Search results for ""author john wiley"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd One-Dimensional Queer
The story of gay rights has long been told as one of single-minded focus on the fight for sexual freedom. Yet its origins are much more complicated than this single-issue interpretation would have us believe, and to ignore gay liberation's multidimensional beginnings is to drastically underestimate its radical potential for social change. Ferguson shows how queer liberation emerged out of various insurgent struggles crossing the politics of race, gender, class, and sexuality, and deeply connected to issues of colonization, incarceration, and capitalism. Tracing the rise and fall of this intersectional politics, he argues that the one-dimensional mainstreaming of queerness falsely placed critiques of racism, capitalism, and the state outside the remit of gay liberation. As recent activism is increasingly making clear, this one-dimensional legacy has promoted forms of exclusion that marginalize queers of color, the poor, and transgender individuals. This forceful book joins the call to reimagine and reconnect the fight for social justice in all its varied forms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Can't You Afford a Home?
Throughout the Western world, a whole generation is being priced out of the housing market. For millions of people, particularly millennials, the basic goal of acquiring decent, affordable accommodation is a distant dream. Leading economist Josh Ryan-Collins argues that to understand this crisis, we must examine a crucial paradox at the heart of modern capitalism. The interaction of private home ownership and a lightly regulated commercial banking system leads to a feedback cycle. Unlimited credit and money flows into an inherently finite supply of property, which causes rising house prices, declining home ownership, rising inequality and debt, stagnant growth and financial instability. Radical reforms are needed to break the cycle. This engaging and topical book will be essential reading for anyone who wants to understand why they can’t find an affordable home, and what we can do about it.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Can Governments Earn Our Trust?
Some analysts have called distrust the biggest governmental crisis of our time. It is unquestionably a huge problem, undermining confidence in our elected institutions, shrinking social capital, slowing innovation, and raising existential questions for democratic government itself. What’s behind the rising distrust in democracies around the world and can we do anything about it? In this lively and thought-provoking essay, Donald F. Kettl, a leading scholar of public policy and management, investigates the deep historical roots of distrust in government, exploring its effects on the social contract between citizens and their elected representatives. Most importantly, the book examines the strategies that present-day governments can follow to earn back our trust, so that the officials we elect can govern more effectively on our behalf.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Syria: Hot Spots in Global Politics
With more than 500,000 people killed and at least half the population displaced, Syria's conflict is the most deadly of the twenty-first century. Russia's decision to join the war has broken the long military and political stalemate but it looks unlikely to deliver any of the core demands that spawned the original uprising against the Ba'athist regime. In this fully revised second edition of his acclaimed text, Samer Abboud provides an in-depth analysis of Syria's descent into civil war, the subsequent stalemate, and the consequences of Russian military involvement after 2015. He unravels the complex and multi-layered drivers of the conflict and demonstrates how rebel fragmentation, sustained regime violence, international actors, and the emergence of competing centers of power tore Syria apart in wholly irreversible ways. A resolution to the Syrian catastrophe seems to have emerged in the aftermath of Russia's intervention, but, as Abboud argues, this "authoritarian peace" contains the seeds of continued and future conflict in Syria. While the Assad regime has so far survived, the instability, violence, and insecurity that continue to shape everyday life for the Syrian people portend an uncertain future that will have repercussions on the wider Middle East for years to come.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Civil Disobedience
What is civil disobedience? Although Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King helped to bring the idea to prominence, even today it remains unclear how we should best understand civil disobedience. Why have so many different activists and intellectuals embraced it, and to what ends? Is civil disobedience still politically relevant in today's hyper-connected world? Does it make sense, for example, to describe Edward Snowden's actions, or those of recent global movements like Occupy, as falling under this rubric? If so, how must it adapt to respond to the challenges of digitalization and globalization and the rise of populist authoritarianism in the West?In this elegantly written introductory text, William E. Scheuerman systematically analyzes the most important interpretations of civil disobedience. Drawing out the striking differences separating religious, liberal, radical democratic, and anarchist views, he nonetheless shows that core commonalities remain. Against those who water down the idea of civil disobedience or view it as obsolescent, Scheuerman successfully salvages its central elements. The concept of civil disobedience, he argues, remains a pivotal tool for anyone hoping to bring about political and social change.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Drama of Social Life
In this book Jeffrey Alexander develops the view that cultural sociology and “cultural pragmatics” are vital for understanding the structural turbulence and political possibilities of contemporary social life. Central to Alexander’s approach is a new model of social performance that combines elements from both the theatrical avant-garde and modern social theory. He uses this model to shed new light on a wide range of social actors, movements, and events, demonstrating through striking empirical examples the drama of social life. Producing successful dramas determines the outcome of social movements and provides the keys to political power. Modernity has neither eliminated aura nor suppressed authenticity; on the contrary, they are available to social actors who can perform them in compelling ways. This volume further consolidates Alexander’s reputation as one of the most original social thinkers of our time. It will be of great interest to students and scholars in sociology and cultural studies as well as throughout the social sciences and humanities.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What is Power?
Power is a pervasive phenomenon yet there is little consensus on what it is and how it should be understood. In this book the cultural theorist Byung-Chul Han develops a fresh and original perspective on the nature of power, shedding new light on this key feature of social and political life. Power is commonly defined as a causal relation: an individual’s power is the cause that produces a change of behaviour in someone else against the latter’s will. Han rejects this view, arguing that power is better understood as a mediation between ego and alter which creates a complex array of reciprocal interdependencies. Power can also be exercised not only against the other but also within and through the other, and this involves a much higher degree of mediation. This perspective enables us to see that power and freedom are not opposed to one another but are manifestations of the same power, differing only in the degree of mediation. This highly original account of power will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and of social, political and cultural theory, as well as to anyone seeking to understand the many ways in which power shapes our lives today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Latina/o Studies
Who are Latinos? What’s the difference between Hispanic and Latino – or indeed Latina, Latina/o, Latin@, Latinx? Beyond the political rhetoric and popular culture representations, how can we explore what it means to be part of the largest minority group in the United States? This compelling book acts as an illuminating primer introducing the multidisciplinary field of Latina/o Studies. Bringing together insights from a wide variety of communities, the book covers topics such as the history of Latinos in the United States, gender and sexuality, popular culture, immigration patterns, and social movements. Mize traces the origins of the field from the history of Latin American revolutionary thought, through the Chicano and Puerto Rican movements, and key disruptions from Latina feminisms, queer studies, and critical race theory, right up to the latest developments and interventions. Combining analysis and advocacy, Latina/o Studies is an accessible yet theoretically sophisticated introduction to the communities charting the future of the United States of America and the Américas writ large.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd War and Conflict in Africa
After the Cold War, Africa earned the dubious distinction of being the world's most bloody continent. But how can we explain this proliferation of armed conflicts? What caused them and what were their main characteristics? And what did the world's governments do to stop them? In this fully revised and updated second edition of his popular text, Paul Williams offers an in-depth and wide-ranging assessment of more than six hundred armed conflicts which took place in Africa from 1990 to the present day - from the continental catastrophe in the Great Lakes region to the sprawling conflicts across the Sahel and the web of wars in the Horn of Africa. Taking a broad comparative approach to examine the political contexts in which these wars occurred, he explores the major patterns of organized violence, the key ingredients that provoked them and the major international responses undertaken to deliver lasting peace. Part I, Contexts provides an overview of the most important attempts to measure the number, scale and location of Africa's armed conflicts and provides a conceptual and political sketch of the terrain of struggle upon which these wars were waged. Part II, Ingredients analyses the role of five widely debated features of Africa's wars: the dynamics of neopatrimonial systems of governance; the construction and manipulation of ethnic identities; questions of sovereignty and self-determination; as well as the impact of natural resources and religion. Part III, Responses, discusses four major international reactions to Africa's wars: attempts to build a new institutional architecture to help promote peace and security on the continent; this architecture's two main policy instruments, peacemaking initiatives and peace operations; and efforts to develop the continent. War and Conflict in Africa will be essential reading for all students of international peace and security studies as well as Africa's international relations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What's Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It
Seven decades after its establishment, the United Nations and its system of related organizations and programs are perpetually in crisis. While the twentieth-century’s world wars gave rise to ground-breaking efforts at international organization in 1919 and 1945, today’s UN is ill-equipped to deal with contemporary challenges to world order. Neither the end of the Cold War nor the aftermath of 9/11 has led to the “next generation” of multilateral institutions. But what exactly is wrong with the UN that makes it incapable of confronting contemporary global challenges and, more importantly, can we fix it? In this revised and updated third edition of his popular text, leading scholar of global governance Thomas G. Weiss takes a diagnose-and-cure approach to the world organization’s inherent difficulties. In the first half of the book, he considers: the problems of international leadership and decision making in a world of self-interested states; the diplomatic complications caused by the artificial divisions between the industrialized North and the global South; the structural problems of managing the UN’s many overlapping jurisdictions, agencies, and bodies; and the challenges of bureaucracy and leadership. The second half shows how to mitigate these maladies and points the way to a world in which the UN’s institutional ills might be “cured.” Weiss’s remedies are not based on pious hopes of a miracle cure for the UN, but rather on specific and encouraging examples that could be replicated. With considered optimism and in contrast to received wisdom, he contends that substantial change is both plausible and possible.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Water Politics: Governing Our Most Precious Resource
As the world faces another water crisis, it is easy to understand why this precious and highly-disputed resource could determine the fate of entire nations. In reality, however, water conflicts rarely result in violence and more often lead to collaborative governance, however precarious. In this comprehensive and accessible text, David Feldman introduces readers to the key issues, debates, and challenges in water politics today. Its ten chapters explore the processes that determine how this unique resource captures our attention, the sources of power that determine how we allocate, use, and protect it, and the purposes that direct decisions over its cost, availability, and access. Drawing on contemporary water controversies from every continent from Flint, Michigan to Mumbai, Sao Paulo, and Beijing the book argues that cooperation and more equitable water management are imperative if the global community is to adequately address water challenges and their associated risks, particularly in the developing world. While alternatives for enhancing water supply, including waste-water re-use, desalination, and conservation abound, without inclusive means of addressing citizens' concerns, their adoption faces severe hurdles that can impede cooperation and generate additional conflicts.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Social Determinants of Health: Looking Upstream
This timely book takes seriously the idea of understanding how our social world – and not individual responsibility or the healthcare system – is the primary determinant of our health. Kathryn Strother Ratcliff puts into practice the "upstream" imagery from public health discourse, which locates the causes (and solutions) of health problems within the social environment. Each chapter explains how the policies, politics, and power behind corporate and governmental decisions and actions produce unhealthy circumstances of living – such as poverty, pollution, dangerous working conditions, and unhealthy modes of food production – and demonstrates that putting profit and politics over people is unhealthy and unsustainable. While the book examines how these unhealthy conditions of life generate significant class and ethnic health disparities, the focus is on everyone's health. Arguing that none of us should be placed in health-threatening situations that could have been prevented, Ratcliff's provocative analysis uses social justice and human rights lenses to guide the discussion "upstream," toward possible changes that should produce a healthier world for us all. Using data and ideas from many disciplines, the book provides a synthesis of invaluable information for activists and policymakers, as well as for professionals and students in sociology, public health, and other fields related to health.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hackerspaces: Making the Maker Movement
A new industrial revolution. The age of making. From bits to atoms. Many people are excited by the possibilities offered by new fabrication technologies like 3D printers, and the way in which they are being used in hacker and makerspaces. But why is the power of hacking and making an idea whose time has come? Hackerspaces: Making the Maker Movement takes the rise of the maker movement as its starting point. Hacker and makerspaces, fab labs, and DIY bio spaces are emerging all over the world. Based on a study of hacker and makerspaces across the US, the book explores cultures of hacking and making in the context of wider social changes, arguing that excitement about the maker movement is not just about the availability of new technologies, but the kinds of citizens we are expected to be.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Meuse-Argonne Campaign
A Companion to the Meuse-Argonne Campaign explores the single largest and bloodiest battle in American military history, including its many controversies, in historiographical essays that reflect the current state of the field. Presents original essays on the French and German participation in ‒ and perspectives on ‒ this important event Makes use of original archival research from the United States, France, and Germany Contributors include WWI scholars from France, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom Essays examine the military, social, and political consequences of the Meuse-Argonne and points the way for future scholarship in this area
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Greek Sculpture
Greek Sculpture presents a chronological overview of the plastic and glyptic art forms in the ancient Greek world from the emergence of life-sized marble statuary at the end of the seventh century BC to the appropriation of Greek sculptural traditions by Rome in the first two centuries AD. Compares the evolution of Greek sculpture over the centuries to works of contemporaneous Mediterranean civilizations Emphasizes looking closely at the stylistic features of Greek sculpture, illustrating these observations where possible with original works rather than copies Places the remarkable progress of stylistic changes that took place in Greek sculpture within a broader social and historical context Facilitates an understanding of why Greek monuments look the way they do and what ideas they were capable of expressing Focuses on the most recent interpretations of Greek sculptural works while considering the fragile and fragmentary evidence uncovered
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Alexander's Heirs: The Age of the Successors
Alexander’s Heirs offers a narrative account of the approximately forty years following the death of Alexander the Great, during which his generals vied for control of his vast empire, and through their conflicts and politics ultimately created the Hellenistic Age. Offers an account of the power struggles between Alexander’s rival generals in the forty year period following his death Discusses how Alexander’s vast empire ultimately became the Hellenistic World Makes full use of primary and secondary sources Accessible to a broad audience of students, university scholars, and the educated general reader Explores important scholarly debates on the Diadochi
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Colonial Voices: The Discourses of Empire
This accessible cultural history explores 400 years of British imperial adventure in India, developing a coherent narrative through a wide range of colonial documents, from exhibition catalogues to memoirs and travelogues. It shows how these texts helped legitimize the moral ambiguities of colonial rule even as they helped the English fashion themselves. An engaging examination of European colonizers’ representations of native populations Analyzes colonial discourse through an impressive range of primary sources, including memoirs, letters, exhibition catalogues, administrative reports, and travelogues Surveys 400 years of India’s history, from the 16th century to the end of the British Empire Demonstrates how colonial discourses naturalized the racial and cultural differences between the English and the Indians, and controlled anxieties over these differences
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets
Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets presents a collection of works from social scientists that offer insights into mortgage markets and the causes, effects, and aftermath of the recent 'subprime' mortgage crisis. Provides an even-handed and detailed analysis of mortgage markets and the recent housing crisis Features contributions from various social scientists with expertise in critical social theories who have assembled and analyzed detailed empirical information Offers a unique and powerful rebuttal to many of the misleading popular explanations of the crisis and its aftermath Reveals how racial minorities and the neighbourhoods inhabited by them are more likely to be targeted by subprime and predatory lenders
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Moral Struggle and Religious Ethics: On the Person as Classic in Comparative Theological Contexts
Moral Struggle and Religious Ethics offers a comparative discussion of the challenges of living a moral religious life. This is illustrated with a study of two key thinkers, Bonaventure and Buddhaghosa, who influenced the development of moral thinking in Christianity and Buddhism respectively. Provides an important and original contribution to the comparative study and practice of religious ethics Moves away from a comparison of theories by discussing the shared human problem of moral weakness Offers an fresh approach with a comparison of the understanding of the problem of moral weakness between the two key thinkers, Bonaventure and Buddhaghosa Written by a highly respected academic in the dynamic and fast-growing field of comparative religious ethics
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Epidemiology Kept Simple: An Introduction to Traditional and Modern Epidemiology
Epidemiology Kept Simple introduces the epidemiological principles and methods that are increasingly important in the practice of medicine and public health. With minimum use of technical language it fully explains terminology, concepts, and techniques associated with traditional and modern epidemiology. Topics include disease causality, epidemiologic measures, descriptive epidemiology, study design, clinical and primary prevention trials, observational cohort studies, case-control studies, and the consideration of random and systematic error in studies of causal factors. Chapters on the infectious disease process, outbreak investigation, and screening for disease are also included. The latter chapters introduce more advanced biostatistical and epidemiologic techniques, such as survival analysis, Mantel-Haenszel techniques, and tests for interaction. This third edition addresses all the requirements of the American Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Epidemiological Competencies, and provides enhanced clarity and readability on this difficult subject. Updated with new practical exercises, case studies and real world examples, this title helps you develop the necessary tools to interpret epidemiological data and prepare for board exams, and now also includes review questions at the end of each chapter. Epidemiology Kept Simple continues to provide an introductory guide to the use of epidemiological methods for graduate and undergraduate students studying public health, health education and nursing, and for all practicing health professionals seeking professional development.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Plato Wrote
Why Plato Wrote argues that Plato was not only the world’s first systematic political philosopher, but also the western world’s first think-tank activist and message man. Shows that Plato wrote to change Athenian society and thereby transform Athenian politics Offers accessible discussions of Plato’s philosophy of language and political theory Selected by Choice as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2011
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Classical Greek World
This Companion provides scholarly yet accessible new interpretations of Greek history of the Classical period, from the aftermath of the Persian Wars in 478 B.C. to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. Topics covered range from the political and institutional structures of Greek society, to literature, art, economics, society, warfare, geography and the environment Discusses the problems of interpreting the various sources for the period Guides the reader towards a broadly-based understanding of the history of the Classical Age
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Food Safety Engineering
This book presents a comprehensive and substantial overview of the emerging field of food safety engineering, bringing together in one volume the four essential components of food safety: the fundamentals of microbial growth food safety detection techniques microbial inactivation techniques food safety management systems Written by a team of highly active international experts with both academic and professional credentials, the book is divided into five parts. Part I details the principles of food safety including microbial growth and modelling. Part II addresses novel and rapid food safety detection methods. Parts III and IV look at various traditional and novel thermal and non-thermal processing techniques for microbial inactivation. Part V concludes the book with an overview of the major international food safety management systems such as GMP, SSOP, HACCP and ISO22000.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ecology of Urban Environments
Provides an accessible introduction to urban ecology, using established ecological theory to identify generalities in the complexity of urban environments. Examines the bio-physical processes of urbanization and how these influence the dynamics of urban populations, communities and ecosystems Explores the ecology of humans in cities Discusses practical strategies for conserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services in urban environments Includes case studies with questions to improve retention and understanding
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic
A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Republic offers a diversity of perspectives to explore how differing approaches and methodologies can contribute to a greater understanding of the formation of the Roman Republic. Brings together the experiences and ideas of archaeologists from around the world, with multiple backgrounds and areas of interest Offers a vibrant exploration of the ways in which archaeological methods can be used to explore different elements of the Roman Republican period Demonstrates that the Republic was not formed in a vacuum, but was influenced by non-Latin-speaking cultures from throughout the Mediterranean region Enables archaeological thinking in this area to be made accessible both to a more general audience and as a valuable addition to existing discourse Investigates the archaeology of the Roman Republican period with reference to material culture, landscape, technology, identity and empire
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Aztecs
The Aztecs brings to life one of the best-known indigenous civilizations of the Americas in a vivid, comprehensive account of the ancient Aztecs. A thorough examination of Aztec origins and civilization including religion, science, and thought Incorporates the latest archaeological excavations and research into explanations of the Spanish conquest and the continuity of Aztec culture in Central Mexico Expanded coverage includes key topics such as writing, music, royal tombs, and Aztec predictions of the end of the world
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Beyond Borders: A History of Mexican Migration to the United States
Beyond Borders: A History of Mexican Migration to the United States details the origins and evolution of the movement of people from Mexico into the United States from the first significant flow across the border at the turn of the twentieth century up to the present day. Considers the issues from the perspectives of both the United States and Mexico Offers a reasoned assessment of the factors that drive Mexican immigration, explains why so many of the policies enacted in Washington have only worsened the problem, and suggests what policy options might prove more effective Argues that the problem of Mexican immigration can only be solved if Mexico and the United States work together to reduce the disequilibrium that propels Mexican immigrants to the United States
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Academic Writing, Philosophy and Genre
This book investigates how philosophical texts display a variety of literary forms and explores philosophical writing and the relation of philosophy to literature and reading. Discusses the many different philosophical genres that have developed, among them letters, the treatise, the confession, the meditation, the allegory, the essay, the soliloquy, the symposium, the consolation, the commentary, the disputation, and the dialogue Shows how these forms of philosophy have conditioned and become the basis of academic writing (and assessment) within both the university and higher education more generally Explores questions of philosophical writing and the relation of philosophy to literature and reading
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence
The timely Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence brings together an international, interdisciplinary group of scholars who provide a coherent state of the art overview of the complex relationships between religion and violence. This companion tackles one of the most important topics in the field of Religion in the twenty-first century, pulling together a unique collection of cutting-edge work A focused collection of high-quality scholarship provides readers with a state-of-the-art account of the latest work in this field The contributors are broad-ranging, international, and interdisciplinary, and include historians, political scientists, religious studies scholars, sociologists, anthropologists, theologians, scholars of women's and gender studies and communication
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Formed From This Soil: An Introduction to the Diverse History of Religion in America
Formed from This Soil offers a complete history of religion in America that centers on the diversity of sacred traditions and practices that have existed in the country from its earliest days. Organized chronologically starting with the earliest Europeans searching for new routes to Asia, through to the global context of post-9/11 America of the 21st century Includes discussion of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, political affiliations, and other elements of individual and collective identity Incorporates recent scholarship for a nuanced history that goes beyond simple explanations of America as a Protestant society Discusses diverse beliefs and practices that originated in the Americas as well as those that came from Europe, Asia, and Africa Pedagogical features include numerous visual images; sidebars with specialized topics and interpretive themes; discussion questions for each chapter; a glossary of common terms; and lists of relevant resources to broaden student learning
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A History of Babylon, 2200 BC - AD 75
Provides a new narrative history of the ancient world, from the beginnings of civilization in the ancient Near East and Egypt to the fall of Constantinople Written by an expert in the field, this book presents a narrative history of Babylon from the time of its First Dynasty (1880-1595) until the last centuries of the city’s existence during the Hellenistic and Parthian periods (ca. 331-75 AD). Unlike other texts on Ancient Near Eastern and Mesopotamian history, it offers a unique focus on Babylon and Babylonia, while still providing readers with an awareness of the interaction with other states and peoples. Organized chronologically, it places the various socio-economic and cultural developments and institutions in their historical context. The book also gives religious and intellectual developments more respectable coverage than books that have come before it. A History of Babylon, 2200 BC – AD 75 teaches readers about the most important phase in the development of Mesopotamian culture. The book offers in-depth chapter coverage on the Sumero-Addadian Background, the rise of Babylon, the decline of the first dynasty, Kassite ascendancy, the second dynasty of Isin, Arameans and Chaldeans, the Assyrian century, the imperial heyday, and Babylon under foreign rule. Focuses on Babylon and Babylonia Written by a highly regarded Assyriologist Part of the very successful Histories of the Ancient World series An excellent resource for students, instructors, and scholars A History of Babylon, 2200 BC - AD 75 is a profound text that will be ideal for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses on Ancient Near Eastern and Mesopotamian history and scholars of the subject.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethics for Psychologists
Ethics for Psychologists, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive handbook covering the full range of ethical challenges that confront psychologists in practice and research Written for all psychology practitioners and researchers Addresses new concerns such as 'whistleblowing', quantifying ethics, and Internet-related issues Features greatly expanded section of case studies, resolutions, and work exercises Suitable for all English-speaking countries beyond just North America Includes guidance on a variety of national ethics codes, including the European Meta-Code of Ethics and the UN Declaration of Human Rights
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books
Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books presents an in-depth introduction to the origins and development of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament, including an examination of the literary structure, authorship, and editorial processes that produced each book. The only introductory textbook that explores both how the prophetic books were composed and edited Accessible and engaging, the book contains numerous student features to encourage learning, including introductions, summaries, tables and boxes, etc Based on international scholarship on the individual prophetic books, including German scholarship that is otherwise inaccessible to most English readers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Henry George: Political Ideologue, Social Philosopher and Economic Theorist
Containing important papers by various Georgist scholars, this book highlights the ideas and influence of Henry George as a political economist. Highlights the ideas and influence of Henry George Includes path-breaking work on Henry George’s rent theory Features in the Studies in Economic Reform and Social Justice series
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Neurotrauma: Managing Patients with Head Injury
Neurotrauma: Managing Patients with Head Injuries is a comprehensive, holistic, evidence-based approach to the primary, secondary and tertiary care of a person with neurotrauma. Using a patient-centred needs approach to enhance the quality of care of head injured patients, family and carers, this multidisciplinary book enables the reader to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned to the practice of neurotrauma in all settings. It explores: Anatomy and physiology of the brain Pharmacology for neurotrauma patients Assessment of the patient with neurotrauma Management of neurotrauma in a range of settings including at the scene, in the emergency department, and at the hospital Neuro-rehabilitation Community care Nursing management of the patient This practical resource includes activities, exercises, and ethical and legal considerations throughout, making it ideal reading for all staff working in neuroscience, emergency, critical and rehabilitation settings.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Unraveling French Cinema: From L'Atalante to Cach
Unraveling French Cinema provides a much needed introduction to the complexities of French film for students, cineastes, and the movie-loving public. Looks at the differences between French and American national cinema Explores how French directors shape their films around two potentially divergent goals: the narration of a story and an elaboration of some theory about film itself. Demystifies the "difficulty" of French cinema, allowing the American movie-goer to enjoy films that are too often perplexing at a first viewing. Offers extended analyses of classic, New Wave, and contemporary French films—including L'Atalante, Adele H., The Rules of the Game, and Cache.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Intracardiac EGMs and ECGs
Although the electrocardiogram (ECG) is accepted as a standard clinical tool, electrograms (EGMs) recorded during electrophysiology studies are considered complex and confusing. In this brief paperback, an award-winning teacher provides the newcomer with an introductory guide to electrophysiology studies and the interpretation of electrograms. Dr. Kusumoto divides the 15 chapters into two main sections, Electrophysiology Concepts and Specific Arrhythmias. First, he reviews the basics of electrophysiology testing and the diagnostic evaluation of general types of arrhythmias. From that foundation, he proceeds to discuss specific arrhythmia types and techniques for evaluation and ablation: • Accessory pathways • AV node reentry • Focal atrial tachycardia • Atrial flutter • Atrial fibrillation • Ventricular tachycardiaThe final chapter considers implantable cardiac devices as they relate to ECGs and electrograms. Each short chapter includes a bullet-point summary and helpful review questions. Plentiful ECG and EGM tracings illustrate the text. Cardiology and electrophysiology fellows, allied professionals working in the electrophysiology laboratory, and all professionals interested in beginning a study of heart rhythms and electrophysiology will want to keep Understanding Intracardiac EGMs and ECGs close at hand for frequent reference.Titles of Related Interest Taylor, 150 Practice ECGs: Interpretation and Review, 3rd EditionISBN: 978-1-4051-0483-8 Fogoros, Antiarrhythmic Drugs: A Practical Guide, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-1-4051-6351-4 Stouffer, Practical ECG Interpretation: Clues to Heart Disease in Young AdultsISBN: 978-1-4051-7928-7 Abedin, ECG Interpretation: The Self-Assessment Approach, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-1-4051-6749-9
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
The relationship of metabolic diseases to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is reaching epidemic proportions. This relates mostly to the increasing prevalence of obesity, the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. This book outlines and addresses the metabolic factors and related diseases that contribute to CVD, including brief introductions to metabolic pathways including lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, macronutrient fuel partitioning, insulin action and body weight regulation. Mechanisms that relate to becoming obese, maintenance of the obese state, the dyslipidemias, and glucose intolerance/diabetes are also addressed, and the importance of interventions that reduce metabolic risk factors and CVD are covered.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Building Maintenance
Maintaining a building is expensive: it costs many times more to run a building over its lifetime than to build it, yet maintenance is often not accorded the priority it warrants. A poorly maintained building will be a drain on resources and will impair building use, whereas a well maintained building will function smoothly and represent an appreciating asset to its owners. Building Maintenance is a core text on the technical aspects of maintenance for undergraduate degree students on built environment courses, particularly building surveying and facilities management. It addresses the ‘who, what, where, when, how and why’ of maintenance activities and shows that maintenance should be considered seriously at the design stage. Extensive case studies illustrate what can go wrong, how to put matters right and how to get it right first time, next time. A professional approach is required to building maintenance. By encouraging maintenance managers to stand back and take a strategic view of building maintenance alongside their day-to-day tasks, this book will help practitioners and students to achieve that.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective
Media & Youth: A Developmental Perspective provides a comprehensive review and critique of the research and theoretical literature related to media effects on infants, children, and adolescents, with a unique emphasis on development. The only textbook to evaluate the role of development in media effects research, filling a gap in the subject of children and media Multiple forms of media, including internet use, are discussed for a comprehensive view of the subject Developmental points of interest are highlighted at the end of each section to reinforce the importance of development in media effects research Children’s cognitive, social, and emotional abilities from pre-school to adolescence are integrated into the text for greater clarity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ideas About Art
Ideas About Art is an intelligent, accessible introductory text for students interested in learning how to think about aesthetics. It uses stories drawn from the experiences of individuals involved in the arts as a means of exposing readers to the philosophies, theories, and arguments that shape and drive visual art. An accessible, story-driven introduction to aesthetic theory and philosophy Prompts readers to develop independent ideas about aesthetics; this is a guide on how to think, not what to think Includes discussions of non-western, contemporary, and discipline-specific theories Examines a range of art-based dilemmas across a wide variety of disciplines - from art and design and law to visual and museum studies
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pain Management: Expanding the Pharmacological Options
Conventional pharmaceutical approaches to pain management are not always successful. Using only those medications that have an official indication for a certain condition reduces substantially the chance of the patient gaining pain relief and may expose them to intolerable side effects. However evidence now exists on the use of other drugs, produced for non-pain conditions, and how they can substantially increase the chances of pain relief. Covering the most recent developments in this field, McCleane offers an alternative solution to pain treatment when conventional treatments fail. This pioneering book proposes evidence-based alternatives to current options in pain management, using well-grounded rationales for each given treatment. This book is an ideal reference for the specialist and non-specialist prescriber alike and for practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines. It provides the evidence required and treatment algorithms for readers to use the drugs appropriately and to explore the field if they wish.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultural Appropriation and the Arts
Now, for the first time, a philosopher undertakes a systematic investigation of the moral and aesthetic issues to which cultural appropriation gives rise. Cultural appropriation is a pervasive feature of the contemporary world (the Parthenon Marbles remain in London; white musicians from Bix Beiderbeck to Eric Clapton have appropriated musical styles from African-American culture) Young offers the first systematic philosophical investigation of the moral and aesthetic issues to which cultural appropriation gives rise Tackles head on the thorny issues arising from the clash and integration of cultures and their artifacts Questions considered include: “Can cultural appropriation result in the production of aesthetically successful works of art?” and “Is cultural appropriation in the arts morally objectionable?” Part of the highly regarded New Directions in Aesthetics series
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics
This comprehensive and concise presentation of genetic factors in cardiovascular disease and their response to therapy consolidates knowledge of this high-interest and emerging topic. Covering broad areas of contemporary genomic medicine and specific cardiovascular diseases, this book is a must for anyone seeking to better understand this rapidly developing field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Jesus: A Brief History
Drawing on examples from literature, art, and popular culture, as well as theology, this engaging book reveals the importance of the question, "whose was he?" in fully understanding the life and legacy of Jesus. A concise, accessible and engaging exploration of Jesus's life and enduring influence Charts the changing global status and influence of Jesus, a Galilean Jew born when the ancient Roman Empire ruled the Mediterranean world, and how he has come to be honored as the Christ and recognized by billions of people around the world Traces the reception history of Jesus and his story over the past two millennia, through art, literature, and culture, as well as theology Draws on a fascinating range of materials - from ancient texts, creeds, and theological treatises, to the visual and dramatic arts, including books like The DaVinci Code and films such as The Passion of the Christ
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalization: The Making of World Society
GLOBALIZATION “Lechner has drawn on his extensive work on, and his deep knowledge of, globalization to write a brief, accessible, and highly successful introduction to the field. The early chapters on food, sport, and mass media should pique the student’s interest and lure them into a deeper involvement with later chapters and the field in general.”George Ritzer, University of Maryland “Frank Lechner’s text takes on key issues in the study of globalization with real clarity and critical power. An authoritative account of the major issues, theories, and debates in the field, aptly illustrated by diverse contemporary examples, this text offers a clear analysis of a complex topic that will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars.” Fran Tonkiss, London School of Economics Written in a lively and accessible style, Globalization: The Making of World Society shows how globalization affects everyday experience, creates new institutions, and presents new challenges. With many examples, Lechner describes how the process unfolds in a wide range of fields, from sports and media to law and religion. While sketching the outlines of a world society in the making, the book also demonstrates that globalization is inherently diverse and contentious. In this concise analysis of a complex subject, Lechner presents some of the best work in the social sciences in clear and readable fashion. Globalization: The Making of World Society will serve as a stimulating, state-of-the-art text for any student of globalization, beginner or advanced.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Globalization: The Making of World Society
GLOBALIZATION “Lechner has drawn on his extensive work on, and his deep knowledge of, globalization to write a brief, accessible, and highly successful introduction to the field. The early chapters on food, sport, and mass media should pique the student’s interest and lure them into a deeper involvement with later chapters and the field in general.”George Ritzer, University of Maryland “Frank Lechner’s text takes on key issues in the study of globalization with real clarity and critical power. An authoritative account of the major issues, theories, and debates in the field, aptly illustrated by diverse contemporary examples, this text offers a clear analysis of a complex topic that will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars.” Fran Tonkiss, London School of Economics Written in a lively and accessible style, Globalization: The Making of World Society shows how globalization affects everyday experience, creates new institutions, and presents new challenges. With many examples, Lechner describes how the process unfolds in a wide range of fields, from sports and media to law and religion. While sketching the outlines of a world society in the making, the book also demonstrates that globalization is inherently diverse and contentious. In this concise analysis of a complex subject, Lechner presents some of the best work in the social sciences in clear and readable fashion. Globalization: The Making of World Society will serve as a stimulating, state-of-the-art text for any student of globalization, beginner or advanced.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rome, Season One: History Makes Television
Rome, Season One: History Makes Television examines the first season of the HBO-BBC collaboration, Rome, in a collection of thought-provoking essays by some of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of classical antiquity and popular culture. Examines the first season of the HBO-BBC collaboration, Rome, in a collection of 17 thought-provoking essays by some of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of classical antiquity and popular culture Focuses on the award-winning first season’s historical framework, visual and narrative style, contemporary thematic overtones, and influence on popular culture Addresses the artistic values, and roles of the script, sets, and actors Reveals how the series Rome ‘makes history’ in terms of representing the past on screen and producing innovative and influential television.