Search results for ""world scientific publishing co pte ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 18: Cancer Pain
This eighteenth volume of the Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine series aims to provide a multi-faceted 'whole evidence' analysis of the management of pain due to a range of cancers (cancer pain) using integrative Chinese medicine.Beginning with an overview of how cancer pain is conceptualised and managed in conventional medicine, the authors then summarise the differential diagnosis and managment of cancer pain in contemporary Chinese medicine based on clinical guidelines and contemporary books. The third chapter provides detailed analyses of how cancer pain and related disorders were treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture in past eras based on the classical Chinese medical literature.The subsequent chapters comprehensively review the current state of the clinical trial evidence for the integrative application of Chinese herbal medicines (Chapter 5), acupuncture (Chapter 7), other Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 8) and combination Chinese medicine therapies (Chapter 9) in the management of cancer pain, as well as analyse and evaluate the results of these studies from an evidence-based medicine perspective. Chapter 6 reviews and summarises experimental evidence for the bioactivity of commonly used Chinese herbs and their constituent compounds. The outcomes of these analyses are summarised and discussed in Chapter 10 which alsoidentifies implications for the clinical practice of Chinese medicine and for future research.This book can inform clinicians and students in the fields of integrative medicine and Chinese medicine regarding contemporary practice and the current evidence base for a range of Chinese medicine therapies used in the management of cancer pain, including herbal formulas and acupuncture treatments, in order to assist clinicians in making evidence-based decisions in patient care. It also provides researchers with a comprehensive summary of the state of the field than can inform future.The following features mark the importance of this book in the field:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Production Economics: An Empirical Approach
Production economics is that branch of microeconomics that examines producer decisions. This book focuses on the empirical estimation of these relationships using primal, dual, and differential specifications. The primal specification models production decisions based on the production function — estimation of the input/output relationship and the derivation of optimization behavior from this technical relationship. The dual approach estimates production decisions using economic information such as input and output prices. The textbook then develops the linkages between these relationships. The differential specification is an alternative approach derived from changes in the first-order conditions from cost minimizing behavior. In each case, the theoretical development is followed by different empirical specifications that can be used to estimate the producer's choice.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ceres: An Ice-Rich World in the Inner Solar System
Thanks to NASA's Dawn mission, the last half-decade has witnessed a significant advance in our understanding of Ceres. The largest object between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, Ceres is the most water-rich body in the inner solar system after Earth which shows evidence of brine-driven activity in its recent history, and even possibly at the present. The potential existence of a subsurface ocean or regional seas in Ceres and its salt- and organic-rich composition underscore its astro-biological significance. After signaling the discovery of the asteroid belt more than two centuries ago, Ceres once again reveals new insights for us to understand the formation, evolution, and habitability of this large icy body in our solar system. This book reviews the current state of knowledge about Ceres after the extensive scientific exploration by the Dawn mission. Starting from the introduction of the discovery of Ceres and what we know about this enigmatic world before Dawn's arrival, each chapter focuses on one aspect of Ceres, including its surface composition, its geology, the role of water ice in shaping Ceres's surface, its interior structure, and expressions of cryovolcanic or brine activity at the surface. Following this framework, the book addresses the astro-biological significance of Ceres. The last chapter summarizes the new questions opened by the Dawn mission and the next step to exploring the dwarf planet closest to Earth.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Audrey Plays With Bubbles
Audrey loves bubbles but not all liquids can be used to make them. Thankfully, all the ingredients needed to make bubbles can be found right at home. Let's discover bubbles together!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach young readers. Every book in the series is centred around a science phenomenon, ranging from the water cycle to light refraction to static electricity. Through engaging narratives and whimsical illustrations, 'I'm a Little Scientist' introduces young children to the exciting and ever-changing world of science. Go beyond the story with fun activities and simple experiments to encourage interactive learning! Each book features two pages of scientific experiments for children to put what they've learnt into action.Everyone can be a little scientist!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cyber Security And Supply Chain Management: Risks, Challenges, And Solutions
What are the cyber vulnerabilities in supply chain management? How can firms manage cyber risk and cyber security challenges in procurement, manufacturing, and logistics?Today it is clear that supply chain is often the core area of a firm's cyber security vulnerability, and its first line of defense. This book brings together several experts from both industry and academia to shine light on this problem, and advocate solutions for firms operating in this new technological landscape.Specific topics addressed in this book include: defining the world of cyber space, understanding the connection between supply chain management and cyber security, the implications of cyber security and supply chain risk management, the 'human factor' in supply chain cyber security, the executive view of cyber security, cyber security considerations in procurement, logistics, and manufacturing among other areas.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding Contexts Of Business In Western Asia: Land Of Bazaars And High-tech Booms
Not one size fits all. Yet, some books teach business with minimal focus on the context for business. In reality, firms — large and small — are highly affected by the context in which they operate; yet, context is not uniformly conceptualized, theorized, and operationalized by scholars of business and management. While most theories have come from developed countries with bountiful contexts, the diverse contexts of Western Asia are little understood. Religious factors are profoundly dominant in Western Asia, and businesses in this diverse area operate with considerations that are rarely considered in research. This book reveals a variety of schools of thought that have molded several business models and mechanisms, which are, to some extent, different from the context of Western economies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Partial Differential Equations (With Maple), An: A Concise Course
The book is designed for undergraduate or beginning level graduate students, and students from interdisciplinary areas including engineers, and others who need to use partial differential equations, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms. The prerequisite is a basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and ordinary differential equations.The textbook aims to be practical, elementary, and reasonably rigorous; the book is concise in that it describes fundamental solution techniques for first order, second order, linear partial differential equations for general solutions, fundamental solutions, solution to Cauchy (initial value) problems, and boundary value problems for different PDEs in one and two dimensions, and different coordinates systems. Analytic solutions to boundary value problems are based on Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems and series solutions.The book is accompanied with enough well tested Maple files and some Matlab codes that are available online. The use of Maple makes the complicated series solution simple, interactive, and visible. These features distinguish the book from other textbooks available in the related area.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Brewing And Fermentation Science: Essential Knowledge For Those Dedicated To Brewing Better Beer
Written as an introduction to the science of brewing and beer fermentation, this book provides an up-to-date overview of the science behind the various operations involved in the making of beer. Various subject-matter experts contribute their knowledge and unique perspectives on the most important topics in brewing, appealing to all readers wishing to expand their understanding of the chemical, microbiological and business aspects of brewery operation, with particular emphasis on the craft industry.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Quantum Field Theory
This book comprises the lectures of a two-semester course on quantum field theory, presented in a quite informal and personal manner. The course starts with relativistic one-particle systems, and develops the basics of quantum field theory with an analysis on the representations of the Poincaré group. Canonical quantization is carried out for scalar, fermion, Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories. Covariant quantization of gauge theories is also carried out with a detailed description of the BRST symmetry. The Higgs phenomenon and the standard model of electroweak interactions are also developed systematically. Regularization and (BPHZ) renormalization of field theories as well as gauge theories are discussed in detail, leading to a derivation of the renormalization group equation. In addition, two chapters — one on the Dirac quantization of constrained systems and another on discrete symmetries — are included for completeness, although these are not covered in the two-semester course.This second edition includes two new chapters, one on Nielsen identities and the other on basics of global supersymmetry. It also includes two appendices, one on fermions in arbitrary dimensions and the other on gauge invariant potentials and the Fock-Schwinger gauge.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali: The Accidental Doctor
Meet Siti Hasmah, a little girl, who wants to be a journalist, in a period when not every girl was sent to school. Watch what happens to her, her family, and country when World War II strikes. Walk in her footsteps as she graduates from university and goes on to save the lives of many Malaysian women and children. See what she finally ends up becoming.The Woman Who Shaped Asia series aim not just to educate but also to motivate. These stories celebrate the amazing accomplishments of women from the region. Their remarkable strength in the face of adversity and sheer determination make it possible for their dreams to be fulfilled, no matter how big! They remind our young readers that great things are accomplished by people who were once little, just like them.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lattice Boltzmann And Gas Kinetic Flux Solvers: Theory And Applications
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been widely applied in a wide variety of industrial applications, including aeronautics, astronautics, energy, chemical, pharmaceuticals, power and petroleum.This unique compendium documents the recent developments in CFD based on kinetic theories, introducing flux reconstruction strategies of kinetic methods for the simulation of complex incompressible and compressible flows, namely the lattice Boltzmann and the gas kinetic flux solvers (LBFS or GKFS). LBFS and GKFS combine advantages of both Navier-Stokes (N-S) solvers and kinetic solvers.Detailed derivations, evaluations and applications of LBFS and GKFS, and their advantages over conventional flux reconstruction strategies are analyzed and discussed in the volume.The must-have reference text is useful for scholars, researchers, professionals and students who are keen in CFD methods and numerical simulations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Voices On South Asia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Women's Status, Challenges And Futures
This book investigates the contemporary social, political and economic issues faced by women in South Asia. It focuses on the policies and practices that have challenged or perpetuated gender inequalities, and the evolving role of women in South Asian societies. With contributions from practitioners, policy makers, academics and civil society activists from across South Asia, this volume provides a broad and diverse range of viewpoints on South Asian women's labour force participation, political participation, education, and health, as well as country-specific insights.The volume is conceived as a stage for debate where specific insights act as a window into wider themes, practices and policies. Each essay is followed by policy-relevant recommendations and suggestions for avenues to improve current practice. This book will be relevant for undergraduate students and lecturers of South Asian studies, development, and policy studies, as well as industry practitioners.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Fixing Your Damaged And Incorrect Genes
Fixing Your Damaged and Incorrect Genes is a book about a well-established biological process called DNA REPAIR. The book describes the multiple and varied biochemical strategies by which damaged or incorrect nucleotides are removed from DNA or are corrected. The book includes multiple figures of notable past and present scientists in the field. The book is uniquely focused on an audience of non-biologists and is written in simple language with minimal use of technical terms. It contains an extensive glossary that provides explanations of key words that readers are encouraged to refer to as they read. Fixing Your Damaged and Incorrect Genes is unique, there being no previously published books for non-biologists on the topic of DNA repair.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Set Theory And Foundations Of Mathematics: An Introduction To Mathematical Logic - Volume I: Set Theory
This book provides an introduction to axiomatic set theory and descriptive set theory. It is written for the upper level undergraduate or beginning graduate students to help them prepare for advanced study in set theory and mathematical logic as well as other areas of mathematics, such as analysis, topology, and algebra.The book is designed as a flexible and accessible text for a one-semester introductory course in set theory, where the existing alternatives may be more demanding or specialized. Readers will learn the universally accepted basis of the field, with several popular topics added as an option. Pointers to more advanced study are scattered throughout the text.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Electric-dipole Polarizabilities Of Atoms, Molecules, And Clusters
This book is an in-depth review of experiment and theory on electric-dipole polarizabilities. It is broad in scope, encompassing atomic, molecular, and cluster polarizabilities. Both static and dynamic polarizabilities are treated (in the absence of absorption) and a full tensor picture of the polarizability is used. Traditional experimental techniques for measuring electric polarizabilities are described in detail. Recently developed experimental methods, including light forces, position-sensitive time-of-flight deflection, and atom interferometry, are also extensively discussed. Theoretical techniques for calculating polarizabilities are reviewed, including a discussion on the use of Gaussian basis sets. Many important comparisons between theory and experiment are summarized in an extensive set of tables of polarizabilities of important atoms, molecules, and clusters. Applications of polarizabilities to many areas of chemistry and physics are described, including optics, chemical structure, interactions of gases and particles with surfaces, and the interaction of molecules with light. The emphasis is on a lucid presentation of the ideas and results with up-to-date discussions on important applications such as optical tweezers and nanostructure fabrication. This book provides an excellent overview of the importance of polarizabilities in understanding the physical, electronic, and optical properties of particles in a regime that goes from free atoms to condensed-phase clusters.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Classical And Computational Solid Mechanics
The second edition provides an update of the recent developments in classical and computational solid mechanics. The structure of the book is also updated to include five new areas: Fundamental Principles of Thermodynamics and Coupled Thermoelastic Constitutive Equations at Large Deformations, Functional Thermodynamics and Thermoviscoelasticity, Thermodynamics with Internal State Variables and Thermo-Elasto-Viscoplasticity, Electro-Thermo-Viscoelasticity/Viscoplasticity, and Meshless Method. These new topics are added as self-contained sections or chapters. Many books in the market do not cover these topics.This invaluable book has been written for engineers and engineering scientists in a style that is readable, precise, concise, and practical. It gives the first priority to the formulation of problems, presenting the classical results as the gold standard, and the numerical approach as a tool for obtaining solutions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Exam Monster The A Story About Exam Anxiety
Melody is a good and hardworking student. Everyone thinks she will do just fine in her upcoming exams, but each night before an exam, a mega exam monster visits her nightmares! Can Melody cope, or is she doomed to fail again and again?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by counsellors and doctors in counselling sessions, and by parents who are helping their children cope with their emot
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Coastal Engineering And Management (Third Edition)
This book is based on the author's 49 years of experience as a practicing coastal engineer and 34 years as professor of coastal engineering and management at Queen's University. The book is therefore thoroughly practical in nature, but it also reflects newly relevant issues, such as consequences of failure, impacts of rising sea levels, aging infrastructure, real estate development, and contemporary decision making, design and education.This textbook is useful for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and practicing engineers. It covers waves, structures, sediment movement, coastal management, and contemporary coastal design and decision making. It presents both basic principles and engineering solutions. It discusses the traditional methods of analysis and synthesis (design), but also contemporary design methodologies, such as working with environmental impacts.The second edition expanded greatly on the topics of failure and resilience that surfaced as a result of recent disasters from hurricane surges and tsunamis. It updated the discussion of design and decision making for the 21st century, with many new examples.This third edition develops some of these topics further, but its largest new changes is the chapter on climate change. This chapter presents the basics of climate change and then goes on to stress the practical implications of the impacts of climate change, focusing on what is of importance to coastal and fluvial specialists.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral
This text on quantum mechanics begins by covering all the main topics of an introduction to the subject. It then concentrates on newer developments. In particular it continues with the perturbative solution of the Schrödinger equation for various potentials and thereafter with the introduction and evaluation of their path integral counterparts. Considerations of the large order behavior of the perturbation expansions show that in most applications these are asymptotic expansions. The parallel consideration of path integrals requires the evaluation of these around periodic classical configurations, the fluctuation equations about which lead back to specific wave equations. The period of the classical configurations is related to temperature, and permits transitions to the thermal domain to be classified as phase transitions.In this second edition of the text important applications and numerous examples have been added. In particular, the chapter on the Coulomb potential has been extended to include an introduction to chemical bonds, the chapter on periodic potentials has been supplemented by a section on the band theory of metals and semiconductors, and in the chapter on large order behavior a section has been added illustrating the success of converging factors in the evaluation of asymptotic expansions. Detailed calculations permit the reader to follow every step.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wolf Prize In Medicine 1978-2008 (In 2 Volumes, With Cd-rom)
This volume provides a historical account of the recipients of the Wolf Prize in Medicine and includes their curriculum vitae and examples of their most significant publications. Altogether, 25 Wolf Prize recipients are included.A unique, important book for professionals, science historians and the general public, this book gives ready access to materials which have been important in the recognition of its recipients. Many recipients have extensive publication lists; it is valuable to have a concise account of their curriculum vitae as well as list of publications, and especially a reprint of the most significant publications that have resulted in them being awarded the Wolf Prize.Apart from this valuable volume and the Nobel Prize in Medicine/Physiology volumes, there appears to be no equivalent volume in which the achievements of pre-eminent contributors to the field of medicine has been assembled.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd An Introduction to the History and Culture of the Teochews in Singapore
This book is one of the few books written in English on Chaozhou culture and history. It compiles information from Chinese and English sources including archive material, academic works and publications from China and Singapore. It presents a panorama view of Teochews in Singapore. The book is divided into three sections. The first section covers the history of Chaozhou, the Chaozhou culture, the Teochew ethnicity and the migration of the Teochew people. The second section covers the history, activities and contributions of the Teochews in Singapore from the 19th century. The third section covers core elements of the Chaozhou culture, including customs and practices, cuisine and tea culture, performing arts and craftworks. With carefully selected photos, pictures and comprehensive accounts, this book takes the general readers on a fascinating journey of the Teochew heritage.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Multivalued Fields: In Condensed Matter, Electromagnetism, And Gravitation
This book lays the foundations of the theory of fluctuating multivalued fields with numerous applications. Most prominent among these are phenomena dominated by the statistical mechanics of line-like objects, such as the phase transitions in superfluids and superconductors as well as the melting process of crystals, and the electromagnetic potential as a multivalued field that can produce a condensate of magnetic monopoles. In addition, multivalued mappings play a crucial role in deriving the physical laws of matter coupled to gauge fields and gravity with torsion from the laws of free matter. Through careful analysis of each of these applications, the book thus provides students and researchers with supplementary reading material for graduate courses on phase transitions, quantum field theory, gravitational physics, and differential geometry.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Peace With Nature: 50 Inspiring Essays On Nature And The Environment
This book is a must-read for all who love nature and the environment. It contains 50 inspiring essays written by Singaporeans and friends who share their perspectives, expertise and experience — as scientists, lawyers, economists, engineers, bankers, government officers, and civil society — all linked by a love for nature, for the environment, and for Singapore. The essays focus on the protection and preservation of Singapore's rich biodiversity (primates, colugos, otters, butterflies, dragonflies, stick-insects, birds, coral reefs, mangroves and sea grasses); efforts to save special areas (the Lower Peirce Reservoir, Chek Jawa, Sungei Buloh, the Rail Corridor and the first marine nature reserve); the contributions of NGOs (Nature Society, Herpetological Society, Waterways Watch Society); and the efforts of scholars, the government and the private sector to ensure a clean and green City in Nature, amidst the challenges of limited space and climate change.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problem Solving In Economics: A Quantitative Approach
This book reinforces an understanding of Economics by showing how basic mathematics is used to construct models of the economy. By taking wide-ranging examples drawn for virtually all areas of economics, it shows how model-building is an indispensable aid to understanding economics.The mathematical techniques used in the book are fairly rudimentary — optimisation methods and equation-solving are the primary tools used. A brief explanation of constrained optimisation using Lagrange multipliers is provided. Throughout, the emphasis is on how these techniques are fruitfully deployed in constructing economic models and solving economic problems. It bridges the gap between mathematical analysis and economic logic. For readers, it builds confidence in constructing their own models for purposes of analysis. The book is well-suited for self-study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Beyond The Handshake: Singapore's Foreign Service
From independence in 1965, Singapore has experienced a meteoric rise to a modern developed city-state. What is less known is the part played by its foreign policy or by the men and women who contributed to its implementation and success. Here, several of Singapore's senior diplomats and Ambassadors tell in their own words, how they did their work, their experiences, their achievements and the challenges that they faced in promoting and safeguarding Singapore's strategic security and economic interests.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topics In Nanoscience (In 2 Parts)
With the development of the scanning tunneling microscope, nanoscience became an important discipline. Single atoms could be manipulated in a controlled manner, and it became possible to change matter at its 'ultimate' level; it is the level on which the properties of matter emerge. This possibility enables to construct and to produce devices, materials, etc. with very small sizes and completely new properties. That opens up new perspectives for technology and is in particular relevant in connection with nano-engineering.Nanosystems are unimaginably small and very fast. No doubt, this is an important characteristic. But there is another feature, possibly more relevant, in connection with nanoscience and nanotechnology. The essential point here is that we work at the 'ultimate level'. This is the smallest level at which the properties of our world emerge, at which functional matter can exist. In particular, at this level biological individuality comes into existence. This situation can be expressed in absolute terms: This is not only the strongest material ever made, this is the strongest material it will ever be possible to make (D Ratner and M Ratner, Nanotechnology and Homeland Security). This is a very general statement. All aspects of matter are concerned here. Through the variation of the composition various forms of matter emerge with different items.Nanosystems are usually small, but they offer nevertheless the possibility to vary the structure of atomic (molecular) ensembles, creating a diversity of new material-specific properties. A large variety of experimental possibilities come into play and flexible theoretical tools are needed at the basic level. This is reflected in the different disciplines: In nanoscience and nanotechnology we have various directions: Materials science, functional nanomaterials, nanoparticles, food chemistry, medicine with brain research, quantum and molecular computing, bioinformatics, magnetic nanostructures, nano-optics, nano-electronics, etc.The properties of matter, which are involved within these nanodisciplines, are ultimate in character, i.e., their characteristic properties come into existence at this level. The book is organized in this respect.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problems And Solutions On Mechanics
The material for these volumes has been selected from the past twenty years' examination questions for graduate students at the University of California (Berkeley), Columbia University, the University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University and the University of Wisconsin.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stein's Method And Applications
Stein's startling technique for deriving probability approximations first appeared about 30 years ago. Since then, much has been done to refine and develop the method, but it is still a highly active field of research, with many outstanding problems, both theoretical and in applications. This volume, the proceedings of a workshop held in honour of Charles Stein in Singapore, August 2003, contains contributions from many of the mathematicians at the forefront of this effort. It provides a cross-section of the work currently being undertaken, with many pointers to future directions. The papers in the collection include applications to the study of random binary search trees, Brownian motion on manifolds, Monte-Carlo integration, Edgeworth expansions, regenerative phenomena, the geometry of random point sets, and random matrices.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Derivative Securities Financial Markets And Risk Management An Third Edition
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lets Discover Our Farms Singapore Exploring Sustainable Farming And Agriculture Around Singapore
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Resonant Infrared Detectors And Emitters
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Battle Of The Alien Fungi The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ultimate Battle Of Bacteria The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Battle Of The Alien Fungi The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Interfaces And Colloids An The Bridge To Nanoscience
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Peace With Nature: 50 Inspiring Essays On Nature And The Environment
This book is a must-read for all who love nature and the environment. It contains 50 inspiring essays written by Singaporeans and friends who share their perspectives, expertise and experience — as scientists, lawyers, economists, engineers, bankers, government officers, and civil society — all linked by a love for nature, for the environment, and for Singapore. The essays focus on the protection and preservation of Singapore's rich biodiversity (primates, colugos, otters, butterflies, dragonflies, stick-insects, birds, coral reefs, mangroves and sea grasses); efforts to save special areas (the Lower Peirce Reservoir, Chek Jawa, Sungei Buloh, the Rail Corridor and the first marine nature reserve); the contributions of NGOs (Nature Society, Herpetological Society, Waterways Watch Society); and the efforts of scholars, the government and the private sector to ensure a clean and green City in Nature, amidst the challenges of limited space and climate change.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Commentary On Singapore Volume 2 Economy Environment And Population
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd River That Brings Us Life, The
There was once a vibrant river that flowed through the heart of Singapore. The river brought life and joy to everyone, but when people began to mistreat it, it lost its sparkle.Journey through the true story of the Singapore River, and discover how the river gained its sparkle back once again.This book is supported by a grant from the National Heritage Board.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2011-2015)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the Nobel laureates, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches by Nobel Committee members for the period 2011-2015. The criterion for the Physics award is to the discoverer of a physical phenomenon that changed our views, or to the inventor of a new physical process that gave enormous benefits to either science at large or to the public. The biographies are interesting to read and the Nobel lectures provide detailed explanations of the phenomena for which the laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize.List of Nobel laureates and their award citations:(2011) 'for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass'.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To The Theory Of Spin Glasses And Neural Networks, An
This book aims to describe in simple terms the new area of statistical mechanics known as spin-glasses, encompassing systems in which quenched disorder is the dominant factor. The book begins with a non-mathematical explanation of the problem, and the modern understanding of the physics of the spin-glass state is formulated in general terms. Next, the 'magic' of the replica symmetry breaking scheme is demonstrated and the physics behind it discussed. Recent experiments on real spin-glass materials are briefly described to demonstrate how this somewhat abstract physics can be studied in the laboratory. The final chapters of the book are devoted to statistical models of neural networks.The material here is self-contained and should be accessible to students with a basic knowledge of theoretical physics and statistical mechanics. It has been used for a one-term graduate lecture course at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Particles And Quantum Fields
This is an introductory book on elementary particles and their interactions. It starts out with many-body Schrödinger theory and second quantization and leads, via its generalization, to relativistic fields of various spins and to gravity. The text begins with the best known quantum field theory so far, the quantum electrodynamics of photon and electrons (QED). It continues by developing the theory of strong interactions between the elementary constituents of matter (quarks). This is possible due to the property called asymptotic freedom. On the way one has to tackle the problem of removing various infinities by renormalization. The divergent sums of infinitely many diagrams are performed with the renormalization group or by variational perturbation theory (VPT). The latter is an outcome of the Feynman-Kleinert variational approach to path integrals discussed in two earlier books of the author, one representing a comprehensive treatise on path integrals, the other dealing with critial phenomena. Unlike ordinary perturbation theory, VPT produces uniformly convergent series which are valid from weak to strong couplings, where they describe critical phenomena.The present book develops the theory of effective actions which allow to treat quantum phenomena with classical formalism. For example, it derives the observed anomalous power laws of strongly interacting theories from an extremum of the action. Their fluctuations are not based on Gaussian distributions, as in the perturbative treatment of quantum field theories, or in asymptotically-free theories, but on deviations from the average which are much larger and which obey power-like distributions.Exactly solvable models are discussed and their physical properties are compared with those derived from general methods. In the last chapter we discuss the problem of quantizing the classical theory of gravity.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Particles And Quantum Fields
This is an introductory book on elementary particles and their interactions. It starts out with many-body Schrödinger theory and second quantization and leads, via its generalization, to relativistic fields of various spins and to gravity. The text begins with the best known quantum field theory so far, the quantum electrodynamics of photon and electrons (QED). It continues by developing the theory of strong interactions between the elementary constituents of matter (quarks). This is possible due to the property called asymptotic freedom. On the way one has to tackle the problem of removing various infinities by renormalization. The divergent sums of infinitely many diagrams are performed with the renormalization group or by variational perturbation theory (VPT). The latter is an outcome of the Feynman-Kleinert variational approach to path integrals discussed in two earlier books of the author, one representing a comprehensive treatise on path integrals, the other dealing with critial phenomena. Unlike ordinary perturbation theory, VPT produces uniformly convergent series which are valid from weak to strong couplings, where they describe critical phenomena.The present book develops the theory of effective actions which allow to treat quantum phenomena with classical formalism. For example, it derives the observed anomalous power laws of strongly interacting theories from an extremum of the action. Their fluctuations are not based on Gaussian distributions, as in the perturbative treatment of quantum field theories, or in asymptotically-free theories, but on deviations from the average which are much larger and which obey power-like distributions.Exactly solvable models are discussed and their physical properties are compared with those derived from general methods. In the last chapter we discuss the problem of quantizing the classical theory of gravity.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wolf Prize In Mathematics, Volume 3
This invaluable book features bibliographies, important papers, and speeches (for example at international congresses) of Wolf Prize winners, such as V I Arnold, P R Deligne, H Furstenberg, I M Gel'fand, P A Griffiths, M Gromov and G A Margulis. This is the first time that documents on Wolf Prize winners have been published together. Since the work of the Wolf laureates covers a wide spectrum, much of the mathematics of the twentieth century comes to life in this book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Encyclopedia Of Cosmology, The (In 4 Volumes)
The Encyclopedia of Cosmology, in four volumes, is a major, long-lasting, seminal reference at the graduate student level, laid out by the most prominent, respected researchers in the general field of Cosmology. These volumes will be a comprehensive review of the most important concepts and current status in the field, covering both theory and observation.One of the attractive features of the encyclopedia is that it is accompanied by supplementary materials including videos and simulations of the numerical computation. This will help the readers to better understand and visualize the concepts discussed.This encyclopedia is edited by Dr. Giovanni Fazio from Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, with an advisory board comprised of renowned scientists: Lars Hernquist and Abraham Loeb (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), and Christopher McKee (UC Berkeley). Each volume is authored/edited by a specialist in the area: Galaxy Formation and Evolution written by Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University), Numerical Simulations in Cosmology edited by Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University / University of Nevada), Dark Energy written by Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science), and Dark Matter written by Jihn E Kim (Seoul National University).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Windows And Graphics Programming With Visual C++ (With Companion Media Pack)
The Companion Media Pack is available in the .Introduction to Windows® and Graphics Programming with Visual C++® (2nd Edition) provides an accessible approach to the study of Windows programming. It is intended to be an introduction to Visual C++ for technical people including practicing engineers, engineering students, and others interested in Windows programming and its convenient graphics capabilities. While the book is aimed at a technical audience, its mathematical content is modest and should be readable by most people with an interest in C++ programming. Readers are introduced to Windows programming in a natural way; making use of the object-oriented environment, the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and the document/view organization. Visual C++ is part of Microsoft's Visual Studio and provides full support of program development at all stages — from design to debugging.This second edition brings the original book up to date reflecting the evolution of Visual C++ and the Windows environment since the first edition. All example projects, figures and text in the book have been revised and coverage of touch screen developments has been added. Two new chapters on touch screen programming are based on programming strategies developed throughout the book. New examples demonstrate touch screen operations and consider programming for a tablet environment. More than seventy example projects are provided in the book's Companion Media Pack. The structure and coding for each example project are described thoroughly in a step-by-step fashion. Exercises at the end of each chapter provide opportunities to revisit and extend the tutorial examples. The media pack files include complete program code for all projects as well as files with classes and functions for handling geometric objects and graphs. The graphics examples require only standard Microsoft resources and may be easily adapted for a wide variety of application programs.The Companion Media Pack can be readily updated as Visual C++ continues to evolve. For example, the first update of the media pack was made after the release of a new version of Visual C++. It provides a full set of example projects developed with the new version as an addition to the book's original examples. Continuing updates of the media pack are planned as appropriate.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd More Physics With Matlab (With Companion Media Pack)
This text continues the exploration of the use of MATLAB tools and features in visualizing physical processes. The symbolic math packages are important in solving those problems which are amenable to closed form solution, while the numerical packages are used for the remaining problems. The results for the solutions use the MATLAB graphics packages to help visualize the properties of the solutions. User dialogues are designed to allow users to change the input parameters in order to see how the dynamics of the solutions depends on the parameters of the specific problem. In particular movies are used to display the dynamical evolution of solutions in time.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Little Red Dot, The: Reflections Of Foreign Ambassadors On Singapore - Volume Iii
The first two volumes of The Little Red Dot series covered a wide range of views about Singapore's diplomacy by Singaporean diplomats. This new addition to the series offers a complementary perspective of Singapore and its bilateral relations, through the eyes of past heads of missions from foreign countries who have served as ambassadors to Singapore. The reader will be able to glean insights from the foreign diplomats who took an active role in getting to know Singapore, and at the same time, also worked hard to promote their respective countries' interests. As seen from their perspectives, the reader can learn more about what was unique about Singapore, what they learnt and what made their postings to Singapore memorable. These candid reflections will allow Singaporean readers to understand how different elements of our country are often seen as a whole, and how that in turn contributes to the impressions that our foreign friends have of Singapore. Often cited by the contributors are the success of Singapore's economic development, our cohesive multi-cultural and multi-religious society, our good governance, our education system and opportunities for the young. These aspects that are highlighted, among others, are what makes Singapore unique and they are also important to Singapore's future. There were, of course, some critical comments on some aspects of our culture and political arrangements. We should evaluate them with an open mind, always willing to learn from our friends.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ancient Silk Trade Routes: Selected Works From Symposium On Cross Cultural Exchanges And Their Legacies In Asia
As key nodes that connected ancient silk routes traversing China, Japan and India, trading hubs, towns and cities in Java and Sumatra and other places in Asia were key destination points for merchants, monks and other itinerants plying these routes.Recent archaeological excavations in countries bordering the South China Sea and around the Indian Ocean unveiled remarkable similarities in artifacts recovered both on land and from the sea. The similarities underlined the many facets of regional exchanges and cross-cultural influences among people and places in these networks. Some of the findings indicate a distinct Chinese presence in the commercial, social and religious activities of these early Asian trading posts.This book collects papers from the symposium on Ancient Silk Trade Routes — Cross Cultural Exchanges and Their Legacies in Asia. It explores several threads arising from this regional exchange of goods and ideas, in particular, the cross-cultural dimensions of the exchanges in the areas of textile trade, ceramic routes, trading hubs, arts and artifacts and Buddhism.