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Pearson Education (US) Student Workbook for Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today
Student supplement associated with: Pearson's Nursing Assistant Today, 1/e Francie Wolgin Kate Smith Julie French ISBN: 0135064422
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Flat Stanley's Adventures in Classroom 2e #3: The 100th Day
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Flat Stanley's Adventures in Classroom 2e #2: Riding the Slides
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Flat Stanley's Adventures in Classroom 2e #1: Class Pet Surprise
Peace Hill Press Second Grade Math with Confidence Student Workbook
Simple and straightforward workbook pages give children practice with new concepts and provide daily review of previously-learned skills. Short, simple pages give children written practice without tiring small hands Daily review helps children retain what they have learned All answers provided in the Instructor’s Guide for easy correcting Colorful, whimsical illustrations Age Range: 7-8 Grade Range: Second Grade
Peace Hill Press First Grade Math with Confidence Student Workbook
This colorful, engaging workbook reinforces the lessons in the First Grade Math with Confidence Instructor Guide. Simple and straightforward workbook pages give children practice with new concepts and also provide daily review of previously-learned skills. short, simple pages give children written practice without tiring small hands Daily review helps children retain what they have learned all answers provided in the Instructor Guide for easy correcting colorful, whimsical illustrations With First Grade Math with Confidence, you can rest assured that your child will master all the concepts typically covered in first grade counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 100 addition and subtraction facts to 20 addition and subtraction word problems beginning place-value and mental math shapes, money, time, and measurement. Once your students complete this program, they’ll be well-prepared to move on to second-grade math.
Third Millennium Publishing The Cambridge Phenomenon: Global Impact
What do CERN, smartphones, the iridium satellite network, the most popular app stores in the world, the biggest online game in the world, Moscow drivers, Seniors golfer Tony Johnstone, sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and anyone who has their DNA sequenced have in common? They all rely on innovations that have come out of the technology cluster known as the Cambridge Phenomenon. This book, a follow-up to The Cambridge Phenomenon: 50 Years of Innovation and Enterprise, showcases what the Cambridge technology cluster has done for the world. The Cambridge Phenomenon: Global Impact reveals just how many of us, all around the globe, rely on Cambridge technology every day. This book tells the important, hidden story of how academic excellence and entrepreneurial endeavour have improved people's lives the world over. It is crucial reading for anybody interested in the ways successful businesses work, and the fundamental role of our great educational institutions in fostering that success.
CoramBAAF Ten Top Tips for Supporting Education
Taylor & Francis Ltd I Spy: Representations of Childhood
Attempting to address the photography of children in the late 1990s is a difficult and potentially dangerous exercise. _I Spy_ takes up the challenge by means of a unique combination of new colour and black and white photographs and newly commissioned writing. A book to savour, it addresses two related issues in the contemporary photography of children: how children photograph themselves and how they are portrayed by modern women photographers. It includes, for example, children's photographs of their homes, families and environment, a body of work on twins, a mother's photographs of her daughter and powerful essays expressing poetic, personal and critical approaches. Together, images and words describe intimate, surprising facets of the visual world of childhood.The contributors are: Melissa Benn, Linda Bullock, Wendy Ewald, Catherine Fahily, Jane Fletcher, Suzanne Greenslade, Patricia Holland, Holly Street Public Art Trust, Caroline Molloy, Kate Newton, Cath Pearson
Taylor & Francis Ltd Confronting Prejudice: Lesbian and Gay Issues in Social Work Education
This book brings lesbian and gay issues to the centre of the debate on anti-oppressive practice. It is an accessible and practical guide to the subject for all involved in student learning, aiming to provide practice teachers and educators with tools to help students develop their understanding of the effects of heterosexism as well as providing strategies for positive practice. Part 1 considers: ¢ the social background, raising important issues about the ways in which lesbians and gay men are marginalised in society and the subsequent reflection in social work education and practice; ¢ the legal framework within which social workers and probation officers operate, drawing attention to some of the tensions and dilemmas facing practitioners attempting to develop anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice; ¢ a framework within which to develop non-homophobic and non-heterosexist practice within the Diploma in Social Work, raising important issues which need to be addressed both within the academic institutions and the practice learning environment; ¢ how to facilitate students’ learning in relation to anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice with lesbian and gay service users; ¢ the assessment of students’ competence within the academic and practice curriculum; ¢ a model of good practice in working with lesbians and gay men, offering practical suggestions which can be incorporated into existing policies and procedures. Part 2 provides practical teaching and training materials including how to organise the training session, exercises and notes for trainers. these can be adapted to reflect individual or group needs, within the practice learning or academic environment.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors: Acting Out Your Pain
In a world where natural, social and political disasters are a daily reality, the therapist is increasingly called upon to find rapid and effective methods of treating the survivors of trauma, including sexual abuse, torture, war-related trauma, addiction, depression and bereavement. The contributors to this book provide persuasive evidence of how psychodrama can safely be used to create paths of change for even the most severe traumatization and they also discuss the possible transmission of trauma patterns across generations. Research following World War II, neurobiological studies and other recent research into PTSD has shown that many trauma symptoms are unconscious, non-verbal, right-brained experiences which cannot be accessed through talk therapy. Psychodrama creates a place to act out unprocessed trauma within the containment of therapy, in order to stop the obsessive repetition of the past.Psychodrama with Trauma Survivors documents the impact of trauma and explores the development of treatment, providing integrated models of experiential treatment for clinicians to use. It is an invaluable resource for those interested in psychodrama and those working with trauma survivors.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Biochemical Imbalances in Disease: A Practitioner's Handbook
Biochemical imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies are a contributory factor in chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, auto-immune conditions and cancer. This handbook for practitioners explains how to identify and treat such biochemical imbalances in order to better understand and manage a patient's ill-health.The book examines a range of biochemical imbalances, including compromised adrenal or thyroid function, gastro-intestinal imbalances, immune system problems and sex hormone imbalances, and explains how and why such states occur. It pulls together a wide range of evidence to show how such imbalances are involved in the most common chronic diseases. It helps practitioners to understand how to identify the imbalances through appropriate case history taking and laboratory testing, and how to design and implement effective nutritional interventions. Developed by leading academics and practitioners in the fields of nutritional therapy and functional medicine, this evidence-informed approach can be used with all patients who present in clinic, regardless of whether or not they have a 'named medical condition'. In the final chapter, a case example illustrates how to use the theoretical information in the practice of treating patients with chronically compromised health. Biochemical Imbalances in Disease is an essential text for nutritional therapy practitioners, as well as for students, and will be welcomed by complementary and conventional healthcare practitioners alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sex as Crime?
This book brings together chapters by academics, researchers and practitioners to analyse how crimes such as sex work, domestic violence and rape and sexual assault have risen up the Government agenda in recent years. For example, the 'Paying the Price' consultation exercise on sex work in 2004, and recent legislation around sex crimes, including the Sex Offences Act (2003). This is a multi-disciplinary, social scientific, pro-feminist collection, which draws upon practice, empirical research, documentary analysis and overviews of research in the areas of sex work and sexual violence. Within Sex as Crime there are two distinct sub-sections: 'Sex for Sale' and 'Sex as Violence', but the broader and overriding link of sex as crime remains a paramount theme that spans the collection. Chapters include discussions of the impact of new regulations on street sex workers, and of street sex work on community residents, the use of the internet by men who pay for sex and men who sell it, sexual violence and identity, sex crimes against children and protecting children online and working with sex offenders. Other chapters explore reasons for such offending behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Working with Families for Inclusive Education: Navigating Identity, Opportunity and Belonging
This book explores personal, family and theoretical constructions of inclusion and offers evidence-based strategies and resources to foster parent-professional, home-school collaborative partnerships. It explores working with families to secure identity, opportunity and belonging within school settings and beyond. It does so by means of a rich international blend of scholarly articles and personal reflections. The first section examines personal, family, and theoretical perspectives on ways in which existing systems and structures define and influence inclusion of persons with disability and their families in school and workplace settings. It invites reflection on how we might come together to create more inclusive communities through mutual understanding and valuing. Section two presents a number of evidence-based practices, strategies, and resources that can serve to guide family members and professionals as they work together to build collaborative partnerships and inclusive school communities from preschool through transition to post-secondary and vocational settings. This book invites us to deeper understandings of collaboration, to engage reflection from diverse perspectives. It reminds us that at some level we are all navigating identity, opportunity and belonging; that each of us needs those who challenge us to see beyond our assumptions, whose ideas shape and sharpen our own.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Spell On Wheels Volume 2: Just To Get To You
Bristol University Press Re-imagining Contested Communities: Connecting Rotherham through Research
This is a book that challenges contemporary images of ‘place’. Too often we are told about ‘deprived neighbourhoods’ but rarely do the people who live in those communities get to shape the agenda and describe, from their perspective, what is important to them. In this unique book the process of re-imagining comes to the fore in a fresh and contemporary look at one UK town, Rotherham. Using history, artistic practice, writing, poetry, autobiography and collaborative ethnography, this book literally and figuratively re-imagines a place. It is a manifesto for alternative visions of community, located in histories and cultural reference points that often remain unheard within the mainstream media. As such, the book presents a ‘how to’ for researchers interested in community collaborative research and accessing alternative ways of knowing and voices in marginalised communities.
Bristol University Press Reconsidering Policy: Complexity, Governance and the State
For nation-states, the contexts for developing and implementing policy have become more complex and demanding. Yet policy studies have not fully responded to the challenges and opportunities represented by these developments. Governance literature has drawn attention to a globalising and network-based policy world, but politics and the role of the state have been de-emphasised. This book addresses this imbalance by reconsidering traditional policy-analytic concepts, and re-developing and extending new ones, in a melded approach defined as systemic institutionalism. This links policy with governance and the state and suggests how real-world issues might be substantively addressed.
Bristol University Press Re-imagining Child Protection: Towards Humane Social Work with Families
Why has the language of the child and of child protection become so hegemonic? What is lost and gained by such language? Who is being protected, and from what, in a risk society? Given that the focus is overwhelmingly on those families who are multiply deprived, do services reinforce or ameliorate such deprivations? And is it ethical to remove children from their parents in a society riven by inequalities? This timely book challenges a child protection culture that has become mired in muscular authoritarianism towards multiply deprived families. It calls for family-minded humane practice where children are understood as relational beings, parents are recognized as people with needs and hopes and families as carrying extraordinary capacities for care and protection. The authors, who have over three decades of experience as social workers, managers, educators and researchers in England, also identify the key ingredients of just organizational cultures where learning is celebrated. This important book will be required reading for students on qualifying and post-qualifying courses in child protection, social workers, managers, academics and policy makers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Whistleblowing Guide: Speak-up Arrangements, Challenges and Best Practices
Choose the best speak-up arrangements for your organisation The last five years have seen dramatic and fundamental changes in whistleblower procedures for organisations. Prompted by a spate of important public disclosures, organizations are now mandated by law to implement effective arrangements enabling employees to speak up about perceived wrongdoing. Currently few resources exist to help with this. To help fill the gap, The Whistleblowing Guide examines the opportunities and challenges associated with different types of whistleblowing and speak-up arrangements, making recommendations based on best practices you can trust. Identifies the major organisational, structural and cultural obstacles to speaking up through speak-up arrangements Proposes effective whistleblowing and speak-up arrangements Explains the specific policy and legislation requirements that can promote or impede the effective implementation of speak-up arrangements, and how these can be translated into commercial and public organizations across sectors and cultures Makes a clear distinction between internal and external reporting arrangements The Whistleblowing Guide offers conceptual clarification about these key issues, including a focus on internal and external speak-up procedures, organisational response and communication, impartiality and trust.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Making Sense of Men's Magazines
The last decade has witnessed the phenomenal growth of the men's magazine market, raising important questions of a more general kind. What is the significance of the rise of men's lifestyle magazines for gender politics? Are we witnessing a backlash against feminism or are they merely harmless fun? Why did lsquo;new man' give way to the lsquo;new lad'? What political issues do these questions raise within the context of the information society? Making Sense of Men's Magazines is an original study which enables us to understand the appeal of men's magazines, the ways in which they are constructed and understood, and many of the complex questions they raise for both men and women. Through interviews with editors and key production staff, an analysis of the content of men's magazines and focus group interviews, this work seeks to lsquo;make sense' of this cultural phenomenon. The authors give particular attention to the gendered and commercial character of men's magazines, and the implications they have for the way we understand capitalism, masculinity and consumption in the modern world. This book makes a major contribution to understanding the role of magazines in contemporary culture and will be essential reading for students of sociology, media and cultural studies and gender studies.
Pluto Press Furious: Technological Feminism and Digital Futures
As digital transformations continue to accelerate in the world, discourses of big data have come to dominate in a number of fields, from politics and economics, to media and education. But how can we really understand the digital world when so much of the writing through which we grapple with it remains deeply problematic? In a compelling new work of feminist critical theory, Bassett, Kember and O'Riordan scrutinise many of the assumptions of a masculinist digital world, highlighting the tendency of digital humanities scholarship to venerate and essentialise technical forms, and to adopt gendered writing and citation practices. Contesting these writings, practices and politics, the authors foreground feminist traditions and contributions to the field, offering alternative modes of knowledge production, and a radically different, poetic writing style. Through this prism, Furious brings into focus themes including the automation of home and domestic work, the Anthropocene, and intersectional feminist technofutures.
Classical Press of Wales Ethnicity and Culture in Late Antiquity
The period 300-600 AD saw huge changes: the Graeco-Roman city-state was first transformed then eclipsed; much of the Roman Empire broke up and was reconfigured; new barbarian kingdoms emerged in the Roman West. Above all, religious culture moved from polytheistic to monotheistic. Here, 20 papers by international scholars explore how group identites were established against the shifting background. Separate sections treat the Latin-speaking West, the Greek East, and the age of Justinian. Themes include religious conversion, Roman law in the barbarian West, problems of Jewish identity, and what in Late Antiquity it meant to be Roman.
Quarto Publishing PLC Connected Women: Inspiring women who have shaped the world and each other
Behind every great woman… is another great woman. Here, the extraordinary achievements, relationships and secret histories of 84 pioneering women are revealed in inspirational stories which together show the indomitable strength of womankind. From ground-breaking scientist Marie Curie to political activist Malala Yousafzai, from feminist author Virginia Woolf to the game-changing Billie Jean King; Connected Women creates a gigantic web of womanhood which celebrates the relationships between the world’s most inspirational and influential women. Threading tales from across the globe and throughout history, the lives of innovative aviatrixes, gun-toting revolutionaries and women with incomparable intellects are revealed. Each woman is connected to the next, discovering the women behind the scenes; those who didn’t get the credit for scientific discoveries, sporting achievements or acts of bravery when they were alive. Some names will be familiar, some might not, but all are equally important. With compelling story-telling and beautifully illustrated portraits, Connected Women is bold and engaging with a unique purpose: to uncover the links between 84 pioneering women. Featuring Michelle Obama, Gala Dalí, Emma Watson, Nina Simone, Frida Kahlo, Coco Chanel, Greta Garbo, Eleanor Roosevelt, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and many more pioneering women who have shaped the world we live in today.
WW Norton & Co Master Pieces: The Curator's Game
As Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a decade, Thomas Hoving brought art to a new level of public awareness by pioneering such blockbuster shows as the King Tut exhibit. Early in his career, Hoving was introduced to the "curator's game." Each week, he and his contemporaries met to examine details of larger museum masterpieces. Whoever correctly identified the detail in context won free coffee: the losers paid. In an imaginative adaptation of this exercise, Hoving introduces us to the challenge and the fun of identifying art, and to the rewards of familiarity with the great works. A section of paintings accompanied by brief essays introduces a range of artists, themes, techniques, and styles, while progressively demanding "clues" are provided to help identify visual details in context. No experience is necessary to play this game. Readers at all levels will discover the fun of identifying and remembering great art.
McGill-Queen's University Press For the Sake of the Common Good: Essays in Honour of Lois Wilson
Born in Winnipeg in 1927, Lois Wilson was the first female moderator of the United Church of Canada, the first female president of the Canadian Council of Churches, and the first woman and first Canadian president of the North American region of the World Council of Churches. A respected human rights defender and activist for peace and social justice around the world, she was appointed by successive Canadian governments to head missions in Korea, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Sudan, among others, over her long and distinguished career.For the Sake of the Common Good is a tribute to the life and work of this remarkable Canadian. It brings together contributions from internationally recognized figures such as Louise Arbour, Lloyd Axworthy, and Irwin Cotler; national leaders such as Bill Blaikie, Alia Hogben, Mary Jo Leddy, Stan McKay, and Michael Blair; and local heroes such as Alexa Gilmour and Brent Hawkes, who have been influenced by Lois Wilson’s practical Christianity, progressive values, and commitment to ending oppression in all forms. Their essays urge us to think about the many ways we can work toward the common good: by welcoming refugees, developing ecologically sustainable ways of life, repairing relations with Indigenous Peoples, protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people and all who are oppressed, defending political prisoners, and respecting religious rights and the place of faith in public life. In such ways, we can restore right relations with the Earth and with each other.For the Sake of the Common Good gratefully acknowledges Lois Wilson’s inspiring legacy while taking on the important task of continuing her work.
HarperCollins Publishers First Level Handbook: Happy Healthy You
Healthy, Happy You is a complete PSHE course for 1st and 2nd level in Scotland. It provides schools with a PSHE Scheme of Work for P2 to P7, with structured progression so children build up their understanding of health, relationships, safety and social issues in age-appropriate steps. The First Level Handbook supports teachers in delivering the Health & Wellbeing Curriculum for Excellence by providing over 150 lessons, organised into topics. Each lesson comes with a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation, discussion guide, resource sheets and assessment. All materials are editable so they can be used flexibly and can be adapted so that they are specific to every setting. Teachers can be confident delivering this essential subject with this comprehensive toolkit.
HarperCollins Publishers My Life – Key Stage 1 Primary PSHE Handbook
My Life – PSHE for healthier, happier children. My Life is a complete PSHE course for children age 5–11. It provides schools with a PSHE Scheme of Work for Years 1–6, with structured progression so children build up their understanding of health, relationships, safety and social issues in age-appropriate steps. Personal development of important qualities such as resilience, responsibility and wellbeing is also embedded. Teachers can be confident delivering this essential subject using the My Life lesson plans, PowerPoints, discussion guides, resource sheets and assessment. All materials are editable so they can be used flexibly. A comprehensive course, My Life covers all aspects of PSHE, including the new relationships and health education content that is statutory for all schools from 2020.
HarperCollins Publishers Captain Scott: Journey to the South Pole: Band 08/Purple (Collins Big Cat)
One hundred years ago, Captain Scott, naval officer and explorer wanted to be the first person to reach the South Pole. Was he the first to reach it? Discover what happened to him and his men when they went to the coldest place on Earth. Purple/Band 8 books offer developing readers literary language, with some challenging vocabulary. Text type: An information book Curriculum links: Literacy: Information texts. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Volume 1: The Medieval Period
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials. Innovative, authoritative and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature has established itself as a leader in the field.The full anthology comprises six bound volumes, together with an extensive website component; the latter has been edited, annotated, and designed according to the same high standards as the bound book component of the anthology, and is accessible by using the passcode obtained with the purchase of one or more of the bound volumes.In the revised third edition of this volume, the term 'Anglo-Saxon' has been removed from our editorial apparatus - a change made in response to recent scholarly work that has drawn attention to the term's historical and current usage by white supremacists. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements. We have also taken the opportunity to implement a small number of additional improvements; the pagination, however, remains the same.
Pearson Education Limited Level 2 Certificate Children and Young People's Workforce Candidate Handbook
Covers all mandatory units and a good selection of optional units to provide the information learners need to succeed. Written by Penny Tassoni and a team of expert childcare tutors and trainers, so you can be sure that content is reliable, relevant and of the highest quality. Engaging case studies, activities and photos give a real flavour of working in childcare and help learners relate theory to good practice. Updated to reflect the latest standards, legislation, frameworks and practice – so you have the up-to-date information they need.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Writing War, Writing Lives
War affects life writing and lives affect war writing. The traditional forms of life writing – memoir, biography, letters, diaries – buckle under the strain of war. War writing has fewer traditional forms but exists at a similar extreme. The eight chapters in this book, written by leading and up-and-coming scholars in the field, illuminate the creative innovations, improvisations, and implosions which happen when the demands of writing war and writing lives collide. Central to all is the question of authenticity: how can wars and lives be known and who can speak of them with authority? This volume has a generous chronological and generic range, beginning in the early 1800s and stretching to twenty-first-century texts, and covering letters, diaries, fiction, ‘fakeries’, poetry, biography, testimony, songs, objects, and digital media. The mix of authors is similarly varied: Thomas Hardy, W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Bowen rub shoulders with Yousif M. Qasmiyeh (a contemporary Palestinian poet), Farah Baker (a Gazan teenager) and the writers behind the pen names Araki Yasusada and Jiri Kajanë. This book was originally published as a special issue of Textual Practice.
Oxford University Press Project X CODE Extra: Green Book Band, Oxford Level 5: Jungle Trail and Shark Dive, Mixed Pack of 4
Project X CODE Extra introduces more exciting adventure stories and stimulating non-fiction texts into the Project X CODE series. This pack contains 1 copy of each of the following titles: Panic in the Jungle, Big in the Jungle, Shark!, The Deadly Depths. In line with the phonic, vocabulary and comprehension progression in Project X CODE, these books are ideal for additional practice outside of the core intervention sessions, for introducing children to non-fiction texts, and for children who simply want to read more of the CODE adventure!
The Emma Press Na Willa and the House in the Alley
In this sequel to The Adventures of Na Willa (2019), our heroine Na Willa's days are still filled with simple joys-and now Pak, her father, is back from sea! Willa delights in a new series of escapades in the alley, until, one day, Pak brings some news that will change her life forever... Acclaimed poets Kate Wakeling and Ikhda Ayuning Maharsi Degoul bring Reda Gaudiamo's bright, curious and charismatic character to life for English-language readers. Adventurous yet accessible, this lyrical chapter book acknowledges that exciting new beginnings also mean sad goodbyes. Illustrated by Cecillia Hidayat.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Exploring Body-Mind Centering: An Anthology of Experience and Method
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 19: Jewels from a Sultan's Crown Pack 6
Elizabeth Laird retells a beautiful set of folk stories from East Africa and the Middle East. These stories in this collection have travelled across countries, survived through centuries, been retold by generations and have found their way into this book. They are stories of tricks and jokes, leopards and goats, heroes and fools, sorrows and joys - each one of them a perfectly formed gem. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the world's best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening. This pack provides 6 copies of the same title.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Level 11: Tasty Travels
Join Glenn on his Tasty Travels! Read about his trips to different countries, find out what food he ate and try out some of his recipes. Oxford Reading Tree inFact is a non-fiction series that aims to engage children in reading for pleasure as powerfully as fiction does. The variety of topics means there are books to interest every child in this compelling series. The series is written by top children's authors and subject experts. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book.
Art Gid Erik Bulatov: Come to Garage!
Since the beginning of his career in the 1960s, Russian artist Erik Bulatov has investigated the potential of painting as social commentary. A founder of the school of Moscow Conceptualism-alongside Ilya Kabakov, Collective Actions, and Komar & Melamid among others-Bulatov developed what has been described as conceptual painting, using text and image to explore spatial preoccupations that mirror his understanding of social relations. This book follows the making of the artist's largest work to date: a thirty-two-feet high monumental diptych made in his trademark graphic style, reminiscent of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky's advertising posters from the 1920s. Introducing an innovative assessment of Bulatov's oeuvre, this richly illustrated publication includes an essay by Garage curator Snejana Krasteva exploring his use of monumental scale, an interview with the artist by Hans Ulrich Obrist, and several of Bulatov's texts spanning the period 1978-2006, which are translated into English for the first time.
Iron Circus Comics The Woman in the Woods and Other North American Stories
"Enjoyable for reading aloud or sharing around a campfire." -- KIRKUS“Be careful of what you accept from spirits.”Loup Garrou, trickster rabbits, and spirits with names that can’t be spoken — the plains and forests of North America are alive with characters like these, all waiting to meet you in this collection of folklore retold in comics!This fifth volume of the “Cautionary Fables and Fairytales” anthology series features updated takes on ancient stories from tribes spanning the continent, bursting with bedside tales that are thrilling, chilling, and most of all inspiring. Featuring the work of JORDAAN ARLEDGE, MAIJA AMBROSE PLAMONDON, MILO APPLEJOHN, and more!
Persephone Books Ltd Manja: The Story of Five Children
ACC Art Books The Story of British Tea Chests and Caddies: Social History and Decorative Techniques
Tea was introduced to Britain in the 1650s. Its popularity burgeoned over the following two-and-a-half centuries, until it became a defining feature of British culture. Drawing inspiration from China, British craftsmen worked to display their skills on numerous tea-related objects, which ritualised the process of drinking tea and imbued it with luxury status. Calling on an array of different materials and techniques, they developed a huge variety of canisters and lockable containers for storing and preserving this precious commodity. Tea chests and caddies were not merely functional items that might lurk at the back of the kitchen – they were intended for display and were an essential accoutrement for fashionable women. As the habit of tea drinking filtered down the social scale, caddies were made in larger numbers and in more affordable forms. This book brings together a great range of decorative antique tea containers, presenting them alongside detailed historical research conducted into their making and their place in British society across the centuries. It also explores the materials and techniques employed. With historical art showing tea’s integration into British society, examples of old trade cards and original designs, and a wealth of illustrations of the objects themselves, this is a must-buy book for historians, collectors and those interested in the decorative arts.
Chronicle Books Lavash: The bread that launched 1,000 meals, plus salads, stews, and other recipes from Armenia
With growing interest in fermentation and the medical benefits of a Mediterranean diet, Armenian food offers a new take on healthful deliciousness. It combines the best flavors and techniques of Mediterranean and central European cuisines into fresh and satisfying dishes, served with plenty of pickles, sides, and the soft, ubiquitous bread known as lavash. An ode to Armenian food and culture, Lavash is part cookbook, part travelogue, and part lookbook of tempting food and revealing atmospheric photography. More than 60 recipes—arranged by course—cover authentic breads and everything you eat with them, from soups and salads to mains and sweets. For both armchair travelers and home cooks, here's a book as enticing in the reading as its recipes are to the palate.
Usborne Publishing Ltd What's Science all about?
This book contains the following Usborne titles: What's biology all about?, What's chemistry all about? and What's physics all about? An accessible and informative guide to physics, chemistry and biology, how they work and how they apply to everyday life. Covers all the key science topics including electricity, the periodic table and the human body. Includes simple experiments and internet-links to recommended websites to find out more. Illustrated with humorous drawings, cartoons and diagrams.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rewired: The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI
In Rewired, the world's most influential management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, delivers a road-tested, how-to manual their own consultants use to help companies build the capabilities to outcompete in the age of digital and AI. Many companies are stuck with digital transformations that are not moving the needle. There are no quick fixes but there is a playbook. The answer is in rewiring your business so hundreds, thousands, of teams can harness technology to continuously create great customer experiences, lower unit costs, and generate value. It's the capabilities of the organization that win the race. McKinsey Digital's top leaders Eric Lamarre, Kate Smaje and Rodney W. Zemmel provide proven how-to details on what it takes in six comprehensive sections – creating the transformation roadmap, building a talent bench, adopting a new operating model, producing a distributed technology environment so teams can innovate, embedding data everywhere, and unlocking user adoption and enterprise scaling. Tested, iterated, reworked, and tested again over the years, McKinsey's digital and AI transformation playbook is captured in the pages of Rewired. It contains diagnostic assessments, operating model designs, technology and data architecture diagrams, how-to checklists, best practices and detailed implementation methods, all exemplified with demonstrated case studies and illustrated with 100+ exhibits. Rewired is for leaders who are ready to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work needed to rewire their company for long-term success.
CONNELL PUBLISHING LTD The Connell Connell Guide To F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
Paizo Publishing, LLC Starfinder RPG Armory Pocket Edition
It's a dangerous universe out there, and often the difference between survival and being the next meal for an angry ksarik is having the right equipment. From guns to augmentations to high-tech and magical devices for every imaginable situation, Starfinder Armory is your guide to everything you need, whether you are a frontline fighter, stealthy spy, or scholarly spellcaster. Inside Starfinder Armory, you'll find the following: • Scores of new weapons, filling out the options for weapons of every category, level, and type and rules to customize your weapons through weapon accessories, weapon fusions, and different weapon manufacturers. • New suits of armor, including light, heavy, and powered armor for nearly every level and numerous armor upgrades. • A wide range of new equipment-themed player options, including class features for every class! • Dozens of new pieces of technological, magic, and hybrid items, as well as numerous personal items, new augmentations from cybernetics to magitech and necrografts, and more! The pocket edition presents the same contents as the original hardcover edition in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.
Image Comics The Wicked + The Divine Volume 3: Commercial Suicide
After the detonation of FANDEMONIUM the gods-as-pop-stars of THE WICKED + THE DIVINE try living in the long dark shadow. Team WicDiv are joined by a stellar cast of guest artists to put the spotlight of each of the gods. The multiple Eisner-award nominated series continues in the only way it knows how: darker, weirder, faster. Don't worry. It's going to be okay.
Orion Publishing Co Cerys Matthews' Under Milk Wood: An Illustrated Retelling
We are not wholly bad or goodWho live our lives under Milk WoodAnd Thou, I know, wilt be the firstTo see our best side, not our worst. In this enchanting illustrated adaptation, Cerys Matthews brings Dylan Thomas's beloved classic to new life. This is a bedtime story like no other; a book to be treasured by many generations; a book for babies and old men alike, for all that are young at heart. Welcome to the small seaside town of Llareggub.Here you will find dreamers, workers, singers, sinners, the young, old, blue, bold and a mix of all inbetween.Here you will meet Captain Cat and Rosie Probert, Mr Organ Morgan and Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard, NogoodBoyo, Mog and Myfanwy.Here you will watch a day in their lives play out - from a dark, moonless night to a morning that is busy as bees; from a sunny, slow lulling afternoon to a deep, drifting dusk.So, to begin at the beginning . . .
Trek Logistics Ltd Just for One or Two: 80 Delicious Recipes You'll Cook Again and Again
Do you want to cook delicious meals for one or two people? With 80 triple-tested recipes, inspirational photographs, handy QR code shopping lists and easy-to-follow instructions cooking for one or two can be a real pleasure. And with recipes written specifically for one or two people, there's no need to worry about wasted ingredients and conundrums, such as how to halve an egg! There's something to tempt everyone in three chapters: EVERDAY EATING with its fabulous everyday meals, which are simple enough to make any time. EAT & FREEZE where each recipe provides several portions - eat one or two portions and freeze the rest. EAT OUT, IN which shows you how to create restaurant-quality food at home with a few ingredients and little effort. Why not whip up a fabulous Prawn Cocktail Pasta in less than 15 minutes, put your feet up while Lemon & Thyme Poussin roasts beautifully in the oven, or indulge in succulent Roasted Strawberries with Lemon Ripple. Just for One or Two is a brand new cookbook from the makers of the Dairy Diary, which provides straightforward recipes for gorgeous meals, desserts and bakes written specifically for one or two people. Each carefully crafted recipe shown in full colour uses readily available ingredients, requires little effort and tastes amazing.