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Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. The Traditional Jewish Law of Sale: Shulhan Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat, Chapters 189-240
Within traditional Jewish commercial law, the laws of sale and fraud are surprisingly intelligible and fascinating for modern students of Jewish tradition. This translation of the relevant sections of the Shulhan Arukh, sometimes known as the ‘Code of Jewish Law’, has been prepared with the utmost care and attention to the technical nuances of legal terminology in both modern and ancient law. The Shulhan Arukh is the most widely consulted of the various legal codes in Judaism. Rabbinic tradition is in large part a tradition of law and jurisprudence. This tradition of law comprehends fields as diverse as the law of evidence and the dietary regimen, as laws on credit and debt and the laws of ritual purity. It follows naturally that many, if not most, of the great works of rabbinical literature are law books, commentaries on the law, and collections of cases. The principal legal code, or restatement, still authoritative among traditional Jews, is the Shulhan Arukh, compiled by Joseph b. Ephraim Karo of Safed (1488-1575) and glossed by Moses Isserles of Cracow (1520-1572). This work, published in four volumes, provided the rabbinic jurist or magistrate, as well as the learned layman, with a concise review of the various areas of Jewish law that might come to his attention. One such area of traditional Jewish law was the laws of buying and selling and the laws of fraud in sales. This particular domain within traditional Jewish commercial law is surprisingly intelligible and fascinating for modern students of Jewish tradition. Buying and selling are just as much a part of the modern world as they were of past ages. Moreover, the student of legal history or comparative law will find that this rabbinical code on sales and fraud in sales provides, at a glance, a view of the strata of Jewish legal development from the ancient period to the sixteenth century. Among the matters treated in this code are the formation of the agreement to buy and sell, the concept of acquisition as it relates to various types of property, legal capacity, and the requirement of good faith. The chapters on fraud reflect the moral and ethical values of Jewish tradition which are always implicit, and often explicit, in the rules of Jewish civil, criminal, and commercial legal codes. The material is clearly of interest to modern students of business ethics. A synopsis of the law of sale prefaces the work. It underscores some of the main features of this area of the law and furnishes some terminology and analysis of the material. While this synopsis does note some points of contrast and comparison with Roman law and medieval church law, it is not intended as a detailed historical or comparative study. It serves principally to introduce the text itself and establish some useful lines of understanding and classification. The translation of the laws of sale and fraud presented here has been prepared with the utmost care and attention to the technical nuances of legal terminology in both modern and ancient law. Its apparatus of notes and references includes material on the history of the printing of this translated portion of the Jewish legal tradition.
New York University Press Upending the Ivory Tower: Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Ivy League
Winner, 2019 Anna Julia Cooper and C.L.R. James Award, given by the National Council for Black Studies Finalist, 2019 Pauli Murray Book Prize in Black Intellectual History, given by the African American Intellectual History Society Winner, 2019 Outstanding Book Award, given by the History of Education Society The inspiring story of the black students, faculty, and administrators who forever changed America’s leading educational institutions and paved the way for social justice and racial progress The eight elite institutions that comprise the Ivy League, sometimes known as the Ancient Eight—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, and Cornell—are American stalwarts that have profoundly influenced history and culture by producing the nation’s and the world’s leaders. The few black students who attended Ivy League schools in the decades following WWII not only went on to greatly influence black America and the nation in general, but unquestionably awakened these most traditional and selective of American spaces. In the twentieth century, black youth were in the vanguard of the black freedom movement and educational reform. Upending the Ivory Tower illuminates how the Black Power movement, which was borne out of an effort to edify the most disfranchised of the black masses, also took root in the hallowed halls of America’s most esteemed institutions of higher education. Between the close of WWII and 1975, the civil rights and Black Power movements transformed the demographics and operation of the Ivy League on and off campus. As desegregators and racial pioneers, black students, staff, and faculty used their status in the black intelligentsia to enhance their predominantly white institutions while advancing black freedom. Although they were often marginalized because of their race and class, the newcomers altered educational policies and inserted blackness into the curricula and culture of the unabashedly exclusive and starkly white schools. This book attempts to complete the narrative of higher education history, while adding a much needed nuance to the history of the Black Power movement. It tells the stories of those students, professors, staff, and administrators who pushed for change at the risk of losing what privilege they had. Putting their status, and sometimes even their lives, in jeopardy, black activists negotiated, protested, and demonstrated to create opportunities for the generations that followed. The enrichments these change agents made endure in the diversity initiatives and activism surrounding issues of race that exist in the modern Ivy League. Upending the Ivory Tower not only informs the civil rights and Black Power movements of the postwar era but also provides critical context for the Black Lives Matter movement that is growing in the streets and on campuses throughout the country today. As higher education continues to be a catalyst for change, there is no one better to inform today’s activists than those who transformed our country’s past and paved the way for its future.
New York University Press Upending the Ivory Tower: Civil Rights, Black Power, and the Ivy League
Winner, 2019 Anna Julia Cooper and C.L.R. James Award, given by the National Council for Black Studies Finalist, 2019 Pauli Murray Book Prize in Black Intellectual History, given by the African American Intellectual History Society Winner, 2019 Outstanding Book Award, given by the History of Education Society The inspiring story of the black students, faculty, and administrators who forever changed America’s leading educational institutions and paved the way for social justice and racial progress The eight elite institutions that comprise the Ivy League, sometimes known as the Ancient Eight—Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, and Cornell—are American stalwarts that have profoundly influenced history and culture by producing the nation’s and the world’s leaders. The few black students who attended Ivy League schools in the decades following WWII not only went on to greatly influence black America and the nation in general, but unquestionably awakened these most traditional and selective of American spaces. In the twentieth century, black youth were in the vanguard of the black freedom movement and educational reform. Upending the Ivory Tower illuminates how the Black Power movement, which was borne out of an effort to edify the most disfranchised of the black masses, also took root in the hallowed halls of America’s most esteemed institutions of higher education. Between the close of WWII and 1975, the civil rights and Black Power movements transformed the demographics and operation of the Ivy League on and off campus. As desegregators and racial pioneers, black students, staff, and faculty used their status in the black intelligentsia to enhance their predominantly white institutions while advancing black freedom. Although they were often marginalized because of their race and class, the newcomers altered educational policies and inserted blackness into the curricula and culture of the unabashedly exclusive and starkly white schools. This book attempts to complete the narrative of higher education history, while adding a much needed nuance to the history of the Black Power movement. It tells the stories of those students, professors, staff, and administrators who pushed for change at the risk of losing what privilege they had. Putting their status, and sometimes even their lives, in jeopardy, black activists negotiated, protested, and demonstrated to create opportunities for the generations that followed. The enrichments these change agents made endure in the diversity initiatives and activism surrounding issues of race that exist in the modern Ivy League. Upending the Ivory Tower not only informs the civil rights and Black Power movements of the postwar era but also provides critical context for the Black Lives Matter movement that is growing in the streets and on campuses throughout the country today. As higher education continues to be a catalyst for change, there is no one better to inform today’s activists than those who transformed our country’s past and paved the way for its future.
Human Kinetics Publishers NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments
NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments offers strength and conditioning professionals a one-stop resource for the best research-supported fitness and performance measures available. Created by top experts in the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this comprehensive text offers extensive information on which factors matter and how to evaluate them as accurately and easily as possible. Editor Todd Miller and an authoritative team of contributors have compiled an exceptional reference and valuable tool for practicing professionals and an indispensable educational resource for students.NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments presents the latest research from respected scientists and practitioners in exercise testing and assessment. The text begins with an introduction to testing, data analysis, and formulating conclusions. It then features a by-chapter presentation of tests and assessments for body composition, heart rate and blood pressure, metabolic rate, aerobic power, lactate threshold, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, speed and agility, mobility, and balance and stability. Using descriptions of multiple test options for each key fitness component, readers will learn to choose from a range of alternatives to meet the needs of their athletes, reach training objectives, choose from available equipment, and work within budgets.Each chapter provides a summary detailing the key testing and assessment information for each fitness component, the equipment needed for performing the tests, step-by-step instructions, normative data for the tests, and multiple test options per conditioning component. Insights into the applications of testing for certain fitness components are also presented:• The value of body composition assessments in determining health and fitness levels for competitive athletes as well as individuals across the life span• How an understanding of 24-hour energy expenditure can be useful in structuring a complete diet and exercise plan for weight loss, gain, or maintenance• How to select a maximal or submaximal aerobic power test that is specific to the demands of a client’s or athlete’s sport• Discussion of the mechanical and physiological factors shown to influence the expression of muscular strength• An examination of the relevant factors influencing power production and explosive movement capacity• Differences between mobility and flexibility and a discussion of the acute versus chronic effects of static stretching• Theories and concepts of balance and stability, their effects on performance, and categories of testing for balance and stabilityNSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments also includes NSCA-approved testing protocols, extensive references to current research, and applications for the testing of conditioning components. Information is presented in an accessible manner to help explain the findings of both researchers and practitioners so that readers can select the most effective and efficient approach for athlete and client assessments.Properly conducted tests and skillful assessment of data enable fitness professionals to develop individualized training programs based on their clients’ or athletes’ physiological and functional capacities. Credible,, current, and complete, NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments provides a clear understanding of the test selection process, how to implement appropriate data collection, and how to analyze data to make appropriate training decisions that will help athletes and clients achieve their performance goals.NSCA’s Guide to Tests and Assessments is part of the Science of Strength and Conditioning series. Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), this series of texts provides the guidelines for converting scientific research into practical application. The series covers topics such as tests and assessments, program design, and nutrition.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
Archaeopress Coton Park, Rugby, Warwickshire: A Middle Iron Age Settlement with Copper Alloy Casting
A total area of 3.1ha, taking in much of a settlement largely of the earlier Middle Iron Age (c.450 to c.150BC), was excavated in 1998 in advance of development. Two small pit groups, radiocarbon dated to the Middle Bronze Age, produced a bronze dagger and a small pottery assemblage. The Iron Age settlement comprised several groups of roundhouse ring ditches and associated small enclosures forming an open settlement set alongside a linear boundary ditch. Its origin lay in the 5th century BC with a single small roundhouse group. Through the 4th and 3rd centuries BC the settlement expanded with the original structures replaced by a principal roundhouse group accompanied by at least a further two groups of roundhouses and enclosures and minor outlying structures. A group of structures and enclosures set apart from the main domestic area was the focus for copper alloy casting, producing an assemblage of crucibles and fragments from investment moulds for the production of horse fittings, as well as bone, antler and horn working debris. The site also produced good assemblages of pottery and animal bone, an assemblage of saddle querns and a potin coin. The settlement had been abandoned by the middle of the 2nd century BC, although the main boundary ditch survived at least as an earthwork. By the early 1st century AD a series of ditched enclosures were created to the north of the boundary ditch, perhaps a small ladder settlement, which fell out of use soon after the Roman conquest. One enclosure contained two small roundhouses and other curvilinear gullies may have formed animal pens in the corners of two enclosures. This final phase is dated by some Late Iron Age pottery, an Iron Age and a Roman rotary quern, and a small quantity of Roman roof tile. The discussion considers the physical, social and economic structure of the settlement. The distribution of finds around the ring ditches is examined as well as the size of enclosed roundhouses. There is an overview of the Iron Age roundhouse in the Midlands, using well preserved sites as exemplars for the range of evidence that can survive. A typology and chronology for Iron Age pottery is provided, and the date of introduction of the rotary quern is discussed, and the consequent effect on the size of storage jars is examined. Middle Bronze Age pits and a small cremation cemetery, and Late Iron Age to early Roman settlement on the site of the nearby deserted medieval village of Coton are also described. With contributions by Trevor Anderson, Paul Blinkhorn, Pat Chapman, Steve Critchley, Karen Deighton, Tora Hylton, Dennis Jackson, Ivan Mack, Anthony Maull, Gerry McDonnell, Matthew Ponting and Jane Timby. Illustrations by Andy Chapman, Pat Walsh and Mark Roughley.
Rowman & Littlefield William Jennings Bryan: An Uncertain Trumpet
At the time of his death in 1925, William Jennings Bryan was, as Henry Steele Commager wrote, "the most representative American of his time." To understand Bryan is to understand the United States on the cusp of modernity as regionalism declined, national political and economic institutions expanded, and the urban way of life began to eclipse the rural. Bryan's time, as today, was one of profound transition and tumult in the United States. The late nineteenth century and early twentieth century saw significant changes in economic, social, and political life which were to result in the modern nation we now recognize. At such a time Americans looked for moral leadership and yet there was no consensus about right and wrong in private or public life. In this uncertain era, Bryan stood forth as a political, moral, and economic reformer and sounded his trumpet for the values of the common man and woman as he so uncertainly understood them. As Gerald Leinwand skillfully shows, the true Bryan is not the caricature we have substituted for the man—the quixotic presidential candidate or the rural bumpkin who tried to match wits with Clarence Darrow on the matter of whether humans were descended from apes. In this important new study of Bryan's life, we find a reformer and politician of compelling power who stood at the center of American political life for thirty years. A Christian fundamentalist and a populist, Bryan was a lively mixture of Protestant revivalism and Jacksonian democracy—rural in upbringing, western in sentiment, and often a disappointed outsider to the political establishment. Best known for his fiery monetary policy crusade against the gold standard, Bryan also favored women's suffrage, direct election of U.S. Senators, and government regulation of railroads. He was a populist whose death left the socialist Eugene V. Debbs unmoved and a conservative whose name was anathema to early twentieth century plutocrats. At the time of his death, no man in public life had more devoted followers and none had more political enemies than William Jennings Bryan. How could a man who was wrong so many times, and who voiced such disharmonious opinions, dominate American life for nearly three decades? In this engaging narrative, Leinwand takes a fresh look at William Jennings Bryan, his character, and his mental, spiritual, and intellectual development. The variety of views about Bryan and the uncertainty of Bryan's own accomplishments as a politician are, as Leinwand demonstrates, reflected in the larger tumult that was American society of the era. Leinwand also includes, in an epilogue, a discussion that has engaged the attention of scholars as to whether the Wizard of Oz was in effect an allegory for Bryan's failure in his campaign for silver.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics, Second edition
This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of a highly acclaimed and authoritative reference work introduces the major concepts in the field of Keynesian economics.The comprehensive Encyclopedia features accessible, informative and provocative contributions by leading international scholars working in the tradition of Keynes. It brings together widely dispersed yet theoretically congruent ideas, presents concise biographies of economists who have contributed to the debate on Keynes and the Keynesian Revolution, and outlines the basic principles, models and tools used to discuss the economic consequences of The General Theory. Longer entries on specific topics associated with Keynes and the Keynesian Revolution analyse the principal factors that contributed to The General Theory, the economics of Keynes and the rise and apparent decline of Keynesian economics in greater detail.The second edition will ensure that An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics will remain the best single reference source on Keynesian economics and will continue to be welcomed by academics, students and teachers of economics as well as by scholars in related social sciences and government policymakers.Contributors: J. Adams, M.S. Aguirre, C. Amsler, D.A. Anderson, J. Aschheim, H. Azari-Rad, J. Barbour, B. Bechtold, S.E. Beck, D. Besomi, R.A. Black, C.E. Bohanon, B.W. Bolch, M.D. Bordo, B.M. Braun, W. Breit, T.A. Burczak, N.J. Burnett, D.A. Campbell, T. Caporale, C. Carey, T. Cate, S. Chapple, H.R. Christensen, N. Churchman, G.E. Clayton, D. Colander, J. Cornwall, W. Darity Jr., J.B. Davis, R.W. Dimand, S. Dow, A.K. Dutt, B.T. Elmslie, D.W. Findlay, J. Fleck, J.L. Ford, C.S. Fraley, E.N. Gamber, R.W. Garrison, M.G. Giesbrecht, G. Gilbert, M.J. Gootzeit, F. Guo, P. Groenewegen, F. Guo, L.J. Haber, D.L. Hammes, G.C. Harcourt, R.L. Hetzel, D.J. Hoaas, B.K. Hobbs, R.P.F. Holt, L.M. Hooks, J.B. Horowitz, Y.S. Huang, T.M. Humphrey, W.K. Hutchinson, J.P. Jacobsen, S.A. Jacobsen, D.W. Jansen, M.C.W. Janssen, A. John, L.E. Johnson, L. Jonung, V. Kapuria-Foreman, S. Kates, A.B. Kline, V. Kumar, W.E. Laird, D. Landreth, H. Landreth, R. Leeson, R.D. Ley, A. Maneschi, J.N. Marshall, P.H. Matthews, M.J. McCrickard, R. McCulloch, E.J. McKenna, A. Millmow, P. Mizen, D.E. Moggridge, M.R. Montgomery, G.H. Moore, J. Morgan, A.R. Moshtagh, L.S. Moss, N.R. Noble, L. Noyd, R.I. Obar, T. Palivos, D.B. Papadimitriou, J.E. Payne, T.P. Potiowsky, J.R. Presley, M. Rahnama-Moghadam, L. Ramrattan, S. Rashid, R.J. Rotheim, H. Samavati, W.J. Samuels, P.A. Samuelson, R.J. Sandilands, F. Schneider, L. Servén, Y. Shionoya, S. Simkins, N.T. Skaggs, R. Skidelsky, R.M. Solow, L.C. Spector, F.G. Steindl, Q. Su, L.P. Syll, M. Szenberg, G.S. Tavlas, H.-M. Trautwein, H. Uzawa, H.R. Vane, K.I. Vaughn, A.I. Veramallay, D.A. Walker, C. Waller, L.S. Wilson, J.S. Wood, L.R. Wray, W.P. Yohe, J.T. Young, D.C. Zannoni
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property
This remarkable book covers the impact of human rights on intellectual property law in the most comprehensive review ever undertaken. It is destined to influence the future development of this field and constitutes an essential resource for both scholars and practitioners.'- Jerome H. Reichman, Duke University School of Law, US'Professor Geiger has assembled an extraordinary group of leading legal scholars, human rights lawyers, judges, and international civil servants to provide comprehensive, up-to-the-minute coverage of all the major issues implicated by the interaction between human rights and intellectual property. This volume will be required reading for anyone interested in this increasingly important topic.'- Beebe Barton, New York University School of Law, US'Intellectual property law draws boundaries around human creativity. In doing so it intersects with the principles and values of the human rights tradition. In this remarkable volume, Professor Christophe Geiger has brought together a great team of scholars to explore this intersection. The result is a Research Handbook that is comprehensive in its coverage of jurisdictions, issues and debates. It is an indispensable starting point for researchers wishing to understand the field and its many topics.'- Peter Drahos, Australian National University and Queen Mary University of London, UKResearch Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property is a comprehensive reference work on the intersection of human rights and intellectual property law. Resulting from a field-specific expertise of over 40 scholars and professionals of world renown, the book explores the practical and doctrinal implications of human rights considerations on intellectual property law and jurisprudence.The various chapters of the book scrutinize issues related to interactions among and between norms of different legal families and the role of human rights in the development of a balanced intellectual property legal framework. The innovative approach of the book is reflected in its structure: the first part provides a foundation for the human rights and intellectual property discourse; the second sheds light on the human rights implications for the development of intellectual property; and the third (characterized by a human rights perspective) is devoted to the specific issues of interaction between human rights and intellectual property.Exploring in depth a variety of interactions between human rights and intellectual property law, the book will be of great interest to academics and experts working within human rights, intellectual property, development, international relations and international public law.Contributors include: A. Abdel-Latif, T. Aplin, C. Ávila Plaza, D.B. Barbosa, A.Brown, C. Chiarolla, J. Christoffersen, C.M. Correa, T. Dreier, P. Ducoulombier, L.Falcon, S. Farran, S. Frankel, D. Gangjee, M. Ganzhorn, C. Geiger, D. Gervais, G. Ghidini, J. Griffiths, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, L.R. Helfer, P. von Kapff, A. Kupzok, J.D. Lipton, D. Matthews, T. Mylly, A. Peukert, A. Plomer, J.M. Samuels, M. Senftleben, X. Seuba, C. Sganga, R. Smith, A. Stazi, T. Takenaka, C. Trautmann, D. Voorhoof, C. Waelde, H. Wager, J. Watal, G. Westkamp, P.K. Yu
Johns Hopkins University Press The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley's Fight for Pure Food
A fascinating examination of the controversial work of Harvey Wiley, the founder of the pure food movement and an early crusader against the use of additives and preservatives in food.Though trained as a medical doctor, chemist Harvey Wiley spent most of his professional life advocating for "pure food"—food free of both adulterants and preservatives. A strong proponent of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, still the basis of food safety legislation in the United States, Wiley gained fame for what became known as the Poison Squad experiments—a series of tests in which, to learn more about the effects of various chemicals on the human body, Wiley's own employees at the Department of Agriculture agreed to consume food mixed with significant amounts of various additives, including borax, saltpeter, copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, and formaldehyde. One hundred years later, Wiley's influence lives on in many of our current popular ideas about food: that the wrong food can kill you; that the right food can extend your life; that additives are unnatural; and that unnatural food is unhealthy food. Eating—the process of taking something external in the world and putting it inside of you—has always been an intimate act, but it was Harvey Wiley who first turned it into a matter of life or death.In The Chemistry of Fear, Jonathan Rees examines Wiley's many—and varied—conflicts and clashes over food safety, including the adulteration of honey and the addition of caffeine to Coca-Cola, formaldehyde to milk, and alum to baking powder. Although Wiley is often depicted as an unwavering champion of the consumer's interest, Rees argues that his critics rightfully questioned some of his motivations, as well as the conclusions that he drew from his most important scientific work. And although Wiley's fame and popularity gave him enormous influence, Rees reveals that his impact on what Americans eat depends more upon fear than it does upon the quality of his research. Exploring in detail the battles Wiley picked over the way various foods and drinks were made and marketed, The Chemistry of Fear touches upon every stage of his career as a pure food advocate. From his initial work in Washington researching food adulteration, through the long interval at the end of his life when he worked for Good Housekeeping, Wiley often wrote about the people who prevented him from making the pure food law as effective as he thought it should have been. This engaging book will interest anyone who's curious about the pitfalls that eaters faced at the turn of the twentieth century.
Nine Arches Press Moses' Footprints
In the shadows of war, loss and longing, a poet seeking his homeland finds his memories and dreams of its distinctive beauty refracted through a second language. These subtle, elusive and potent poems build bridges of imagery and language between the past and present, the lost and found."Here is a rich legacy bypassing Milorad's difficult final years. The poems seem driven, necessary; Croatia and its language call him back, his distinctively developed English finds image after pertinent image. The book is a bounty of metaphor as he is led by Moses and by delight and necessity of observation and discovery; the natural world seems to come to him to be named. I wonder if the frequent 'you' is himself or an other - or heightened to an Other - or these variously. I understand from this book that if we do not see, hear, experience in our own truthful way and make poems with the openness of these poems, then in some crucial sense many of the human world's possibilities cease to exist."David Hart."I can't stop reading these poems. This is work of atmosphere and tone first, narrative second, but it's a narrative that combines deep melancholy with a hard-won sense of joy in the slightest shaft of light, and the thought it provokes. At times it's like trying to recall a receding dream or encountering an oracle with an urgent, impossible message for you alone. It's difficult for me to separate the poems from Milorad's generosity, gentleness and intense imagination, and in a sense that doesn't matter as these are so clearly poems by a man who found beauty, saw mystery and took dignity even in confinement."Luke Kennard.Milorad Krystanovich was born in 1950 in Dalmatia, then part of the former Yugoslavia. After conflict engulfed the region, Milorad was sent to safety with relations in the UK in 1992. He learnt English and later joined The Cannon Poets, becoming a founder member of Writers Without Borders and an active and well-respected figure within Birmingham's poetry and writing community.Hailed by Jonathan Morley in 2007 as "Birmingham's finest émigré poet", Milorad's published work includes three volumes published by Writers Without Borders. Heaventree Press published the bilingual Four Horizons / Četiri Vidika (2005) and, in English, The Yasen Tree (2007). His penultimate volume, Improvising Memory, was published by Nine Arches Press in 2010. Milorad also taught Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian at the Brasshouse Language Centre in Birmingham and wrote numerous plays and novels for children and young people. Milorad Krystanovich was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2009 and died in September 2011.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Family Camp Cookbook: Easy, Fun, and Delicious Meals to Enjoy Outdoors
Easy, delicious, family-friendly recipes to cook at your next campout—whether that’s in the woods or in your own backyard!The Family Camp Cookbook is a book for everyone who enjoys cooking and eating outdoors. Whether you need to learn how to pack your first cooler or you’re looking for kid-friendly recipes to enjoy after a day spent outdoors, you’ll learn how to plan, prep, and cook as a family when you don’t have the comforts of a full kitchen. Start out by learning how to build a fire easily at your campsite, or use the “sure-fire” guides for mastering any grill. With planning lists and prep steps for the recipes, you’ll quickly go from unpacking to firing up your first meal. The recipes inside include a wide variety of updated camp classics and dishes you’d never have thought to cook at camp. Cooking techniques range from live-fire roasting and foil-pack cooking to family-style dinners in the Dutch oven. (Yes, you can almost “set it and forget it” like a slow cooker if you know what you’re doing!) Chapters and recipes include: Breakfasts cover a whole range of options to start the day right, like Make-Ahead Granola, The Best Fluffy Pancakes (with topping bar!), Dutch Oven Coffee Cake, Skillet Biscuits, kid-friendly Frittata, Chilaquiles, and a Hash Brown Breakfast Burrito. Lunches and packables: If you’re camping, chances are the mid-day meal is fuel away from the campsite. (These ideas are also great for day trips and picnics!). Recipes feature a variety of handhelds such as Farmer’s Lunch Sandwiches and Chickpea Salad with Pitas as well as easy-to-eat salads and soups and a few trail mixes and snacks to eat by the handful. Dinners: Ah, the main event after a hard day of hiking, paddling, or whatever else floats your boat (or inner tube). Settle in with DIY Ramen Bowls, One-Pan Picadillo, Naan Pizzas, Italian Sausage Burgers, loaded Foil-Baked Sweet Potatoes, or a Skillet "Lasagna," among other options. Treats: Break out the S'mores Galores, but don’t stop there! Build a Banana Boat, fire up a Dutch Oven Strawberry Cake, or treat everyone to a Campfire Cobbler or Cracker Crust Pudding Pie. Of course, there’s nothing quite like waking up in the woods…unless you don’t know how to make camp coffee. Not to worry: tasty (and essential) beverages are included as well, from that rustic cowboy cup of caffeine to restorative fruit punches. There are even a few cocktails for the adults to enjoy by the fire a little later in the evening. No matter the size of your group or the time you have to spare, make your next adventure a delicious one!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Living in a Material World: The Commodity Connection
At a time when the world is grappling with rising food and energy prices and climate change, Living in a Material World provides an insight into some of the contributing factors behind these challenges. The emergence of new consumers in China, India, Russia and the Middle East has added formidable competition to the natural resources that have been taken for granted in the developed world. Everything we consume involves the use of metals, fossil fuels or agriculture. Our high tech 'lifestyles' depend on the secure supply of these raw materials which we take from planet earth and use to make our lives more comfortable, more productive or more manageable. The effect of this increasing global demand for commodities has pushed up prices of materials from oil and copper to corn and wheat; forcing consumers to pay more for the many 'necessities' of life, from a loaf of bread to electricity bills. Since the commodity boom has unfolded, commodities have gone from the back page of the newspaper to the front; with more and more headlines about record food and oil prices, dire climate change warnings, energy security and China's demand for more raw materials. This era of high oil and food prices is no passing phase: The supply of many key natural resources is stretched to the limit. But what is the real cost? Living in a Material World makes the link between raw materials and the consumer, and shows how they are relevant to everybody, everyday - now more so than at any time since the last oil shock nearly three decades ago. A unique insight into this 'once in a generation' boom, the book shows how the increasing value of commodities is impacting on consumers and investors, in ways we are only just beginning to understand. "It was a great pleasure to read this book which provides an essential background to understanding commodities for anybody interested in understanding them more closely. It is so rare to see all the essential elements brought together in one book." –Chris Brodie, Krom River Partners LLP "Kevin Morrison set out to write a book about the daily relevance that raw materials have for the ordinary consumer. He has achieved his objective par excellence. The subject matter has been comprehensively researched and well documented - yet the writer has avoided using complicated technical language. The style of the book is more in tune with a novel and the main topics are treated with a special sense of humour. I would readily recommend this work to anyone interested in how global energy issues have a direct affect on us all." –Mehdi Varzi, President, Varzi Energy, London
Diversion Books Showing Up: How Men Can Become Effective Allies in the Workplace
"In Showing Up, Ray Arata provides clear guidance on how to turn good intentions into action. I strongly recommend it to everyone interested in helping create a more equal and productive workplace." —Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and founder of LeanIn.Org and OptionB.OrgA Revolutionary Step-by-step Guide—by and for Men—to Ending Toxic MasculinityOrganizations worldwide are finally realizing the critical importance of diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) for underrepresented people. Men are being called to enact heart-based leadership, increase diversity, bolster the bottom line, and create a culture so everyone in the workplace wins. The Times Up, Me Too, and Black Lives Matter movements have been wake-up calls to all of us, but perhaps mostly for men. And It’s abundantly clear: the default model of masculinity isn’t working for anyone. For a new and healthier infrastructure, for permanent and transformational shifts, we need a plan that includes men.Enter Ray Arata, a world-recognized industry expert on engaging men in workplace DEI. The founder of the Better Man Conference and co-founder of Better Man Leadership, Arata argues that mainstream gender training and its focus on the avoidance of toxic masculinity is not enough.In Showing Up, you’ll discover the DIY method of heart-based leadership Ray has used with such companies as Verizon, Bloomberg, Moody's, Intel, Toyota, Hearst, and more—a male-modeled, real-solutions approach by and for men to increase diversity, bolster the bottom line, and create a culture so everyone in the workplace wins.What you’ll get from this book: Embrace healthy masculinity as a cornerstone of inclusionary leadership Identify unhealthy masculine behaviors in the workplace—like "mansplaining," "manterrupting," and "manopolizing" Adopt behavior modifications to become an inclusive leader and ally for underrepresented groups Incorporate specific language to use in healthy discussions Leverage power and position to elevate underrepresented groups Showing Up is a “how-to” book for men in organizations seeking to be better allies and leaders. The book also gives guidance to HR, Diversity & Inclusion Professionals on how to engage their men in diversity efforts.Unlike other ally work which is often heady and data-driven, Arata provides a road map for supporting men to be authentic, vulnerable, and accountable including: Six Principles of heart-based Leadership Four steps of the Ally’s Journey The Better Man Pledge The Five States of men in organizations With stories that illuminate common missteps, followed by key learning sections, and deep-dive training exercises to support the development of allyship, Showing Up turns good intentions into specific actions you can implement immediately.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Spirit of Kaizen: Creating Lasting Excellence One Small Step at a Time
Discover the power of KAIZEN to make lasting and powerful change in your organization“Maurer uses his knowledge of the brain and human psychology to show what I have promoted for the past three decades—that continuous improvement is built on the foundation of people courageously using their creativity. Kaizen is much more than a world-class management practice; it is a technique to remove fear from our mind’s mind, enabling us to take small steps to better things. The process of change starts with awareness and desire in our minds and then leads to action and change in the physical world. Readers of this book will surely fi nd new ideas and encouragement to make improvements in personal health, performance at work, and their own well-being.”—Masaaki Imai, Chariman, Kaizen Institute KAIZEN: The Small-Step Step Solution for You and Your Company Today’s businesses love the idea of revolutionary, immediate change. But major “disruptive” efforts often fail because radical change sets off alarms in our brains and shuts down our power to think clearly and creatively.There is, however, a more effective path to change. Change that is lasting and powerful. Change that begins with one small step . . .It’s The Spirit of Kaizen—a proven system for implementing small, incremental steps that can have a big impact in reaching your goals. This step-by-step guide from renowned psychologist and consultant Dr. Robert Maurer shows you how to: Lower costs—by offering little rewards Raise quality—by reducing mistakes Manage difficult people— one step at a time Boost morale and productivity— in five minutes a day Implement big ideas—through small but steady actions Sell more—in less time Filled with practical tips and ready-to-use tools for managers, innovators, and entrepreneurs, The Spirit of Kaizen is the essential handbook for a changing world. You’ll learn how to think outside the suggestion box, remove mental blindfolds, manage stress with one-minute exercises, and handle rising health-care costs. You’ll discover the “small step” secrets for dealing with all kinds of people, from tough bosses and listless workers to stubborn clients and fussy customers. These simple but powerful techniques can be applied to almost any workplace situation, especially when you’re trying to navigate the stormy waters of radical change, high-pressure deadlines, and cutthroat competition. These are the same methods of small, continual improvement that have been tested by the largest companies, such as Boeing, Toyota, and the U.S. Navy—methods that will work for you, too.No matter how big the obstacle or how big the dream, The Spirit of Kaizen has a small-step solution to help you succeed.
Headline Publishing Group Once Upon a Puppy: The latest whimsical, heart-warming, opposites-attract tale in the Pine Hollow series!
'This is the perfect romantic comedy . . . genuinely beautiful and such a joy to read' 5* reader reviewFor fans of Holly Martin, Phillipa Ashley and Sarah Morgan, Lizzie Shane's Once Upon a Puppy is sure to capture your heart!'Fabulous romance read that is bound to fill your heart with joy' 5* reader review....................................................................Once upon a time, an unruly puppy was looking for a place to call home...Connor Wyeth has a plan for everything. But when he adopts Maximus, an unruly Irish wolfhound mix, he gets more than he bargained for. The only person Max ever listens to is the volunteer who used to walk him at the shelter - a perpetually upbeat woman whose day job is planning princess parties for little kids. Connor can't believe she'll be able to tame such a beast as Max, but he's desperate enough to try anything.Deenie Mitchell isn't looking forward to spending more time with uptight, rules-orientated Connor - no matter how attractive he is. But when her sister announces her engagement, Deenie realizes he's the perfect person to impress her type-A family. When she learns he needs a plus-one for his law firm's work events, an unlikely alliance is formed. But then playing the perfect couple unexpectedly begins to feel all too...real. Opposites may attract, but can this rule-maker and rule-breaker find a way to each other's hearts?....................................................................Praise for Lizzie Shane:'The endearing characters will capture readers' hearts from the first page . . . It's hard not to fall in love with this spirited tale' Publishers Weekly'Once Upon a Puppy is a must read for all fans of rom-coms and contemporary romance . . . I enjoyed this sweet heartfelt rivalry more than I can put into words' Urban Book Reviews'An irresistible blend of heart, humour, nostalgic moments, misunderstandings, family, friendship, tension, chemistry, attraction, spirited shenanigans, Christmas cheer, and a whole lot of puppy love' What's Better Than Books?'A dog lovers dream come true, mixed in with Christmas and the most adorable romance' Breakfast at Shelby's'A magical read . . . If you read one holiday romance this year make it this one, I don't think you'll regret it!' Novel Gossip'Could not put it down . . . Beautifully written' Harlequin Junkie'Shane's heart-warming plot, perfect mix of small-town charm and buoyant wit, perfectly imperfect human characters, and adorable canines truly capture the thrill of love and the magic of the dogs-and-people connection' BooklistLook out for the other heartwarming Pine Hollow romances, The Twelve Dogs of Christmas and To All The Dogs I've Loved Before!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Divide and Conquer: Target Your Customers Through Market Segmentation
"Creativity in marketing communications is one of the most potent ways for companies to increase their productivity. This book contains case after case, which demonstrates the leveraging power of innovative thinking in advertising today." -Joseph E. DeDeo Chairman of Latin America,Young & Rubicam, Inc. The days of expensive network television rollouts of new advertising campaigns are over. Targeted, niche-driven selective marketing is less expensive, more profitable, and far more sensible in today's thriving culture of special-interest media. Here's your chance to learn all about this revolutionary new marketing strategy. Written by the advertising genius behind some of the most unforgettable campaigns of the past 30 years, Divide and Conquer teaches you what you need to know to conduct your own successful selective-marketing campaigns. Fifteen fascinating and instructive case studies demonstrate how to identify your markets precisely, get to know them inside and out, fashion a message that they'll hear and respond to, and find the perfect media mix to deliver your message. No matter what size company you work for, in Divide and Conquer you'll learn valuable lessons about how to find your customers, reach out to them, and forge profitable, long-term relationships with them. With the advent of cable TV, the Web, and other new platforms, media have become as diverse as the increasingly fragmented markets they serve -dangerous terrain for one-size-fits-all advertising. In the 1980s, a handful of visionaries began developing an alternative designed to take advantage of today's thriving culture of special-interest media. It's called selective marketing, and unlike mass-market advertising, it doesn't tell people what they want, it asks them. Selective marketing uses sophisticated intelligence-gathering techniques to pinpoint niche markets and learn all about them. It plies everything from print, TV, and radio, to Web technology, fax response, and even performance art to capture specific markets and forge lasting relationships with them. And it helps clients find the best ways to satisfy or surpass customer expectations. In Divide and Conquer, Harry Webber reveals the secrets behind this revolutionary new marketing strategy. The advertising genius behind such memorable campaigns as "I am stuck on Band-Aid," Webber clearly and concisely lays out basic selective-marketing principles and practices. With the help of 15 selective-marketing case studies, he demonstrates that any advertiser can use his proven techniques to identify markets, create the right message for a particular market, and develop the most effective media mix to deliver that message. Fascinating and instructive success stories, the case studies provide a unique insider's look at selective marketing in action. You'll learn how selective marketing was used to restore the investment community's faith in Ford; win the alternative adult market for Dr Pepper; entice baby boomers to Kentucky Fried Chicken; and even forge an alliance between the Crips and Bloods street gangs for the Los Angeles city attorney's office. Each case study presents concise descriptions of the target market, marketing challenge, selective-marketing solution, and outcome, and concludes with a quick summary of important selective-marketing lessons learned. Throughout the book, sidebars spell out key selective-marketing principles embodied by the case at hand. The first practical guide to the revolutionary marketing strategy that threatens to make mass marketing a thing of the past, Divide and Conquer is essential reading for marketing managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals working in small businesses, midsize companies, and large corporations.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Bristol and Bath Art Book: The cities through the eyes of their artists
Bristol and Bath are two beautiful, closely connected cities. They are portrayed through the eyes of their artists in a delightful variety of styles in this stunning book. The Bristol and Bath Art Book portrays two very different cities. The beautiful images in the book capture the breath-taking landscape of rivers, hills and gorges which they share, but also the cities’ sights that are so unique. Bristol is painted as busy, quirky and vibrant, where Bath glows in more tranquil hues. These important cities in the history of the world are intimately connected. The river Avon that flows through both cities, gouges the spectacular Avon Gorge at Bristol, which is where its international maritime connections begin. The regenerated old docks (the ’floating harbour’), Wapping Wharf and the quayside are lovingly depicted by various artists. Now that the main docks are outside the city, the harbour-side now bustles with shops, bars and offices, but there are still cranes to be seen at the M shed. Underfall boatyard remains a home to maritime businesses and is also pictured in this lovely book, along with pleasure craft and houseboats in the harbour. John Cabot’s The Matthew is the ship that put America on the map. The reconstruction is depicted in drawings and paintings. She may have been a pirate ship at one time, too, as Bristol was the birthplace of Blackbeard and had a thriving piracy business. From this Atlantic connection, the list of items traded expanded from wool, wine and grain to tobacco and alas, to slaves. The profits from this trade endowed many of the fine public monuments drawn and painted here. Like many places, Bristol is undertaking a new reckoning with its history. The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge to span the deep Avon Gorge. In the book, there are many images of this vertiginous bridge: ringed by balloons, luminous in the gloaming, stark in the snow, or painted to resemble a cathedral arch from below. It is a much-loved, living monument to the great man. His Great Western Railway terminus at Temple Meads features here in drawings and prints, along with his pioneering Bristol-built steamship, the SS Great Britain. Crossing Brunel’s famous bridge over the Avon, you will find yourself in the tranquil Leigh woods, painted as a hotspot for bluebells in spring. The old Railway Path, flat, traffic-free and lined with greenery, takes you from Bristol to Bath, where you will find more gorgeous parks: the Georgian garden in the town centre, Alexandra Park with panoramas of the city and the Botanical Gardens with its aerial walkway. Bath is a UNESCO world heritage site because of its Roman remains and exquisite Georgian architecture. Its famous Roman Baths were built around a hot spring the Romans believed sacred to the Goddess Sulis and the city became a centre for health and an inspiration for artists. Its 18th-century architecture: The Royal Crescent, The Circus, Pulteney Bridge and Assembly Rooms, are all examples of Bath’s heyday as a Georgian spa town and are featured in the art book in stunning paintings, drawings and collages. They capture the Bath that Jane Austen would have known from her time in the city. Here, movies of some of her novels have been filmed, along with many other Regency era series e.g. the record-breaking series Bridgerton.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science: Metals and Alloys
The revised second edition of this established text offers readers a significantly expanded introduction to the effects of radiation on metals and alloys. It describes the various processes that occur when energetic particles strike a solid, inducing changes to the physical and mechanical properties of the material. Specifically it covers particle interaction with the metals and alloys used in nuclear reactor cores and hence subject to intense radiation fields. It describes the basics of particle-atom interaction for a range of particle types, the amount and spatial extent of the resulting radiation damage, the physical effects of irradiation and the changes in mechanical behavior of irradiated metals and alloys.Updated throughout, some major enhancements for the new edition include improved treatment of low- and intermediate-energy elastic collisions and stopping power, expanded sections on molecular dynamics and kinetic Monte Carlo methodologies describing collision cascade evolution, new treatment of the multi-frequency model of diffusion, numerous examples of RIS in austenitic and ferritic-martensitic alloys, expanded treatment of in-cascade defect clustering, cluster evolution, and cluster mobility, new discussion of void behavior near grain boundaries, a new section on ion beam assisted deposition, and reorganization of hardening, creep and fracture of irradiated materials (Chaps 12-14) to provide a smoother and more integrated transition between the topics.The book also contains two new chapters. Chapter 15 focuses on the fundamentals of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, covering forms of corrosion, corrosion thermodynamics, corrosion kinetics, polarization theory, passivity, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Chapter 16 extends this treatment and considers the effects of irradiation on corrosion and environmentally assisted corrosion, including the effects of irradiation on water chemistry and the mechanisms of irradiation-induced stress corrosion cracking. The book maintains the previous style, concepts are developed systematically and quantitatively, supported by worked examples, references for further reading and end-of-chapter problem sets. Aimed primarily at students of materials sciences and nuclear engineering, the book will also provide a valuable resource for academic and industrial research professionals.Reviews of the first edition:"…nomenclature, problems and separate bibliography at the end of each chapter allow to the reader to reach a straightforward understanding of the subject, part by part. … this book is very pleasant to read, well documented and can be seen as a very good introduction to the effects of irradiation on matter, or as a good references compilation for experimented readers." - Pauly Nicolas, Physicalia Magazine, Vol. 30 (1), 2008“The text provides enough fundamental material to explain the science and theory behind radiation effects in solids, but is also written at a high enough level to be useful for professional scientists. Its organization suits a graduate level materials or nuclear science course… the text was written by a noted expert and active researcher in the field of radiation effects in metals, the selection and organization of the material is excellent… may well become a necessary reference for graduate students and researchers in radiation materials science.” - L.M. Dougherty, 07/11/2008, JOM, the Member Journal of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
Faber & Faber A Taste for Death
THE SEVENTH NOVEL IN THE MULTIMILLION-COPY BESTSELLING ADAM DALGLIESH SERIES FROM THE 'QUEEN OF ENGLISH CRIME' (Guardian) WINNER OF THE CWA SILVER DAGGER'Splendidly suspenseful . . . A triumph and a treat.' Guardian'P. D. James's best novel . . . The plot is detailed and satisfying and the characters are well drawn. I loved it.' 5* reader review'One of the best mysteries I have had the pleasure to read.' 5* reader reviewPERFECT FOR FANS OF VAL MCDERMID, RUTH RENDELL AND ELLY GRIFFITHS__________________________________________________________________________________Trust me, this murder is perfectly simple . . .Two men lie in a welter of blood in the vestry of St Matthew's Church, Paddington. Their throats have been brutally slashed. One is Sir Paul Berowne, a recently-resigned government minister; the other is a homeless man known only as a local alcoholic. Their deaths will be the first case for Commander Dalgliesh's new team, who have been tasked with investigating crimes of particular sensitivity. But as the Berowne family's veneer of prosperous gentility begins to crack and Dalgliesh uncovers more about the dead men, he struggles to keep his customary objectivity. Can he get to the bottom of the ugly and dangerous secrets swirling this case in time to prevent yet another death?__________________________________________________________________________________'Compulsive . . . heart-pounding suspense.' Sunday Times'The story is gripping, the characters beautifully drawn, the atmosphere powerful and the whole makes for a wonderful read.' 5* reader review'It is a masterpiece of the genre of mystery novel . . . Cuts through the decayed class system of the British society via the study of murder.' 5* reader review**Now a major Channel 5 series**__________________________________________________________________________________READERS LOVE THE ADAM DALGLEISH SERIES:'If you are not already an Adam Dalgliesh fan, I urge you to become one . . . James can describe a scene or delineate a character with precision and depth, like no other writer I have read.' 5* reader review'This series is now as thrilling and gripping as Agatha Christie's great mysteries . . . A wonderful treat I must savour.' 5* reader review'P. D. James is guaranteed to be worth reading.' 5* reader review'I would never give less than 5 stars to any P. D. James book. She is one of a kind, always constant, always wonderful writing, always great characters, and always a good mystery that you cannot put down.' 5* reader review'P. D. James writes mysteries for ordinary people. Her characters are relatable and her hero is dynamic. But don't expect cell phones or computers. Her stories are strictly old school, which is what I love about them.' 5* reader review'Crime writing at its very best!' 5* reader reviewPRAISE FOR P. D. JAMES:'A legend.' VAL MCDERMID'Masterful.' MICK HERRON'The greatest contemporary writer of classic crime.' SUNDAY TIMES 'Nobody can put the reader in the eye of the storm quite like P. D. James.' SUNDAY EXPRESS'One of the literary greats. Her sense of place was exquisite, characterisation and plotting unrivalled.' MARI HANNAH'There are very few thriller writers who can compete with P. D. James at her best.' SPECTATOR'Simply a wonderful writer.' NEW YORK TIMES'The queen of English crime.' GUARDIAN
Little, Brown & Company Death in the Air: The True Story of a Serial Killer, the Great London Smog, and the Strangling of a City
London in 1952 was a still recovering from the devastation wrought by World War II: rationing was still in effect, rates of crime and unemployment were high, and the national economy was in shambles. In an effort to repay its massive war debt, the British government was selling its clean-burning coal to America, and Londoners were forced to make do with the cheap brown coal. That winter, as the weather turned bitter, buses, trucks and automobiles, and thousands of coal-burning hearths belched particulate matter into the air. But the smog that descended on December 5th of 1952 was different; it was a sulfurous type of smog that held the city hostage for five long days. Mass transit ground to a halt, criminals roamed the streets, and some 12,000 people, many of them elderly or ill, died. What would later be called the Great Smog of 1952 remains one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time. That same December, there was another killer at large in London. John Reginald Christie murdered at least seven women in his flat in Notting Hill--luring women to his home with the promise of a home remedy for bronchitis, instructing his victims to inhale carbon-monoxide laden coal gas until they passed out. He then raped and strangled them, burying two in the garden, stashing several more in a papered-over kitchen alcove, and his wife of 34 years beneath the floorboards of their parlor. The arrest of the "Beast of Rillington Place" caused a media frenzy; moreover, Christie's role in sending an innocent man to the gallows was the impetus for the abolition of the death penalty in the UK. The smog, meanwhile, was slow to be implicated. Indeed, the British government did their level best to disavow any connection between the death rate and the air quality, blaming the sudden spike in deaths on fictitious flu epidemic. Eventually, however, the media and one crusading Member of Parliament launched a fight that would be the beginning of the global clean air movement. The Clean Air Act of 1956 was a direct result of the Great Smog, and that legislation provided a model for the rest of the world, including the U.S.In a braided narrative that draws on extensive interviews, never-before published material and archival research, Kate Winkler Dawson captivatingly recounts the intersecting stories of the these two killers and their crimes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Black Oak: Odes Celebrating Powerful Black Men
As he did for Black women in Black Roses, Harold Green III, poet and founder of the music collective Flowers for the Living, now honors the Black men he most admires—groundbreakers including Tyler Perry, Barry Jenkins, Billy Porter, Chance the Rapper, LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick, and John Legend—and celebrates their achievements which are transforming lives and making history.Black men are changing society and the world through mastery, innovation, and inspiration at a pace never seen before. In awe of the myriad ways in which Black men are using their vision and power to remake culture and society, spoken word artist Harold Green began writing odes recognizing the extraordinary accomplishments of a series of Black men, which heshared on his Instagram account—tributes that went viral and became a social media sensation. Black Oak brings together many of these popular odes with original works written for this collection.Divided into five sections—bravehearts, champions, dreamers, guardians, and humanitarians—Black Oak features iconic men who are spearheading movements, fighting for equality, challenging the status quo, embracing fatherhood, providing a transformative model of masculinity for our children, inspiring a new generation of creators, and more. Through these beautifully written verses, Harold does not simply place the Black men in this book on a pedestal, he transcends even the most positive stereotypes to view these men and their accomplishments in a new light, and creates meaningful connections between these beloved figures and the lives and experiences of readers of all backgrounds. Featuring full-color illustrations by Melissa Koby, Black Oak includes odes to Barry Jenkins, Big K.R.I.T, Billy Porter, Black Thought, Chance the Rapper, Charles Booker, Colin Kaepernick, Dwyane Wade, Edmund Graham III, Eric Hale, Excell Hardy Jr., Harold Green III, Harold Green Jr., Harold Green Sr., Hebru Brantley, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Jamaal Bowman, Jason Reynolds, Jericho Brown, John Legend, Kehinde Wiley, Kerry James Marshall, Kevin Fredricks, Killer Mike, Kyler Broadus, LeBron James, Mahershala Ali, Marc Lamont Hill, Matthew Cherry, Orlando Cooper, Pharrell, Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Rev. Dr. William Barber II, Ryan Coogler, Swizz Beatz, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Theaster Gates, Tobe Nwigwe, Tristan Walker, and Tyler Perry.
Claeys & Casteels Publishers BV European Energy Studies, Volume VIII: The European Energy Union: The quest for secure, affordable and sustainable energy
This timely book shows how the creation of a European Energy Union might be an effective and viable solution to the energy security problems that the European Union is facing. The aim is to make it easier to trade energy inside the EU. The EU currently has to rely on energy-rich countries for its energy needs, many of whom are politically and economically unstable; this places the EU in a vulnerable position. The book explores the institutional and legal framework for the creation of a European Energy Union, whose aim is to achieve affordable, secure, and sustainable energy. The book explores what the EU is politically prepared to accept as part of its united energy security. Combined with the perception of energy security being a pressing matter, the general disenchantment surrounding the European ideal in the wake of the economic crisis makes the task of ensuring affordable, secure, and sustainable energy a formidable challenge. In that vein, the European Energy Union could well be the flagship of this new outset towards a more prosperous, energy-secure, and united Europe—bearing in mind that EU member states wish to guard their sovereignty over national energy systems. In the past, there have been divisions between EU member states when trying to draft a united energy policy. The European Energy Union tries to rectify this deficiency. This book proposes the emulation of the EU’s common commercial policy to reach a common position in EU energy policy. It analyzes the role of the Energy Community and the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Partnership as avenues to further integrate energy markets beyond European borders, especially with the Eastern and Southern neighbours of the EU. It also dwells on the advancements that could arise in terms of pan-European energy infrastructure through the anticipated financial boost resulting from, inter alia, the Investment Plan for Europe, the European Structural and Investment funds, and the Connecting Europe Facility. Finally, it provides an analysis of climate change mitigation by focusing on the importance of decarbonizing the economy and analyzing the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Highlights: First book to analyze the European Energy Union and the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Explains the five pillars of the European Energy Union. Cross-examination of the EU’s competence in the areas of energy and trade to surmise whether a more harmonized European energy strategy could, legally and conceptually, be realized anytime soon.
Human Kinetics Publishers Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
A standout among introductory biomechanics texts, Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition With Web Resource, takes a unique approach to introducing exercise and sport biomechanics. Using simple terms, the book presents mechanics before functional anatomy, helping students first understand external forces and their effects on motion; then explores how the musculoskeletal system responds and generates its own internal forces to maintain position; and finally shows how to apply biomechanical principles to analyze movement and ultimately improve performance. The fourth edition expands its commitment to enabling students to discover the principles of biomechanics through observation. Easy-to-understand experiments are presented for students to try in the classroom or on their own. Sample problem sidebars guide students through choosing the appropriate equation to determine the forces acting or motion occurring in a specific scenario and then helps them solve the equation. This practical approach—combining clear illustrations, sample calculations, and encouragement for active learning—helps students develop a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanical concepts. In addition to careful updates throughout the book, other new enhancements in the fourth edition include the following: New content explores the technologies and devices available to coaches, athletes, and the general public to measure aspects of athletes’ movements. New full-color art and diagrams enhance the text and help students visualize mechanics in real-world scenarios. Explanations of the equations used in the text make the content more accessible to students. New concept application boxes provide deeper analysis of the field use of biomechanics, with topics such as the Magnus effect in baseball pitching, the wetsuit effect in triathlons, power output in cycling, centripetal acceleration when running a curve, and the work-energy principles in modern shot putting. Other learning aids include bold key terms, chapter objectives, and a guide to key equations and abbreviations. The chapters include a total of 18 sample problems that students can solve using a step-by-step process. A companion web resource offers additional review questions and problem sets.Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition, introduces the biomechanics of human movement in a clear and concise manner while promoting an active, engaged learning experience. Students will discover the principles of mechanics for themselves, resulting in a strong understanding of the subject matter.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Conversation on Water
From the contributors to The Conversation, a compelling essay collection on the world's water crises and the necessary steps to build a more sustainable and equitable water future for all.Water-related crises are affecting more and more communities, both in the United States and internationally. If we continue to delay upgrading our infrastructure and addressing rising environmental concerns, we risk further destabilizing already strained systems—or, worse, causing a catastrophic collapse. In The Conversation on Water, water scholar and professor Andrea K. Gerlak collects essays from The Conversation U.S. on critical issues related to water from leading experts in everything from public policy to environmental engineering.Gerlak pays special attention to the threats facing our water systems today—covering insufficient infrastructure, climate change, and pollution—and integrates them with essays on technologies for harvesting water and Indigenous knowledge in governing the oceans. She then proposes solutions that present opportunities for hope and reform. From new partnerships and collaborative efforts to alternative governance practices and new scientific tools and community approaches, readers will learn about viable pathways forward and will understand the deep social and political dimensions of water governance. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward building a more sustainable and equitable water future for all. The Critical Conversations series collects essays from top scholars on timely topics, including water, biotechnology, gender diversity, gun culture, and more, originally published on the independent news site The Conversation U.S. Contributors: Roger Bales, Kevin Befus, Robert Blasiak, Ellen Bruno, Bethany Caruso, Sebastien Chastin, Craig E. Colten, Joseph Cook, Michelle DiBenedetto, Farshid Felfelani, Gabriel Filippelli, Michail Georgiou, Burke Griggs, Gary Griggs, Drew Gronewold, Marissa Grunes, Danielle Hare, Brian Haus, Dan Johnson, Carol Kwiatkowski, Rosalyn R. LaPier, Katharine Mach, Amahia Mallea, Daniel McCool, Jacob Miller-Klugesherz, Nobuhito Mori, Thomas Mortlock, Suzanne O'Connell, Itxaso Odériz, Joseph D. Ortiz, Meg Parsons, Raquel Partelli-Feltrin, Yadu Pokhrel, Manzoor Qadir, Julie Reimer, Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos, Richard Rood, Asher Rosinger, Matthew R. Sanderson, Heidi Schweizer, Alan Seltzer, A. R. Siders, Rodolfo Silva-Casarín, Vladimir Smakhtin, Bruce Sutherland, Lara Taylor, Emily Ury, Ton Van den Bremer, Andrew J. Whelton
John Wiley and Sons Ltd This Is Philosophy: An Introduction
THIS IS PHILOSOPHY “The second edition of This is Philosophy improves upon an excellent first edition. This clear, succinct book is quite possibly the best introduction to Western philosophy on the market.” —Gregory Morgan, Stevens Institute of Technology“This is a terrific book. The writing is not only extremely clear, it is downright gripping—with relevant and detailed examples at every turn. Steven Hales has produced not just a great little introduction to philosophy—he has produced a great little book in philosophy, period.” —Michael Lynch, University of Connecticut“Hales clearly explains important philosophical ideas with a minimum of jargon and without sacrificing depth of content and he consistently gives a fair and accurate presentation of both sides of central philosophical disputes.” —Matthew Van Cleave, Teaching PhilosophyAs the oldest discipline in the academy, philosophy began by asking questions of the world and of human nature. Philosophers are responsible for the Enlightenment and laid the foundations for constitutional governments. Yet, while it may have given birth to the natural sciences, philosophy has earned a contemporary reputation as an esoteric and impractical field out of touch with everyday life—but it doesn’t have to be that way. This is Philosophy: An Introduction expertly guides students through the fundamentals of philosophy by illuminating difficult, abstract ideas with straightforward language. Assuming no prior background in the subject, this volume brings philosophical concepts into sharp focus through relatable examples and clear explanations of philosophy’s big questions and arguments.The second edition of this accessible textbook is organized around seven central philosophical problems, including ethics, the existence of God, free will, personal identity, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. New to this edition is a chapter on political philosophy that explores the state of nature, anarchy, contractarianism, libertarianism, and the liberal state. These self-contained chapters have been reordered and recalibrated to best suit the needs of introductory philosophy courses, and can be taught independently or in sequence. Enhanced by updated examples, new hyperlinks and references, and detailed bibliographies, the book is complemented by extensively-revised online resources available to instructors, including a 200-question test bank and over 450 PowerPoint slides designed to strengthen student comprehension of key concepts.Strengthening the popular first edition which launched the series, This is Philosophy: An Introduction, Second Edition is the perfect primary textbook for beginning philosophy students as well as general readers with an interest in philosophy.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Drinking Water: Chicago, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Michigan and Tribal Lands
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Environmental Health Mission Area (EHMA) is providing comprehensive science on sources, movement, and transformation of contaminants and pathogens in watershed and aquifer drinking-water supplies and in built water and wastewater infrastructure in the Greater Chicago Area. The focus of chapter 1 is on assessing point-of-use (tapwater) drinking-water exposure pathways for a broad range of potential environmental contaminants and exploring infrastructure-related factors that could alter or transform chemical constituents or microbial communities in drinking water (such as treatment plant technology, distribution system characteristics, private plumbing components, and point-of-use treatment) Pennsylvania has the second highest number of residential wells of any state in the Nation with approximately 2.4 million residents that depend on groundwater for their domestic water supply. The groundwater used for domestic water supply in Bradford County is obtained primarily from shallow bedrock and from unconsolidated (glacial) deposits that overlie the bedrock. As reported in chapter 2, data for 72 domestic wells were collected and analyzed for a wide range of constituents that could be evaluated in relation to drinking water health standards, geology, land use, and other environmental factors. The occurrence of arsenic and uranium in groundwater at concentrations that exceed drinking-water standards is a concern because of the potential adverse effects on human health. The Connecticut Department of Public Health reported that there are about 322,600 private wells in Connecticut. The State does not require that existing private wells be routinely tested for arsenic, uranium, or other contaminants. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed an assessment in 2016 on the distribution of concentrations of arsenic and uranium in groundwater from bedrock in Connecticut. Chapter 3 presents the major findings for arsenic and uranium concentrations from water samples collected from 2013 to 2015 from private wells. The circumstances and response to Flint's drinking water contamination involved implementation and oversight lapses at the EPA, the state of Michigan, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), and the city of Flint. Chapter 4 evaluates additional matters concerning the agency's management controls when responding to the Flint contamination incident. Federal agencies have identified several billion dollars in existing and future tribal drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs. Chapter 5 examines the extent to which selected federal agencies identified tribes' drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs and funded tribal water infrastructure projects, including tribes' most severe sanitation deficiencies.
SPCK Publishing God Has No Favourites: York Courses
God Has No Favourites is the York Course written for Lent 2022 by Dr Carmody Grey. In this 5 session course Dr Grey explores how each of us is called to discover that God is completely inclusive. He does not apportion his welcome or love according to our prejudices or preferences. God Has No Favourites, because God favours everyone. Every single human being, whatever age, sex, class, race or religion is in God's image. Jesus has identified himself personally with each one of us, God's love and the power of the Holy Spirit is for everyone, no caveats. As with previous Lent York Courses, the standard study book is supported by an in-depth interview, covering all 5 sessions between Dr Carmody Grey and Simon Stanley available on CD, as a Digital Download or as a transcript in either paperback or eBook. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781909107335) Course Book (eBook 9781909107366 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support God Has No Favourites York Course (CD 9781909107373) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download) Transcript of interview to support God Has No Favourites York Course (Paperback 9781909107342) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781909107359 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781909107380 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) SESSION 1: The best picture of God God’s favour is not dependent on anything we are or anything we do. His acceptance is unconditional. If we want to know what God ‘looks like’, we simply need to look at one another. SESSION 2: Neither Jew nor Gentile In Christ, God is telling us the most important thing about himself: he leaves no-one out. Being willing to include everybody is the only rule for those who want to be with Jesus. God is love and, in Christ, humanity is one. SESSION 3: Neither male nor female The most profound human difference is that created by our gendered bodies. But even this important difference is superficial compared to the deepest and truest identity of each one of us; through Christ we see that we are all children of God; all heirs to the kingdom of heaven. SESSION 4: Neither slave nor free Our world is grossly, torturously unequal, and before Christ came, no-one expected or looked for anything different. Jesus scandalized those around him by acting as though every human being mattered. We are to follow him to the margins. SESSION 5: What is a Christian? Jesus did not come to found a religion: he came to give people life. When he wanted his followers to understand his identity and purpose, he didn’t give them a theory or explain an idea, he shared a meal with them.
Skyhorse Publishing Mindful Mom Three-Book Box Set
Three great books, one great price! Ali Katz is an Award Winner in the "Parenting & Family" category of the Best Book Awards, and a Bronze Medal Winner of the Living Now Book Awards This box set includes Ali Katz's Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series: Hot Mess to Mindful Mom, Get the Most Out of Motherhood, and One Minute to Zen--HOT MESS TO MINDFUL MOM: 40 Ways to Find Balance and Joy in Your Every Day-- For any mom who typically runs around with her hair on fire and needs a break! It’s so easy to find yourself constantly overwhelmed or burned out in the hustle and bustle of society today. But it is important to slow down and take a minute to focus on the things that matter most—and the first step is to connect with yourself again. This book will show women that by caring for themselves first, they can better care for everyone they love. In her first book, Ali has woven together a compilation of all the tools she used to transform herself from “hot mess” to “mindful mom,” and is divided helpfully into three parts: Everyday practices Tools used as needed Attitude adjustments made along the way Readers will learn how small tweaks and changes can lead to huge results, and that they too can leave stress behind in favor of calm and peace. With humor, grace, and an extremely relatable manner, Ali gives women the tools to make the same changes in their own lives.--GET THE MOST OUT OF MOTHERHOOD: A Hot Mess to Mindful Mom Parenting Guide-- Slow down and take time for yourself—because a better you is a better mom! The second book in the Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series will help moms create balance, peace, and well-being in their homes, leaving behind their old ways of being constantly stressed-out and frantic. Here Ali will guide women on how to embrace their best selves while parenting so they can strengthen relationships with their children, create systems in their homes that work, and actually enjoy doing it. It is divided into three parts: Mindful mom mindsets: bring your best self to parenting Mindful mom methods: systems for your home that work Mindful mom moments: ways to bond with your kids Easy and accessible, and filled with unique tools and ideas as well as personal examples that readers will relate to, this book will help moms go beyond the basics to build a healthier and happier family unit.--ONE MINUTE TO ZEN: Go From Hot Mess to Mindful Mom in One Minute or Less-- From the political climate to natural disasters, to managing the stress and overwhelm of everyday life, women have more to deal with than ever. Life feels overwhelming and exhausting much of the time. The third in our Hot Mess to Mindful Mom series, One Minute to Zen will provide numerous tools to help deal with stress in one minute, the same amount of time it can take for all hell to break loose! When teaching moms across the country, while giving talks to corporations, and across Ali’s thriving social media channels, people are asking for more tools to use quickly and effectively to help recover from the stress they face in daily life. Here, she's compiled a list of tools that make it possible to recalibrate, achieve balance, and recover from stress quickly and with ease, in order to live a more mindful and joyful life. Known for her authenticity and relatability, Ali shares personal stories and anecdotes to help connect her audience and show how to really put her suggestions to use.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians: Husbandry, Clinical Procedures, Surgical Procedures, and Common Diseases
Get the big picture on the vet tech's role and responsibilities in large animal care! A practical, comprehensive guide, Large Animal Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition describes how to set up, assist, and follow through on medical procedures and treatment regimens for domestic livestock. The book begins with an overview of livestock handling, reproduction, and nutrition, along with the skills required in hospital management. Following are separate sections on horses, cattle, sheep and goats, llamas and alpacas, swine, and poultry, with each section including chapters examining husbandry, clinical and surgical procedures, and common diseases. Written by expert clinician and vet tech educator Kristin Holtgrew-Bohling, this text provides an ideal study tool in preparing for the VTNE® and for everyday practice. Comprehensive large animal coverage is specifically tailored to the needs of veterinary technician students. Coverage of the essential large animal-related tasks in the CVTEA Manual of Accreditation for Veterinary Technology Programs prepares you to pass the Veterinary Technology National Exam (VTNE®). Step-by-step procedures explain how and why a clinical procedure is performed, and the roles that you fill in preparing for, assisting in, and following up the procedure. "How-to" chapters within each species section examine husbandry, clinical procedures, surgical procedures, and common diseases - so veterinary technicians, acting under instructions of veterinarians, can plan and follow through on procedures and treatment regimens for large animals. Evolve website includes quizzes, images, and reference materials to reinforce understanding. Full-color photographs and line drawings show step-by-step procedures in areas such as restraint, bandaging, physical examination techniques, and diagnostic procedures. Coverage of husbandry and breeds demonstrates how day-to-day housing and feeding affect the care of many large animal diseases, and also helps you provide quality client education. Livestock Industry section provides an overview of safety and handling, reproduction, and nutrition, so you can better understand the practices, procedures, and decisions in large animal veterinary medicine. Learning features enhance critical thinking and decision making with case studies, clinical applications, key terms, chapter outlines, learning objectives, and Technician Notes. NEW! Coverage of animal care includes care in small-scale and hobby farm settings, fear-free care, and IV catheter maintenance. NEW! Updated information includes illegal drugs, remote delivery devices, nutrition and environmental enrichment for each species, carcass removal information, breeding soundness exam information for bulls, poisonous plants and other toxins, needle disposal and broken needle guidelines, sedation protocols, dehydration tables for calves, and more. NEW! Updated images, case studies, step-by-step procedures, disease information, and terminology ensure that you have the most current information. NEW! Updated test questions and chapter quizzes on the Evolve website make it easier to study, review, and remember difficult subject matter.
SPCK Publishing You Can Be Serious! Meeting Jesus afresh in John's Gospel: York Courses
‘Both vintage and fresh David Wilbourne . . . [His] gift is to enable us to see again the face of Jesus delightfully present with us through our Lent journey.’ GRAHAM USHER, BISHOP OF NORWICH Whatever our church denomination, we all use the same Sunday Gospel from the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A focuses on Matthew, but during the first five Sundays of Lent, four of the Gospels are curiously from John. By basing each of the five sessions in this course on the previous Sunday’s Gospel, David Wilbourne provides a brilliant connection to the preaching and teaching that has just taken place. Serious yet full of life and humour, the course covers: Session 1: Temptation . . . On checking every word that comes out of the mouth of God Session 2: Strangers in the night . . . Nicodemus came to Jesus under cover of darkness: finding God in surprising places Session 3: The winner takes it all ‘You worship what you do not know’: upping our game with worship Session 4: I was blind but now I see ‘A god who can be understood is no god’ Session 5: Them bones, them bones, them dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Contrasting events in John with parables in the Synoptics The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, in which David Wilbourne and guests from various denominational backgrounds, put forward their thoughts on the themes of the course. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781915843012) Course Book (eBook 9781915843029 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (CD 9781915843050) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download) 9781915843043 Transcript of interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (Paperback 9781915843005) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843036 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781915843067 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large Print (Paperback 9781915843722)
SPCK Publishing You Can Be Serious! Meeting Jesus afresh in John's Gospel: York Courses
‘Both vintage and fresh David Wilbourne . . . [His] gift is to enable us to see again the face of Jesus delightfully present with us through our Lent journey.’ GRAHAM USHER, BISHOP OF NORWICH Whatever our church denomination, we all use the same Sunday Gospel from the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A focuses on Matthew, but during the first five Sundays of Lent, four of the Gospels are curiously from John. By basing each of the five sessions in this course on the previous Sunday’s Gospel, David Wilbourne provides a brilliant connection to the preaching and teaching that has just taken place. Serious yet full of life and humour, the course covers: Session 1: Temptation . . . On checking every word that comes out of the mouth of God Session 2: Strangers in the night . . . Nicodemus came to Jesus under cover of darkness: finding God in surprising places Session 3: The winner takes it all ‘You worship what you do not know’: upping our game with worship Session 4: I was blind but now I see ‘A god who can be understood is no god’ Session 5: Them bones, them bones, them dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Contrasting events in John with parables in the Synoptics The course booklet is accompanied by a lively CD, in which David Wilbourne and guests from various denominational backgrounds, put forward their thoughts on the themes of the course. This York Course is available in the following formats Course Book (Paperback 9781915843012) Course Book (eBook 9781915843029 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Audio Book of Interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (CD 9781915843050) Audio Book of Interview (Digital Download) 9781915843043 Transcript of interview to support You Can Be Serious! York Course (Paperback 9781915843005) Transcript of interview (eBook 9781915843036 both ePub and Mobi files provided) Book Pack (9781915843067 Featuring Paperback Course Book, Audio Book on CD and Paperback Transcript of Interview) Large Print (Paperback 9781915843722)
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing the New Customer Relationship: Strategies to Engage the Social Customer and Build Lasting Value
Praise for MANAGING THE NEW CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP “Gordon delivers an impressive synthesis of the newest methods for engaging customers in relationships that last. No organization today can succeed without the mastery of customer relationship management strategy fundamentals. But to win in the decades ahead, you must also understand and capitalize on the rapidly evolving social computing, mobility and customer analytics technologies described in this book. Checklists, self-assessments and graphical frameworks deliver pragmatic value for the practicing manager.” — William Band, Vice-President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research Inc., Cambridge, MA “A very comprehensive and practical book on managing relationships with existing customers in the age of social media! I particularly enjoyed reading chapters on teaching customers new behaviors, which were illustrated by excellent case studies.” — Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. , Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA “The strategic breadth and depth of this book is impressive as Gordon explores the new customer and how to plan and manage the new customer relationship. I found his review of strategies, techniques and technologies for social, mobile, mass customization and customer analytics to be particularly insightful. Gordon urges marketers to live and breathe one-through-one marketing and to master social engagement techniques. The checklists, cases and examples make the content grounded and actionable. This is an important, current and detailed book to which every organization should pay close attention to improve customer relationships and create shareholder value.” — Marcus Ruebsam, Vice-President, Line-of-Business Marketing Solutions, SAP AG, Walldorf, Germany “There are many books on CRM, but I recommend this one because Gordon’s book does what others do not. He considers CRM strategy and evolves it to recognize a new customer, one who is always connected, socially available and influential. The book doesn’t just discuss many point solutions for specific marketing challenges; it integrates technology with strategy, people, process and customer analytics to develop relationships continuously. This book is a broad and deep exploration of CRM, providing practical, fact-based perspectives that every company can use to validate and rethink their customer and stakeholder relationships.” — Helmuth Cepeda, Small, Medium and Distribution Director, Microsoft Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Marketing has changed fundamentally in the last few years and has become an entirely new discipline, one that focuses on a new customer and a new relationship, framed by new principles, strategies, processes, roles and tactics. Individual customers are economically targeted and served, and treated as segments of one rather than members of a target market. Word of mouth and recommendations are vital as customers influence one another more than a company can do within its own advertising or customer dialogs. Today’s customer is always online, accessible and connected. Now marketing is not only direct and customer-specific but a continuous process by which companies seek to engage customers and be progressively more relevant, attractive and valuable. This is the era of a new customer relationship—an individual relationship that is social, mobile and local, influenced by peers and shaped by cognitive, behavioural and social psychological principles. New techniques, processes and technologies transform what it means to implement marketing strategy and achieve improved business results. The new customer relationship requires that even those companies that have embraced customer relationship management ought to reassess their customer management. Now every marketing decision, whether online or in the physical world, whether of a technological nature, whether it affects customer experience, communications, dialogs, teaching or organizational memory, every decision should be seen through a single lens focused on the individual customers who matter most. Managing the New Customer Relationship provides a strategic and practical guide to help companies attract, develop, sustain and build more valuable relationships by: Expanding upon existing customer relationship management theories, concepts and methods to make these considerations more useful, strategic and contemporary Recognizing the profound importance of social media and how to plan customer engagement in the social context of each customer Exploring new technologies that offer new opportunities for engaging customers, including mobile, local, the cloud and customer analytics Demonstrating how to develop customer-specific understanding, predict what customers will want next, and how to manage each individual customer, and Offering perspectives to help the organization endure by focusing a chain of relationships on the end customer and creating meaning for stakeholders that can make relationships more intense and robust. Managing the New Customer Relationship is for organizations of all sizes in all industries, for private- and public-sector organizations and not-for-profits. In short, every organization can apply the new principles, strategies, techniques and technologies discussed here to recognize important marketplace changes, plan to improve relationship and financial results and capture new shareholder value from new customer relationships.
Archaeopress Archival Theory, Chronology and Interpretation of Rock Art in the Western Cape, South Africa
Since absolute dating of rock art is limited, relative chronologies remain useful in contextualising interpretations of ancient images. This book advocates the archival capacity of rock art and uses archival perspectives to analyse the chronology of paintings in order to formulate a framework for their historicised interpretations. The Western Cape painting sequence is customarily accepted to include the hunter-gatherer phase from c. 10,000 BP, pastoralism from c. 2,000 BP and finally the historical-cum-colonial period several centuries ago. Painting traditions with distinct depiction manners and content are conventionally linked to these broad periods. This study evaluates this schema in order to refine the diverse hunter-gatherer, herder and colonial era painting contexts and histories. Using superimpositions as one analytical tool, the notion of datum aided the referencing and correlation of layered imagery into a relative sequence. Although broad differences separate painting traditions, and these variations are generally indistinguishable within a single tradition, it is clear that the long-spanning hunter-gatherer segment of painting in this region reflects a hitherto unrecognised sub-tradition. Some painted themes such as elephants, fat-tailed sheep, handprints and possibly finger dots occur within various levels of the sequence, which this study views as shared graphic fragments occurring between and across traditions and sub-traditions. Through the archival concept of respect des fonds such observable complexities were clarified as coherent graphic narratives that run through the entire chronological sequence of the Western Cape rock paintings. Probing archaeological, ethnographic and historical sources revealed that while these themes remained fundamentally consistent throughout the stratigraphic sequence as preferred subject matter, their meanings might have transformed subliminally from earlier to later periods, possibly reflecting layered shifts in the socio-economic, cultural and political circumstances of the region. Fundamentally, the framework of image histories shown by the choice and sustenance of specific themes is understood to mean that their significance and specific graphic contexts throughout the chronological sequence are pivoted and mirrored through the long established hunter-gatherer rock paintings which predate periods of contact with other cultures. The resulting sequence and interpretation of these painted themes is a descriptive and organisational template reflecting the original organic character in the creation of the paintings and ordered cultural continuities in the use of animal/human symbolism. This book’s agenda in part involves reviewing the Western Cape’s changing social and historical landscape to show variation in painting over time and to project possible interpretative transformations. Painting sequences and cultural (dis)continuities are thus intricately entwined and can be disentangled through a recursive analytical relationship between archaeology, ethnography and history. This amalgamated analytical approach produces historicised narratives and contextual meanings for the rock paintings.
Sounds True Inc Way of the Leopard: Meditations and Shamanic Practices from the Heart of Africa
Shake Your Bones, Listen to Your Dreams, and Feel the Earth Beneath Your Feet Inside you is a deep capacity for connection to nature, your ancestors, and the limitless wisdom and creativity you touch every night in your dreams. Yet in this modern age filled with distraction and anxiety, how do you restore your connection to these primal resources for living with power and purpose? "We are all bound together by a symphony of blood and bone," teaches John Lockley, one of the few white men in recent history to become a fully initiated sangoma—traditional priest and healer—in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa. With The Way of the Leopard, he brings you a treasury of practices informed by this powerful tradition to help you embrace your true gifts and become a healing presence in the world. An Audio Training Course Inspired by African Shamanic Wisdom The core spiritual teachings John teaches are all created to help you awaken to your own Ubuntu, or shared humanity. In these sessions, you’ll learn to activate the untapped power of your physical senses and intuition; discover how to honor your ancestors and draw upon their guidance; engage with your dreams as a spiritual practice; connect to nature through animal and plant medicine; and dance and shake your way to greater vitality, health, and aliveness. At the beginning of his sangoma apprenticeship, John Lockley’s teacher MaMngwevu gave him the name Cingolweendaba, which means "messenger," reflecting his calling to spread the essential values and principles of South African mysticism to a world in need of healing. "It doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what culture you’re from," John teaches. "If you are a human being with red blood, you can walk like the leopard and connect with the earth like the elephant." Join this remarkable teacher on The Way of the Leopard for a joyful and invigorating course to help you create a life rich in meaning and supported by spirit. HIGHLIGHTS • Activate your physical senses—how to unlock the hidden magic in your vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch • Ignite your intuition—practices to strengthen your "sixth sense" of deep knowing and spiritual awareness • Honoring your ancestors—powerful ways to connect to the living lineage in your blood and bones, as well as your adopted and spiritual ancestry • Shaking medicine—use your breath, body, and heart to activate your "lightning rod" (spine) for spiritual power and wisdom • Plant medicine—using plants in your environment for cleansing, healing, and connecting to the natural world • Overcoming obstacles—the most common roadblocks to spiritual practice and how to clear them • The practice of dreaming—how to receive the wisdom of your dreams and use them as a gateway to your true eternal nature • More the than seven hours of insights, guided practices, and healing wisdom from the shamanic tradition of South Africa with sangoma John Lockley
DK The Secret Explorers and the Missing Scientist
Meet the Secret Explorers! Children will be inspired to discover the world with these character-driven adventure stories for children aged 7 to 9 years old.Learn all about polar expeditions and the Arctic in this climate-related installment of DK Books' new educational fiction series for children.Meet the Secret Explorers - a band of brainiac kids from all around the world. Everyone in this diverse group of young experts has a speciality, from outer space to dinosaurs, and each story follows a character who gets chosen for a "secret exploration".In this fun, fact-filled children's book, engineering expert Kiki and Connor the marine biologist are sent on a mission to the Arctic. There they discover a research vessel studying the effects of climate change that has become trapped in the sea ice.To make matters worse, one of the ship's scientists who went to find help at a nearby research station hasn't returned. It's up to the Secret Explorers to find the scientist, free the ship, and save the day! Kids will love turning the pages to find out if the Secret Explorers manage to succeed in their mission!Enter the frozen world...With a thrilling narrative that keeps kids engaged, The Secret Explorers and the Missing Scientist book by SJ King is the perfect gift for children who are into all things arctic. It's written for children aged 7-9 years, with lots of information on the arctic world and the effects of melting sea ice.At the end of the book, you'll find "Kiki's Mission Notes" which is a summary of all the scientific facts and discoveries made throughout the story. With fun illustrations, quizzes, and a vocabulary list, the educational value of this book is outstanding and great for a classroom read!Get Ready to join the Secret Explorers ClubThe Secret Explorers series is a reminder to kids that they are limited only by their imagination and teaches them that learning is fun! But most of all, these educational books encourage children to believe that they can become experts in something they love.This edge-of-your-seat adventure book is packed with:• Fun facts and illustrations about polar bears• Simple and engaging explanations on how to survive in arctic conditions• Quizzes, mission notes, and a glossary of words with definitionsComplete the seriesEach book in the series combines exciting adventures with real-life facts related to the Secret Explorers' latest fictional mission.Don't miss out on more secret explorations! Take on an out-of-this-world mission in The Secret Explorers and the Comet Collision. Travel back in time to save a dinosaur egg from destruction in The Secret Explorers and the Jurassic Rescue. Set out on a journey to stop the Cairo Museum from closing down in The Secret Explorers and the Tomb Robbers. Then take a trip up an erupting volcano in The Secret Explorers and the Smoking Volcano.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Friends of Harry Perkins
CONTAINS TWO NEVER-BEFORE-PUBLISHED SHORT STORIES: 'The Lord Cardinal' and 'The Man Who Shot the President' 'Harry Perkins was buried on the day that America declared war on China.' The definitive post-Brexit novel, and long-awaited sequel to the bestselling A Very British Coup. 'Brexit Britain was a gloomy place. True, the Armageddon that some had prophesied had not occurred, but neither had economic miracle promised by the Brexiteers. Instead there had been a long, slow decline into insularity and irrelevance. The value of the pound had fallen steadily against the Euro, the dollar and the Yuan. The much vaunted increase in trade with the Commonwealth had not materialised. The Americans, too, were proving particularly obstreperous. Even now after a nearly decade of negotiations no significant agreements had been reached. At the UN there was talk of relieving the UK of its seat on the Security Council.' In post-Brexit Britain, the country's international standing is the lowest it's ever been, and social tensions have reached boiling point. Fred Thompson - former aide to the left-wing prime minister, Harry Perkins - is determined to put things right. As he climbs the political ranks, though, Thompson learns that principles must be compromised and dangerous bargains struck if he is to attain the only office high enough to truly make a difference. At once a gripping political thriller and a chilling prognostication of where we may be headed, this taut, insightful and engrossing novel is essential reading for our troubled times. 'Brilliant, chilling and all too plausible.' Alastair Campbell 'Terrific...measured, heart-stopping, moving, clear-eyed'. Stephen Frears ‘A very knowledgeable and pleasurable political thriller.’ Mark Lawson, The Guardian ‘Faced with the horrors of Brexit and a Conservative government overrun by dubious right-wingers .. . the beleaguered one-nation wing of the Tory party and even the tabloid press appear suddenly as a force for good. One of the tantalising questions is whether they are really out to help . . .’ Robert Shrimsley, Financial Times ‘Brexit has been a catastrophic failure . . . Trying to undo it means confronting all the pent up frustration that led to Brexit in the first place. This produces the deepest irony of all and the one that gives the novel its peculiar bite . . .’ David Runciman, London Review of Books ‘A book that seeks your X in the ballot box.’ The Spectator ‘The friends of Chris Mullin – and they are legion at Westminster – have been eagerly awaiting this book and they will not be disappointed. A brilliant, topical sequel to A Very British Coup.’ Andrew Adonis, The House ‘Briskly placed . . . spartan . . . and most affecting.’ Irish Times ‘Excellent . . . a worthy sequel to a true classic of political fiction.’ Matthew d’Ancona ‘Mullin has the knack of pithy description, adding touches of colour and wit.’ Glasgow Herald
Hay House Inc The Power Is Within You
THE BESTSELLING EXTENSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON, YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE THAT HAS SOLD MORE THAN 50 MILLION COPIES A CLASSIC STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT FOR HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF AND DISCOVER YOUR POWER WITHINLouise Hay expands on her philosophies in You Can Heal Your Life of loving yourself through: · Learning to listen and trust your inner voice· Loving your inner child · Letting your true feelings out...· Discovering your strength so you can take charge of your life...and much moreThe more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life. This inspiring book will help you have confidence and overcome the blocks, limiting beliefs, and barriers to loving yourself out of the way, so you can love yourself no matter what circumstance you happen to be going through.You’ll learn how to react to problems differently using positive affirmations and a new mindset so you have more peace. After many years counseling clients and conducting hundreds of intensive training programs, self-help pioneer Louise Hay said the one thing that heals every problem is to love yourself and The Power is Within You will show you how.This book will be an essential steppingstone on your path of self-discovery and is a roadmap on how to change for the better by loving and taking care of yourself, starting today.The Power is Within You Chapters Include:PART ONE - BECOMING CONSCIOUSThe Power WithinFollowing My Inner VoiceThe Power of Your Spoken WordReprogramming Old TapesPART TWO - DISSOLVING THE BARRIERSUnderstanding The Blocks That Bind YouLetting Your Feelings Out Moving Beyond The PainPART THREE - LOVING YOURSELFHow To Love YourselfLoving The Child WithinGrowing Up and Getting OldPART FOUR - APPLYING YOUR INNER WISDOMReceiving ProsperityExpressing Your Creativity The Totality of PossibilitiesPART FIVE - LETTING GO OF THE PASTChange and TransitionA World Where It's Safe to Love Each Other“I feel an important thing to be aware of is that the Power we are all seeking "out there" is also within us and readily available to us to use in positive ways. May this book reveal to you how very powerful you really are.The information in this book, which has been a part of my lectures, and new ideas since writing You Can Heal Your Life, is an opportunity to know a little more about yourself and to understand the potential that is your birthright. You have an opportunity to love yourself more, so you can be a part of an incredible universe of love. Love begins in our hearts, and it begins with us. Let your love contribute to the healing of our planet.”Life loves you and so do I,Louise Hay
Hodder & Stoughton Malice in Wonderland: My Adventures in the World of Cecil Beaton
**A Mail on Sunday Book of the Year 2021**'A fascinating document, a window on to a lost world of glamour, grandeur and snobbery . . . an elegy, sad and comical, to a passing era' Craig Brown, MAIL ON SUNDAY'I got as caught up in these distant but strangely evocative events as Vickers did . . . delicious in its way, recreating a lost world' Ysenda Maxtone Graham, THE TIMES'A luxuriant trawl through the recovered past . . . extraordinary book' John Walsh, SUNDAY TIMES'A quite brilliant record of a fading social and artistic milieu . . . a world to which Vickers is an unrivalled cicerone' Matthew Sturgis, THE OLDIE'Vickers' diaries bristle with injudicious is no small compliment to say that the biographer is here the equal of his subject' Michael Arditti, THE SPECTATOR'Beaton himself was one of the finest 20th-century diarists. It is no small compliment to say that the biographer is here the equal of his subject' THE SPECTATOR'Illuminating and brilliantly scurrilous' Marcus Field, THE STANDARD'Scintillating' DAILY MAIL'When Mr Vickers has his eye to the keyhole, we see a secret panorama' Dominic Green, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL'Vickers - as ever - is a warm and enthusiastic guide to a nearly lost world' TATLER.COMThe witty and perceptive diaries kept by Cecil Beaton's authorised biographer during his many fascinating encounters with extraordinary - often legendary - characters in his search for the real Cecil Beaton.Hugo Vickers's life took a dramatic turn in 1979 when the legendary Sir Cecil Beaton invited him to be his authorised biographer. The excitement of working with the famous photographer was dashed only days later when Cecil Beaton died. But the journey had begun - Vickers was entrusted with Beaton's papers, diaries and, most importantly, access to his friends and contemporaries. The resulting book, first published in 1985, was a bestseller. In Malice in Wonderland, Vickers shares excerpts from his personal diaries kept during this period. For five years, Vickers travelled the world and talked to some of the most fascinating and important social and cultural figures of the time, including royalty such as the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, film stars such as Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and Julie Andrews, writers such as Truman Capote, and photographers such as Irving Penn and Horst. And not only Beaton's friends - Vickers sought out the enemies too, notably Irene Selznick. He was taken under the wings of Lady Diana Cooper, Clarissa Avon and Diana Vreeland.Drawn into Beaton's world and accepted by its members, Vickers the emerging biographer also began his own personal adventure. The outsider became the insider - Beaton's friends became his friends. Malice in Wonderland is a fascinating portrait of a now disappeared world, and vividly and sensitively portrays some of its most fascinating characters as we travel with Vickers on his quest.
Headline Publishing Group Isn't it Bromantic?: The sweetest romance you'll read this year!
If you love Ali Hazelwood, Sally Thorne and Helen Hoang, you'll LOVE Lyssa Kay Adams!'The most inventive, refreshing concept in rom-coms!' Entertainment Weekly The Bromance Book Club was one of Bustle's '21 Rom-Coms To Give You Warm And Fuzzy Feelings'! Readers are LOVING Isn't It Bromantic?! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Five stars for this sweet, sexy, funny read''Wow! What to say about this book? It was everything and more . . . I loved absolutely everything about this book''Sweet and heartfelt and lovely. Vlad is just an absolute love and I could read about him being in love in every book!''This book was the full package. Amazing plot, great characters, sexual chemistry, heart, humour, vulnerability . . . A masterclass on romance novel construction' 'Heartfelt, sweet, emotional and tender . . . I can't get enough of this group of friends and I can't wait for the next addition!''I adored this book so much and flew through it so fast because I was loving it so much. I found myself laughing out loud multiple times . . . I just loved being back in this world with these characters so much!''Perfect for the summer holidays. An absolute feel-good romance with plenty of heart, laugh-out-loud scenes, and vulnerable yet strong characters. I couldn't put this book down'....................................................................... With his passion for romance novels, it was only a matter of time before Vlad took up the pen to write a novel the Bromance Book Club would swoon over.He's ready to create his own sweeping romance - both on and off the page. Elena Konnikova has lived her entire adult life in the shadows. As the daughter of a Russian journalist who mysteriously disappeared, she escaped danger the only way she knew how. She agreed to marry her childhood friend, Vladimir, and move to the United States, where he is a professional hockey player in Nashville. Vlad, aka The Russian, thought he could be content with his marriage of convenience. But it's become too difficult to continue in a one-sided relationship. He joined the Bromance Book Club to learn how to make his wife love him, but all he's learned is that he deserves more. The Bros are unwilling to let Vlad forgo true love - and this time they're not operating solo, joining forces with Vlad's senior citizen neighbours, a group of meddling widows who call themselves The Loners. But just when things finally look promising, the danger from Elena's past life intrudes. Now the book club face their first-ever life-or-death grand gesture as they race to a happy ever after......................................................................Raves for The Bromance Book Club:'A you're-gonna-burn-dinner book because you will not want to put it down. Laugh out loud with tons of heart, this is an absolutely adorable must read' AVERY FLYNN'A delight! . . . I raced to finish this book, but still never wanted it to end!' ALEXA MARTIN'A delightful, fast-paced read with the perfect mix of laugh-out-loud and swoony moments - every town should have a Bromance Book Club' EVIE DUNMORE'It is the reading aloud in this story that ultimately wins my heart, and shows that everything worth knowing can be learned from romance' KC DYERDon't miss any of the charming and swoonworthy Bromance Book Club reads!The Bromance Book ClubUndercover BromanceCrazy Stupid BromanceIsn't It Bromantic?A Very Merry Bromance
Taylor & Francis Inc Sensitive Security Information, Certified® (SSI) Body of Knowledge
Sensitive security information (SSI) is a category of sensitive but unclassified information under the United States government's information sharing and control rules. SSI plays a crucial role in all types of security. It is information obtained in the conduct of security activities which, if publicly disclosed, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy, reveal trade secrets, share privileged or confidential information, harm transportation security, or allow hostile elements to avoid security controls.Divided into seven sections, the Sensitive Security Information Certified® (SSI) Body of Knowledge provides a comprehensive source that helps you prepare for certification in SSI protection. It reviews and discusses relevant topics in The history and definition of SSI Espionage, security breaches, and detection Personal information security Corporate security Government security Legislation and regulations Identity theft Within the sections, the book covers a wide range of subjects related to aiding protection of SSI, including Good information practices The psychology of spies Methods to detect potential betrayal Methods for handling sensitive information Establishing security plans for sensitive information Monitoring techniques such as the use of closed-circuit video cameras In a world of ever-changing technology with massive amounts of information available to the public in a matter of seconds, government, businesses, and individuals must take extra precautions in securing their SSI. This book equips you with the essential knowledge to become certified in SSI protection, and will serve as a valuable reference afterward in remaining an effective security professional charged with protecting SSI.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Symphonia Catholica: The Merger of Patristic and Contemporary Sources in the Theological Method of Amandus Polanus (1561–1610)
Byung Soo Han intends to answer, by investigating the merger of patristic and contemporary sources in the theological method of Amandus Polanus, a significant question concerning the way in which the intellectual and methodological eclecticism of the Reformed was able to establish a coherent “system” of thought capable of defense as not only confessional but also orthodox in its theology and broadly catholic, drawing both on the thought of the Reformers and on the resources of the great tradition of Christian thought that extended back to the church fathers. From a methodological perspective, Polanus’s development from the Ramistically-organized doctrinal framework of the early Partitiones, through the increasingly detailed and specialized efforts of the commentaries, disputations, and Symphonia, indicates a fairly clear, concerted effort to build toward a detailed systematic presentation – and in fact, each of these earlier efforts provided as it were building-blocks that would be incorporated into the Syntagma. This constructive labor itself serves to set aside the claim that Polanus based his theology on a deductive principle. The specific focus of the book is on the place and function of backgrounds and sources, traditional and contemporary, with particular emphasis on the place of the church fathers in Reformed orthodoxy. Polanus’s patristic work, Symphonia, and its eventual impact on his full systematic work, the Syntagma, provides a singular case, within the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, of the reformulation of patristic thought in a fully systematized form, suitable for combination with the results of biblical exegesis and contemporary doctrinal argumentation in the formulation of Reformed orthodox theology. This study attempts to assess the claim of catholicity and orthodoxy by Reformed theology, demonstrating the formative function of patristic thought in Polanus’s theology. Further, the study illustrates the place of this traditionary exercise within the methodologically eclectic approach followed by Polanus and his contemporaries as they created a theology that drew not only on Scripture and contemporary philosophical assumptions but also on patristic, medieval, Reformation-era, traditionary Aristotelian, Platonic, and Ramist sources. This study, therefore, reappraises the development of Reformed orthodoxy. In Polanus’s case, an older scholarship that read his theology as based on central dogmas or as an exercise of rationalism will be set aside in favor of a more nuanced view of his sources and method. Within this larger framework, Polanus’s use of the fathers builds on and confirms the Reformers’s assumption of catholicity in the face of the detailed polemics of Robert Bellarmine as well as confirming the point that his approach to formulation was traditionary and somewhat eclectic. Finally, the book identifies the theological cohesion of the early orthodox Reformed model, as exemplified by Polanus’s thought, especially in its method of drawing together of traditionary materials from varied sources. In short, the book demonstrates the importance of the church fathers to the formulation of a Reformed orthodox and catholic theology in the context of showing, contrary to previous studies of Polanus’s thought and contrary to the older stereotypes of “Calvinist” orthodoxy, that Reformed orthodoxy was neither a rigid monolith nor a matter of philosophical speculation but the product of a carefully conceived exercise in the compilation and assessment of biblical and traditionary materials.
Little, Brown Book Group Mobilising Hate: The Story of Hitler's Final Solution
'Finally, eight decades on, there comes a convincing reason as to how an entire nation was able to swallow and then endorse the warped ideology of Hitler and the Nazis. Not only a brilliantly argued book, Mobilising Hate is also a grimly compelling and utterly absorbing examination of one of the most terrible events in world history. Martin Davidson's meticulous and scholarly research and exquisite writing has provided us with one of the most important books ever written on the subject.' JAMES HOLLAND'A highly readable thesis of how ordinary people were turned into monsters by the malevolent propaganda of Hitler and his henchmen ... A very good book.' SAUL DAVID, TelegraphBy 1942, it was an article of faith that what the Nazis called 'The Jewish Question' had only one answer: the mass extermination of an entire people. Six million European Jews were savagely murdered as a result of this perverted but profoundly held conviction. In this radical new perspective on Hitler's so-called 'Final Solution', Martin Davidson shows that the terrible fate of Europe's Jews was not one Nazi policy amongst many, but the central preoccupation of the regime, one which they were determined to achieve and of which they were most chillingly proud. How were so many people convinced that the Jews deserved such treatment - or were at least persuaded to shrug their shoulders and turn a blind eye? Why did they think Germany could only be reborn with their eradication? That Jewish suffering was not only necessary, but deserved? How were the moral standards of an entire nation so warped and perverted, that the Final Solution came to be regarded as a rational, thrilling, even sacred, element of Nazi state policy? Mobilising Hate examines in detail how Nazi ideologues worked to frame and amplify anti-Jewish feeling in Germany. Davidson explores the origins of radical anti-Jewish polemic in the volcanic upheavals that swept over Germany in the months after the First World War. How it seeded a theory that claimed to explain the truth of the entirety of human history. How that theory would go on to pervert science; corrupt the law; rewrite history; taint art, music and literature; and turn the media into the servant of a brutal and pitiless regime with a single message to communicate: destroying Jews lives was the indispensable first step to making Germany - and indeed, Europe - great again. Davidson goes on to track the way in which Nazi leaders moved from theory to practice, by accident and by design, skilfully dramatising the many twists and turns that would lead to Auschwitz and beyond, many of which are not generally included in conventional accounts. Mobilising Hate is driven by the first-hand accounts of many of those defined by the Nazi genocide; both its architects and perpetrators, as well as its targeted victims. Poignantly too, the book turns the spotlight on the whistle-blowers who saw, recorded and shared accounts of the horrors unfolding across the continent - only to be greeted time and time again, with guarded and non-committal hedging from Allied governments. Many people inside Germany, and across the world, knew, but, it seemed, very few felt they needed to care. As our world once again grapples with the challenges of global mass resentment, economic insecurity and the growing desire to find people - entire populations - at whom to point the finger of blame, the issue of Hitler's Final Solution and the thinking that gave birth to it have worrying new resonance. Rarely has the 'warning from history' been so acute, nor the refrain 'never again', been so heartfelt. Above all, Mobilising Hate is the story of how the Nazis spawned a vision of 'us' and 'them', that taken to its logical conclusion, spelled a death sentence for millions. Hitler may have lacked an early masterplan for the mass extermination of Europe's Jews, but it would be his zealously constructed policies and unflinching determination to see them through to the bitter end that would make it impossible for his Nazi Holocaust not to happen. That the Jews should face total extermination was Hitler's biggest, proudest prophecy, and the one he moved mountains to make come true, no matter the cost.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve
George Soros Ends the Speculation "The outcome [of this book] is a summing up of my life's work. . . As I finish the book, I feel I have succeeded."-George Soros from the Preface Critical praise for Soros on Soros "If you have ever wanted to sit down for a candid conversation with a phenomenal financial success, George Soros's book provides the opportunity. You will meet a complex man and a first-rate mind."-Henry A. Kissinger "The best expert on Soros is undoubtedly George Soros! After all, who is better equipped to tell us what he really thinks and how he thinks, a matter of some importance given the fact that he has translated a remarkable personal financial success into a truly generous and historically significant effort to promote postcommunist democracy." -Zbigniew Brzezinski "The best X-ray of the mind of the master yet." -Barton M. Biggs "George Soros brings a lot more to the world of finance than the intuition and nerve of a born trader-and in Soros on Soros he's no longer bashful about telling us about it. A philosopher at heart, George attributes his success at investing to a theory of the interaction of reality and human perception. What really drives the man now, with a personal fortune beyond all personal need, is a different kind of strategic investing-investment to build in Eastern Europe the kind of open societies he came to value in his own life." -Paul A. Volcker Financial guru George Soros is one of the most colorful and intriguing figures in the financial world today. Now in Soros on Soros, readers are given their most intimate and revealing look yet into the life and mind of the one BusinessWeek dubbed, "The Man Who Moves Markets." Soros on Soros interweaves financial theory and personal reminiscence, political analysis and moral reflection to offer a compelling portrait of the world (and its markets) according to Soros. In an interview-style narrative with Byron Wien, Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, and with German journalist Krisztina Koenen, Soros vividly describes the genesis of his brilliant financial career and shares his views on investing and global finance, politics and the emerging world order, and the responsibility of power. Speaking with remarkable candor, he traces his progress from Holocaust survivor to philosophy student, unsuccessful tobacco salesman to the world's most powerful and profitable trader and introduces us to the people and events that helped shape his character and his often controversial views. In describing the investment theories and financial strategies that have made him "a superstar among money managers" (The New York Times), Soros tells the fascinating story of the phenomenally successful Soros Fund Management and its $12 billion flagship, Quantum Fund. He also offers fresh insights into some of his most sensational wins and losses, including a firsthand account of the $1 billion he made going up against the British pound and the fortune he lost speculating on the yen. Plus: Soros's take on the devaluation of the peso and currency fluctuations internationally. He tells of the personal and professional crises that more than once threatened to destroy him and of the personal resources he drew upon to turn defeat into resounding victory. And he explains his motivations for establishing the Soros Foundation and the Open Society Institute through which he worked to build open societies in postcommunist countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Finally, turning his attention to international politics, Soros offers keen insights into the current state of affairs in Russia and the former communist bloc countries and analyzes the reasons behind and likely consequences of the West's failure to properly integrate them into the free world. He also explores the crisis of the ERM and analyzes the pros and cons of investing in a number of emerging markets. Find out what makes one of the greatest financial wizards of this or any age tick. Soros on Soros is a must read for anyone interested in world finance and international policy.
WW Norton & Co He Calls Me By Lightning: The Life of Caliph Washington and the forgotten Saga of Jim Crow, Southern Justice, and the Death Penalty
Caliph Washington didn’t pull the trigger but, as Officer James "Cowboy" Clark lay dying, he had no choice but to turn on his heel and run. The year was 1957; Cowboy Clark was white, Caliph Washington was black, and this was the Jim Crow South. As He Calls Me by Lightning painstakingly chronicles, Washington, then a seventeen-year-old simply returning home after a double date, was swiftly arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to death by an all-white jury. The young man endured the horrors of a hellish prison system for thirteen years, a term that included various stints on death row fearing the "lightning" of the electric chair. Twentieth-century legal history is tragically littered with thousands of stories of such judicial cruelty, but S. Jonathan Bass’s account is remarkable in that he has been able to meticulously re-create Washington’s saga, animating a life that was not supposed to matter. Given the familiar paradigm of an African American man being falsely accused of killing a white policeman, it would be all too easy to apply a reductionist view to the story. What makes He Calls Me by Lightning so unusual are a spate of unknown variables—most prominently the fact that Governor George Wallace, nationally infamous for his active advocacy of segregation, did, in fact, save this death row inmate’s life. As we discover, Wallace stayed Washington’s execution not once but more than a dozen times, reflecting a philosophy about the death penalty that has not been perpetuated by his successors. Other details make Washington’s story significant to legal history, not the least of which is that the defendant endured three separate trials and then was held in a county jail for five more years before being convicted of second-degree murder in 1970; this decision was overturned as well, although the charges were never dismissed. Bass’s account is also particularly noteworthy for his evocation of Washington’s native Bessemer, a gritty, industrial city lying only thirteen miles to the east of Birmingham, Alabama, whose singularly fascinating story is frequently overlooked by historians. By rescuing Washington’s unknown life trajectory—along with the stories of his intrepid lawyers, David Hood Jr. and Orzell Billingsley, and Christine Luna, an Italian-American teacher and activist who would become Washington’s bride upon his release—Bass brings to multidimensional life many different strands of the civil rights movement. Devastating and essential, He Calls Me by Lightning demands that we take into account the thousands of lives cast away by systemic racism, and powerfully demonstrates just how much we still do not know.
Princeton University Press The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War
As more and more people are questioning the assumptions of present U.S. foreign policy they are reexamining the roots of these policies in the diplomacy of the Cold War. This scrutiny has made the origins of the Cold War the most controversial issue in American diplomatic history. Now a complete new dimension has been added to the debate by the charges leveled by Robert James Maddox in The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War. How did the Cold War begin? Who or what was responsible? Could it have been avoided? Was it a temporary condition created by a combination of individual personalities and historical factors, or did it represent the clash of fundamentally irreconcilable political systems? The orthodox explanation of the Cold War is that it was "the brave and essential response of free men to Communist aggression." A number of scholars more or less identified with the New Left have challenged the conventional explanation by asserting that the U.S. bears the major responsibility for its onset. One group of revisionists sees this as the result of a failure of statesmanship on the part of Truman and the advisors around him, the other that the Cold War was the inevitable result of the American system as it developed over the years. Their conclusions have often been challenged in matters of interpretation. Robert Maddox, however, believes that an examination of the manner in which new interpretations are reached should precede dialogues over the ideas themselves. Consequently he has examined seven of the most prominent New Left works: The Tragedy of American Diplomacy by William Appleman Williams; The Cold War and Its Origins by D. F. Fleming; Atomic Diplomacy by Gar Alperovitz; The Free World Colossus by David Horowitz; The Politics of War by Gabriel Kolko; Yalta by Diane Shaver Clemens; and Architects of Illusion by Lloyd C. Gardner. After detailed comparisons of the evidence they present with the sources from which it was taken, he concludes that these books are based on pervasive misuse of the source materials and fail to measure up to the most elementary standards of good scholarship. Originally published in 1973. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley & Sons Inc HPLC in Enzymatic Analysis
The use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques in the study of enzymatic reactions has grown significantly since the publication of the first edition of this highly successful book: the role of enzymes in biological research has expanded; the application of HPLC and enzymes has extended to more disciplines; advances in separation techniques and instrumentation have increased the capability of HPLC; and the discovery of new enzymes has spawned new methods of analysis. High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition addresses these developments in its coverage of the refinements of HPLC methods and their use in a wide range of laboratory applications. It offers the same practical approach found in the first edition, incorporates a wealth of new information into existing chapters, and adds new chapters to deal with new applications, including capillary electrophoresis, forensic chemistry, microdialysis, and the polymerase chain reaction. Topics include: * Application of HPLC to the assay of enzymatic activities * Concepts and principles of HPLC, including the latest technological advances * Concepts and principles of capillary electrophoresis (CE) * Strategy for design of an HPLC/CE system for assay of enzyme activity * Preparation of enzymatic activities from tissues and single cells * Analysis of enzymatic activities in body fluids, including chromatobiosis * HPLC for the identification of new enzymatic activities * Fundamentals of the polymerase chain reaction * HPLC in forensics * Survey of enzymatic activities assayed by the HPLC method, including many new categories * Multienzyme systems, including many new examples * HPLC in the analysis of contaminated food "It is the ability of HPLC to accomplish separations completely and rapidly that led to its original application to problems in the life sciences, particularly those related to purification. An analysis of the literature revealed that this technique was used primarily for the purification of small molecules, macromolecules such as peptides and proteins, and more recently, antibodies. This application to purification has all but dominated the use of the method, and there has been a plethora of books, symposia, and conferences on the use of HPLC for these purposes. However, it was only a matter of time before others began to look beyond and to explore the possibilities that result from the capacity to make separations quickly and efficiently." --from the preface to the First Edition Easy to read and full of practical advice and hundreds of diagrams and examples, High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and laboratory workers in analytical chemistry and biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology, and for anyone interested in keeping up with this fast-growing field.
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