Search results for ""author john wiley"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Theories of Mythology
Theories of Mythology provides students with both a history of theories of myth and a practical ‘how-to’ guide to interpreting myth, the most elementary form of narrative. Both a history of theories of myth and a practical ‘how-to’ guide to interpreting myth. Introduces the major theories of myth from the nineteenth century to the present day. Covers comparative approaches, psychoanalysis, ritual theories of myth, structuralism, and ideological analysis. Supplies readers with the theoretical tools for imitating each method. Features detailed exemplary readings of familiar myths.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information
This Guide provides an ambitious state-of-the-art survey of the fundamental themes, problems, arguments and theories constituting the philosophy of computing. A complete guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Comprises 26 newly-written chapters by leading international experts. Provides a complete, critical introduction to the field. Each chapter combines careful scholarship with an engaging writing style. Includes an exhaustive glossary of technical terms. Ideal as a course text, but also of interest to researchers and general readers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the Reformation
For the third edition, this comprehensive history of the great heretical movements of the Middle Ages has been updated to take account of recent research in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Reformation Theologians: An Introduction to Theology in the Early Modern Period
The Reformation Theologians is the ideal introduction to the study of the sixteenth-century Reformations. It introduces the theological context, though, and contributions of theologians from this period, offering students and scholars an essential resource and insight. This comprehensive and lively book discusses all the major strands of Reformation thought and explores the work of a range of influential figures, including theologians and non-theologians, humanists, clergy and laity, men and women. The contributors to this volume are leading scholars in the field of historical and systematic theology. Accessibly structured, it covers the Humanist, Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholic, and "Radical" Theologians. An introductory chapter explores the interpretations of the Reformation and a concluding chapter explains the influence of Reformation theologies on the modern period. The text also includes useful bibliographies and a glossary of theological terms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy
This is the first survey of religious beliefs in the British Isles from the Old Stone Age to the coming of Christianity, one of the least familiar periods in Britain's history. Ronald Hutton draws upon a wealth of new data, much of it archaeological, that has transformed interpretation over the past decade. Giving more or less equal weight to all periods, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, he examines a fascinating range of evidence for Celtic and Romano-British paganism, from burial sites, cairns, megaliths and causeways, to carvings, figurines, jewellery, weapons, votive objects, literary texts and folklore.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Happiness: How to Get Into the Habit of Being Happy
Get into the habit of being happy! We may all have different abilities, interests, beliefs and lifestyles, beliefs but there is one thing that we all have in common: We want to be happy! Happiness shows you how to be happy by adopting lifelong “happiness habits” that bring and fulfilment and pleasure to your days. These habits will help you manage life’s inevitable ups and downs; consistent practice will develop your happiness abilities and help you live the happy life you want. Aristotle believed that happiness was comprised of pleasure and a sense of life well-lived. Today’s research agrees, suggesting that “happiness” is defined by your overall satisfaction with your life as well as how you feel from day to day. This book shows you that happiness is a skill made up of a particular set of habits that you can bring in your life starting today. Identify your own, personal definition of “happiness” Learn why we need to be happy and what often gets in the way Develop habits that help you create and maintain happiness long-term Learn how to be happy when you’re stuck in an unhappy situation Discover the often-overlooked happiness that surrounds you every day While happiness is not feeling good all the time you do have the ability to control how you feel Happiness gives you the skills and perspective to recognise happiness and pursue a happy life—whatever that may mean for you.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Age of Catastrophe
The world is entering a new age of catastrophe. The exceptional is becoming normal. The last such crisis, between 1914 and 1945, witnessed two world wars, the Great Depression, and the Holocaust. Now humankind faces fresh existential threats – the COVID-19 pandemic, wildfires, floods and other extreme weather events caused by accelerating climate change, and the danger of nuclear war in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. These threats, argues Alex Callinicos, have their common source in a multidimensional crisis of the capitalist system, which is hitting the buffers, hurling us towards societal collapse. It embraces the increasing destruction of nature and the degradation of labour, a world economy stagnant since the global financial crisis, and escalating inter-imperialist conflicts between the United States, China, and Russia. So far, the main political beneficiary has been the far right, which may capture the White House again. But the new age of catastrophe is also an age of revolt. Following on from Black Lives Matter, the #MeToo protests, and the revolts in Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Iran, multiple faultlines in the system will provoke still more mass movements that can challenge myriad forms of oppression and open the way to a just and sustainable world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Case Against the Sexual Revolution
Ditching the stuffy hang-ups and benighted sexual traditionalism of the past is an unambiguously positive thing. The sexual revolution has liberated us to enjoy a heady mixture of erotic freedom and personal autonomy. Right? Wrong, argues Louise Perry in her provocative new book. Although it would be neither possible nor desirable to turn the clock back to a world of pre-60s sexual mores, she argues that the amoral libertinism and callous disenchantment of liberal feminism and our contemporary hypersexualised culture represent more loss than gain. The main winners from a world of rough sex, hook-up culture and ubiquitous porn – where anything goes and only consent matters – are a tiny minority of high-status men, not the women forced to accommodate the excesses of male lust. While dispensing sage advice to the generations paying the price for these excesses, she makes a passionate case for a new sexual culture built around dignity, virtue and restraint. This counter-cultural polemic from one of the most exciting young voices in contemporary feminism should be read by all men and women uneasy about the mindless orthodoxies of our ultra-liberal era.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Peak Libido: Sex, Ecology, and the Collapse of Desire
What is the carbon footprint of your libido? In this highly original book, Dominic Pettman examines the mutual influence and impact of human desire and ecological crisis. His account is premised on a simple but startling observation: the decline of libido among the world’s population, the loss of the human sex drive, closely tracks the destruction of environments worldwide. The advent of the Anthropocene leads to the decline of eros, the weakening of the link between sexual pleasure and human reproduction, and thus, potentially, to human extinction. Our capacity to care for one another in any meaningful way is being replaced by a restless, technologically-enhanced zombie drive. The environmental crisis of our time is also, and simultaneously, a crisis of human reproduction and of interpersonal intimacy. What Freud called ‘libidinal economy’ has morphed into libidinal ecology. Drawing on the work of a wide range of thinkers from Georges Bataille to Donna Haraway, Pettman explores the implications of peak libido, linking this development to the new cultural interest in eco-sexuality, polyamory, and other cases of the ‘greening of the libido’. Peak Libido is a forceful reminder that our hearts and loins are primarily ecological organs, beholden to their wider environments, and, as such, they share the same fate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and Political Theory: Feminist Reckonings
Western political theory typically incorporates certain assumptions about sex and gender as natural, unvarying and “pre-political.” This book critically examines these assumptions and shows how recent scholarship undermines the illusion that bodies exist outside politics and beyond the reach of the state. Leading political theorist Mary Hawkesworth’s cutting-edge intersectional account demonstrates how popular conceptions of human nature, public and private, citizenship, liberty, the state, and injustice relegate women, people of color, sexual minorities, and gender-variant people to inferior status despite constitutional guarantees of equality before the law. Hawkesworth argues that traditional political theory has contributed to the perpetuation of pernicious forms of injustice by masking the state’s role in the creation of subordinated and stigmatized subjects. The book draws insights from critical race, feminist, postcolonial, queer, and trans* theory to give a compelling, original, and highly readable introduction to historical and contemporary debates on gender and political theory for students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Family Therapy: Concepts, Process and Practice
Now in its third edition, this highly regarded and well-established textbook includes up-to-date coverage of recent advances in family therapy practice and reviews of latest research, whilst retaining the popular structure and chapter features of previous editions. Presents a unique, integrative approach to the theory and practice of family therapy Distinctive style addresses family behaviour patterns, family belief systems and narratives, and broader contextual factors in problem formation and resolution Shows how the model can be applied to address issues of childhood and adolescence (e.g. conduct problems, drug abuse) and of adulthood (e.g. marital distress, anxiety, depression) Student-friendly features: chapters begin with a chapter plan and conclude with a summary of key points; theoretical chapters include a glossary of new terms; case studies and further reading suggestions are included throughout
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals
Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals Essential reading for dental professionals and other healthcare workers wanting to build emotional resilience and positive mental health Dentistry is a high-stress profession with elevated rates of anxiety, depression, burnout, suicidal thoughts and self-harm. Chronic workplace stress is a growing concern as it can severely damage the mental health of dental professionals and negatively impact their ability to provide appropriate care. Psychological interventions have been shown to greatly benefit the well-being and emotional resilience of the medical and healthcare community, yet resources that provide preventative tools are limited. Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals, is designed not only to combat occupational hazards in Dentistry, such as burnout and compassion fatigue, but also to build resilience, engagement at work and nurture positive mental health through a variety of evidence-based tools. This invaluable guide helps readers utilise tools from the science of well-being (Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), to create happier, thriving careers. It includes: Tools from resilience interventions to help dental professionals implement preventative habits and take steps towards positive mental health Focus on self awareness in recognizing burnout early Positive psychology and well-being exercises, customised for dental professionals, to help you meld together research and application: from journaling and creative exercises to nature-based and activities at work Measure and track well-being using psychological scales Manage difficult emotions, practice mindfulness and self-compassion, develop a culture of kindness and gratitude at work, utilise a growth mindset when upskilling, harness positive leadership and use strengths, with patients and at home Create habits that stick through applying the psychology of goal setting, behaviour change, motivation psychology, work-life harmony and happiness Written by a Positive Psychologist, and Dentist, with more than 12 years’ clinical dentistry experience within a stressful NHS environment, Resilience and Well-being for Dental Professionals is a must-have resource for all dental students, hygienists, therapists, dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians, specialists and allied healthcare workers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine
Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine Comprehensive resource offering practical and accessible guidance on managing behavior problems in cats Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine provides a complete, easy-to-use reference to practical information on identifying, diagnosing, and treating behavior problems in cats. Designed to offer streamlined access to concrete guidance for managing feline behavior, the book offers diagnostic plans organized by clinical sign. Normal behavior is thoroughly described, to provide a better understanding of the abnormal, with the heart of the book devoted to advice for identifying, diagnosing, and treating specific behavior problems. The book describes the diagnostic process and covers treatment options for each problem. A companion website offers client education handouts to enhance compliance and video clips depicting presenting complaints. Sample topics covered in Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine include: Normal feline social behavior, covering body language and other social communication, feline social structure, interactions with humans and other species, and social/behavioral development in the kitten Preventing behavior problems, covering feeding, litter box availability and care, scratching options, toys, and grooming Elimination problems, including the differentiation between urine marking and toileting, deducing the underlying causes, and elements of effects treatment plans Senior cats, covering feline cognitive decline, increased vocalization, sleep-wake cycle disturbances, disorientation, litterbox problems, and repetitive behaviors With its specific topical focus of behavior in felines, Clinical Handbook of Feline Behavior Medicine is a targeted and highly useful resource for any veterinarian seeing feline patients, assisting through all stages of treatment with easily accessible and understandable information.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd The Ultimate Book of Influence: 10 Tools of Persuasion to Connect, Communicate, and Win in Business
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Islam in Europe
This vigorously argued book reveals the central role that Islam has played in European history. Following the movement of people, culture and religion from East to West, Goody breaks down the perceived opposition between Islam and Europe, showing Islam to be a part of Europe's past and present. In an historical analysis of religious warfare and forced migration, Goody examines our understanding of legitimate violence, ethnic cleansing and terrorism. His comparative perspective offers important and illuminating insights into current political problems and conflicts. Goody traces three routes of Islam into Europe, following the Arab through North Africa, Spain and Mediterranean Europe; the Turk through Greece and the Balkans; and the Mongol through Southern Russia to Poland and Lithuania. Each thrust made its mark on Europe in terms of population and culture. Yet this was not merely a military impact: especially in Spain, but elsewhere too, Europe was substantially modified by this contact. Today it takes the form of some eleven million immigrants, not to speak of the possible incorporation of further millions through Bosnia, Albania and Turkey.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming
The discussions about the ethical, political and human implications of the postmodernist condition have been raging for longer than most of us care to remember. They have been especially fierce within feminism. After a brief flirtation with postmodern thinking in the 1980s, mainstream feminist circles seem to have turned their back on the staple notions of poststructuralist philosophy. Metamorphoses takes stock of the situation and attempts to reset priorities within the poststructuralist feminist agenda. Cross-referring in a creative way to Deleuze's and Irigaray's respective philosophies of difference, the book addresses key notions such as embodiment, immanence, sexual difference, nomadism and the materiality of the subject. Metamorphoses also focuses on the implications of these theories for cultural criticism and a redefinition of politics. It provides a vivid overview of contemporary culture, with special emphasis on technology, the monstrous imaginary and the recurrent obsession with 'the flesh' in the age of techno-bodies. This highly original contribution to current debates is written for those who find changes and transformations challenging and necessary. It will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy, feminist theory, gender studies, sociology, social theory and cultural studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feminism and Ecology
The relationship between feminism and ecology has grown in importance in recent years. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecofeminist movement and its history, as well as an extended analysis of the main perspectives within it. Mellor examines the connections between feminism and the green movement, and outlines the contributions of the major participants, while contextualizing them within a wider range of debates. She re-examines classic feminist texts from an ecofeminist perspective, and explores the relationship between ecofeminism and other ecological movements, such as 'deep' ecology, social ecology and ecosocialism. Mellor discusses the association of women with biology and 'nature', and argues that the relationship between women and the environment can help us to understand the relationship between humanity and the natural world. Against the trends towards radical economic liberalism, global capitalism and postmodernist pluralism, she argues that there is within the feminist and green movements the basis of a new radical movement which draws on the principles of both. A useful and engaging account of feminist perspectives on ecology, the book will be welcomed by students and researchers in feminism and gender studies, sociology and political theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Industrial Policies
Microeconomic policies in particular, industrial and innovation policies are appraised and enforced within the framework of the rules relative to free movement and competition. This book introduces the current wave of innovative industrial policies in France. By giving a historical context to their development, the evolution of key economic concepts and theories are put into perspective. In addition, with the aim of articulating horizontal and vertical interventions, this book analyzes the difficulties for public authorities when it comes to linking these �matrix� policies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lectures 19491968 Volume 2
When Theodor W. Adorno returned to Germany from his exile in the United States, he was appointed as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Frankfurt and he immediately made a name for himself as a leading public intellectual. Adorno's widespread influence on the postwar debates was due in part to the public lectures he gave outside of the university in which he analysed and commented on social, cultural and political developments of the time. This second volume brings together Adorno's lectures given between 1949 and 1968 on social and political themes. With an engaging and improvisational style, Adorno spoke with infectious vigour about architecture and city planning, the relationship between the individual and society, the authoritarian personality and far-right extremism, political education and the current state of sociology, among other subjects. After Auschwitz, it was incumbent on Germany to undertake intensive memory work and to confront the reality of its
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lectures 19491968 Volume 1
John Wiley and Sons Ltd We Share Walls
We Share Walls: Language, Land, and Gender in Berber Morocco explores how political economic shifts over the last century have reshaped the language practices and ideologies of women (and men) in the plains and mountains of rural Morocco. Offers a unique and richly textured ethnography of language maintenance and shift as well as language and place-making among an overlooked Muslim group Examines how Moroccan Berbers use language to integrate into the Arab-speaking world and retain their own distinct identity Illuminates the intriguing semiotic and gender issues embedded in the culture Part of the Blackwell Studies in Discourse and Culture Series
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Year in Neurology 2008, Volume 1142
Collection of review articles highlighting the top science and recent developments in the field of neurology. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Philosophers
A Companion to the Philosophers surveys the major philosophical thinkers in Western and non-Western traditions. Multicultural in its approach, it provides authoritative coverage of the major Chinese, Indian, Japanese, African, Jewish, and Islamic philosophers, as well as European and American thinkers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Concise Companion to Shakespeare and the Text
A Concise Companion to Shakespeare and the Text introduces the early editions, editing practices, and publishing history of Shakespeare’s plays and poems, and examines their influence on bibliographic studies as a whole. The first single-volume book to provide an accessible and authoritative introduction to Shakespearean bibliographic studies Includes a helpful introduction, notes on Shakespeare’s texts, and a useful bibliography Contributors represent both leading and emerging scholars in the field Represents an unparalleled resource for both students and faculty
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Cultural Resource Management
A Companion to Cultural Resource Management is an essential guide to those wishing to gain a deeper understanding of CRM and heritage management. Expert contributors share their knowledge and illustrate CRM's practice and scope, as well as the core issues and realities in preserving cultural heritages worldwide. Edited by one of the world's leading experts in the field of cultural resource management, with contributions by a wide range of experts, including archaeologists, architectural historians, museum curators, historians, and representatives of affected groups Offers a broad view of cultural resource management that includes archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, historic structures, shipwrecks, scientific and technological sites and objects, as well as intangible resources such as language, religion, and cultural values Highlights the realities that face CRM practitioners "on the ground"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Mirrors to One Another: Emotion and Value in Jane Austen and David Hume
A compelling exploration of the convergence of Jane Austen’s literary themes and characters with David Hume’s views on morality and human nature. Argues that the normative perspectives endorsed in Jane Austen's novels are best characterized in terms of a Humean approach, and that the merits of Hume's account of ethical, aesthetic and epistemic virtue are vividly illustrated by Austen's writing. Illustrates how Hume and Austen complement one another, each providing a lens that allows us to expand and elaborate on the ideas of the other Proposes that literature may serve as a thought experiment, articulating hypothetical cases which allow the reader to test her moral intuitions Contributes to ongoing debates on the philosophy of literature, ethics, and emotion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Facial Resurfacing
Facial resurfacing rejuvenates the skin to reduce the effects of aging, and today’s cosmetic physician ideally uses a variety of methods to resurface and rejuvenate the skin without surgery. This book examines the full range of available modalities to help the cosmetic dermatologist recommend the best approach for each patient. Topics include clinical indications, advantages, and disadvantages.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Inequality, Analytical Egalitarianism, and the March Towards Eugenic Explanations in the Social Sciences
This book gathers together several essays by historians of economics who express varying reactions to the Peart-Levy thesis. Contains several essays by historians of economics who express varying reactions to the thesis expressed in Professors Sandra J. Peart’s and David M. Levy’s book The ‘Vanity of the Philosopher’: From Equality to Hierarchy in Post-classical Economics Explains the importance of 'analytic egalitarianism' in economics and the sad consequences of moving away from this approach Provides reading that can complement reading lists in economics, the mathematics of gambling, and the political economy of the gaming industry
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books
Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books presents an in-depth introduction to the origins and development of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament, including an examination of the literary structure, authorship, and editorial processes that produced each book. The only introductory textbook that explores both how the prophetic books were composed and edited Accessible and engaging, the book contains numerous student features to encourage learning, including introductions, summaries, tables and boxes, etc Based on international scholarship on the individual prophetic books, including German scholarship that is otherwise inaccessible to most English readers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Spain: 1808 to the Present
Modern Spain: 1808 to the Present is a comprehensive overview of Spanish history from the Napoleonic era to the present day. Places a large emphasis on Spain's place within broader European and global history The chronological political narrative is enriched by separate chapters on long term economic, social and cultural developments This presentation of modern Spanish history incorporates the latest thinking on key issues of modernity, social movements, nationalism, democratization and democracy
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hollywood Speaks Out: Pictures that Dared to Protest Real World Issues
Hollywood Speaks Out explores that rare Hollywood feature that dared to tackle red-hot, social issues whilst American society was gripped by the convulsion and controversy they generated. Explores why Hollywood has always been risk-adverse, and how most feature flms deal with controversial issues long after the controversy is past Organized around such important issues as poverty, racism, sexism, war, anti-Semitism, and homophobia Discusses the relevance and the impact of feature films from Modern Times to WALL-E
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biomarkers in Heart Disease
Biomarkers in Heart Disease is the first title in the AHA Clinical Series and is aimed at meeting the needs of clinicians, providing cardiologists, internists, emergency physicians, laboratorians, and other healthcare providers with a clear understanding of the role of biomarkers in contemporary cardiovascular medicine. The book covers both the strengths and pitfalls of currently available markers, and provides information on the most promising biomarkers that are likely to impact practice in the next few years. It is divided into four parts, organized around clinical scenarios rather than individual biomarkers. This book will help the practicing physician decide which biomarkers to measure, when to measure them, how to interpret the results and how to make decisions based on the test result.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Children's Questions
This Monograph examines the role that children's questions play in their cognitive development. When children encounter a problem with their current knowledge state (a gap in their knowledge, some ambiguity they don't know how to resolve, some inconsistency they've detected), asking a question allows them to get targeted information exactly when they need it. This information is available to them when they are particularly receptive to it, and since it comes as a result of their own disequilibrium, it may have depth of processing benefits. In that questions allow children to get information they need to move their knowledge structures closer to adult-like states, the ability to ask questions to gather needed information constitutes an efficient mechanism for cognitive development. The studies presented here indicate that children ask information-seeking questions that are related in topic and structure to their cognitive development (usually). Parents give answers to these questions, but when they don't, the children persist in asking for the information, which suggests that the goal of this behavior is to recruit needed information. The content of these questions shifts within exchanges and over the course of development in ways that reflect concept building. Finally, children generate questions efficiently in order to gather needed information, and then are able to use this information productively; they tap into their existing conceptual knowledge in order to do this. Thus, the ability to ask questions is a powerful tool that allows children to gather information they need in order to learn about the world and solve problems in it.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Hydrology and Sustainable Water Development
The material of this book will derive its scientific under-pinning from basics of mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, engineering, soil science, and related disciplines and will provide sufficient breadth and depth of understanding in each sub-section of hydrology. It will start with basic concepts: Water, its properties, its movement, modelling and quality The distribution of water in space and time Water resource sustainability Chapters on ‘global change’ and ‘water and ethics’ aim respectively to emphasize the central role of hydrological cycle and its quantitative understanding and monitoring for human well being and to familiarize the readers with complex issues of equity and justice in large scale water resource development process. Modern Hydrology for Sustainable Development is intended not only as a textbook for students in earth and environmental science and civil engineering degree courses, but also as a reference for professionals in fields as diverse as environmental planning, civil engineering, municipal and industrial water supply, irrigation and catchment management.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Living with Theory
In a clear and readable style, Living with Theory maps out contemporary theory, tracing its complex configurations, its political preoccupations, and its relations with literature. Argues that the field of theory in late postmodern consumer society has become overburdened with new ideas, and that there is an essential need for guides and signposts in this complex field Maps out contemporary theory, tracing its complex configurations, its political preoccupations, and its relations with literature Explores the engagement of theory with such phenomena as globalization and postmodernism, multiculturalism and cultural wars, plus the rise of neoliberalism and the corporate university Highlights the current reconfiguration of critical reading and its potential future
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Exploring Postcolonial Biblical Criticism: History, Method, Practice
Exploring Postcolonial Biblical Criticism: History, Method, Practice offers a concise and multifaceted overview of the origins, development, and application of postcolonial criticism to biblical studies.? Offers a concise and accessible introduction to postcolonial biblical studies Provides a comprehensive overview of postcolonial studies by one of the field's most prominent figures Explains one of the most innovative and important developments in modern biblical studies Accessible enough to appeal to general readers interested in religion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Maimonides
A thorough and accessible introduction to Maimonides, arguably one of the most important Jewish philosophers of all time. This work incorporates material from Maimonides’ philosophical, legal, and medical works, providing a synoptic picture of Maimonides’ philosophical range. Maimonides was, and remains, one of the most influential and important Jewish legalists, who devoted himself to a reconceptualization of the entirety of Jewish law Offers both an intellectual biography and an exploration of the most important philosophical works in Maimonides’ corpus Persuasively argues that Maimonides did see himself as engaged in philosophical dialogue Maimonides’ philosophy is presented in a way that is accessible to readers with little background in either Jewish or medieval philosophy Secondary readings are provided at the end of each chapter, as well as a bibliography of recent scholarly articles on some of the more pressing philosophical topics covered in the book
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Vertebrate Palaeontology 3e Instructors Manual and Images from the Book Downloadable to PowerPoint CDROM
Vertebrate Palaeontology is a complete, up-to-date history of the evolution of vertebrates. The third edition of this popular text has been extensively revised to incorporate the latest research, including new material from North and South America, Australia, Europe, China, Africa and Russia. Highlights astonishing new discoveries including new dinosaurs and Mesozoic birds from China features a new chapter on how to study fossil vertebrates provides an increased emphasis on the cladistic framework with cladograms set apart from the body of the text and full lists of diagnostic characters includes new molecular evidence on early mammal diversification new features aid study including new functional and developmental feature spreads, key questions and extensive references to useful web sites strong phylogenetic focus making it an up-to-date source of the latest broad-scale
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Hume
Comprised of twenty-nine specially commissioned essays, A Companion to Hume examines the depth of the philosophies and influence of one of history's most remarkable thinkers. Demonstrates the range of Hume's work and illuminates the ongoing debates that it has generated Organized by subject, with introductions to each section to orient the reader Explores topics such as knowledge, passion, morality, religion, economics, and politics Examines the paradoxes of Hume's thought and his legacy, covering the methods, themes, and consequences of his contributions to philosophy
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Doing Social Psychology Research
This practical text introduces students to all the principal data collection methods and data analyses used in social psychology. A student-friendly introduction to the data collection methods and data analyses used in social psychology. Describes the principal research methods and shows how they can be applied to particular research questions. Each chapter is written by a psychologist well known for using the method they describe. Methods presented include conducting surveys, constructing questionnaires, facilitating focus groups, running interviews, and using archival recordings. Topics used to illustrate these methods include identity processes, attribution, stereotyping, attitude change, social influence, communication, and group dynamics. Includes step-by-step exercises for students and notes for course leaders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Design and Order: Perceptual Experience of Built Form - Principles in the Planning and Making of Place
Teaches the principles behind the successful planning and creation of inspired built forms and urban places This book offers an integrated understanding of both the principles and the perception of the design of built environments and public spaces. It outlines the fundamental characteristics that are evident in the creation of built form and illustrates how they determine the experience of resultant places. It also consolidates the key criteria that need to be taken into consideration in the development of these areas. All of the above-mentioned aims to provide designers with a solid understanding of the implications of their decisions on perception and behavior during the creation of new spaces. Design and Order: Perceptual experience of built form - Principles in the Planning and Making of Place starts by examining the designing of natural environments and the affect that they have on humans. It teaches readers how people experience and are shaped by a space—via their eyes, brain, and overall perception. It then instructs on proper grammar of form and syntax so that designers can understand how to pursue design processes systematically. The book then takes readers through this process of designing, informing them on the principles of form, function, configuration, communication, organization, color and contrasts, building structures, good practice and more. Seeks to improve the methodological approach to the planning and design of buildings Broadly address all of the functions that impact the realization of new built and urban form Outlines the fundamental characteristics that are evident in the design of built forms and illustrates how these characteristics determine the experience of the resultant places Comprehensively covers the ideas, principles, and the perception of design Teaches designers to make informed decisions about applying or discarding principles when creating spaces. Design and Order is a unique book that will appeal to students and professionals in architecture, urban design and planning, as well as designers and developers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Industrial Water Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Water Stewardship
Provides the tools that allow companies to understand the fundamental concepts of water resource management and to take proper action towards sustainable development Businesses, communities, and ecosystems everywhere depend on clean freshwater to survive and prosper. When the same source of water is shared for economic, social, and environmental causes it becomes the responsibility of every sector to develop a sustainable water strategy beneficial for all. This book offers a water resource management plan for industries that is directly implementable and consistent with the Water Framework Directives of different countries with a special emphasis on developing countries—a plan that is economically efficient, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable. Industrial Water Resource Management, Challenges and Opportunities for Efficient Water Stewardship offers explicit technical and investment solutions, socioeconomic and legal instruments, and recommendations for institutional restructuring. Written by a leading world expert in the field, it covers a wide range of topics including: ● Source water assessment and protection ● Water audit, industrial water footprint assessment—an evaluation of tools and methodologies ● Corporate water disclosure methods and tools ● Water stewardship by the industries ● Stakeholder collaboration and engagement ● New technologies enabling companies to better manage water resources Given the well-known challenge of managing natural resources in a way that maximizes and sustains social welfare, this book provides an invaluable point of reference for applied researchers and policy makers working in water resources management.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Drying and Storage of Cereal Grains
Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics have been introduced in modelling and simulation of drying and storage systems, these techniques are expected to dominate the future research and development of drying and storages, and should reduce losses and improve the quality of agricultural products, enhancing food security globally. Drying and Storage of Cereal Grains, Second Edition, covers the wide spectrum of drying and storage methods applied to economically important cereal produce, providingnumerical examples for better understanding the complexity in drying and storage systems through modelling and simulation, aiding design and management of drying and storage systems. Chapters 1 to 8 look at air and grain moisture equilibria, psychrometry, physical and thermal properties of cereal grains, principles of air flow, and provide detailed analyses of grain drying.Chapters 9 to 13 focus on temperature and moisture in grain storages, and provide comprehensive treatment of modern grain storage systems. The book also includes a number of unsolved problems at the end of each chapter for further practice. This revised second edition includes new sections on - heat of sorption finite element modeling of single kernel CFD modeling of fluidized bed drying exergy analysis and neural network modeling numerical solution of two dimensional temperature and moisture changes in stored grain This book will provide students in agricultural engineering and food engineering with a wide spectrum of drying and storage studies previously unavailable in a single monograph. It will also serve as an excellent reference for practicing agricultural engineers, food engineers and food technologists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Forest Structure, Function and Dynamics in Western Amazonia
The Amazon Basin contains the largest and most diverse tropical rainforest in the world. Besides the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean, the rainforest is bounded to the north by the Guiana crystalline shield and to the south by the Brazilian crystalline shield, marked at their edges by cataracts in the rivers and often dominated by grasslands. This book is motivated not just by the Amazon's scientific interest but also by its role in many ecosystem functions critical to life on Earth. These ecosystems are characterized both by their complexity and their interactive, higher-order linkages among both abiotic and biotic components. Within Amazonia, the Western Amazon (west of 65° latitude) is the most pristine and, perhaps, the most complex within the Amazon Basin. This Western Amazon may be broadly divided into non-flooded forests (e.g. terra firme, white sand, palm) and forests flooded with white water (generally referred to as várzea) and with black water (generally referred to as igapó). Here, for the first time, is a book devoted entirely to Western Amazonia, containing chapters by scientists at the forefront of their own areas of expertise. It should be a valuable resource for all future researchers and scholars who venture into Western Amazonia, as it continues to be one of the most beautiful, mysterious, remote and important ecosystems on Earth.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Psychology: A Global Perspective
The first book to offer a truly global perspective on the theory and practice of clinical psychology While clinical psychology is practiced the world over, up to now there has been no text devoted to examining it within a global context. The first book of its kind, Clinical Psychology: A Global Perspective brings together contributions from clinicians and scholars around the world to share their insights and observations on the theory and practice of clinical psychology. Due partly to language barriers and entrenched cultural biases, there is little cultural cross-pollination within the field of clinical psychology. In fact, most of the popular texts were written for English-speaking European and Anglo-American audiences and translated for other countries. As a result, most psychologists are unaware of how their profession is conceptualized and practiced in different regions, or how their own practices can be enriched by knowledge of the theories and modalities predominant among colleagues in other parts of the world. This book represents an important first step toward rectifying that state of affairs. Explores key differences and similarities in how clinical psychology is conceptualized and practiced with children, adolescents and adults across different countries and cultures Addresses essential research methods, clinical interviews, psychometric testing, neuropsychological assessments, and dominant treatment modalities Follows a consistent format with each chapter focusing on a specific area of the practice of clinical psychology while integrating cultural issues within the discussion Includes coverage of how to adapt one’s practice to the differing cultures of individual clients, and how to work in multidisciplinary teams within a global context Clinical Psychology: A Global Perspective is a valuable resource for students, trainees, and practicing psychologists, especially those who work with ethnic minority groups or with interpreters. It is also a must-read for practitioners who are considering working internationally.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products
Food-borne diseases, including those via dairy products, have been recognised as major threats to human health. The causes associated with dairy food-borne disease are the use of raw milk in the manufacture of dairy products, faulty processing conditions during the heat treatment of milk, post-processing contamination, failure in due diligence and an unhygienic water supply. Dairy food-borne diseases affecting human health are associated with certain strains of bacteria belonging to the genera of Clostridium, Bacillus, Escherichia, Staphylococcus and Listeria, which are capable of producing toxins, plus moulds that can produce mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, sterigmatocytin and ochratoxin. Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products reviews the latest scientific knowledge and developments for detecting and studying the presence of these toxins in dairy products, updating the analytical techniques required to examine bacterial and mould toxins and the potential for contamination of milk as it passes along the food chain, i.e. from 'farm-to-fork'. This comprehensive and accessible collection of techniques will help dairy processors, food scientists, technologists, researchers and students to further minimise the incidences of dairy food-borne illnesses in humans.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Skeletal Variation and Adaptation in Europeans: Upper Paleolithic to the Twentieth Century
A comprehensive analysis of changes in body form and skeletal robusticity from the Terminal Pleistocene through the Holocene, leading to the modern European human phenotype. Skeletal Variation and Adaptation in Europeans: Upper Paleolithic to the Twentieth Century brings together for the first time the results of an unprecedented large-scale investigation of European skeletal remains. The study was conducted over ten years by an international research team, and includes more than 2,000 skeletons spanning most of the European continent over the past 30,000 years, from the Early Upper Paleolithic to the 20th century. This time span includes environmental transitions from foraging to food production, small-scale to large-scale urban settlements, increasing social stratification and mechanization of labor, and climatic changes. Alterations in body form and behavior in response to these transitions are reconstructed through osteometric and biomechanical analyses. Divided into four sections, the book includes an introduction to the project and comprehensive descriptions of the methods used; general continent-wide syntheses of major trends in body size, shape, and skeletal robusticity; detailed regional analyses; and a summary of results. It also offers a full data set on an external website. Brings together data from an unprecedented large-scale study of human skeletal and anatomical variations Includes appendix of specific information from each research site Synthesizes data from spatial, temporal, regional, and geographical perspectives Skeletal Variation and Adaptation in Europeans will be a valuable resource for bioarchaeologists, palaeoanthropologists, forensic anthropologists, medical historians, and archaeologists at both the graduate and post-graduate level.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation
The Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation integrates scholarly research on self-regulation in the personality, developmental, and social psychology traditions for a broad audience of social and behavioral scientists interested in the processes by which people control, or fail to control, their own behavior. Examines self-regulation as it influences and is influenced by basic personality processes in normal adults Offers 21 original contributions from an internationally respected group of scholars in the fields of personality and self-regulation Explores the causes and consequences of inadequate self-regulation and the means by which self-regulation might be improved Integrates empirical findings on basic personality traits with findings inspired by emerging models of self-regulation Provides a comprehensive, up-to-date, and stimulating view of the field for students and researchers in a wide range of disciplines