Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Media Teaching
Media Teaching provides a fresh contemporary approach to media education which will be welcomed by all students and teachers of the media. Dan Fleming's text not only charts a detailed map of contemporary media studies but also shows how a busy teacher can move around this map. The text is supported by a wide range of examples - from the classroom, from the media itself, and from other texts. It should become an indispensable resource for teachers of media studies and for those engaged in media education across the curriculum. Dan Fleming bases his text on both wide teaching experience and a broad knowledge of contemporary media research, to provide a clear theory of learning that is grounded in actual classroom work. His approach is characterized by an argument for a more learner-centred perspective on media teaching. Covering not only the concepts and the structure of the media, Fleming offers teachers and lecturers a coherent account of the key issues and essential skills of media teaching.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultural Materialism: Theory and Practice
In recent years the left has transformed traditional approaches to literature and culture. Critical movements such as Cultural Materialism and New Historicism have succeeded to the point where they now constitute the new academic order. Scott Wilson explains and demonstrates the power of these modes of critical enquiry and explores their limitations. His book provides a forceful critical engagement with major figures in the field - Francis Barker, Catherine Belsey, Jonathan Dollimore, Terry Eagleton, Jonathan Goldberg, Stephen Greenblatt, Alan Sinfield. He also shows how cultural materialism is applied in practice
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultural Studies
What is, or are, Cultural Studies? In this outstanding critical and historical account, Fred Inglis, strips away the philosophical incoherence of Cultural Studies to reveal a common focus within the protean subject-matter and complex history of the field. Inglis begins with a concise, ambitious review of the historical circumstances which made Cultural Studies both necessary and possible in the inter-war years. He then charts the development of the field from its often contradictory origins (in Cambridge, England, and Frankfurt, Germany through its encounter with Marxism. French structuralism and linguistic philosophy, to contemporary anthropology. Focusing on the study of the value as the defining content of Cultural Studies, Inglis illuminates the work of such key figures as F. R. Leavis, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall, Theodore Adorno, Antonio Gramsci and Clifford Geertz. Balancing the claims of the Grand Theory against the charms of local knowledge, Inglis charts a fascinating course through the theories and methods of Cultural Studies as it seeks to refashion the traditional academic disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ending with a chapter on "How to do Cultural Studies", this book provides a much needed critical introduction to an exciting new field of inquiry. Sympathetic but non-partisan in approach, and refreshingly clear in its framework, Cultural Studies should be welcomed by students and teachers alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Women Talk: Conversation Between Women Friends
This book challenges the age-old myth that women's talk is trivial and unimportant. Drawing on a corpus of spontaneous conversation between friends, Jennifer Coates demonstrates the richness and complexity of the language used in such talk, focusing on women's use of hedges, questions and repetition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Broken Middle: Out of Our Ancient Society
The Broken Middle offers a startlingly original rethinking of the modern philosophical tradition and fundamentally rejects the anti-philosophy and anti-theory of post-modernity. Extending across the disciplines from philosophy to theology, Judaica, law, social and political theory, literary criticism, feminism and architecture, this book stakes itself on a renewed potential for sustained critique. Against the grain of much contemporary thought, this work of criticism offers the reader a way beyond the spurious alternatives of "totalization" or acknowledgement of the "other". The Broken Middle expounds the phenomenology of the diremption of law and ethics. By reconstructing the suppressed political history of modernity, it shows that contemporary thought belongs to a tradition which has become ancient. Following this drama in the configuration of anxiety of beginning, equivocation of the ethical, and agon of authorship, the logos opens out of the pathos of the concept.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Sociology of Social Change
The sociology of social change has always been the product of times of flux, and the unmatched dynamism of our period is already reflected in the revitalization of theories of change. Piotr Sztompka's aim in this volume is to take stock of and to reappraise the whole legacy of sociological thinking about change, from the classical to the contemporary, providing the intellectual tools necessary for a critical and rational grasp of our own turbulent times. Intended primarily as an advanced textbook for upper-division and graduate students, as well as researchers, this book covers the four grand visions of social and historical change which have dominated the field since the 19th century: the evolutionary, the cyclical, the dialectical, and the post-developmentalist. In so doing, it provides indispensable analytic discussions of the concepts focal to contemporary debates such as social process, development, progress, social time, historical tradition, modernity, post-modernity , and globalization.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Study of History
This book guides students through all the central historical concepts, theories, methods and problems confronting those engaged in the serious study of history.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Government and Binding Theory and the Minimalist Program: Principles and Parameters in Syntactic Theory
This volume provides an authoritative overview of Government and Binding Theory, and -- in crucial new papers by Noam Chomsky and Alec Marantz -- of the subsequent development of the Minimalist Program.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Aesthetics: An Introduction
This volume contains surveys of the main issues in philosophical aesthetics, as discussed by thinkers from ancient Greece to modern times. It is written by members of the Open University and the intention throughout is to make the issues intelligible and interesting to as wide an audience as possible, including those readers with a general interest in the arts as well as more advanced students. The volume begins with questions about the nature of art and beauty. Are there any limitations to what may count as a work of art? Are imitations and forgeries really less valuable than original works? This is followed by discussions of aesthetic experience, truth and the 'imitation of nature' in works of art. In later chapters the emphasis is on the value and evaluation of art. Should art exist for the good of society? What justification is there for censorship in the case of pornography? The final chapters deal with Marxist theories of art, and with structuralist and post-structuralist views in recent continental writings.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Principles of Linguistic Change, Volume 2: Social Factors
This volume presents the long-anticipated results of several decades of inquiry into the social origins and social motivation of linguistic change. Written by one of the founders of modern sociolinguistics Features the first complete report on the Philadelphia project designed to establish the social location of the leaders of linguistic change Includes chapters on social class, neighborhood, ethnicity, gender, and social networks that delineate the leaders of linguistic change as women of the upper working class with a high density of interaction within their neighborhoods and a high proportion of weak ties outside of it
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Corporate Resource Allocation: Financial, Strategic and Organizational Perspectives
Most books on allocating major corporate resources are written from just one viewpoint whether it be on finance, strategy or behavioural science. Professor Tomkins argues that these important decisions obviously have multi-functional facets and implications. In this book he presents an integrated approach.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Distorted Past: A Re-interpretation of Europe
This book turns the received wisdom of European history inside out. From discussions of the Gothic, Hun and Vandal invasions and the fall of the Roman Empire, through other great events and issues of European history, Josep Fontana re-examines the traditional acceptance of such ideas as classical heritage, medieval Christendom, reformation and counter-reformation, absolutism, and the idea of progress. At the same time he draws attention to the existence and validity of dissidence, rebellion and variety which are, for him, identifying marks of Europe.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Plato Cult: and Other Philosophical Follies
This is a book of philosophy, written by a philosopher and intended for anyone who knows enough philosophy to have been seriously injured, antagonised, mystified or intoxicated by it. Stove is passionately polemical, a philosophical counterpart to Tom Wolfe. Setting out to deflate a few philosophical reputations, he lambastes both the dead (Plato, Hegel, Kant, Foucault) and the living (Popper, Nozick, Feyerabend, Goodman). Yet he says things that need to be said, and that others often lack the courage to say.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd S/Z
S/Z is the linguistic distillation of Barthes's system of semiology, a science of signs and symbols, in which Balzac's novella, Sarrasine, is dissected semantically to uncover layers of hidden meaning.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Kant Dictionary
In this new lexical survey of Kant's works, Howard Caygill presents Kantian concepts and terminology in terms that will introduce and clarify his ideas for students and general readers alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermeneutics and Post-Structuralism
Central to any understanding of the significance of material objects, whether contemporary or prehistoric, is a discussion of the very nature of interpretation itself: how we 'read' artefacts and inscribe them into the present. This book examines the complex relations between material culture, social structures and social practices from structuralist, hermeneutical and post-structuralist viewpoints.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Malays
Just who are ‘the Malays’? This provocative study poses the question and considers how and why the answers have changed over time, and from one region to another. Anthony Milner develops a sustained argument about ethnicity and identity in an historical, ‘Malay’ context. The Malays is a comprehensive examination of the origins and development of Malay identity, ethnicity, and consciousness over the past five centuries. Covers the political, economic, and cultural development of the Malays Explores the Malay presence in Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and South Africa, as well as the modern Malay show-state of Malaysia Offers diplomatic speculation about ways Malay ethnicity will develop and be challenged in the future
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Invitation to Cognitive Science
Professor Leiber's exuberant but incisive book illuminates the inquiry's beginnings in Plato, in the physiology and psychology of Descartes, in the formal work of Russell and Gödel, and in Wittgenstein's critique of folk psychology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Shakespeare and Popular Voice
In Shakespeare and the Popular Voice Annabel Patterson challenges as counter-intuitive the common opinion that Shakespeare was anti-democratic, contemptuous of the crowd and an unfailing supporter of Elizabethan social hierarchy.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Culture of Capitalism
The Culture of Capitalism explores original perspectives on capitalist society. Argues that capitalism is more than an economic system, but is a culture that affects social, material, and even spiritual bases of existence Draws on research generated by detailed historical community studies as well as literature on non-western societies Explores the nature of evil, attitudes toward love and family, population change, violence, and more Questions the origin and cause of capitalist ideology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Goths
The volume is divided into three parts, corresponding to the three main phases in Gothic history: their early history down to the fourth century, the revolution in Gothic society set in motion by the arrival of the Huns, and the history of the Gothic successor states to the western Roman Empire. At its heart lies a new vision of Gothic identity, and of the social caste by whom it was defined and transmitted.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Language of News Media
Written by a linguist who is himself a journalist, this is a uniquely informed account of the language of the news media. Based in the frameworks of sociolinguistics and discourse analysis its concerns are with the notion of the news story, the importance of the processes which produce media language and the role of the audience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Syntactic Theory and the Acquisition of English Syntax: The Nature of Early Child Grammars of English
Between the ages of one-and-a-half and two years children start to form elementary phrases and clauses. This stage of their linguistic development provides the first clear evidence that they have begun to develop a grammar of the language being acquired. It is therefore of paramount importance for any attempt to construct a theory of language acquisition. Drawing data from a corpus of more that 100,000 spontaneous utterances, Andrew Radford demonstrates that the fundamental characteristic of children's earliest structures is that they are essentially lexical and thematic in nature. They show evidence of the acqusition of lexical but not functional categories, and of thematic but not nonthematic constituents. This hypothesis provides a unified account of a wide range of phenomena in early child English including children's nonmastery of determiners, possessives, pronouns, missing arguments, expletives, case, binding, tense, agreement, auxiliaries, infinitives, complementisers, and movement phenomena. This detailed study of children's initial grammars suggests a model of acquisition which is essentially maturational. Different modules of the child's grammar come into operation at different stages of development, triggered by relevant aspects of the child's experience. In this, Radford's account sheds significant light on some of the fundamental questions for the theory of language acquisition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd British Defence Since 1945
At the end of World War II, Britain faced enormous financial and economic problems, made more intractable by the heavy defence expenditure demanded by colonial presence in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and the decision to go ahead with producing a British atomic bomb in the light of a growing Soviet threat.This book looks at how British defence policy has balanced the country's need to maintain the status of an independent nuclear power with its diminishing role in world politics, generally, concentrating on how that policy was applied in key events such as the Korean War, the Suez crisis of 1956 and the Falklands. It will provide a clearly written and accessible analysis of the main currents of and developments in British defence policy since 1945.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Moral Vision: An Introduction to Ethics
This book introduces the reader to ethics by examining a current and important debate. During the last fifty years the orthodox position in ethics has been a broadly non-cognitivist one: since there are no moral facts, moral remarks are best understood, not as attempting to describe the world, but as having some other function - such as expressing the attitudes or preferences of the speaker. In recent years this position has been increasingly challenged by moral realists who maintain that there are moral facts; there is a truth of the matter in ethics, which is independent of our views, and which we seek to discover. Unfortunately much of this interesting debate found in the work of McDowell, Wiggins, Putnam, Blackburn and others is not easily accessible to undergraduates. McNaughton presents many of the major issues in ethics by way of a clear exposition of both sides of this argument and assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy. Topics discussed include: moral observation, moral motivation, amoralism and wickedness, moral weakness, cultural relativism and utilitarianism. The book concludes that a convincing case can be made out for a radical form of moral realism in which moral virtue is found, not in the following of correct moral principles, but rather in the development of moral sensitivity. Moral Vision is a clear and engaged introduction to an important, and often troubling, debate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Individualism and Public Life: A Modern Dilemma
In the spirit of recent works such as Habits of the Heart and The Closing of the American Mind, Ralph Ketcham's Individualism and Public Life asks whether the individualism which has made possible so many of the material advances we enjoy may also be the cause of the shortcomings troubling our society today. By tracing the development of individualism from its origins in classical and Judeo-Christian traditions, and enlisting the insights of East Asian cultures, Ketcham re-evaluates the individualism which characterizes contemporary American society. He then poses a new politics of the public interest, including revised ideas of citizenship, leadership, and decision-making in a grand attempt to reconcile the individualism of American liberalism with a healthy conception of public life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Anglo-Norman England 1066 - 1166
Historians have long debated the significance of the Norman Conquest. Did it mark the imposition of an alien and repressive regime on "free Englishmen"? Or did England benefit from the uniting of two separate and disparate cultures and civilizations? Marjorie Chibnall, one of the leading historians of the period, here addresses these issues.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Modern Political Thought
A stimulating introduction to central issues of political theory, including liberty, rights and the state, and the claims of need and politics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Question of Life: The Warnock Report on Human Fertilisation and Embryology
Discusses artificial and in vitro fertilization, egg and embryo donation, surrogate mothers, the storage of human semen, eggs, and embryos, and scientific and ethical issues in fertility.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology
Offers the student a well-organized presentation of material relating to scepticism, to various philosophical accounts of knowledge and justification, to theories of perception, and more.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Alexander Pope
This book asks us to rethink such a way of understanding Pope. Refusing to accept Pope's version of reality, Laura Brown reads his poems not for what they claim to say, but for what they rationalize away or fail to recognize.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Foundations of Arithmetic
A philosophical discussion of the concept of numberIn the book, The Foundations of Arithmetic: A Logico-Mathematical Enquiry into the Concept of Number, Gottlob Frege explains the central notions of his philosophy and analyzes the perspectives of predecessors and contemporaries. The book is the first philosophically relevant discussion of the concept of number in Western civilization. The work went on to significantly influence philosophy and mathematics. Frege was a German mathematician and philosopher who published the text in 1884, which seeks to define the concept of a number. It was later translated into English. This is the revised second edition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Vegetation Description and Data Analysis: A Practical Approach
Vegetation Description and Data Analysis: A PracticalApproach, Second Edition is a fully revised and up-datededition of this key text. The book takes account of recent advancesin the field whilst retaining the original reader-friendly approachto the coverage of vegetation description and multivariate analysisin the context of vegetation data and plant ecology. Since the publication of the hugely popular first edition therehave been significant developments in computer hardware andsoftware, new key journals have been established in the field andscope and application of vegetation description and analysis hasbecome a truly global field. This new edition includes fullcoverage of new developments and technologies. This contemporary and comprehensive edition of this well-known andrespected textbook will prove invaluable to undergraduate andgraduate students in biological sciences, environmental science,geography, botany, agriculture, forestry and biologicalconservation. * Fully international approach * Includes illustrative case studies throughout * Now with new material on: the nature of plant communities;transitional areas between plant communities; induction anddeduction of plant ecology; diversity indices and dominancediversity curves; multivariate analysis in ecology. * Accessible, reader-friendly style * Now with new and improved illustrations
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations
Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout. Logs and workbooks from the book are available on a companion website at, allowing readers to download, customize, and use these forms in forensics investigations. Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnosis and Applications
Written for the clinician, Cone Beam Computed Tomography helps the reader understand how CBCT machines operate, perform advanced diagnosis using CT data, have a working knowledge of CBCT-related treatment planning for specific clinical tasks, and integrate these new technologies in daily practice. This comprehensive text lays the foundation of CBCT technologies, explains how to interpret the data, recognize main pathologies, and utilize CBCT for diagnosis, treatment planning, and execution. Dr. Sarment first addresses technology and principles, radiobiologic risks, and CBCT for head and neck anatomy. The bulk of the text discusses diagnosis of pathologies and uses of CBCT technology in maxillofacial surgical planning, orthodontic and orthognathic planning, implant surgical site preparation, CAD/CAM surgical guidance, surgical navigation, endodontics airway measurements, and periodontal disease.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biopharmaceuticals: Biochemistry and Biotechnology
The latest edition of this highly acclaimed textbook, provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the science and medical applications of biopharmaceutical products. Biopharmaceuticals refers to pharmaceutical substances derived from biological sources, and increasingly, it is synonymous with 'newer' pharmaceutical substances derived from genetic engineering or hybridoma technology. This superbly written review of the important areas of investigation in the field, covers drug production, plus the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of action together with the biotechnology of major biopharmaceutical types on the market or currently under development. There is also additional material reflecting both the technical advances in the area and detailed information on key topics such as the influence of genomics on drug discovery.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry
Provides a concise introduction to the chemistry of therapeutically active compounds, written in a readable and accessible style. The title begins by reviewing the structures and nomenclature of the more common classes of naturally occurring compounds found in biological organisms. An overview of medicinal chemistry is followed by chapters covering the discovery and design of drugs, pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism. The book concludes with a chapter on organic synthesis, followed by a brief look at drug development from the research stage through to marketing the final product. The text assumes little in the way of prior biological knowledge. relevant biology is included through biological topics, examples and the Appendices. Incorporates summary sections, examples, applications and problems Each chapter contains an additional summary section and solutions to the questions are provided at the end of the text Invaluable for undergraduates studying within the chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd CBT for Schizophrenia: Evidence-Based Interventions and Future Directions
Informed by the latest clinical research, this is the first book to assemble a range of evidence-based protocols for treating the varied presentations associated with schizophrenia through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Deals with a wide range of discrete presentations associated with schizophrenia, such as command hallucinations, violent behaviour or co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder Covers work by the world's leading clinical researchers in this field Includes illustrative case material in each chapter
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Positive Psychology at Work: How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations
Positive Psychology at Work brings the fields of positive psychology and appreciative inquiry together for the first time to provide leaders and change agents with a powerful new approach to achieving organizational excellence. Draws together positive psychology and appreciative inquiry in the context of leadership organizational challenges for the first time Presents academically rigorous and referenced material in a jargon-free, accessible manner Arranged with chapters focused on specific organizational challenges to allow readers to quickly find ideas relevant to their unique situation Features short contributions from experienced practitioners of positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and includes case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Drama - An Anthology + Old and Middle English c.890 - c.1450 - An Anthology 3rd Edition -Treharne and Walker Bundle
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dementia
Dementia is a devastating diagnosis for patients Dementia comes in many forms that can be hard to differentiate. Arriving at an accurate diagnosis without subjecting an already wary patient to unnecessary tests requires clinical acumen. Identifying the correct dementia, and determining a probable prognosis, allows agreement on appropriate management and care with patients and their carers. But how much testing is needed? What do the tests tell you? What management options are available? Dementia provides a progressive approach to help you identify and manage the many forms of this complex and devastating disease. Dr Quinn has assembled a team of expert neurologists and gerontologists to provide the foundation knowledge you need to develop the clinical wisdom for effective dementia care. Dementia clearly explains the diagnosis, investigations and management for Normal pressure hydrocephalus Mild cognitive impairment Alzheimer’s disease Vascular dementia Dementia with Lewy bodies Fronto-temporal dementia Clinical in approach, practical in execution, Dementia helps you diagnose and treat your patients more effectively.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Transcultural Communication
In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes examples of mediatization and transcultural communication from a variety of cultural contexts Covers an array of different types of media, including mass media and digital media Incorporates discussion of transcultural communication in media regulation, media production, media products and platforms, and media appropriation
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Transcultural Communication
In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes examples of mediatization and transcultural communication from a variety of cultural contexts Covers an array of different types of media, including mass media and digital media Incorporates discussion of transcultural communication in media regulation, media production, media products and platforms, and media appropriation
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions
Emergency care professionals are increasingly expected to work autonomously when caring for patients with minor musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. They have to be able to competently and safely take a patient’s history, examine, diagnose and provide management of these conditions. Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions pulls together all these aspects of care into one practical, easy-to-read text. Aimed principally at students undertaking minor injury and emergency care courses, this title is a comprehensive manual of minor musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, highly illustrated throughout and containing a variety of activities and exercises. Key features: Includes material on study skills, distance and self-directed learning to support both students on formal courses and those working alone Extensive learning features, including a range of activities, hints and tips and multiple-choice questions Supported by a companion website with further self-assessment, downloadable X-ray PowerPoint slides, picture tutorials, practice history-taking documentation and legal scenarios Enables more effective management and care of patients with musculoskeletal injuries
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Student's Guide to Becoming a Nurse
The Student’s Guide to BECOMING A NURSE The Student’s Guide to Becoming a Nurse is an essential guide for all student nurses who want to become competent practitioners. It explores the knowledge, skills and attitudes that all pre-registration nursing students must acquire by the end of their programme of study, enabling them to become confident, successful nurses. Thoroughly re-written and updated to include the latest 2010 NMC standards for pre-registration nursing education, this invaluable textbook is divided into four key sections: Professional values Communication and interpersonal skills Nursing practice and decision making Leadership, management and team working With case studies, top tips, activities and questions throughout, The Student’s Guide to Becoming a Nurse is ideal for all pre-registration nurses and those about to qualify. Student Reviews “It’s been designed for students and that’s why I like it… it is student friendly, useful, easy to read.” Tamara Thomas, 2nd year nursing student, Swansea University “I cannot fault the content – it is straight to the point, it provides some interesting resources for a student nurse that is essential for them to know… a joy to read.” Faye Elliott, 2nd year nursing student, Keele University “I think the content and material is excellent… I will definitely be making recommendations to my friends.” Leanne Curran, 2nd year nursing student, University of Ulster “This book is truly amazing and provided all of the information needed for my final exam to become a qualified nurse. I passed with flying colours, thanks.” Amazon review
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Environmental Philosophy: From Theory to Practice
The first comprehensive treatment of environmental philosophy, going beyond ethics to address the philosophical concepts that underlie environmental thinking and policy-making today Encompasses all of environmental philosophy, including conservation biology, restoration ecology, sustainability, environmental justice, and more Offers the first treatment of decision theory in an environmental philosophy text Explores the conceptions of nature and ethical presuppositions that underlie contemporary environmental debates, and, moving from theory to practice, shows how decision theory translates to public policy Addresses both hot-button issues, including population and immigration reform, and such ongoing issues as historical legacies and nations' responsibility and obligation for environmental problems Anchors philosophical concepts to their practical applications, establishing the priority of the discipline's real-world importance
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Adieu to God: Why Psychology Leads to Atheism
Adieu to God examines atheism from a psychological perspective and reveals how religious phenomena and beliefs are psychological rather than supernatural in origin. Answers the psychological question of why, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, do religions continue to prosper? Looks at atheism and religion using a fair and balanced approach based on the latest work in psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry and medicine Acknowledges the many psychological benefits of religion while still questioning the validity of its supernatural belief systems and providing atheist alternatives to a fulfilling life
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cognitive Therapy for Addiction: Motivation and Change
An innovative new approach to addiction treatment that pairs cognitive behavioural therapy with cognitive neuroscience, to directly target the core mechanisms of addiction. Offers a focus on addiction that is lacking in existing cognitive therapy accounts Utilizes various approaches, including mindfulness, 12-step facilitation, cognitive bias modification, motivational enhancement and goal-setting and, to combat common road blocks on the road to addiction recovery Uses neuroscientific findings to explain how willpower becomes compromised-and how it can be effectively utilized in the clinical arena