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Duke University Press Lines of Thought: Discourse, Architectonics, and the Origin of Modern Philosophy
It is considerably easier to say that modern philosophy began with Descartes than it is to define the modernity and philosophy to which Descartes gave rise. In Lines of Thought, Claudia Brodsky Lacour describes the double origin of modern philosophy in Descartes’s Discours de la méthode and Géométrie, works whose interrelation, she argues, reveals the specific nature of the modern in his thought. Her study examines the roles of discourse and writing in Cartesian method and intuition, and the significance of graphic architectonic form in the genealogy of modern philosophy.While Cartesianism has long served as a synonym for rationalism, the contents of Descartes’s method and cogito have remained infamously resistant to rational analysis. Similarly, although modern phenomenological analyses descend from Descartes’s notion of intuition, the “things” Cartesian intuitions represent bear no resemblance to phenomena. By returning to what Descartes calls the construction of his “foundation” in the Discours, Brodsky Lacour identifies the conceptual problems at the root of Descartes’s literary and aesthetic theory as well as epistemology. If, for Descartes, linear extension and “I” are the only “things” we can know exist, the Cartesian subject of thought, she shows, derives first from the intersection of discourse and drawing, representation and matter. The crux of that intersection, Brodsky Lacour concludes, is and must be the cogito, Descartes’s theoretical extension of thinking into material being. Describable in accordance with the Géométrie as a freely constructed line of thought, the cogito, she argues, extends historically to link philosophy with theories of discursive representation and graphic delineation after Descartes. In conclusion, Brodsky Lacour analyzes such a link in the writings of Claude Perrault, the architectural theorist whose reflections on beauty helped shape the seventeenth-century dispute between “the ancients and the moderns.”Part of a growing body of literary and interdisciplinary considerations of philosophical texts, Lines of Thought will appeal to theorists and historians of literature, architecture, art, and philosophy, and those concerned with the origin and identity of the modern.
O'Reilly Media Java Power Tools
All true craftsmen need the best tools to do their finest work, and programmers are no different. Java Power Tools delivers 30 open source tools designed to improve the development practices of Java developers in any size team or organization. Each chapter includes a series of short articles about one particular tool -- whether it's for build systems, version control, or other aspects of the development process -- giving you the equivalent of 30 short reference books in one package. No matter which development method your team chooses, whether it's Agile, RUP, XP, SCRUM, or one of many others available, Java Power Tools provides practical techniques and tools to help you optimize the process. The book discusses key Java development problem areas and best practices, and focuses on open source tools that can help increase productivity in each area of the development cycle, including: *Build tools including Ant and Maven 2 *Version control tools such as CVS and Subversion, the two most prominent open source tools *Quality metrics tools that measure different aspects of code quality, including CheckStyle, PMD, FindBugs and Jupiter *Technical documentation tools that can help you generate good technical documentation without spending too much effort writing and maintaining it *Unit Testing tools including JUnit 4, TestNG, and the open source coverage tool Cobertura *Integration, Load and Performance Testing to integrate performance tests into unit tests, load-test your application, and automatically test web services, Swing interfaces and web interfaces *Issue management tools including Bugzilla and Trac *Continuous Integration tools such as Continuum, Cruise Control, LuntBuild and Hudson If you are a Java developer, these tools can help improve your development practices, and make your life easier in the process. Lead developers, software architects and people interested in the wider picture will be able to gather from these pages some useful ideas about improving your project infrastructure and best practices.
University of California Press An Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamal ad-Din "al-Afghani"
"Keddie has rendered a valuable service ...Afghani merits the attention of Western students of the contemporary international scene and the Muslim renaissance since he made the first significant attempt to answer the modern Western challenge to the Muslim world." (Eastern World). "Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani (1838-1897), the well known religious reformer and political activist, led a busy and complex life full of obscure and clandestine ventures...[Keddie] draws on a wide range of primary and secondary sources. In part I an attempt is made to provide an accurate biography and a consistent analysis of Afghani. Part II contains translations of some of his most important writings...Although Afghani was concerned with the wide ranging need for Islamic reform, he devoted most of his life to the more urgent political problems confronting Muslims - problems arising out of their weakness in dealing with the Western Christian powers. Hence the tide of this book. The picture that emerges here confirms Afghani's long standing reputation as a defender of Muslim interests - not against borrowing European advances in science and technology, but against foreign political, economic, or military encroachment." (Middle East journal). "Jamal ad-Din was a mysterious figure and most of the mysteries were of his own making has been left to Professor Keddie to apply the methods of the critical historian to the matter...This book shows how successful she has been ...there has emerged for the first time a credible picture of Jamal ad-Din's life ...The second part contains translations of works by Jamal ad-Din himself, and these are valuable because most of them were written in Persian and have either not been easily available at all or else have been available only in Arabic translation. This is particularly true of the Refutation of the Materialists." (International journal of Middle East Studies). "For the first time a significant collection of the writings of al-Afghani are now available in English, and so, for the first time, this controversial figure has had more life breathed into him." (American Historical Review).
DW Books The When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives
Does your workplace have too few black people in top jobs? It's racist. Does the advanced math and science high school in your city have too many Asians? It's racist. Does your local museum employ too many white women? It's racist, too. After the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, prestigious American institutions, from the medical profession to the fine arts, pleaded guilty to "systemic racism." How else explain why blacks are overrepresented in prisons and underrepresented in C-suites and faculty lounges, their leaders asked? The official answer for those disparities is "disparate impact," a once obscure legal theory that is now transforming our world. Any traditional standard of behavior or achievement that impedes exact racial proportionality in any enterprise is now presumed racist. Medical school admissions tests, expectations of scientific accomplishment in the award of research grants, the enforcement of the criminal law-all are under assault, because they have a "disparate impact" on underrepresented minorities. When Race Trumps Merit provides an alternative explanation for those racial disparities. It is large academic skills gaps that cause the lack of proportional representation in our most meritocratic organizations and large differences in criminal offending that account for the racially disproportionate prison population. The need for such a corrective argument could not be more urgent. Federal science agencies now treat researchers' skin color as a scientific qualification. Museums and orchestras choose which art and music to promote based on race. Police officers avoid making arrests and prosecutors decline to bring charges to avoid disparate impact on minority criminals. When Race Trumps Merit breaks powerful taboos. But it is driven by a sense of alarm, supported by detailed case studies of how disparate-impact thinking is jeopardizing scientific progress, destroying public order, and poisoning the appreciation of art and culture. As long as alleged racism remains the only allowable explanation for racial differences, we will continue tearing down excellence and putting lives, as well as civilizational achievement, at risk.
Sourcebooks, Inc Love Cards: What Your Birthday Reveals About You and Your Personal Relationships
Has your love life ever felt needlessly complicated? With this book, the secret inner workings of your love life are revealed!Your birth date reveals more about you than you might imagine.Have you ever wondered why some people are afraid of commitment or why others always put work before love? Is the person you are dating right for you? Why is your best friend such a hopeless romantic? Finding love is no longer a mystery to be unraveled. This collection of love affirmations and insights will help find the answers to every question you've ever had about your personal relationships.Robert Lee Camp is known throughout Hollywood for his accurate and insightful celebrity readings. His unique fortune-telling system is based on a science used by the ancient Egyptians. Now, you can try this in-depth but surprisingly simple system for yourself—a unique combination of astrology and numerology that can be mastered in a matter of hours.Featuring new chapters that explores famous celebrity couples, this latest edition of Love Cards will teach you how to perform a complete relationship reading between two people. The perfect gift for any anniversary, wedding shower, or romantic gift occasion, Love Cards allows you to explore the science of your love language. Look up your Birth Card, the cards of your lover, family, and friends, and then discover:Who am I most compatible with in love, sex, romance, and marriage?How do my Karma and Past Life Cards affect my present relationships?Why have I chosen past partners, and how can I make better decisions about my future?Which celebrities share my birthday?Find Your Birth Card Now and unlock the mysteries of love!Love Cards is a guide to help you understand why you are the way you are, and allow the same insights for you about your partner. Is the key to a happy love life in the cards?
University of Oklahoma Press The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux
Black Elk of the Sioux has been recognized as one of the truly remarkable men of his time in the matter of religious belief and practice. Shortly before his death in August, 1950, when he was the ""keeper of the sacred pipe,"" he said, ""It is my prayer that, through our sacred pipe, and through this book in which I shall explain what our pipe really is, peace may come to those peoples who can understand, and understanding which must be of the heart and not of the head alone. Then they will realize that we Indians know the One true God, and that we pray to Him continually.""Black Elk was the only qualified priest of the older Oglala Sioux still living when The Sacred Pipe was written. This is his book: he gave it orally to Joseph Epes Brown during the latter's eight month's residence on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, where Black Elk lived. Beginning with the story of White Buffalo Cow Woman's first visit to the Sioux to give them the sacred pip~, Black Elk describes and discusses the details and meanings of the seven rites, which were disclosed, one by one, to the Sioux through visions. He takes the reader through the sun dance, the purification rite, the ""keeping of the soul,"" and other rites, showing how the Sioux have come to terms with God and nature and their fellow men through a rare spirit of sacrifice and determination.The wakan Mysteries of the Siouan peoples have been a subject of interest and study by explorers and scholars from the period of earliest contact between whites and Indians in North America, but Black Elk's account is without doubt the most highly developed on this religion and cosmography. The Sacred Pipe, published as volume thirty-six in the Civilization of the American Indian Series, will be greeted enthusiastically by students of comparative religion, ethnologists, historians, philosophers, and everyone interested in American Indian life.
Cornell University Press Liddell Hart and the Weight of History
For almost half a century, Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart (1895–1970) was the most highly regarded writer on strategy and military matters in the English-speaking world and even today, his ideas are still discussed and debated. Although he helped to formulate Great Britain's military doctrine after the First World War, it was his critique of British strategic policy before and during the early years of the Second World War that earned him a seemingly unassailable reputation as a brilliant strategist. In this unflinching but balanced book, John J. Mearsheimer reexamines Liddell Hart's career and uncovers evidence that he manipulated the facts to create a false picture of his role in military policy debates in the 1930s. According to Liddell Hart's widely accepted account, his progressive ideas about armored warfare were rejected by the British army and adopted instead by the more far-sighted German generals. The Wehrmacht's application of his theory of blitzkrieg, he claimed, resulted in the defeat of France in 1940, a disaster he foresaw. Setting the historical record straight, Mearsheimer shatters once and for all the myth of Liddell Hart's prescience in the interwar period. Liddell Hart had, in fact, "been quite wrong on the basic military questions of the 1930s," Mearsheimer finds, "and his writings helped lead the British government into serious error. Wide recognition of Liddell Hart's misjudgments badly damaged his reputation during the war, and Mearsheimer shows how he mounted a successful campaign to restore his image. Although some of Liddell Hart's military theories are still relevant, Mearsheimer warns that they should be applied with caution. This troubling book offers a striking illustration of how history can be used and abused—how a gifted individual can create their own self-serving version of the past. Based on scrupulously documented evidence, Liddell Hart and the Weight of History is certain to be of great interest to those concerned with military policy and history.
National Academies Press Next Generation Science Standards: For States, By States
Next Generation Science Standards identifies the science all K-12 students should know. These new standards are based on the National Research Council's A Framework for K-12 Science Education. The National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Achieve have partnered to create standards through a collaborative state-led process. The standards are rich in content and practice and arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The print version of Next Generation Science Standards complements the website and: Provides an authoritative offline reference to the standards when creating lesson plans Arranged by grade level and by core discipline, making information quick and easy to find Printed in full color with a lay-flat spiral binding Allows for bookmarking, highlighting, and annotating Table of Contents Front Matter NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS: Arranged by Disciplinary Core Ideas Connections to Standards: Arranged by Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS: Arranged by Topics Connections to Standards: Arranged by Topics VOLUME 2: APPENDIXES APPENDIX A: Conceptual Shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX B: Responses to the Public Drafts APPENDIX C: College And Career Readiness APPENDIX D: "All Standards, All Students": Making the Next Generation Science Standards Accessible to All Students APPENDIX E: Disciplinary Core Idea Progressions in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX F: Science and Engineering Practices in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX G: Crosscutting Concepts in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX H: Understanding the Scientific Enterprise: The Nature of Science in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX I: Engineering Design in the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX J: Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment APPENDIX K: Model Course Mapping in Middle and High School for the Next Generation Science Standards APPENDIX L: Connections to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics APPENDIX M: Connections to the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
Tuttle Publishing A Japanese Reader: Graded Lessons for Mastering the Written Language
This book is a selection of graded Japanese readings written in modern Japanese.An excellent way to learn Japanese, A Japanese Reader is designed for the foreign student of Japanese who is interested in attaining and developing proficiency in reading Japanese, the style of which is in current use in books, magazines, and newspapers in Japan. It also includes authentic excerpts from works by 20th-century Japanese masters Mishima, Akutagawa, Kawabata, and others. Although A Japanese Reader supposes some acquaintance with the spoken Japanese language, it does not assume any knowledge of written Japanese and starts from and very beginning, advancing in graded readings up through quite difficult materials. Learning the modern Japanese written language is by no means a difficult task for the student of the Japanese language as it is often made to appear. The most important thing in such a study is to get yourself started in the correct direction—after that, the progress you make and the eventual proficiency you will gain in reading (and writing) the language are limited only by the amount of time and effort you are able or willing to devote to the task. Attention has been given throughout the volume to grading materials in the order of progressive difficulty, though in many cases familiarity on the part of a student with the subject matter involved may well make a particular selection somewhat easier for him than others further on in the book. Partly to assist in the understanding of the reading selections and partly because it is felt that few students will wish to become proficient in reading Japanese and still remain uninterested in Japanese culture and cultural history, an attempt has also been made to indicate where possible significant collateral readings available in English, especially for some of the sections which deal with distinctive aspects of Japanese life and culture. Lessons 1 through 17 deal with the essentials of the Japanese writing system, as it is used in Japan today. Lessons 18 through 30 deal with building a working knowledge of Japanese grammar and introducing the Japanese system of writing. Lessons 31 through 38 are selections of intermediate difficulty and largely deal with Japanese life and customs. Included are readings of Japanese literature, archaeology, ceramic art, painting, Buddhism, the theater, and political science and philosophy. Lessons 48 through 59 are of increasing difficulty and include criticisms, resumes, a short text from Meiji and Taisho literature, and excerpts from important Japanese novels. Lessons 60 through 75 are of advanced difficulty and provided further readings with a considerable variety of content including Sinology, Zen Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, newspapers, economics and finance, and Japanese government policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Patenting Medical and Genetic Diagnostic Methods
On the heels of his earlier work Medical Patent Law - The Challenges of Medical Treatment, Ventose makes another significant contribution to the literature. In his earlier work, he devoted a chapter to medical patents under US law. In Patenting Medical and Genetic Diagnostic Methods he expands that chapter into an entire text. No easy feat, to be sure. Nonetheless, his 'treatment' of the jurisprudential terrain is sophisticated and rigorous. Scholars, practitioners and students seriously interested in the evolution of medical patents under US law will find Ventose's latest work to be invaluable.'- Emir Crowne, University of Windsor, Canada, Law Society of Upper Canada and Harold G. Fox Intellectual Property Moot'This work provides a timely exploration of patent battles over biotechnology, medicine, diagnostic testing, and pharmacogenomics. Such conflicts are critically important at the dawn of a new era of personalised medicine.'- Matthew Rimmer, The Australian National University College of Law and ACIPA, Australia'The debate on the patent eligibility of diagnostic and medical methods has raged recently in the United States and there seemed to be far less certainty about the outcome than in Europe. Gene patents for diagnostic methods clearly stirred the debate, but this is not a new debate. It goes back a century. This book gets to the bottom of the debate and provides an in depth insight, both of the history and of the recent developments. A fascinating tale.'- Paul Torremans, University of Nottingham, UKThis well-researched book explores in detail the issue of patenting medical and genetic diagnostic methods in the United States.It examines decisions of the Patent Office Boards of Appeal and the early courts on the question of whether medical treatments were eligible for patent protection under section 101 of the Patents Act. It then traces the legislative history of the Medical Procedures and Affordability Act that provided immunity for physicians from patent infringement suits. After considering the Supreme Court's jurisprudence on patent eligibility, the book then comprehensively sets out how the Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court have dealt with the issue, paying close attention to the Supreme Court's recent decision in Bilski and Prometheus.Being the first book to comprehensively cover patenting medical methods, it will appeal to patent agents, patent attorneys, solicitors and barristers working in patent and medical law worldwide, medical practitioners and healthcare professionals, in-house legal and regulatory departments of pharmaceutical companies. Researchers and managers in the chemical, medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as academics specializing in medical law or patent law, will also find much to interest them in this book.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Initial Determination 3. Legislative Intervention 4. Patent-Eligibility 5. Consideration by the Federal Circuit 6. Consideration by the Supreme Court 7. Conclusions Bibliography Index
Taylor & Francis Inc Occupational Crime: Deterrence, Investigation, and Reporting in Compliance with Federal Guidelines
DID YOU KNOW?While organizational entities cannot be sent to prison, they can be heavily fined, ordered to make restitution, placed on probation, forced to forfeit property, suffer public and stakeholder recriminations, and can be forced out of business. Avoid these unnecessary repercussions with Occupational Crime: Deterrence, Investigation, and Reporting in Compliance with Federal Guidelines. Whether you are starting from scratch or you wish to benchmark an existing program against another framework, this book takes you from legal mandates and program design to implementation and maintenance to help you develop an effective Employee Security-Awareness Program that accommodates the compliance needs specific to your organization.DON'T LET YOUR COMPANY BE THE NEXT STATISTICWe all watched it happen: the demise of a powerhouse corporation caused by the irreverent and illegal actions of a handful of employees and executives. If it wasn't clear before the Enron/Arthur Andersen fiasco, it's painfully obvious now: Not only do we have to worry about our employees committing crimes against us as employers, we may even be held accountable for their actions! From governmental entities to partnerships to non-profit establishments - organizations can be indicted, criminally charged, prosecuted, and found guilty of criminal conduct. If you haven't yet heard of the US Sentencing Commission, and more specifically Chapter Eight, Sentencing of Organizations, of the United States Sentencing Guidelines, it's time to learn.Occupational Crime: Deterrence, Investigation, and Reporting in Compliance with Federal Guidelines clearly explains how Chapter Eight sets forth punishment for organizations convicted of federal crimes, including felonies and Class A misdemeanors, and describes an effective compliance program and other incentives that can mitigate sanctions. It begins by defining the problem of organizational crime and puts into perspective the abusive employee behavior problem. Then the book examines the price that businesses, institutions, individuals, and the nation pays for organizational crime and shows how to calculate those costs. Thirdly, it provides the tools for the solution of the problem - through the implementation and maintenance of a customized Employee Security-Awareness Program. Finally, the book provides supplemental materials you can use for program planning, records, and communications media.In every venue, societal and governmental, abusive employee behavior and occupational crime is a costly and intricate issue demanding vigilant management attention and diverse remedies. Considering the uniqueness of each company, there is no "one size fits all" formula for an effective compliance program. Written by a 25-year veteran of corporate internal security and a certified fraud examiner, Occupational Crime helps you customize, no matter the size or type of company, a compliance program that will meet and exceed federal guidelines. With its step-by-step presentation, you will learn how to prevent, detect, and report crimes committed by employees on behalf of or against your organization.
Cornell University Press The Devil: A New Biography
"Although the Devil still 'lives' in modern popular culture, for the past 250 years he has become marginal to the dominant concerns of Western intellectual thought. That life could not be thought or imagined without him, that he was a part of the everyday, continually present in nature and history, and active at the depths of our selves, has been all but forgotten. It is the aim of this work to bring modern readers to a deeper appreciation of how, from the early centuries of the Christian period through to the recent beginnings of the modern world, the human story could not be told and human life could not be lived apart from the 'life' of the Devil. With that comes the deeper recognition that, for the better part of the last two thousand years, the battle between good and evil in the hearts and minds of men and women was but the reflection of a cosmic battle between God and Satan, the divine and the diabolic, that was at the heart of history itself."—from The Devil Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub; Ha-Satan or the Adversary; Iblis or Shaitan: no matter what name he travels under, the Devil has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence. In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the supposed reign of God has long been challenged by the fiery malice of his opponent, as contending forces of good and evil have between them weighed human souls in the balance. In The Devil, Philip C. Almond explores the figure of evil incarnate from the first centuries of the Christian era. Along the way, he describes the rise of demonology as an intellectual and theological pursuit, the persecution as witches of women believed to consort with the Devil and his minions, and the decline in the belief in Hell and in angels and demons as corporeal beings as a result of the Enlightenment. Almond shows that the Prince of Darkness remains an irresistible subject in history, religion, art, literature, and culture. Almond brilliantly locates the "life" of the Devil within the broader Christian story of which it is inextricably a part; the "demonic paradox" of the Devil as both God's enforcer and his enemy is at the heart of Christianity. Woven throughout the account of the Christian history of the Devil is another complex and complicated history: that of the idea of the Devil in Western thought. Sorcery, witchcraft, possession, even melancholy, have all been laid at the Devil's doorstep. Until the Enlightenment enforced a "disenchantment" with the old archetypes, even rational figures such as Thomas Aquinas were obsessed with the nature of the Devil and the specific characteristics of the orders of demons and angels. It was a significant moment both in the history of demonology and in theology when Benedict de Spinoza (1632–1677) denied the Devil's existence; almost four hundred years later, popular fascination with the idea of the Devil has not yet dimmed.
TFM Publishing Ltd Low back pain: Some real answers
Back pain is the commonest form of rheumatism and it is estimated to affect between 65% and 80% of populations sampled. The costs of back pain-related medical care and disability compensation make it one of society's most significant non-lethal medical conditions. Whilst mortality is low, its morbidity is high, inconvenience great, and economic burden massive. The actual symptom of back pain is one of the commonest and most perplexing encountered in medical practice. A proper understanding of what it means is crucial for further medical advance. However, the field of back pain research probably has more experts than any other. Anybody who has back pain will, as often as not, expound views on all matters concerning causation and expectations. Indeed, it is not for a lack of ideas that this field of investigation has failed to make progress. A respected senior investigator advised me early on that patients could not even tell which side their pain was on. It was only many years later that I discovered why. Though the initial incident or accident would seem important to the patient and to the researcher, it is remarkable how little it helps distinguish patterns of back pain. Tests of inappropriate behaviour in the past have been widely disseminated and yet even the originators have said that they cannot be sure of the implications of positive non-organic test findings. This book will show that these 'indicators' are not what they seem to be. In many cases, it is difficult to tell which level in the lumbar spine the pain comes from, and thus treatments such as injections or operation, may be given at the wrong level, let alone the wrong side. Though the various forms of back pain treatment seem to help some patients, when these same treatments are subjected to randomised controlled trials, the evidence for efficacy seems to all but vanish. With all these difficulties and uncertainties, it can be seen why low back pain presents one of the most fallible fields of healthcare. This book indicates that there are ways of dealing with the majority of these problems. Many of the answers from the research conducted were most unexpected. The reader is also advised that the scientific approach cannot deliver hard and fast answers to all contemporary questions in such a wide field and much has depended on the choice of problems to study. Whilst the tests used to distinguish the patterns in this study have their limitations, and whilst there is, as yet, only limited evidence as to the underlying pathology for the patterns recognised, it is felt that some of the other patterns identified are descriptive of diagnoses that are generally accepted. If the answers that are put forward appear to change the direction of understanding, it is hoped that you, the reader, will be able to carry the enquiry further when you see patients, advise treatment or even experience back pain yourself!
Nine Arches Press Hide
In Angela France's third poetry collection, Hide, what is invisible is just as important as what lies within plain sight. Layers of personal history are lifted into the light and old skins are shed for new; things thought lost and vanished long ago are just on the edge of perception, yet certainties before our eyes vanish in the blink of an eye.These poems possess their own rich heritage of stories and experiences; themes of magic, wisdom, age and absence are woven into the fabric of this skilful and succinct collection. Readers should also keep their wits about them, for these poems are cunning and quick; they hide nothing, but delight in camouflage, disguise and secrets, patiently awaiting someone who will seek."France's writing engages sensitively with the world as she searches for meaning in the ordinary and movingly explores the borders between shared and private experience. These are poems that make an honest deal with discomfort, following the trails and 'ghostly outlines of existence' with integrity, thoughtfulness and care." Deryn Rees-Jones"'Invisibility must be achieved for success', writes Angela France, revealing one of the truths of why the best poets serve language and are annihilated in the process. Hide is a book of wisdom, dignity and first witness. It offers poems of scrutiny and strength of character. And the poet's language possesses and is possessed by a gloriously sheared weight and shared music." David Morley"Angela France's new collection is a deft and resonant exploration of the half-hidden, taking us 'over there' and 'in there' under the hide of the 'other' and the liminal spaces they inhabit, all evoked with an uncanny command of language and image." Nigel McLoughlin"There are fifty-two complex, thought-provoking poems in this, Angela France's fascinating third collection, all of them engaged with what are clearly deep, lastingly cental preoccupations and, despite her view in "Anagnorisis" that "My only surety is carbon and water, ashes; / language as sensation, / no words", more than justifying the fulsome back-cover endorsements of Nigel McLoughlin, Deryn Rees-Jones and David Morley, who speak of the "integrity, thoughtfulness and care of her work", its "uncanny command of language and image", the sensitivity with which she perceives the world "as she searches for meaning in the ordinary" and its "gloriously sheared weight and shared music"."Ken Head"Angela France's collection not only brings immediate rewards - its depth satisfies more and more on rereading. I enjoyed it immensely."Matthew Stewart, Rogue StrandsAngela France has had poems published in many of the leading journals, in the UK and abroad and has been anthologised a number of times. She has an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Gloucestershire and is studying for a PhD. Publications include Occupation (Ragged Raven Press) and Lessons in Mallemaroking (Nine Arches Press). Angela is features editor of Iota and runs a monthly poetry cafe, Buzzwords.
Basic Books Philosophy In The Flesh
What are human beings like? How is knowledge possible? What is truth? Where do moral values come from? Questions like these have stood at the centre of Western philosophy for centuries. In addressing them, philosophers have made certain fundamental assumptions,that we can know our own minds by introspection, that most of our thinking about the world is literal, and that reason is disembodied and universal,that are now called into question by well-established results of cognitive science. It has been shown empirically that:Most thought is unconscious. We have no direct conscious access to the mechanisms of thought and language. Our ideas go by too quickly and at too deep a level for us to observe them in any simple way.Abstract concepts are mostly metaphorical. Much of the subject matter of philosopy, such as the nature of time, morality, causation, the mind, and the self, relies heavily on basic metaphors derived from bodily experience. What is literal in our reasoning about such concepts is minimal and conceptually impoverished. All the richness comes from metaphor. For instance, we have two mutually incompatible metaphors for time, both of which represent it as movement through space: in one it is a flow past us and in the other a spatial dimension we move along.Mind is embodied. Thought requires a body,not in the trivial sense that you need a physical brain to think with, but in the profound sense that the very structure of our thoughts comes from the nature of the body. Nearly all of our unconscious metaphors are based on common bodily experiences.Most of the central themes of the Western philosophical tradition are called into question by these findings. The Cartesian person, with a mind wholly separate from the body, does not exist. The Kantian person, capable of moral action according to the dictates of a universal reason, does not exist. The phenomenological person, capable of knowing his or her mind entirely through introspection alone, does not exist. The utilitarian person, the Chomskian person, the poststructuralist person, the computational person, and the person defined by analytic philosopy all do not exist.Then what does?Lakoff and Johnson show that a philosopy responsible to the science of mind offers radically new and detailed understandings of what a person is. After first describing the philosophical stance that must follow from taking cognitive science seriously, they re-examine the basic concepts of the mind, time, causation, morality, and the self: then they rethink a host of philosophical traditions, from the classical Greeks through Kantian morality through modern analytic philosopy. They reveal the metaphorical structure underlying each mode of thought and show how the metaphysics of each theory flows from its metaphors. Finally, they take on two major issues of twentieth-century philosopy: how we conceive rationality, and how we conceive language. Philosopy in the Flesh reveals a radically new understanding of what it means to be human and calls for a thorough rethinking of the Western philosophical tradition. This is philosopy as it has never been seen before.
Headline Publishing Group Tinseltown: Hollywood and the Beautiful Game - a Match Made in Wrexham
*** LONGLISTED FOR THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023 ****** ONE OF THE DAILY TELEGRAPH'S SPORTS BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023 ****** ONE OF THE TIMES' SPORTS BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023 ***The remarkable inside story of how two Hollywood A-listers, Rob McElhenney and Ryan Reynolds, stunned the football world by buying a non-league club in North Wales.'astute, lovingly detailed ... so entertaining ... so charming' Victoria Segal, the Sunday Times'A superb account of a modern-day success story, told beautifully by one of the best writers in the business. This is one of the great football stories of recent years. No matter who you support, if you love football, you will love the story of Tinseltown.' Daniel Taylor, The Athletic'This is a compelling, multi-layered, page turner, underpinned by a real sense of both place and connection with the eclectic characters involved. It will appeal to anyone with even the slightest interest in the game's enduring place in a changing world.' Louise Taylor, Guardian'...the best sports book I've read all year for many years...It's full on factual but funny, exhaustive but not exhausting and well written and wonderful.' Paul Ross, talkSPORT'terrific ... A richly layered and fascinating story of a club and community reborn' FourFourTwo'This book comes from the heart. It tells the story of how Wrexham, the club I love, has always been special and achieved so much in the past, as well as the present. I really enjoyed it.' Mickey Thomas, Wrexham FC legend and 1992 FA Cup heroIt was one of the most extraordinary takeovers British football has known. In February 2021, Ryan Reynolds joined with Rob McElhenney to buy Wrexham FC, a non-league team in North Wales. Wrexham, a former coal and steel town dealing with its post-industrial legacy, suddenly found itself at the centre of global attention, with broadcast networks around the world descending to discover what was going on. The club became the subject of a smash hit Disney+ docu-series, Welcome to Wrexham.Tinseltown tells the story of this extraordinary, unpredictable and often surreal football takeover and the remarkable events that followed. Written with the full cooperation of Wrexham FC, it is the inside story of what happened when Hollywood met a dot on a map. How a town was transformed when its football club, aspiring only to survive on the fifth rung of the British football ladder, was sprinkled with gold dust and found ambition again. With unique access to key figures, the book charts the club's attempts to climb up the pyramid, providing a vivid sense of what it is like to play for this 'Hollywood' team and the pressure and spotlight that comes with it.At their only press conference since buying the club, nobody laughed when Reynolds and McElhenney said the Premier League could be an aspiration. 'Couldn't we theoretically make this happen?' McElhenney asked. 'Why not dream big?' added Reynolds. 'If you don't dream big, you will never go there, so why not?' Tinseltown is the story of how they did just that.
Little, Brown Book Group It's Not About Whiteness, It's About Wealth: How the Economics of Race Really Work
'Remi Adekoya is a welcome blast of unsentimental rigour into a race debate clogged up with emotion and moralism. His dissection of the economic underpinnings of the world's racial and national hierarchies will make uncomfortable reading for both liberals and conservatives' David Goodhart'This terrifically illuminating book . . . offers a new way of understanding modern racial structures' i Newspaper'This is a courageous and urgent intervention into one of the most important debates of our time - one in which we often seem curiously incurious about what would lead to genuine equality among groups. In clear and elegant prose Dr. Adekoya will shift the way you think about hierarchies of race' Thomas Chatterton Williams'Remi brings a unique international perspective to the race debate, allowing the reader to understand complexities in the discussion that they won't have considered before' Katharine Birbalsingh'It's Not About Whiteness, It's About Wealth form[s] part of the urgent and long-awaited intellectual work needed to create a genuinely fair and socially just society, one that doesn't depend on treating ethnic minority people like children . . . The strength of Adekoya's book is that it is rooted in concrete, material questions in the context of a debate transfixed by the performative and the representational' Critic'Adekoya's book is one of the rare works which problematize the Woke stereotypes: it correctly grounds "racist prejudices" in wealth differences. All sincere liberal anti-racists should read this book to grasp why their efforts are so counterproductive. And since liberal anti-racism is the hegemonic ideology in our countries, this means that EVERYBODY should read Adekoya's book' Slavoj Žižek'At once witty and fact-filled-but also self-deprecating and sometimes very moving-It's Not About Whiteness, It's About Wealth turns current debates about racism and privilege on their heads' Helen DaleWhat really matters when it comes to race?Western conversations on race and racism revolve around familiar themes; colonialism, the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the ideology of white supremacism form the holy trinity of the race debate. But what if we are neglecting a key piece of the puzzle? Something that explains why a racial order persists today despite a moral consensus it should not.In It's Not About Whiteness, It's About Wealth, Remi Adekoya persuasively argues that - in our capitalist world - it is socioeconomic realities which play the leading role in sustaining racial hierarchies in everyday life and in the global big picture, something regularly overlooked in the current debate. Financial power is what enables ultimate influence over events, environments, and people, and, as Adekoya expertly demonstrates, it is money more than anything else that maintains the racial pecking order. Exploring immigration, technology, media, group stereotypes, status perceptions and more, this book cleverly shows how wealth determines what's what in key domains of modern life, and how this affects racial dynamics across the globe.An incisive, insightful and open investigation into the links between financial power and racial hierarchies, Adekoya sheds much needed light on the status and power imbalances shaping our world and reveals what needs to be done to combat them going forward.
New India Publishing Agency A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores
The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine s, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The s describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general readeSection B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of India's mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, 'Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures' will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.
DK The Sea Book
Featuring fascinating, fishy fun facts accompanied by bright, bold, and beautiful illustrations, this book takes children on a journey through the sea and all its zones. This charming celebration of the sea shows children how extraordinary our oceans are and is a reminder that it is up to us to keep it that way. The Sea Book is the coolest educational book about the sea, covering a wealth of sea animals, including mammals, fish, invertebrates, and reptiles. It explores the underwater worlds of incredible marine life and their habitats. From up on the ice, down to colorful coral reefs, underwater forests, and right down to the deepest darkest depths where the weird and wonderful lurk - it's sure to delight any ocean obsessed child.Following on from The Bee Book, Charlotte Milner continues to highlight critical environmental issues faced by our planet. This time the focus is on our watery friends and the damaging effects humans are having on our seas. The perfect introduction to ocean conservation packaged in a way that won't leave children (or their parents for that matter) fearing for life on earth. Children will discover what they can do to help, and there are fantastic tips on how to live plastic-free as well. Kids will also get to craft their own recycled shopping bag too!Dive Into A Watery WorldWhat lies beneath the waves?Life can be found everywhere in the sea - from the sunlit ocean surface to the darkest depths. The sea is home to a variety of life, which makes it a fascinating, exciting, and significant place. There are more than 33 000 types of fish. Some fish can fly, some can dance, some are flat, and some are long. The sea has forests, ice, and exciting critters too. This adorable kid's book is the perfect meet-cute for kids and our beautiful oceans. Discover our oceans in a whole new way, learning about:- Why the see is important- What lies beneath the waves- Life on the ice- Changing seas and plastic problems- How you can help and much, much more!This delightful book is one of three children's books on conservation for your little ones to enjoy. Try The Bat Book and The Bee Book next!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies
COMPARATIVE URBANISM ‘Comparative Urbanism fully transforms the scope and purpose of urban studies today, distilling innovative conceptual and methodological tools. The theoretical and empirical scope is astounding, enlightening, emboldening. Robinson peels away conceptual labels that have anointed some cities as paradigmatic and left others as mere copies. She recalibrates overly used theoretical perspectives, resurrects forgotten ones long in need of a dusting off, and brings to the fore those often marginalised. Robinson’s approach radically re-distributes who speaks for the urban, and which urban conditions shape our theoretical understandings. With Comparative Urbanism in our hands, we can start the practice of urban studies anywhere and be relevant to any number of elsewheres.’ Jane M. Jacobs, Professor of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College, Singapore ‘How to think the multiplicity of urban realities at the same time, across different times and rhythmic arrangements; how to move with the emergences and stand-stills, with conceptualisations that do justice to all things gathered under the name of the urban. How to imagine comparatively amongst differences that remain different, individualised outcomes, but yet exist in-common. No book has so carefully conducted a specifically urban philosophy on these matters, capable of beginning and ending anywhere.’ AbdouMaliq Simone, Senior Research Fellow, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield The rapid pace and changing nature of twenty-first century urbanisation as well as the diversity of global urban experiences calls for new theories and new methodologies in urban studies. In Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies, Jennifer Robinson proposes grounds for reformatting comparative urban practice and offers a wide range of tactics for researching global urban experiences. The focus is on inventing new concepts as well as revising existing approaches. Inspired by postcolonial and decolonial critiques of urban studies she advocates for an experimental comparative urbanism, open to learning from different urban experiences and to expanding conversations amongst urban scholars across the globe. The book features a wealth of examples of comparative urban research, concerned with many dimensions of urban life. A range of theoretical and philosophical approaches ground an understanding of the radical revisability and emergent nature of concepts of the urban. Advanced students, urbanists and scholars will be prompted to compose comparisons which trace the interconnected and relational character of the urban, and to think with the variety of urban experiences and urbanisation processes across the globe, to produce the new insights the twenty-first century urban world demands.
New York University Press After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority
View the Table of Contents. Read the Introduction. "Beautifully written and rigorously argued, After Whiteness is the most important theoretical statement on white racial formation since ‘whiteness studies' began its current academic sojourn. By reading debates about multiculturalism, ethnicity, and the desire for difference as part of the material practices of the U.S. university system, it engages questions of race, humanistic inquiry, intellectual labor, and the democratic function of critical thought. The result is a critically nuanced analysis that promises to solidify Mike Hill's reputation as one of the finest thinkers of his generation." Robyn Wiegman, Duke University "Mike Hill's After Whiteness is an important, provocative and timely book." Against the Current "A lucid, fiercely argued, brilliantly conceived, richly provocative work in an emergent and growing area of cultural studies. After Whiteness sets new directions in American literary and cultural studies, and will become a landmark in the field." Sacvan Bercovitch, Harvard University "Americanists across the disciplines will find Hill's analysis insightful and brilliant. A must for any scholar who wishes to, in Ralph Ellison's words, ‘go to the territory.'" Sharon Holland, University of Illinois at Chicago As each new census bears out, the rise of multiracialism in the United States will inevitably result in a white minority. In spite of the recent proliferation of academic studies and popular discourse on whiteness, however, there has been little discussion of the future: what comes after whiteness? On the brink of what many are now imagining as a post-white American future, it remains a matter of both popular and academic uncertainty as to what will emerge in its place. After Whiteness aims to address just that, exploring the remnants of white identity to ask how an emergent post-white national imaginary figure into public policy issues, into the habits of sexual intimacy, and into changes within public higher education. Through discussions of the 2000 census and debates over multiracial identity, the volatile psychic investments that white heterosexual men have in men of coloras illustrated by the Christian men's group the Promise Keepers and the neo-fascist organization the National Allianceand the rise of identity studies and diversity within the contemporary public research university, Mike Hill surveys race among the ruins of white America. At this crucial moment, when white racial change has made its ambivalent cultural debut, Hill demonstrates that the prospect of an end to whiteness haunts progressive scholarship on race as much as it haunts the paranoid visions of racists.
Little, Brown & Company There's Just One Problem...: True Tales from the Former, One-Time, 7th Most Powerful Person in the WWE
Former WWE head writer Brian Gewirtz brings readers behind the scenes for an unprecedented look at the chaotic, surreal, unbelievable backstage world of the WWE.With untold stories from a career spanning over 15 years and featuring the biggest names and controversial moments in wrestling history, HEELS AND HEROES is an honest, unflinching look on how an introverted life-long fan unexpectedly became one the most powerful men in all of professional wrestling.For decades wrestling was shrouded in secrecy. It had larger than life personalities, bone crunching physicality and jaw-dropping theatrics but backstage it was an industry devoid of outsiders. Then in 1999, after working together on a special for MTV, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson turned to 26-year old television writer Brian Gewirtz and asked “You ever consider writing for WWE?” That question, and its answer, would have a profound effect on both of their lives for years to come.HEELS AND HEROES is a story about perseverance, tenacity, and steel chairs. Most writers in the WWE last for a matter of months; Gewirtz was there for over 15 years, writing some of most memorable and infamous storylines in WWE history (covering the “Attitude Era”, the “Ruthless Aggression Era” and into the “PG” and “Reality” eras). Throughout this journey Gewirtz found himself becoming both friend and antagonist to some of the biggest names in WWE history – Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena, Stephanie McMahon, Bill Goldberg, Paul Heyman, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, and the two men who he worked the most closely with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. These men not only shaped his life professionally but also personally, forcing him to grow and change both as a writer and a human being. So how does a lifelong fan and outsider break through to become the ultimate insider? How does a low-key personality deal directly with his boss, the most brash, unpredictable “alpha male” on the planet, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon? How does one gain respect in a locker room that wants nothing more than to see him disappear? Where does one go when every year in wrestling takes you further away from the writing career you always wanted? Taking advice from his idol, the late “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, when you’re so full of fear, there’s only one way to push through: become fearless.
Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld Gallery
This is the first catalogue of the collection of early modern ceramics in the Courtauld. The pieces in the collection showcase brilliantly the skill of potters and pottery painters working at the time of Raphael and Titian.Maiolica is one of the most revealing expressions of Renaissance art. Its extraordinary range of colours retain the vividness that they had when they left the potter's kiln. Italian potters absorbed techniques and shapes from the Islamic world and incorporated ornament and subject matter from the arts of ancient Rome. This new approach to pottery making, combined with the invention of printing, woodcut and engraving, resulted in an extraordinary type of painted pottery, praised by Vasari in his Lives of the Artists for 'surpassing the ancient with its brilliance of glaze and variety of painting'.The collection boasts a magnificent group of vessels made during the high Renaissance, the golden age of Italian maiolica. It includes precious and delicate Deruta lustreware with imagery deriving from Perugino and Raphael, as well as vessels painted in a narrative style of pottery painting known as istoriato. Highlights include vessels depicting episodes taken from the first printed Bibles of the Renaissance. Istoriato maiolica flourished particularly in the lands of the Dukes of Urbino, who promoted this craft by sending painted pottery to prestigious patrons across Europe.Emblems and devices painted on the pottery help us understand that they were meant to be used and enjoyed by the elites in Renaissance society, such as the Medici and other great Tuscan families. The catalogue will include two recent gifts to the Courtauld, a rare tile of the famous patroness of the arts Marchioness Isabella D'Este, and a refined dish painted with the story of Diana and Actaeon.All major Renaissance pottery centres are represented in the collection, including Siena, Faenza and Venice, as well as splendid examples of the mysterious pharmacy jars made at the foot of the mountain of Gran Sasso in the town of Castelli d'Abruzzo. These achievements of the art of pottery in the early modern period are completed by fine examples of Ottoman pottery, as well as examples of Valencian lustreware.Sani's introductory essay on the Victorian collector Thomas Gambier Parry will shed new light on the development of this fascinating collection, making links between Gambier Parry's artistic practice and his collecting and revealing new insights into his taste as a collector. Each detailed entry uncovers a wealth of new information on the provenance of the pieces.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Crisis
***Thrillers that race from the very first page***'Felix Francis' novels gallop along splendidly' Jilly Cooper ‘From winning post to top of the bestseller lists’ Sunday TimesHarrison Foster is a lawyer by training but works as a crisis manager for a London firm that specializes in such matters. Summoned to Newmarket after a fire in the Chadwick Stables slaughters six very valuable horses, including the short-priced favourite for the Derby, Harry (as he is known) finds there is far more to the ‘simple’ fire than initially meets the eye. For a start, human remains are found amongst the equestrian ones in the burnt-out shell. All the stable staff are accounted for, so who is the mystery victim? Harry knows very little about horses, indeed he positively dislikes them, but he is thrust unwillingly into the world of Thoroughbred racing where the standard of care of the equine stars is far higher than that of the humans who attend to them. The Chadwick family are a dysfunctional racing dynasty, with the emphasis being on the nasty. Resentment between the generations is rife and sibling rivalry bubbles away like volcanic magma beneath a thin crust of respectability. Harry represents the Middle-Eastern owner of the Derby favourite and, as he delves deeper into the unanswered questions surrounding the horse’s demise, he ignites a fuse that blows the volcano sky-high, putting him in grave jeopardy. Can Harry solve the riddle before he is overcome by the toxic emissions from the eruption and is bumped off by the fallout?‘As usual with a Francis, once I opened the book, I didn’t want to put it down… Felix’s resolution is darker and more shocking than his father would ever have contemplated, but reflects grittier times and changing tastes in fiction. Now, what am I going to do for the next 12 months until the next one?’ Country Life ‘The latest annual offered from Felix Francis shows he has largely escaped from the shadow of his late father… He has become his own man as a purveyor of murder mysteries' The Racing PostPraise for Felix Francis's novels: 'The Francis flair is clear for all to see' Daily Mail 'From winning post to top of the bestseller list, time after time' Sunday Times 'The master of suspense and intrigue' Country Life 'A tremendous read' Woman's Own
SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2020'A story for now, an important story . . . told with incredible freshness' Martha Lane Fox, Chair of Judges, Women's Prize 2020'The harsh reality of immigration is balanced with a refreshing dose of humour' The Times'This compassionate and ingenious novel has an endearing vibrancy in the storytelling that, page after page, makes it addictive reading' Irish Times'Engrossing . . . the story itself and Ana, the protagonist, are terrifically interesting. Loved this' Roxane Gay'This book is a valentine to my mom and all the unsung Dominicanas like her, for their quiet heroism in making a better life for their families, often at a hefty cost to themselves. Even if Dominicana is a Dominican story, it's also a New York story, and an immigrant story. When I read parts of Dominicana at universities and literary venues both here and abroad, each time, audience members from all cultures and generations came up to me and said, this is my mother's story, my sister's story, my story' Angie CruzFifteen-year-old Ana Canción never dreamed of moving to America, the way the girls she grew up with in the Dominican countryside did. But when Juan Ruiz proposes and promises to take her to New York City, she must say yes. It doesn't matter that he is twice her age, that there is no love between them. Their marriage is an opportunity for her entire close-knit family to eventually immigrate. So on New Year's Day, 1965, Ana leaves behind everything she knows and becomes Ana Ruiz, a wife confined to a cold six-floor walk-up in Washington Heights. Lonely and miserable, Ana hatches a reckless plan to escape. But at the bus terminal, she is stopped by César, Juan's free-spirited younger brother, who convinces her to stay.As the Dominican Republic slides into political turmoil, Juan returns to protect his family's assets, leaving César to take care of Ana. Suddenly, Ana is free to take English lessons at a local church, lie on the beach at Coney Island, dance with César at the Audubon Ballroom, and imagine the possibility of a different kind of life in America. When Juan returns, Ana must decide once again between her heart and her duty to her family.In bright, musical prose that reflects the energy of New York City, Dominicana is a vital portrait of the immigrant experience and the timeless coming-of-age story of a young woman finding her voice in the world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Diabetes Care at a Glance
Diabetes Care at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Diabetes Care … at a Glance! Diabetes affects a large proportion of the population and it is essential that student nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and other health practitioners and allied healthcare professionals be up to date with the support and treatment that people with diabetes need. Diabetes Care at a Glance contains the latest evidence-based and practical information underpinning diabetes care, illustrating the essential principles of partnership, individualised, and informed care in an easily accessible format. Edited by an expert in the field, with contributions from academics, practitioners and specialist nurses, Diabetes Care at a Glance covers topics such as: Diabetes prevention, diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and consultation approaches and language matters Promotion of healthy eating, physical activity promotion, promoting weight loss, and structured education in type 1 and type 2 diabetes Prescriptions, emotional and psychological support, person-centred goal setting and assessing risk, and partnership working and adjustment Anti-diabetes oral hypoglycaemics and GLP-1s, insulin options, administration and injection technique, pumps, and self-blood glucose monitoring Written for student nurses, allied healthcare professionals and newly qualified practitioners, Diabetes Care at a Glance is a highly valuable quick reference text, ideal for those looking for an introduction to the topic of diabetes, revision, or for those in need of a refresher. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at All content reviewed by students for students Wiley nursing books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more. This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see
Oxford University Press Inc Politics of Uncertainty: The United States, the Baltic Question, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
In March 1990, Lithuania became the first Soviet Republic to declare its independence. Within weeks, the two other Baltic states, Estonia and Latvia, announced the beginning of a transition period toward full sovereignty. The Soviet Union, which considered the Baltic declarations illegal, harshly condemned them and imposed an economic blockade against Lithuania. Fearing an outbreak of violence in the region, the United States tried to de-escalate the crisis, pressuring all sides to engage in dialogue. Thirty years after the Soviet collapse Politics of Uncertainty investigates the interplay between international and domestic dynamics in the Soviet disintegration process. Based on extensive multilingual archival research, this book recovers the voices of local actors in Riga, Tallinn, and Vilnius in its examination of the triangular relations between Washington, Moscow, and Baltic independence movements. Occupied and annexed by the USSR in 1940, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were the first Soviet republics to push the limits of Perestroika. The Baltic problem, at first seemingly minor, increasingly gained international visibility and by 1990 risked derailing issues that mattered in the eyes of both Soviet and American leaders--the transformation of the Soviet state and transformation of the European order. The United States, which had never recognized the annexation of the Baltic states, tried to perform a highly challenging balancing act of supporting Baltic independence without jeopardizing relations with the Kremlin. Meanwhile Mikhail Gorbachev, who saw the Baltics as an integral part of the USSR, was frustrated that their secessionist tendencies distracted from the monumental opportunity for change that the Perestroika project offered to his country and the world. Meanwhile, George Bush, François Mitterrand, and Helmut Kohl were exasperated that events at the margins of the Soviet empire risked destabilizing Gorbachev and souring East-West relations during negotiations over German reunification. By focusing on the relations between those at the top of global power hierarchies and those situated at their margins, Una Bergmane underscores how the Soviet collapse was driven much more by uncertainty, domestic pressures, and last-minute decisions than by long-term strategy--while warning about the tenuous geopolitical positions of these three states that joined NATO and the European Union after breaking out of the Soviet empire.
Skyhorse Publishing Lies My Gov't Told Me - Signed Limited Edition: And the Better Future Coming
A WALL STREET JOURNALNATIONAL BESTSELLER*AS SEEN ON TUCKER CARLSON TODAY AND THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE*A guide for the times—breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them. When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines that billions of people have received—too often without being informed of the risks. For voicing opposition to the “mainstream” narrative, Dr. Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and vilified by the media. But he continues to speak out and alert the world to the web of lies that we have all experienced. From vaccine safety and effectiveness to early treatments like ivermectin, to lockdowns, masks, and more, Dr. Malone is the signature dissident voice telling the other side of the story about COVID, the role of corporate media, censorship, propaganda, and the brave new world of transhumanism promoted by the World Economic Forum and its acolytes. What effect did the COVID policies have on lives, livelihoods, and democracies? How is it possible that the lies spread by governments would persist, and that our institutions would fail to correct them? Lies My Gov’t Told Me takes a hard look at these questions and illustrates how data, information, and psychology have been distorted during the pandemic. Governments intentionally weaponized fear to mold behavior. The media smeared anyone who objected to the narrative. And Big Pharma—aligned with larger globalist interests exemplified by the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum—had captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate it long before the pandemic began. Dr. Malone explores these perverse connections between Pharma, government, and media, and tells us what can be done about it. With contributed chapters from other leading thinkers, such as Dr. Paul Marik and Professor Mattias Desmet, and drawing upon history, psychology, and economics, Lies My Gov’t Told Me looks at COVID from numerous angles. Never satisfied with a simple answer or easy solution, Dr. Malone proposes multiple action plans for a better future. Dr. Malone calls on each of us to find our own solutions, our own ways to resist the control of fascist, corporatist, and totalitarian overlords. If we are to step out of the darkness—toward a world that defends the principles of the Constitution, upholds individual rights, and honors free speech—we all must play a part in the transition.
University of California Press Island Refuge: Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich 1933 - 1939
The acrimonious debate over the British policy toward refugees from the Nazi regime has scarcely died down even now, some forty years later. bitter charges of indifference and lack of feeling are still leveled at politicians and civil servants, and the assertion made that Great Britain's record on refugee matters is shabby and unworthy of her liberal traditions. It has now become possible to investigate the truth of these charges and to analyse the reaction tin Britain to refugees from the Third Reich throughout the eventful years preceding the outbreak of war. Based on Government and private papers only recently released for public scrutiny, this book is the first authoritative study of the British response to a refugee crisis which posed many highly emotional and contentious issues in both domestic and foreign policy, and proved na acute irritant in Anglo-American relations. There were no simple answers, no obvious or rapid solutions in a world which frequently seemed to have no room for refugees and but scant sympathy for their plight. Harassed by conflicting pressures form home and abroad, all too aware that greater generosity to refugees from Nazism might well inspire imitative mass expulsions from Eastern Europe, Whitehall officials struggled to maintain an older British tradition of political asylm while still avoiding, at a time of massive unemployment, a sudden large-scale influx of aliens. Initial caution, insensitivity and confusion gave way after the Anschluss to a greater awareness of the critical need, and ultimately to a large-scale modification, under the sheer pressure of refugee numbers, of polices which had virtually hardened into constitutional doctrine. Britain's record concerning refugees from the Third Reich was a mixed one. Far less welcoming at first than a number of countries, but ultimately more generous than many, including the United States, Britain did grant asylum to a significantly large number of refugees in the crowded months before the outbreak of hostilities. The reasons for the dramatic turnabout in British refugee policy emerge clearly from this dispassionate and carefully documented study. Inland Refuge sheds definite light on a largely unexplored and still highly controversial episode in twentieth-century history. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1973.
Little, Brown Book Group How To Run A Great Hotel: Everything You Need to Achieve Excellence in the Hotel Industry
This book is based on the premise that being good is just not good enough in today's competitive environment. For hotel owners and managers who want to achieve lasting business success through a root and branch review of key processes, How To Run a Great Hotel is a 'must read'. It will serve as a personal business consultant for the hotel professional, probing and testing their thinking across four critical themes which are proven to drive excellence. The content focuses less on day-to-day operations and more on big picture concerns such as strategy development, enhancing leadership skills, engaging employees and attaining customer focus, all of which are central to building a great hotel. Without clear direction in these important areas to guide activities, ongoing daily effort can be counterproductive. It's easy for hoteliers to lose sight of their goals when, engulfed by operational demands, they are often forced to just do rather than to think about what they are doing. This book provides the reader with an opportunity to step back and take a fresh look at their hotel, no matter where it currently lies in its life cycle. The purpose of the book is to get them to question what it is they are doing, why they are doing it and to offer guidance on how they can make it even better. The book is easy to read, practical, and action oriented. It will help the reader to define clear plans with measurable goals for improved personal and business performance.Contents: Acknowledgements; Foreword; Preface; Introduction; Theme 1 - Define Direction; Chapter 1. What is a strategic map and how can it help you to achieve excellence?; Chapter 2. How can you create a strategic map for your hotel?; Chapter 3. How can you measure the impact of your strategic map over time?; Theme 2 - Lead to Suceed; Chapter 4. What does leading people actually involve?; Chapter 5. How can you improve leadership effectiveness at your hotel?; Chapter 6. How can you measure leadership effectiveness over time?; Theme 3 - Engage Your Employees; Chapter 7. What does engaging your employees actually involve?; Chapter 8. What can you do to more fully engage your employees?; 9. How can you measure employee engagement levels over time?; Theme 4 - Captivate your customers; Chapter 10. What is SERVICEPLUSONE and why is it important?; Chapter 11. How can you attain SERVICEPLUSONE at your hotel?; Chapter 12. How can you measure the impact of SERVICEPLUSONE over time?; Make it Happen; Theme 1 - Define Direction; Theme 2 - Lead to Suceed; Theme 3 - Engage Your Employees; Theme 4 - Captivate Your Customers; Looking ahead; Tools and Resources; Index.
SAGE Publications Inc For Space
Doreen Massey is one of the most profound thinkers in contemporary human geography, and her work addresses fundamental issues with great insight. This is a work of enormous ambition, breadth, and depth, and not a little complexity. - David M. Smith, Queen Mary, University of London "The reason for my enthusiasm for this book is that Doreen Massey manages to describe a certain way of perceiving movement in space which I have been - and still am - working with on different levels in my work: i.e. the idea that space is not something static and neutral, a frozen entity, but is something intertwined with time and thus ever changing . Doreen′s descriptions of her journey through England for example are clear and precise accounts of this idea, and she very sharply characterizes the attempts not to recognize this idea as utopian and nostalgic." - Olaffur Eliasson "Destined to be widely read by many who are not geographers... in a publishing market currently so driven by what publishers think students will read, its lack of fit into established genres is hugely refreshing... a great book to read in terms of its head-on engagement with the spatial." - Geographical Research In this book, Doreen Massey makes an impassioned argument for revitalising our imagination of space. She takes on some well-established assumptions from philosophy, and some familiar ways of characterising the 21st century world, and shows how they restrain our understanding of both the challenge and the potential of space. The way we think about space matters. It inflects our understandings of the world, our attitudes to others, our politics. It affects, for instance, the way we understand globalisation, the way we approach cities, the way we develop, and practice, a sense of place. If time is the dimension of change then space is the dimension of the social: the contemporaneous co-existence of others. That is its challenge, and one that has been persistently evaded. For Space pursues its argument through philosophical and theoretical engagement, and through telling personal and political reflection. Doreen Massey asks questions such as how best to characterise these so-called spatial times, how it is that implicit spatial assumptions inflect our politics, and how we might develop a responsibility for place beyond place. This book is ′for space′ in that it argues for a reinvigoration of the spatiality of our implicit cosmologies. For Space is essential reading for anyone interested in space and the spatial turn in the social sciences and humanities. Serious, and sometimes irreverent, it is a compelling manifesto: for re-imagining spaces for these times and facing up to their challenge.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sensitive Security Information, Certified® (SSI) Body of Knowledge
Sensitive security information (SSI) is a category of sensitive but unclassified information under the United States government's information sharing and control rules. SSI plays a crucial role in all types of security. It is information obtained in the conduct of security activities which, if publicly disclosed, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy, reveal trade secrets, share privileged or confidential information, harm transportation security, or allow hostile elements to avoid security controls.Divided into seven sections, the Sensitive Security Information Certified® (SSI) Body of Knowledge provides a comprehensive source that helps you prepare for certification in SSI protection. It reviews and discusses relevant topics in The history and definition of SSI Espionage, security breaches, and detection Personal information security Corporate security Government security Legislation and regulations Identity theft Within the sections, the book covers a wide range of subjects related to aiding protection of SSI, including Good information practices The psychology of spies Methods to detect potential betrayal Methods for handling sensitive information Establishing security plans for sensitive information Monitoring techniques such as the use of closed-circuit video cameras In a world of ever-changing technology with massive amounts of information available to the public in a matter of seconds, government, businesses, and individuals must take extra precautions in securing their SSI. This book equips you with the essential knowledge to become certified in SSI protection, and will serve as a valuable reference afterward in remaining an effective security professional charged with protecting SSI.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DKfindout! Climate Change
This timely entry into the award-winning DKfindout! series, explores the past, present, and future of our climate.In 2019 kids around the world went on strike for the future of our planet, and for their own futures. This amazing book on climate change for kids covers what we can do every day as potential activists to help prevent further damaging changes to the climate.The subject matter of this book has become a very hot topic! Find out why climate change is such a big deal. It contains a wealth of facts about the world, figures, predictions and graphical data to help you understand exactly what it all means. It is a great addition to any bookshelf, and a valuable and contemporary resource for all ages.Climate change is now one of the biggest issues we face as a society, and the British and Irish governments have become the first in the world to declare a climate emergency. This book lays out the science behind this natural process that has been exponentially sped up by humans. It explains the different ways in which we have caused the Earth to heat up, from traffic pollution to animal farming, and the vast, widespread effects we are causing.It covers key developments such as the Industrial Revolution, the advent of air travel, and climate activism, such as the People's Climate March to Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion. Come to understand the facts about climate change in these pages and discover what we can do to improve the human impact on our environment.Find Out How To Save The World!A small book filled with fun facts and big ideas! Over 64 pages are packed with information covering all the aspects of climate change including a timeline dating from the 1760s all the way through to 2050, to living with climate change and what we can do about it.DKfindout! Climate Change encourages children to think more about the world around them and is a great aid for any school project on climate change.Inside you will: -Learn about deforestation, the greenhouse effect and transport-Discover the polar crisis, changing sea levels and sinking islands-Explore activism, collective change, and small ways to make a differenceDKfindout! Climate Change is one title in the Dkfindout! series of educational books for kids, and the Silver award winner in the MadeForMums Awards 2017 children's books series category. Kids around the world are obsessed with this gorgeous collection, so much so that a range of massive DKfindout! posters for bedroom walls are sold separately. Add to your collection and nurture your little one's interest in the world. Other titles include DKfindout! Solar System, Birds, Castles, Science, Pirates, Coding, Ancient Egypt, Engineering, Reptiles and a whole lot more!
Three Rooms Press MAINTENANT 17: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art
When a war ends provisionally, the agreement is called a ceasefire. But when peace ends, there is only war. War and peace are co-dependent. Perhaps it is now time for a “Peacefire.” In Maintenant 17: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, nearly 250 artists from more than 40 countries explore the concept of the end of both war and peace, exploring provocative outsider ideas as dada has done since its inception. With searing cover art by Uta Kaxniashvili, this issue of the renowned journal elaborates on dada’s original premise as an antiwar movement. The Maintenant series, established in 2008, explores themes of politics, humanity, philosophy, and current concerns from an antiwar, anarchic (and often eye-opening) perspective. Past issues include work by artists Mark Kostabi, Raymond Pettibon, Joel Hubaut, Heide Hatry, Avelino de Araujo, Pawel Kuczynski, Inas Al-Soqi, Giovanni Fontana, Nicole Eisenmann, Syporca Whandal, and Kazunori Murakami; past writers have included Gerard Malanga, Charles Plymell, Andrei Codrescu, Harry E. Northup, Malik Crumpler, Maw Shein Win, and more, with a strong contingent of artist-writers from the world of punk rock, including Thurston Moore, Mike Watt, Bibbe Hanson and more. Critics have praised the series since its inception. Seattle Book Review calls Maintenant, “A smorgasbord for those who are sick and tired of it.” Tribe LA dubs the journal, "A compilation of leading Dada-influenced artists from around the world that is timely and relevant.” Serbia's Madjan Magazine proclaims that the Maintenant series proves "Dada is not dead." The Maintenant series is archived in leading institutions worldwide, including Museum of Modern Art New York. Contributors to Maintenant 17 include: Derek Adams • Mariam Ahmed • Jamika Ajalon • Youssef Alaoui • Linda J. Albertano • Austin Alexis • Joel Allegretti • Daina Almario-Kopp • Hala Alyan • Jim Andrews • Wayne Atherton • Liz Axelrod • Mahnaz Badihian • David Barnes • Amy Barone • Vittore Baroni • Tchello d’ Barros • Gaby Bedetti • Regina Lafay Bellamy • C. Mehrl Bennett • Volodymyr Bilyk • Mark Blickley • Clemente Botelho • Gedley Belchior Braga • Michael Georg Bregel • Kathy A. Bruce • Imanol Buisan • Fork Burke • Billy Cancel • Peter Carlaftes • Wendy Cascade • Nick Cash • Mutes César • Sarah M. Chen • Nguyễn Bá Chung • Hal Citron • Lynette Clennell • Andrei Codrescu • William Cody • Chuck Connelley • Roger Conover • Anothony Cox • Malik Ameer Crumpler • Raf Cruz • Tchello d’Barros • Wer Da • Steve Dalachinsky • Allison A. Davis • Holly Day • Avelino De Araujo • Francesca Dharmakan-Bremner • Natalie DiFusco • Dario Roberto Dioli • Rachel Dixon • Sam Dodson • Carol Dorf • Eric Drooker • Robert Duncan • Salvatore Esposito • Fong Fai • Agenta Falk • Massimo Fantuzzi • Jeff Farr • Becky Fawcett • Rich Ferguson • Maria Filek • Cheryl J. Fish • Kathleen Florence • Robert C. Ford • Dorothy Friedman • Thomas Fucaloro • Ignacio Galilea • Sandra Gea • Kat Georges • Christian Georgescu • Robert Gibbons • Gordon Gilbert • James J. Gleeson • Mark Glista • Ed Go • Gemma Goette • John Goodby • Odeon Grace • S.A. Griffin • Fausto Grossi • Meghan Grupposo • Egon Guenther • Genco Gülan • Ana Maria Guta • Bibbe Hansen • Jesper Hasseltoft • Heide Hatry • Jeffrey Hecker • László 2 Hegedűs • Aimee Herman • Robert Hieger • Karen Hildebrand • Mark Hoefer • Juleigh Howard-Hobson • Matthew Hupert • Frie J. Jacobs • Annaliese Jakimides • Marta Janik • Mathias Jansson • Lisa Marie Jarlborn • Debra Jenks • Dale Jensen • Jerry Johnson • Boni Joi • Milana Juventa • Jerry Kamstra • Suzi Kaplan Olmsted • Christine Karapetian • Adeena Karasick • Uta Kaxniashvili • Marina Kazakova • Oladipo Kehinde • Trần Đăng Khoa • Doug Knott • Kollasch • Daniel Kolm • Gregory Kolm • Ron Kolm • Daina Kopp • Mark Kostabi • Paul Kostabi • Inna Krasnoper • Paweł Kuczyński • Béné Kusendila • Wang Lan • Gary Lawless • Mercedes Lawry • David Lawton • Jane LeCroy • Sarah Legow • Patricia Leonard • Linda Lerner • Martin H. Levinson • Alexander Limarev • Frédéric Lipczynski • Richard Loranger • Mina Loy • Ruggero Maggi • Sara Maino • Gerald Malanga • Jaan Malin • Jessica Manack • Fred Marchant • Marronage • Bronwyn Mauldin • Jesse McCloskey • Pierre Merejkowsky • Ashley Miller • Lois Kagan Mingus • Charles Mingus III • Richard Modiano • Mike M. Mollett • Thurston Moore • Luiz Morgadinho • Karen Neuberg • James B. Nicola • Gerald Nicosia • Lance Nizami • Harry E. Northup • Anna O’Meara • Ruth Oisteanu • Valery Oisteanu • Marc Olmsted • John Olson • Jane Ormerod • Yuko Otomo • Bibiana Padilla Maltos • Csaba Pál • Erzsébet Palásti • Lisa Panepinto • Gay Pasley • John S. Paul • Giorgia Pavlidou • James Penha • Puma Perl • Robert Petrick • Raymond Pettibon • Charles Plymell • Kai Pohl • Leslie Prosterman • Renaat Ramon • Nicca Ray • Mado Reznik • D.M. Rice • Travis Richardson • Wes Rickert • Benjamin Robinson • Bruce Robinson • Edel Rodriguez • Mykyta Ryzhykh • Martina Salisbury • Paulo Sanches • Kellie Scott-Reed • Beatriz Seelaender • Jack Seiei • Silvio Severino • Sheree Shatsky • Susan Shup • Jeff Shutt • Bertholdus Sibum • Denise Silk-Martelli • Zoltán Simon • Angela Sloan • Katherine R. Sloan • Phil Demise Smith • Valerie Sofranko • Paul Sohar • J. R. Solonche • Pere Sousa • Orchid Spangiafora • Dd. Spungin • Marilyn Stablein • Alex Starr • Laurie Steelink • Eva Helene Stern*** • Christine Stoddard • Thomas Stolmar • Rich Stone • W.K. Stratton • Belinda Subraman • Neal Skooter Taylor • Robin Tomens • Zev Torres • John J. Trause • Ann Firestone Ungar • Yrik Max Valentonis • Anoek Van Praag • Nico Vassilakis • Maggs Vibo • Lynnea Villanova • Voxx Voltair • Barbara Vos • Silvia Wagensberg • George Wallace • Scott Wannberg • Mike Watt • Poul R. Weile • Ingrid Wendt • Benjamin B. White • Brenda Whiteway • A. D. Winans • Francine Witte • Yaryan • Gerald Yelle • Andrena Zawinski • Larry Zdeb • Nina Zivancevic • Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis • Joanie HF Zosike
Pen & Sword Books Ltd American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War: Montfaucon
Any visitor to the site of the bloodiest battle in the history of the United States will be drawn to Montfaucon, for it is here that General Pershing, the Commander in Chief, determined that the major memorial to the American Expeditionary Forces would be sited. The impressive classical column, erected on the summit of Montfaucon Hill, can be seen from many parts of the battlefield of the Meuse-Argonne 1918. The village of Montfaucon, perched on and around one of the most notable heights in the Argonne area, was a first day objective for the First American Army in its massive offensive that was launched on 26 September 1918 and which rumbled on until the Armistice. Montfaucon had been the scene of bitter fighting between the French and the Germans in the early stages of the war, finally staying securely in German hands. The attack started well, with the great numbers of Doughboys easily moving through the first line of the German defence system; and, indeed, good progress was made all along the front, even if final objectives were not attained that would have brought the Americans up to the Hindenburg Line defences. The most notable setback was the failure to capture Montfaucon, an objective given to the 79th Division. Why the task of capturing this key part of the German line to a 'green' division, composed of draftees and which had only had six weeks or so of training time in France, instead of the prescribed three months, has never been adequately explained. What has proved to be controversial ever since is why the 4th Division, a regular formation that had already been engaged in battle on the Western Front and which gained its objectives on the first day, did not seek to assist the 79th when it was clear that it was facing significant difficulties in overcoming the Montfaucon defences. The outcome was that the village and hill did not fall on the first day. How significant this setback was to the success and the duration of the offensive has also been the subject of considerable discussion. Montfaucon was an important observation point for much of the war, providing distant views over considerable amounts of ground and thus invaluable for the German artillery. How much its loss mattered to the Germans when fighting a defensive battle, with the defence lines south of it already lost, is more open to debate, given the vantage points that the Germans continued to enjoy from high ground to the north-west and east. Maarten Otte sets the importance of Montfaucon and the ultimately successful effort to capture it within a succinct narrative. In the tours section he takes the visitor on a number of routes so that they can see for themselves the problems on the ground that faced the 79th Division and puts Montfaucon in the context of the wider battle. He also provides a detailed tour of the village and hill itself, including the magnificent memorial and the preserved defences and ruins which surround it.
Holland Park Press Away from the Dead
In the title story Away From the Dead we meet Isaac Witbooi, a farm worker, who has to come to grips with losing everything including the graves of his entire deceased family. In After Spring a couple takes a holiday but we're drawn into the issue of identity: Even if they hadn't heard us speaking English earlier, they would have known our foreignness simply by sight. It is visible to them in our facial features, the way we wear our clothes, our hair. The fact that we are third and fifth generation South Africans respectively matters little to them. Making Challah is a touching picture of an ageing woman, and it uses the baking of challah as a wonderful metaphor of passing time. Ridwaan and Chadley are On the Train, a seemingly routine journey but somehow a dog has been acquired and it's been Chadley's first time to kill. Find out how it felt to be Andries Tatane who, on 13 April 2012, died during a service delivery protest in Ficksburg, South Africa. In the Narrative of Emily Louw, a true story, a young woman regrets not having given something to old Emily after listening to her sad story: At the second, a policeman had looked at the blanketed child, her worn face and bleeding feet and he had smirked, as though to indicate that her husband had left by choice and couldn't be blamed for his departure. Next is a thoughtful reflection on being called Muzungu when a white South African woman visits Uganda. From Dark is a rallying call to remember that illegal mining causes the deaths of hundreds every year. Zama-zamas (Zulu for 'chancers') live underground for months at a time, dying in police raids, fires, cave-ins and poor conditions. A young couple's outing goes horribly wrong in At the Seaside. Grandmother's great big wicker picnic basket, which was supposed to be a treat, takes the blame. An 'informal settlement' of zinc shacks on the flatlands sets the scene in Allotment. Warda Meintjes and her husband struggle to survive. A great stadium for the World Cup is being built but Warda's unborn child stops moving. The homeless were being rounded up by police, placed in trucks, driven out into the countryside and dumped. 'Thank God we're spared that,' one woman said. 'Don't fool yourself,' another replied. 'That is us. It has already happened to us.' In The Shark Mia's very sense of being gets overtaken by events. A dark story leading on to Development, darker still, but thought-provoking, and about what it is to be human. The Wall is almost surreal and deals with growing old on the street. Alletjie lives with her husband Jan Bakker and Solly, her disabled brother, next to an old mine built by Cornish miners in the 1880s. Their circumstances are a cut above those of Warda and her husband, yet, 'living on the old goats and chickens and a disability grant was never enough', and Alletjie who 'does everything' thinks it isn't fair, 'the mine owned her this future for herself'. Resurrecting again exerts a certain surreal appeal. A father takes to his bed because of a crushed pigeon or is it a metaphor for a crushed soul in the office? His son is told to pray but is there going to be a resurrection?
Rocky Nook Photographer's Guide to Luminar AI,The
Skylum’s Luminar AI is a great solution for both professional and amateur photographers who want to quickly create stunning photos. Luminar’s advanced AI-based tools eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks, whether you’re applying automatic tone and colour adjustments, replacing dreary skies with more dynamic ones, or retouching portraits to smooth skin, remove blemishes, and accentuate flattering facial features. For those who want to dig into editing, powerful tools give you full control over your RAW and JPEG images, including advanced features such as masks, blend modes, and lens correction. Luminar AI also works as a plug-in for other applications, such as Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Apple Photos, allowing round-trip editing and seamless integration with workflows you may already have in place.In this book you’ll learn all about:• AI editing: Luminar AI’s many AI-based tools eliminate hours of traditional editing tasks. Improve overall tone and color using just one slider, and enhance a sky using another without building masks or layers. Realistically replace the entire sky in one step, even when objects like buildings or trees intrude. Luminar identifies faces in photos, allowing you to smooth skin, sharpen eyes, brighten faces, and perform other portrait retouching tasks in minutes.• Expert editing: Take advantage of Luminar’s many professional tools to bring out the best versions of your photos. Enhance the look using tone controls and curves, dodging and burning, and tools built for specific types of images, such as Landscape Enhancer, Adjustable Gradient, and B & W Conversion. The Erase and Clone & Stamp tools make it easy to remove unexpected objects and glitches such as lens dust spots. Luminar’s RAW editing engine includes real-time noise reduction and advanced color processing and sharpening tools, all completely non-destructive and with the ability to step back through the history of edits.• Advanced editing: Use masks, blend modes, and lens corrections to combine edits and effects.• Creativity: Open your imagination with Luminar’s creative tools, which range from adding glow, texture, and dramatic looks to incorporating sunrays and objects into augmented skies.• Presets and LUTs (Lookup Tables): Learn how to use Luminar Looks presets and LUTs to bring the look of simulated film stocks and creative colour grades to your work.• Luminar Library: Organise and manage your photos in a central library where your source images can reside where you want them, whether that’s on your hard disk, a network volume, or in local cloud services folders such as Dropbox or Google Drive for remote backup.• Luminar plug-ins: If you already use other applications to organise your library or for photo editing, such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom Classic, Luminar AI also works as a plug-in that allows round-trip editing and seamless integration with the workflows you may already have in place.• Sharing images: Whether you’re printing your images or sharing them online, learn how to make your photos look their best no matter what output solution you need.
Open University Press Clinical Psychology, Research and Practice: An Introductory Textbook, 4e
“This book provides an excellent introduction to clinical psychology. Written in an accessible style, the text effectively combines theory and research with practice examples and case studies.”—Jason Davies, Professor of Forensic and Clinical Psychology, Swansea University “Comprehensive on key areas, theories and models.”—Jessica Fielding, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bristol“Case formulations bring to life the various disorders presented here. A scholarly discussion of developments in clinical practice including third wave cognitive behavioural therapies is another unique strength. I highly recommend this as a key text for practitioner psychology trainees and health care professionals working in medical settings.”—Christina Liossi, Chair in Paediatric Psychology, University of Southampton and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Psychology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation TrustExtensively updated, this popular and accessibly written textbook outlines the latest research and therapeutic approaches within clinical psychology, alongside important developments in clinical practice. The book introduces and evaluates the conceptual models of mental health problems and their treatment, including second and third wave therapies.Each disorder is considered from a psychological, social and biological perspective and different intervention types are thoroughly investigated. Key updates to this edition include:•The development of case formulations for conditions within each chapter•An articulation and use of modern theories of psychopathology, including sections on the transdiagnostic approach, meta-cognitive therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy•An introduction to emerging mental health issues, such as internet gaming disorder•Challenging ‘stop and think’ boxes that encourage readers to address topical issues raised in each chapter, such as societal responses to topics as varied as psychopathy, paedophilia and the Black Lives Matter movement•New vocabulary collated into key terms boxes for easy reference Paul Bennett is Professor of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Swansea. He has previously worked as a clinical psychologist, as well as an academic at Cardiff and Bristol universities. He has published over 125 academic papers, in addition to a number of highly regarded student-focused booksPraise for the previous edition:"This book provided an invaluable orientation to the grounding theoretical principles of clinical health psychology, how this knowledge can be applied by psychologists in healthcare settings, particular assessment and intervention approaches and issues associated with working with patients in healthcare settings ... I would highly recommend this as a key text for clinical psychology trainees and postgraduates working or researching in medical settings across the lifespan, both as a general orientation tool and a resource to refer to with reference to specific presenting issues.Fleur-Michelle Coiffait, Doctoral student, University of Edinburgh, UK"The tone of this volume is well pitched; it is written in clear English yet without being over-simplified. New vocabulary is collated into ‘key terms’ boxes for easy reference at the end of the chapter – a useful device for the new student. Also proffered at chapter end are ‘For Discussion’ boxes, encouraging the reader to critically assess and compare the contents of the chapter, along with useful suggestions for further reading. With a good level of detail without swamping the reader, this volume is an excellent introduction to students of abnormal psychology."Hayley Burgess, Psychology Graduate
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A Little Thing Called Life: On Loving Elvis Presley, Bruce Jenner, and Songs in Between
Award-winning songwriter Linda Thompson breaks her silence, sharing the extraordinary story of her life, career, and epic romances with two of the most celebrated, yet enigmatic, modern American superstars-Elvis Presley and Bruce Jenner For the last forty years, award-winning songwriter Linda Thompson has quietly led one of the most remarkable lives in show business. The longtime live-in love of Elvis Presley, Linda first emerged into the limelight during the 1970s when the former beauty pageant queen caught the eye of the King. Their chance late-night encounter at a movie theater was the stuff of legend, and it marked the beginning of a whirlwind that would stretch across decades, leading to a marriage with Bruce Jenner, motherhood, and more drama than she ever could have imagined. Now, for the first time, Linda opens up about it all, telling the full story of her life, loves, and everything in between. From her humble beginnings in Memphis to her nearly five-year relationship with Elvis, she offers an intimate window into their life together, describing how their Southern roots fueled and sustained Graceland's greatest romance. Going inside their wild stories and tender moments, she paints a portrait of life with the King, as raucous as it is refreshing. But despite the joy they shared, life with Elvis also had darkness, and her account also presents an unsparing look at Elvis's twin demons-drug abuse and infidelity-forces he battled throughout their time together that would eventually end their relationship just eight months before his untimely death. It was in the difficult aftermath of Elvis's death that Linda found what she believed was her true home: the arms of Olympic gold medal-winner Bruce Jenner. Detailing her marriage to Bruce, Linda reveals the seemingly perfect life that they built with their two young sons-Brandon and Brody-before Bruce changed everything with a secret he'd been carrying his entire life, a secret that Linda herself kept for nearly thirty years, a secret that Bruce's transition to Caitlyn Jenner has finally laid bare for the world. Providing a candid look inside one of the most challenging moments of her life, Linda uncovers the struggles she went through as a woman and a mother, coming to terms with the reality of Bruce's identity and resolving to embrace him completely no matter what, even as it meant they could no longer be together. And yet, despite her marriage unraveling, her search for love was not over, eventually leading her to the legendary music producer and musician David Foster-a relationship that lasted for nineteen tumultuous years, resulting in a bond that spurred her songwriting career to new heights but also tested her like never before. Filled with compelling and poignant stories and sixteen pages of photographs, A Little Thing Called Life lovingly recounts Linda's incredible journey through the years, bringing unparalleled insight into three legendary figures.
WW Norton & Co He Calls Me By Lightning: The Life of Caliph Washington and the forgotten Saga of Jim Crow, Southern Justice, and the Death Penalty
Caliph Washington didn’t pull the trigger but, as Officer James "Cowboy" Clark lay dying, he had no choice but to turn on his heel and run. The year was 1957; Cowboy Clark was white, Caliph Washington was black, and this was the Jim Crow South. As He Calls Me by Lightning painstakingly chronicles, Washington, then a seventeen-year-old simply returning home after a double date, was swiftly arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to death by an all-white jury. The young man endured the horrors of a hellish prison system for thirteen years, a term that included various stints on death row fearing the "lightning" of the electric chair. Twentieth-century legal history is tragically littered with thousands of stories of such judicial cruelty, but S. Jonathan Bass’s account is remarkable in that he has been able to meticulously re-create Washington’s saga, animating a life that was not supposed to matter. Given the familiar paradigm of an African American man being falsely accused of killing a white policeman, it would be all too easy to apply a reductionist view to the story. What makes He Calls Me by Lightning so unusual are a spate of unknown variables—most prominently the fact that Governor George Wallace, nationally infamous for his active advocacy of segregation, did, in fact, save this death row inmate’s life. As we discover, Wallace stayed Washington’s execution not once but more than a dozen times, reflecting a philosophy about the death penalty that has not been perpetuated by his successors. Other details make Washington’s story significant to legal history, not the least of which is that the defendant endured three separate trials and then was held in a county jail for five more years before being convicted of second-degree murder in 1970; this decision was overturned as well, although the charges were never dismissed. Bass’s account is also particularly noteworthy for his evocation of Washington’s native Bessemer, a gritty, industrial city lying only thirteen miles to the east of Birmingham, Alabama, whose singularly fascinating story is frequently overlooked by historians. By rescuing Washington’s unknown life trajectory—along with the stories of his intrepid lawyers, David Hood Jr. and Orzell Billingsley, and Christine Luna, an Italian-American teacher and activist who would become Washington’s bride upon his release—Bass brings to multidimensional life many different strands of the civil rights movement. Devastating and essential, He Calls Me by Lightning demands that we take into account the thousands of lives cast away by systemic racism, and powerfully demonstrates just how much we still do not know.
Princeton University Press The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War
As more and more people are questioning the assumptions of present U.S. foreign policy they are reexamining the roots of these policies in the diplomacy of the Cold War. This scrutiny has made the origins of the Cold War the most controversial issue in American diplomatic history. Now a complete new dimension has been added to the debate by the charges leveled by Robert James Maddox in The New Left and the Origins of the Cold War. How did the Cold War begin? Who or what was responsible? Could it have been avoided? Was it a temporary condition created by a combination of individual personalities and historical factors, or did it represent the clash of fundamentally irreconcilable political systems? The orthodox explanation of the Cold War is that it was "the brave and essential response of free men to Communist aggression." A number of scholars more or less identified with the New Left have challenged the conventional explanation by asserting that the U.S. bears the major responsibility for its onset. One group of revisionists sees this as the result of a failure of statesmanship on the part of Truman and the advisors around him, the other that the Cold War was the inevitable result of the American system as it developed over the years. Their conclusions have often been challenged in matters of interpretation. Robert Maddox, however, believes that an examination of the manner in which new interpretations are reached should precede dialogues over the ideas themselves. Consequently he has examined seven of the most prominent New Left works: The Tragedy of American Diplomacy by William Appleman Williams; The Cold War and Its Origins by D. F. Fleming; Atomic Diplomacy by Gar Alperovitz; The Free World Colossus by David Horowitz; The Politics of War by Gabriel Kolko; Yalta by Diane Shaver Clemens; and Architects of Illusion by Lloyd C. Gardner. After detailed comparisons of the evidence they present with the sources from which it was taken, he concludes that these books are based on pervasive misuse of the source materials and fail to measure up to the most elementary standards of good scholarship. Originally published in 1973. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley & Sons Inc HPLC in Enzymatic Analysis
The use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) techniques in the study of enzymatic reactions has grown significantly since the publication of the first edition of this highly successful book: the role of enzymes in biological research has expanded; the application of HPLC and enzymes has extended to more disciplines; advances in separation techniques and instrumentation have increased the capability of HPLC; and the discovery of new enzymes has spawned new methods of analysis. High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition addresses these developments in its coverage of the refinements of HPLC methods and their use in a wide range of laboratory applications. It offers the same practical approach found in the first edition, incorporates a wealth of new information into existing chapters, and adds new chapters to deal with new applications, including capillary electrophoresis, forensic chemistry, microdialysis, and the polymerase chain reaction. Topics include: * Application of HPLC to the assay of enzymatic activities * Concepts and principles of HPLC, including the latest technological advances * Concepts and principles of capillary electrophoresis (CE) * Strategy for design of an HPLC/CE system for assay of enzyme activity * Preparation of enzymatic activities from tissues and single cells * Analysis of enzymatic activities in body fluids, including chromatobiosis * HPLC for the identification of new enzymatic activities * Fundamentals of the polymerase chain reaction * HPLC in forensics * Survey of enzymatic activities assayed by the HPLC method, including many new categories * Multienzyme systems, including many new examples * HPLC in the analysis of contaminated food "It is the ability of HPLC to accomplish separations completely and rapidly that led to its original application to problems in the life sciences, particularly those related to purification. An analysis of the literature revealed that this technique was used primarily for the purification of small molecules, macromolecules such as peptides and proteins, and more recently, antibodies. This application to purification has all but dominated the use of the method, and there has been a plethora of books, symposia, and conferences on the use of HPLC for these purposes. However, it was only a matter of time before others began to look beyond and to explore the possibilities that result from the capacity to make separations quickly and efficiently." --from the preface to the First Edition Easy to read and full of practical advice and hundreds of diagrams and examples, High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Enzymatic Analysis, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and laboratory workers in analytical chemistry and biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology, and for anyone interested in keeping up with this fast-growing field.
Kaplan Publishing ACT Total Prep 2024: Includes 2,000+ Practice Questions + 6 Practice Tests
Kaplan is an Official Teaching Partner of the ACT. ACT Total Prep 2024, Kaplan’s biggest ACT prep book, has the most content review, efficient strategies, and realistic practice to help you score higher. We have everything you need in one big book, plus a full year of access to online resources—including more practice tests, a bigger Qbank than ever (500 questions), and video lessons—to help you master each section of the ACT.We're so certain that ACT Total Prep offers all the guidance you need to excel on the ACT that we guarantee it: after studying with our online resources and book, you'll score higher on the ACT—or you'll get your money back.Essential Review 6 full-length Kaplan practice tests with detailed answer explanations (2 printed in the book and 4 tests online) More than 2,000 practice questions with detailed explanations, including a 500-item online Qbank 4 Test Yourself sections — test-like practice on mixed topics to ensure you learn the material, unit by unit One-year access to our online center with additional quizzes and videos to help guide your study Pre-quizzes to help you figure out what you already know and what you can skip Mixed practice quizzes after every chapter to assess how much you’ve learned A practice question at the beginning of each lesson to help you quickly identify its focus and dedicated practice questions after every lesson to test your comprehension Efficient Strategy “On Test Day” strategy notes in every math chapter to help you remember that the ACT math test is primarily a strategy test “Reflect” pages that help you evaluate your comfort level with the topics and make a plan for improving before the test after completing each chapter Online study-planning tool helps you target your prep no matter how much time you have before the test. Expert Guidance We know the test: Our learning engineers have put tens of thousands of hours into studying the ACT, and we use real data to design the most effective strategies and study plans. Kaplan's books and practice questions are written by veteran teachers who know students—every explanation is written to help you learn. We invented test prep—Kaplan ( has been helping students for over 80 years. Trying to figure out your college plan? Kaplan's KapAdvisor™ is a free college admissions planning tool that combines Kaplan's expertise with the power of AI.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Earthworms and their Ecological Significance
The earthworm has been known since ancient times for its valuable services to soil fertility management and litter nutrient cycling. The Greek philosopher Aristotle named earthworm "the guts of the soil" because of its direct role in soil formation through gut fragmentation of large soil particles, forming fine soil aggregates rich in organic matter. The famous natural scientist Charles Darwin also described the importance of earthworms in the natural world and he wrote the document entitled "The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms with Observation on Their Habits" in 1881, observing that "worms have played a more important part in the history of the world than most persons would at first suppose". During the last 30-40 years, earthworms have been studied intensively in the various disciplines of animal ecology, paedology, waste recycling, agriculture science, soil biology and chemistry, ecotoxicology, and pharmaceutical sciences. Because of their importance in soil and below-ground ecology, earthworms have been designated as "ecosystem engineers". Soil fertility maintenance, soil litter decomposition, soil microbial communities and other detritus community structures and their function are directly or indirectly affected by earthworms' presence in soils. Apart from that, earthworms have appeared as a promising tool to recycle nutrients from various kinds of organic waste substances and stabilization of industrial sledges. Vermicomposting could be a valuable and low-cost technique for farmers for onsite waste management and nutrient-rich manure production. Scientists are always looking for new species for solid waste management. Thus, scientists around the world are working on earthworm biodiversity assessment and evaluation of their ecosystem services and value addition in other environmental management sectors. Efforts have been made in this edited volume to compile recent advancements in earthworm biology and their promising services in different fields of environmental management and resource conservations. This book contains three sub-sections: earthworm ecology, vermicomposting, and earthworm ecotoxicology. A total of 17 chapters are included in this edited volume. In the first section two chapters cover phylogeny and distribution of earthworm, and distribution of earthworm in Canadian ecozones; in the second section a total of seven chapters are included describing the role of vermitechnology in bioremediation of agriculture waste, pharmaceutical waste substances, industrial sludge stabilisations, and soil nutrient supply; and the third section includes eight chapters describing the effect of various hazardous substances like pesticides, microplastics, heavy metals, and neonicotinoids on earthworm growth, survival, reproduction and toxicity. In the end, we acknowledge the people and family members who are directly or indirectly associated with the compilation of this book. Without their moral and technical support, this book would not see the light of day.
Skyhorse Publishing Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming
A WALL STREET JOURNALNATIONAL BESTSELLER*AS SEEN ON TUCKER CARLSON TODAY AND THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE*A guide for the times—breaking down the lies about COVID-19 and shedding light on why we came to believe them. When he invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, Robert Malone could not have imagined that he would become a leader in a movement to expose the dangers of mRNA vaccines that billions of people have received—too often without being informed of the risks. For voicing opposition to the “mainstream” narrative, Dr. Robert Malone was censored by Big Tech and vilified by the media. But he continues to speak out and alert the world to the web of lies that we have all experienced. From vaccine safety and effectiveness to early treatments like ivermectin, to lockdowns, masks, and more, Dr. Malone is the signature dissident voice telling the other side of the story about COVID, the role of corporate media, censorship, propaganda, and the brave new world of transhumanism promoted by the World Economic Forum and its acolytes. What effect did the COVID policies have on lives, livelihoods, and democracies? How is it possible that the lies spread by governments would persist, and that our institutions would fail to correct them? Lies My Gov’t Told Me takes a hard look at these questions and illustrates how data, information, and psychology have been distorted during the pandemic. Governments intentionally weaponized fear to mold behavior. The media smeared anyone who objected to the narrative. And Big Pharma—aligned with larger globalist interests exemplified by the likes of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum—had captured the agencies that are supposed to regulate it long before the pandemic began. Dr. Malone explores these perverse connections between Pharma, government, and media, and tells us what can be done about it. With contributed chapters from other leading thinkers, such as Dr. Paul Marik and Professor Mattias Desmet, and drawing upon history, psychology, and economics, Lies My Gov’t Told Me looks at COVID from numerous angles. Never satisfied with a simple answer or easy solution, Dr. Malone proposes multiple action plans for a better future. Dr. Malone calls on each of us to find our own solutions, our own ways to resist the control of fascist, corporatist, and totalitarian overlords. If we are to step out of the darkness—toward a world that defends the principles of the Constitution, upholds individual rights, and honors free speech—we all must play a part in the transition.
BenBella Books Cyber Privacy: Who Has Your Data and Why You Should Care
2020 Foreword Indie Award Winner (Gold) in the "Science & Technology" Category"Chilling, eye-opening, and timely, Cyber Privacy makes a strong case for the urgent need to reform the laws and policies that protect our personal data. If your reaction to that statement is to shrug your shoulders, think again. As April Falcon Doss expertly explains, data tracking is a real problem that affects every single one of us on a daily basis." —General Michael V. Hayden, USAF, Ret., former Director of CIA and NSA and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence You're being tracked. Amazon, Google, Facebook, governments. No matter who we are or where we go, someone is collecting our data: to profile us, target us, assess us; to predict our behavior and analyze our attitudes; to influence the things we do and buy—even to impact our vote. If this makes you uneasy, it should. We live in an era of unprecedented data aggregation, and it's never been more difficult to navigate the trade-offs between individual privacy, personal convenience, national security, and corporate profits. Technology is evolving quickly, while laws and policies are changing slowly. You shouldn't have to be a privacy expert to understand what happens to your data. April Falcon Doss, a privacy expert and former NSA and Senate lawyer, has seen this imbalance in action. She wants to empower individuals and see policy catch up. In Cyber Privacy, Doss demystifies the digital footprints we leave in our daily lives and reveals how our data is being used—sometimes against us—by the private sector, the government, and even our employers and schools. She explains the trends in data science, technology, and the law that impact our everyday privacy. She tackles big questions: how data aggregation undermines personal autonomy, how to measure what privacy is worth, and how society can benefit from big data while managing its risks and being clear-eyed about its cost. It's high time to rethink notions of privacy and what, if anything, limits the power of those who are constantly watching, listening, and learning about us. This book is for readers who want answers to three questions: Who has your data? Why should you care? And most important, what can you do about it?
University of South Carolina Press More Than a Likeness: The Enduring Art of Mary Whyte
More Than a Likeness: The Enduring Art of Mary Whyte is the first comprehensive book on the life and work of one of today's most renowned watercolourists. From Whyte's earliest paintings in rural Ohio and Pennsylvania, to the riveting portraits of her southern neighbours, historian Martha R. Severens provides us with an intimate look into the artist's private world.With more than two hundred full-colour images of Whyte's paintings and sketches, as well as comparison works by masters such as Winslow Homer, Andrew Wyeth, and John Singer Sargent, Severens clearly illustrates how Whyte's art has been shaped and how the artist forged her own place in the world today. Though Whyte's academic training in Philadelphia was in oil painting, she learned the art of watercolour on her own--by studying masterworks in museums. Today Whyte's style of watercolour painting is a unique blend of classical realism and contemporary vision, as seen in her intimate portraits of Southern blue-collar workers and elderly African American women in the South Carolina lowcountry. ""For me ideas are more plentiful than the hours to paint them, and I worry that I cannot get to all of my thoughts before they are forgotten or are pushed aside by more pressing concerns,"" explains Whyte. ""Some works take time to evolve. Like small seeds the paintings might not come to fruition until several years later, after there has been ample time for germination."" Using broad sweeping washes as well as miniscule brushstrokes, Whyte directs the viewer's attention to the areas in her paintings she deems most important. Murky passages of neutral colours often give way to areas of intense detail and colour, giving the works a variety of edges and poetic focus. Several paintings included in the book are accompanied by enlarged areas of detail, showcasing Whyte's technical mastery. More Than a Likeness is replete with engaging artwork and inspiring text that mark the mid-point in Whyte's artistry. Of what she will paint in the future, the artist says, ""I have always believed that as artists we don't choose our vocation, style, or subject matter. Art chooses us.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Mobile Internet Security
The mobile industry for wireless cellular services has grown at a rapid pace over the past decade. Similarly, Internet service technology has also made dramatic growth through the World Wide Web with a wire line infrastructure. Realization for complete wired/wireless mobile Internet technologies will become the future objectives for convergence of these technologies through multiple enhancements of both cellular mobile systems and Internet interoperability. Flawless integration between these two wired/wireless networks will enable subscribers to not only roam worldwide, but also to solve the ever increasing demand for data/Internet services. In order to keep up with this noteworthy growth in the demand for wireless broadband, new technologies and structural architectures are needed to greatly improve system performance and network scalability while significantly reducing the cost of equipment and deployment. Dr. Rhee covers the technological development of wired/wireless internet communications in compliance with each iterative generation up to 4G systems, with emphasis on wireless security aspects. By progressing in a systematic matter, presenting the theory and practice of wired/wireless mobile technologies along with various security problems, readers will gain an intimate sense of how mobile internet systems operate and how to address complex security issues. Features: Written by a top expert in information security Gives a clear understanding of wired/wireless mobile internet technologies Presents complete coverage of various cryptographic protocols and specifications needed for 3GPP: AES, KASUMI, Public-key and Elliptic curve cryptography Forecast new features and promising 4G packet-switched wireless internet technologies for voice and data communications Provides MIMO/OFDMA-based for 4G systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE), Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB), Mobile WiMax or Wireless Broadband (WiBro) Deals with Intrusion Detection System against worm/virus cyber attacks The book ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in courses such as Wireless Access Networking, Mobile Internet Radio Communications. Practicing engineers in industry and research scientists can use the book as a reference to get reacquainted with mobile radio fundamentals or to gain deeper understanding of complex security issues.