies, technologies and commercial arrangements that could allow active participation of consumers in the power system operation. The primary aim of DR is thus to overcome the “traditional” inflexibility of electrical demand and, amongst others, create a new powerful tool to maximize deployment of renewable energy sources as well as provide active network management solutions to help reducing the impact of limited grid capabilities. DR allows consumers to actively participate in power system operation, thus bringing new opportunities in emerging energy markets as well as tangible system benefits. In this sense, DR is considered one of the key enablers of the Smart Grid concept. However, DR also poses a number of challenges, particularly when “active demand” is connected to the Low Voltage network, thus affecting all the actors involved in the electricity chain. This book presents for the first time a comprehensive view on technical methodologies and architectures, commercial arrangements, and socio-economic and regulatory factors that could facilitate the uptake of DR. The work is developed in a systematic way so as to create a comprehensive picture of challenges, benefits and opportunities involved with DR. The reader will thus be provided with a clear understanding of the complexity deriving from a demand becoming active, as well as with a quantitative assessment of the techno-economic value of the proposed solutions in a Smart Grid context. Many research contributions have appeared in recent years in the field of DR, both in journals and conference proceedings. However, most publications focus on individual aspects of the problem. A systematic treatment of the issues to be tackled to introduce DR in existing electricity grids, involving the extended value chain in terms of technical and commercial aspects, is still missing. Also, several books have recently been published about Smart Grid, in which there is some mention to DR. However, again while DR is seen as a key pillar for the Smart Grid, there is no dedicated, comprehensive and systematic contribution in this respect.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolutionary Algorithms for Food Science and Technology
Researchers and practitioners in food science and technology routinely face several challenges, related to sparseness and heterogeneity of data, as well as to the uncertainty in the measurements and the introduction of expert knowledge in the models. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), stochastic optimization techniques loosely inspired by natural selection, can be effectively used to tackle these issues. In this book, we present a selection of case studies where EAs are adopted in real-world food applications, ranging from model learning to sensitivity analysis.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaborations (I-ESA 14 Proceedings)
Enterprises and organizations of any kind embedded in today's economic environment are deeply dependent on their ability to take part in collaborations. Consequently, it is strongly required for them to get actively involved for their own benefit in emerging, potentially opportunistic collaborative enterprise networks. The concept of “interoperability” has been defined by INTEROP-VLab as “The ability of an enterprise system or application to interact with others at a low cost in a flexible approach”. Consequently, interoperability of organizations appears as a major issue to succeed in building on the fly emerging enterprise networks. The International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications (I-ESA 2014) was held under the motto “interoperability for agility, resilience and plasticity of collaborations” on March 26-28, 2014 and organized by the Ecole des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, France on behalf of the European Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability (INTEROP-VLab). On March 24-25, co-located with the conference eight workshops and one doctoral symposium were held in four tracks complementing the program of the I-ESA’14 conference. The workshops and the doctoral symposium address areas of greatest current activity focusing on active discussions among the leading researchers in the area of Enterprise Interoperability. This part of the conference helps the community to operate effectively, building co-operative and supportive international links as well as providing new knowledge of on-going research to practitioners. The workshops and doctoral symposium aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability (EI) and associated domains of innovation such as Smart Industry, Internet-Of-Things, Factories of the Future, EI Applications and Standardisation. These proceedings include the short papers from the I-ESA’14 workshops and the doctoral symposium. The book is split up into 9 sections, one for each workshop and one for the doctoral symposium. All sections were organized following four tracks: (1) EI and Future Internet / Factory of the Future; (2) EI Application Domains and IT; (3) EI Standards; (4) EI Doctoral Symposium. For each section, a workshop report is provided summarizing the content and the issues discussed during the sessions. The goal of the first track was to offer a discussion opportunity on interoperability issues regarding the use of Internet of Things on manufacturing environment (Workshops 1 and 3) on one hand, and regarding the potential of innovation derived from the use of digital methods, architectures and services such as Smart Networks (Workshops 2 and 4) on the other hand. The second track focused on particular application domains that are looking for innovative solutions to support their strong collaborative needs. Thus, the track developed one workshop on the use of EI solution for Future City-Logistics (Workshop 5) and one on the use of EI solutions for Crisis / Disaster Management (Workshop 6). The third track studied the recent developments in EI standardization. Two workshops were dedicated to this issue. The first one has proposed to focus on the management of standardization (Workshop 8) and the second one has chosen to work on the new knowledge on standardization developments in the manufacturing service domain (Workshop 9). The last track, the doctoral symposium presented research results from selected dissertations. The session discussed EI knowledge issues, notably in terms of gathering through social networks or Internet of Things and of exploitation through innovative decision support systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Element Method to Model 3D Continuous Materials
Complex behavior models (plasticity, cracks, visco elascticity) face some theoretical difficulties for the determination of the behavior law at the continuous scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a solution is to simulate the material at a meso scale in order to simulate directly a set of discrete properties that are responsible of the macroscopic behavior. The discrete element model has been developed for granular material. The proposed set shows how this method is capable to solve the problem of complex behavior that are linked to discrete meso scale effects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc CO2 Biofixation by Microalgae: Modeling, Estimation and Control
Due to the consequences of globa l warming and significant greenhouse gas emissions, several ideas have been studied to reduce these emissions or to suggest solut ions for pollutant remov al. The most promising ideas are reduced consumption, waste recovery and waste treatment by biological systems. In this latter category, studies have demonstrated that the use of microalgae is a very promising solution for the biofixation of carbon dioxide. In fact, these micro-organisms are able to offset high levels of CO2 thanks to photosynthesis. Microalgae are also used in various fields (food industry, fertilizers, biofuel, etc.). To obtain a n optimal C O2 sequestration us ing micr oal gae, their cul tivatio n has to be c arried ou t in a f avorable e nvironment, corresponding to optimal operating conditions (temperature, nutrients, pH, light, etc.). Therefore, microalgae are grown in an enclosure, i.e. photobioreactors, which notably operate in continuous mode. This type of closed reactor notably enables us to reduce culture contamination, to improve CO2 transfer and to better control the cultivation system. This last point involves the regulation of concentrations (biomass, substrate or by-product) in addition to conventional regulations (pH, temperature).To do this, we have to establish a model of the system and to identify its parameters; to put in place estimators in order to rebuild variables that are not measured online (software sensor); and finally to implement a control law, in order to maintain the system in optimal conditions despite modeling errors and environmental disturbances that can have an influence on the system (pH variations, temperature, light, biofilm appearance, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: I-ESA'12 Proceedings
In a fast changing world governed by innovative Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, the issue of Enterprise Interoperability is no longer limited to the interoperation of systems within a single company, but has become a much greater multi-view issue of interoperability throughout a Network of Enterprises. This book contains the proceedings of 13 workshops presented as short papers and discussions held at each workshop. The workshops were co-located with the I-ESA’12 Conference organized by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Complementary to the conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability. The scope of the workshops spanned a wide range of interoperability issues in Service Science and Innovation, Model Driven Interoperability, Service Oriented Architectures, Factories of the Future, Enterprise Networks and Management, SME Aspects and Standards.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc ICWIM 5, Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles: 5th International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Heavy Vehicles
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) is a process of measuring the dynamic tire forces of a moving vehicle and estimating the corresponding tire loads of the static vehicle. This collection of lectures from the International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion details applications such as: collection of statistical traffic data, support of commercial vehicle enforcement, roadway and bridge cost allocation, and traffic management.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Stochastic Models
This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in which stochastic models are encountered in applied sciences and techniques such as physics, engineering, biology and genetics, economics and social sciences. It covers Markov and semi-Markov models, as well as their particular cases: Poisson, renewal processes, branching processes, Ehrenfest models, genetic models, optimal stopping, reliability, reservoir theory, storage models, and queuing systems. Given this comprehensive treatment of the subject, students and researchers in applied sciences, as well as anyone looking for an introduction to stochastic models, will find this title of invaluable use.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are now realities. Their causes and origins stem from the energy, goods and resources relied upon by the lifestyle of a growing part of humanity. Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition presents this much needed transition, as well as the scenarios and paths essential to mitigating the impacts of climate change. It deals with transitions experimented in the form of ecosystems in universities, cities and territories, as well as with concepts of smart buildings, smart grids and smart cities, addressed to smart users – or not – in an interdisciplinary research context. Sociological issues related to the role of smart building users are discussed, ranging from acceptance to the appropriation of the technologies made available to them. The book highlights the ethics of this essential transition and the importance of individual behaviors in safeguarding humanity on a preserved planet.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3: Non-deterministic Mechanics
This book comprised of three separate volumes presents the recent developments and research discoveries in structural and solid mechanics; it is dedicated to Professor Isaac Elishakoff. This third volume is devoted to non-deterministic mechanics. Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3 has broad scope, covering topics such: design optimization under uncertainty, interval field approaches, convex analysis, quantum inspired topology optimization and stochastic dynamics. The book is illustrated by many applications in the field of aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, biomedical engineering and automotive engineering. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electricity Production from Renewable Energies
Since the early 2000s, energy and environmental issues have led to a marked increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources. Sustainable development and concern for future generations constantly challenge us to develop new technologies for energy production, as well as new energy usage patterns. Their rapid emergence can make these new technologies difficult to understand and can thus affect perceptions.Directed towards a broad audience, this book contributes to a better understanding of new electricity generation technologies. It presents the issues, sources and means of conversion using a general approach, while developing scientific concepts to understand their main technical characteristics.This revised and extended second edition presents current data characterizing the development of these renewable energy sources, covering emerging photovoltaic and tidal technologies, offshore wind power, and recent developments on the integration of these sources into the electricity grid. The emergence of self-production and self-consumption is also addressed. In addition, several exercises provide the reader with an opportunity to evaluate their understanding.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation in Sport: Innovation Trajectories and Process Optimization
Whether in terms of practices, equipment or services, the sports sector is characterized by intense inventiveness and is an excellent subject to study innovation processes. This book provides a sociological reading of these processes, illustrated by case studies that allow us to grasp the complexity of innovation trajectories. The case studies highlight the astonishing pathways, from the origin of inventions to their effective dissemination and use, and including the bifurcations of projects. The “surprises” thus presented refer to an invariant of innovation processes, namely that trajectories are rarely linear and that the control exercised over them is relative. Innovation in Sport concludes with a set of recommendations for optimizing the management of sport innovation. This book is intended for students of sports science and management, as well as for professionals and entrepreneurs in the sports markets.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1: Main Themes
Innovation, in economic activity, in managerial concepts and in engineering design, results from creative activities, entrepreneurial strategies and the business climate. Innovation leads to technological, organizational and commercial changes, due to the relationships between enterprises, public institutions and civil society organizations. These innovation networks create new knowledge and contribute to the dissemination of new socio-economic and technological models, through new production and marketing methods. Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1 is the first of the two volumes that comprise this book. The main objectives across both volumes are to study the innovation processes in today�s information and knowledge society; to analyze how links between research and business have intensified; and to discuss the methods by which innovation emerges and is managed by firms, not only from a local perspective but also a global one. The studies presented in these two volumes contribute toward an understanding of the systemic nature of innovations and enable reflection on their potential applications, in order to think about the meaning of growth and prosperity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 1: 30 Years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea
Due to its particular characteristics, the Mediterranean Sea is often viewed as a microcosm of the World Ocean. Its proportionally-reduced dimensions and peculiar hydrological circulation render it susceptible to environmental and climatic constraints, which are rapidly evolving. The Mediterranean is therefore an ideal site to examine, in order to better understand a number of key oceanographic phenomena. This is especially true of the Ligurian Sea where, due to its geology, oceanic conditions are found close to the coast. As such, 30 years ago, an offshore time-series site provided a fresh impetus to a long history of marine biology research, which has generated a very important body of data and knowledge. This is the first volume, in a two-volume series, that summarizes this research. Across these two books, the reader will find 13 chapters that examine the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the Ligurian Sea ? always with the goal of providing key elements of oceanography in a changing world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-physics Modeling of Technological Systems
The development of mechatronic and multidomain technological systems requires the dynamic behavior to be simulated before detailed CAD geometry is available. This book presents the fundamental concepts of multiphysics modeling with lumped parameters. The approach adopted in this book, based on examples, is to start from the physical concepts, move on to the models and their numerical implementation, and finish with their analysis. With this practical problem-solving approach, the reader will gain a deep understanding of multiphysics modeling of mechatronic or technological systems – mixing mechanical power transmissions, electrical circuits, heat transfer devices and electromechanical or fluid power actuators. Most of the book's examples are made using Modelica platforms, but they can easily be implemented in other 0D/1D multidomain physical system simulation environments such as Amesim, Simulink/Simscape, VHDL-AMS and so on.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Challenges of the Internet of Things: Technique, Use, Ethics
This book will examine the issues of IoT according to three complementary axes: technique, use, ethics. The techniques used to produce artefacts (physical objects, infrastructures), programs (algorithms, software) and data (Big data, linked data, metadata, ontologies) are the subject of many innovations as the field of IoT is rich and stimulating. Along with this technological boom, IoT uses colonize new fields of application in the fields of transport, administration, housing, maintenance, health, sports, well-being. ... Privileged interface with digital ecosystems now at the heart of social exchanges, the IoT develops a power to act whose consequences both good and bad make it difficult to assess a fair business.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation, Research and Development Management
In today’s business environment, as organizations constantly seek to growth and develop through the optimization of their innovative and creative potential, understanding the critical issues and management practices in R & D is essential. This book provides a critical revaluation of the state of the art issues and concepts in R&D management. The views expressed are those of leading French researchers and professionals in this field, fed by empirical studies in national and international firms.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolutions of the Complex Relationship Between Education and Territories
The book weaves the story of the complex links between education and its territories. The aim here is to examine the education couple - understood in the broadest sense: school, college, high school, universities - and territory, according to three main axes: the history and the characterization of the different ties maintained And which the school and its territory always maintain; That of the categorization and characterization of the territories in which the school is situated, of the educational policies - both explicit and grassroots - connected with it and their effects on the school; That of recent pedagogical, didactic and organizational innovations. The book is based on French specialists in territorial education issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Linearities in Passive RFID Systems: Third Harmonic Concept and Applications
This book concerns a new paradigm in the field of UHF RFID systems: the positive exploitation of nonlinear signals generated by the chips integrated into the RFID tags. After having recalled the main principles in RFID technology and its current challenges notably with the emergence of Internet of Things or the smart connected environments, the purpose is to focus on the presence of nonlinearities produced by the nonlinear circuits of RFID chips: effects, nuisances and solutions but also and especially use of the phenomena. The presentation covers all aspects from the characterization of the nonlinear behavior of RFID tags and the associated platforms (distinguishing conducted and radiated measurement) to the design of new types of tags where nonlinearities are exploited in order to offer new capabilities or enhanced performance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management of Extreme Situations: From Polar Expeditions to Exploration-oriented Organizations
In response to the rise of various forms of the extreme in economies, organizations and societies (such as disruptive innovation, climate emergency, financial crisis, high-risk sport, etc.), an ambitious 21st century program sets the agenda of management sciences around the unknown, disruption, uncertainty and risk. Management of Extreme Situations presents the research results from the conference organized at the Cerisy-la-Salle International Cultural Center, France, in 2016. It testifies to the existence of an international community that brings together, around management sciences, various disciplines studying the management concept of extreme situations. Through the analysis of varied contexts (polar and mountain expeditions, fire rescue services, exploration projects in the military field, creative industries, etc.), this book offers an initial grammar of the extreme. It presents a heuristic for the management of these situations – particularly in terms of sensemaking, ambidexterity and knowledge expansion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimal Control in Bioprocesses: Pontryagin's Maximum Principle in Practice
Optimal control is a branch of applied mathematics that engineers need in order to optimize the operation of systems and production processes. Its application to concrete examples is often considered to be difficult because it requires a large investment to master its subtleties. The purpose of Optimal Control in Bioprocesses is to provide a pedagogical perspective on the foundations of the theory and to support the reader in its application, first by using academic examples and then by using concrete examples in biotechnology. The book is thus divided into two parts, the first of which outlines the essential definitions and concepts necessary for the understanding of Pontryagin’s maximum principle – or PMP – while the second exposes applications specific to the world of bioprocesses. This book is unique in that it focuses on the arguments and geometric interpretations of the trajectories provided by the application of PMP.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Textile and Short Fiber Reinforced Composites
This book covers several aspects of the fatigue behavior of textile and short fiber reinforced composites. The first part is dedicated to 2D and 3D reinforced textile composites and includes a systematic description of the damage evolution for quasi-static and tensile-tensile fatigue loadings. Acoustic emissions and digital image correlation are considered in order to detect the damage modes’ initiation and development. The acoustic emission thresholds of the quasi-static loading are connected to the “fatigue limit” of the materials with distinctions for glass and carbon reinforcements.The second part is devoted to the fatigue behavior of injection molded short fiber reinforced composites. Experimental evidence highlights the dependence of their fatigue response on various factors: fiber and matrix materials, fiber distribution, environmental and loading conditions are described. A hybrid (experimental/simulations) multi-scale method is presented, which drastically reduces the amount of experimental data necessary for reliable fatigue life predictions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microwaves Photonic Links: Components and Circuits
This book presents the electrical models for the different elements of a photonic microwave link like lasers, external modulators, optical fibers, photodiodes and phototransistors. The future trends of these components are also introduced: lasers to VCSEL, external modulators to electro-absorption modulators, glass optical fibers to plastic optical fibers, photodiodes to UTC photodiodes or phototransistors. It also describes an original methodology to evaluate the performance of a microwave photonic link, based on the developed elcetrical models, that can be easily incorporated in commercial electrical circuits simulation software to simulate this complete link.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Trends in Constraint Programming
This title brings together the best papers on a range of topics raised at the annual International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. This conference provides papers and workshops which produce new insights, concepts and results which can then be used by those involved in this area to develop their own work.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
Model-based development methods, and supporting technologies, can provide the techniques and tools needed to address the dilemma between reducing system development costs and time, and developing increasingly complex systems. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG) is concerned with the development of standards and technologies that enable and support model-based system development. The aim of this book is to provide the information needed to understand and apply MDE (including MDA) approaches to the development of embedded systems. Chapters, written by experts from academia and industry, cover topics relating to MDE practices and methods, as well as emerging MDE technologies. Much of the writing is based on the presentations given at the Summer School 'MDE for Embedded Systems' held at Brest, France, in September 2004.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Computing Networks: From Cluster to Cloud Computing
“Computing Networks” explores the core of the new distributed computing infrastructures we are using today: the networking systems of clusters, grids and clouds. It helps network designers and distributed-application developers and users to better understand the technologies, specificities, constraints and benefits of these different infrastructures’ communication systems. Cloud Computing will give the possibility for millions of users to process data anytime, anywhere, while being eco-friendly. In order to deliver this emerging traffic in a timely, cost-efficient, energy-efficient, and reliable manner over long-distance networks, several issues such as quality of service, security, metrology, network-resource scheduling and virtualization are being investigated since 15 years. “Computing Networks” explores the core of clusters, grids and clouds networks, giving designers, application developers and users the keys to better construct and use these powerful infrastructures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Volatile CBRAM/MIM Switching Technology for Electronically Reconfigurable Passive Microwave Devices: Theory and Methods for Application in Rewritable Chipless RFID
This book presents the applications of non-volatile CBRAM/MIM switching technology for electronically reconfigurable passive RF and microwave devices, together with theory and methods for application in rewritable chipless RFID tags. Conductive Bridging Random Access Memory (CBRAM) is a renowned and commercially used non-volatile memory concept. Having evolved over the past few decades, it is currently identified as an efficient non-volatile RF switching technology.This book presents recent research on this topic, focusing on the development of a new generation of low-cost non-volatile RF switches and their applications, demonstrating both high performance and flexibility of implementation. It includes the experimental realization of various prototypes of RF and microwave devices utilizing this technology, along with relevant analysis of mathematical and electrical models, and detailed discussions of future aspects. All devices presented are compatible with mass industrial production at an economically efficient budget through optimized fabrication steps, without the requirement of sophisticated “clean room” processes among them.