Search results for ""author fritz""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Proper Treatment of Events
The Proper Treatment of Events offers a novel approach to the semantics of tense and aspect motivated by cognitive considerations. offers a new theory of the semantics of tense aspect and nominalizations that combines formal semantics and cognitive approaches written accessibly for students and scholars in theoretical linguists, as well as in philosophy of language, logic, cognitive science, and computer science accompanied by a website at ( that provides slides for instructors and background material for students
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Huldreich Zwinglis Samtliche Werke. Autorisierte Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Band 6/5: Werke Von Sommer Bis Herbst 1531. Nachtrage Zu Den Werken Und Briefen
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes 1st part
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cannabis - Philosophy for Everyone: What Were We Just Talking About?
The debate on the status and legality of cannabis continues to gain momentum. Here, personal anecdotes combined with academic and scientific reports combine to sharpen some of the fascinating philosophical issues associated with cannabis use. A frank, professionally informed and playful discussion of cannabis usage in relation to philosophical inquiry Considers the meaning of a ‘high’, the morality of smoking marijuana for pleasure, the slippery slope to more dangerous drugs, and the human drive to alter our consciousness Not only incorporates contributions from philosophers, psychologists, sociologists or legal, pharmacological, and medical experts, but also non-academics associated with the cultivation, distribution, and sale of cannabis Brings together an international team of writers from the United States, Canada, UK, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, and New Zealand
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sailing - Philosophy For Everyone: Catching the Drift of Why We Sail
This volume reveals the wisdom we can learn from sailing, a sport that pits human skills against the elements, tests the mettle and is a rich source of valuable lessons in life. Unravels the philosophical mysteries behind one of the oldest organized human activities Features contributions from philosophers and academics as well as from sailors themselves Enriches appreciation of the sport by probing its meaning and value Brings to life the many applications of philosophy to sailing and the profound lessons it can teach us A thought-provoking read for sailors and philosophers alike
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Phänomene und Diskurse des Interreligiösen: Beiträge aus christlicher Perspektive
Das Phänomen der Begegnung zwischen verschiedenen Religionen ist vermutlich so alt wie die Menschheit und besteht seitdem sie religiös kommuniziert. Die Räume der Begegnung und die Diskurse, die sich daran entzünden, verändern sich dagegen ständig. Der vorliegende Band vereint Beiträge der internationalen Tagung "Formen und Funktionen der Interreligiosität", die im Oktober 2018 in Heidelberg stattfand, mit Beiträgen weiterer Autoren, um den Phänomenen und Diskursen des Interreligiösen aus christlicher Sicht auf die Spur zu kommen. Der Bogen spannt sich von den Diskursen in biblischen Texten und der Geschichte anderer Religionsgemeinschaften über die zeitgenössische systematisch-theologische Diskussion und Ansätze einer normativen Fassung des Themas hin zu den Phänomenen in konkreten Handlungsfeldern der Gegenwart und im Alltag der Angehörigen der verschiedenen Religionsgemeinschaften.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Fafhrd And The Gray Mouser Omnibus
Quarto Publishing PLC Great Houses of London
Discover the stories of some of the most breathaking and historic great houses of London, along with their secrets, in this lavishly illustrated compedium. London has a wealth of truly stunning great houses, seen by many as one of the marvels of English architecture, and yet to many their histories, their interiors and their occupants remain unknown. This book, illustrated throughout with sumptuous photography of these breathaking residences, reveals to us this secret world of riches and splendour. From the baroque and imposing magnificence of 10 Downing Street, perhaps London's most famous address, to the extraordinary Pre-Raphaelite mosaics of Debenham House to the confident, futuristic steel and glass of the Richard Rogers House in Chelsea, this book showcases these properties and details their origin as well as the many transformations they have undergone from their construction to the present day. There are many architectural wonders, among them Robert Adam's 20 St James’s Square and William Burges’s Tower House. Several — including Bridgewater House with its Raphaels and Titians — have held great art collections. These are houses that hold extraordinary stories: half the Cabinet resigned after breakfast at Stratford House; and on 4 August 1914, at 9 Carlton House Terrace — then the German Embassy — young duty clerk Harold Nicholson deftly substituted one declaration of war for another. With photography by the world-famous and multi-award winning Fritz von der Schulenburg, this title brings these houses to life in all their grandeur, and text from historian and author James Stourton delves into the many fascinating stories hidden behind the walls of these homes.Great Houses of London opens the door to some of the greatest and grandest houses in the world to tell the stories of their owners and occupants, artists and architects, their restoration, adaptation and change. Now available in a more compact format.
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst Jana Gunstheimer: Image in Meditation
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Huldreich Zwinglis Samtliche Werke. Autorisierte Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Band 10: Briefwechsel, 4: 1529 - Juni 1530
Cengage Learning, Inc Mystery of the Roman Ransom
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Hunting - Philosophy for Everyone: In Search of the Wild Life
Hunting - Philosophy for Everyone presents a collection of readings from academics and non-academics alike that move beyond the ethical justification of hunting to investigate less traditional topics and offer fresh perspectives on why we hunt. The only recent book to explicitly examine the philosophical issues surrounding hunting Shatters many of the stereotypes about hunting, forcing us to rethink the topic Features contributions from a wide range of academic and non-academic sources, including both hunters and non-hunters
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style
If you just can't decide what to wear, this enlightening guide will lead you through the diverse and sometimes contradictory aspects of fashion in a series of lively, entertaining and thoughtful essays from prominent philosophers and writers. A unique and enlightening insight into the underlying philosophy behind the power of fashion Contributions address issues in fashion from a variety of viewpoints, including aesthetics, the nature of fashion and fashionability, ethics, gender and identity politics, and design Includes a foreword by Jennifer Baumgardner, feminist author, activist and cultural critic, editor of Ms magazine (1993-7) and regular contributor to major women's magazines including Glamour and Marie-Claire
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Structural Energetics in Zero Balancing Bodywork
Written by a well-established teacher of the practice, this guide to the mind-body therapy Zero Balancing is aimed at bodyworkers and all complementary medicine practitioners who work with qi. Zero Balancing uses hands-on conscious touch to address the relationship between energy and the structures of the body and clears blocks in energy flow to allow greater postural alignment and vitality. Rooting the esoteric aspects of qi and energy in a practical bodywork approach, the book is essential reading for any practitioner wishing to develop their awareness skills and access the world of energy medicine.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Arbeitssoziologie: Band 1: Arbeit, Strukturen und Prozesse
Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die bisherigen Entwicklungen und den gegenwärtigen Stand zentraler Themenbereiche der Arbeitssoziologie. Das Handbuch vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen und gibt wichtige Forschungsbereiche und Diskurse der Arbeitssoziologie wieder. Theoriebestände und empirische Ergebnisse werden aufbereitet, um wesentliche Konzepte und Perspektiven des Faches erkennbar zu machen. Gerade in der gegenwärtigen Phase tiefgreifender Umbrüche in den Formen und Erscheinungsweisen von Arbeit ist ein Blick auf den breiten Bestand von Theorien, Konzepten und Begriffen sowie empirischen Befunden eine wichtige Grundlage für Ausbildung, Forschung und Praxis. Aus dieser Perspektive werden in den Beiträgen gegenwärtige Entwicklungen von Arbeit beschrieben, aktuelle Konzepte für deren Analyse vorgestellt und neue Herausforderungen für die Forschung umrissen.
Thieme Publishing Group Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Technique and Cases
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Technique and Cases is a comprehensive and timely introduction to a significant technological advance in breast cancer imaging. This state-of-the-art guide explains the technique of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), describes results from available clinical studies, offers recommendations for the use of DBT in routine practice, and discusses the latest developments and possible future trends in DBT. The main part of the book contains 45 highly illustrated case reports that allow readers to explore the practical aspects of DBT and deepen their knowledge of this important new modality in breast imaging. Key Features: Presents 45 superbly illustrated case reports showcasing the application of DBT to clinical practice Examines the results of all currently available clinical trials and studies Evaluates the use of DBT alongside mammography and versus mammography Includes high-quality images from the various modalities in breast imaging: 2D mammography, DBT, and ultrasound, to enable comparison of their strengths and limitations Combines expertise in the fields of radiology and gynecology with an interdisciplinary team of contributors Provides video clips of the DBT data set for most cases on the Thieme MediaCenter Authoritative and up to date, this volume is essential for radiology practitioners, residents, and fellows who wish to learn about the potential of DBT and stay at the forefront of technological developments in their field. The wealth of clinically relevant information is useful for any radiologist considering the establishment of DBT as a new imaging tool in their practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone: Philosophers With Benefits
Written with insight and humor, College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone investigates a broad array of philosophical issues relating to student sex. Examines the ethical issues of dating, cheating, courtship, homosexual experimentation, and drug and alcohol use Considers student-teacher relationships, sexual experimentation, the meaning of sex in a college setting and includes two essays based on influential research projects on ‘friends with benefits’ Many of the authors teach classes that explore the philosophy of love and sex, and most are scholars from the Society of the Philosophy of Sex and Love
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology
By combining excerpts from key historical writings with commentary by experts, Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science from ancient to modern times. Provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science, from antiquity up to the 20th century Includes extensive commentary by scholars putting the selected writings in historical context and pointing out their interconnections Covers areas rarely seen in philosophy of science texts, including the philosophical dimensions of biology, chemistry, and geology Designed to be accessible to both undergraduates and graduate students
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology
By combining excerpts from key historical writings with commentary by experts, Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science from ancient to modern times. Provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science, from antiquity up to the 20th century Includes extensive commentary by scholars putting the selected writings in historical context and pointing out their interconnections Covers areas rarely seen in philosophy of science texts, including the philosophical dimensions of biology, chemistry, and geology Designed to be accessible to both undergraduates and graduate students
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
Part of the Blackwell Readings in the History of Philosophy series, this survey of late modern philosophy focuses on the key texts and philosophers of the period whose beliefs changed the course of western thought. Gathers together the key texts from the most significant and influential philosophers of the late modern era to provide a thorough introduction to the period. Features the writings of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Rousseau, Bentham and other leading thinkers. Examines such topics as empiricism, rationalism, and the existence of God. Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
This collection of readings with extensive editorial commentary brings together key texts of the most influential philosophers of the medieval era to provide a comprehensive introduction for students of philosophy. Features the writings of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, John Duns Scotus and other leading medieval thinkers Features several new translations of key thinkers of the medieval era, including John Buridan and Averroes Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Yoga - Philosophy for Everyone: Bending Mind and Body
Stimulates thoughts and expands awareness of the philosophical dimensions of yoga in its many forms and practices Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone presents a wide array of perspectives by people whose lives have been touched by yoga. Addressing myriad aspects of yoga's divergent paths, topics include body image for men and women; the religious and spiritual aspects of yoga; and issues relating to ethics, personal growth, and the teaching of yoga. Written by philosophers and non-philosophers alike, with contributions from professional yoga instructors, lifelong practitioners, and first-timers, Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone offers a wealth of material for both enjoyment and deep reflection.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Der Wirkung Von Musik Auf Der Spur: Theorie Und Erforschung Der Komponenten
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Zur Sprache befreit - Diakonische Christologie: Theologischer Umgang mit dem Leiden
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hypomnemata.: Band 3
Theologischer Verlag Heinrich Bullinger. Werke: 2. Abteilung: Briefwechsel. Erganzungsband A: Addenda Und Gesamtregister Zu Band 1-10
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Huldreich Zwinglis Samtliche Werke. Autorisierte Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Band 9: Briefwechsel, Band 3: 1527-1528
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Semiconductor Quantum Bits
This book highlights state-of-the-art qubit implementations in semiconductors and provides an extensive overview of this newly emerging field. Semiconductor nanostructures have huge potential as future quantum information devices as they provide various ways of qubit implementation (electron spin, electronic excitation) as well as a way to transfer quantum information from stationary qubits to flying qubits (photons). Therefore, this book unites contributions from leading experts in the field, reporting cutting-edge results on spin qubit preparation, read-out and transfer. The latest theoretical as well as experimental studies of decoherence in these quantum information systems are also provided. Novel demonstrations of complex flying qubit states and first applications of semiconductor-based quantum information devices are given, too.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mathe lernen 2 nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept: Rechnen lernen in Klasse 2 – Heft 5: Mit dem Lineal arbeiten, mit Strecken, Flächen und Formen rechnen – auch für Förderschule und Dyskalkulie-Therapie
Auf „Mathe lernen nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept“ für Klasse 1 folgt nun eine Serie von Arbeitsheften für die zweite Klasse! Dieses Lernmaterial deckt in 6 Arbeitsheften den vollständigen Lernstoff der Grundschulklasse 2 ab. Heft 5 vermittelt das Arbeiten mit dem Lineal und das Rechnen mit Strecken, Flächen und Formen. Das Lernkonzept baut auf der experimentellen (lernpsychologischen und neurowissenschaftlichen) Grundlagenforschung auf, ist äußerst strukturiert und führt die Kinder in kleinen, sicheren Schritten hin zum mathematischen Denken. Daraus resultieren folgende Vorteile für Kinder, Eltern und alle, die mit Kindern Mathematik üben: schnelleres und leichteres Lernen für normal- und hochbegabte sowie lernschwache Kinder. Kinder sind erfolgreicher und dadurch motivierter. Mathematik wird frühzeitig mit einem guten Gefühl verbunden. Richtiges Lernen von Anfang an macht das Gehirn für Mathe kompetent. Weniger Streit, Widerstände und Belastung im Zusammenhang mit Mathematik.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mathe lernen 2 nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept: Rechnen lernen in Klasse 2 – Heft 4: Multiplikation und Division – auch für Förderschule und Dyskalkulie-Therapie
Auf „Mathe lernen nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept“ für Klasse 1 folgt nun eine Serie von Arbeitsheften für die zweite Klasse! Dieses Lernmaterial deckt in 6 Arbeitsheften den vollständigen Lernstoff der Grundschulklasse 2 ab. Heft 4 vermittelt Multiplikation und Division. Das Lernkonzept baut auf der experimentellen (lernpsychologischen und neurowissenschaftlichen) Grundlagenforschung auf, ist äußerst strukturiert und führt die Kinder in kleinen, sicheren Schritten hin zum mathematischen Denken. Daraus resultieren folgende Vorteile für Kinder, Eltern und alle, die mit Kindern Mathematik üben: schnelleres und leichteres Lernen für normal- und hochbegabte sowie lernschwache Kinder. Kinder sind erfolgreicher und dadurch motivierter. Mathematik wird frühzeitig mit einem guten Gefühl verbunden. Richtiges Lernen von Anfang an macht das Gehirn für Mathe kompetent. Weniger Streit, Widerstände und Belastung im Zusammenhang mit Mathematik.
Random House USA Inc A Fly Went by
A fly is followed by a menagerie of characters in this humorous cumulative tale edited by Dr. Seuss. When a young boy sees a frantic fly buzzing past, he asks where the fly is headed—and with that, a chase begins. The fly and the frog, the cat and the dog, the pig and the cow, the fox and the hunter . . . who is causing all the fuss? A Fly Went By will have young readers buzzing with excitement! Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning."The writing is merry and the pictures are real fun. Recommended."--School Library Journal.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower
Hali Publications Ltd The Handmade Carpet: A Comprehensive Guide to Contemporary Rugs
The handmade rug industry has gone through a revolution in the last twenty-five years, and no one is better placed to explain how and why than Fritz Langauer and Ernst Swietly, who have been buying, making, collecting and writing about rugs for over fifty years. Rugs are now being made in colours and designs unimagined just a few decades ago. This new book is the only title available that shows how carpet making has changed in all traditional rug making nations as well as demonstrating through images of rugs in interior settings how the style and use of rugs has changed. Carpets carry many unspoken narratives about peoples and places - this new book reveals some of these for the first time thanks to the first-hand experience of the authors in the souks and bazars of the Middle East.
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Zilla Leutenegger: Fairlady Z
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Huldreich Zwinglis Samtliche Werke. Autorisierte Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Band 4: Werke April 1525 - Marz 1526
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Broadcasting, Cable, the Internet, and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media
This survey of the field of modern electronic media includes the new technologies, regulations, programming, and competition that affect our world and the broadcasting industry. The text conveys the excitement of the industry in a highly accessible style that makes even the most difficult information understandable.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Grundlagen der Baubetriebslehre 1: Baubetriebswirtschaft
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden, leichtverständlichen Einblick in alle Themenbereiche des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft. Dabei beschreiben sie u.a. auch Ausschreibungen nach VOB, VOL und VOF sowie die Kalkulation und deren Ablauf. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und berücksichtigt die VOB 2009.
CABI Publishing Digital Technologies for Agricultural and Rural Development in the Global South
This book shares research and practice on current trends in digital technology for agricultural and rural development in the Global South. Growth of research in this field has been slower than the pace of change for practitioners, particularly in bringing socio-technical views of information technology and agricultural development perspectives together. The contents are therefore structured around three main themes: sharing information and knowledge for agricultural development, information and knowledge intermediaries, and facilitating change in agricultural systems and settings. The book includes: -Views from diverse academic disciplines as well as practitioners with experience of implementing mobile applications and agriculture information systems in differing country contexts. -Case studies from a range of developing countries and information from across the public and private sector. -A set of practitioner guidelines for successful implementation of digital technologies. With contributions reaching beyond just a technological perspective, the book also provides a consideration of social and cultural factors and new forms of organization and institutional change in agricultural and rural settings. An invaluable read for researchers in international development, socio-economics and agriculture, it forms a useful resource for practitioners working in the area.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press The Necropolis of Adrassus (Balabolu) in Rough Cilicia (Isauria)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kinderorthopädie in der Praxis
Didaktisch, umfassend und ausführlich vermittelt der bekannte Klassiker das erforderliche Wissen in der Kinderorthopädie auf neustem Stand, gibt Antworten auf Alltagsfragen aus der orthopädischen und pädiatrischen Praxis, beleuchtet alle Aspekte der Diagnostik und gibt konkrete Hinweise für die Therapie.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom
Philosophy and gardens have been closely connected from the dawn of philosophy, with many drawing on their beauty and peace for philosophical inspiration. Gardens in turn give rise to a broad spectrum of philosophical questions. For the green-fingered thinker, this book reflects on a whole host of fascinating philosophical themes. Gardens and philosophy present a fascinating combination of subjects, historically important, and yet scarcely covered within the realms of philosophy Contributions come from a wide range of authors, ranging from garden writers and gardeners, to those working in architecture, archaeology, archival studies, art history, anthropology, classics and philosophy Essays cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from Epicurus and Confucius to the aesthetics and philosophy of Central Park Offers new perspectives on the experience and evaluation of gardens
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone: Being and Killing
Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone investigates our profound intrigue with mass-murderers. Exploring existential, ethical and political questions through an examination of real and fictional serial killers, philosophy comes alive via an exploration of grisly death. Presents new philosophical theories about serial killing, and relates new research in cognitive science to the minds of serial killers Includes a philosophical look at real serial killers such as Ian Brady, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Zodiac killer, as well as fictional serial killers such as Dexter and Hannibal Lecter Offers a new phenomenological examination of the writings of the Zodiac Killer Contains an account of the disappearance of one of Ted Bundy's victims submitted by the organization Families and Friends of Missing Persons and Violent Crime Victims Integrates the insights of philosophers, academics, crime writers and police officers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climbing - Philosophy for Everyone: Because It's There
Climbing - Philosophy for Everyone presents a collection of intellectually stimulating new essays that address the philosophical issues relating to risk, ethics, and other aspects of climbing that are of interest to everyone from novice climbers to seasoned mountaineers. Represents the first collection of essays to exclusively address the many philosophical aspects of climbing Includes essays that challenge commonly accepted views of climbing and climbing ethics Written accessibly, this book will appeal to everyone from novice climbers to seasoned mountaineers Includes a foreword written by Hans Florine Shortlisted for the Boardman Tasker Prize for Mountain Literature, 2010