Search results for ""author greg""
Marvel Comics Deadly Hands of Kung Fu Gang War
Marvel heroes and crime lords of New York City clash in the blockbuster event Gang War, but with his recent takeover of his father''s criminal organzation, which side is Shang-Chi on? With the costumed defenders of the Big Apple locked in conflict with villains vying for control of the underworld, Shang-Chi must play both sides against the other in a dangerous game of deception! When he became leader of his family''s Five Weapons Society, he promised to use it for good - but friends and foes alike have been unsure of his true intentions. Now, the stakes of Gang War will force Shang-Chi''s hand as he vows to protect Chinatown... and use the opportunity to eliminate the Five Weapon Society''s biggest rivals! He''ll use his world-class fighting skills as well as deceit, calculation and manipulation to navigate the battlefields - learning along the way that the Art of War is all about the shades of gray! Collecting: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: Gang War (2023) 1-3
John Wiley & Sons Inc Retirement Fail: The 9 Reasons People Flunk Post-Work Life and How to Ace Your Own
There are nine key reasons people fail at retirement—and they’re not what you think. Are you working to avoid these major retirement fails? Every day, people just like you, people who have worked hard and saved carefully for retirement, make decisions that will eventually crack their nest egg. Just because you added to your 401(k) or IRA plan every year, invested wisely, and amassed significant savings, you are not necessarily home free. Ready or not, your decisions all along the retirement path can positively or negatively affect your financial future. In Retirement Fail, top financial advisor Greg Sullivan shares the insights he has gained over his thirty-five-year career in wealth management to help you identify potential pitfalls and learn how to safeguard your hard-earned retirement assets. Because, contrary to what most people think, it is not poor portfolio performance that usually busts your retirement accounts. Rather, it’s the emotional decisions you make that can cause major problems. Whether it’s buying a vacation home that is beyond your reach, subsidizing your adult kids to a degree that is ill advised, or passing on the umbrella insurance your advisor recommended, the choices you make have an enormous effect on whether you’ll be able to enjoy the comfortable retirement you’ve dreamed about. Retirement Fail: Lays out the nine common hazards that trip up otherwise well-prepared retirees, encouraging you to think through your decisions and set a course aligned with your values and your ultimate goals Goes beyond traditional financial advice, using personal stories to illustrate how others have become mired in—or solved—these financial dilemmas Creates a valuable framework you can use to chart your path or begin conversations with your advisor, so that you can act to protect your financial independence The numerical side of financial planning is one thing—the far more difficult task is looking at the way the decisions we make impact our own future and those around us. Whether you are working with a financial advisor or are going it alone, Retirement Fail shows you the points you need to pay attention to and helps you figure out what your priorities are—and what tradeoffs you may have to make in order to achieve them.
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Argentina the Culture Lands Peoples Cultures
CABI Publishing Cultural Attractions and European Tourism
Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the most important of the global tourism markets. Europe hosts a vast treasure house of cultural attractions and the level of competition between cities, regions and nations to attract cultural tourists is increasing. This book reviews the cultural tourism market in Europe, based on recent surveys. It analyses the way in which cultural attractions are produced for and used by cultural tourists and pays attention to specific types of cultural attractions including museums, art galleries, monuments and heritage attractions and the management, marketing and cultural issues surrounding them.
Duke University Press Flyboy 2: The Greg Tate Reader
Since launching his career at the Village Voice in the early 1980s Greg Tate has been one of the premiere critical voices on contemporary Black music, art, literature, film, and politics. Flyboy 2 provides a panoramic view of the past thirty years of Tate's influential work. Whether interviewing Miles Davis or Ice Cube, reviewing an Azealia Banks mixtape or Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog, discussing visual artist Kara Walker or writer Clarence Major, or analyzing the ties between Afro-futurism, Black feminism, and social movements, Tate's resounding critical insights illustrate how race, gender, and class become manifest in American popular culture. Above all, Tate demonstrates through his signature mix of vernacular poetics and cultural theory and criticism why visionary Black artists, intellectuals, aesthetics, philosophies, and politics matter to twenty-first-century America.
University of Pennsylvania Press Corporations and Citizenship
President Theodore Roosevelt once proclaimed, "Great corporations exist only because they are created and safeguarded by our institutions, and it is therefore our right and duty to see that they work in harmony with those institutions." But while corporations are ostensibly regulated by citizens through their governments, the firms in turn regulate many aspects of social and political life for individuals beyond their own employees and the communities that support them. Corporations are endowed with many of the same rights as citizens, such as freedom of speech, but are not themselves typically constituted around ideals of national belonging and democracy. In the wake of the global financial collapse of 2008, the question of what relationship corporations should have to governing institutions has only increased in urgency. As a democratically sanctioned social institution, should a corporation operate primarily toward profit accumulation or should its proper goal be to provision society with needed goods and services? Corporations and Citizenship addresses the role of modern for-profit corporations as a distinctive kind of social formation within democratic national states. Scholars of legal studies, business ethics, politics, history, and anthropology bring their perspectives to bear on particular case studies, such as Enron and Wall Street, as well as broader issues of belonging, social responsibility, for-profit higher education, and regulation. Together, these essays establish a complex and detailed understanding of the ways corporations contribute positively to human well-being as well as the dangers that they pose. Contributors: Joel Bakan, Jean Comaroff, John Comaroff, Cynthia Estlund, Louis Galambos, Rosalie Genova, Peter Gourevitch, Karen Ho, Nien-hê Hsieh, Walter Licht, Jonathan R. Macey, Hirokazu Miyazaki, Lynn Sharp Paine, Katharina Pistor, Amy J. Sepinwall, Jeffery Smith, Jeffrey L. Sturchio, Greg Urban.
University of British Columbia Press Hunting for Empire: Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70
Hunting for Empire offers a fresh cultural history of sportand imperialism. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives fromcultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyzethe themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. In doing so heproduces a unique theoretical lens through which to studynineteenth-century British big-game hunting and exploration narrativesfrom the western interior of Rupert’s Land. Sharply written and evocatively illustrated, Hunting forEmpire will appeal to students and scholars of culture, sport,geography, and history, and to general readers interested in stories ofhunting, empire, and the Canadian wilderness.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Wizard of Oz Choral Revue
Running Press,U.S. The Workout Bucket List: Over 300 Life-Changing Races, Epic Challenges, and Incredible Hikes, Bikes, Lifts, and Runs around the World, in Your Gym, or Right in Your Living Room
For most of us, exercise can be a dreaded task, one to be postponed, procrastinated, or avoided. We all know the excuses: exercise is boring; I don't have time for the gym; there's no room in my apartment; I need to be motivated. The real problem is that we're used to old fitness routines and the same monotonous gym equipment, but The Workout Bucket List promises that exercise can, and will, be fun again. Combine history, pop culture, travel, inspiration, and health and you've got the perfect book to help break down your mental barriers to shake up your fitness regimen. Author and fitness journalist Greg Presto suggests countless exercises and activities around the world-or in your very own home-for the ultimate fitness bucket list, whether it's biking with zebras, entering the Tour de Donut, climbing the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi, training like a Baywatch lifeguard, or starting your day with a workout that you might have done in the Titanic's gym. The Workout Bucket List is here to challenge you to try the world's toughest, most interesting, and fun workouts, inspiring the fitness adventurer in all of us.
Ebury Publishing Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most: The Instant New York Times Bestseller
'In a world beset by burnout, Greg McKeown's work is essential' -- Daniel H. Pink 'Effortless shows that achieving more doesn't have to be as hard as we make it out to be' -- Arianna HuffingtonNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER · A Times (UK) Best Book of the Year · From the author of the million-copy-selling Essentialism comes an empowering guide to achieving your goals. It all starts with a simple principle: Not everything has to be so hard. The intricacy of modern life has created a false dichotomy between things that are 'hard and important,' and those that are 'easy and trivial.' Everything has become so much harder than it ought to be. But, Greg McKeown, bestselling author of Essentialism, says, there is a third alternative.In Effortless, he offers practical tools for making the most essential activities the easiest ones, so you can achieve the results you want, without burning out. Honed over the better part of a decade, these strategies include:·Turning tedious tasks into enjoyable rituals·Preventing frustration by solving problems before they arise ·Setting a sustainable pace instead of powering through·Making one-time choices that eliminate many future decisions·Making relationships easier to maintain and manage·And much more McKeown's philosophy of essentialism has helped thousands to recognise that the effortless way isn't the lazy way. It's the smart way. Not every hard thing in life can be made easy but we can make it easier to do more of what matters most. Effortless will show you how.
The History Press Ltd Hannibal and Scipio: pocket GIANTS
In 218, Hannibal Barca, desperate to avenge the defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War, launched an ambitious ground invasion of Italy. With just a small force, he crossed the Alps – a feat reckoned to be impossible – and pitted his polyglot army against Rome’s elite citizen infantry. At Cannae, in 216, Hannibal destroyed an 80,000-strong Roman force in one afternoon, delivering a blow unequalled in Roman history for half a millennium to come. The Romans had no answer to Hannibal until the young Scipio volunteered to take over Rome’s armies in Spain, which were close to defeat, and left leaderless by the death of Scipio’s own father and uncle. In the decade which followed, Scipio turned Rome’s desperate fortunes into a stunning victory over Carthage. The portrait of Hannibal and Scipio takes the reader through one of the greatest military campaigns in history, driven by two remarkable and fascinating men.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Career Conversations: How to Get the Best from Your Talent Pool
University of California Press After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics
This book illuminates various aspects of a central but unexplored area of American history: the midcentury Japanese American experience. A vast and ever-growing literature exists, first on the entry and settlement of Japanese immigrants in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, then on the experience of the immigrants and their American-born children during World War II. Yet the essential question, "What happened afterwards?" remains all but unanswered in historical literature. Excluded from the wartime economic boom and scarred psychologically by their wartime ordeal, the former camp inmates struggled to remake their lives in the years that followed. This volume consists of a series of case studies that shed light on various developments relating to Japanese Americans in the aftermath of their wartime confinement, including resettlement nationwide, the mental and physical readjustment of the former inmates, and their political engagement, most notably in concert with other racialized and ethnic minority groups.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Trading Tools and Tactics, + Website: Reading the Mind of the Market
From the founder of the leading online trading education company, a simple technical method to trade or invest Many trading books present esoteric trading concepts and complicated indicators that may look good on paper when viewing the past, but prove ineffective in the real world. Trading Tools and Tactics: Reading the Mind of the Market doesn't just make investing look easy; it makes trading easy by teaching you not only how to identify price moves, but by helping you understand why prices move the way they do. Covers managing trades and setting entries and stops, and helps you view how failed trades or chart patterns of the past can become new opportunities Describes how to identify and understand supply and demand as it relates to resistance and support, as well as how to combine and read multiple time frames that offer the best opportunity to take profits Details both concepts and practical tools to use for life, not just the current market Investing is all about finding the right price patterns to profit from by understanding support, resistance, trends, and volume?as well as identifying the best time frames to trade. Trading Tools shows you how to do just this.
Scholastic Inc. MathTerpieces The Art of ProblemSolving
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychology’s Dream of the Courtroom
Unique analysis of the interaction between psychoanalysis and the law. Applies findings to the practice of analysis. Interdisciplinary perspective which includes psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, law and psychology more broadly.
University of Washington Press The Unsung Great: Stories of Extraordinary Japanese Americans
From a title-winning boxer in Louisiana to a Broadway baritone in New York, Japanese Americans have long belied their popular representation as “quiet Americans.” Showcasing the lives and achievements of relatively unknown but remarkable people in Nikkei history, scholar and journalist Greg Robinson reveals the diverse experiences of Japanese Americans and explores a wealth of themes, including mixed-race families, artistic pioneers, mass confinement, civil rights activism, and queer history. Drawn primarily from Robinson’s popular writings in the San Francisco newspaper Nichi Bei Weekly and community website Discover Nikkei, The Unsung Great offers entertaining and compelling stories that challenge one-dimensional views of Japanese Americans. This collection breaks new ground by devoting attention to Nikkei beyond the West Coast—including the vibrant communities of New York and Chicago, as well as the little-known history of Japanese Americans in the US South. Expertly researched and accessibly written, The Unsung Great brings to light a constellation of varied and incredible life stories.
University of Notre Dame Press Gay, Catholic, and American: My Legal Battle for Marriage Equality and Inclusion
Catholic Greg Bourke's profoundly moving memoir about growing up gay and overcoming discrimination in the battle for same-sex marriage in the US. In this compelling and deeply affecting memoir, Greg Bourke recounts growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, and living as a gay Catholic. The book describes Bourke’s early struggles for acceptance as an out gay man living in the South during the 1980s and ’90s, his unplanned transformation into an outspoken gay rights activist after being dismissed as a troop leader from the Boy Scouts of America in 2012, and his historic role as one of the named plaintiffs in the landmark United States Supreme Court decision Obergefell vs. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015. After being ousted by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), former Scoutmaster Bourke became a leader in the movement to amend antigay BSA membership policies. The Archdiocese of Louisville, because of its vigorous opposition to marriage equality, blocked Bourke’s return to leadership despite his impeccable long-term record as a distinguished boy scout leader. But while making their home in Louisville, Bourke and his husband, Michael De Leon, have been active members at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church for more than three decades, and their family includes two adopted children who attended Lourdes school and were brought up in the faith. Over many years and challenges, this couple has managed to navigate the choppy waters of being openly gay while integrating into the fabric of their parish life community. Bourke is unapologetically Catholic, and his faith provides the framework for this inspiring story of how the Bourke De Leon family struggled to overcome antigay discrimination by both the BSA and the Catholic Church and fought to legalize same-sex marriage across the country. Gay, Catholic, and American is an illuminating account that anyone, no matter their ideological orientation, can read for insight. It will appeal to those interested in civil rights, Catholic social justice, and LGBTQ inclusion.
University of Notre Dame Press Gay, Catholic, and American: My Legal Battle for Marriage Equality and Inclusion
Catholic Greg Bourke's profoundly moving memoir about growing up gay and overcoming discrimination in the battle for same-sex marriage in the US. In this compelling and deeply affecting memoir, Greg Bourke recounts growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, and living as a gay Catholic. The book describes Bourke’s early struggles for acceptance as an out gay man living in the South during the 1980s and ’90s, his unplanned transformation into an outspoken gay rights activist after being dismissed as a troop leader from the Boy Scouts of America in 2012, and his historic role as one of the named plaintiffs in the landmark United States Supreme Court decision Obergefell vs. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015. After being ousted by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), former Scoutmaster Bourke became a leader in the movement to amend antigay BSA membership policies. The Archdiocese of Louisville, because of its vigorous opposition to marriage equality, blocked Bourke’s return to leadership despite his impeccable long-term record as a distinguished boy scout leader. But while making their home in Louisville, Bourke and his husband, Michael De Leon, have been active members at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church for more than three decades, and their family includes two adopted children who attended Lourdes school and were brought up in the faith. Over many years and challenges, this couple has managed to navigate the choppy waters of being openly gay while integrating into the fabric of their parish life community. Bourke is unapologetically Catholic, and his faith provides the framework for this inspiring story of how the Bourke De Leon family struggled to overcome antigay discrimination by both the BSA and the Catholic Church and fought to legalize same-sex marriage across the country. Gay, Catholic, and American is an illuminating account that anyone, no matter their ideological orientation, can read for insight. It will appeal to those interested in civil rights, Catholic social justice, and LGBTQ inclusion.
Columbia University Press Cold War Modernists Art Literature and American Cultural Diplomacy
The University of Chicago Press The Colorful Apocalypse: Journeys in Outsider Art
The Reverend Howard Finster was twenty feet tall, suspended in darkness. Or so he appeared in the documentary film that introduced a teenaged Greg Bottoms to the renowned outsider artist whose death would help inspire him, fourteen years later, to travel the country. Beginning in Georgia with a trip to Finster's famous "Paradise Gardens", his journey - of which "The Colorful Apocalypse" is a masterly chronicle - provides an unparalleled look into the lives and visionary works of some of Finster's contemporaries: the self-taught evangelical artists whose beliefs and oeuvres occupy the gray area between madness and Christian ecstasy. With his prodigious gift for conversation and quietly observant storytelling, Bottoms draws us into the worlds of such figures as William Thomas Thompson, a handicapped ex-millionaire who painted a 300-foot version of the book of Revelation; Norbert Kox, an ex-member of the Outlaws biker gang who now lives as a recluse in rural Wisconsin and paints apocalyptic visual parables; and Myrtice West, who began painting to express the revelatory visions she had after her daughter was brutally murdered. These artists' works are as wildly varied as their life stories, but without sensationalizing or patronizing them, Bottoms - one of today's finest young writers - gets at the heart of what they have in common: the struggle to make sense, through art, of their difficult personal histories. In doing so, he weaves a true narrative as powerful as the art of its subjects, a work that is at once an enthralling travelogue, a series of revealing biographical portraits, and a profound meditation on the chaos of despair and the ways in which creativity can help order our lives.
Little, Brown & Company Baloney and Friends: Going Up!
Three-time Theodor Seuss Geisel Award recipient Greg Pizzoli presents the second Baloney and Friends book that Dav Pilkey declares "will inspire young readers to write and draw their own stories"-now in paperback edition!Baloney and friends will have newly independent readers giggling their way through more day-to-day adventures in the second book of this pitch-perfect graphic novel series. Whether it's writing the lyrics to their own original theme song, having an epic sleepover in a tent, discovering a wonderful new device that lets them reach for the sky, or thinking deep (or deeply funny) thoughts about the world around them, this new collection of mini-tales and three mini-comics will have you cheering and rooting for Baloney the pig, Bizz the bumblebee, Peanut the horse, and everyone's favorite grumpy rabbit, Krabbit! And at the end, readers will learn to draw each character with different facial expressions and emotions by following clear step-by-step instructions.
Little, Brown & Company Baloney and Friends: Dream Big!
Three-time Theodor Seuss Geisel Award recipient Greg Pizzoli presents the third Baloney and Friends book that Dav Pilkey declares "will inspire young readers to write and draw their own stories"!In the third book of this pitch-perfect graphic novel series for newly independent readers, Baloney and friends are reaching for the stars-but not without some funny obstacles along the way! Whether they're creating a masterpiece, destroying a birthday cake, or debating online comments about themselves, these lovable characters know how to dream big! This new collection of mini-tales and three mini-comics will have you cheering and rooting for Baloney the pig, Bizz the bumblebee, Peanut the horse, and everyone's favorite grumpy rabbit, Krabbit! And at the end, readers will learn how to make their own comics by following clear step-by-step instructions.
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd Lake District Bouldering: The LakesBloc guidebook
Lake District Bouldering is the long-awaited guide to bouldering in the Lake District National Park. Written by Greg Chapman, one of the pioneers of bouldering in the Lakes, it features almost 3,000 individually numbered problems and dozens of variations and linkups at over 70 venues.Greg created the LakesBloc website in 2003 with the sole aim of providing the very best online information relating to bouldering in the Lakes and surrounding areas. Lake District Bouldering builds on LakesBloc and brings together this huge amount of information in a comprehensive guidebook for the very first time. This guide is split into five sections: South-East, South-West, North-East, North-West and South Lakes Limestone. Featured crags include old-school venues such as the Langdale Boulders, the Bowderstone, Woodwell and Armathwaite; recently developed areas such as the Harter Gold Boulders in Dunnerdale and the Stirrup Stones in Wasdale, and nationally significant spots including Carrock Fell, Kentmere and St Bees Head.Each crag features detailed access and approach information, including GPS coordinates for parking and crag grid references, together with conditions information and local knowledge. Alongside superb action photography, there are over 700 colour photo topos, plus overview and topo maps. A reference section with Ordnance Survey maps is included for selected mountain crags, and a detailed appendix includes everything you need to plan a visit: tourist information centres, cafes and pubs, campsites and accommodation, gear shops, climbing walls, and useful websites.
Cornerstone Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike
'The marketing genius behind Nike . . . Greg Hoffman has inspired me tremendously' Steven Bartlett, author of Happy Sexy Millionaire How did Nike go from being a small sneaker brand to the world's most revered company? Why do its campaigns - from 'Just do it' to the famous Nike swoosh - capture the imaginations of millions worldwide? And what can any founder or marketer learn from them? Greg Hoffman joined Nike as 22-year-old design intern. Over the next thirty years, he would help craft some of the most iconic campaigns in history - for Ronaldo and Serena, Olympic Games and World Cup finals. Now, he unveils a transformative method that will make any brand more creative: emotion by design.'Great story, amazing career, so inspirational . . . I couldn't put it down' Chris Evans'The ultimate playbook to unleash creativity in any team' Jake Humphrey, author of High Performance'An unforgettable account of a man and a business that never had to try to be someone else's idea of cool - because they had already defined it themselves' Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman of Ogilvy and author of Alchemy'Brilliant . . . Hoffman draws on a lifetime of experience at Nike to reveal how any team can make brand connections stronger' Nir Eyal, author of Hooked'This book made me smile in my soul' Mary Portas'Remarkable . . . A distinctive framework that will help marketers and creatives connect with their audiences like never before' Jonah Berger, author of Contagious
The Crowood Press Ltd A-Z of Italian Motorcycle Manufacturers
Italian motorcycles have a place in history - and many enthusiast's hearts - out of all proportion to the numbers that been built. If the number of motorcycles built by Italian manufacturers is small, the sheer number of Italian motorcycle factories will surprise readers. A-Z of Italian Motorcycle Manufacturers is the most complete directory of Italian motorcycles available today. In addition to covering the most famous Italian factories, this is a definitive guide to the marques that have had little or no coverage. Some might be familiar, while others are remembered for their racing achievements, and many will never had been heard of by most readers. This new book includes: entries for every marque where it was possible to establish when and where the factories were active; details of the most important motorcycles each manufacturer built, and the marques' greatest achievements; the history of the once great factories and finally, an appendix lists the other, less well-known manufacturers.
Dynamite Entertainment Lilo Stitch Vol. 1 OHana
Get ready for a new adventure with the irrepressible pair, LILO & STITCH. Life seems to have calmed down for Experiment 626 and his new family on Earth at least until evil aliens come hunting for everyone's favorite blue-furred troublemaker. The kicker? They're using giant robots that are powered by Stitch's own DNA! Will Lilo's beloved pet be able to take on these villains and lead them away from his adopted planet and loved ones? And even if he succeeds, will he be able to find his way back home?Brought to you by superstar writer GREG PAK (Darth Vader, Mech Cadets) and artist GIULIA GIACOMINO!
James Lorimer & Company Ltd John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Year Canada Was Cool
John Lennon was the world's biggest rock star in the late Sixties. With his new wife Yoko Ono, the duo were icons of the peace movement denouncing the Vietnam War. In 1969, at the height of their popularity, they headed to Canada. Canada was already a politically charged place. In 1968, Pierre Elliott Trudeau rode a wave of popularity dubbed Trudeaumania for its similarities to the Beatlemania of the era. The sexual revolution, hippie culture, the New Left and the peace movement were challenging norms, frightening the authorities and provoking backlash. Quebec nationalism was putting the power of the English-speaking minority running the province on the defensive, and threatening the breakup of the country. John Lennon and Yoko Ono staged a "bed-in for peace" at an upscale downtown Montreal hotel. The couple, aided by the CBC, saw a steady stream of journalists, musicians and activists arriving for interviews, political discussions, singing and art-making. The classic Give Peace A Chance was recorded there with the help of local Quebecois musicians. Three months later they were back in Canada with Eric Clapton and other friends to play a concert festival in Toronto arranged by local promoters. American acts like Little Richard, The Doors, Bo Diddley and Alice Cooper, along with many Canadian pop musicians of the time, played at the festival. At year's end, the duo met with Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa. By this time Trudeau was cracking down on dissent, mainly in Quebec, and falling out of favour with the counterculture crowd, John and Yoko included. Recounting the story of these events, historian Greg Marquis offers a unique portrayal of Canadian society in the late Sixties, recounting how politicians, activists, police, artists, musicians and businesses across Canada reacted to John and Yoko';s presence and message. John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Year Canada Was Cool is an illuminating and entertaining read for anyone interested in this fascinating moment in Canadian history.
Hodder & Stoughton Man with a Hammer
Many of us dream of a renovation project, but few would be brave enough to take on a 8,200-square-foot, 30-room, 5-storey Georgian mansion on only a shoestring budget. But that''s exactly what Greg Penn did, buying the near-derelict Admiral''s House and embarking on an ambitious restoration plan.In this inspirational, informative book, Greg tells the story of his remarkable home, its journey to restoration and the deep history the house and surrounding area offer, alongside snippets of advice, budget-friendly tools and hacks and an exploration of each room as he''s unlocked history and restored the house bit-by-bit to its former glory.Man with a Hammer is a visual feast and a manifesto on ''having a go'' and tackling the undoable with understated elegance and optimism.
Austin Macauley Publishers The Holy Lands of the Bible
Brewers Publications Scotch Ale
Greg Noonan spent years researching the brewing history and techniques of this legendary ale. In this book, he presents his keen insights into yeast, hops, water, and brewing conditions to help you brew a superior batch of Scotch ale.
The Play Press Me & Robert McKee
Eye Books The Antipodeans
First UK publication of the epic wartime love story that took New Zealand by storm
Greystone Books,Canada I Am Nobody: Confronting the Sexually Abusive Coach Who Stole My Life
”I Am Nobody is an honest, tragic account of child sexual abuse and a powerful resource for individuals struggling with recovery. Gilhooly clearly highlights the shortcomings of the Canadian justice system’s approach; hopefully, one day, the punishment will fit the crime." —Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player and author of Why I Didn't Say Anything In this raw, unflinching look at how his dream of playing hockey was stolen from him by charismatic hockey coach and sexual predator Graham James, Greg Gilhooly describes in anguishing detail the mental torment he suffered both during and long after the abuse and the terrible reality behind the sanitized term “sexual assault.” Although James has been convicted of sexually assaulting some of his victims, including Sheldon Kennedy and Theo Fleury, he neither confessed in court nor was convicted of sexually assaulting many of his other victims, including Gilhooly, depriving him of the judicial closure he craved. Gilhooly also provides a valuable legal perspective—as both a victim and a lawyer—missing from other such memoirs, and he delivers a powerful indictment of a legal system that, he argues, does not adequately deal with serial sexual child abuse or allocate enough resources to the rehabilitation of the victim. Most important, Gilhooly offers hope, affirmation, and inspiration for those who have suffered abuse and for their loved ones.
Wilderness Press 50 Best Short Hikes in Utah's National Parks
APress Java on the Raspberry Pi: Develop Java Programs to Control Devices for Robotics, IoT, and Beyond
Use Java to do whatever you want to do with the Raspberry Pi and the devices you need for your project. In theory, it should be possible, and even easy, to work with on the Pi. Unfortunately, reality is a bit different. This book features an extensive set of techniques that allow you to get close to bringing this theory to fruition.You'll review some limitations on using Java imposed by the Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi OS, and even Java itself, and examine which ones might apply to your projects and your devices. You'll also explore solutions to address the limitations and l look at efficient development of Java for the Raspberry Pi. Java on the Raspberry Pi shows how to interact with a range of devices useful in robotics and IOT, overcoming the hurdles in doing so. It also covers off-loading work from the Raspberry Pi to an Arduino, leveraging its close-to-real time capabilities. What You'll Learn Develop with Java remotely using NetBeans Leverage available libraries to enable device interaction, and what to do if they don’t work Implement multi-processing, using an Arduino as a co-processor Build sophisticated projects with multiple threads of execution, multiple processes, and even multiple systems Who This Book Is ForExperienced programmers who appreciate the benefits of Java and world class tools for application development and want to build robotics or IOT projects using the low cost, low power, and portability of the Raspberry Pi.
Cengage Learning, Inc SpiritLed Preaching
Preaching simply does not happen apart from the Holy Spirit. In fact, preaching is the Spirit's ministry! Spirit-Led Preaching helps readers understand preaching from the Spirit's point of view and teaches about the Spirit's role in both the preparation and delivery process, showing what it means to be truly empowered by the Spirit when you preach. It also explains the crucial connection between Word and Spirit as they depend on each other to bring about spiritual transformation in the lives of the congregation. This revised edition includes a new chapter on the congregation's role in relationship to the Spirit and preachinga subject not often mentioned in books on preaching. Spirit-led Preaching is a book written by a pastor to pastors and students of preaching and is filled with personal examples from the author's own preaching ministry. It has encouraged both novice students of preaching as well as seasoned pulpit veterans for over a decade. In 2007, Spirit-Led Preaching won first p
The Merlin Press Ltd Socialist Register 2024
Cengage Learning, Inc Microsoft Exam AZ-800: Guide to Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure
Packed with hands-on activities, Tomsho's MICROSOFT EXAM AZ-800: GUIDE TO ADMINISTERING WINDOWS SERVER HYBRID CORE INFRASTRUCTURE, 1st EDITION, empowers you to pass the Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate Exam AZ-800 while preparing for success as a cloud administrator, server administrator or network engineer. The goal of this text is to help you in providing optimal configuration between on-premises and cloud computing and storage resources, and to reap the maximum benefits of both.
Hachette Books Punk Paradox: A Memoir
Greg Graffin is the lead vocalist and songwriter of Bad Religion, recently described as "America's most significant punk band." Since its inception in Los Angeles in 1980, Bad Religion has produced 18 studio albums, become a long-running global touring powerhouse, and has established a durable legacy as one of the most influential punk rock bands of all time.Punk Paradox is Graffin's life narrative before and during L.A. punk's early years, detailing his observations on the genre's explosive growth and his band's steady rise in importance. The book begins by exploring Graffin's Midwestern roots and his life-changing move to Southern California in the mid-'70s. Swept up into the burgeoning punk scene in the exhilarating and often-violent streets of Los Angeles, Graffin and his friends formed Bad Religion, built a fanbase, and became a touring institution. All these activities took place in parallel with Graffin's never ceasing quest for intellectual enlightenment. Despite the demands of global tours, recording sessions, and dedication to songwriting, the author also balanced a budding academic career. In so doing, he managed to reconcile an improbable double-life as an iconic punk rock front man and University Lecturer in evolution.Graffin's unique experiences mirror the paradoxical elements that define the punk genre-the pop influence, the quest for society's betterment, music's unifying power-all of which are prime ingredients in its surprising endurance. Fittingly, this book argues against the traditional narrative of the popular perception of punk. As Bad Religion changed from year to year, the spirit of punk-and its sonic significance-lived on while Graffin was ever willing to challenge convention, debunk mythology, and liberate listeners from the chains of indoctrination.As insightful as it is exciting, this thought-provoking memoir provides both a fly on the wall history of the punk scene and astute commentary on its endurance and evolution.
HarperCollins Focus Greg Williams Photo Breakdowns: The Stories Behind 100 Portraits
Iconic celebrity photographer Greg Williams presents the release of his first book, illuminating the memorable stories and methodology behind the phenomenal photographs of 100 Hollywood stars.Have you ever wondered about the stories behind memorable photographs of some of the most famous people in the world? Why does Joaquin Phoenix look so relaxed eating a sandwich right after winning an Academy Award? Why was Cate Blanchett’s daughter running through her legs in a hotel at Cannes? Greg Williams Photo Breakdowns brings you behind the scenes of over 100 intimate and revealing images shot by one of today’s most in-demand photographers: Greg Williams.Learn the techniques of the master and draw on key tactics and skills Williams has accumulated throughout his extensive career. Whether describing how to frame a shot, leverage the lighting, or understand exposure, Williams emphasizes the importance of using photography as a means to tell stories, especially the stories that you want to tell. With a focus on authenticity, believability, and imperfection, Williams illuminates how he achieves these staggering shots.As the official photographer for the Oscars and a regular contributor to magazines such as Vanity Fair, Williams has unprecedented access to international celebrities, ranging from Brad Pitt and Daniel Craig to Beyoncé, Charlize Theron, and Adam Driver. And, more importantly, his rapport with his subjects results in singular photographs. See some of his favorite moments in Greg Williams Photo Breakdowns, and learn how he captured these incredible moments.
Titan Books Ltd Godzilla: King of the Monsters: The Official Movie Novelization
The official novelization of the summer blockbuster Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the latest film in the MonsterverseTM franchise, starring Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown, with Ken Watanabe and Ziyi Zhang. Godzilla: King of the Monsters follows the heroic efforts of the cryptozoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and its ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species - thought to be mere myths - rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance.
Hachette Book Group USA The Watermelon Seed
An overly-anxious reptile finds himself in the throes of despair after swallowing a watermelon seed. A hilarious board book romp for early readers.
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Gotcha Day: Adoption Tales of Remarkable Rescue Dogs
John Wiley & Sons Inc Excel 2019 For Dummies
The bestselling Excel book on the market — now in a new edition covering the latest version of Excel! Excel is the spreadsheet and data analysis tool of choice for people across the globe who utilize the Microsoft Office suite to make their work and personal lives easier. It is estimated that 1 in 7 people on the planet use Microsoft Office! If you’re one of them, and want to get up to speed on the latest changes in Excel, you’ve come to the right place. Excel 2019 For Dummies has been updated to reflect the major changes and features made to Excel and covers everything you need to know to perform any spreadsheet task at hand. It includes information on creating and editing worksheets, formatting cells, entering formulas, creating and editing charts, inserting graphs, designing database forms, adding database records, using seek-and-find options, printing, adding hyperlinks to worksheets, saving worksheets as web pages, adding existing worksheet data to an existing webpage, pivot tables, pivot charts, formulas and functions, Excel data analysis, sending worksheets via e-mail, and so much more! Get to know the new Excel interface Become a pro at the spreadsheet and data analysis tool that’s available as part of the Microsoft Office suite Find time-tested and trusted advice from bestselling author and expert Greg Harvey Use Excel to streamline your processes and make your work life easier than ever before Written by a bestselling author and seasoned educator, Excel 2019 For Dummies makes it easier than ever to get everything out of this powerful data tool.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC British Railways in the 1970s and ’80s
For British Rail, the 1970s was a time of contrasts, when bad jokes about sandwiches and pork pies often belied real achievements, like increasing computerisation and the arrival of the high-speed Inter-City 125s. But while television advertisements told of an ‘Age of the Train’, Monday morning misery continued for many, the commuter experience steadily worsening as rolling stock aged and grew ever more uncomfortable. Even when BR launched new electrification schemes and new suburban trains in the 1980s, focus still fell on the problems that beset the Advanced Passenger Train, whose ignominious end came under full media glare. In British Railways in the 1970s and ’80s, Greg Morse guides us through a world of Traveller’s Fare, concrete concourses and peak-capped porters, a difficult period that began with the aftershock of Beeching but ended with BR becoming the first nationalised passenger network in the world to make a profit.
HarperCollins Publishers Natchez Burning (Penn Cage, Book 4)
‘Extraordinarily entertaining and fiendishly suspenseful’ (Stephen King). ‘Terrific, engrossing’ (Sunday Times) The stunning new Penn Cage thriller in which a shocking murder from the 1960s finds new life - and victims - in the present. The sins of the past never die… Raised in Natchez, Mississippi, former prosecuting attorney Penn Cage learned all he knows of honour and duty from his father, Dr. Tom Cage. But now Tom stands accused of murdering on African-American nurse with whom he worked in the 1960s, when racist violence was at its peak. As he hunts for the truth, Penn uncovers a long-buried secret that could place his family in mortal danger- a conspiracy of greed and murder connected to a vicious sect of the KKK. Up against the most powerful men in the state, Penn faces an impossible choice: does a man of honour choose his father or justice?